#guessing it’s Jacob’s tattoo cover up lol
heyitsmelouiss · 5 months
GIF from loustat-0 ? Not sure found it on Twitter😭
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
What was the last thing to upset you? wyatt was upset when he woke up the first time because he said he wanted milk (or “gilk” as he calls it lol) but i went to give him some and he didn’t want to drink it.. he just wanted to play with my breast and i told him no. it sometimes gets frustrating... but i was eventually able to settle him down and he was fine. even on mornings like today, i wouldn’t trade being his mom for anything. he is so good 99.9% of the time and i am so lucky. even on the rare occasion he isn’t “good”, he still isn’t crazy difficult. i was just so tired today which is why i got a little upset (not that he knew i was even upset - i’m good at the calm mom thing).
How’s the weather been today? cool like fall. :)
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get? the first tattoo i got was a matching flower tattoo on my right shoulder blade with my mom.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything? walmart, and yes. i bought a couple different types of pads for after ellie is born.. a car seat cover.. a little blanket for her.. and some candy for wy, jake, and me because i needed a kitkat.
Have you ever been late for school or work? well, yeah. not often, but it has happened.
Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? whenever i can these days...
Do you dip your pretzels in anything? i dip the soft pretzels in cheese. i don’t dip the hard ones though.
What is your favourite kind of fruit cobbler? i don’t really eat cobbler of any kind.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? there is, and pretty much all storage. eventually my dad will have a workspace, and jacob might have a hangout spot.
When was the last time you were intoxicated? i don’t remember, to be honest. it was before i found out i was pregnant though. which was february 17.
Have you been swimming today? oh no. it’s way too cold.
Is your phone fully charged at the moment? no. it’s at 78% right now.
Have you driven a car today? not so far.
When was the last time you felt extremely nervous? before my doctor’s appointment this past thursday because i had to do the groub b strep test and he decided to see if i was progressing at all so far.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? it’s larger than we have had in quite a long time.
Where was your first job and how old were you? mcdonald’s. i was sixteen i believe.
Have you eaten soup this week? nope. i don’t think so.
Have you ever made your own survey? i have not that i recall.
Do you know your birthstone and if so, do you have any jewelry containing it? sapphire. and i at least used to.
What colour is your hairbrush? gray and green.
Do you hear any other people talking right now? my grandpa. and lillith is watching teen titans go...
Are you a fan of The Office? not really. i’ve only seen bits and pieces of episodes though.
When was the last time you started a new medication? it’s been a long time.
What is your favourite type of nut? peanuts.
Where did you eat the best pizza you’ve ever eaten in your life? my dad’s homemade pizza. for sure.
Do you know what year your parents married? 1992.
Did you ever watch The Rugrats when you were a kid? yeah. it was one of my favorite cartoons.
Would you ever shave your head to raise money for cancer? i would not i guess, because i could have when i went to bethel but i never did.. i’m just.. not that confident...
Did you watch Breaking Bad as it aired or did you catch up later on? kind of later on, but i didn’t really watch it a whole lot - just caught some of it when jacob did because he was super into it.
Is there anything you’re looking forward to at the moment? ellie being born in the sometime near-ish future.
Do you believe in the paranormal? not really, no.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? my grandma lehman doesn’t.
What is your fast food place of choice? depends on my mood and what i’m craving...
How close is the nearest Starbucks from your house? there is a starbucks in the martin’s not even five minutes from our house.
Have you ever played in the snow? yeah. we live where it snows, and i used to play in it a lot when i was younger.
Do you know anyone who was adopted? my two youngest sisters will be adopted the beginning of 2019. and my grandma randolph was adopted.
Do your parents’ professions match their college degrees? neither of my parents went to college.
Do you write shopping lists on paper or just remember it in your head? my head. which rarely ends well..
Have you put your phone on silent today? it’s always on vibrate.
Can you name all 50 US state capital cities? not anymore.
Have you been to the mall today? nope. we don’t go very often.
Have you ever watched Scrubs? If so, did you like it? again, bits and pieces because jacob was into it. it was alright.
Do you prefer loose leaf tea or teabags? i don’t drink tea.
How often do you check your emails? every other day or so.
Do you read John Green novels? i have not read any. i’ve thought about it though.
What was the last thing you purchased at a supermarket? some things for ellie, some things i’ll need after delivery, and a couple candy bars..
Have you ever used a lawnmower? i have not. i’m pretty allergic to grass...
Have you ever played QuizUp on iOS? i have not.
Have you ever consumed so much alcohol that you vomited? oh, yeah. a handful of times.
Have you ever been to Thailand? i have not.
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? i have not.
Have you had a bath this week? nope. i did take a shower, though.
Do you like pumpkin pie? yes. and i really want some lately. lol.
Do you know anyone who smokes in their car? kayla.. vanessa..
Have you ever seen a shooting star? or something.
Can you tie balloons? i can but i tend to struggle a bit.
What is your favourite place to get Chinese food? panda restaurant. not to be confused with panda express.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? it’s been a very, very long time.
Do you do a big weekly shop or just shop for groceries as you need them?
usually a weekly shop.
