#he’s supposed to be sick in bed but i was lazy at drawing da bed..
pandadumplings · 3 years
Please help me
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“Of course.”
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anotherfanficblog · 5 years
I’m Fine
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Pairing: Doctor Strange x Reader
Request: From Anon “Hello! So if I may be one of the first to request a Dr. Strange X reader? Where the reader is meeting the rest of the Avengers and is trying to hide that she is sick. After the grueling meeting that seemed to never end, Strange approaches her just in time because she was about to faint from exhaustion. Thank you!”
Word Count: 972
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of vomit, fainting
Requests are open! (check who I write for and the rules here)
You know those days when you wake up and you just feel like actual shit? Yeah, today is one of those days and I swear to god I have a curse in which I only get sick on days where I need to be healthy. Like how I’m supposed to meet the Avengers today to discuss becoming part of the team and I literally feel like I might collapse and die (bit much but you get the picture). I try my best to cover up my face with makeup so I seem less dead but makeup can only do so much.
Once I’ve finished getting ready I wait patiently for Happy to arrive. While I wait I massage my throbbing head trying to soothe the pain. I suppose I could always rearrange times but I fear that would make me seem unreliable and weak so instead, I���m soldiering on. I hear the doorbell ring and slowly get up, draw a deep breath and then make my way to the door. I open the door to see Happy standing there.
“Are you ready to go Miss L/N?” Happy asks.
I nod my head and make my way to the car. Happy opens the back door and I get in. Jesus Christ travelling in a car just makes me 10 times more ill than I was before. After what feels like 25 long years we finally make it to the compound and I look out my window to see Tony fucking Stark standing outside waiting for me.
I hop out of the car and Tony greets me warmly by shaking my hand. “Welcome to what could potentially be your new home Ms L/N.”
“Y/N is fine and I’m happy to be here,” I say trying my best to sound like I’m not going to throw up any minute.
“Hey, are you okay kid?” Tony asks “You don’t look too good.” This instantly makes me stand straighter.
“Oh no Mr Stark I’m fine just a bit overwhelmed I think.”
“Yeah I tend to have that effect on people,” he says with a slight smirk. Cocky bastard.
“Well come on kid I think it’s time we introduce you to the rest of the team,” Tony says slinging an arm around me as we walk towards the compound.
We make our way through the compound and being upright for so long has made my condition go from bad to worse. I literally just want to sleep. We arrive at a large conference room and inside is Captain America, Black Widow, The Hulk (currently in Bruce Banner form), Thor, Hawkeye, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. If I wasn’t about to pass out before I definitely am now.
“Y/N this is Steve, Nat, Bruce, Thor, Peter and Stephen,” Tony says introducing me to each member. “Wanda, Vision, Scott and Bucky are currently on a mission but I’m sure you’ll meet them later.”
I shake each of their hands all of them being very friendly however when I reach Stephen he looks me up and down and raises an eyebrow at me. I simply smile warmly hoping I can sit down and have a glass of water soon. Thankfully Tony ushers me to a seat and the meeting begins. I pray to God that this will be quick but something tells me I’m wrong.
About an hour into the meeting I feel like I’m actually going to pass out the room is spinning and I can’t focus on anything that’s being said. Their words feel distant and echo-y and my breathing is laboured and heavy. Also, I feel very sweaty and warm but I can’t tell if it’s my illness, the room or the fact that Stephen has not stopped looking at me and that’s making me very nervous.
After about another hour Tony finally concludes the meeting and with a few papers signed I shake hands with the other members and we all exit the room.
“I can walk you back to the car if you’d like,” Stephen asks me. As much as I want to say no because I feel like if I say more than a word I will throw up everywhere I say yes because saying no would be rude and I couldn’t find my way back to the car if I tried. 
“You know you shouldn’t have come today,” Stephen says and I look at him confused “I mean you look like you are about to faint.” Ah, I couldn’t fool the doctor but that’s to be expected he’d be a pretty shit doctor if he couldn’t tell I was sick from just looking at me. 
Just as I’m about to reply I feel a wave of illness hit me and after the gruelling day I’ve had my legs finally give way and I collapse. Luckily Stephen was there to grab me so I don’t hit the floor.
“Jesus Christ,” he says pulling me back to my feet while still maintaining a firm grip on my waist. “I’m thinking that a car ride probably isn’t the best.” I’m too dazed to ask him what the hell he’s going on about but then I see him conjure a portal where on the other side I can see my house and I think I might cry out of happiness.
