#i am also incidentally now 12 times more excited for the actual show to come out
eldritchsurveys · 5 years
[[ Random Survey Questions // By x-hallie-x]]
1. Have you ever been in an unconventional relationship (long distance, polyamorous, same gender, age gap, etc)? if so, what challenges did this relationship present, and were they worth overcoming? >> I’ve been in all of the examples presented. The challenges remain the same across the board -- communication errors and competing access needs.
2. Would you ever consider something like a poly relationship, assuming everyone involved was alright with it? What are some things you think you would or wouldn’t like about it? >> My relationship is already non-monogamous, although neither of us is actively seeing anyone else in meatspace currently. (”Polyapathetic” is the word I use for it sometimes, lol.) There isn’t anything I don’t like about it.
3. What is the most unhealthy relationship (whether friendship or romantic) you’ve ever had? What made it so unhealthy? Do you still talk to each other? >> Probably the one with the creator of this survey, incidentally. I used to not say anything for the sake of “not causing drama”, but I see where I did myself a disservice in the attempt of doing him a service, one that I don’t necessarily owe him after what he put me through. People can make their own decisions about whether to be friends or lovers with him, after all, and it’s not like I’m running around telling people not to be friends or lovers with him. By all means, if y’all get along, I’m actually glad. He’s sorely in need of healthy interaction, he just definitely can’t get it from me.  It was unhealthy because for me he was excessively clingy, demanding, and emotionally manipulative, whereas my attachment style is distant and avoidant, and neither of those styles work well together except, I’d imagine, in unique cases (probably aided by therapy, tbh). He made great demands upon my time and energy and made me feel like I wasn’t allowed to reclaim that time and energy. And so on and so forth. 4. Have you ever been abusive in any way? Were you able to change or make amends, or, in general, what do you think people should do to make amends in that situation? >> I don’t think I’ve been abusive. I know I’ve been accused of being such, and I wouldn’t argue with it because that... doesn’t solve the problem. But from my point of view, having repeatedly educated myself on what abusive behaviour looks like, I can’t see myself fitting into that model. I’ve been unhelpful, reactive, aloof/distant, and callous -- but not abusive. I think the best way to make amends for abusive behaviour is to change one’s behaviour. And change it consistently. And, most importantly, realise that the person you hurt is under no obligation to forgive you or let you back into their lives. If they do, great -- do not squander their forgiveness. If they don’t, that’s their right. You still owe it to yourself, and the people who are in your life, to be better.
5. Have you ever forgiven someone for being abusive or allowed someone toxic back into your life? Did this person change for the better or not? >> Yeah. No.
6. Do you feel like your age matches your emotional development? If not, what age level or maturity level do you feel best represents where you’re at? >> I don’t know, because I’m not sure how that’s measured. I just am where I am, and am doing my damn best. 7. Do you feel like you’re lagging behind your peers in terms of development or do you feel that you’re more ahead of the bunch? >> I think I’m supposed to see myself as “lagging behind”, but that’s all bullshit. I just am where I am, like I said. 8. What is one thing about your personality that embarrasses you, but you can’t seem to change it no matter how hard you try? Have other people called you out on this embarrassing thing? >> I don’t know, really. It embarrasses me to want attention and reassurance and solace, but I don’t think that’s like, a personality trait that needs changing. I’m just embarrassed about it because I was taught to be. 9. When was the last time you did something “meant” for children? Do you think it’s okay for adults to do these things (ie. watch cartoons, have stuffed animals, dress in cute clothing, etc), or do you think there’s an age beyond which it becomes unacceptable - and if so, why? >> Man, I do and enjoy a lot of things that people who’ve bought into the bullshit would say is “for children”. If you seriously believe it’s unacceptable for an adult to do something as fucking benign as watch cartoons or sleep with a teddy bear, then your opinion ain’t worth squat to me anyway. 10. What was the last thing to “trigger” you (as in, in a true mental health sense, I’m being serious here) and how did you cope with it? What kinds of things do you tend to find triggering? What do you do either avoid or face your triggers? >> I don’t remember. I don’t often acknowledge my triggers when they actually occur, which is a separate issue. 11. If you’re diagnosed with anything, do you feel that it accurately represents what you’re experiencing? >> I don’t know what my diagnosis is. I’ve been diagnosed as a number of things over the years, either because of incompetent mental health professionals or a lack of transparency on my part (but most often an awful combination of both). I think any “disorder” I have would have to be a developmental or neurological one, because a lot of who I am has been like this for as long as I can remember (and has only been exacerbated by events that happened later). 12. What is a complaint you have about the mental health industry or about the type of treatment you’ve received from a mental health service? Have you ever had any particularly bad therapy experiences? >> One complaint is that a lot of mental health professionals don’t... like, do the work. They’ll just see someone once or twice and go “oh you clearly have [x]” just based upon some cursory questioning and observation. That’s not logical or ethical to me. I’ve had so many negative experiences in MH that at this point I now have trauma related to that -- which makes it a fucking riot to try to go to therapy! “Hi, first you’ll have to work through my trauma related to therapists before we can get down to the actual therapy.” Ha! 13. When was the last time you realized you might be the source of a problem and NOT someone else? >> Actually, I usually take that possibility under advisement (it’s an awkward but sometimes useful side effect of having been treated as a scapegoat). Unfortunately, sometimes I’m not the problem, and I have a hard time really convincing myself that no, I didn’t necessarily do anything to deserve the treatment I got. 
14. In an average week, how often do you leave the house? Generally, how many miles would you say you travel in that time? >> Usually on the weekends because we go grocery shopping and down to Wayland to do laundry. During the week, maybe once or twice, on a good week. There’s really just nowhere to go. 15. Have you ever made a mistake or did something you were too embarrassed or ashamed to tell anyone else? Did you eventually tell anyone? Did their reaction help you feel better or worse about your secrets? >> Probably, but I don’t remember any specific examples. 16. Do you think you’re easy to open up to or do people confide in you often? >> No, I’m apparently not easy to open up to because people generally don’t. I guess. I don’t know how any of this shit works. 17. When was the last time you felt accomplished? When was the last time you felt like you failed at something? >> I don’t remember the last time I felt accomplished. I mean, I remember the last time I did something that I needed to do, but I didn’t feel better once it was over. I guess that’s part of why it’s so difficult for me to do things I need to do but don’t want to -- I don’t get the reward feedback from my own brain afterwards. >:| 18. When was the last time you worked really hard on something only to have it get ruined in some way? Did you start over and try again, or did you give up entirely? >> I don’t remember. I haven’t put that much effort into anything lately. 19. What are some minor physical discomforts that really bug you (eyelash in your eye, a wedgie, rumpled socks, etc)? >> All of the above, and also dry skin and chapped lips. 20. Are you prone to talking during shows? Does it bother you if other people talk? Is there someone you know with a television-watching style so different to yours that you can’t stand to watch with them? >> I’m not prone to it, necessarily, but if I’m with someone who doesn’t mind it or also does it, then I’ll do it. I can go either way. Except when it’s a show that requires a lot of focus, then I need it to be quiet. And I don’t like watching things with people that just like to make negative commentary like they’re a movie critic or something. 21. Are you ever afraid to admit to liking something because you’re afraid other people will judge you for it? What is the worst that’s ever happened as a result of you liking something different from the crowd? What about the best thing that’s come as a result of a unique interest? >> I mean, being judged for things I like has been happening for so long that I’m mostly just used to it. But sometimes if I’m really excited about something, or in a certain mood, I won’t talk about it because if someone says one negative thing I’m going to fucking explode on them, lmao. Let people fucking like things, god damn. I don’t know what the worst thing is, but this is kind of funny in retrospect (but in the moment it was hella aggravating): when I was in high school I was really obsessed with the band Creed, and as we all know, Creed was Nickelback before Nickelback existed as far as popular opinion goes. So on the school bus, the kids at the back of the bus would sing that song Higher in the most exaggerated voices possible to heckle me. SMH. 22. If someone judges you, are you more inclined to react defensively, offensively, or indifferently? Do you often judge other people in an overt way, or do you keep most of your judgments to yourself? >> I’m either defensive or indifferent depending on what mood I’m already in and who the person is. I actually make an effort not to judge what other people are into or what kind of people they are, because I feel like it’s an improper and rude way for me to spend my time. Also, Golden Rule. 23. What kind of image, if any, do you hope you project to the world? Like, what qualities do you hope other people are able to see in you? Do you ever feel like you’re coming across all wrong? >> I don’t know what kind of image I want to project. I’m not sure I care about that as much as I care about being valuable to individuals that I want to be valuable to. And one person might value one thing about me while another person might value a completely different thing, so I can’t just pick a trait or two and say “these are the valuable traits”. It’s all relative. And yeah, I feel like my intentions and my actions don’t match up a whole lot, mostly because of the 5966589 layers of trauma-based behaviour I’m operating through. But, you know. It be like that. 24. When was the last time you felt like someone was completely misunderstanding your feelings or intentions? Were you eventually able to explain and clarify? How do you react when you feel seriously misunderstood? >> Constantly, lmao. I don’t remember the last specific example, though. Sometimes I get an opportunity to explain and clarify, but honestly, a lot of the times I don’t even bother because I assume the person either doesn’t care or won’t understand. I usually shut down or withdraw when I feel intensely misunderstood. 25. Have you ever remained good friends with an ex? >> I tried it, it didn’t work. Only with Anubis, who I only dated for like a month and a half anyway. 26. What was the last reason you decided you didn’t want to do something? >> Probably poor executive function, as usual. Or low confidence. 27. What is something about you that makes you feel very different from other people (and I don’t mean like a food preference like pineapple on pizza, i mean core level different, where you can’t find this quality in many others)? >> You know, I’m not sure. Because I do feel intensely alienated and not at all like other people sometimes, but all my traits and experiences taken individually are traits and experiences I’ve seen elsewhere. I know other people who have shared consciousnesses, and even people who interact with their inworlders similarly to how I interact with mine. I know that my terribly broken attachment style and inability to connect is not uncommon, especially among other people who were also emotionally neglected as children. And I know that the feeling of alienation, of feeling Very Different from others, is equally common -- many of us feel that way, and we all have well-worked-out justifications for that feeling. But, really? I really believe that’s just part of being alive and sapient. And it’s a foundation for art -- trying to find a means to connect with someone, anyone, when we don’t feel like it’s ever going to be possible. 28. Do you have a negative view of mentally ill people, or are you mentally ill yourself? Do you ever call others crazy, insane, etc? Do you ever call yourself those things? >> I don’t have a negative view of mentally-ill people, although I unfortunately am often driven to have a negative view of myself for being mentally-ill. Stupid brains. I do call myself crazy and insane but “mad” is actually my preferred adjective. I try not to use those terms for others unless they’re explicitly okay with it and I’m fucking around with them or something (which is still an iffy thing, but you know). 29. What is one way you often put yourself down? What is one compliment you often give yourself? Do you think you compliment or insult yourself more? >> I put myself down about being an intensely lonely and vulnerable person, because that makes total sense, right? SMH. I also put myself down for being sensitive to noise and light and all that other stuff that I really can’t control even though I wish I could. And for other random shit that I can’t remember just now. I don’t usually compliment myself a lot, but Can Calah does that work for me, which is one reason why I’m intensely grateful for him -- someone’s gotta do it in order to teach me how to do it to myself, and he seems more than up for the task. It’s a pretty common thing inworld -- I berate myself for something, and he counters with impeccable logic and compassion. Never fails. 30. Does it bother you to have people comment on what you’re eating, or do you not care? What are some comments that would bother you, if any? Do you ever comment on what other people are eating or make assumptions about their intakes? >> People don’t usually comment on what I’m eating. I’m not even sure what someone could say that would bother me -- maybe making fun of me for not cooking full meals all the time, or something, in which case fuck right off. I don’t comment on what other people eat, that’s none of my business and I actually don’t even fucking care. Eat whatever you like, it’s your life and your body and your business.
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prixmiumarchive · 6 years
I saw a post about The Hunger Games movies earlier that I pretty much agreed with in terms of their hyper-representation of white people, their lack of attention to the culturally resonant implications of systemic and racist violence, and so on. Basically, it was praising the books and juxtaposing them with the movies as being vastly inferior products because they shaved off all the rough edges to create a much less complex narrative that focused more on the romantic relationship than the societal implications. And all that is well and good. I am waiting for my good Hunger Games Netflix or Hulu series well into  old age. However, I just wanted to say something from my personal experience of The Hunger Games fandom to sort of counter this particular post politely without tacking onto someone else’s viewpoint in a rude way, which is why I’m making my own post.
I got into The Hunger Games back in very late 2011 because I had learned that Jennifer Lawrence was going to be in it. This was on the coattails of my being hyper-obsessed with X-Men: First Class, and this had been my first exposure to Jennifer Lawrence. My first exposure to the name of The Hunger Games series, on the other hand, were meme text posts that were going around when I first joined tumblr in 2011 that were joking about not knowing what “The Hunger Games” were or not having read them. Anyway, basically what happened was that I learned that Jennifer Lawrence was going to be in The Hunger Games movie, and I had enjoyed her in XMFC, and at the time I had a relationship with fandom where I might actually choose to follow and actor or actress’s body of work much more easily than I would now (in fact this is because of THG fandom).
Anyway, I picked up the book and read the back of it and became very excited about the fact that The Hunger Games was set in Appalachia. This was really exciting to me, and because of my own background in Appalachia I always read Katniss as Melungeon. There was a time, early in my experience in that fandom, when I would have died on that hill. Then I realized how sorely underrepresented indigenous peoples are, so while my brain still defaults to Melungeon, I am 100% in support of indigenous Katniss, too. I’m just sharing this for full disclosure, especially if anyone goes back in my THG tags which haven’t been active in a long while even though I still like the story itself in concept. Back to original point, I was excited about a heroine coming from my part of the world in a post-apcoalyptic setting because I tend to think of the south, particularly my part of it, as being kind of erased in fiction and so on.
By the time it became 2012, I had read the first book and was disappointingly convinced that Jennifer Lawrence was a poor casting choice for Katniss. I didn’t really have anyone better in mind off the top of my head, but cornfed, big-boned Jennifer Lawrence was more Glimmer than Katniss. However, I was still willing to watch the movie because i was so excited to have a movie of this thing I had come to love so much, and at the time the only things I knew about Jennifer Lawrence were things about how skilled she was for someone who was within a few months of my age. I was also excited about Josh Hutcherson as Peeta, which is still one of the only casting choices I’m happy with in retrospect.
The point of this post, however, is actually a little word of caution against giving the books too much credit because of their author Suzanne Collins. Now, this is not to say that she did not craft a story that is very meaningful to some people and that perhaps she did not execute her intent with more finesse in certain areas than she was consciously aware of. That happens sometimes, even incidentally. She might have even been aware of her intent and finesse while she was writing the books. That does not account for what happened during the casting and production of the first Hunger Games film, though.
I gobbled up anything I could get my hands on that was about the movie production, the casting, the cast itself, the process behind bringing these books to life. I still have several of the Scholastic tie-in books that I compulsively bought. I bought all the Capitol-based merch being fully aware of how creepy it was. I had a Hunger Games lanyard for years. I was so, so excited about everything. And as I mentioned, the downfall of The Hunger Games behind the scenes stuff and cast and so on in terms of my adoring-respect is one of the main reasons that I don’t actually follow the celebrity behind media I like for the most part now.
While I was doing this, I distinctly remember reading a magazine while walking through Walmart with my mother on a break from college. I cannot remember specifically what the title was except I think it was sort of a special publication, Hunger Games-specific magazine. I can’t quote it directly for you anymore. However, I want you all to be aware that Suzanne Collins actually got a lot more say in casting The Hunger Games movies than most book authors ever get.
In most cases, book authors sell the film rights to their books, and then they are as helpless and waiting with bated breath as the readers/fans of their books are. However, Gary Ross was kind of known as an odd, hands-on director. There are aspects of the unpolished aesthetic of the first film, particularly in District 12, that are far more fitting from the Asheville sets than from the Atlanta ones of the later films, and this is probably greatly owing to Ross’s ~directorial vision~. One of the main reasons they switched directors pretty much immediately after the first film’s success was because Ross wanted to work on a much longer time frame to get the other three movies “right” than the studio wanted to grant him on the coattails of commercial success and 20-something, aging actors playing teenagers.
Ross and Collins were both directly involved in helping with the casting direction. I remember very clearly reading that Collins said that she would have hired Josh Hutcherson to play Peeta had he been a purple dragon with six-foot wings or some description of this nature. Basically, she was saying that his “inner spirit” and understanding of the character was right to the point that it did not matter if he looked like Peeta, let alone even human, to play the role. Now, this might be a nice enough thing to say about Josh Hutcherson when there is absolutely no reason to believe that Peeta can’t be a white, blond boy. However, I think that it is really telling about Collins’s overall approach and attitude toward her allowed input on the casting of the films.
I am a white person. I have never been a published author, a director, or a casting director. Saying that, I think that the casting of The Hunger Games shows a very, very white attitude toward “color blindness” and mixed race people of color in particular. I just kind of want to bullet point a couple of things that I infer kind of must have gone on in Collins’ mind / that go on in some white authors’/creators’ minds unless they examine their own privilege and attitudes about race:
The Hunger Games books literally never once use a word that indicates a current, modern race or ethnic identification.
