#i also think it would be funny is adira and edmund both knew but hector didnt
okayishalchemist · 2 years
Listen ik Adira knows about Varian because she mentions him in the great tree but i think it would be really funny if Edmund knew Quirin had a son before Adira and Hector did, probably through Eugene mentioning him.
So after the last battle, everyone's getting patched up, the brotherhood are sitting all together making sure they're all alive and not too injured. Then they hear a kid calling for their dad. And Quirin responds to it. And then this scrawny little guy comes running over and tackles Quirin in a hug. Hector and Adira are just completely stunned like- "you have a son?????" And it basically goes-
Adira: you have a son?? How old is he how long have we been unaware of this???
Edmund: oh, this must be Varian :D Horace has mentioned him, they're very good friends
Adira: you knew about this?????
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stuffyflowers · 3 years
Ok that’s it ✨random varian headcanons time✨
Been meaning to do this for a while so here is my little self-indulgent list of hcs! Some of these are inspired by fanworks and others is just shit I made up at 3am
Hope the new tumblr glitch doesn’t fuck this up lmaooooooooo
- his goggles were a gift given to him from his mother right before she disappeared forever.
- has a lot of chemical burns/scars caused by bad lab safety
- has the worst sleeping schedule ever. Has fallen asleep in his lab more than once. This becomes even worse after the uhh… incident… due to nightmares
- I’d actually argue that this ones canon actually: he DOES believe in magic, he just doesn’t practice it (like… he never says magic is fake, he just says he doesn’t work with it)
- every year quirin and varian visit the dark kingdom and stay there for a couple of months. Varian uses his alchemy and engineering skills to help with the kingdoms revival
- while visiting, his aunt and uncle tell him embarrassing stories about his dad when he was younger. Quirin is not amused, but varian is thrilled to learn more about his fathers past
- definitely bonds with hector over a mutual love for animals. Hector loves his humane animal trapping idea and asks varian to implement it in the dark kingdom.
- adira teaches him how to sword fight. She also enjoys picking apart the inaccuracies in the Flynn rider books (which annoys varian immensely)
- tugs at his hair and chews his lip when stressed/anxious (this is 100% not projection haha what are you talking about-)
- lance and the girls come around to his house every few months to ask him if he wants to join them in a camping trip. He always says yes… eventually. He brings along books and equipment to study wildlife, but he almost never gets a chance to use it with Keira and catalina always dragging him into stuff
- (ok but fr I think lance and him would be very good friends. Like. An actual friendship outside of “teenager has to babysit grown man because he keeps touching dangerous things.” Canon did these 2 dirty)
- would say poggers unironically
- enjoys inconveniencing Frederic at every opportunity. Covering his throne in alchemy goop. Embarrassing him in front of nobles. You name it.
- after prison, he develops a phobia of being trapped. When entering small spaces he immediately checks off any escape routes unconsciously.
- RAPUNZEL AND HIM DO PIANO LESSONS TOGETHER. I personally think that both knew how to play before meeting each other, they just enjoy it and learn new things from each other
- visits the saporians in prison every once in a while (yes, I know their relationship with him wasn’t exactly healthy but keep in mind they were his only support system for a long period of time. I find it hard to believe he would just immediately forget abt them post-redemption) I think he would also be willing to give them a second chance and help them redeem themselves.
- as well as his fear of blood, he also is very squeamish about any sort of medical situation (eg needles). This one definitely isn’t self projection either…
- Starts a Flynn rider fan club with eugene and Edmund. It’s a book club that mostly involves them re-enacting their favourite scenes poorly
- Has had a crush on both eugene and cass. Bi king. (If any of y’all tag this as ship cuz of this I’m blocking ur ass)
- wears gloves at all times cuz he’s got sensory issues
- idc what canon says, Varian would be deeply uncomfortable creating a weapon that uses amber.
- I know that this was proven false by the creators, but the idea of varians last name being ruddiger is so fucking funny to me that I still hc that it is regardless. Like he he just found this raccoon and went “oh I have the perfect name for you” and it’s just his fuckign last name
- his hairstreak isn’t due to a moonstone connection (srry moon varian fans) but from an experiment gone wrong. Ulla was teaching a young varian a basic science experiment. She left for about 15 seconds to go and get something and when the came back he had blue hair. She managed to get all of it out with the exception of a single strand
- Actually surprisingly strong for someone his size (from helping out his dad in the fields).
- becomes good friends with Faith! She tells him all abt different types of flowers and he is happy to listen! He helps w her cleaning duties with his alchemy. They also enjoy talking shit about the king together <3
- has written self-insert x Flynn Rider fanfic
- he’s the kinda person who has a ton of random sketches in his notebook. In between his work notes you’ll find drawings of his close friends, raccoons and the occasional invention idea that he’ll probably never finish.
- speaking of which, he’s very good at drawing from memory (can’t relate)
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