Stephen picks me up bridal style and walks through the portal closing it behind him. 
“Now where is your bedroom?” he asks me.
“Second door down the hall” I respond weakly. Stephen carries me into my room and lays me down on my bed. 
“I’m going to make some soup and tea,” he says firmly “try and get some sleep.” Stephen without thinking presses a quick kiss to my temple and then scurries out of the room. I smile to myself, I think I could get used to this.
I hoped you enjoyed this as it has been sitting in my drafts box for ages and I’ve just been too lazy to write it but I finally got my shit together and ta-da
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momo-de-avis · 5 years
tell me more about millais and the whole "steal ur wife and have a happy marriage with her lmaoo" and the whole pedo thing??? im intrigued
At the top of my head and very quickly without bothering myself with checking things online cause I’m a bit lazy sorry (though I’ve been over this story for quite a while, I trust my instinct)
When the Pre-Raphaelites appeared, they were the bad boys of London. Reasons:
1) Fucked around, mostly Rossetti
2) Broke academic rules by painting in excruciating and vivid details that weren’t possible with the naked eye (like Holman Hunt painted every single blade of the grass—your eye can’t see it unless you stare closely at it, so academically, that was ugly)
3) Used redheaded women as models. Now, Victorians were absolute fucking lunatics, but the ideal beauty to them was some corpse-looking Morticia Adams. Black hair and pale skin, was top notch. Blonde, blue-eyed beauty came second, probably. What mattered was the pale skin. It was a trend among Victorian women to paint purple and blue veins to look as dead as possible because the frailty of women in a society that told they literally were good for nothing except breeding was the Latest Trend. Redheads, however, were considered cursed. Case in point: the greatest pre-raphaelite muse, Lizzie Siddal: she was not only a red-head, but her skin was also darker than most prefered. Not that she was anything but a white woman, just not white enough to look like you were already flirting with tuberculosis and ready to die fashionably at 40 (though Lizzie was famous for being constantly sick and bedridden. And addicted to Laudanum, like a good Victorian).
4) Basically what gave them the name: PRE-raphaelite. To explain quickly: academic painting privileged the art that resembled Raphael's paintings: harmonious, made of volumes through precise shadowing, mannerist in its style. Line and drawing prevailed above colour. This is linked to formalism so I’m just gonna wrap it up quickly: drawing was considered the intellectual form of art (because in the 16th century people were like ‘oh, astronomy is a science!’ and 'oh, mathematics is a science!’ and people were like, 'well shit, we gotta find a reason to call arts a science too’ and the Renaissance worked that out by explaining that drawing was basically a form of science. Take Da Vinci). The Pre-raphaelites said: fuck that noise, and privileged colour. They used techniques to brighten their paintings (like a layer of white paint applied to the canvas before they applied the preliminary drawing, which made the colours stand out, and then finished it off with wax varnish, which makes it glow. If you ever see a PR painting live, note just how vivid it is. It looks like it’s never gonna wear off, it’s incredible). So with this, they basically said the Royal Academy was a bunch of piss babies who knew jack shit about painting (the accusation of being dumbasses included).
5) …but to be that guy, you had to LIVE the life. So, if you privilege medieval thinking, lifestyle and theology, what you gotta do? BE that medieval knight Victorians thought were oh so Chivalric. Again, famously, Lizzie Siddal is known to be the bad girl of this revival: she refused to wear crinoline and whatever shit the Victorian ladies wore. She wore loose dresses, no corsets and overall dressed like the engravings on Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. She was actually lauded for her commitment like, even Ruskin at one point saw Rossetti as a piss baby rock star wannabe who never finished his shit, but this girl? She committed.
So you see, when these guys popped up, Victorians scowled. BADLY.
But they knew that, to conquer the hearts of promiscuous dandies and hypocritical high-society, laudanum-ridden, arsenic-eating uptight douches and douchesses, they had to get to the loins of one man: most important art critic of his time, single-handedly responsible for elevating William Turner to the True Genius of English Painting: John Ruskin.
Now, just WHO was John Ruskin?
First of all, this little shit was overtly religious. Protestant kind, so you know what you’re in for. This guy studied Turner back and forth, knew everything about him, wrote extensively of his genius and was responsible, as I said, to consecrate him to the memory of British sea painting. Except he purposefully left a bit out, one particular episode of Turner’s life that, to Ruskin’s mind, would ruin his reputation.
