#granted this is a solo series years in the making for jean whereas this is the umpteenth ww reboot
mattzerella-sticks · 8 months
We know the lasso of lies makes any lie the user holds come true, makes people believe the lie.
What if that is how Lizzie was born?
Someone, or even Diana, says that she has a daughter while holding the lasso and because she's holding it the lie becomes 'truth'.
It would also make sense why she would even keep the lasso of lies as maybe she needs to hold it to stay tethered to reality, to stay alive. Especially since it's wrapped around her more like an accessory than equipment.
And also why she feels so disconnected from her 'mother' Diana, because Diana is a woman of truth and she was born of lies.
Plus this would also make it so Diana doesn't have to 'spend time' pregnant in the world of comics, people will believe she had already been pregnant, and also do away with any questions of who Lizzie's dad is (unless she makes the lie while holding the rope with someone, or the 'King of America' created her to burden Diana and so he is technically her father).
I hate that I'm thinking of this. I blame all the artists I like announcing their own variant covers for the Trinity special dropping in 2024. Shows how much DC really wants this to be a success + want to sell as many as possible using variant covers to point to as proof of concept (like they're doing with the WW series rn - why wait until NOW for Jim Lee to do the final piece of the triptych).
5 notes · View notes
chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Italian Social Marketing Network Newsletter 173
Italian Social Marketing Network – Newsletter 173
by Giuseppe Fattori
Powered by
5th European Social Marketing Conference – Greece 2020
From wsmconference.com – Today, 12:25
The conference will be taking place in Thessaloniki in Greece with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday 21st followed by the main conference on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd of October 2020.
Marketing social et marketing social critique : quelle utilité pour la santé publique ?
From www.cairn.info – Today, 12:15
Aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, au Canada, en Australie, etc., il est fréquent de s’appuyer sur la démarche et les principes du marketing social et du marketing social critique pour élaborer des programmes de prévention plus efficaces. L’objectif de cet article est de préciser les contours et la démarche de ces disciplines méconnues en France puis d’illustrer, en s’appuyant sur deux exemples, le rôle qu’elles peuvent jouer dans un contexte de santé publique (la prévention de l’obésité des adolescents pour le marketing social et le tabac et la e-cigarette pour le marketing social critique).
What is Community-Based Social Marketing?
From www.slideshare.net – 16 December, 22:56
IL MARKETING SOCIALE BASATO SULLA COMUNITÀ Strumenti efficaci per il cambiamento: come e quando utilizzarli
La cura con parole oneste – Di Sandro Spinsanti
From pensiero.it – 16 December, 23:35
Oneste o menzognere, dirette o restie, rispettose o brutali le parole sono parte essenziale della cura: possono potenziarla o comprometterla. Le parole della cura sono comunque parole difficili da pronunciare, e per questo richiedono delicatezza, equilibrio e soprattutto onestà.
Le multinazionali della malattia – Gavino Maciocco 
From www.saluteinternazionale.info – 16 December, 23:48
Gavino Maciocco “Industrial epidemics” e “Manufacturing epidemics”: così è stato definito l’impatto devastante della globalizzazione sulla salute delle popolazioni, generato dalle invasive politiche commerciali delle compagnie multinazionali.  
Offline: Extinction or rebellion? – The Lancet
From www.thelancet.com – Today, 09:30
An unprecedented social and political disruption is about to take place. Nothing like it will have been seen for a generation. The outcome could be transformational. Or it could be met with indifference. Remember the antiglobalisation protests in Genoain 2001? Or the marches against the Iraq war in 2003? The outcomes of October, 2019, depend on the intensity of resistance. What part should health workers play in one of the greatest social movements of our time? 
La tirannia dell’ignoranza: “Disinformazione scientifica e democrazia” – Mauro Dorato – Raffaello Cortina Editore 
From www.raffaellocortina.it – Today, 00:20
La progressiva specializzazione delle nostre conoscenze rende inevitabile il ricorso a forme rappresentative e non dirette di democrazia. È solo in una democrazia rappresentativa che, attraverso libere elezioni, si possono delegare rappresentanti più competenti dei cittadini a trovare i mezzi opportuni per realizzare l’interesse generale. 
Do You Trust Jeff Bezos With Your Life? Tech Giants Like Amazon Are Getting into the Health Care Business
From www.newsweek.com – Today, 10:24
Silicon Valley wants to do for medicine what it’s done for retail, finance and other sectors of modern life. Here’s what that digital revolution could mean for you.
