#he was a marginalized person - both ethnically/religiously and linguistically
lanotteviene · 7 months
anyway it's funny in an interesting way how the internet turned Kafka into the sad boy with an existentialist + romantic flavour instead of the author of seminal works about alienation & the confusing, painful contrast between what society deems normal and what Isn't. how the rules that establish that divide aren't made clear, how to the marginalized they seem ever-changing, impossible to grasp, surreal to the point of despair.
if you've ever felt overwhelmed by the absurdity of a system that seems legitimately against you instead of for you, if you've had days or months or years where language or cultural barriers have made you feel wrong to your core, if you've dealt with so much stress or mental illness or abuse that you've struggled to recognize yourself in the mirror his work talks about your struggles and would probably speak to you
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Since the founding of Iran's Islamic Republic in the wake of the 1979 revolution, the government in Tehran has smothered the country's rich, diverse, and ancient culture beneath a theocratic dictatorship. The regime is openly contemptuous of Iran's history, its ethnic and religious minorities, and its secular-minded citizens. It enforces its own rigid Islamic values in a variety of ways, from requiring women to cover their hair to imposing religious principles in schools. Repression has resulted in various social issues among Iran's youth, such as drugs and prostitution. As a result, nostalgia for the Persian Empire's pre-Islamic past legacy is steadily rising, especially among Iranian exiles and their children in the United States. Washington would be well advised to take note of it and understand what it may portend for the future.
Islamic Conquest
The early Islamic conquerors of the seventh century spread Islam and the Arabic language throughout the Persian Empire and attempted a wholesale replacement of the indigenous culture. Over time, most of the country's population converted to Islam, but Persia's historical and cultural legacy proved resilient. This fact was so central that when Col. Reza Khan established a new dynasty in 1925, he linked his family to Persia's pre-Islamic history by adopting the ancient Persian surname Pahlavi for the dynasty. Reza's son and heir, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, occasioned the October 1971 celebration of his fifty-second birthday, probably the biggest birthday extravaganza in modern times, to coincide with the supposed 2,500th anniversary of the founding of the first Persian empire in the sixth century B.C.E. by the Achaemenids.
That changed in 1979 when the Islamic Republic founded by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini recast Iran as a full-fledged theocracy with a "guardian jurist" (vali-ye faqih) as its supreme leader; spurned Iranian nationalism in favor of a world conquering Islamist vision; and dissociated itself from Iran's pre-Islamic past, for instance, by Arabizing many Tehran street names from their classical Persian.
The Islamization of Iranian politics and society stirred discontent among the country's minority groups, which viewed the regime's policy as designed to suppress their identities, not least given Islamic law's institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities. Sidelined and marginalized, they have been officially referred to as aqaliyat (minorities) and excluded as the "stranger" or the "other" (gheyr-e khodi).
Many Iranian dissidents—both active and passive, at home and abroad—have responded to this diminished status with a revived Persian pride based on nostalgia for the pre-Islamic culture of classical Persia. Exiled Iranian journalist Amir Taheri and University of Montana professor Mehrdad Kia find evidence of such pride in the desire for purification of the Persian language, the emphasis on Zoroastrian culture over Arab and Islamic culture, and a revulsion against the theocratic government.As University of Toronto professor Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi explains,
The refashioning of Iran and a rescripting of "the people" and "the nation" in Iranian political and historical discourses was to take place through a selective remembrance of things pre-Islamic and a disassociation of Iran from Islam.
Many Iranian nationalists and scholars hope to de-Arabize the Persian language to distinguish their ancient culture from the Islamic one imposed by the government. Writes historian Kia:
The dominance of the Shi'ite clergy led some nationalist intellectuals to believe that the cultural hegemony of Shi'ite Islam must be challenged and replaced only by a new form of identity which emphasized Iran's pre-Islamic history and culture as well as the Persian language and its rich literary heritage.
This scope of pre-Islamic pride has been established via "a linguistic nationalism that became part of a programmatic plan to "purify" Persian of Turkish and Arabic contamination." Its proponents call for a complete return to the Persian language as it existed before the arrival of the Muslim conquerors.
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Pictured are some of the twenty-four Baha'is arrested by the Iranian Intelligence Ministry in a raid on a religious gathering in Shiraz, 2018. Such experiences of non-Muslim minority groups have prompted a longing for Iran's earlier culture in response to the establishment of the Islamic Republic.
The experiences of non-Muslim minority groups and the suppression of pre-Islamic sentiment have encouraged some nationalists to rebel with unmistakable love for Iran's earlier culture. This nationalistic pride has arisen in Iran primarily in response to the establishment of the Islamic Republic rather than in opposition to Islam itself. "Much of this longing for the purity of ancient Persian culture," writes Taheri, "has arisen with the societal dislike of the contemporary Iranian religious regime as well as the regime's very aversion toward such pre-Islamic identity."