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toomanysurveys9 · 7 years
Is this the best year of your life?
i don’t know about that yet, but it’ll definitely be way towards the top.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
went to the bathroom.
The person you like is?
playing video games in the living room.
Is anything bothering you?
had an appointment and still no dilation. i feel like i’ll be pregnant forever.
Does anyone annoy you?
well, sure. and it’s really easy to do that these days.
Would you like things to go ‘back to normal’ with a certain someone?
kind of. but it’s whataever.
What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
cuddled up with jacob.
Is life good?
it’s definitely not bad for once.
Do you remember who you liked on New Years?
Do you still like them?
of course i do. i love him.
Do you still speak to them?
we’re married and live together. of course we speak.
Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else?
i’m sure that’s happened a lot. i’m an adult so it doesn’t really matter.
Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips?
i am married to him, so i guess.
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
no. i love my little sisters. even when they’re a pain. :p
Would you go out with someone right now if they asked?
only jake.
Three days from now will you be in a relationship?
well, yeah.
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
it wouldn’t matter, so no.
Have you kissed anyone in the last month?
romantically, only one. but i’ve kissed family on the cheek.
What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
i had my weekly pregnancy appointment today. nothing has really changed. although she seemed to have an easier time feeling his head. but i’m going to be pregnant forever.
Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out?
i really enjoy it. it’s a lot more peaceful.
Would you ever kiss anyone you texted today?
Do you have any bruises on you?
i don’t think so. but it’s possible.
How was 2011 for you?
it was okay i think.
How late did you stay up last night and why?
i went to bed a bit early because i was tired.
Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
Do you regret anything you’ve done lately?
not that i can think of right off hand.
What woke you up today?
i had to go bathroom.
What makes you happy?
being with family and friends. feeling wyatt move. hearing his heartbeat at my appointments.
Ever kissed on a boat?
not that i remember, no.
Have you ever been told that you are amazing?
Finish this sentence: The last person I kissed is…
a brat but i love him.
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Do you like when people play with your hair?
not especially.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
i might. but i might not. just depends how tired i am and how many times i get up tonight.
Waiting for something?
wyatt to decide he’s ready to meet the world.
Was last night terrible?
it wasn’t actually. it was pretty decent.
Did you lose friends when you started dating someone?
kind of i guess.
Are you the type of person to make people laugh?
unintentionally sometimes. i’m not that funny of a person..
Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive?
i think so.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
i hope so.
Are you missing someone?
not at the moment.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?
a time or two, yeah. didn’t work.
Do you believe in karma?
i wish but no.
Do you sleep with a fan on?
usually, yes. i might not be doing that much longer though. i feel like wyatt won’t apprecriate the fan being on and he’s going to be sleeping in our room awhile probably.
You think anyone’s thinking about you right now?
i highly doubt it.
Is there anyone you wish you were spending time with right now?
i don’t really care. i’m okay relaxing right now.
Do you go to school?
nope. graduated last year.
Is the person you last texted single?
no. he’s married to me. :)
Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
my momma.
Have you ever used the word ‘rawr’ in an actual conversation?
maybe in middle or high school. ha.
Are the blinds on your window open or closed?
closed. they’re never open.
Did you leave milk and cookies for Santa when you were little?
yeah. now we do it for my baby sisters, and we’ll do it for wyatt too.
What were you doing at 11 last night?
i was at least laying down.
What could you eat any day of the week & never get tired of?
right now, mac and cheese.
Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
if he were in our room, sure. but i don’t feel like moving at the moment to go to him. lol.
Someone knocks on your window at 5 am, what do you say?
i’d freak the fuck out.
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
i did but it was also better for me.
Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex?
false. it was my mom and we’re both female.
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
nothing. i got my laundry all done.
Would you have sex with the 5th person on your contacts?
that’d be my dad, so that’d be a definite negative. gross. >.<
To who did you last give the finger to?
probably jacob. lol.
Did your last kiss take place on a bed?
no. i was standing and he was sitting on the couch.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
for the most part, i guess. maybe not complete self though.
Do you talk in your sleep?
i don’t think so. jake has never said i do.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
for the most part, yes. it’s a lot better than it has been in the past.
What time did you wake up today?
which time? i woke up so many times. ha. i think i woke up for the day around 5 am..
What were you doing at midnight last night?
sleeping or at least laying down trying to sleep.
What song are you listening to?
none right now.
Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?
i’m actually not that big of a fan.
Do you have nice eyes?
i don’t know?
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
it sure is.
Are you texting anybody?
not at the moment. evidently no one wants to talk to me today. lol.
Do you swear in front of your parents?
my mom occasionally.
Concert tickets or NFL game tickets?
concert tickets for sure. not that into football.
Are you addicted to cigarettes?
not even a little.
Do you tell your parents everything?
i tell my mom a lot more than i probably tell anyone else anything.
Do you have any tattoos?
three. wouldn’t mind getting more.
If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to?
depends but usually my mom. sometimes kayla.
Do you have any nicknames?
a few. mostly just marley or marley harley (my mom and those trying to be funny).
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