Top Universities Reject Big Tobacco’s Research Funding
From thewire.in – 16 December, 23:31
Philip Morris International’s $1 billion fund to help stop smoking is being debated and examined by academics and health leaders worldwide. Philip Morris International is attempting to distribute nearly $1 billion for research on reducing smoking. But the grant is being called a “billion dollar bribe” of “blood money,” a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” a “smokescreen,” a “public relations stunt” and the “height of hypocrisy.” The American Cancer Society  has even called it a “new twist out of the tobacco industry’s deadly playbook”, while the World Heart Federation says it is  a “vehicle for the tobacco industry.” One anti-smoking group said “the tobacco epidemic will never be ended by its perpetrators”
The use of social media in scientific research and creative thinking
From academy.altertox.be – 16 December, 23:45
Young researchers dedicate rightfully most of their time to core knowledge production via laboratory experiments, reading peer-review literature, publishing own results, attending conferences whenever possible as well as undertaking trainings on writing grants, papers among many other activities However, the authors argue here that restricting them to this unique set of activities is jeopardizing creativity and reducing awareness of a more complex picture in science. Other fields linked with social sciences, including scientometrics and epistemological areas covered during conferences and continuous education, may contribute to a more productive working environment for young researchers. To illustrate this, a smart use of social media is described as well as an example of a session. Furthermore, some general suggestions for implementing these activities and opening silos are discussed to increase creative thinking and to make in fine better science.
Which countries dominate the world’s dinner tables? – The Economist
From www.economist.com – 16 December, 23:27
America has a culinary deficit, whereas Italy boasts a vast surplus.“THE DESTINY of nations,” wrote Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, an 18th-century French gastronome, “depends on how they nourish themselves.”
Marketing Sociale. Studenti e università alla riscoperta del vero spirito natalizio: il progetto Bab_BO arriva in città
From i404.it – 16 December, 23:53
Il vero spirito natalizio: a Bologna il progetto di marketing sociale di Compass-UNIBO con Antoniano Onlus coinvolge giovani universitari. Charles Dickens ci ha provato in mille modi a spiegare qual è il vero spirito natalizio.  E anche la Disney lo ha ribadito a più riprese, in quello che è un romanzo (e anche una serie di film e cartoni animati) tipici del periodo delle feste di fine anno.Il consumismo ha tentato di rovinare tutto. Come sempre. Ma c’è ancora chi crede che fare la differenza (e non solo a Natale) è fondamentale.
Marketing e comunicazione sociale per la promozione della salute – ISS (le relazioni)
From marketingsociale.net – Today, 10:00
  Il workshop ha  promosso l’approccio del marketing e della comunicazione sociale, per aumentare l’efficacia delle iniziative volte a tutelare la salute dei cittadini. 
Malattie respiratorie e inquinamento – Ludovico Trianni
From www.slideshare.net – Today, 12:09
Gli effetti sulla salute dell’inquinamento atmosferico rimangono una preoccupazione per la salute pubblica in tutto il mondo. L’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico ha molti effetti negativi sostanziali sulla salute umana. A livello globale, sette milioni di morti erano attribuibili agli effetti congiunti dell’inquinamento dell’aria domestica e ambientale.
From www.facebook.com – 16 December, 23:04
VACCINATI, NON FARTI INFLUENZARE La campagna di comunicazione sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale 2019/2020. Il testimonial della campagna è Lino Banfi, che ha prestato la sua opera professionale a titolo gratuito. La regia dello spot è di Alessandro Piva.
Salute e partecipazione della comunità. Una questione politica – Di A.Stefanini, C.Bodini
From www.scoop.it – 16 December, 23:18
Sistema salute. La rivista Italiana di Educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute è una rivista peer reviewed, organo ufficiale del Centro Sperimentale per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia.
The University of Glasgow has installed a ‘reverse vending’ machine.
From www.gla.ac.uk – Today, 11:06
UofG is fighting plastic pollution with a ‘reverse vending machine’ that recycles bottles. Earlier this year, the Scottish Government made a commitment to develop a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for single- use drinks containers that will be rolled out across Scotland, and Zero Waste Scotland is currently devising the scheme. Reverse vending has operated in Sweden since 1984 where 90% of household waste is recycled. In Scotland that figure is 44%.