However, there does seem to be a fair amount of racial segregation between the districts with one or two ethnic or racial groups being typical of each one rather than a lot of diversity.
It was fanon in the pre-movie book fandom that Wiress and Beetee were probably of Southeast Asian appearance because Katniss observes that they have “ashen skin and black hair.” This itself might have been symptomatic of a racism or stereotyping either on the part of the fandom or the text because Beetee and Wiress are from the “technology district” (District 3). I wonder what stereotype that could be, hm. In the films, they are portrayed by a white woman and a black man respectively.
Cinna does not have any particular descriptions about his skin color that I recall. They cast Lenny Kravtiz and I liked this casting choice. However, if you go back and watch The Hunger Games films, you might notice that there is a conspicuous lack of any diversity beyond having white actors and black actors. It was good that they did cast black actors in a few notable roles, I have no doubt, but in my gut I always got this sense that it was a kind of “look at us, we’re being diverse!” rather than an actual attempt to reflect the diversity that was clearly suggested in the text.
Again, Collins said she would have hired Hutcherson had he been a purple dragon.
Collins also said that she had absolutely 0 doubts about Lawrence’s casting as Katniss. I believe that I did once read someone asking her about Katniss’s appearance being described as significantly different from Lawrence, and as I recall, Collins suggested that perhaps there simply were no actresses who looked the way she imagined Katniss to look while the casting call literally only called for white women.
Collins also said in an interview once that she based The Hunger Games concept on her emotional dissonance flipping between channels and finding things like American Idol on while there was coverage of the Iraq War on another station. I’m not saying it’s unfair to give her some credit for having compassion for the child survivors in war-torn areas. However, I might also suggest that anything she has said since about 2011-2012 about it might be kind of her building on a previous thought that she did not necessarily have before other people prompted her thinking. At the time, though, she was saying that it was very much a kind of not-very-thoroughly-researched reaction to popular culture and current events. Now, if she’s grown about it, that’s great, but I’m just saying in terms of this discussion of the movie vs. film quality and diversity thing.
From my understanding, Collins had little to do with the production of the films after the first, but Ross did call on her opinion and input frequently during all stages of the production of the first film.
All of this is getting around to me saying that I think there is a thing that some white people do to imagine a post-racial utopia (or even dystopia, in this case) where racial descriptions and ethnic divides have fallen by the wayside. It’s sort of horrifying, but The Hunger Games to me almost presents a scenario in which the spirit of it might be read to suggest that ethnic identity no longer really exists having been supplanted by District identity. In District 12, there are those who live in the Seam and those who are a part of the “small merchant class.” There are physical descriptions but never identifying words that we recognize. (Collins, as a note, played with this a lot; there was actually a glaring inconsistency where Katniss didn’t know what a monkey was called in one of the later books when she did in the first one, or something.)
Collins, in her public statements around the time she was having an influence on the direction and shape of the films-of-her-books, seemed to suggest that the people who lived in the Seam were the result of racial mixing of some form or another. She also seemed to suggest that they would not be identifiable by any term that we currently have. The Seam residents were imagined as the ultimate, isolated conclusion to a “melting pot” in which varied ethnic identification washed away which is one of the very specific reasons that I originally identified Katniss as a Melungeon in my personal reading. However, to Collins, it seems as if she imagines these post-ethnic people as something mythical and futuristic, like a future evolution of human beings or a fantasy creature like an elf (or a purple dragon!). Collins’s personal responses always read, to me, as being completely oblivious to the very idea that she had extrapolated that maybe someone like Katniss actually did exist in the very area which District 12 was supposedly based on to this very day and that this was not a once-and-future kind of reality that no longer existed in present-day America.
Tl;dr I really like The Hunger Games, and I hope I’m not stepping way out of my lane to talk about this as a white reader. However, I wanted to talk again after all this time about how yes, the movies erase a lot of the things that make the books meaningful (political and social implications, representation of diversity and disability and so on), but suggesting that the books innately present something a lot better and richer has a little to do with Collins. On the other hand, I suggest that there is a little bit of death of the author involved in your wonderful readings of this text because Collins herself seems to have directly refuted some of the nice things you might have to say about authorial intent in terms of diversity and representation.
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kirbydevpostarchive · 6 years
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HAL Laboratory イシダHAL_Laboratory 12/02/2016 4:16 AM Good to see everyone again! The time has finally come to reveal the winners of the drawing category of the "Kirby: Planet Robobot Drawing and Screenshot Challenge"! We'll get to revealing the artwork soon, but first, the director of the game, Mr Kumazaki, would like to say something!
クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:19 AM Hello everyone, Shinya Kumazaki here. I just want to say that it was a really enjoyable experience to look through all of your wonderful entries. It was obvious how much effort and enthusiasm went into each one. Thank you for sending in your work!
イシダ 12/02/2016 4:21 AM Then let's begin from the Platinum Prize. Take it away, Mr Kumazaki!
クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:24 AM Our Platinum Prize goes to… Kowal! Meta Knight plays a big part in this game, so we received a lot of entries featuring him, but Kowal's work really showcases his speed. It's also very well executed at a difficult angle. That white mask with the black cross cut into it looks particularly cool. Speaking of Galacta Knight, we came up with him back when we were working on Kirby Super Star Ultra because we wanted to create an ultimate enemy for Meta Knight. We gave him an angelic, godlike look to contrast with Meta Knight's bat-like wings. That was a while ago! Congratulations, Kowal!
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イシダ 12/02/2016 4:26 AM Wow, what an intense image. It really makes you want to see how that showdown went! Next up is our Gold Prize.
クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:29 AM I'm happy to say that kirby! has earned our Gold Prize! All of the submissions kirby! made showed a high level of quality with their use of clean lines. And they all featured Labotories having fun, so I could see kirby! has a lot of affection for this character! Incidentally, Labotories are in charge of researching and developing weapons and such in the Haltmann Works Co.'s laboratory towers. They're the hardworking citizens of another planet, hired by the Haltmann Works Co. and every morning they sing the company song from the bottom of their hearts. Congratulations, kirby!
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イシダ 12/02/2016 4:31 AM Wow, I didn't know they had that much backstory! They always seem so happily busy, don't they? Oh, Kirby's in there too! I hope they all get along. Well, now it's time for the Silver Prize winners - and there are two of these.
クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:34 AM The first Silver Prize goes to ななし! This drawing features some incredible background work - even though it's all in black and white, you can really feel the blue sky and white clouds. The sunlight on the Robobot Armour in Jet Mode is fantastic, too.
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:36 AM Silver Prize number 2 goes to アンテラ! アンテラ's work gives us a unique perspective. Lots of entries focused on the final boss and iconic scenes, so to see Circus Kirby reflected in one of the giant balls of Resolution Road was a really nice idea.
Congratulations, ななし and アンテラ!
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イシダ 12/02/2016 4:38 AM Both of those entries were drawn so nicely - I especially like Kirby's expressions in them! Next we have the Bronze Prize, with five winners.
クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:40 AM The first Bronze Prize winner is yucky♪! At a glance, this looks like a fairly ordinary picture of Kirby, but look closer and you'll see it seems to be from the perspective of the Robobot Armour. Could this be one of the last pieces of data left in the Robobot Armour's fading memory banks as it floats in space after everything is over? If you think about it like that, it brings a tear to your eye... Just heartbreaking!
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:42 AM Our second Bronze Prize goes to てるや! This is a particularly dynamic Robobot Armour, and what puts it over the top is the screen-shattering punch! It also sparked my imagination - is the Robobot Armour punching the camera itself, or maybe the monitor of an enemy robot?
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:45 AM Our third Bronze Prize goes to key! This might look like a normal picture of Mirror Kirby, but it's actually showing off the old and new hat designs, which I thought was a unique touch. About that hat design - in older titles, due to issues with things like storage capacity, we often had to use the same hat design for multiple Copy Abilities, only changing the colour. So the original Mirror hat was a colour variation of the Beam hat. But when we brought it back for this game after a long absence, we gave it a big makeover to make it more unique and easier to differentiate.
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:47 AM The fourth Bronze Prize goes to rH! This is Dark Matter's true form, that you only get to glimpse for an instant in this game. This was a submission from outside Japan but the artist's use of Japanese characters really draws the eye. You can tell that rH is a real fan of the character.
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:48 AM Our fifth Bronze Prize goes to Shira! These Dedede Clones have such rich expressions. Their faces really give you a sense that they were formed from pure innocent destructiveness extracted from King Dedede's heart.
Congratulations, yucky♪, てるや, key, rH and Shira!
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イシダ 12/02/2016 4:50 AM Right, last up in the drawing category is a set of special awards we're calling the Secret Kumazaki Faves! We have three to give out. Mr Kumazaki, if you'll do the honours?
クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:52 AM I chose these entries based on ideas that made me go "Wow!" The first Secret Kumazaki Fave goes to Lady!
Lady's picture really captures the goings-on "behind the scenes" of the game! After the Haltmann Works Co. destroys King Dedede's castle, the repair works get underway in this refreshing picture. And King Dedede has even taken off his crown! I never expected someone to try depicting that... Together with his clothes, it all makes for a very original image. As for his true hairstyle, maybe you'll get to see that one day...
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:54 AM Secret Kumazaki Fave number 2 goes to クリームロール!
All of クリームロール's entries were very technically accomplished, but this was the one where I felt the concept really shone through. The pixel art in the centre seems to evoke a simpler time when Meta Knight was still himself. And the lines and dots at the bottom of the image are actually a message in Morse code! It says S, O... Ah, but I shouldn't spoil the fun. I'm sure you can work it out for yourselves! There are plenty of fun little things like this hidden in Planet Robobot as well, so if you want, you can go back and try to find them all.
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クマザキ 12/02/2016 4:57 AM The final Secret Kumazaki Fave goes to ラリアット!
ラリアット's entry shows Meta Knight, ready for battle, reflected in Dark Matter's sword, and it's a really fantastic image. The heavy use of black gives it a chic look, and the portrayal of the characters is very nicely done. Incidentally, you may have noticed that in this game, Dark Matter's sword shines with a rainbow light. This light is materialised from Dark Matter's memories of the Rainbow Sword that he faced in Kirby's Dream Land 2. Those memories must have been included in the original data used to create the clone. Just like how in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, King Dedede faced Dark Meta Knight for the first time ever, in this game Meta Knight faces off against a version of Dark Matter for the first time. So Dark Matter must have sensed that Meta Knight's powers were truly formidable, and materialised the power of the Rainbow Sword to counter him. Seeing two expert swordsmen face off against each other is always a thrilling experience!
Congratulations, Lady, クリームロール and ラリアット!
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イシダ 12/02/2016 4:59 AM And that's the end of the drawing category of our "Kirby: Planet Robobot Drawing and Screenshot Challenge". We'd like to thank everyone who entered! Don't forget, though, we still have the screenshot category of the contest to go! We received a lot of entries worldwide for this contest, so it'll take us some time to select our favourites. We know a lot of people are excited, but please wait a little longer for the results!
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Can you do the ship meme for Jane x anyone you want?
1.Whois the most affectionate?:
Likeall the other times I’ve mentioned her, Mal has been constantlydrilled that showing any sort of affection or care for other peopleis the worst kind of weakness you can ever show, and the scarsand traumas of Maleficent’s shitty parenting take a LONG while toheal.
2.Bigspoon/Little spoon?:
Malis big spoon, Jane is little spoon.
Asidefrom the fact that Mal starts naturally producing dragon fire and iswarm and cozy to snuggle up to at night, Mal feels much morecomfortable being the “protector” of the two, and Jane is morethan happy to have someone beside her to fend off the anxieties andnightmares.
3.Mostcommon argument?:
Whetheror not to do something in public.
Janeslowly loses her social anxieties as evidenced by her becoming partof the cheerleading squad and having her face out rather than hiddenin the Fighting Knight part of the school mascot, but she’s stillVERY reluctant to do many things where people can see her and judgeher, even if most people really couldn’t care.
Itdoesn’t really help that, willingly or not, Mal becomes one of themost public faces for VK reform in Auradon, along with her artneeding publicity and attention from the media to actually turn aprofit.
4.Favoritenon-sexual activity?:
Youwould think it’s Jane braiding and styling Mal’s hair, you’d bewrong.
Withthis specific pair, it’s actually hanging in just their underwearin Jane’s room, and eventually, their own brownstone apartment thatthey have all to themselves. Jane has suffered a lot of socialanxieties and expectations foisted upon her, not the least of whichwas the conservative ideals of Auradon that says that even in theprivacy of your room, you should be decent should someone happen tocome by for a chat.
It’sa form of rebellion for her to be this free and shameless about hersexuality and her body, long sources of shame and distress for her asAuradon has very little room for experimentation, expression, orfreedom in general.
“Ican dance in just my underwear, and I don’t ever feel like there’sinvisible eyes watching me! It’s great!”
Malhas a different brand of issues, in that the public takes greatoffense to whenever she is “daring” or “VK” here in Auradon,and it has bred an even stronger distaste in her for theirconservative values. Also, you couldn’t really walk around in yourunderwear in the Isle, if you had the choice—“it’s cold, it’sgrimy, and there’s PLENTY of things you do NOT want to step inwithout a slipper, at the least.”
Onan incidental note, this is why the two of them get rather hot andbothered when in the presence of silly print panties, particularlystyles similar to the ones they already own.
AndYES, Mal still has the green baby dragon print panties. Jane’s iswhite with baby blue “bow tie butterflies.”
5.Whois most likely to carry the other?:
Mal,with Jane.
Thereare many days where Jane just doesn’t want to do anything anymore,and Mal makes it a point that her girlfriend gets home safely or tosomewhere she can rest and recharge where there isn’t noise,people, or inquisitive reporters bothering her.
6.Whatis their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
Mal’seyes are an endless source of fascination for Jane. She really likesthe draconic quality they can take when she’s angry or excited, andthat she can read so much of her emotions and feelings from her eyes,not that that means much because Jane has fairy empathy and can tellexactly what she feels at any moment.
Onthe flipside, Mal finds herself REALLY into Jane’s body, becauseshe’s been so conservative and reserved about it, and now thatshe’s willingly and subtly changing it into something less “basic”and much more shapely, curvy, and full-figured (like a younger,sexier version of Fairy Godmother’s original form and her currentshape), she finds herself frequently accidentally setting things onfire when jets of flame shoot out of her nostrils when her internaltemperature gets too much.
Beforeyou ask, Jane has mastered basic fire suppression magic, and takes itas the clearest sign that the outfit or look is a “Yes, please.”
7.What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings forthe other?:
Maland Jane are both incredibly socially awkward and avoidant when itcomes to this thing called “feelings,” and probably spend a longwhile trying to intentionally avoid each other, and accidentally runinto each other because they both happen to figure out “What’sthe least likely place I’m going to run into Jane/Mal?”, gothere, and irony runs its course.
It’seven worse that they now they can’t use the “I just so happenedto be at our usual haunts at the same time as you” excuse becausethere’s really no reason Jane nor Mal would ever be at a make-upstore without Evie helping them navigate and fend off the, ah,‘highly enthusiastic’ store clerks and product reps.
8.Nicknames?& if so, how did they originate?:
Mal’sare “My Little Space Heater” after said internal dragon firedevelops thanks to magic exposure, “Blaze” because she keepsaccidentally setting things on fire whenever she’s turned on, and“Vi” as in “violet,” one of her many preferred shades ofpurple.
Jane’sare “Bo” as in bow tie because of Jane’s preference for them,“Mom” used jokingly whenever she’s scolding Mal or trying toget her to act more mature, and “Mistress” when they’re gettingkinky.
9.Whoworries the most?:
Malis no calm, collected, and anxiety-free individual herself, but Janeis just the much more severe train wreck.
10.Whoremembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?:
Jane,by virtue of infallible fairy memory.
12.Whoinitiates kisses?:
Again,Mal is awkward about asking for physical intimacy and kisses, letalone initiating them, so Jane just preemptively showers her withlove.
13.Whoreaches for the other’s hand first?:
Shedecides to be more daring with Mal, because she’s got limited timeto make a move on her (284 years at the least, give or take), andbecause she tires of the game of avoidance and awkward coincidencesthat happen after they first realize they’re gay for each other.
14.Whokisses the hardest?:
Initiatingkisses? Terrible at it. Getting going once they’re actually firedup? There is very literal smoke when they break away, and possiblysinge marks to the beginnings of raging fires on nearby surfaces andflammable objects.
15.Whowakes up first?:
Mal,caveat that Jane never really sleeps.
16.Whowants to stay in bed just a little longer?:
Outsideof her room is where all her anxieties live.
17.Whosays I love you first?:
Jane,with the caveat that it was said far too fast for Mal to understand,before the incident for questions 29-30 happen.
18.Wholeaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does itusually say?):
19.Whotells their family/friends about their relationship first?:
Mal,because Jane is evasive and unwilling to open up to Fairy Godmothergiven how terrible all the other times went. It was also REALLY easyfor Mal to talk to a sentient lizard in a terrarium incapable ofspeaking, and just tell her friends that she’s dating a differentAK.
Again,it’s no surprise for VKs to hear that someone’s with someone newall of a sudden, and Mal was already the precedent for dating acrossthe culture line.