Roya Hakakian's memoir, Journey from the Land of No, is the personal account of a young Persian, Jewish girl caught in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. She describes how many Iranian Jews yearn for a suppressed and more inclusive Persian culture. "Instead of their given Hebrew names, they went by Persian names, borrowing heroic titles from old myths, like Rostam or Zaal." She explains further, "With more than two thousand years of history in Iran ... Jews were right at home exactly where they were, as they would be nowhere else."
The Iranian-American Narrative in California
California is home to the largest population of Iranians and Iranian-Americans in the United States. If a mainstream Iranian-American narrative exists anywhere, it will be found here.
This author interviewed five University of California-Berkeley students regarding their views of the Islamic Republic of Iran, U.S. foreign policy in Iran, and their identification or lack thereof with Iran's pre-Islamic culture. These interviews provide an in-depth look at the opinions of several individual students along with a broader survey of Iranian-Americans in California, discussed below. The surveyed students are first generation, U.S.-born Iranians and are the most likely to represent the views of future Iranian-American politicians and organizers of Iranian-American lobbies. Understanding what they think and why could help reveal where their loyalties lie, a common concern regarding influential figures with dual citizenships and backgrounds.
Three University of California-Berkeley students—Shahrzad Makaremi, Tina Noohi, and Taraneh Harirchi—were asked the same questions used in a wider survey of Iranian-American college students throughout California.
Makaremi is one of the founding members and leaders of the UC Berkeley Iranian Students' Cultural Organization (ISCO). Hailing from a Muslim background, Makaremi's family left Iran for the United States to pursue better educational and professional opportunities. When asked whether she identifies more closely with the contemporary culture of Iran or with the pre-Islamic culture of ancient Persia and how she views current foreign involvement in Iran, Makaremi appeared perplexed:
I have a lot of interest in the pre-Islamic culture of Iran. It's quite romanticized, but still very important. Still, it is very difficult to separate Islam from Persia because the Islamic conquests happened so long ago. Radical pre-Islamic pride is misleading, since Islam and Persia influenced each other so much. ... Although I am not strongly averse to the Islamic Republic myself, I would say that it has turned off many Iranian and Iranian-American people to the Islamic nature of today's Iranian government. As far as foreign activity in Iran, such as sanctions, it hurts the people just as much as the government does.
Overall, Makaremi believes that several problems face Iran today and that the regime is not necessarily the worst of them. She does not seem to harbor much opposition to the Islamist regime and does not dislike it strongly enough to favor pre-Islamic Iran.
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Zoroastrians celebrate the end of winter by kindling bonfires in temples scattered across Iran. Scholars believe that the teachings of Zoroastrianism predate other monotheistic religions. In recent years, some 4,000 people have joined the festival in Cham, Iran.
The third respondent and student cultural leader, Taraneh Harirchi, shares her classmates' perspectives regarding cultural identity, the current Iranian leadership, and international involvement in Iranian affairs. Harirchi does not belong to a religious minority, and she identifies more with pre-Islamic Persian culture despite her family's Muslim background:
Even though I am technically Muslim, I identify more with the classical Zoroastrian culture of the ancient Persian Empire because I am extremely proud of my culture and not necessarily my "religion." Both my family and I practice all the traditional Persian holidays, and it is taken very seriously especially around New Year's time. My family and I never go to mosque or acknowledge any of the martyrs like some religious Iranians do.
On the government and international sanctions, Harirchi said:
For me, the religion largely represents the government, not the Iranian people. As far as sanctions, I believe that they're very dangerous and only hurt the Iranian people. Foreign involvement is obviously the most debilitating risk to Iran right now.
All three student leaders emphasize their cultural identities over their religious ones. The separation of culture from religion among Iranian-Americans appears to originate from a broadly negative view of the Islamic Republic. However Harirchi, like her two peers, does not view the government as more detrimental than foreign involvement.
The interviewees perceive pre-Islamic culture as important but do not necessarily oppose the regime because of it. One even viewed it as "romanticized." Still, all state that the Islamic Republic creates problems for Iranian society, from cultural suppression to limitations on education. It is clear from these students' responses that they do, indeed, oppose the regime.
Statewide California Survey
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Reza Pahlavi, crown prince of Iran, speaking at Arizona State University in Tempe. Iranian-Americans back Washington's support for the exiled crown prince by a two-to-one margin.
While the interviews provide some personal details from student activists at a particular university, a survey conducted at the same time used the same questions to gather more data about Iranian-American views of the regime and the extent of opposition to it; U.S. intervention; and pre-Islamic Persian pride. Respondents were polled anonymously from the campuses of University of California, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Irvine, and Santa Barbara; University of Southern California; University of San Francisco; Santa Clara University; San Jose State University; Mission College, and West Valley College.