Turner was a freak. My man has ENDLESS erotic drawings that go from curious artist look into the Vagina from full-blown pre-victorian porn. And Ruskin kept it all locked away inside his drawer.
The thing was, Ruskin was brought up surrounded by art. This guy looked at Roman statues of women, with their perfectly waxed peepees and toned arms supporting perky breasts and DEAD ASS though this was what women looked like.
So he married Effie Gray, a woman in everything respectable, a prosperous marriage for the good ol’ Victorian lady and dude.
And for the next five years of their marriage proceeded to REFUSE to even touch her.
When the pre-raphaelites pop up, Ruskin attends their very first exhibition and writes them a glowing review. Immediately they go from nut-heads to pop stars. But among them all, it was clear that it was John Everett Millais who was the most talented. So Ruskin took him under his wing.
His first assignment was: paint my portrait. But the pre-raphaelites did something the British academics didn’t: to paint nature, they went outside and painting the motif by looking directly at it. And Ruskin, who praised this mode of making art, had in mind the precise spot he wanted to be painted on: a waterfal or some shit in Scotland, where he owned a cottage.
This cottage was not big. It was actually rather small—you know, in pretending-to-be-a-peasant-is-so-much-fun! victorian fashion. And what does this absolute buffoon does? He invites Millais and his wife Effie in to paint his portrait.
Now I want you to imagine this woman, who has been pushing down 5 years of Horny, putting up with this dude’s shit, enclosed in a tight space with this man—who was older than herself—and incidentally, a handsome looking young fella who paints nicely.
I insist on this thing that Ruskin didn’t touch his wife because he thought women looked like statues because he actually told her. He told her he found her repulsive because—what do you know!!! The peepee’s got some pubic hair! And women menstruate! And like, we’re real fucking things, not Pygmalion's wet dream forged over and over again! She actually wrote a letter to her father detailing this (if you watch the show Desperate Romantics, the scene were Effie confesses this to Millais, the actress is actually reciting this letter word for word).
So when they return to London after the painting is done, they just… Fall in love. I mean, shit, what was she supposed to do?
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The face of a man who doesn’t know he’s about to be shit-whipped by his pupil, painted by none other than his protegée, this same pupil.
But remember: no matter what Victorian fangirls say, and whatever that Victorian TV show tries to show you, this society was absolute utter shit for women. Effie Grey presented an annulment proposal to her marriage, and society collapsed on her. She was actually blamed for the fact that Ruskin wouldn’t consummate the marriage. And because she had grown quite close to Millais, she had to prove before the entirety of Victorian society that she was a virgin. Oh, yes. It’s what you’re thinking.
Those open-your-legs-wide-and-let-me-insert-this-not-at-all-friendly-looking-metal-utensil-up--your-private-canal-to-prove-you-are-a-virgin. This, mind you, was back then as utterly humiliating as it sounds now, and to make matters worse, Mr. I-only-fuck-clean-shaven-pussy claimed she was mentally unstable.
Either way: annulment conceded, and she married John Everett Millais. The two went on to a lifelong of fucking and 8 children. Check Millais’ painting Peace Concluded and tell me those two idiots did not die happy together.
I kid you not: until Millais’ death, Effie was socially ostracized. She was even barred from being present in social events where Queen Victoria was, proclaimed by the Queen herself (because remember kids! Victorian society absolutely sucked because it was none other than our favourite imperialist who made it so!) even after she ordered Millais the first Laureate painter. It was only when Millais was dying that in his death bed he BEGGED to lift that stupid shit and she conceded. I just honestly believe Effie didn’t give a shit at this point, because my girl was happy.
So, you ask, what happened to Ruskin?
Don’t think he got off easy lmao. He had his own demise. He wasn’t seen with good eyes after the whole annulment debacle. But of course, being the pissy adult he was, he had to make things worse.
Enter Rose de La Touche.
You see, Rose de la Touche was Ruskin’s pupil. She is, as far as we can tell from his writings, the only woman he ever called attractive and revealed to be attracted to her. When, you ask?
When she was fucking 9 years old, the first time he met her.
He became tutoring her when she was 14. At this point, this ugly ass vulture was way past his 40s. Rose’s parents actually made it worse if my mind doesn’t fail me, but I’m not certain so I won’t address them. Either way, he pretty much groomed her and she grew infatuated with him. He actually made plans to marry her once she turned like, 18 or something, like a good pedo.