20.Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?:
Maleficentis disappointed as usual that her daughter has been fully purified bythe Auradonians, fallen in “true love” twice, and is evenmore a disappointment to her for the rest of all of eternity.
FairyGodmother is of two minds about this, because Jane is unquestionablyhappier and more confident, but she’s also becoming muchmore daring, scandalous, and adventurous in her daily life. It’skind of like FG’s the highly conservative single mother raising agood, rule-abiding, and decent child, who is now dating a girl whowears tattoos and leather jackets with pride, frequently breaks thelaw either intentionally or as a consequence of the trouble that isattracted to her like a super-powered magnet, and smokes—both inthe “dragon fire” sense, and the “weird and wonderful world ofrecreational drugs” sense.
AsI said, the VKs are non-plussed about it: Mal has already definedherself as the kind that consorts with the AKs after her famousrelationship with Ben, and again, they haven’t really cared muchabout other people’s relationships unless it enables or preventsthem from getting what they want or need day-to-day.
TheAKs are rather surprised that Jane would be dating Mal, of allpeople, and it throws all of their preconceptions about Jane for aloop, especially once they catch word of all the new things she’sdoing with her newfound confidence and girlfriend.
“HaveI really changed? Am I being corrupted? Or was I always like this,it’s just that I always pushed this side of me away? Whatever thecase, this is who I am now, and this is who I will be for theforeseeable future, because I like this me, and if you don’t?
“Well,you can just go fuck yourself! … Oh my gosh—I’m so sorry Icursed! But yeah, my point still stands...”
21.Whois more likely to start dancing with the other?:
Inprivate, Jane.
She’salways had a habit of dancing to songs on the radio or from theinternet when she’s alone in her room and there’s really nothingbetter to do.
Mal.Aside from the one that she’s always taking the lead due topersonality and the difference in heights between them, she’s theone who’s not paralyzed by the thought of so many people seeing herdo something like dancing.
“Justfocus on me, okay?” Mal says, Jane does, and the just have fun onthe dance floor.
22.Whocooks more/who is better at cooking?:
She’shad vastly more experience, and for Mal, “cooking was never reallya thing unless you were trying to roast a rat to make it tastesomewhat better, or get rid of poisonous bits neutralized by fire.”
23.Whocomes up with cheesy pick up lines?:
Jane,surprisingly enough.
“DoI smell smoke?” is frequently used whenever she’s sending naughtySnapchats or intentionally riling Mal up.
24.Whowhispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear duringinappropriate times?:
She’ssteadily becoming more daring and confident now that she realizesthat Auradon’s conservative standards are a choice, not theonly “right” way to be in this world. She’s still frequentlynervous when she does it, and it’s very rare, but HOO DAMNdoes it catch Mal off-guard.
“It’slike a tiny adorable kitten just staring up at you with big, wideeyes, and going ‘Fuck you!’ it just can’t not throw youoff!”
25.Whoneeds more assurance?:
Jane,once again.
It’swhy Mal is always there to hold her while she’s seated in her lap,remind her that she’s stronger than she thinks she is, much morethan her appearance, and that she’s always going to be there forher.
26.Whatwould be their theme song?:
“BodyImage” by Tupperware Remix Party.
“Weare as beautiful as our flaws.”
27.Whowould sing to their child back to sleep?:
Shehas the nicer singing voice, Jane thinks, and it’s good practicefor her to start being more comfortable with the idea of openlyshowing affection and vulnerability to another person.
28.Whatdo they do when they’re away from each other?:
Malhangs out with her friends, goes to “underground” events byherself or with her VK/more adventureous AK friends, and of course,works solo on her art, her preferred past time now that she doesn’tprioritize “being Evil.”
Janeplays video games, reads, does her other hobbies like cooking andgardening, explores nature, and practices her magic discretely.
29.oneheadcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart:
Jane’sconfession to Mal was during one of their twice monthly hang-outs inher room, practicing magic on the down-low as the ban was still ineffect at the time. Since Mal gave up her spellbook after the eventsof “Rise of the Isle of the Lost,” the two have resorted to goingaround looking for scraps of spells and old magical tomes, Jane beingthe better of the two because she is used to scouring dusty, mustylibraries for something new to read, and knows exactly where shehasn’t looked before.
Janetells Mal that she stumbled upon a very interesting, high-levelspell, a rarity considering so many of them are very tightly sealed,and leaks like this (by conspiracy or accident) were a rarity. “It’sa time-stop spell: freezes the entire world except you, so you’refree to do whatever you like as long as it’s in effect.”
Janeclarifies that at their experience and power levels, neither of themcan do more than just two-four seconds of frozen time, and the effectis just on their surrounding area—say, the size of Jane’s rathersmall room—but Mal is excited nonetheless.
Malarrives that Saturday at Janes’ room. The curtains are drawn, thedoor is locked, and they make sure that the nearly deserted hallsleading to it aren’t about to have anyone even passing by anytimesoon. They crack open Jane’s copy and notes of the spell, and startreading it, deciphering the missing pieces, and how to actually castthe damn thing.
Fictionmakes magic look so easy, but the spells are actually like “one-pressapps”: a collection of numerous interlocking, smaller spells andparameters and effects that have been collected, compiled, and givenan easy “key” so the magician doesn’t need to cast every singleone of those enchantments individually.
BecauseJane was the one to find such a treasure, she gets the honour oftrying to cast it first, and she does.
Toher surprise, it works—the world is completely frozen around her,everything from her furniture, the walls and the floors, and Malherself in an odd, baby blue hue like Jane’s magic. She’sobviously giddy that she managed such a powerful spell, instinctivelytelling Mal that it worked, before she realizes that she can’treact to or do anything in her current state.
Andthen an idea pops into Jane’s mind, a fleeting thought she’d beenpushing away several times, something she’d been reminding herselfthat she could not do because of the consequences, because it was notthe Right thing to do, but kept worming its way back to Jane’s mindover and over again, persistently clawing and fighting till it’s atthe very front and unavoidable.
Shehesitates for a moment, before she darts forward and kisses Mal onthe lips.
Becauseof her unique brain structure and how fast it can process everything,all of the debating, the pushing back, and the committing to adecision takes less than a second. Moving faster than she normallydoes, pressing her lips against Mal’s takes another. Registeringand enjoying the sensation of kissing Mal—lips scarred and chappedand not quite healed, with a hardness and roughness you just didn’tfind here in sunny and upper class Auradon Prep—and of finallyfinding an answer to the question of she would enjoy it (she does)takes two.
Andwith that, the haze is sucked back into Jane in a snap, and Mal isabout to open her mouth and ask if it worked before she realizesthere’s a pair of soft andquivering lipson hers that definitelyisn’t from anyone she’s ever kissed before.
Janeslowly opens her eyes, and when they notice Mal’s looking straightback at her, they shoot wide open. She pulls back so quickly shefalls onto her back, crawls away on her hands and feet.
Malblinks. “Jane…?” she asks.
Janecan’t stop time again, not with all these alarming thoughts andpredictions for the future and realizations about the full gravity ofher mistake bearing down on her. But, with the inhuman speeds she’scapable of, she can disappear into her closet before Mal is evenaware that she’s moved.
Malblinks again. “Jane!” she cries as she scrambles up.
Janeis inside her closet, moving aside boxes, old props, and schoolprojects, before she opens up one of the secret tunnels leading outof her room, a remnant of Auradon Prep from when it was a Duke’s“summer castle” that had escaped the filling and collapsingefforts. She hears Mal banging on the door outside, she pulls openthe hatch, crawls in, and shuts it behind her just as quickly.
Malputs her foot to the door, trying to kick it down, but the solidlybuilt, ancient hardwood isn’t the rotten and pest-infested planksshe’s used to. She curses under her breath as she scours her memoryfor an unlocking spell, before she just decides to go with theeasier, more direct approach:
Thelock flies out, and crashes to the floor with a noisy clang. Theforce of the blast knocks over much of Jane’s stuff, making itcollapse over the secret tunnel and hiding her escape. Mal runs intoher walk-in closet, looks around, and starts digging through all herbelongings, trying to find where someone like her can squeeze in.
“Jane?”Mal asks as she searches. “Jane! Jane, where are you…?”
Insidethe tunnel, Jane cowers and hides, holding her breath for as long asit takes for Mal to give up and leave, ignoring the creepy crawlies,the dust, the fungus, and what else has found its way into this longabandoned tunnel in who knows how long.
Unfortunately,there’s no ignoring the voice in her head, quietly whispering thesame words over and over again, a familiar tune from her “childhood”:
“Youfucked up, you fucked up, you fucked up...”
Malshows up the day after, knocking on her door, asking if she’s homeevery once in a while, sending her texts and attempting to call her,but Jane just holds her breath again, pretends she’s not in, turnedoff her phone so her ringtone or the vibration of it on anythingwouldn’t give her away.
Becauseof her history with numerous social anxieties, she’s allowed totake attend her classes remotely, submitting homework, make-uprecitations, and attendance activities, even if her teachersencourage her to please come back to class, and her other friendssometimes drop by with her homework and group projects, rather thansending her digital copies.
Allthey really can do is just slid it under the door, or leave itoutside, wait for Jane to have it sent to them by all manner of meansthat don’t require her to show up in person—one of Carlos’flying drone projects, discretely teleporting them into her room, orenlisting the help of woodland creatures to whisk them away for her.
Theonly time she really does leave her room is when it’s time for hermonthly dinner with Fairy Godmother, falling on a Wednesday as usual.
Asyou might expect, FG is a very busy woman, being personallyresponsible for the supervision, growth, and development of most ofthe children of most of the monarchs in Auradon, who will becomefuture Kings and Queens themselves. It hasn’t left much time forher to attend to Jane, to say the least, but she made it a point toalways have certain times of the year and out of every month tocompletely, fully devote to Jane, where nothing short of arealm-threatening disaster can take her attention away.
Asmuch as Jane appreciates the thought and the spirit of it, however,like everything with her mother, it’s a mixed bag.
“So,I heard you haven’t been showing up to your classes again...”Fairy Godmother starts after that night’s dinner has beenserved—Chinese style steamed vegetable wraps.
“...”Jane idly picks up her chopsticks, her face cast down at her plate.
“Doyou want to talk about it?” Fairy Godmother asks.
“...”Jane pauses for a moment, her chopsticks held up in the air, beforeshe shakes her head, still not looking at FG.
FairyGodmother sighs. “Jane… I’ll admit I haven’t been the bestmother to you, especially now that all your friends are teens andyou’re all going through an incredibly rough period in yourlives—and that’s without the VKs.
“Butplease, could you confide in me whatever it is that you’re goingthrough right now? I can’t magic it away like I used to, but thatdoesn’t mean I’m completely helpless to help you!”
“Yesyou are,” Jane thinks to herself, while she says “I canhandle it on my own, mom.”
FairyGodmother sighs. “There’s no shame in asking for help, you know.”
“Iknow...” Jane says as she carefully tears apart a chunk of herwrap, watching the steam pour out of the seam and the vegetablesspill out.
FairyGodmother closes her eyes, and opens them again. “I’ve said itbefore, I’ll say it again: it’s best you tackle problems as soonas you can, because they tend to get worse the longer you wait.”
Janemakes a non-committal sound as she forks it into her mouth—hermother’s cooking is delicious as always, a perk of having eternityto master her domestic skills and twenty years to go all out inpracticing it, but it’s going to take more than good food to makeall these bad feelings go away.
30.oneheadcanon about this OTP that mends it:
Saturdayonce more.
Thelock in Jane’s closet has been put back into place, the damageundone with Carlos’ help and objective, infallible knowledge of theexact look of the paint and wood so not even Fairy Godmother would beany the wiser as to what happened to it, the dislodged contents alsorearranged for good measure.
Thecurtains are open, what sunlight she gets from this secluded part ofthe castle is streaming in, all is quiet and peaceful and no one isaround for miles, just how Jane likes it.
Orrather, how she’s supposed to like it.
Whenthe time rolls around that Mal was supposed to arrive and the two ofthem would practice magic together, Jane is all too aware thatthere’s going to be none of her or that, she feels restless,uneasy, a great gnawing inside of her that just can’t be ignored,and will not be ignored.
Janeis used to discomfort, to anxiety, to worry, but this is on a wholenew level. From years and years of having to feel others emotions,and having to name them and understand them to keep herself fromgoing insane, she knows what this feeling is, the scourge of thosewho were innocent children once, the eternal bane of anyone who hasever lived, the muse of so much of the pop songs and poetry thatAuradon Kids produce:
Itonly takes her mind a split second to comprehend all of this, but ittakes her hours still to take action, wallowing in her pain, suddenlysympathetic to every single person who has ever claimed or shown thatthey simply couldn’t move on. Night falls, and whereas mostpeople’s weekend plans had either come to a close or were about tobegin, Jane has wasted this particular Saturday with the people andthe society she’s known so far in her entire existence doingnothing.
Andat the stroke of eight o’clock in the evening, she finally hasenough and takes action.
Therewill be many more Saturdays for her, for as long as reality existed,but there would be only so many Saturdays she could spend with Mal.
Sheheads out of her room, and proceeds to break a personal rule of hersand a strong suggestion of her mother by going down the halls atinhuman speed, a sudden, mysterious breeze to all she passes by untilshe goes slow enough for mortal eyes just before she reaches Mal andEvie’s door.
There’sa part of her that says that she should just keep on going, make afull circle around the campus before ending back at her room, goingdown the opposite side of the hallway she always took, but there’smuch more of her that’s tired of the inaction.
Evieanswers. She hides her surprise well, but no poker face can match themight of Faerie Empathy. “Jane! Hi! What’s up…?”
“CanI talk to Mal?” Jane replies. “It’s really important.”
Thistime, the facade breaks, if only a little. “She’s out. Probablywon’t be back until past midnight.”
“Oh.”Jane said. “Do you happen to know where she went?”
“Idon’t know exactly, but I’ll bet anything she’s goingtagging,” Evie says.
Janesmiles politely. “Thanks, Evie.” She turns to leave, Evie beginsto close the door.
Janeturns around. Evie opens the door again and holds out her phone.“Carlos made a tracker app for all our phones, so we could findeach other in case of trouble,” she says as she shows her just howto access it. “It’s only got half-a-mile or so of range, but it’sbetter than nothing.”
Janesmiles as she takes it, carefully cradles it in her hand. “Thankyou, Evie. I’ll give it back later!”
“Hurryif you can!” Evie said. “I’ll have to take selfies and vlogswith my webcam till then, and there’s only so many angles and shotsyou can make with that.”
“Iwill!” Jane says, before she leaves once more, Evie’s phonecradled safely in her hands.
Shebreaks a different rule as she heads off, a much more serious onethat could land her in jail, but the Guards were not as keen ondetecting rogue magic use as they were back then, and it’s a simplematter to hide the natural gossamer glow and reflective surface ofher wings as she flies, atop the condos and the parks, past thecorporate headquarters and the shopping complexes, beyond theMcCastles and the nigh identical houses of the suburbs, to theforgotten part of Auradon City, the first district and the first everto die:
Sheflies over old industrial parks with rusting construction equipment,hollowed out factories with boards over the doors and windows andfences around the perimeters, and long-abandoned “affordable”housing with concrete sidewalks cracked, trees long dead if theyweren’t reduced to stumps, and community gardens overgrown andwild.
Thankfully,there are no guards or dogs here, everything of value long salvagedor rotten past usefulness, and whatever technology Carlos had used intheir trackers worked better in the air, where at least one half ofthe signal couldn’t get blocked by the all the inches-thickconcrete and steel everywhere.
Shefound Mal in the middle of spraypainting the side of a warehouse. Theelectricity grid had long decayed and been cut-off by every powercompany in the city aside, but the glow of an LED camping light letMal work and Jane see the design, several paintings in sequence:
Ababy purple dragon, walking along by happily, until it sees a prettybaby blue bowtie butterfly, stares at it in wonder, jumps up into theair, flapping its tiny little wings and hovers beside it for a fewseconds, before it crashes to the ground, right on its tiny scalyface.
Malwas in the middle of blocking out the baby dragon back on the ground,when Jane cleared her throat.
Maljumped, holding up the spraycan like it was a gun, her whole bodytensed and ready for combat, her green eyes narrowed and giving Janethe harshest glare she was capable of. They quickly widened andturned terrified as she recognized who the intruder was.
“Jane?!”Mal sputtered. “How did you--?!”
Janeheld out her hands, Evie’s phone in one of them, the screen turnedout to her. Mal looked surprised, before she slowly, reluctantlyrelaxed her pose.
“… Whatdo you want?” she asked.
“I’msorry,” Jane said. “I’m sorry I took advantage of you andkissed you while you were under the effects of that time stop spell.I know you still probably hate me and don’t want to be friends withme anymore, but I--”
Malheld up her hand. Jane stopped.
“Jane?First up, I don’t hate you for kissing me while I was frozen intime; that’s WAY far from the worst thing anyone’s ever done tome while I was helpless, nor is it something that really rings alarmbells inside my head anymore.  
“Andsecond, I don’t hate you, but I do hate the fact thatyou avoided me like that. I’m the VK here, I’m the onewho’s supposed to be running away from my problems, damn it!”
Janewinces, and hangs her head. “Sorry for that. Again. I promise, nomore running—I want to make things up to you. I want us to befriends again. Or just cool with each other, if that’s as far asyou’ll let me.”