A systematic review of parent based programs to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption in adolescents – Public Health 
From bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com – Today, 00:08
Adolescent alcohol consumption is an issue of ongoing concern and programs targeting parents have been identified as an important component in minimizing and preventing alcohol related harm in adolescents. This paper aims to evaluate existing parent based alcohol education programs with a focus on understanding parent specific outcomes including parental attitudes, parent-child communication, alcohol specific rule setting and parental monitoring; study quality, the extent of stakeholder engagement in program design and the level of theory application.
Ancora fumo nero intorno al vaping
From sentichiparla.it – Today, 00:27
Il vaping è in esplosione ma preoccupano le conseguenze per la salute, come le lesioni polmonari che negli States hanno colpito oltre 2000 persone. Un’ingegnosissima campagna di marketing ha portato il vaping e le e-cig ben lontano da quella che doveva essere la funzione originaria, ossia aiutare i tabagisti a liberarsi dalla loro dipendenza. “La situazione è ancora più rilevante se si pensa che il consumo di questi prodotti è rapidamente cresciuto in particolar modo tra giovani e adolescenti, la parte più vulnerabile della popolazione, con un incremento addirittura del 900 per cento tra il 2012 e il 2015.  Le stime più recenti mostrano che negli Stati Uniti circa 3,6 milioni di allievi delle scuole medie e superiori hanno usato la sigaretta elettronica”.
From www.nytimes.com – 16 December, 23:59
While e-cigarettes are still the most popular, teenagers are also smoking other items like cigarillos — another worrisome sign for nicotine addiction, the C.D.C. says. Nearly one in three high school students has reported using a tobacco product recently, according to a new federal survey released on Thursday, evidence that concerns over nicotine addiction among teenagers are not limited to e-cigarettes.
Introduction to Health Equity in Community Building
From www.youtube.com – 16 December, 23:40
Effective community health work applies an equity lens, with an emphasis on building individual and coalition capacity to engage diverse communities through empowering and competent approaches. There are numerous barriers to such engagement; some conscious, and some unconscious. Race, class, and cultural communication styles all influence the ways in which diverse communities relate to the work. 
This content was originally published here.
0 notes
skerbango-blog · 6 years
My 5 Top One Hit Wonders
5:  NENA – “99 LUFTBALLONS” (1984)
In 1983, German band Nena released their self-titled album and, with it, introduced the world to the simple hook of “99 Luftballoons”. Guitarist Carlo Karges saw balloons released during a 1982 Rolling Stones concert in West Berlin and wondered what it would’ve been like for them to transform into UFOs and fly over the Berlin Wall. Thus, a song was born. The song became so popular in Europe that Nena recorded a new version with English vocals. That English version gets creative, though, and colors the balloons red whereas the original version just describes them as “air” to fix syllable emphasis. It makes it cuter to imagine the balloon UFOs as red, so it’s almost for the better, but the real focus falls on the song’s crystal-like synth and chugging rhythm section anyway, so most people don’t notice.
4:  A-HA – “TAKE ON ME” (1984)
Video made this radio star. The Norwegian synthpop outfit originally recorded “Take On Me” under the title “Lesson One”, and it tanked. They learned their lesson quicker than you can count the times it’s been spewed on the walls of your nearest karaoke bar by re-releasing a new video directed by Michael Jackson collaborator Steve Barron. The video took months to create — because tracing live footage over pencil-sketch animation (rotoscoping) was as tedious in the ‘80s as those disaster perms — but it was worth the wait. The MTV Video Music Awards launched their career, embedding A-ha into the brains of every human on the planet. It’s not just the video that was responsible for any a-ha moments: Take that melodramatic rattle, steep it in glammy new wave that fuses a soothing synth backbeat, haloed keys, and pristine vocals, and you’ve got the uncanny formula for a song to sound decades old, yet utterly refreshing
Who are the “First Family of Soul”? If you answered The Jackson 5, you aren’t wrong. But just know that Chicago soul sibs Five Stairsteps held the title first. The group, originally made up of four teenage brothers and a sister, were discovered at a talent show by Fred Cash of The Impressions and introduced to Curtis Mayfield, who signed them to his Chicago imprint. Though they remained a popular act for a solid decade before things began to dissipate, “O-o-h Child” stands as their only bona fide hit – but what a calling card. The song, an uplifting hand on the shoulder, begins with sister Alohe Jean promising that “things are going to get easier,” before passing the mic for a series of solos, harmonies, and instrumental swells. When the five join together and promise that “things will get brighter someday,” every part of you wants to believe them. It’s a song that simply says that things won’t always be this difficult, so hang in there. I can’t imagine that message ever not finding someone in need of it
One of the most illustrative rap songs to exist came early in the game. So early that it was one of the first songs to introduce hip-hop to listeners at large. The Sugarhill Gang revolutionized the music world with the release of “Rapper’s Delight” in 1979. Michael “Wonder Mike” Wright, Henry “Big Bank Hank” Jackson, and Guy “Master Gee” O’Brien took their name from the Harlem neighborhood of the same name despite growing up in Englewood, New Jersey, adding to what would become a critical hip-hop scene in the years that followed.