Seventeen out of twenty-five (68%) expressed pre-Islamic pride and cultural nostalgia in opposition to the Islamic Republic while only five out of twenty-five (20%) identified more with the contemporary Islamic culture of Iran, were not averse to the regime, and considered U.S. involvement to be the biggest threat to Iranian society. Another two participants (8%) favored neither pre-Islamic nor contemporary Iranian culture due to a lack of knowledge while only one (4%) felt pride for both pre-Islamic and contemporary Iranian culture and expressed a strong interest in Iran's ancient history as well as its current political situation.
As expected given Taheri's analysis of minority oppression and the Middle East Institute's Hossein Godazgar's description of the downplaying of Iran's pre-Islamic history by the regime's Islamist educational system, students who identify more with pre-Islamic classical Persian culture also oppose the regime. These students are mainly inspired by the plight of their parents, who fled religious oppression in search of a freer and better future elsewhere. The majority considers U.S. intervention a lesser evil than the regime itself and regards their cultural nostalgia as part of their broader feelings of dissent.
In 2018, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian-Americans released an annual survey measuring opposition to the Islamic Republic. It found that by an eight-to-one margin, respondents oppose U.S. support for the Islamist-socialist People's Mujahedin of Iran (or MEK) party as a legitimate opposition force in Iran while backing Washington's support for exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi by a two-to-one margin. Opposition by Iranian-Americans to Islamic groups is primarily anti-theocratic. And since Pahlavi states on his social media channels that he supports a secular democracy in Iran, widespread support for him is indicative of the secular route many Iranian-Americans would like to see their ancestral homeland take. Pahlavi's enthusiasm for Iran's pre-Islamic Persian history also echoes the cultural nostalgia felt by many Iranian-American civilians.
Pre-Islamic Persian Pride
Additional data published in an article by Nilou Mostofi in The Sociological Quarterly sheds light on the Iranian-American diaspora's feelings of kinship with Iran, their views of the Islamic Republic, and how many choose to identify with their heritage. The majority of Iranian immigrants, especially in southern California, left Iran in the wake of the Islamic revolution. They tend to be secular and "anti-Islamic," and most emphasize their pre-Islamic roots by identifying as Persian. Like the students interviewed and surveyed earlier, they left Iran for the United States hoping for better opportunities, professional careers, and education. Estimates place the number of Iranians living in Southern California at 300,000-500,000, with some 87,000 people of Iranian ancestry living in Los Angeles alone.
According to an analysis by Radio Payam, Persian Jewish immigrants in the United States identify with Iran's classical Zoroastrian culture more than with Iran's contemporary Islamic culture:
Not identifying themselves with the current Iran—stigmatized by fundamentalism and terrorism—Iranian [web]sites attempt to [re]construct a Persian profile by using tokens, symbols, and signs from the pre-Islamic cultural heritage.
This response is common among Iranians living outside Iran, especially among Iranian minorities.
Following its progression from Iran, pre-Islamic Persian pride in California seems to have merged with American democratic ideals to pit most young Iranian-Americans against the Islamic Republic and some against foreign involvement in the region. And while not all Iranian-Americans necessarily wish for the complete return to pre-Islamic Persian culture, they are proving loyal to both Iran (though not the Islamist regime) and the United States. Indeed, politically active Iranian-Americans who oppose both the Islamic Republic and foreign interference could promote the withdrawal of all financial support from the regime, so as to force it to reform, while supporting the development of a strong, independent Iranian society that will be less dependent on foreign aid.
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wearejapanese · 5 years
By Kiki Nakamura-Koyama
On the window of my homeroom in high school, an unnecessarily large sticker read, “ADAPT OR DIE.” In education we call this hidden curriculum, a way in which educators unintentionally transmit values that can replicate existing and potentially harmful societal norms. “Adapt or die” suggests that I am required to break myself to fit preexisting norms predicated on white society in order to not just fit in, but to merely survive. It took me a college education and a year away from the United States to realize “adapt or die” was antithetical to the diverse reality of the country.
What does it look like to be a fully adapted American? I can’t change my eye shape nor the history that haunts my family. Despite the United States priding itself on diversity, three generations of my family were forced to conform to “American” standards. I don’t speak Japanese because my family’s vocal chords were ripped out in Japanese incarceration camps, where they were made to be afraid of speaking the “enemy’s” language. I don’t eat Japanese food because until two decades ago, Japanese food wasn’t fashionable, it was gross. And I don’t have Japanese heritage because my elders were too busy breaking their backs on Oahu’s sugar plantations and in Wyoming’s coal mines.
Despite the loss of my family’s language, food, and heritage over the past century, I am still unable to fit in. My middle school classmates managed to racialize my tuna fish sandwiches; a popular, older snowboarder posted on my Facebook page in middle school, “I like Japs”; a local museum changed my ethnicity from Japanese to Chinese in order to make me fit their living history role better; a friend drew a caricatured portrait of my face, buck-toothed and slant-eyed, and passed it around my IB English class; I was told, “you’re pretty for an Asian.”