Maltakes a deep breath, and lets it go slowly. “Do you remember thewords for the spell?”
“Ido,” Jane says—it was a trivial task when you couldn’t forgetanything.
Shesays the words to Mal without the deliberate concentration, thechanneling of her magic, or the movements that made bending the lawsof reality as we knew it all the easier, rendering the incantationharmless and inert.
“Thanks,”Mal says, before she raises her hands and quickly casts it.
Whenthe world unfreezes, Jane is suddenly aware of lips pulling away fromher, their owner’s eyes closed.
Malopens her eyes again, none the wiser. “There. Now that’s a coupleof seconds of your life where you don’t know what the helljust happened.”
Janetries to hide her reaction, but she was never one for being subtle.
Malfrowns and blushes. “… Did it not work on you…?”
“Itwore off just as you pulled away...” Jane confesses.
Maltakes in a quick breath through her nose. “Well then. Shit.”
“… Doyou want to try that again—kissing, I mean? Without the time stopspells or the secrecy.”
Malshrugs, uneasy. “I dunno… do you?”
“Yes,I do… so, do you?”
Malthinks for a few seconds. “Yeah. Yeah I do.”
Sothe two of them awkwardly step up to each other, not quite sure whatto do with their hands so they just keep them at their sides as theylean in closer, closing their eyes as soon as they’re sure theirlips are aligned, and for a brief two seconds, the two of them knowwhat it’s like to kiss the hard and scarred mouth of a VK and thesoft and quivering mouth of a nervous wreck of an AK when both sideswere kissing back.
AndJane had to admit, it was way better than that stolen kisswas.
Theybreak away as they hear one of Evie’s ringtones. It’s from anumber neither of them recognize, which is as good a sign as any thatthey need to return to Auradon ASAP. They stay a while to completethe grafitti on the wall, though, with the last of the sequence ofpaintings:
Thedragon, looking sadly at the bowtie butterfly still up in the air.
Itseyes widening in surprise as the butterfly flutters down to itslevel.
Thetwo of them walking off into the distance, side by side, happy ascould be.
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vssoise · 7 years
Island Time
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Island Time
Incidentally, also my excuse for why this blogpost is so late : P (cough) weanne (cough). Haha but for real, my trip to the Maldives was a much needed break from life, and a an awesome experience aside! It all started with planning a trip to the Philippines.... 
 At risk of getting yelled at, I will discontinue that section of this story, and move instead immediately on to my travel companions. Sanjay "rugby is the only real sport" Dasari, and Diya "I do what I want" Anand. Diya and I go way back. She and I used to play together back in 8th grade in Pune, in our group of friends that included my brother, Sanjay, her brother, and some neighbors. Our antics back then probably deserve their own appreciation post but suffice for now to say, we are old and close friends, despite technically having overlapped in that neighborhood for only eight months. We used to play this "refined" version of cops and robbers, where you could use any vehicle you like as well, so long as it didn't have a motor, and you couldn’t hide anywhere. Sanjay was running away from the cops one time, and Diya was trying to catch him. So what does she do? Sanjay is cycling high speed towards Diya, hoping to scare her out of the way and make good his escape, but Diya "I do what I want" Anand, instead of moving, plants her feet, grabs the handlebars of the bike as Sanjay closes in as if she's grabbing a charging bull, and stops him completely! Well, stops the bike completely, at least. Sanjay, on the other hand, found himself flying forward over the handlebars and on his back on the other side of Diya on the ground. 
These kinds of unexpected events is basically what I'd come to expect from a trip involving these two, haha. Sanjay and I have traveled together before, but always as part of the family and our trips together. We had never traveled just the two of us, and I think the Maldives was a start in that direction, in getting my parents used to the idea that it will happen likely more often going forward. My poor dad was already all "can I come?" when we told him about the trip, haha. We're planning Botswana in the near future for the family though, so he doesn't feel like we're doing all our traveling without him :) But point being, Sanjay and I hadn't traveled just the two of us before, so I was excited for the new experience. 
Things started off expectedly: we got to the Maldives (Mala-dweepa is the name of the Maldives in the local languages, including Tamil, and means "garland islands" for the shape of the Maldives), didn’t know where to go, didn’t know where we staying that night, didn’t know where Diya was (she was supposed to pick us up at the airport), and had no way of contacting anyone since we hadn’t purchased a local SIM yet. A+ planning, haha. We spent our first night in Hulhumalé, the attached island to the airport, after forcing ourselves (mostly my still jetlagged self really) to visit Malé island that evening. We wanted to at least do a visit to the capital city before speeding off to our tiny island the next morning. It was good we did too, since we got a feel for the Maldives themselves, walked around the city at night, and I even managed to get some holiday sunglasses and flipflops! The flipflops were purple with pink straps so I will neglect to post them here, but here's a picture of my awesome watermelon sunglasses, haha
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I-could-totally-be-a-model-okay-maybe-a-budget-model sunglasses selfie
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View from our AirBnB apartment in Hulhumalé
The next morning was an experience with Island Time itself. Apparently, and we didn't know this till afterward, the reason all the ferries schedules keep changing is because it depends on the inbound flight schedules, to better facilitate incoming passengers' transit to other islands. We of course didn't know this and arrived promptly at the harbor for our ferry to Malé at 8am, so we could be in time to make our speedboat out of Malé to the island. After an hour of waiting, we finally get our ferry, which leaves at the time our Speedboat was supposed to, get to Malé, and begin waiting for our contact who's going to show us to the speedboat. He of course arrives another hour later, just coz, and then says we're leaving in another hour after that because some other passengers are getting in soon and might as well wait for them. Our 9am speedboat ended up leaving at 1pm, hahaha. From this point on, this kind of set the tone for the trip : P
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The Seaside restaurant at Male’s main port, from where we caught our ferry to Bodufolhudhoo.
Affectionately called Falooda Island by our little tour group (falooda is an indian dessert made with sweet milk and jelly), the resort we were staying at was on this island so small that we could walk the entirety of the perimeter in under 15 minutes. At some points standing in the middle of the city island you could look in all four directions and see ocean, hahaha. I believe the island's entire population was only ~500 people. We specifically wanted to stay off the entire-island resorts when we went on this trip. Getting a more bed-and-breakfast-y type of resort on an island that they didn't own completely so we could also be a part of the local population was of high priority, and we were very happy with our choice of Bodufolhudhoo. The resort, Yonder, was a small place, with mostly honeymooners and couples as their tenants (another theme) and a certain cat named Milo that Diya wasn't exactly a fan of : P The staff wasn't exactly five-star mindful with their initiative, but when asked for something they would try their level best to get it done for you. Our plan during our days here was to relax as much as possible, and to take advantage of our minimum one excursion per day that was included in our pay.  I am only slightly ashamed to say that the below picture was an accurate representation of us when we weren’t snorkeling and swimming and walking and sunning, hahaha. We played a lot of chess and Mao too!!
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Snorkeling and Manta Rays
One cannot come to the Maldives and not snorkel. The water being so clear and the reefs so populated with so many different kinds of fish and other marine life, and the rest of the ocean available as well for exploration almost, no, does, require one to swim in the waters, at least once. Of course, being very intelligent, we all did so without putting on sunscreen -.- The result was that Sanjay and Diya got completely toasted all over, and I found out I hadn’t escaped either, once I got to India and noticed it hurt to lie on my back, haha
Snorkeling was an unforgettable experience though. We went out on the Yonder Retreat boat and kept going a while, all of us thinking that we were gonna go to some island somewhere, get down there, and start snorkeling. I hadn’t really snorkeled at all at this point; the last time I had even come close was in Malaysia nearly 12 years ago, and I wore a life jacket and never left the pier, hahaha. 
Suddenly, the boat stops. Looking around, the nearest islands were at least a 10 minute ride by speedboat away, but our guide is already excited: “Manta, manta!” apparently, hahaha; he was the grumpiest guy in the world when he was on land, but put him in the ocean and there’s no one more enthusiastic (apparently he hasn’t worn shoes in two years! lol) :P And suddenly he jumps off the boat!! And motions for us to follow quickly, as the mantas swim MUCH faster than we can, and we won’t be able to keep up. We had done a bit of this kind of snorkeling the day before, just regular over a reef, so I was a bit more steeled for what was about to come than I was the day before. But still. I grabbed my flippers, slipped them on quickly, put on my mask, and just jumped off a tiny boat into the middle of the open ocean, unswimmable distances from any inhabited islands, into an area of the ocean in which there were four 15 foot manta rays gliding around.  And it was amazing :)
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Manta Ray :D (unfortunately not an original picture :(, we should have rented GoPros) 
In Conclusion
I’m really glad I got to take this trip with Sanjay and Diya. It felt easy. And things haven’t felt easy in a long time, haha. It was a great break, with a lot of relaxation, a lot of bonding over scary cats, friendly sting rays, nocturnal crabs, the nicest/cutest put-you-on-a-spoon chef one’s ever met: the farewell dinner on the beach he organized for us was just a cherry on top of the whole trip. Really heartwarming of him to make the effort. 
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Our farewell dinner, organized by our new friend-Chef of Yonder
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Feeding aforementioned friendly stingrays on Nika Island, where they want the time to be two hours later, so it just is, hahahahha. I guess that’s what you can do when you own your own island, just change the time so instead of sunrise happening at 6am, guests can ‘wake up to the sunrise’ at a leisurely 8am, and go to bed at a ‘late’ midnight (actual 10pm) and feel like they had an amazing fulfilling day from dawn to dusk without the associated difficulties of actually waking up in the morning for the sunrise, hahahahha. It’s honestly quite the genius system : P
Back to Conclusions
I’m really looking forward to my next trip with these two, to Ireland this March, and even more pictures! I’m glad Diya insisted on taking so many selfies, hahaha, many of which are featured here, because without that I’m sure we wouldn’t have even half the memories captured that we do. I’m glad I got to spend ‘solo’ time with my brother, who I get to see less and less often these days, since we’re living apart, and I’m glad that I got to spend time with Diya properly, after 12 years since being in the same place. And I feel a lot more confident in the water now too! Training for whale sharks, complete B) hahahha
So here’s to more trips, more bonding, more relationships, and more experiences this year. I think it was a great herald of things to come. A happier, more genuine, and more filled with wonder year ahead. :)
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Night in Male
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In Male, opposite the President’s Jetty
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Restaurant at the Artificial Beach in Male
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MOAR SELFIES (at Picnic Island)
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Flower Henge built on Picnic Island! May it stand for a thousand years.
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Mandatory candid model shot
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And here’s to all our trips to come :)
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airoasis · 5 years
The greatest TED Talk ever sold - Morgan Spurlock
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-greatest-ted-talk-ever-sold-morgan-spurlock-5/
The greatest TED Talk ever sold - Morgan Spurlock
I have spent the earlier few years hanging myself into instances which are typically very intricate and even as reasonably damaging I went to jail tricky I worked in a coal mine dangerous I filmed in battle zones complicated and detrimental and i spent 30 days consuming nothing however this enjoyable within the starting a bit of tricky in the core very hazardous ultimately actually most of my profession i’ve been immersing myself into seemingly horrible situations for the entire purpose of trying to examine societal problems in a way that make them attractive that make them fascinating that hopefully damage them down in a method that make them exciting and available to an audience so when I knew I was once coming here to do a TED speak that was gonna look on the world of branding and sponsorship I knew i would wish to do whatever a little different so a few of you may also or won’t have heard a pair weeks ago I took out an advert on eBay I despatched out some fb messages some Twitter messages and i gave folks the opportunity to buy the naming rights to my 2011 TED speak that is correct some fortunate character corporation for-profit or nonprofit used to be going to get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since i am definite Chris Anderson will under no circumstances let it occur once more – via the naming rights to the talk you are staring at proper now that on the time did not have a title did not fairly have a variety of content material and did not fairly provide so much trace as to what the discipline matter would actually be so what you had been getting used to be this your name right here presents my TED speak did you don’t have any thought what the area is not depending on the content material might ultimately blow up to your face specially if I make you or your organization look silly for doing it however that being said it is an excellent media opportunity you know the way many men and women watch these TED Talks it’s so much that is just a working title incidentally so even with that caveat I knew that any person would buy the naming rights now for those who’d have asked me that a 12 months ago i wouldn’t been able to let you know that with any sure bet but within the new task that i am engaged on my new movie we exam in the world of advertising promoting and as I stated prior I put myself in some lovely horrible occasions over time however nothing could prepare me nothing could in a position me for some thing as problematic or as unsafe as going into the rooms with these guys you see I had this inspiration for a movie what I need to do is make a film all about product placement advertising and advertising the place the whole movie is funded by means of product placement advertising and marketing and promoting so the movie will probably be known as the greatest movie ever sold so what occurs within the greatest film ever bought is that everything from top to backside from to conclude is branded from commencing to finish you understand from the above the title sponsor that you’ll be able to see in the film which is brand X now this manufacturer the Qualcomm Stadium the you know Staples core these folks will likely be married to the film in perpetuity endlessly and so the film explores this entire suggestion it is what in perpetuity interval without end but no longer only we’re gonna have the company X title sponsor but we’re gonna make sure we sellout every class we can in the film so possibly we sell a shoe and it becomes the finest shoe you ever wore the greatest auto you ever drove from the finest film ever offered you already know the the greatest drink you have got ever had Kurt see the greatest film ever sold so the proposal is beyond just displaying that brands are a part of life but clearly get them to finance the movie is them to finance the movie and truely we show the entire process of how does it work the goal of this whole film is transparency you are gonna see the entire factor take place in this movie so that’s the the whole inspiration the whole film start to conclude and i would like for scene trip to aid make it happen yeah you comprehend it’s funny on the grounds that once I first hear it it’s the excellent respect for an audience I don’t know how receptive persons are going to be to it though you might have a standpoint or do you i don’t want to use angle seeing that that has style of has a terrible connotation but do you consider that do you sort of know how this is gonna play out no inspiration how much cash did it take to do this 1.5 million they’re excellent I believe that you’re gonna have a tough time meeting with them however I suppose it can be you recognize certainly worth pursuing a pair fairly significant obvious brands who is aware of might be by the point your film comes out we look like a bunch of blundering idiots what do you consider the response is gonna be I the responses commonly shall be no but as the hardest mobile on the grounds that the felmers difficult sell because of me both that meaning i’m now not so optimistic so can you support me i would like support i will be able to aid ok excellent good brilliant yeah we received a fight figure out which brands yeah that’s that is the undertaking when you and you seem at like the people you deal with we have received some places we can go ok i will turn the camera I suggestion turn the camera off intended let’s have an off-the-report dialog seems it rather method we wish nothing to do along with your movie and just like that one at a time all of those companies out of the blue disappeared none of them wanted something to do with this film I mean I was amazed they wanted absolutely nothing to do with this assignment and that i imply I was blown away seeing that I proposal the entire notion the concept of promoting was to get your product out in entrance of as many humans as feasible to get them as many individuals to peer it as feasible peculiarly in latest world this this intersection of latest media and historic median the fractured media landscape isn’t the proposal to get that new buzz worthy supply automobile that’s going to get that message to the masses now that’s what I notion but the quandary used to be you see my inspiration had one fatal flaw and that flaw was once this honestly no that was once now not the flaw whatsoever that might’ve been a hindrance at all see this might were nice however what this photograph represents used to be the trouble see whilst you do a google snapshot seek for transparency that is this is one of the first images that comes up so i like the way you roll sergey brin no this this was once the situation transparency free from pretense or deceit quite simply detected or noticeable via effectively understood characterized with the aid of visibility or accessibility of expertise peculiarly related to trade practices that last line being probably the largest obstacle you see we hear quite a bit about transparency in this day and age you know our legislators say it our president says it even our CEOs say it but all of a sudden when it comes right down to it becoming a truth anything out of the blue alterations however why well transparency is scary like that strange nonetheless screaming endure it is unpredictable like this strange nation road and it is usually very risky what else is what else is risky consuming an entire bowl of Cool Whip that’s very dicy no when I began speaking to companies and telling them you we wanted to tell this story and they said no we want you to inform a story we want you to inform a narrative the way we simply want to tell our story see once I used to be a kid and my father would capture me in some variety of lie Mary is giving me the look he more often than not gave me he would say son there may be three aspects to each story there is your story there’s my story and there may be the real story now you see with this movie we wanted to inform the real story but with just one company one company inclined to support me and that is handiest because I knew John Bonham Richard Kirshenbaum for years i spotted that i would must go on my own i’d ought to cut out the intermediary and go to the corporations myself myself with all of my team so good you out of the blue began appreciate or what I started realized that we began having dialog with these corporations the proposal of figuring out your company is a universal drawback i’ve acquaintances who make pleasant huge huge Hollywood films and i have friends who make little independent films like I make and the friends would make colossal enormous Hollywood movies say that the rationale their movies are so victorious is considering of the manufacturer partners that they have got after which my friends who make small independent movies say well how are we alleged to compete with these giant large Hollywood movies and the movie is known as the finest film ever sold and so now how peculiarly what we see banned within the film it is any time i’m getting capable to move any time I open up my medication cupboard you will see ban deodorant good any time do an interview with any person I would say are you are you contemporary sufficient for this interview are you’re you in a position look a little bit anxious I need to support you settle down so possibly you will have to probably you should put some on for the interview this little present you recognize considered one of this fabulous says whether or not it’s a floral fusion or paradise wins you recognize they are going to have their threat you realize what we will be able to have have them geared for each male