#honestly these few people are the only reason I still crosspost on FFN
walkawaytall · 10 months
So, when I posted the most recent chapter of Purpose of Heritage, Fanfiction.net was having a bunch of issues -- I couldn't get to my profile using the website, but could with the mobile app, etc. Anyway, I did wait to post until the site was back up because getting things formatted properly on the app was borderline impossible. But I'm now questioning if email alerts went out only because I have at least three readers on FFN who comment literally every chapter and a couple more that comment every few chapters, and no one has commented on this most recent one. Like, it is possible they just all didn't comment collectively over the past week for some reason, but it seems unlikely, you know? I'm just like...what even do I do about this? Or do I just let it be?
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shellsan · 4 years
Okay, so this is a somewhat important announcement so if you’re a regular reader of mine, you may wish to read over this first part.
Starting 2020, I will be limiting what content I’m crossposting to FFN. The long and short of it will be under the cut but in case you don’t want to read all of that, there’s the important thing.
Now, onto my reasons.
Honestly, this is something I’ve been struggling with a lot over the past 25 days and that I’ve had advice on from a few of my other fic posting friends in a discord server who have noticed my growing feels of irritation and sadness. I never noticed when I did my first 30 day challenge in the first half of this year, but since I was so busy while doing this FicMas event and juggling so much, i think it may have just effected me more this time around. And that is the comments.
I love comments and reviews. I thrive off of interactions with everyone in the communities I write for, and the more interaction I have in each community - the more I write for it. But here lies my problem;
A content of the reviews from FFN over the course of my FicMas event have been... less exciting to wake up to. This may sound whiny but I don’t particularly care if that’s how people choose to interpret it - but more and more of the reviews are coming off as demanding. I don’t think this is the intent of most of the people when they review. And the first time It happens It’s more flattering then annoying.
When the only reviews I wake up to in the morning are people who’s first comment is “more please” or “I loved this, but you made a grammar mistake here” or on one ocassion “this feels incomplete”, it’s more then a little upsetting. Especially when they don’t even have the manners to add a simple ‘thanks’.
I’ve been working my ass off to fulfil my family and friend commitments, work commitments and still get a fic out every single day. There is 70 000 words worth of content in my FicMas event. That’s half of what I’ve written for most of this year within the space of less than a month. It’s not easy and It’s something I was excited to do. I’m still excited to have done it!
I’m proud of my writing progress but I’m even prouder that I could produce something for my friends and followers to enjoy in this month where everyone is stressed and busy. Knowing that I lightened someone’s day meant the world to me.
You can’t pay to hear those kinds of things. Money can’t buy sincere thanks.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit here and act like it doesn’t hurt to have my work overlooked by people who are acting entitled to receive content.
This is not every fandom. The majority of the fandoms I write for have been wonderful and thankful for the content I’ve handed out this month. But it’s because of the few that I have to make this decision.
So, on the subject of what i’m no longer posting on FFN:
Well, pretty much everything.
I will still be releasing my Ghost Hunt content over on FFN, mostly just because that is where the majority of people still read it. The fandom still hasn’t quite made the switch and I’m not willing to punish the people who have supported me in that fandom over one or two comments that are very much an anomaly. I will most likely also release my One Piece content on FFN because I think a good portion of that fandom also remains on FFN and hasn’t moved over to AO3. I am also likely to post my OHSHC fics over on FFN because I’ve noticed that they have a fair few people left over there as well.
My MCU fics in particularly are definitely moving over to AO3 only. RoyEd doesn’t get much traction on FFN anyways, so i’m happy to stop making the effort to crosspost those. My Merlin content is much the same. I don’t recall having an issue with anyone but there’s not enough of the fandom over there for me to really bother any more unless something has a request. My dgm fics are the same, it’s not worth the crosspost since everyone over on AO3 for the most part. I’m tossing up with the Hobbit, but I think that one is also not worth the crosspost but I am willing to reconsider if someone asks me about it.
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