As culturally important as it is historically significant, the song, at its most basic, is pleasing based off sound alone. The track’s funk bassline takes its time plodding around while a disco guitar clip strums over it, creating an easy flow that invites listeners to sway along. That, paired with the song’s easy-to-learn shout-outs, makes it a household track, even for little kids.
But it’s the lyrics, like most rap songs, that make “Rapper’s Delight” a one-hit wonder that stands the test of time. It’s jam-packed with quote-able phrases (“I’d like to say hello/ To the black, to the white, the red and the brown/ The purple and yellow,” “The chicken tastes like wood,” “Just throw your hands up in the air/ And party hardy like you just don’t care”), but by far the most famous is “Hotel, motel/ Holiday Inn.” Decades in, that resurfaces regularly in music as a nod from artists who know their history, no matter what genre their song falls under. It’s a timeless form of artistry that prioritizes fun, ridiculousness, and talent equally, never once taking itself too seriously — which makes it that much better
Modern English deserved a better fate. After all, the English outfit were one of the few new wave acts of the ’80s that could pen music durable enough to outlive its sugary decade. But, how do you top a song like “I Melt With You”? It’s not just difficult; it’s near impossible. If you’ve learned anything from this list, it’s how easy it is for a bona fide radio hit to be cemented as a hallmark in the fabric of time, sort of like little Polaroids trapped in a super-glued scrapbook. What perhaps elevates Modern English from the frozen bunch is how their landmark hit has managed to tap into the lives of every generation since its 1982 debut.
Why? Mostly because there’s nothing really flashy about the song. It’s a simple construction — guitars and drums and timeless poetry — and literally every one who’s ever been head over heels (or Chucks?) about someone can relate to its central thesis: “There’s nothing you and I won’t do/ I’ll stop the world and melt with you.” Granted, pop culture has done its damndest to make sure it’s remembered as an ’80s song — from its silver-screen debut in 1983’s Valley Girl to this past summer’s Stranger Things — but that has never once stopped it from soundtracking school dances or kicking off a mixtape between two young lovers.
0 notes
chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Italian Social Marketing Network Newsletter 173
Italian Social Marketing Network – Newsletter 173
by Giuseppe Fattori
Powered by
5th European Social Marketing Conference – Greece 2020
From wsmconference.com – Today, 12:25
The conference will be taking place in Thessaloniki in Greece with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday 21st followed by the main conference on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd of October 2020.
Marketing social et marketing social critique : quelle utilité pour la santé publique ?
From www.cairn.info – Today, 12:15
Aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, au Canada, en Australie, etc., il est fréquent de s’appuyer sur la démarche et les principes du marketing social et du marketing social critique pour élaborer des programmes de prévention plus efficaces. L’objectif de cet article est de préciser les contours et la démarche de ces disciplines méconnues en France puis d’illustrer, en s’appuyant sur deux exemples, le rôle qu’elles peuvent jouer dans un contexte de santé publique (la prévention de l’obésité des adolescents pour le marketing social et le tabac et la e-cigarette pour le marketing social critique).
What is Community-Based Social Marketing?
From www.slideshare.net – 16 December, 22:56
IL MARKETING SOCIALE BASATO SULLA COMUNITÀ Strumenti efficaci per il cambiamento: come e quando utilizzarli
La cura con parole oneste – Di Sandro Spinsanti
From pensiero.it – 16 December, 23:35
Oneste o menzognere, dirette o restie, rispettose o brutali le parole sono parte essenziale della cura: possono potenziarla o comprometterla. Le parole della cura sono comunque parole difficili da pronunciare, e per questo richiedono delicatezza, equilibrio e soprattutto onestà.
