#he truly has TOO MANY tattoos and i don't have that much talent lol so after a point it just became...lines ajkshjdk
thebus1boys · 4 months
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little black dress just walked into the room🖤 inspired by the way you move for me baby by @thechavier
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Hello! Can I ask for a matchup?
I am a demisexual female and am okay with all genders.
I'm a very quiet person, but not exactly shy. I'm a little rebellious, but the silent type, I don't make a fuss.
I'm very honest and never lie, even though I unintentionally sound rude.
I am very kind to close friends and take care of them with all care. I'm patient too, it's hard to get me angry.
If I were to be an Ultimate, I believe I would be the Ultimate Tattoo Artist.
My hobbies are drawing. Although I specialize in black and white drawings. I like to hear people too, no matter how loud someone is, I like to hear what they have to say, although that's hard to say with my poker face lol.
That's it. I'm also new to Tumblr so I hope I wrote this right lol. Please remember to be kind to yourself ♥️
I match you with Kyoko Kirigiri!
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Kyoko is also rather quiet, so you two could probably be able to sit in a comfortable silence together.
She appreciates your honesty regardless of the situation— there are definitely times she has had to lie, only for the greater good. Yet, she likes how you don’t lie— it’s almost refreshing to her.
She would find it admirable that you take care of your friends— yet she would always remind you to take care of yourself too, and treat yourself with the same respect you do your friends. She truly cares about and loves you, she’d hate to see you not properly taking care of yourself!
Kyoko would also consider herself patient. You two would hardly ever have arguments with each other, constantly staying calm and trying to understand the other point of view.
Kyoko would find your drawings quite interesting, and be happy to see them, no matter what they are. She likes seeing your love for something pretty much poured out onto a page!
So, as a conclusion, you two would be good for each other because you share similiar traits. You would be patient, kind, and loving to each other, always wanting to understand them when they’re down. You would both take great care to understand each other, and hey! Maybe that’s what makes you two so good for each other.
Second match is Hajime Hinata!
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Hajime wouldn’t mind your quiet nature. It’s kind of calming for him, in a sense— being surrounded by classmates who often talk a lot and you’re rather collected.
He appreciates your honesty as well— it’s one of the many traits you have that makes him adore you. He tries to be as honest as he can as well, so, it’s nice to see you being respectful like that too!
Hajime can’t say he’s always as patient as you are... he tries to be! But he isn’t always like that. Nonetheless, he admires how you can always stay so calm no matter what.
Your drawings would be interesting for him to see. He would point out the things he liked about it with a smile on his face. He thinks you’re really talented— don’t forget that!
Hajime also enjoys seeing different point of views and trying to better understand the other side— he kind of has to in class trials.
So, overall, you two would be really good for each other because there would be constant respect and love, yet also room to improve. You could try and get Hajime to be a bit more patient, and stay calm even when things get rough. He could allow you a safe place to be yourself, and perhaps not come across in a way you didn’t intend to.
hey anon! i hope you enjoyed this matchup ^^ if not, feel free to send in another one! thanks for requesting— have a nice day!
-Mod Kirumi
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drarrygirl27 · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @unsealingkale !
1. what does your name mean / mean to you?
Oh wow! I learned something new about my name. It is a Hindi boy name meaning, Center. I'm used to reading it meaning things like knowledge, wise, understanding, and water baby. This is very interesting!
I used to hate my first name years ago, but honestly I really used to hate myself for many reasons for many years. I now love my first name as much as I love my middle name. My last name is pretty cool. I used to want to change it to my biological last name, but now it ties me to both my grandma (She got remarried when my dad and his brother were in their teen years. The man she remarried, she had 3 of my uncles with, 2 are still alive.) and my dad so I'm going to keep it for a little while longer. My dad has another brother who I keep in contact with with my biological last name. They found each other through Facebook years and years ago.
2. breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Breakfast because breakfast is the bomb! That is my favorite kind of food, day or night. I do eat lunch and dinner too, but breakfast food will always have my heart.
3. what are you proud of?
I am proud of how far I actually have come in my life. There were times where I literally wanted to just let things be even when it was bad for me to do so, but I still eventually found the courage to leave when I knew that in my heart of hearts that I needed to for the good of my overall well being. I have had to do that a good bit of times in my life and despite how some of it hurt me really bad to do so emotionally and sometimes mentally even, I knew that I just had to do it because if I would have stayed in some if not most of those situations, I wouldn't be where I am now.
I don't have the best job in the world right now and things have been really hard especially with this crazy ass situation going on, but I am so much happier in so many ways than I was 3 years ago and years before that even. I have grown a lot in many ways. I have the Army to thank for that at least partly. That place pushed me to my limits in so many ways that I had no choice, but to see that I really, really needed to change in some ways if I was ever going to get anywhere in life in the Civilian world. It was what I like to call a necessary hell.
4. your go to song on a bad day?
Not sure if this counts, but when I get scared or anxious about something, I listen to "Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins. It feels like he is singing it to me in a way. It sounds crazy I know, but I have loved this song for many years and overtime it just became a really good comforting song for me.
5. have / want tattoos
I don't have tattoos and I don't think I will ever get a tattoo. I don't like needles. I'm not as bad as my mom with them, but I still don't like the way they feel and I wouldn't know what to get anyway.
