#i am *hysterical* over holmes calling watson 'my dear' and 'my darling' in the same statement????
sygneth · 1 month
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Dzisiaj Speak Your Language Day, więc narysowałem Holmesa po polsku, bo ngghhhh w tych tłumaczeniach oni są tak nielegalnie słodcy że no nie mogę xD
Zwykle wolę czytać książki w oryginale, ale ten fragment po polsku ma specjalne miejsce w moim sercu <3
(wiem ze ten font jest może mało czytelny, dałem transkrypcję polski w ALT)
A 1988 Polish translation of "The Golden Pince-Nez":
"Whom can he seek?"
"Whom? Us! He came to see us, Watson! And we, my dear, must take our overcoats, cravats and every other aid that man ever invented to fight the weather. Wait a bit, though! The cab is off again! There's hope yet. If he had wanted us to come, he'd have kept it. Go down, my darling, and open the door, for all virtuous folk have been long in bed"
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whitefanggurl · 7 years
"Cheater Cheater" - JohnWatsonxReaderxSherlock
WARNING: You are cheated on by John and ultimately end up with Sherlock in the end. Other than that, nothing bad. Just a little fluff later :)
Also, they may be a bit OOC, I'm so sorry! :( I'm kinda new to the fandom and I'm not that good with writing, but here goes!
You kicked open the door to 221b Baker Street and hauled in the bags of groceries.
'"Let's go to the store!" he said. "Sherlock doesn't have a case today!" he said. What a load of crud. There's always a case.'
"(Y/N)?" You glanced around the corner while struggling to keep yourself from falling and see Sherlock laying on the couch appearing to be disturbed from the solitude from his Mind Palace.
"Hey Sher- Wait a second.... I thought you and John were out on a case?" Quickly tossing the groceries on the kitchen floor, you walked over to Sherlock and sat down across from him in a chair.
He looked at you with a bored expression, "No, he's out with Mary."
You stared at him for a moment, "...Do you mean Harry?"
"No, Mary."
Licking your lips that suddenly were very dry, your hands started to shake as you leaned forward to try and keep the disturbing thoughts at bay, "Who's Mary? And I want a straightforward answer, Holmes."
Sherlock's gaze wandered over your face for a brief moment, formulating how you would take this, "The woman he's been seeing behind your back."
Your throat suddenly tightened and tears gathered in your eyes. You bit the inside of your cheek and took in a deep breath.
"I apologize that he did so. You seemed very happy with him, even though he upset you at times." Sherlock leaned back in his chair and held his hands once again in a prayer position while closing his eyes for a moment then opened them, got up, grabbed his coat and scarf, and headed out the door. "(Y/N), Mrs. Hudson has your favorite icecream down in her freezer, I will be back momentarily. Don't feel obligated to wait up though." And he was gone.
You closed your eyes as the tears started to flow freely down your cheeks and a few sobs escaped from your lips. 'He's right, I should go see Mrs. Hudson about this.' You took your jacket in one hand and keys in the other and headed down to the sweet woman's flat where you would stay for the next few hours.
Sherlock blew an agitated breath from his nose as he watched John flirt with Mary from outside the restaurant window.
It was obvious you were hurt, but Sherlock had no idea how to handle such things, so he did what seemed cliché and bought some chocolates and a small teddy bear for you like he had seen on the telly once in a sappy movie you had him and John watch along with you.
He also knew that it probably wouldn't be the best time to unleash the fact that he had certain... feelings, towards you that you more than likely wouldn't return.
You poured out everything to Mrs. Hudson, who listened intently. After you had let out every pent up hurt to her, she offered you some tissues and ice cream.
"(Y/N)," she said with a small smile, "Don't let this get the better of you. When I look at you, I see a beautiful, strong, and stubborn young lady who would, without a second thought, lay down her life for the ones she loves. And even though you may not see it, someone else close to you admires you and loves you with every bit of his being."
You looked up at her through red eyes, genuinely curious, "Who?"
She grinned, "You'll find out over time dearie. Now, do you want another cuppa?"
Sherlock, with the bag in hand, made his way to 221c to set it in your living room.
He picked the lock and opened the door to see you sitting down in front of the telly watching (your fav show other than Sherlock) with the tub of ice cream from Mrs. Hudson.
"You've only been home for 10 minutes," he mused, setting the bag down at your side. "And you've already showered, cleaned the kitchen, and almost finished that ice cream. You're taking this better than expected."
You snorted and looked up at Sherlock with tear-filled eyes, forcing a smile on your lips, "Just trying to distract myself I guess," You stopped and paused the episode, "And Mrs. Hudson cheered me up. As much as it does hurt that I wasn't good enough for John, I now realize, it isn't my fault, and I shouldn't feel sad that I wasn't enough because it only matters that I'm enough for ME, that I like who I am and don't pick myself apart piece by piece because of something someone else thinks."
Sherlock's lips curled up into a small smile, "(Y/N), you never cease to intrigue me with the words that come from your mouth. Now," he sat down in a chair and looked at you seriously, "Do you wish to confront John? Or simply break off the relationship? Or something else possibly?"
Your fingers tapped your cheek softly as you thought, ideas whirring through your brain. One caught your attention and a devilish smile crossed your face, "I've got the perfect thing, but first, I have to see what you got me."