or feminine you know solid roll-on or stick whatever perhaps that is the that is the 2 cent tour so now i will be able to answer your questions and provide the five-cent tour we are a smaller mind very similar to you mentioned being a smaller you already know film are very much a undertaking of brands so we would not have the budgets that other manufacturers have so doing things like this you already know remind persons about ban is type of why we’re enthusiastic about it what are the phrases that you’d use to explain ban ban is clean science’s not the way you need to describe some thing someone’s put in their armpit you are talking about daring oh yeah recent guyhnic fresh is a best word that fairly spins this category into the constructive versus a fights odor and when this proper it can be keeps you fresh contemporary both we maintain you fresher longer higher freshness more freshness three times brisker things like that which are you recognize extra of that confident benefit and that’s a multi-million buck company what about me what a few standard guy I ought to go talk to the person on the avenue the persons who are like me the normal Joe’s they have to tell me about my company how would you guys describe your company my brain I have no idea like any right fairly first-rate clothes eighties revival meets skater Punk unless it’s laundry day proper what’s brand Jerry unique precise i guess what kind of genre variety i’m could be like dark glamour i like various black colours plenty of grey’s and stuff like that but almost always some that have an accessory like sunglasses or i like crystal and things like that too if Dan have been a company he might be a traditional convertible i’m insane the company that i am is i’d name it casual fly phase hippy section yogi part Brooklyn girl I do not know i’m the pet guy I sell pet toys everywhere the country far and wide the arena so i assume that is my company in my warped little industry that’s my brand my manufacturer is FedEx considering the fact that I deliver the items failed writer alcoholic company is that whatever i’m a legal professional company i’m Tom well we cannot all be brand Tom but I do more commonly in finding myself at the intersection of dark glamour and casual fly what I fully grasp I needed an informed i want someone who could get inside of my head somebody who could quite support me realise what they name your manufacturer persona and so I found a corporation called Olsen’s Altman in Pittsburgh who they’ve helped businesses like Nestle Febreze hallmark discover that brand character in the event that they could do it for them undoubtedly they would do it for me you brought your snap shots right I did the very first image is a snapshot of my loved ones so inform me somewhat bit how it relates to your ideas and feelings about anyway these are the folks who shaped the way I appear at the world inform me about this world I believe it can be the I believe your world is the world that you live in like men and women which are round you your pals your loved ones the the best way you reside your existence a job you do like several those things stemmed and began from one location and for me there may be them set up with my loved ones in West Virginia what is the next one going to speak about the next one this used to be the fine day ever how does this relate to ideas and feelings about who you are there’s like who do I want to be i love matters which might be one of a kind i admire matters which can be weird things inform me in regards to the Y section what does that do for us what does the Michelle men and women state actual now as fundamental what’s the crimson signify thank you thanks yeah thanks for your patient excellent job yeah yeah I don’t know what’s gonna come of this there was a whole lot of crazy happening in there the first thing we noticed was once this idea that you had two unique however complementary sides to your company character the Morgan Spurlock manufacturer is a mindful play brand those are form of juxtaposed very effectively collectively and that i feel there’s just about a paradox with these and i suppose some companies will simply center of attention on one one among their strengths or you already know or the other rather of focusing on each most corporations tend to it is human nature to avoid matters that they may be now not sure of avoid fear those factors and you quite include these and also you without a doubt turn them into positives for you it’s a neat thing to peer what other manufacturers are like that the first one here is a basic Apple and one can find here to goal we mini from Mini Coopers and JetBlue now there may be playful brands and conscious manufacturers these sort of matters which have come and gone however a playful mindful company is a pretty powerful factor a playful conscious manufacturer what’s your company if anyone without a doubt described your brand identification your brand persona what would you be are you an up attribute are you something that gets the blood flowing are you more of a Down attribute are you anything a bit of extra calm reserved conservative up attributes are matters like being playful being contemporary just like the contemporary Prince present day adventurous side you’re daring like Errol Flynn nimble or agile profane domineering magical or mystical like Gandalf are you more of a Down attribute are you conscious sophisticated like double-oh-seven are you established natural nurturing protecting empathetic just like the Oprah are you dependable steady familiar safe at ease sacred contemplative or clever just like the Dalai Lama or Yoda over the path this movie we had 500 plus firms who have been up and down organization say no they didn’t want any a part of this venture they wanted nothing to do with this movie normally because that they had no manipulate they might have no control over the final product but we did get 17 manufacturer companions who had been willing to relinquish that manage who wanted to be in industry with someone as aware and as playful as myself and who finally empowered us to inform stories that in general we would not be competent to inform studies that an advertiser would mostly on no account get at the back of they enabled us to tell the story about neuro advertising as we received into the telling the story on this movie about how now they are utilising MRIs to target the desire centers of your mind for each advertisements as good as film advertising we went to San Paolo the place they deserted or advertising in the complete metropolis for the prior five years there isn’t a billboards there’s no posters there is no flyers nothing and we went to college districts the place now corporations are making their method into cash-strapped faculties all throughout the usa what’s awesome for me is the the initiatives that I’ve gotten probably the most suggestions out of are I’ve had essentially the most success and are ones where I’ve interacted with things instantly and that’s what these brands did they cut out the intermediary they reduce out their businesses and said possibly these corporations do not need my first-rate pursuits in mind i am gonna deal straight with the artist i am gonna work with him to create whatever specific some thing that is going to get people considering that is gonna challenge the way we seem at the world and how is that been for them has it been effective good in view that the film premiered on the Sundance film festival let’s simply take a look in line with Burrell’s the movie premiered in January and for the reason that then and this is heating the whole thing we’ve had more than 900 million media impressions for this film that is actually protecting similar to a two and a half of week interval that’s handiest online no print no television the movie hasn’t even been allotted but it is now not even on-line it’s no longer even streaming it is not even been out into different international international locations but so finally this movie has already started to reap a variety of momentum and not unhealthy for a task that practically each ad agency we talked to propose their customers not to participate what I constantly think is that when you take chances when you take dangers that in these dangers will come possibility I consider that when you push people faraway from that you’re pushing them extra towards failure I believe that whilst you educate your employees to be chance-averse then you are getting ready your entire corporation to be reward challenged I consider like that what has to happen moving forward is we need to inspire folks to take risks we ought to encourage folks to no longer be frightened of opportunities that will scare them eventually relocating forward I feel we have got to include worry we have received to put that bear in a cage embody fear embrace chance one tremendous spoonful at a time we ought to embrace dicy and ultimately we ought to embody transparency in these days more than ever a little honesty is going to move a ways and that being mentioned through honesty and transparency my entire talk embody transparency has been delivered to you by my excellent neighbors at EMC who for $7,100 bought the naming rights on eBay ENC turning huge information into enormous possibility for companies all over the place the world EMC offers include transparency thank you very so much guys morgen within the identify of transparency what precisely occurred to that $7,a hundred that could be a terrific query i’ve in my pocket a check made out to the mum or dad organization of the Ted basis the sapling groundwork they assess for $7,a hundred to be utilized closer to my attendance for next yr’s tag
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
The greatest TED Talk ever sold - Morgan Spurlock
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-greatest-ted-talk-ever-sold-morgan-spurlock-5/
The greatest TED Talk ever sold - Morgan Spurlock
I have spent the earlier few years hanging myself into instances which are typically very intricate and even as reasonably damaging I went to jail tricky I worked in a coal mine dangerous I filmed in battle zones complicated and detrimental and i spent 30 days consuming nothing however this enjoyable within the starting a bit of tricky in the core very hazardous ultimately actually most of my profession i’ve been immersing myself into seemingly horrible situations for the entire purpose of trying to examine societal problems in a way that make them attractive that make them fascinating that hopefully damage them down in a method that make them exciting and available to an audience so when I knew I was once coming here to do a TED speak that was gonna look on the world of branding and sponsorship I knew i would wish to do whatever a little different so a few of you may also or won’t have heard a pair weeks ago I took out an advert on eBay I despatched out some fb messages some Twitter messages and i gave folks the opportunity to buy the naming rights to my 2011 TED speak that is correct some fortunate character corporation for-profit or nonprofit used to be going to get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since i am definite Chris Anderson will under no circumstances let it occur once more – via the naming rights to the talk you are staring at proper now that on the time did not have a title did not fairly have a variety of content material and did not fairly provide so much trace as to what the discipline matter would actually be so what you had been getting used to be this your name right here presents my TED speak did you don’t have any thought what the area is not depending on the content material might ultimately blow up to your face specially if I make you or your organization look silly for doing it however that being said it is an excellent media opportunity you know the way many men and women watch these TED Talks it’s so much that is just a working title incidentally so even with that caveat I knew that any person would buy the naming rights now for those who’d have asked me that a 12 months ago i wouldn’t been able to let you know that with any sure bet but within the new task that i am engaged on my new movie we exam in the world of advertising promoting and as I stated prior I put myself in some lovely horrible occasions over time however nothing could prepare me nothing could in a position me for some thing as problematic or as unsafe as going into the rooms with these guys you see I had this inspiration for a movie what I need to do is make a film all about product placement advertising and advertising the place the whole movie is funded by means of product placement advertising and marketing and promoting so the movie will probably be known as the greatest movie ever sold so what occurs within the greatest film ever bought is that everything from top to backside from to conclude is branded from commencing to finish you understand from the above the title sponsor that you’ll be able to see in the film which is brand X now this manufacturer the Qualcomm Stadium the you know Staples core these folks will likely be married to the film in perpetuity endlessly and so the film explores this entire suggestion it is what in perpetuity interval without end but no longer only we’re gonna have the company X title sponsor but we’re gonna make sure we sellout every class we can in the film so possibly we sell a shoe and it becomes the finest shoe you ever wore the greatest auto you ever drove from the finest film ever offered you already know the the greatest drink you have got ever had Kurt see the greatest film ever sold so the proposal is beyond just displaying that brands are a part of life but clearly get them to finance the movie is them to finance the movie and truely we show the entire process of how does it work the goal of this whole film is transparency you are gonna see the entire factor take place in this movie so that’s the the whole inspiration the whole film start to conclude and i would like for scene trip to aid make it happen yeah you comprehend it’s funny on the grounds that once I first hear it it’s the excellent respect for an audience I don’t know how receptive persons are going to be to it though you might have a standpoint or do you i don’t want to use angle seeing that that has style of has a terrible connotation but do you consider that do you sort of know how this is gonna play out no inspiration how much cash did it take to do this 1.5 million they’re excellent I believe that you’re gonna have a tough time meeting with them however I suppose it can be you recognize certainly worth pursuing a pair fairly significant obvious brands who is aware of might be by the point your film comes out we look like a bunch of blundering idiots what do you consider the response is gonna be I the responses commonly shall be no but as the hardest mobile on the grounds that the felmers difficult sell because of me both that meaning i’m now not so optimistic so can you support me i would like support i will be able to aid ok excellent good brilliant yeah we received a fight figure out which brands yeah that’s that is the undertaking when you and you seem at like the people you deal with we have received some places we can go ok i will turn the camera I suggestion turn the camera off intended let’s have an off-the-report dialog seems it rather method we wish nothing to do along with your movie and just like that one at a time all of those companies out of the blue disappeared none of them wanted something to do with this film I mean I was amazed they wanted absolutely nothing to do with this assignment and that i imply I was blown away seeing that I proposal the entire notion the concept of promoting was to get your product out in entrance of as many humans as feasible to get them as many individuals to peer it as feasible peculiarly in latest world this this intersection of latest media and historic median the fractured media landscape isn’t the proposal to get that new buzz worthy supply automobile that’s going to get that message to the masses now that’s what I notion but the quandary used to be you see my inspiration had one fatal flaw and that flaw was once this honestly no that was once now not the flaw whatsoever that might’ve been a hindrance at all see this might were nice however what this photograph represents used to be the trouble see whilst you do a google snapshot seek for transparency that is this is one of the first images that comes up so i like the way you roll sergey brin no this this was once the situation transparency free from pretense or deceit quite simply detected or noticeable via effectively understood characterized with the aid of visibility or accessibility of expertise peculiarly related to trade practices that last line being probably the largest obstacle you see we hear quite a bit about transparency in this day and age you know our legislators say it our president says it even our CEOs say it but all of a sudden when it comes right down to it becoming a truth anything out of the blue alterations however why well transparency is scary like that strange nonetheless screaming endure it is unpredictable like this strange nation road and it is usually very risky what else is what else is risky consuming an entire bowl of Cool Whip that’s very dicy no when I began speaking to companies and telling them you we wanted to tell this story and they said no we want you to inform a story we want you to inform a narrative the way we simply want to tell our story see once I used to be a kid and my father would capture me in some variety of lie Mary is giving me the look he more often than not gave me he would say son there may be three aspects to each story there is your story there’s my story and there may be the real story now you see with this movie we wanted to inform the real story but with just one company one company inclined to support me and that is handiest because I knew John Bonham Richard Kirshenbaum for years i spotted that i would must go on my own i’d ought to cut out the intermediary and go to the corporations myself myself with all of my team so good you out of the blue began appreciate or what I started realized that we began having dialog with these corporations the proposal of figuring out your company is a universal drawback i’ve acquaintances who make pleasant huge huge Hollywood films and i have friends who make little independent films like I make and the friends would make colossal enormous Hollywood movies say that the rationale their movies are so victorious is considering of the manufacturer partners that they have got after which my friends who make small independent movies say well how are we alleged to compete with these giant large Hollywood movies and the movie is known as the finest film ever sold and so now how peculiarly what we see banned within the film it is any time i’m getting capable to move any time I open up my medication cupboard you will see ban deodorant good any time do an interview with any person I would say are you are you contemporary sufficient for this interview are you’re you in a position look a little bit anxious I need to support you settle down so possibly you will have to probably you should put some on for the interview this little present you recognize considered one of this fabulous says whether or not it’s a floral fusion or paradise wins you recognize they are going to have their threat you realize what we will be able to have have them geared for each male or feminine you know solid roll-on or stick whatever perhaps that is the that is the 2 cent tour so now i will be able to answer your questions and provide the five-cent tour we are a smaller mind very similar to you mentioned being a smaller you already know film are very much a undertaking of brands so we would not have the budgets that other manufacturers have so doing things like this you already know remind persons about ban is type of why we’re enthusiastic about it what are the phrases that you’d use to explain ban ban is clean science’s not the way you need to describe some thing someone’s put in their armpit you are talking about daring oh yeah recent guyhnic fresh is a best word that fairly spins this category into the constructive versus a fights odor and when this proper it can be keeps you fresh contemporary both we maintain you fresher longer higher freshness more freshness three times brisker things like that which are you recognize extra of that confident benefit and that’s a multi-million buck company what about me what a few standard guy I ought to go talk to the person on the avenue the persons who are like me the normal Joe’s they have to tell me about my company how would you guys describe your company my brain I have no idea like any right fairly first-rate clothes eighties revival meets skater Punk unless it’s laundry day proper what’s brand Jerry unique precise i guess what kind of genre variety i’m could be like dark glamour i like various black colours plenty of grey’s and stuff like that but almost always some that have an accessory like sunglasses or i like crystal and things like that too if Dan have been a company he might be a traditional convertible i’m insane the company that i am is i’d name it casual fly phase hippy section yogi part Brooklyn girl I do not know i’m the pet guy I sell pet toys everywhere the country far and wide the arena so i assume that is my company in my warped little industry that’s my brand my manufacturer is FedEx considering the fact that I deliver the items failed writer alcoholic company is that whatever i’m a legal professional company i’m Tom well we cannot all be brand Tom but I do more commonly in finding myself at the intersection of dark glamour and casual fly what I fully grasp I needed an informed i want someone who could get inside of my head somebody who could quite support me realise what they name your manufacturer persona and so I found a corporation called Olsen’s Altman in Pittsburgh who they’ve helped businesses like Nestle Febreze hallmark discover that brand character in the event that they could do it for them undoubtedly they would do it for me you brought your snap shots right I did the very first image is a snapshot of my loved ones so inform me somewhat bit how it relates to your ideas and feelings about anyway these are the folks who shaped the way I appear at the world inform me about this world I believe it can be the I believe your world is the world that you live in like men and women which are round you your pals your loved ones the the best way you reside your existence a job you do like several those things stemmed and began from one location and for me there may be them set up with my loved ones in West Virginia what is the next one going to speak about the next one this used to be the fine day ever how does this relate to ideas and feelings about who you are there’s like who do I want to be i love matters which might be one of a kind i