The only reason Rose didn’t marry Ruskin? Effie Gray stepped in. Not that she was that interested in what was to happen. The thing was, the reason for the annulment was that Ruskin was impotent, and if he fucked a healthy girl and she got pregnant, she’d be in the shits. But either way, I think it was easy given that he was like 40 years older or some shit. Rose actually declined to marry because she wanted the marriage to be unconsummated, but this time around, ya big Pedo declined! I wonder why was it so easy the first time, and so hard now that he found himself a neat little child to corrupt, right?
At some point, even fucking Rossetti intervened. Now, Rossetti was the rock star of his time: he fucked everything that moved, he got into affairs with the wives of his pupils while Lizzie lingered between life and death at his home, and it took him some 9 years to finally keep his promise to Lizzie and marry her ass. He was the last person you’d expect to say a thing. But you know you’ve fucked up and that you’re a perverted piece of shit when THIS IS THE GUY who steps in to say 'hey, Ruskin, big fan, but you really gotta tone it down cause even I’m not a pedo, pal’.
Now listen: yeah, there’s a lot of speculation about Ruskin’s 'love affair’ with Rose de La Touche. Did he really fall in love with her when she was 9? We don’t know. We don’t care either, because it doesn’t make him any less a fucking pedo. Like, yeah, good art critic, nice theory on the whole Modern Painting book, but this dude had some serious issues.
And there you go
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parti-pooper · 5 years
When I was talking about Wendy and Cartman’s crush on her, I was referring to past seasons where Cartman and Wendy’s dynamic wasn’t nearly as hostile (Cartman himself was relatively nice to her in that episode). I don’t think he has a crush on her anymore (nor do I think anyone thinks that he does) so that’s not exactly fair to then compare Wendy and Kyle and use that as further evidence
“I don’t think he has a crush on her anymore (nor do I think anyone thinks that he does)…”
[Looks at you, making this bold, overgeneralising statement speaking on behalf of an entire fandom]
[Looks at the Candy shipping community, some of whom thinks that very thing which you claim no one thinks]
[Sips tea]
We’ve already covered that what you think and what I think - and, in fact, what other people think - are very different things, and neither can be right or wrong. It’s all up to interpretation, regardless of what the creators’ intention was. Fans are free to do what they want with fictional content, within the realm of fair use, and that includes coming up with alternative interpretations and imaginings of said content. I know that. You know that. We all know that. We’re just going in circles now.
Also, for the record, Wendy and Cartman’s dynamic was different in the past, but so was Kyle and Cartman’s. And, yeah, it wasn’t “nearly as hostile” but you can’t say they were exactly great chums either. If we’re referring to the episode Chef Goes Nanners, which we are, they still disliked the thought of working together, Wendy was still too pedantic and uptight and upstanding for Cartman, Cartman was still too lazy and obnoxious and questionable for Wendy, they still clashed, and yet, still… doodododoodododoodododoododo da daa da da da daaa da da, a wild crush appeared. Cartman used Sexual Workplace Tension. It was super effective. Wendy used Kiss. It was super effective. Cartman was immobilized by love. He couldn’t move. Wendy used Rejection. It was super effective. Cartman fainted. Wendy got 4XP and $7.
“Because ships don’t have to be taken seriously 24/7. They can be strange. They can be funny.” I never said to take ships seriously, and that ‘Cartman is fucked up therefore you can’t ship him with anyone’, because I find fucked up dynamics to be the most interesting. I just have a problem when people claim that certain things are canon when they aren’t/never were intended to be canon. Everyone can ship anything however they want- just acknowledge what the show has actually intended
“I never said to take ships seriously, and that ‘Cartman is fucked up therefore you can’t ship him with anyone’, because I find fucked up dynamics to be the most interesting.”
I am sorry for misinterpreting the intended meaning of what you said. That’s just how it came across to me. Funny how what is intended can be interpreted, isn’t it? When people put their words out into the world for other people with different eyes and experiences to see from, with different brains and beliefs to draw from, with different perspectives and preferences to get meaning from. Very funny.
We’re even, though, because you misinterpreted what I said as well. I never said that you think “Cartman is fucked up therefore you can’t ship him with anyone.” I said that you think Cartman having those fucked up fantasies about Kyle means they can’t be romantic in nature, because they’re too sick and sadistic. To which I say, whatever, that’s what you want to think. And do you know why? Because it does not matter. You can think what you want to think and I will think what I want to think and we will both be happy and get on with our lives.
