#honestly would want that except for the sylvee part if she ever did apologize
hualian-blessing ยท 9 months
i like how people are calling tommy coward for not attending the event shadoune hosted cuz he was teamed with sapnap, george, hannah and sylvee, and that it'll be real awkward after he dropped his latest video.
well looking at the mess that is sapnap's kick drama...im honestly glad tommy back out cuz aint no way im watching one of my streamers be associated with the man willing to sell his morals for money and the people who enabled him without even criticizing the bastard ๐Ÿ˜’
anyways fuck kick, fuck sapnap, fuck sylvee, and fuck everyone who called the shifting to kick movement not bad or that its good ๐Ÿ˜˜โœŒ๏ธ
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