admire matters which can be weird things inform me in regards to the Y section what does that do for us what does the Michelle men and women state actual now as fundamental what’s the crimson signify thank you thanks yeah thanks for your patient excellent job yeah yeah I don’t know what’s gonna come of this there was a whole lot of crazy happening in there the first thing we noticed was once this idea that you had two unique however complementary sides to your company character the Morgan Spurlock manufacturer is a mindful play brand those are form of juxtaposed very effectively collectively and that i feel there’s just about a paradox with these and i suppose some companies will simply center of attention on one one among their strengths or you already know or the other rather of focusing on each most corporations tend to it is human nature to avoid matters that they may be now not sure of avoid fear those factors and you quite include these and also you without a doubt turn them into positives for you it’s a neat thing to peer what other manufacturers are like that the first one here is a basic Apple and one can find here to goal we mini from Mini Coopers and JetBlue now there may be playful brands and conscious manufacturers these sort of matters which have come and gone however a playful mindful company is a pretty powerful factor a playful conscious manufacturer what’s your company if anyone without a doubt described your brand identification your brand persona what would you be are you an up attribute are you something that gets the blood flowing are you more of a Down attribute are you anything a bit of extra calm reserved conservative up attributes are matters like being playful being contemporary just like the contemporary Prince present day adventurous side you’re daring like Errol Flynn nimble or agile profane domineering magical or mystical like Gandalf are you more of a Down attribute are you conscious sophisticated like double-oh-seven are you established natural nurturing protecting empathetic just like the Oprah are you dependable steady familiar safe at ease sacred contemplative or clever just like the Dalai Lama or Yoda over the path this movie we had 500 plus firms who have been up and down organization say no they didn’t want any a part of this venture they wanted nothing to do with this movie normally because that they had no manipulate they might have no control over the final product but we did get 17 manufacturer companions who had been willing to relinquish that manage who wanted to be in industry with someone as aware and as playful as myself and who finally empowered us to inform stories that in general we would not be competent to inform studies that an advertiser would mostly on no account get at the back of they enabled us to tell the story about neuro advertising as we received into the telling the story on this movie about how now they are utilising MRIs to target the desire centers of your mind for each advertisements as good as film advertising we went to San Paolo the place they deserted or advertising in the complete metropolis for the prior five years there isn’t a billboards there’s no posters there is no flyers nothing and we went to college districts the place now corporations are making their method into cash-strapped faculties all throughout the usa what’s awesome for me is the the initiatives that I’ve gotten probably the most suggestions out of are I’ve had essentially the most success and are ones where I’ve interacted with things instantly and that’s what these brands did they cut out the intermediary they reduce out their businesses and said possibly these corporations do not need my first-rate pursuits in mind i am gonna deal straight with the artist i am gonna work with him to create whatever specific some thing that is going to get people considering that is gonna challenge the way we seem at the world and how is that been for them has it been effective good in view that the film premiered on the Sundance film festival let’s simply take a look in line with Burrell’s the movie premiered in January and for the reason that then and this is heating the whole thing we’ve had more than 900 million media impressions for this film that is actually protecting similar to a two and a half of week interval that’s handiest online no print no television the movie hasn’t even been allotted but it is now not even on-line it’s no longer even streaming it is not even been out into different international international locations but so finally this movie has already started to reap a variety of momentum and not unhealthy for a task that practically each ad agency we talked to propose their customers not to participate what I constantly think is that when you take chances when you take dangers that in these dangers will come possibility I consider that when you push people faraway from that you’re pushing them extra towards failure I believe that whilst you educate your employees to be chance-averse then you are getting ready your entire corporation to be reward challenged I consider like that what has to happen moving forward is we need to inspire folks to take risks we ought to encourage folks to no longer be frightened of opportunities that will scare them eventually relocating forward I feel we have got to include worry we have received to put that bear in a cage embody fear embrace chance one tremendous spoonful at a time we ought to embrace dicy and ultimately we ought to embody transparency in these days more than ever a little honesty is going to move a ways and that being mentioned through honesty and transparency my entire talk embody transparency has been delivered to you by my excellent neighbors at EMC who for $7,100 bought the naming rights on eBay ENC turning huge information into enormous possibility for companies all over the place the world EMC offers include transparency thank you very so much guys morgen within the identify of transparency what precisely occurred to that $7,a hundred that could be a terrific query i’ve in my pocket a check made out to the mum or dad organization of the Ted basis the sapling groundwork they assess for $7,a hundred to be utilized closer to my attendance for next yr’s tag
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like2in · 5 years
Exclusive! Sara Ali Khan on Kedarnath success: 'I feel privileged to be received with such warmth'
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Exclusive! Sara Ali Khan on Kedarnath success: 'I feel privileged to be received with such warmth' - Sara Ali Khan should actually be walking in the clouds, considering she has been so well received in her debut film, Abhishek Kapoor’s Kedarnath. However, this 23-year-old knows that if she keeps her head firmly on her shoulders, the chances of her landing on the moon are definitely far more, so she chooses to remain grounded. And, when someone so young and attractive behaves herself, it is nice. Of course, you wonder how long this good behaviour will last but since cynicism is not the order of the day, you just give her upbringing credit, smile and indulge her with the attention she rightfully deserves. Excerpts from our conversation... How does it feel to be the second most famous person in the country? Ha ha ha... who is the most famous? Taimur Ali Khan... Taimur, yes (smiles). I must tell you that it’s overwhelming. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were sitting together at this same place and talking. You greeted me with as much warmth then as you have today. Thank you for that. It is overwhelming and shocking. I was telling you that soon enough I’m going to say it’s ‘two days to go’, ‘one day to go’ and then it’s going to be ‘D-day’. Now, I can’t believe it’s happened. To be honest, it has been a little hectic with promoting Kedarnath, shooting a song for Simmba and then dubbing for the film. That hasn’t given me too much time to sit and internalise it. So, I’m thankful for these interviews. It gives one some time to sit and be like, ‘Okay, I’ve done a film and it has released.’ It’s a huge one for me. I am so privileged to be received with the warmth that I have. People like you have always been warm and gracious to me from the very beginning, even before I did anything to prove it. I think especially because of that, I’m a little nervous. But you haven’t let us down. Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear. Not that one doubted that you didn’t have the mettle, but having seen the film, one can say that you genuinely have what it takes to be a good actor. And you’ll soon become a star, too. Star toh aaj ke zamane mein hota hi nahin hai. There’s so much easy access to us, whether it’s social media or life, in general. I don’t look at that as a go-to, it’s only incidental. Especially since I’ve been given the warmth and acceptance, it’s my duty that I jolly well prove that I have what it takes. If people feel, to some degree, that I’ve been able to do that, I’m grateful and humbled. Having said that, there were expectations, but not in a negative way like, ‘Oh, my God! They are waiting to hate me!’. Whether it’s my mom, people from the industry or media, in general, there’s been so much love and warmth that I’ve been greeted and treated with, it behooves me to prove that I’m worthy of that. When we met before Kedarnath released, you said you were happy to have a launch with Abhishek Kapoor and Sushant Singh Rajput. Now that the film is out, how do you look back at the journey? I’m thankful to them. Being an actor is something one has always dreamt of. But getting the right film? It’s not something you can really plan. When people ask me, ‘What’s your plan?’, I’m like, ‘Kya farak padta hai? At the end of the day, it’s not in your hands.’ Everything has its own trajectory. You don’t see some of the biggest things in your life coming. The first time I heard the script of Kedarnath, I felt convinced. I’m too new, I don’t have craft or experience. The only thing I have is conviction and honesty. I believed I could play the character of Mukku/Mandakini honestly. The appreciation I’ve got is purely because there was not a single moment on the set when I was not convinced. Now that the film is out, I’ll be even more honest and tell you. there were days that were difficult. We had ups and downs. Whether logistically, personally, geographically or physically, it wasn’t an easy journey. Regardless of that fact, there was not a single day when I woke up in the morning and thought to myself ki ‘yeh kyun kiya?’ How did your mom and dad react to the film? Mom had heard the narration and she had also seen some rushes. But she still cried in the climax, so that was a big one for me.
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She watched it at the film’s trial for the cast and crew? Mom and I went to see it at a multiplex on Saturday night. Both my parents and I did not wish to watch the trial. You know, there’s an element of ‘Wow, wow, wow’ that goes on trials. We’ve all done it and we will continue to do it. I think they wanted to retain some objectivity, which is already so difficult because I’m their beloved. I think that’s what they were trying to do more than anything else. And so we took the film in at a regular show. And your dad? I think his favourite scene is the Ganga dubki. He keeps saying, ‘There is an expression on our face, you’re freezing, you’re doing this, but you’re also expressing’. They are relieved, proud and also grateful for the acceptance I have got. I think they have liked my work objectively. I think they are appreciating more the way other people are reacting to my work, because touch wood, they are receiving it well. Has your brother Ibrahim watched the movie? No, Ibrahim hasn’t seen it yet. He landed from London only on December 13. He studies there. Now that he is back, he and I will watch the movie together. How many times have you seen it? With Ibrahim, it will be my third watch. I watched at the cast and crew trial, then with mom. I can watch it again and again (smiles). Do you find any fault when you revisit your work? Yes, of course. But that’s natural. They are not jarring faults, but you feel you could have done some things better. The day I stop feeling that way, I’m in trouble. This is the kind of job where you have to keep growing. People often ask me, ‘Are you ready?’ ‘Now what?’ I tell them that you can never be ready. It’s not that chapter one is over. Today, I have the conviction that I can read this book. Now, I’m about to start reading this book, that’s the change from our last meeting to this. I can’t say that I’ve mastered chapter one and now it’s time to master chapter two. That’s not where we’re at. We know we have the potential to read, that’s where we’re at. Last time you also spoke about some reservations in waving back at the paparazzi? Do you wave back to them now? Yes, 100 per cent. I do wave back, I smile and I give interviews. We have moved a little more from there. You’re quite a darling of the media. I’ll be honest and try to give you an objective number. Because it’s my first film and I have worked hard, I think 80 per cent of the reviews and appreciation is deserved, while 20 per cent is a little biased because they like me. I have to tell you... critics, interviewers, media, people from the industry, they just like me. Any butterflies in your stomach now? I’m not worried, but I’m aware that now the game has begun. Those who have seen your songs from Simmba say, ‘We can’t take our eyes off Sara. She’s dancing next to Ranveer Singh, who is such a bundle of energy’. How do you take that? The more appreciation one gets, the more butterflies one feels. You realise that there is more and more to live up to. You can only go further, there is no going backwards in life. So after moving from step 0.1, I have to move to step 0.2. That’s my duty, otherwise there is no movement. And if there is no movement, then what am I doing? I’ve always said that it’s not about where you start from, it’s about how much you grow. From now on, the aim is to do more hard work, with more dedication. Kareena (Kapoor Khan) liked your performance too and messaged you… Yes, she did send me a message. My father calls me every day, saying ‘I loved your work’, talking about one scene or the other and ‘I’m so proud of you’. Every day, more and more people are watching the film and messaging my parents. And quite naturally, they are excited. It’s just amazing. I’m really enjoying this moment. Currently, you’re between two films. Kedarnath and Simmba are different worlds. You must have realised that too while dubbing. Yes, from an author-backed character to a commercial Hindi film heroine, the roles and dynamics are different. The dream is to act, so you can do diverse kinds of films, genres and roles. It’s not that one is easier than the other. Doing Ganga dubki is as difficult as having Karisma Kapoor’s loveable energy in your eyes. Dancing to Aankh Maare with Ranveer Singh next to you in a Neha Kakkar-rendered song is also challenging, sometimes even more challenging. I’m excited about the opportunity to do various kinds of roles. So you’re taking one step at a time? Yes, I’m waiting for Simmba now. I got lucky with Kedarnath and Simmbacoming like this. It wasn’t a plan. The only thing is that I aspire for versatility. That’s the aspiration, but conviction is essential. As long as I’m convinced about the world, I’m game. And you need to know why you’re doing what you’re doing. You do a film for different reasons — you love the script or you love the director you’re dying to work with, or getting a character you’re dying to play. Or somebody may even tempt you with big money. Maybe, but it’s too soon in my career for that. So long as you know what you’re doing and you have an opportunity to do different roles, I think that’s what there is to it. To be honest, I’m restless. I want to be on set again. I want to do a film again, like today. Not restless as in wanting to take a break? Touch wood, no breaks. Honestly, I’ve not slept more than six hours in a long time. I wouldn’t mind a 12-hour break, but no more. I don’t want to be at home ever (smiles). Exclusive! Sara Ali Khan on Kedarnath success: 'I feel privileged to be received with such warmth' Read the full article
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Wild West Summer Series 2018: Vancouver
  So big news out of Ottawa. I took a look at my notes from the San Jose  Column. Timing didn’t work out great on the release of that one, but isn’t that just the way it goes. Erik Karlsson certainly changes the outlook for the power play in San Jose. Evander Kane and Tomas Hertl, who I was reasonably positive about could stand to lose out on power play time depending how Karlsson is deployed. Both could get a small bump if they get to overlap on even strength though. Dobber has updated his projections so go buy the Guide. Show Cam some love too and keep up with the Eastern Edge Series.
  The idea for these columns to compare end of 2017-18 Fantasy Hockey Geek rankings for individual players with an expected ranking based on their average draft positions from the start of the year. This process does not necessarily identify who was the most important player to each team but gives us not only an idea of who was a steal/bust on draft day, but where each player was valued going into this season. I will also be adding some thoughts on whether or not that is the new normal for the player in question and if we should be adjusting our draft positions. For a deeper dive on each team plus full projections make sure to get your copy of Dobber’s Fantasy Guide, out now!
  And now for the technical details. We will be using the Fantasy Hockey Geek tool to get a ranking that combines all of a player’s stats for the searched categories. Like for the previous series, the ranks are based on a 12 team, head-to-head league, using the categories of goals, assists, power play points, shots, hits and blocks for forwards/defensemen and wins, saves, save percentage and goals against average for goalies. Player eligibility for this series is based on Yahoo, and draft ranks are based on average draft positions compiled from Yahoo, ESPN and CBS by FantasyPros.
Vancouver finished 2017-18 7th in the Pacific with 73 points. They had a significant problem with goal scoring, which is likely not going to be helped along by the retirement of Henrik and Daniel Sedin. For 2018-19 Vancouver is certainly relying on the progression of their young guns to make up the difference.
  Alex Edler:
  Alex Edler provided exceptional value in the 2017-18 season. He was drafted 260th overall, but finished the season as the 47th most valuable player, and 16th most valuable defensemen. The defensemen around him had an average draft position of 177th.
  Ivan Provorov
John Klingberg
Alexander Edler
Matt Dumba
Tyson Barrie
  Expectations were clearly not high for Edler, and it is not exactly surprising. Managers were not all that excited about the offense that Vancouver had to offer in 2017-18 and Edler himself has only two seasons of his 11 seasons where he managed more than 40 points.
  Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  While his 34 points doesn’t scream ‘great season’, 2017-18 saw Edler post his best assist, power play point numbers, and point pace since 2011-12, his best hit and block numbers of his career, and his best shot pace since 2013-14. Edler provided incredible value for leagues that count hits and blocks, and he was even able to score at a decent pace.
  What is a little less clear is exactly what changed. His point pace was the highest of his career, but his personal shooting percentage was a touch low if anything. The team’s 5-on-5 shooting percentage was almost exactly in line with previous years, and while his IPP was a little high, it wasn’t high enough to account for the change. The biggest change (and the cause of the point increase) was his career high power play totals. Unfortunately that career high did not come with an increase in time on ice on the power play, or with a new role, as he was the lone defenseman on the first power play in multiple recent seasons. The biggest difference between 2016-17 and 2017-18 was the effectiveness of the power play. In 2016-17 Vancouver managed 32 goals for a 14.1% success rate. In 2017-18 they scored 53 goals for a 21.26% success rate.
  The career highs in hits and blocks are also another big question mark as Edler’s average time on ice, and short handed time on ice (usual culprits for changes in these types of stats) were almost exactly the same in 2017-18 as his recent career numbers. To further highlight the change, his average hit per game numbers from 2015-2017 was 1.6, in 2017-18 it was 2.2 per game. For blocks, he was averaging 2.04 per game over that time period, but in 2017-18 it was 2.9. Those are large changes for with no additional time on ice. My tenuous theory is that Vancouver was a more porous defensive team in 2017-18 (as illustrated by higher corsi, fenwick, and shot against numbers, more defensive zone starts, and higher teamwide hits – by almost 300 – and blocks) and so more of Edler’s responsibilities (outside of power play time) were defensive.
  So for this all to be sustainable we are banking on Vancouver to maintain an above average power play without the Sedins, while at the same time spending enough time in their own zone to allow Edler to keep up his peripheral stats. It feels like something has to give here. A full season from Bo Horvat, Brock Boeser and new arrival Elias Pettersson certainly can give some optimism on the power play. Few other changes though do leave open the possibility that defense will be an issue again in 2018-19, which means that Edler may be relied on in a similar way in 2017-18. My conservative pick is to knock off a few power play points, and maybe regress the peripherals just a touch. So maybe he won’t be the 16th most valuable defenseman, but he should still be much more valuable than his 260th overall draft pick from 2017-18.
  Sam Gagner:
So it might not be fair to say that expectations were high for Sam Gagner going into 2017-18 as he was drafted 160th overall. He was fresh of a 50 point season with Columbus propped up by his 18 points as a power play specialist. It is safe to say his season with Vancouver was not a reprise of that success. He ended up as the 383rd most valuable player in the league, and no one around him was drafted at all in most leagues.
  Adrian Kempe
Brian Boyle
Sam Gagner
J.T. Compher
Tommy Wingels
  Gagner saw decreases across in goals, assists, power play points, and shots in 2017-18. He did see increases in hits and blocks (likely due to some of the same issues as Edler above)
  Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  In positive news, Gagner saw an increase in average time on ice, he was able to maintain his shot rate from Columbus and still saw a decent amount of time on the first power play with the Sedins.