Later, when that phrase along with an image of my face went viral during the #thisis2016 campaign that raised awareness about racism against Asian Americans, a white troll wrote in the comments, “lol you’re not even pretty for an Asian.” (TW: Suicide under)
Over a lifetime of maladapting, my family’s mental health deteriorated; finally, my sixteen-year-old sister committed suicide and took with her my heart. Our schools, community, country provided us with two options: to adapt or die. We failed to adapt, so we paid. My family has been contorted imperfectly into an American box, and people call that resilience.
I left the United States because the only thing I could write on my Tinder profile was “queer and fourth generation Japanese American.” The only word I could describe myself with was “critical.” I left because I was exhausted by the boxes that I was put into both by other people and myself. My bones felt tired of trying to break themselves so that I could adapt to my surroundings. I received a grant from the US Department of State, packed two bags, and traveled to Indonesia equipped with the knowledge that it was culturally, religiously and linguistically disparate, Muslim-majority, and hot. I hoped for something different; I hoped to be recognized as a human, with all the nuances, contradictions and inconvenient shapes that people come in. Placed on Bangka, a Chinese-diaspora majority island, I was elated to be surrounded by others who had slick, straight, black hair. It was the first time I wasn’t read using Asian stereotypes. However, as my time in Indonesia continued, I realized that while my white peers from the United States were laughed at when they made mistakes, I was ridiculed; I realized that my white peers were affectionately called bule and I was called aceh or when suspect orang asing. I was frequently mistaken as Chinese Indonesian, a minority group in Indonesia that was the target of the May Riots, a nationwide massacre in 1998. Throughout the months I was given many identities, but none of them included LGBTQ+ or American.
In an attempt to escape disappearing into a false identity, I bleached my hair blond to challenge the borders of what it means to be American and Asian. Bleaching did not do any of this. A few hours after posting a photo of myself with blond hair on Instagram, one of my closest guy friends in Indonesia called me on WhatsApp wanting me to know that I looked like a whore. When I asked if he would think the same way if one of his bule friends dyed their hair blond, he admitted, no.
I physically blended in so well in Indonesia that I was destined to fail to fit the societal norms built on colonialism and collectivism, the latter a principle my family abandoned for American individualism generations ago. As it turns out, adapting fully in any culture is a privilege that I don’t have. It is my plight as a perpetual foreigner. The difference between my inability to fully blend in in Indonesia and my inability to fully assimilate in the United States is that I am an American citizen. I am supposed to belong. “Adapt or die” suggests the individual must adapt to their new surroundings. I cannot just become Indonesian because I share similar facial characteristics and I cannot become white just because I live in America. The message of the red sticker that remains plastered to the side of that classroom in Bend, which is 92 percent white, has consequences.
I’m still trying to save my sister’s life by giving her another option. As an educator, I have vowed to teach curriculum that does not demand a young person change, but empowers young people to demand change. Paulo Freire writes in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.” Those words, by the way, are posted on my classroom wall.
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garyh2628 · 5 years
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
 Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
 To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub, Influential Legal Cashier, Strategic Partnerships, STATEMENT OF INTENT, MY WEALTH FUND AND PERSONAL ATTORNEY and PROPERTY EXPERT GUY and THE ATTACHMENT AND MY PERSONAL BOARDROOM AND MY CHIEF STRATEGY AND INNOVATION OFFICER. The core founding support regions of this Network and Global Structure. MY FAVOURITE CEO.
  All Options remain on the Table applying the finishing touches to our Genius and my Genius and the Network and this Global Structure Genius. DRAFT
 The Network, Strategic Partnerships and Global Structure is hot–but watch the margins
And to deliver those official portfolios to me in its entirety with there Global Legal Restrictions.
  Aligning our funds with Gary and the Global Structure Goals ‘Stepping into world pre-eminence’ Delivering the full suite of Monetary Global Footprints’
 Sign up to receive a daily roundup when the Offices are delivered by me.
Great work, you achieved a great win, the fact that they cannot put you guys on any blacklist and bar you from employment or from the Global Structure is a god thing.  We are delivering on the classified strategy and further you guys were cleared in full.  The fact that you are working for me and my office of Chief of Staff and Global Legal Authority covers you (blanket cover) that is good news.  Those monies must be repaid in full and that was ruled and legally mandatory.  Delivery of the particulars to me will be a game changer. My Strategic Areas and my Strategic Regions and my Hubs Globally and my Investors deal them a humiliating defeat and confirm to them that their plans and their tactics are of the lowest order and that I am correct in saying that we are facing a false prestige problem and we are indeed facing an epidemic of mediocrity and further letting them know that they are a part of my Monetary Footprint and all of the particulars will be delivered to me for planning and for work to begin.  Further all those offices and things that I implied are legally full proof and earthquake proof.  No space and no room will be made for mediocrity and the haemorrhaging of money.  They were told the same in the religious community, don’t try to attach yourself to me hoping for control.  Great results in Scandinavia and great results Globally.  None of you hold the office of CEO, I am the Chairman and CEO and further I am the Chief Executive and the narrative and policies surrounding those are legally full proof and earthquake proof and classified and everyone is happy about our sequestered intellectual carnival cum retreat.  They are also happy.  People are so fed up with them, it is unreal.  In all cases I am the Global Legal Authority, there will be no facades and they will be no appearance of.  I will make all those decisions.  Yes, I am marrying him and there is nothing any of you can do.