Le multinazionali della malattia – Gavino Maciocco 
From www.saluteinternazionale.info – 16 December, 23:48
Gavino Maciocco “Industrial epidemics” e “Manufacturing epidemics”: così è stato definito l’impatto devastante della globalizzazione sulla salute delle popolazioni, generato dalle invasive politiche commerciali delle compagnie multinazionali.  
Offline: Extinction or rebellion? – The Lancet
From www.thelancet.com – Today, 09:30
An unprecedented social and political disruption is about to take place. Nothing like it will have been seen for a generation. The outcome could be transformational. Or it could be met with indifference. Remember the antiglobalisation protests in Genoain 2001? Or the marches against the Iraq war in 2003? The outcomes of October, 2019, depend on the intensity of resistance. What part should health workers play in one of the greatest social movements of our time? 
La tirannia dell’ignoranza: “Disinformazione scientifica e democrazia” – Mauro Dorato – Raffaello Cortina Editore 
From www.raffaellocortina.it – Today, 00:20
La progressiva specializzazione delle nostre conoscenze rende inevitabile il ricorso a forme rappresentative e non dirette di democrazia. È solo in una democrazia rappresentativa che, attraverso libere elezioni, si possono delegare rappresentanti più competenti dei cittadini a trovare i mezzi opportuni per realizzare l’interesse generale. 
Do You Trust Jeff Bezos With Your Life? Tech Giants Like Amazon Are Getting into the Health Care Business
From www.newsweek.com – Today, 10:24
Silicon Valley wants to do for medicine what it’s done for retail, finance and other sectors of modern life. Here’s what that digital revolution could mean for you.
Top Universities Reject Big Tobacco’s Research Funding
From thewire.in – 16 December, 23:31
Philip Morris International’s $1 billion fund to help stop smoking is being debated and examined by academics and health leaders worldwide. Philip Morris International is attempting to distribute nearly $1 billion for research on reducing smoking. But the grant is being called a “billion dollar bribe” of “blood money,” a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” a “smokescreen,” a “public relations stunt” and the “height of hypocrisy.” The American Cancer Society  has even called it a “new twist out of the tobacco industry’s deadly playbook”, while the World Heart Federation says it is  a “vehicle for the tobacco industry.” One anti-smoking group said “the tobacco epidemic will never be ended by its perpetrators”
The use of social media in scientific research and creative thinking
From academy.altertox.be – 16 December, 23:45
Young researchers dedicate rightfully most of their time to core knowledge production via laboratory experiments, reading peer-review literature, publishing own results, attending conferences whenever possible as well as undertaking trainings on writing grants, papers among many other activities However, the authors argue here that restricting them to this unique set of activities is jeopardizing creativity and reducing awareness of a more complex picture in science. Other fields linked with social sciences, including scientometrics and epistemological areas covered during conferences and continuous education, may contribute to a more productive working environment for young researchers. To illustrate this, a smart use of social media is described as well as an example of a session. Furthermore, some general suggestions for implementing these activities and opening silos are discussed to increase creative thinking and to make in fine better science.
Which countries dominate the world’s dinner tables? – The Economist
From www.economist.com – 16 December, 23:27
America has a culinary deficit, whereas Italy boasts a vast surplus.“THE DESTINY of nations,” wrote Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, an 18th-century French gastronome, “depends on how they nourish themselves.”
Marketing Sociale. Studenti e università alla riscoperta del vero spirito natalizio: il progetto Bab_BO arriva in città
From i404.it – 16 December, 23:53
Il vero spirito natalizio: a Bologna il progetto di marketing sociale di Compass-UNIBO con Antoniano Onlus coinvolge giovani universitari. Charles Dickens ci ha provato in mille modi a spiegare qual è il vero spirito natalizio.  E anche la Disney lo ha ribadito a più riprese, in quello che è un romanzo (e anche una serie di film e cartoni animati) tipici del periodo delle feste di fine anno.Il consumismo ha tentato di rovinare tutto. Come sempre. Ma c’è ancora chi crede che fare la differenza (e non solo a Natale) è fondamentale.
Marketing e comunicazione sociale per la promozione della salute – ISS (le relazioni)
From marketingsociale.net – Today, 10:00
  Il workshop ha  promosso l’approccio del marketing e della comunicazione sociale, per aumentare l’efficacia delle iniziative volte a tutelare la salute dei cittadini. 
