#hopefully i won't have guard dudy soon
inpacho · 16 days
Flying bark are no longer working on Lego monkie kid and I'm very much not okay since the trailer dropped yesterday, quite heartbroken..
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I'm glad the show isn't chancelled but it sucks that this time it's not even the people ordering the show(Lego) but flying bark not having time because they work on the avatar movie
Animation is HARD believe me I know (and I never tried something as ambitious as LMK (which is the best animation I've seen I frickin adore it) but the studio it was giving to is good with 3d and puppeting animation (sonic prime, Carmen Santiago, ninjago) and this is what they're doing, but this does NOT fit the show and it's really messing with me seeing the new season is going to probably look like that.
I know they can do good stuff but they're very not fitting the show and it looks very cheap and I can't
Some of it looks good:
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But too much is not on even on model! The movement is wrong and not as charming and I will never get over the fricking incredible jaw dropping seasons we got so far, and I'm probably going to keep cry for a while, and be mad
But I am glad the season is even being made with the shitfuck place the animation industry is in, it's going to ruin a lot of the season for me but I'm definitely going to watch the shit out of it and I hope the new studio keeps doing it's best and improves with time, animation is hard
translated trailer for season 5
And yes it's real Chinese Lego posted it and one of the writers said that too
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