 Their behaviour also prompted fury around the Globe and the most important offices on Wall Street and all those boardrooms of legal authority. The strength of my Legal Capacity means they must now rethink their motives as they were stripped of all those important decision making capacities and their focus must now be to deliver all of the particulars in full globally to me and we will no more tolerate the creation of the appearance of and the appearance of façade and the appearance of trying to undermine important relationships.  No decisions are made until full delivery is made to me for planning and for work to begin globally. According to a draft statement seen they were found to be less than transparent, duplicitous and bent and crooked, their behaviour is seen as less than “transparent and credible”.   Everywhere, I am the authority on Intellect.  CEOs everywhere are celebrating my high standards that further strengthens their capacity and that further strengthens the sector against mediocrity and the waste and spin and from unwanted interferences and the haemorrhaging of money,” says the statement.  The business of this Network and Economic Community and Global Structure remain private and full legal authority rest with me and no further intrusion is necessary. I possess all the necessary legal authority built into my Global legal Restrictions to deal wit all issues as it relates to the Global Structure and those issues as it relates to my office as Chief of Staff and further all those names that live within my Office of Signature and Stamp and Approval.  We are attracting some real good well-trained intellectuals and I look forward to my private meetings and especially looking forward to my big day on top of the world. No, they used them and throw them away and in some cases its as a result of my strengthened capacity that afforded their release and those hard passes. They cannot be spite; their best days are ahead of them.  I must thank my Official offices Globally for pushing hard and with focus in order to deliver the humiliating defeat that those suffered.  As the turn against them, they turned on them as the world turns.
 They fell out their ivory towers and now they are on the same level as all the others that they kicked out of those towers. We will be making the necessary negotiations with the relevant regions as we deliver Global Participation.  What everyone is happy about is that their need for scandals is not getting traction and that is as a result of the work that I am doing and the Network and the Global Structure.  Let me just say, all decisions as it relates to media will me and all employment decisions will be made by me and this is Global.  All those areas I identified as burdens have been scientifically identified, approved and blocked.  They were branded as prestige and financially motivated and racially motivated and the speakers of the things of mediocrity and they can play no part in the Global Mandate and they concur that that Institution is in peril and I cannot be at fault.  All my plans implied or explicit will come to fruition.  “I think the process of trying to paint him with the same brush they are painted with and the way in which it was handled is despicable,” he said. “I don't think that it is in their interest to pick yet another fight, not just with us only but with a lot of other friendly members of the Global structure over this kind of an issue.” I have the full backing of the Network et al and the Region and my Official offices that all their details and all of the other details needs to be legally approve by me personally. A group of 29 investors etc cosigned a letter urging all CEOs and the commission to stand firm on the issue. Trying to make the process subject to all sorts of lobbying and gossip and both inward and outward ethnicity is both irresponsible and despicable.  CEOs will now be prevented from speaking to them until full deliveries are made to me for planning and for work to begin. Globally.
0 notes
garyh2628 · 5 years
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
 Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
 To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub, Influential Legal Cashier, Strategic Partnerships, STATEMENT OF INTENT, MY WEALTH FUND AND PERSONAL ATTORNEY and PROPERTY EXPERT GUY and THE ATTACHMENT AND MY PERSONAL BOARDROOM AND MY CHIEF STRATEGY AND INNOVATION OFFICER. The core founding support regions of this Network and Global Structure. MY FAVOURITE CEO.
  All Options remain on the Table applying the finishing touches to our Genius and my Genius and the Network and this Global Structure Genius. DRAFT
 The Network, Strategic Partnerships and Global Structure is hot–but watch the margins
And to deliver those official portfolios to me in its entirety with there Global Legal Restrictions.