Malattie respiratorie e inquinamento – Ludovico Trianni
From www.slideshare.net – Today, 12:09
Gli effetti sulla salute dell’inquinamento atmosferico rimangono una preoccupazione per la salute pubblica in tutto il mondo. L’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico ha molti effetti negativi sostanziali sulla salute umana. A livello globale, sette milioni di morti erano attribuibili agli effetti congiunti dell’inquinamento dell’aria domestica e ambientale.
From www.facebook.com – 16 December, 23:04
VACCINATI, NON FARTI INFLUENZARE La campagna di comunicazione sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale 2019/2020. Il testimonial della campagna è Lino Banfi, che ha prestato la sua opera professionale a titolo gratuito. La regia dello spot è di Alessandro Piva.
Salute e partecipazione della comunità. Una questione politica – Di A.Stefanini, C.Bodini
From www.scoop.it – 16 December, 23:18
Sistema salute. La rivista Italiana di Educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute è una rivista peer reviewed, organo ufficiale del Centro Sperimentale per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia.
The University of Glasgow has installed a ‘reverse vending’ machine.
From www.gla.ac.uk – Today, 11:06
UofG is fighting plastic pollution with a ‘reverse vending machine’ that recycles bottles. Earlier this year, the Scottish Government made a commitment to develop a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for single- use drinks containers that will be rolled out across Scotland, and Zero Waste Scotland is currently devising the scheme. Reverse vending has operated in Sweden since 1984 where 90% of household waste is recycled. In Scotland that figure is 44%.
A systematic review of parent based programs to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption in adolescents – Public Health 
From bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com – Today, 00:08
Adolescent alcohol consumption is an issue of ongoing concern and programs targeting parents have been identified as an important component in minimizing and preventing alcohol related harm in adolescents. This paper aims to evaluate existing parent based alcohol education programs with a focus on understanding parent specific outcomes including parental attitudes, parent-child communication, alcohol specific rule setting and parental monitoring; study quality, the extent of stakeholder engagement in program design and the level of theory application.
Ancora fumo nero intorno al vaping
From sentichiparla.it – Today, 00:27
Il vaping è in esplosione ma preoccupano le conseguenze per la salute, come le lesioni polmonari che negli States hanno colpito oltre 2000 persone. Un’ingegnosissima campagna di marketing ha portato il vaping e le e-cig ben lontano da quella che doveva essere la funzione originaria, ossia aiutare i tabagisti a liberarsi dalla loro dipendenza. “La situazione è ancora più rilevante se si pensa che il consumo di questi prodotti è rapidamente cresciuto in particolar modo tra giovani e adolescenti, la parte più vulnerabile della popolazione, con un incremento addirittura del 900 per cento tra il 2012 e il 2015.  Le stime più recenti mostrano che negli Stati Uniti circa 3,6 milioni di allievi delle scuole medie e superiori hanno usato la sigaretta elettronica”.
From www.nytimes.com – 16 December, 23:59
While e-cigarettes are still the most popular, teenagers are also smoking other items like cigarillos — another worrisome sign for nicotine addiction, the C.D.C. says. Nearly one in three high school students has reported using a tobacco product recently, according to a new federal survey released on Thursday, evidence that concerns over nicotine addiction among teenagers are not limited to e-cigarettes.
Introduction to Health Equity in Community Building
From www.youtube.com – 16 December, 23:40
Effective community health work applies an equity lens, with an emphasis on building individual and coalition capacity to engage diverse communities through empowering and competent approaches. There are numerous barriers to such engagement; some conscious, and some unconscious. Race, class, and cultural communication styles all influence the ways in which diverse communities relate to the work. 
This content was originally published here.
0 notes
chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Italian Social Marketing Network Newsletter 173
Italian Social Marketing Network – Newsletter 173
by Giuseppe Fattori
Powered by
5th European Social Marketing Conference – Greece 2020
From wsmconference.com – Today, 12:25
The conference will be taking place in Thessaloniki in Greece with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday 21st followed by the main conference on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd of October 2020.
Marketing social et marketing social critique : quelle utilité pour la santé publique ?
From www.cairn.info – Today, 12:15
Aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, au Canada, en Australie, etc., il est fréquent de s’appuyer sur la démarche et les principes du marketing social et du marketing social critique pour élaborer des programmes de prévention plus efficaces. L’objectif de cet article est de préciser les contours et la démarche de ces disciplines méconnues en France puis d’illustrer, en s’appuyant sur deux exemples, le rôle qu’elles peuvent jouer dans un contexte de santé publique (la prévention de l’obésité des adolescents pour le marketing social et le tabac et la e-cigarette pour le marketing social critique).
