#he genuinely thought angels name was tall arackniss until arackniss told him
chaoticace2005 · 2 months
Henroin (Angel's dad), running into Angel Dust:
Henroin: …Ant-Hony?
Angel: That’s right! It’s me. Your son. And it’s ANTHONY, dad.
Henroin: No. A-N-T-H-O-N-Y. I named you!
Angel: You ruined my life!
Henroin: How could I ruin your life?! I wasn’t even there!
Everyone else at the hotel: *standing there confused as fuck*
Charlie: Is this…
Arackniss: Oh, this is normal.
Husk: Well, guess Charlie isn’t the only one here with daddy issues.
Lucifer: …I wasn’t THAT bad, was I?
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