#haven't even got to the smut yet and its longer than my fics usually are 😭
nastyaromatherapy · 5 months
im gonna feed y'all on christmas day cs this fic i'm working on is LONGG.
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samseabxrn · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks so much @rowanisawriter for the tag!!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age, Mass Effect, a few Indian movies, and the list will be growing lol
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
rivers of bitter certainty
those who are in favour with their stars 
a desperate light that since has died 
a heart that laughter has made sweet 
a rose by any other name 
5. do you respond to comments?
Always! They make my day
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
gold dust woman - Dragon Age, Branka/Hespith, very proud of this one
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
a rose by any other name - which is also my fluffiest fic in general! again Dragon Age, Cullen/Adaar
8. do you get hate on fics?
not yet 😎
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I suppose so, not often on its own but usually as part of the plot... character study through the bj 💀
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't written any crossovers yet!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! I really like the idea, but I'm a bit worried because I write so sporadically when I get bursts of energy that I'm not sure if I'd make a great writing partner, haha
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
Ahh, I just love Romance, so I don't know if I can pick a favorite, but Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games are who got me into fandom, and they're who I always return to when I'm truly feeling discouraged. Most ships I've written for are a favorite for some facet of them.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have an AC3 AU fic just. Lingering on the hard drive. I do hope to finish this one eventually, but it keeps threatening to be longer and more convoluted than I expected.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think describing emotion/character dynamics. I get really proud when I figure out the sort of dynamic I want to focus on, and then I can shape the fic around that. I also tend to like my dialogue, especially when I make myself laugh with something kind of cheesy.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely plot: I love focusing on characters, and as a result I do not develop plot as much as I'd like to. I think I tend to drag out scenes and sometimes I feel like I'm forcing it to lengthen the story or create some kind of action. I also really like including boring details and when I go back and edit I struggle to keep what's relevant, lol.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Even if characters are talking in another language, I usually write in English except for a few words that don't translate well. I was trying to think of situations where I'd write full dialogue in another language and they were all very specific: maybe if it's an important part of the setting or a character's internal conflict. So I guess in those cases I would if I either knew the language well or could ask someone about context, etc. (This actually reminds me of another WIP I don't know if I'll finish, lol.)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
I think The Hunger Games, but I never posted any of it. So many talented people in that fandom!!
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Again, probably the care and feeding of lovebirds! It’s such a comfort movie + fic, and I guess that shows in how quickly I wrote it haha. But going back to that one is soothing for me, and I do have more DDLJ fic in the works.
I'll tag anyone who wants to share!!
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hgwellsmykabering · 3 years
@purlturtle tagged me in a little W13/Bering&Wells questionaire for her website - Thanks for thinking of me, and feel free to post my answers on there with my lilolilyrae ao3 URL, and/or this tumblr here!
How did you get into Warehouse 13/Bering and Wells? What do you love about the show/ship, what woke your interest, what kept it going?
I first watched Warehouse 13 with my family when I was about 13 - I think season 3 had just been released, and there were re-runs of the earlier seasons on TV, I liked it and got the DVDs for my birthday.
I shipped Helena and Myka from the start - and it might be the one and only popular ship that I got into without prior influence from fandom! While I already had a tumblr, I wasn't active in many fandom circles there, and I had never even heard of ao3 yet... But when I discussed the W13 characters and possible relationships with my parents, and my mom was like 'we may not like it, but Pete and Myka as the main characters will end up together, it's always like that' (curse you, season 5, for proving her right), while my dad suggested Pete/Helena and didn't believe me that Helena and Myka were the most shippable... well, I went online, found my first fanfiction, and felt Very vindicated at not being the only one to realize their potential! So really, Bering&Wells got me into fandom.
When did you start writing for them? Do you still write for them, or have you moved to other fandoms/ships? (no worries either way, it's absolutely fair to move on!)
I started writing for them back in 2016 with a College AU that I never quite finished (and don't have the heart to mark 'abandoned' but am honestly not sure whether I'll ever come back to), then only sporadically stayed in the fandom until I found some new Bering&Wells online friends some time last year, and I started writing for the ship again a few months ago.