  Aligning our funds with Gary and the Global Structure Goals
  When the Company end, everything changed them. Until then, the they were the go-to people the bees’ knees. “It liberated them from the responsibility of relevance,” letting out a rich, rolling laugh. Not anymore.  I’m delighted that this Network and this Global Structure and the Statement of Intent and the entire Region and those Strategic areas pushing back with a deliberate push and we are moving forward with getting the preparatory work completed for deliver to me in its entirety for work to begin.  “Someone once asked them, what I they missed most. He said, ‘My career because under Gary’s leadership and full control there is no room for mediocrity.’ People worked against Gary in all sorts of ways but yet under his leadership the direction he’s taking this Network and the Economic Community and the Statement of Intent and Regions and Strategic areas and the Teams et al, he’s proven to be successful and predicted scientifically by all the experts to do a clean sweep Globally and to totally successful.”  We are not going to shirk away from reality, we have people with vested interest who are using their offices to assist and prop up those who as a result of the collapse is looking for a way in for repair of relationship, a friendship, prop up their failed career or repair same and who are looking from the outside is looking at what I’m doing with the Network and the successes of the Economic Community and Global Structure and would like to use our Intellectual Capacity as means to give them prestige or repair their brand if there is such. They are those who still wish they ad access to me because they need my intellectual and technical help but because they understand my policy on repair, they would not dare ask.  Then they are those who are trying to undermine my solid, earthquake proof relationship and impending marriage but those tings cannot be undermined.  They are those who as a result of them being stripped, are trying to create the appearance of undermining me, I cannot be undermined, they are those who feels so guilty but I couldn’t understand the philosophy around that, who wants me to wait until they exit hospital and become duplicitous and appears to be my friend.  They are those wo find themselves betwixt between the two and they are those who are paid to create the appearance of a correlation of narrative and those who are paid to smear in an attempt to prevent the success of the Statement of Intent and they are those wo want to create a fa de and they are those wo want to prevent a big upcoming success for a friend of mine with my help.  They are those who understand and are aware that we are on the cusp of delivering for humanity, we are delivering for all continent and all communities and for shared prosperity and because they are so steep in ethnicity and mediocrity they think they can stop the success. We will deliver for our further responsibility to the environment and we will deliver for living your best life and we will deliver for all of our programs and those who think that they can use tis network and it resources as a means to an end understand that under my leadership tat will not be and the same holds true for my companies and the Global Structure and they are some who know that I’m the head of the foundation family and family sector and they cannot stand it.  All that mediocrity is not the majority, it’s a small minority who are making the most noise.  Everywhere where our Monetary Footprints are all those details are legally required to be delivered to me in its entirety Globally.  I am the legal owner of both print media and other media and if that came as a sock to some and they don’t like it that’s their business, I will deliver all of the various offices across the board and this Network and Global Structure details are never in the public domain and under my leadership at delivery tat will be strengthen even more.  I am the Global Legal Authority on Intellect and in those management, positions were our Monetary footprints are, it’s going to be my choices that fill those positions.  If they don’t like the blanket cover until delivery, tats their business.
 This Network and this Economic Community and this Global Structure does not trade in Ethnicity and that held true because across ethnicity those names that only I legally can use cross ethnicity.   Those Philosophies will be developed, and those guidelines will be developed, and the full delivery will be made to me, its not discretionary, its for life, Final authority rest with me.  We are the Authority on Intellect.  I’m looking forward to the full delivery of all the preparatory particulars and tool kits for work to begin.  All those Halls of Residence should be empty using the urgency of now until full delivery and legal restrictions are issued by me.  It’s unfortunate that people will got to these lengths to create the appearance of delay and to try to peg the narrative to fantasy when in reality they do not understand our narrative.  This Network under my leadership has become a powerful economic tool and will be for any Economy that is serious about development and serious about the future of their citizens.  We will campaign together, we will deliver for humanity together and we will deliver for the Statement of Intent and we will deliver for my private hubs and those strategic areas.  We are taking over everything wherever our Monetary Foot Prints and tat is aside from my Personal Wealth Fund.  We will develop and strengthen our policy and philosophy on repair under my leadership. I’m delighted tat the resourced foundation continues to be strengthened and I’m glad that it is my blue print that got approval and it is my desires and wished which will be implemented and those changes made is to reflect that.  Those changes will have to wait on my perusal briefing and approval.  In so many quarters and Offices people are indeed happy with what I’m doing not only with my personal money but what Intellect will do for Society.  All the money is mine wherever our Monetary foot prints are.  I’m looking forward to working on the currency and I’m looking forward to my Intellectual Carnival cum retreat wit my pool of experts and I’m delighted with the pushback and support I’m reeving from the place I intent to make the nerve centre of tis Economic Community. We had to tell stories that were important to us.” We will deliver for Intellectual across the Globe. That payroll rightfully so needed to be put on old, until delivery, I as the Chairman and CEO do not make room for mediocrity. We will deliver on our Intellectual Tour and we will deliver on our tank you tour, and we will deliver for all those private meetings with my various offices and look at how this Network can contribute to your Philosophy and agenda and see if they are entry point for mergers.  We are the authority on development.  Its going to be a great time for Intellect and the Intellectual revolution tough you think it as began haven’t started yet. It will begin the night you hear I as the authority on Intellect delivering our Fire and Brimstone address on Philanthropy and Economics and Policies and religious freedom and other freedoms and the moment you see the wheels of the vault turning to release to the environment the requisite ingredients to help you on your journey of being in control for your destiny and on your journey of living your best life.  The year if Privacy, the year of the scientist and the year wen those in cages are visible and the year if Intellect.  Its time for you to live your best life.  All the tool kits must be delivered, and all of the Offices of Budget and Management will be delivered by me.  Gone will be the days of chaos and false environment and false prestige not were our Monetary foot prints are. Gone will be the days when potential senior members of this Global Structure will have to put up with mediocrity and childish behaviour of win and lose and the nonsense that cause those cult figures to fail that is now finding themselves prostate at the feet on Intellect and tis Network and Global Structure seeking redemption and an entry point.  We understand the mediocrity, we will deliver for branding and brands across the Globe.  It’s a jobs gift.  A personal Wealth Fund that can never run dry.  We can never be beaten on Intellect, we can never be beaten on technical and Intellectual Competency and you can never beat Gary on value added oratory and you are no match for him, he’s my Chief of Staff and will continue to be so. We will deliver the Garden Bridge to the various attachment.  You try to walk like him and ball are dropping left right and centre, no grip on the Global details, it’s not at your fingertips, no authority on law and compliance no understanding of scope and breadth and dept lacking interpretation and context. He couldn’t be at fault for being the Chairman and all this nonsense as an appearance and deflection is a waste of time.  Waiting and waiting for he and he and he to come out of surgery. That cannot change legal ownership.  This wife and this son and this family member well the full delivery will get done and those selection will be made by me.  Failure, unbelievable failure across the board.