“Everyone can ship anything however they want- just acknowledge what the show has actually intended.”
You can’t say “Everyone can ship anything however they want” and then straight afterwards give a condition for us shipping that is that we “acknowledge what the show has actually intended.” Because then, you’re giving us a how. Then you’re telling us how to ship something, not letting us ship however we want. And what if we don’t want to ship that way? What if we wanted to ship without having seen anything of the show? What if we wanted to ship without knowing anything about it at all? Would we be shipping illegally then? Will we have to pay shipping fees? I am sorry, but literally, fuck off with that elitist, backwards, gate-keeping thinking. That’s like saying “You can cross the street however you want, just acknowledge the crosswalk.” Or “You can eat spaghetti however you want, just acknowledge a fork.” Or “You can sleep however you want, just acknowledge your bed.” No! You don’t accept things like that. Do you want to know how you do accept them? I’ll tell you. You say, “Everyone can ship anything however they want,” and then you put a full-stop, and you end it there. No just’s. No conditions. No nothing. Or else you’re contradicting your statement.
And, I’m terribly sorry, do excuse me, but I must ask, what exactly entitles you to other peoples’ acknowledgement? What makes all of us owe you, or anyone, an acknowledgement? What authoritah do you have? Who are you supposed to be, the canon police? Gonna lock me up for serial reinterpreting of canon material? And also why do you assume we haven’t acknowledged the canon? How do you want us to acknowledge it? What, do we have to write a disclaimer each time we make a post that directly contradicts the canon?
I hereby declare that I, Miss Pooper of Parti, have indeed, beforehand, and with sanity, sobriety, thoroughness, and of right mind and moral, correctly identified the canonicity of each statement, or, oppositewise, the lack whereof, of which I am about to write, and have thus concluded that, as of the time of this post, no canonical occurrences, in any episode, of any season, so match or parallel the events of this post. And so, without further ado, I present the post in question…
lmao cartman wants to SUCC kyle’s biG FAT cirCUMcised DICKKK, lol sooo canon amirite, like follow and subscribe
Is that what you want? Because, like, I don’t know what else you want. I mean, yeah, we know what’s canon. We’ve seen the show. We’ve watched it with our own two eyes. We have common sense, reasoning skills, and general intellect. So, please, have more respect for me and my community than this, rather than deciding right off the bat that we’re all ignorant. Just because we joke “lol this is canon” or squeal “Oh, my God, the way Cartman looked at Kyle! He’s so in love with him!” doesn’t mean we don’t know what’s canon. It means we’ve recognised the intention of the creators, recognised what else it could be interpreted as, and decided to have fun with that instead.
You have a problem with people claiming things as canon that aren’t canon? So do I. Do you know what else I have a problem with? People making assumptions about what other people think, and indirectly demanding that they do things your way. I must ask you, as kindly as possible, to please, get off your high horse and stay in your lane.
even though it would be a lot easier to elaborate on each of my points. I feel bad basically unloading all of that into your inbox, so I won’t respond right away to all of your points lol. Good on you for not shitting on other people’s opinions though. It’s so rare to see that in this fandom
Thank you for being considerate, haha, it literally does actually take me hours to formulate these responses, I’m not even kidding, and I do have essays to get on with, so I appreciate not having to spend any more hours on this, heh! That said, if you wanted to elaborate more on each of your points, I said it before and I will say it again: just make your own post! It’s easy and free, and it would allow you to actually freely express your full opinion without limitations. And that way, they wouldn’t have to go through my judgement before being passed on to the public, because my judgement sure wasn’t kind. I honestly don’t agree with a lot of what you said, or at least suggested. Of course you can go on thinking that way, and I encourage you to, because you still have a right to an opinion; but I don’t want to have a dialogue about it, I just want to go on thinking what I think too without the feel that anyone is trying to convince me of anything else, so sending me asks is probably not the best way for you to share your opinion.
Again, I haven’t disproven any of your points or negated your opinions. I’ve just kind of explained why I, personally, do not agree with your statements. So you don’t need to respond and defend yourself. I get the gist of what you think and why. You get what I think and why. If you want to respond now, make your own post, and hopefully you’ll find either like-minded people who agree with you, or different-minded people who don’t agree with you and actually want to discuss why. Thank you for being interested in engaging with me. You have been most civil, and that, too, is so rare to see in this fandom. I hope you have a good day.
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