What is Community-Based Social Marketing?
From www.slideshare.net – 16 December, 22:56
IL MARKETING SOCIALE BASATO SULLA COMUNITÀ Strumenti efficaci per il cambiamento: come e quando utilizzarli
La cura con parole oneste – Di Sandro Spinsanti
From pensiero.it – 16 December, 23:35
Oneste o menzognere, dirette o restie, rispettose o brutali le parole sono parte essenziale della cura: possono potenziarla o comprometterla. Le parole della cura sono comunque parole difficili da pronunciare, e per questo richiedono delicatezza, equilibrio e soprattutto onestà.
Le multinazionali della malattia – Gavino Maciocco 
From www.saluteinternazionale.info – 16 December, 23:48
Gavino Maciocco “Industrial epidemics” e “Manufacturing epidemics”: così è stato definito l’impatto devastante della globalizzazione sulla salute delle popolazioni, generato dalle invasive politiche commerciali delle compagnie multinazionali.  
Offline: Extinction or rebellion? – The Lancet
From www.thelancet.com – Today, 09:30
An unprecedented social and political disruption is about to take place. Nothing like it will have been seen for a generation. The outcome could be transformational. Or it could be met with indifference. Remember the antiglobalisation protests in Genoain 2001? Or the marches against the Iraq war in 2003? The outcomes of October, 2019, depend on the intensity of resistance. What part should health workers play in one of the greatest social movements of our time? 
La tirannia dell’ignoranza: “Disinformazione scientifica e democrazia” – Mauro Dorato – Raffaello Cortina Editore 
From www.raffaellocortina.it – Today, 00:20
La progressiva specializzazione delle nostre conoscenze rende inevitabile il ricorso a forme rappresentative e non dirette di democrazia. È solo in una democrazia rappresentativa che, attraverso libere elezioni, si possono delegare rappresentanti più competenti dei cittadini a trovare i mezzi opportuni per realizzare l’interesse generale. 
Do You Trust Jeff Bezos With Your Life? Tech Giants Like Amazon Are Getting into the Health Care Business
From www.newsweek.com – Today, 10:24
Silicon Valley wants to do for medicine what it’s done for retail, finance and other sectors of modern life. Here’s what that digital revolution could mean for you.
Top Universities Reject Big Tobacco’s Research Funding
From thewire.in – 16 December, 23:31
Philip Morris International’s $1 billion fund to help stop smoking is being debated and examined by academics and health leaders worldwide. Philip Morris International is attempting to distribute nearly $1 billion for research on reducing smoking. But the grant is being called a “billion dollar bribe” of “blood money,” a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” a “smokescreen,” a “public relations stunt” and the “height of hypocrisy.” The American Cancer Society  has even called it a “new twist out of the tobacco industry’s deadly playbook”, while the World Heart Federation says it is  a “vehicle for the tobacco industry.” One anti-smoking group said “the tobacco epidemic will never be ended by its perpetrators”
The use of social media in scientific research and creative thinking
From academy.altertox.be – 16 December, 23:45
Young researchers dedicate rightfully most of their time to core knowledge production via laboratory experiments, reading peer-review literature, publishing own results, attending conferences whenever possible as well as undertaking trainings on writing grants, papers among many other activities However, the authors argue here that restricting them to this unique set of activities is jeopardizing creativity and reducing awareness of a more complex picture in science. Other fields linked with social sciences, including scientometrics and epistemological areas covered during conferences and continuous education, may contribute to a more productive working environment for young researchers. To illustrate this, a smart use of social media is described as well as an example of a session. Furthermore, some general suggestions for implementing these activities and opening silos are discussed to increase creative thinking and to make in fine better science.
Which countries dominate the world’s dinner tables? – The Economist
From www.economist.com – 16 December, 23:27
America has a culinary deficit, whereas Italy boasts a vast surplus.“THE DESTINY of nations,” wrote Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, an 18th-century French gastronome, “depends on how they nourish themselves.”