6. what are you looking forward to post ‘rona?
To go to places without having to wear a mask like the movies and the mall for instance. They drive me nuts! I wear them for work and when I go into stores. At home, I stay mask free because no one has the 'rona in the house because we all wear masks when we go out some where like work places and the like.
7. fave place you’ve travelled to / where you would like to travel to?
Lost Maples Natural State Area in Texas, hands down! It is a gorgeous place with mountains with hiking trails and beautiful unbelievably crystal clear water.
North Carolina. I need to pay respects to my grandma and if it is allowed I am thinking about spreading my dad's ashes on her grave as well. I was in the Army when she died. I was offered to go back home because of it, but I knew my grandma would have wanted me to keep going and so I did.
8. name a personal object in your room that you love
My grandma's and Daddi-o's memorial service discs even though the Bitch Cunt of the Century a.k.a. Former stepmom was in charge of the pictures on my Daddii-o's discs. You can tell because she is in most of the pics. *Sighs* Lord, I wish I would have had enough balls to tell that 'thing' to fuck all the way off! *Sighs* Hindsight is 2020 and unfortunately, all that shit went down in 2017.
This Bitch Cunt of the Century actually had the absolute gall just like she does every year to wish me a happy birthday. I of course ignored it like I do every year. In other words, Go fuck yourself & leave me alone!!! I want to forget that you ever, ever existed, please & thank you. By the way, that statement was towards my former stepmom who is I am pretty certain as a curtain has a spot in Hell waiting for her and not at any of you. I just wanted to make sure that that was clear as crystal.
9. what’s your niche interest?
Hmm... I have a good bit of them to be honest. I will just name my main fandoms at the moment. Rhink, Supernatural, and Harry Potter especially when it comes to shipping. LOL!
10. ideal date with yourself?
Hmm... An ideal date with myself, eh? This is going to sound so weird or maybe not, but either a trip to a bookstore or a thrift and or antique store. I love to check out those kinds of places.
11. share a pic from your camera roll that brings you joy
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This cute little thing is Lulu off of Kittisaurus. He is my favorite cat on that YouTube channel.
12. Is there anything you would say to your younger self?
Yes there is. Things will get better than what they are now. You just have to be patient and strong. One day your life won't be completely the same. It will be better. We ourselves will be better so keep your head up kid and don't give up on the fact that one day your life will change and that you will change for the better and that you will be truly happy. Eventually, wonderful things will come your way, but you first have to go through some trials & tribulations that will make you want to just give up, roll over and cry and allow life & people to screw you over. Don't let them! You are stronger and brighter in spirit than you will ever realize. Keep striving to have a better & happier life because you are worth it. You have always been worth it and I love you. One day you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say that to yourself like I am telling you right now.
After that I would embrace my younger self while she cried. That is probably what more than likely would happen if I met up with my younger self somehow.
13. do you bop to music on (I corrected this. It originally said in.) your own? do you sing?
Yep especially while driving in my car to and from work and at work too.
Oh Hell Yeah! I sing way more than I used to especially not just by myself behind closed doors. I don't sing out loud at work though because people could be sleeping and also I'm still a wee bit hesitant to sing in front of people like face to face depending upon where I am at, who I am with, and such. I'm working on it, but I do show my talent to people a lot more than what I used to.
Now that I work at the school district this has changed quite a bit. LOL! 😆 I more than likely especially this summer thus far have given unintentional concerts to some people possibly.
14. is there a type of animal you associate with home? does your house get animal visitors?
Hmm... I was around cats a lot more than dogs throughout most of my lifetime especially my childhood and teenage years.
If we're being sappy though I'd say cats and dogs now. My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law have a cat that I love a lot. He is what I like to call a sweet asshole. LOL! He can be nice and or loving, but not towards most people. He is kind of like my boyfriend in that way. They're both assholes to people who actually deserve it, but if you're a good and respectable person they'll show you the same kind of decency.
My mom has two German Shepherds that are my fuzz sisters. I love them way more than I thought I would ever love dogs. I was just a cat person for a really, really long time, but now I actually like or love dogs depending upon my relationship with them.
As far as animal visitors go now that Doug & I have an apartment that has loads of cats just casually hanging out in some spots including our patio yesterday swatting at some birds, the answer to the next question is yes. Too bad I was at work when that was occuring. It sounded so entertaining & cute!
15. is there an artist of any kind who speaks to your soul?
Oh goodness! So many of them do. A lot of musical artists, writers, and the like. To name them all would have me write out a novel or two even. LOL! However, I will say one at least. Stevie Nicks is a huge one. I love her and her music too death. She was also awesome in Fleetwood Mac as well.
Ok. So this is going to be possibly weird to do because this post is so old and I honestly cannot remember for the life of me if I ever posted it. If I did I apologize in advance for the possible repeat. LOL!
Anyway, thank you @unsealingkale ! I apologize sincerely if I never answered & posted these questions and or apologize for doing it twice depending on whether I did not post or I already have. Anywho, here are my good vibes to you & yours: 😃💖✊✌️ Rock on! 🎸 Stay safe, Be smart, & Take care! May the Force or whatever you believe in be with you always!!! 🌟🌟🌟
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