  So what for 2018-19? So if everything to were repeat 2017-18 and his low shooting percentage regress to his average he would add three goals. That certainly doesn’t increase his value much. Since the Sedins won’t be in the picture we can speculate that Gagner might get more ice time, and could round out the top power play with Horvat, Boeser, Petterson and Edler. Does that translate to a higher point pace? I am not anticipating much beyond a half point per game (which incidentally is pretty much what his pace would be if his goals rebound).
  The moral of this story is that Gagner is valuable if a half point per game player with a slightly higher percentage of his points on the power play is valuable. His value seems to be closer to his end of season rank than his draft position.
  Sven Baertschi:
  Sven Baertschi was grabbed in leagues as a late round flyer with hopes of upside. That did not exactly materialize in 2017-18. There were weeks where he was worth owning, but certainly did not provide teams value enough to roster him all season in standard sized leagues.
  Connor Brown
Zack Kassian
Sven Baertschi
Drew Stafford
Matt Hendricks
  Baertschi was the 535rd most valuable player and the 154th most valuable winger.
  Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  Baertschi actually had the highest point pace of his career, which incidentally has reached six seasons now (we won’t count the five games of 2011-12). He is 25 so still seems to have some room to grow, but at some point we have to start thinking that maybe the upside just won’t be there.
  First the bad news. Baertschi’s most productive season (2017-18) really wasn't that much more productive than his other seasons. He only played 53 games, still has not broken the two shot per game barrier, and had a sky high shooting percentage. His PDO, and 5-on-5 shooting percentage while he was on the ice were also high.
  The good news? There is room for improvement. His time on ice still isn’t high (just over 15.5 minutes a game), and his power play time is low. The Sedin’s have retired and he may be relied on for more in 2018-19. He spent some time with Horvat and Boesor and did have some success (though not consistently). If he gets that spot again (potentially unlikely with Petterson joining the team) and/or sees an increase in power play time there is a chance he sees an uptick in productivity.
  Based on his history, and some his underlying numbers it seems like he will need that increased time on ice just to avoid negative regression. So yes, he has a potential opportunity here, but even a modest improvement puts him maybe in Sam Gagner territory, which for most leagues is undraftable. He is definitely on my wait and see list for 2018-19. 
  Thanks for reading.
  Next week: Las Vegas
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whydoyouthinkileft · 6 years
aos spoilers
having my breakfast - at 12:30 and so excited about this ep because of reasons so let's go
-btw watching the previously I just remembered Kasius and the other alien lady having their talks (Because he wants to leave that planet) and trying to top each other while also trying to sound like they don't hate each other's guts?  It was hilarious to me, it was like watching ANY conversation between people in my town ever (incidentally, my town if you live in it long enough does give you the feeling you are trapped underground waiting for giant roaches to suck the life out of you)
-oh hello lil cute boy -how old is he? is it me being weirdly old if I say that?
-oh even the white slave-owner guy has a soft spot for him?
-I feel like I'm too invested in him eating already
-senator Gaius whatever is also someone I could see living in my town
-thaaaaat's the scene from the promo. also can you imagine if ALL the people there are lying their asses off to look more evil?
-he looks soooo fantastic to me, I love cowboy in space clothes
-OOHHHHHHHH -the look on his face and lack of breath -I died fifty days over it -Kasius should have just been in something like Desperate Housewives -also I'm starting to find funny how he reads what Sinara says just from her expression and she never has to talk -Jemma looking at space and being deaf OH MY GOD FITZ. IS HE GONNA TALK. IS HE GONNA GO ALL I LOVE YOU I WANNA MARRY YOU HAVE MY BIOCHEMENGINEER BABIES and she's gonna walk away? -oh my god. He realized the universe can't stop them, they are stronger than curses. Now that she's deaf. He needs to repeat it. And then let her make fun of him for the curse thing for other 74 years -I FUCKING KNEW IT. I KNEW HE'D PROPOSE -nooooooooooooo the deaf thing -'oh are they' Fitz would love to kill him, wouldn't he -OH MY GOD HE'S TOUCHING HER FACE IN FRONT OF FITZ -Of course Kasius would appreciate that sentiment from Fitz. If all he's going to use from the Doctor is talking about bullshit and pain like a villain would, give those speeches, while he doesn't believe in a word he says and the actual bad guy there is like 'uuhhh this is my new friend' I'm here for it. This is basically high school and becoming popular. -Also still here if Jemma wants to break a pitcher on Kasius's face though -I am worried though because Jemma wasn't 100% chill when she saw Fitz's face -oh my god the look on Fitz's face after Kasius walked away -Tess just quoted me with 'soft spot' for the kid. I'm Tess now. -Flint 'if I turn I won't have to beg around' yeah well he's NOT WRONG, mind you -is Jemma going to mother this one too and then Daisy will train him? -AAAHHHH FITZ AND JEMMA -the hatred on Kasius' face whenever he speaks to all people who are supposed to be on his same level or higher makes me laugh, I'm so sorry -they are just so... mundane about 'uhhh your daddy gave your big brother the big job and you are stuck in here lmao' -evil eyes of hatred- -I'm glad Daisy is befriending the mind-reader, he's adorable -also he didn't expect her to go all 'I'm sorry' and he's even more adorable -no seriously they seriously could be living in my town -Fitz. Fitz don't fuck this up, my boy. -the almost smile when he describes it tho, that kinda sells it as him being a bitch so... good -what is that snail thing, also I TOO FIND MOIST CREATURES (and stuff that changes from hard to soft depending on the bite, and really most meat) DISTASTEFUL BUT NOBODY LAUGHS WITH ME WHEN I SAY IT AND REFUSE TOT IT, THEY CALL ME SPOILED. ALSO I RAN OUT OF THE ROOM IF THERE ARE SNAILS BECAUSE NO. Next fucking time we have a dinner with other people I'm going to talk with that attitude and slam the food on the plate and wait for someone to laugh. I'll instruct my little brother to laugh and make other people feel like they have to laugh -sidenote: the jackass who brought it up attempting to laugh along not sure of what's happening is amazing. I don't know which one of those guys is really the loser in the real tvshow that is going on in there. Kasius, cast away and trying to climb up the ladder and become a Big Shot, the snails guy who is soooo loud and soooo friendly and everybody knows he's just desperate to keep being in the inner circle, or what -HAHAHA the Kree discussing why the kid disappeared like. Even before they looked around like 'did we crush the kid' 'how did he disappear, what did we do wrong? look under your shoes' and now 'maybe his power is to disappear' 'nah' I can see these Kree driving a car and talking why they stopped -lmao 'you mean this guy?' 'no he's just cool' -Mack looks proud of himself- you are cool, Mack. You are big enough you don't need superpowers -at this point Kasius and others are just courting Fitz -MAY, IT'S MAY. MAY WILL FIGHT HIM. GET THE HELL OUT. also he KNOWS Jemma and Daisy were laying and how the ell idd he find out her name is Melinda May -Melinda and Fitz looking at each other like that, oh my god. And she hasn't seen what happened of Jemma yet after she let her go -is... Fitz... bromancing Kasius to trick him? what is this episode?? this is also perfect because Fitz's superpower since s2 has been to befriend EVERY person he met and get a circle around him super fast, first Hunter and Mack and then Hunter and Coulson, then he grabbed Bobbi too, befriended Radcliffe super fast, like, of course he can use his 'father's memories (with Jemma watching like a hawk - with impared sight) to get to Kasius. Fitz in this episode is me in high school, I'm not even kidding anymore. You gotta fit in to survive, so fit in in a way that will make people fight to sit next to you without even lying -is telepath boy going to tell May how to behave because he SHOULD -lmao May hitting him without thinking and succeeeding, bet he didn't see that coming -if it wasn't for her leg he'd in a world of trouble -LMAO KASIUS' FACE when Fitz went 'this fight bores me' -he just insulted May's age and just... her face. -the horror at Flint not knowing what tacos are -we finally know Elena's terrigen story lol -oohhhh my god white guy needs to die -he's about to kill him because he lied, oh my god, OH MY GOD, BEN. NO. NOOOO. DON'T DO THIS. -FITZ, don't try to control Kasius too hard, he'll know -one more death in Daisy and Jemma's conscience oh my god are you kidding me poor sweet Ben -oh the white guy had a second when asking about the prophecy and he might buy it later -aw Jemma and Daisy, with Jemma being able to hear -'there was nothing you could do' 'I have to kill him' 'you'll have to get in line'  just... Jemma, of all the people, always reassuring others that it's not their fault, but also REALLY, let Jemma kill at least one person who humiliated and hurt her instead of having her fail and get someone else to do it? -I KNEW IT. I KNEW JEMMA LIKED THE CARDIGANS, PREFERRED THEM. I'M THINKING OF S2. THEY WERE SO SOFT LOOKING -I love that their having girls talk in the middle of this too because oh god they are 29-30, and yes, they have been through hell, and in situations like this people don't necessarily act like super efficient zombies, they find humor, they find reasons to chat with friends, they still smile, and I always found unrealistic when in tvshows, including aos, they were only shown super serious ALL the time. -Daisy the shippers is back. Which I don't know why people don't like or find weird because honestly, I ship my friends with their loved ones when they are so in love -Jemma has a knife. Jemma KEEPS STEALING KNIVES AND WILL STAB PEOPLE, YES -Elena being tortured twice now -uh oh controlling rocks. BREAK HIS HEAD. CRACK HIS HEAD OPEN. YES FLINT -also the loooook between Jemma and Fitz was so lovely, they almost got to talk -Kasius is peacocking so much over his brother -oh they have a plan B, alright -oh wow Kasius' brother is such a sweetie, 'there is no honor to be found in this human cesspool'. that's kinda my attitude when they force me to go out for holidays. -oh yeah, Kasius 'pleeease Sinara fight for me' and then trying to talk her into not being mad at him lol. Also yes for Sinara dying. Fuck you.  You kept killing people with your stupid-ass balls. Your turn now. -jesus for a second I thought they had hung Tess for her neck -IS SHE? DEAD?? NO??????!!! -Daisy's look is so cool tho -KILL SINARA. KILL HER, KILL -aw shit they have a barrier -break her neck, break HER NECK -NO KILL HER. KILL HER FOR REAL. -JEMMA FUCKING SLIT KASIUS' THROAT I'M SO ALIVE FOR THIS, ALSO FOR DAISY FLYING UP LIKE THAT OH MY GOD -OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK -THEY HAD A REUNION KISS FOR FUCKING ONCE -JEMMA PROPOSED TOO AND HE ZFHAADSKJHFKDF -THEN THEY PICKED UP DAISY I'M SO -AND FITZ TALKING ABOUT HOW HE PROPOSED EARLIER THO I'M GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK -honestly I said that I didn't want them to propose and get married until they were a little healthier but that can be solved writing fanon, when it comes to canon, if... Fitz managed to somehow work through his doctor issues and just needed one last push from Hunter (maybe that's also what happened in those six months) and to not be holding back on his love for Jemma anymore because he's completely there and not worrying about the cosmo... then I guess it's fine? honestly, I'm a sucker for this sort of thing so I'll just accept it in the show and then write 59494864 things in which they process things slower after the proposal, they'd have been together anyway -I CAN'T HELP IT OKAY I'M JUST EXCITED -ENOCH LIES THE WAY JEMMA LIED IN S1 OKAY, I LOVE HIM 'hello friend' 'who are you' 'I am a Kree as I've always been, brother' -I love everything about them dividing tasks and Jemma finally getting revenge on Kasius and Fitz finishing Sinara after Daisy did her fighting and also Daisy is there to listen to the proposal, I'm laughing oh my god
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/this-country-isnt-just-carbon-neutral-its-carbon-negative-tshering-tobgay-2/
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
If you are wondering, no, i’m now not carrying a gown, and no, i’m not pronouncing what i am carrying beneath. (Laughter) this is a gho. This is my country wide dress. This is how all guys gown in Bhutan. That is how our women costume. Like our females, we men get to wear lovely vibrant colours, but in contrast to our women, we get to show off our legs.(Laughter) Our countrywide dress is specified, but this isn’t the one thing that’s distinct about my nation. Our promise to stay carbon impartial is also distinct, and that is what i’d wish to converse about at present, our promise to stay carbon neutral. But earlier than I proceed, I should set you the context. I should inform you our story. Bhutan is a small country within the Himalayas. Now we have been called Shangri-La, even the last Shangri-La. But let me let you know proper off the bat, we’re not Shangri-La. My nation is just not one colossal monastery populated with completely happy monks. (Laughter) the fact is that there are barely seven-hundred,000 of us sandwiched between two of probably the most populated nations in the world, China and India. The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped country doing our first-class to outlive. But we’re doing adequate. We’re surviving. Actually, we are thriving, and the reason we’re thriving is on account that we have now been blessed with distinguished kings.Our enlightened monarchs have worked tirelessly to advance our country, balancing fiscal progress cautiously with social progress, environmental sustainability and cultural maintenance, all inside the framework of good governance. We call this holistic strategy to progress "Gross countrywide Happiness," or GNH. Again within the Seventies, our fourth king famously said that for Bhutan, Gross national Happiness is extra main than Gross national Product. (Applause) Ever considering the fact that, all progress in Bhutan is pushed by using GNH, a pioneering imaginative and prescient that aims to make stronger the happiness and well-being of our persons. However that’s less complicated stated than finished, exceptionally when you are one of the vital smallest economies on the earth. Our complete GDP is lower than two billion bucks. I know that some of you listed here are worth more — (Laughter) individually than the complete financial system of my nation.So our financial system is small, however here is the place it will get exciting. Education is totally free. All citizens are assured free tuition education, and those that work tough are given free tuition education. Healthcare can also be fully free. Scientific session, medical medication, drugs: they are all supplied by way of the state. We manage this because we use our restrained resources very cautiously, and considering the fact that we stay devoted to the core mission of GNH, which is development with values. Our economic climate is small, and we need to reinforce it. Fiscal development is most important, however that fiscal growth must no longer come from undermining our exact tradition or our pristine environment.At present, our culture is thriving. We continue to rejoice our art and structure, meals and gala’s, monks and monasteries. And sure, we have fun our national dress, too. That is why i can wear my gho with satisfaction. Here is a enjoyable fact: you are watching on the world’s largest pocket. (Laughter) It begins right here, goes across the back, and springs out from inside of right here. On this pocket we store all manner of private items from phones and wallets to iPads, office records and books. (Laughter) (Applause) but mostly — frequently even worthwhile cargo. So our culture is thriving, however so is our environment. Seventy two percentage of my country is below forest quilt. Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percentage of Bhutan’s complete land shall remain under forest quilt all the time. (Applause) Our structure, this constitution, imposes forest quilt on us. Incidentally, our king used this structure to impose democracy on us.You see, we the individuals did not want democracy. We didn’t ask for it, we did not demand it, and we surely failed to battle for it. Instead, our king imposed democracy on us through insisting that he comprise it within the constitution. But he went further. He included provisions in the structure that empower the people to impeach their kings, and incorporated provisions in here that require all our kings to retire on the age of sixty five. (Applause) fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our earlier king, the excellent Fourth, retired 10 years in the past at the peak of his popularity. He was all of 51 years at the moment. In order I was saying, 72 percentage of our nation is below forest duvet, and all that woodland is pristine.That is why we are one of the few ultimate international biodiversity hotspots on this planet, and that is why we’re a carbon neutral country. In a global that’s threatened with local weather alternate, we are a carbon neutral nation. Seems, it can be a tremendous deal. Of the 200-abnormal nations on the earth in these days, it looks like we’re the one one that is carbon neutral. Absolutely, that is now not quite accurate. Bhutan shouldn’t be carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon bad. Our complete country generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, however our forests, they sequester greater than three times that quantity, so we’re a net carbon sink for greater than four million lots of carbon dioxide each 12 months. However that’s not all. (Applause) We export most of the renewable electricity we generate from our fast-flowing rivers. So today, the smooth vigor that we export offsets about six million tons of carbon dioxide in our regional.By using 2020, we’ll be exporting sufficient electrical power to offset 17 million lots of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even 1/2 our hydropower skills, and that is precisely what we’re working at, the smooth, inexperienced vigor that we export would offset some thing like 50 million tons of carbon dioxide a yr. That is more CO2 than what the complete metropolis of latest York generates in a single year. So inside our country, we are a internet carbon sink. External, we’re offsetting carbon. And that is important stuff. You see, the world is getting hotter, and local weather trade is a fact. Local weather change is affecting my country. Our glaciers are melting, inflicting flash floods and landslides, which in flip are causing disaster and popular destruction in our country. I was once at that lake just lately. It is attractive. That’s how it looked 10 years ago, and that’s the way it appeared 20 years in the past. Just two decades ago, that lake did not exist.It was a superb glacier. Just a few years ago, a similar lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc within the valleys beneath. That destruction was brought on by way of one glacier lake. Now we have 2,seven-hundred of them to deal with. The point is this: my country and my persons have accomplished nothing to contribute to international warming, however we’re already bearing the brunt of its penalties. And for a small, negative country, one that is landlocked and mountainous, it is very tricky. But we aren’t going to take a seat on our hands doing nothing. We can combat climate exchange. That is why now we have promised to stay carbon impartial. We first made this promise in 2009 during COP 15 in Copenhagen, however no one observed.Governments had been so busy arguing with one another and blaming each different for causing local weather exchange, that once a small nation raised our fingers and introduced, "We promise to remain carbon impartial all the time," no person heard us. No one cared. Last December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to remain carbon neutral forever to come. This time, we have been heard. We had been seen, and every person cared. What was once specific in Paris was that governments got here round together to accept the realities of climate change, and were inclined to come back together and act together and work together. All international locations, from the very small to the very significant, dedicated to curb the greenhouse gas emissions.The UN Framework conference on climate exchange says that if these so-called meant commitments are kept, we would be towards containing world warming by means of two levels Celsius. Incidentally, I’ve requested the TED organizers here to turn up the warmth in right here via two levels, so if some of you are feeling hotter than common, you already know who to blame. It can be crucial that each one of us hold our commitments. So far as Bhutan is worried, we can maintain our promise to remain carbon impartial. Listed below are one of the vital approaches we’re doing it. We are supplying free electricity to our rural farmers. The inspiration is that, with free electrical energy, they will now not have got to use firewood to cook dinner their food. We’re investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the acquisition of electric autos. In a similar way, we’re subsidizing the fee of LED lights, and our whole govt is trying to head paperless.We’re cleansing up our entire country by means of easy Bhutan, a country wide application, and we’re planting bushes for the period of our nation by means of green Bhutan, one more national software. But it is our covered areas that are at the core of our carbon neutral process. Our blanketed areas are our carbon sink. They’re our lungs. At present, greater than half of our country is covered, as countrywide parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. But the magnificence is that we’ve connected all of them with one an additional by means of a network of organic corridors. Now, what this implies is that our animals are free to roam during our country. Take this tiger, for example. It used to be spotted at 250 meters above sea degree in the scorching, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that equal tiger was noticed close 4,000 meters in our bloodless alpine mountains. Is not that exquisite? (Applause) We need to preserve it that manner. We ought to hold our parks super. So each year, we put aside resources to avoid poaching, looking, mining and air pollution in our parks, and resources to aid communities who reside in these parks manipulate their forests, adapt to climate alternate, and lead higher lives whilst carrying on with to are living in concord with mom Nature.However that is pricey. Over the following couple of years, our small economy will not have the assets to quilt all the bills which can be required to defend our environment. Correctly, after we run the numbers, it appears find it irresistible’ll take us at least 15 years earlier than we will absolutely finance all our conservation efforts. But neither Bhutan, nor the world can have the funds for to spend 15 years going backwards. That is why His Majesty the King started Bhutan For existence. Bhutan For existence gives us the time we want. It gives us breathing room. It’s well-nigh a funding mechanism to preserve our parks, to preserve our parks, except our govt can take over on our possess absolutely. The idea is to elevate a transition fund from character donors, organizations and associations, however the deal is closed simplest after predetermined stipulations are met and all funds dedicated. So multiparty, single closing: an thought we borrowed from Wall avenue.Which means that character donors can commit without having to worry that they are going to be left supporting an underfunded plan. It is anything like a Kickstarter venture, handiest with a 15-yr time horizon and millions of lots of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to guard our parks, giving our executive time to expand our own funding regularly unless the end of the 15-12 months period. After that, our executive ensures full funding endlessly. We’re nearly there. We expect to close later this year. Naturally, i’m lovely excited. (Applause) the world flora and fauna Fund is our precept accomplice in this ride, and i wish to give them a significant shoutout for the fine work they’re doing in Bhutan and internationally. (Applause) Whew, it is getting heat in right here. I thank you for being attentive to our story, a story of how we’re maintaining our promise to remain carbon neutral, a narrative of how we are maintaining our nation pristine, for ourselves, our youngsters, on your kids and for the world.However we are not here to inform reviews, are we? We are here to dream together. So in closing, i would wish to share another dream that i have. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our impact and our passion, to replicate the Bhutan For life concept to different international locations in order that they too can preserve their blanketed areas for all time. After all, there are lots of other international locations who face the same issues that we face. They too have normal resources that may help win the arena’s combat for sustainability, most effective they won’t have the potential to spend money on them now. So what if we set up Earth For lifestyles, a world fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For life in the course of the arena? I invite you to support me, to hold this dream past our borders to all folks who care about our planet’s future. After all, we’re right here to dream collectively, to work together, to fight climate change together, to preserve our planet collectively. Given that the fact is we are in it together. Some of us might dress another way, but we’re in it together.Thank you very so much, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. (Applause) thank you, thanks, thank you. .