What do you/did you like about writing for Bering and Wells? What motivates/motivated you to write for them?
Apparently, I have a ship-type of 'Women with a tragic backstory where one had to leave the other for a while', and, well... they just fit that perfectly.
Also, all the lost potential of canon! I do so enjoy fixing that.
What kinds of stories do you or did you write for Bering and Wells? Happy endings or sad endings? Hurt/comfort, plot fics, AUs, kid fics, fix-its, smut, …?
So far it's been short fics, mostly smut, but given that since I started writing for them again this year, I only wrote 3 new fics for the ship so far, I don't think that's much of a pattern yet xD we'll see! I definitely plan to write more.
Have you created or are you still creating other forms of fan art for Bering and Wells/Warehouse 13, like GIFs, videos, paintings? Do you wanna show it off (share a link)?
Photo posts on tumblr! I think I only made the one moodboard for Bering&Wells so far, but I am taking prompts for photo stories, moodboards and manips to all of my ships :)
Do you have a favorite story, or a story you’re proudest of, and would you tell us which it is?
...I'll link the one that isn't smut xD and I did get positive reviews on this!
The Grey of Memories, 1.5k, T, emotional hurt/comfort, no warnings. Tumblr | ao3
From the smut fics, my fav is And You Don't Need To Stay Silent on ao3, 5k, E, emotional loud sex in a newly established relationship
What do you/did you find easy to write for them; what is/was hard or challenging? Do you feel you have a good grip on the two main characters; is one of them more elusive than the other?
Well you see... It's honestly been so long since I last watched much actual W13 canon... So now when I think of the characters, it's all a mash-up of ideas from other people's fics, plus my own specific headcanons - and I honestly don't care to change that. (Insert that text post 'does fic really have to be in character? Is it not enough that I don't need to learn any new names?')
As for writing them to still be recognizable to people with different headcanons, I've found that Helena's old-timey British-ness and tendency to use the pet name 'darling' helps a lot, while I don't have any such tricks for Myka, so I suppose writing HG would be easier there.
What's your writing style? Planner, Pantser, Plantser? Do you work with a beta? Have you ever co-written a story with someone else, and how did that experience go?
I can write one-shots in one go, but for anything longer than about 5k, or if I just don't have the time to finish even a shorter story when I have an idea for it, I note down the outline and go through it later. I don't usually work with betas unless it is a fic written for a gift exchange.
What are your favorite kind of stories/story tropes for Bering and Wells, either to write or to read? What are stories or tropes that you don't like (or can't stand) to write or read for them?
While I'm not usually a fan of kid fics, with Bering&Wells I really enjoy stories that include Christina, especially in a fix-it way, but also in AUs.
For canon compliant fics, I like some good emotional hurt/comfort dealing with trauma - as they are going through a lot in the series, and canon isn't always perfect about dealing with the aftermath.
What are your favorite Bering and Wells stories from other authors/writers? What do you like about these stories?
One of the, if not the first fanfic I ever read is Time After Time by muppetmanda on livejournal, and it is still my favorite! A long timetravel fix-it for (almost) everything, NC-17, getting together.
Other great stories:
Transient by tantedrago on ao3
Warnings: Major Character Death
38k, M, a Ghost!Helena AU
Lots of lovely angst, how Helena and Myka start to interact and get close is beautifully written.
Trapped (aka oh my god, they were roommates) by paddingtonfan69 on ao3
11k, M, deals with the 2020 pandemic
The title says it all! This is a quarantine AU with Myka and Helena as college professors, getting together while stuck in the same appartment and competing for the same job. I love the premise and I adore where the author went with it.
Only for tonight by Numo on ao3
76k, E, bigender H.G.
HG and Myka get together despite many dificulties with each other and the Warehouse regents. I also really love the idea of bigender!HG and how they are written as both genders in different scenes.
(lady I will touch you with my mind) by corchen on ao3
18k, not rated (could be E)
This fic has a wonderful idea for an artefact, and Myka and Helena's feelings and reactions are very well written!
I haven't replied to all of the questions, but if someone else also wants to do the interview for purlturtle's blog, you can find all questions here!
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