 Among supporters, expectations are high. “We have been robbed for years by corruption, we have no security in the streets and the economy is faltering,” said one CEO, “I am very happy . . . South America and the Global Structure is recovering its dignity, its greatness.” He pointed out that another financial milestone was attained when some of his Corporations and Business went from an operating deficit to Operating Surplus.  The same goes for Intellectuals and the set-up of the Global Structure and attachment which gain momentum today. At the end, he stirred the dregs of the red wine by moving his glass round and looked at them and thought of me. ‘Be difficult nowadays, wouldn’t it?’ he said. ‘What would be?’ I asked. ‘Making this all this happen.  It started in the water street Offices then to the Broadway office and for years the details were being worked upon.  He did it, he delivered what we asked of him and rightly and he cannot be at fault, he’s the only Global Legal Authority on Intellect.  The world and humanity were destined to survive, the hard work of Institutions was never to die and the elimination of poverty was never going to be fiction, Education and medicine was never to die and the people that work behind the scenes were never to be eliminated.  That Country and Sectors and continent, for so long with their potential, the bar set by their founding president, is now being cleared by the chosen structure to be delivered by the Intellectually and Technically competent authority on intellect. the authority on Intellect.   Intellectuals, your best days are ahead of you.
 I’m delighted that we have Managed to pull the plug and support was extended to some.  I’m now happy that in the meetings held privately yesterday, those contracts will now be placed on hold awaiting my perusal with my OLC and the delivery of the Midland Hubs and other Hubs Globally.  I’m also delighted with the effort that is being made by a few advisors to smooth out the differences and to issue that we do not use middle men in any of our deals and that instructions will be issued from the Official Offices when they are ready.  I’m delighted with the work my Globally Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men are doing and I look forward to our meetings and the delivery of the tool kits.
I see you everyday clap, your best days are ahead of you, those of tat order will not get away with this nonsense.
It is Estimated that in her lifetime, a woman/man views/use her Intellectual Capacity over a million times.  In this Family, we ensure that at every use, it is both full capacity correct and a pleasurable experience for the user and stakeholders.
Those names that live in my Offices of Signature and Stamp and Approval which can only be used by me and are legally mine, I’ll peruse those details and we will deliver the full suite of Philosophy and Policy Guidelines.
This Network and this Economic Community and these teams et al and Global Structure Intellectual Capacity will not be used an inspiration to no one.  We will deliver for Intellect as the authority on Intellect and me as the Global Legal Authority on Intellect and as the Head of the Foundation Family in all my other Official Capacities.  All my framework will de delivered as part of   the preparatory work to me in its entirety Globally.  We will deliver all the guidelines and all the Policies and all of the Philosophies because it is time for you to be in control of your destiny and it’s time for you to be on your Journey of living your best life and Intellect.  We are not a religious Organisation or Network, or will we ever be so, we are the authority on Intellect.  We will deliver for all of the Global Hubs and for all those Portfolios that live in those Hubs Globally.
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility (Official Attachments Globally effected and confirmed)
All file as it relates to recommendation for termination of employment must be delivered to me with the preparatory details Globally and its legally mandatory. I will look at the matters of salaries at perusal.  All Franchises lives within my Quasi-Judicial Portfolio and Full Legal Capacity
I love you too do more.  We are taking control of everything development
0 notes
garyh2628 · 5 years
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
 Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
 To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub, Influential Legal Cashier, Strategic Partnerships, STATEMENT OF INTENT, MY WEALTH FUND AND PERSONAL ATTORNEY and PROPERTY EXPERT GUY and THE ATTACHMENT AND MY PERSONAL BOARDROOM AND MY CHIEF STRATEGY AND INNOVATION OFFICER. The core founding support regions of this Network and Global Structure. MY FAVOURITE CEO.