Marketing Sociale. Studenti e università alla riscoperta del vero spirito natalizio: il progetto Bab_BO arriva in città
From i404.it – 16 December, 23:53
Il vero spirito natalizio: a Bologna il progetto di marketing sociale di Compass-UNIBO con Antoniano Onlus coinvolge giovani universitari. Charles Dickens ci ha provato in mille modi a spiegare qual è il vero spirito natalizio.  E anche la Disney lo ha ribadito a più riprese, in quello che è un romanzo (e anche una serie di film e cartoni animati) tipici del periodo delle feste di fine anno.Il consumismo ha tentato di rovinare tutto. Come sempre. Ma c’è ancora chi crede che fare la differenza (e non solo a Natale) è fondamentale.
Marketing e comunicazione sociale per la promozione della salute – ISS (le relazioni)
From marketingsociale.net – Today, 10:00
  Il workshop ha  promosso l’approccio del marketing e della comunicazione sociale, per aumentare l’efficacia delle iniziative volte a tutelare la salute dei cittadini. 
Malattie respiratorie e inquinamento – Ludovico Trianni
From www.slideshare.net – Today, 12:09
Gli effetti sulla salute dell’inquinamento atmosferico rimangono una preoccupazione per la salute pubblica in tutto il mondo. L’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico ha molti effetti negativi sostanziali sulla salute umana. A livello globale, sette milioni di morti erano attribuibili agli effetti congiunti dell’inquinamento dell’aria domestica e ambientale.
From www.facebook.com – 16 December, 23:04
VACCINATI, NON FARTI INFLUENZARE La campagna di comunicazione sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale 2019/2020. Il testimonial della campagna è Lino Banfi, che ha prestato la sua opera professionale a titolo gratuito. La regia dello spot è di Alessandro Piva.
Salute e partecipazione della comunità. Una questione politica – Di A.Stefanini, C.Bodini
From www.scoop.it – 16 December, 23:18
Sistema salute. La rivista Italiana di Educazione sanitaria e promozione della salute è una rivista peer reviewed, organo ufficiale del Centro Sperimentale per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia.
The University of Glasgow has installed a ‘reverse vending’ machine.
From www.gla.ac.uk – Today, 11:06
UofG is fighting plastic pollution with a ‘reverse vending machine’ that recycles bottles. Earlier this year, the Scottish Government made a commitment to develop a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for single- use drinks containers that will be rolled out across Scotland, and Zero Waste Scotland is currently devising the scheme. Reverse vending has operated in Sweden since 1984 where 90% of household waste is recycled. In Scotland that figure is 44%.
A systematic review of parent based programs to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption in adolescents – Public Health 
From bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com – Today, 00:08
Adolescent alcohol consumption is an issue of ongoing concern and programs targeting parents have been identified as an important component in minimizing and preventing alcohol related harm in adolescents. This paper aims to evaluate existing parent based alcohol education programs with a focus on understanding parent specific outcomes including parental attitudes, parent-child communication, alcohol specific rule setting and parental monitoring; study quality, the extent of stakeholder engagement in program design and the level of theory application.
Ancora fumo nero intorno al vaping
From sentichiparla.it – Today, 00:27
Il vaping è in esplosione ma preoccupano le conseguenze per la salute, come le lesioni polmonari che negli States hanno colpito oltre 2000 persone. Un’ingegnosissima campagna di marketing ha portato il vaping e le e-cig ben lontano da quella che doveva essere la funzione originaria, ossia aiutare i tabagisti a liberarsi dalla loro dipendenza. “La situazione è ancora più rilevante se si pensa che il consumo di questi prodotti è rapidamente cresciuto in particolar modo tra giovani e adolescenti, la parte più vulnerabile della popolazione, con un incremento addirittura del 900 per cento tra il 2012 e il 2015.  Le stime più recenti mostrano che negli Stati Uniti circa 3,6 milioni di allievi delle scuole medie e superiori hanno usato la sigaretta elettronica”.
From www.nytimes.com – 16 December, 23:59
While e-cigarettes are still the most popular, teenagers are also smoking other items like cigarillos — another worrisome sign for nicotine addiction, the C.D.C. says. Nearly one in three high school students has reported using a tobacco product recently, according to a new federal survey released on Thursday, evidence that concerns over nicotine addiction among teenagers are not limited to e-cigarettes.
Introduction to Health Equity in Community Building
From www.youtube.com – 16 December, 23:40
Effective community health work applies an equity lens, with an emphasis on building individual and coalition capacity to engage diverse communities through empowering and competent approaches. There are numerous barriers to such engagement; some conscious, and some unconscious. Race, class, and cultural communication styles all influence the ways in which diverse communities relate to the work. 
This content was originally published here.
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