After explaining the plan to Sherlock, who actually thought it would be quite humorous, you began the preparations.
Grabbing the basket, you started making food. "Sherlock, did you grab the candles and matches?"
"They're right here," he pointed at the small grocery bag.
"Yes, (Y/N)."
"Makeup? Costume?"
"Yes to both, now stop fidgeting, you'll cut your fingers off with the knife."
You glanced down at the cutting board and saw the knife dangerously close to your hand, "Thank you."
When all the preparations were finished, you called John.
"Hey darling!" The words felt like lead rolling off your tongue, but you still kept the sweet voice.
"H-Hello (Y/N). Is s-something wrong?"
"What? Of course not! I just wanted to tell you to meet me at the park at 6. I have a surprise for you!"
'Man will he be surprised...'
"Oh, alright. I'll be there."
"Great! Love you sweetie!" You hung up before he could say anything else and looked at Sherlock, "Now, to do your makeup."
(So guys, this idea isn't mine! I saw this on Pinterest, but I can't remember the original Tumblr person who posted it. If you know who it was, please tell me so I can give them credit!!! P.S.- I also added a few things to it, so yeah.... Alright, enjoy my sweet marshmallow bunnies!)
After getting Sherlock's camouflage all finished, (which took AN HOUR mind you because he kept getting bored and there were times where you had to just ignore his shooting the handgun at the wall), you waited at the park and glanced towards the trees. A flashlight signalled and you knew that Sherlock was watching in case things got too stressful. You nodded and bit your lip, 'Thank You God for that wonderful man...'
John arrived in a taxi, fidgeting and nervous. 'Good, you better be nervous young man.'
You plastered a smile on your face and ran over to hug him, 'He practically REEKS of perfume.'
"Darling, how was the case?"
"Hm? Oh, it was good. Yeah i-it was good."
'Liar.' "Good! Now come on, I've already set up the picnic. I think it's time I told you something very important."
John gulped, but nodded and followed you to the edge of the woods surrounding the park.
You skipped along while holding his hand until you reached the secluded spot in the forest where the evening sunlight failed to reach through the dense leaves.
The picnic was all set up, with John's favorites of course, and candles resting on top of elegant candle sticks giving the space light.
Both of you sat down and you glanced towards the small bush about 10 feet away that hid Sherlock.
After talking about your days and eating a bit, you cleared your throat and looked up at John. "So, John..."
He nearly choked on his food, "Y-Yes, dear?"
"I want to tell you why I brought you here," You smiled, "Erm, as now, my past relationships weren't very... pleasant. Many ending in me being cheated on and all that."
His face paled.
You pretended to not notice and continued, "Well, this is actually, I guess you could say, a crime scene. Because whenever they would cheat on me, they would end up... missing," Smiling a small smile, you glanced around, "This is where they are, six feet under each." You leaned forward towards the terrified John Watson, "And I heard that someone's been naughty, Mr. Watson." You laughed and blew out the candles, covering the space in complete and utter darkness.
John screamed and started to run, but this is where Sherlock came in. He tripped John and pinned him down while you let yourself just chuckle evilliy.
"So John," You turned on the flashlight and pointed the beam at his face, "What's she like, this, Mary I hear about?"
Well, after a few more moments of torture, you finally gave out and started to laugh hysterically, waving to Sherlock to let John go.
John's eyes widened when he saw Sherlock, "You helped her? But you said you-"
"I know what I said. But it had gone on far long enough, John. You hurt (Y/N) deeply, that much I can tell. Did you really think that for a moment I didn't care about you both the same? That I would sacrifice her over yourself? No, you are both equals in my mind, and I intend to let that be known. If she had cheated on you, my actions would have been the same." He glared at John, "But, this doesn't mean that I will forgive you in the time being for your hurting her. Now, return to Mary, Mr. Watson. I think she deserves to know of this endeavour of yours."
John stood there for a moment, stunned from the words that came from his friend's mouth, then huffed and left.
You turned to Sherlock with tears in your eyes and forced a smile, "Well, they better stay together seeing that he thought she was worth cheating."
Sherlock's chest tightened at the sight of you crying and gathered you in his arms, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I shouldn't have kept this from you."
You hugged him tightly, letting your tears roll freely down your cheeks, "None of this is your fault, Sherl. Now, it seems we have more time to spend together. How about we go grab some ice cream?"
He scrunched his nose, "But you'll get sick if you have any more. You ate a whole carton earlier."
You winked at him, "I find your lack of faith disturbing, Holmes."
You kissed Sherlock's cheek, "Love, it's time that you go to bed. You've been at this all day and you're exhausting yourself."
He slumped further in his chair, "But I have to finish this case!! It's imperative that it is solved as soon as possible!!!"
Massaging his shoulders, you pointed out, "Sherl, you won't figure it out if your energy is all used up and your mind is tired. Now, go to sleep."
Sherlock looked up at you with a small smile, "Mrs. Holmes, I love you dearly." He sat you down in his lap and hugged you close to him, kissing your temple, then your lips.
You melted at his touch and murmured against his lips, "I have a deep regard for you as well, Mr. Holmes."
Hey guys!! So, quick note, did anyone pick up on the two movie references I put in here? If so, I love you!
This is my first oneshot, please tell me how you liked it!!
Remember, you can always request more!!
Love you my marshmallow bunnies!!!!
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