  All Options remain on the Table applying the finishing touches to our Genius and my Genius and the Network and this Global Structure Genius. DRAFT
 The Network, Strategic Partnerships and Global Structure is hot–but watch the margins
 During the wave of racial revelling, my CEO had a conversation with a black colleague about mentoring and me and the mandate and the work that this Network will be doing and then he had a conversation about Intellect and that made her reconsider this Network and it was the same story  with the Teams et al and Statement of Intent , those private regions and Strategic Areas “It was the anger and frustration he was feeling about not being able to have a private conversation about it as in work with me, that really got him upset and it created the right impetus for him to push forward to allow the preparatory particulars to speed up across the Globe for delivery to myself for work to begin.”  It is there and then on hearing about that, that my technology dude and my OLC and Innovation Hub realised the professional services needed to find a way to allow potential employees to register their interest and for current staff to talk about their feelings, particularly ones that may not always be obvious or apparent to their colleagues for delivery with the preparatory particulars and on deliver and in our private meetings we can work in in-depth details on the programme.  This Network does not subscribe to ethnicity.  “We have had to push past looking at diversity and really look at it from a human and Intellectual perspective bearing in mind my values and principles,” she says. As a result of Gary’s legal Authority, we now have a new boss who is totally in awe of Gary, and supporting the delivery of these particulars to him.
Today we won a very large amount from a legal suit we brought against a large Organisation.  Further they ruled that their defence was so weak it should not have even been considered. In another case particulars were thrown out or the case was thrown out as there is no case to answer.  I’m delighted that all these shocked tactics used for delay and intimidation against certain individuals and Companies have been robustly rejected with no recourse to appeal.  Intellectuals let’s move forward and deliver the complete cases and all of the tool kits to kick start our shared prosperity.
The OLC communicated to my Potential Private Secretary that a thank-you note was forwarded to them to be passed onto me.  Team et al this is a nice gesture. It came from a colleague who said he was grateful for a minor bit of advice I had given him that had apparently helped him navigate a tricky work situation.  All of this speak of the type of Leadership that will continue to influence this Network and Global Structure.  This is a feel-good testimonial post. Another came from an addition within the walls of the Global Structure and an Investor, he invests in the Global Structure initially and further he added more Investment for my personal Initiatives. He took to Twitter to post an endearing list of blunders he had made when he was a rookie CEO before he encounters me. It was a mistake, he said, to send thank-you emails to people at firms after meeting them, because it made you look “desperate, not courteous” and suggested your company was, in tech terms, not hot.  In this instance my postings have caused him to do the deep personal and business thinking and with the results of those analysis, when applied to his firm, made a world of difference.  It’s a jobs gift. Thank you, Gary. My OLC and Influential Advisers was gobsmacked when they read it, they responded to let him know that he would receive the first email I send from my Computer when the Office is up and running which is pretty sharpish.  That email even though he is an Investor will be for a meeting in the office within a specified lead time, the Office will be close to his not very far to travel.
It turns out he has always been a big fan of me for many years. When I wrote to him without realising who he was, he thought the person who did all the researched that went into that letter, must and he predicted be the most influential person in years to come. He still has a copy of that letter on the wall in his office day like today.  It’s his template he shows to all his Investment Managers and PA.  So, when he read and was briefed about the programs I’m going to do, he was one of the first to throw his hat into the ring, committing billions of his own money and requesting that I find time in my day to organise his life for him.  I’m going to think about it. My potential PA said that she might have to help me with all the personal potential items that will be forthcoming on day one of the Office. Another was just as dismayed when a clothing business millionaire sent her a gracious hand-written note to let me know that he should be on my list of people to meet in the first week of the Office.  Well he’s within Network so his Invite should spring out of my Office of Signature and Stamp and Approval without delay. I love this network and the Companies within the Structure and I love what Gary is doing with it and I care deeply for all my colleagues. It’s for that reason that I have decided to take the Initiative to ask for a private audience with me Gary.  I’m looking forward to our meetings and to be updated on your progress across the pond.
It is Estimated that in her lifetime, a woman/man views/use her Intellectual Capacity over a million times.  In this Family, we ensure that at every use, it is both full capacity correct and a pleasurable experience for the user and stakeholders.
This Network and this Economic Community and these teams et al and Global Structure Intellectual Capacity will not be used an inspiration to no one.  We will deliver for Intellect as the authority on Intellect and me as the Global Legal Authority on Intellect and as the Head of the Foundation Family in all my other Official Capacities.  All my framework will de delivered as part of   the preparatory work to me in its entirety Globally.  We will deliver all the guidelines and all the Policies and all of the Philosophies because it is time for you to be in control of your destiny and it’s time for you to be on your Journey of living your best life and Intellect.  We are not a religious Organisation or Network, or will we ever be so, we are the authority on Intellect.  We will deliver for all of the Global Hubs and for all those Portfolios that live in those Hubs Globally.
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
0 notes