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/this-country-isnt-just-carbon-neutral-its-carbon-negative-tshering-tobgay-2/
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
If you are wondering, no, i’m now not carrying a gown, and no, i’m not pronouncing what i am carrying beneath. (Laughter) this is a gho. This is my country wide dress. This is how all guys gown in Bhutan. That is how our women costume. Like our females, we men get to wear lovely vibrant colours, but in contrast to our women, we get to show off our legs.(Laughter) Our countrywide dress is specified, but this isn’t the one thing that’s distinct about my nation. Our promise to stay carbon impartial is also distinct, and that is what i’d wish to converse about at present, our promise to stay carbon neutral. But earlier than I proceed, I should set you the context. I should inform you our story. Bhutan is a small country within the Himalayas. Now we have been called Shangri-La, even the last Shangri-La. But let me let you know proper off the bat, we’re not Shangri-La. My nation is just not one colossal monastery populated with completely happy monks. (Laughter) the fact is that there are barely seven-hundred,000 of us sandwiched between two of probably the most populated nations in the world, China and India. The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped country doing our first-class to outlive. But we’re doing adequate. We’re surviving. Actually, we are thriving, and the reason we’re thriving is on account that we have now been blessed with distinguished kings.Our enlightened monarchs have worked tirelessly to advance our country, balancing fiscal progress cautiously with social progress, environmental sustainability and cultural maintenance, all inside the framework of good governance. We call this holistic strategy to progress "Gross countrywide Happiness," or GNH. Again within the Seventies, our fourth king famously said that for Bhutan, Gross national Happiness is extra main than Gross national Product. (Applause) Ever considering the fact that, all progress in Bhutan is pushed by using GNH, a pioneering imaginative and prescient that aims to make stronger the happiness and well-being of our persons. However that’s less complicated stated than finished, exceptionally when you are one of the vital smallest economies on the earth. Our complete GDP is lower than two billion bucks. I know that some of you listed here are worth more — (Laughter) individually than the complete financial system of my nation.So our financial system is small, however here is the place it will get exciting. Education is totally free. All citizens are assured free tuition education, and those that work tough are given free tuition education. Healthcare can also be fully free. Scientific session, medical medication, drugs: they are all supplied by way of the state. We manage this because we use our restrained resources very cautiously, and considering the fact that we stay devoted to the core mission of GNH, which is development with values. Our economic climate is small, and we need to reinforce it. Fiscal development is most important, however that fiscal growth must no longer come from undermining our exact tradition or our pristine environment.At present, our culture is thriving. We continue to rejoice our art and structure, meals and gala’s, monks and monasteries. And sure, we have fun our national dress, too. That is why i can wear my gho with satisfaction. Here is a enjoyable fact: you are watching on the world’s largest pocket. (Laughter) It begins right here, goes across the back, and springs out from inside of right here. On this pocket we store all manner of private items from phones and wallets to iPads, office records and books. (Laughter) (Applause) but mostly — frequently even worthwhile cargo. So our culture is thriving, however so is our environment. Seventy two percentage of my country is below forest quilt. Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percentage of Bhutan’s complete land shall remain under forest quilt all the time. (Applause) Our structure, this constitution, imposes forest quilt on us. Incidentally, our king used this structure to impose democracy on us.You see, we the individuals did not want democracy. We didn’t ask for it, we did not demand it, and we surely failed to battle for it. Instead, our king imposed democracy on us through insisting that he comprise it within the constitution. But he went further. He included provisions in the structure that empower the people to impeach their kings, and incorporated provisions in here that require all our kings to retire on the age of sixty five. (Applause) fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our earlier king, the excellent Fourth, retired 10 years in the past at the peak of his popularity. He was all of 51 years at the moment. In order I was saying, 72 percentage of our nation is below forest duvet, and all that woodland is pristine.That is why we are one of the few ultimate international biodiversity hotspots on this planet, and that is why we’re a carbon neutral country. In a global that’s threatened with local weather alternate, we are a carbon neutral nation. Seems, it can be a tremendous deal. Of the 200-abnormal nations on the earth in these days, it looks like we’re the one one that is carbon neutral. Absolutely, that is now not quite accurate. Bhutan shouldn’t be carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon bad. Our complete country generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, however our forests, they sequester greater than three times that quantity, so we’re a net carbon sink for greater than four million lots of carbon dioxide each 12 months. However that’s not all. (Applause) We export most of the renewable electricity we generate from our fast-flowing rivers. So today, the smooth vigor that we export offsets about six million tons of carbon dioxide in our regional.By using 2020, we’ll be exporting sufficient electrical power to offset 17 million lots of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even 1/2 our hydropower skills, and that is precisely what we’re working at, the smooth, inexperienced vigor that we export would offset some thing like 50 million tons of carbon dioxide a yr. That is more CO2 than what the complete metropolis of latest York generates in a single year. So inside our country, we are a internet carbon sink. External, we’re offsetting carbon. And that is important stuff. You see, the world is getting hotter, and local weather trade is a fact. Local weather change is affecting my country. Our glaciers are melting, inflicting flash floods and landslides, which in flip are causing disaster and popular destruction in our country. I was once at that lake just lately. It is attractive. That’s how it looked 10 years ago, and that’s the way it appeared 20 years in the past. Just two decades ago, that lake did not exist.It was a superb glacier. Just a few years ago, a similar lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc within the valleys beneath. That destruction was brought on by way of one glacier lake. Now we have 2,seven-hundred of them to deal with. The point is this: my country and my persons have accomplished nothing to contribute to international warming, however we’re already bearing the brunt of its penalties. And for a small, negative country, one that is landlocked and mountainous, it is very tricky. But we aren’t going to take a seat on our hands doing nothing. We can combat climate exchange. That is why now we have promised to stay carbon impartial. We first made this promise in 2009 during COP 15 in Copenhagen, however no one observed.Governments had been so busy arguing with one another and blaming each different for causing local weather exchange, that once a small nation raised our fingers and introduced, "We promise to remain carbon impartial all the time," no person heard us. No one cared. Last December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to remain carbon neutral forever to come. This time, we have been heard. We had been seen, and every person cared. What was once specific in Paris was that governments got here round together to accept the realities of climate change, and were inclined to come back together and act together and work together. All international locations, from the very small to the very significant, dedicated to curb the greenhouse gas emissions.The UN Framework conference on climate exchange says that if these so-called meant commitments are kept, we would be towards containing world warming by means of two levels Celsius. Incidentally, I’ve requested the TED organizers here to turn up the warmth in right here via two levels, so if some of you are feeling hotter than common, you already know who to blame. It can be crucial that each one of us hold our commitments. So far as Bhutan is worried, we can maintain our promise to remain carbon impartial. Listed below are one of the vital approaches we’re doing it. We are supplying free electricity to our rural farmers. The inspiration is that, with free electrical energy, they will now not have got to use firewood to cook dinner their food. We’re investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the acquisition of electric autos. In a similar way, we’re subsidizing the fee of LED lights, and our whole govt is trying to head paperless.We’re cleansing up our entire country by means of easy Bhutan, a country wide application, and we’re planting bushes for the period of our nation by means of green Bhutan, one more national software. But it is our covered areas that are at the core of our carbon neutral process. Our blanketed areas are our carbon sink. They’re our lungs. At present, greater than half of our country is covered, as countrywide parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. But the magnificence is that we’ve connected all of them with one an additional by means of a network of organic corridors. Now, what this implies is that our animals are free to roam during our country. Take this tiger, for example. It used to be spotted at 250 meters above sea degree in the scorching, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that equal tiger was noticed close 4,000 meters in our bloodless alpine mountains. Is not that exquisite? (Applause) We need to preserve it that manner. We ought to hold our parks super. So each year, we put aside resources to avoid poaching, looking, mining and air pollution in our parks, and resources to aid communities who reside in these parks manipulate their forests, adapt to climate alternate, and lead higher lives whilst carrying on with to are living in concord with mom Nature.However that is pricey. Over the following couple of years, our small economy will not have the assets to quilt all the bills which can be required to defend our environment. Correctly, after we run the numbers, it appears find it irresistible’ll take us at least 15 years earlier than we will absolutely finance all our conservation efforts. But neither Bhutan, nor the world can have the funds for to spend 15 years going backwards. That is why His Majesty the King started Bhutan For existence. Bhutan For existence gives us the time we want. It gives us breathing room. It’s well-nigh a funding mechanism to preserve our parks, to preserve our parks, except our govt can take over on our possess absolutely. The idea is to elevate a transition fund from character donors, organizations and associations, however the deal is closed simplest after predetermined stipulations are met and all funds dedicated. So multiparty, single closing: an thought we borrowed from Wall avenue.Which means that character donors can commit without having to worry that they are going to be left supporting an underfunded plan. It is anything like a Kickstarter venture, handiest with a 15-yr time horizon and millions of lots of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to guard our parks, giving our executive time to expand our own funding regularly unless the end of the 15-12 months period. After that, our executive ensures full funding endlessly. We’re nearly there. We expect to close later this year. Naturally, i’m lovely excited. (Applause) the world flora and fauna Fund is our precept accomplice in this ride, and i wish to give them a significant shoutout for the fine work they’re doing in Bhutan and internationally. (Applause) Whew, it is getting heat in right here. I thank you for being attentive to our story, a story of how we’re maintaining our promise to remain carbon neutral, a narrative of how we are maintaining our nation pristine, for ourselves, our youngsters, on your kids and for the world.However we are not here to inform reviews, are we? We are here to dream together. So in closing, i would wish to share another dream that i have. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our impact and our passion, to replicate the Bhutan For life concept to different international locations in order that they too can preserve their blanketed areas for all time. After all, there are lots of other international locations who face the same issues that we face. They too have normal resources that may help win the arena’s combat for sustainability, most effective they won’t have the potential to spend money on them now. So what if we set up Earth For lifestyles, a world fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For life in the course of the arena? I invite you to support me, to hold this dream past our borders to all folks who care about our planet’s future. After all, we’re right here to dream collectively, to work together, to fight climate change together, to preserve our planet collectively. Given that the fact is we are in it together. Some of us might dress another way, but we’re in it together.Thank you very so much, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. (Applause) thank you, thanks, thank you. .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/this-country-isnt-just-carbon-neutral-its-carbon-negative-tshering-tobgay-2/
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
If you are wondering, no, i’m now not carrying a gown, and no, i’m not pronouncing what i am carrying beneath. (Laughter) this is a gho. This is my country wide dress. This is how all guys gown in Bhutan. That is how our women costume. Like our females, we men get to wear lovely vibrant colours, but in contrast to our women, we get to show off our legs.(Laughter) Our countrywide dress is specified, but this isn’t the one thing that’s distinct about my nation. Our promise to stay carbon impartial is also distinct, and that is what i’d wish to converse about at present, our promise to stay carbon neutral. But earlier than I proceed, I should set you the context. I should inform you our story. Bhutan is a small country within the Himalayas. Now we have been called Shangri-La, even the last Shangri-La. But let me let you know proper off the bat, we’re not Shangri-La. My nation is just not one colossal monastery populated with completely happy monks. (Laughter) the fact is that there are barely seven-hundred,000 of us sandwiched between two of probably the most populated nations in the world, China and India. The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped country doing our first-class to outlive. But we’re doing adequate. We’re surviving. Actually, we are thriving, and the reason we’re thriving is on account that we have now been blessed with distinguished kings.Our enlightened monarchs have worked tirelessly to advance our country, balancing fiscal progress cautiously with social progress, environmental sustainability and cultural maintenance, all inside the framework of good governance. We call this holistic strategy to progress "Gross countrywide Happiness," or GNH. Again within the Seventies, our fourth king famously said that for Bhutan, Gross national Happiness is extra main than Gross national Product. (Applause) Ever considering the fact that, all progress in Bhutan is pushed by using GNH, a pioneering imaginative and prescient that aims to make stronger the happiness and well-being of our persons. However that’s less complicated stated than finished, exceptionally when you are one of the vital smallest economies on the earth. Our complete GDP is lower than two billion bucks. I know that some of you listed here are worth more — (Laughter) individually than the complete financial system of my nation.So our financial system is small, however here is the place it will get exciting. Education is totally free. All citizens are assured free tuition education, and those that work tough are given free tuition education. Healthcare can also be fully free. Scientific session, medical medication, drugs: they are all supplied by way of the state. We manage this because we use our restrained resources very cautiously, and considering the fact that we stay devoted to the core mission of GNH, which is development with values. Our economic climate is small, and we need to reinforce it. Fiscal development is most important, however that fiscal growth must no longer come from undermining our exact tradition or our pristine environment.At present, our culture is thriving. We continue to rejoice our art and structure, meals and gala’s, monks and monasteries. And sure, we have fun our national dress, too. That is why i can wear my gho with satisfaction. Here is a enjoyable fact: you are watching on the world’s largest pocket. (Laughter) It begins right here, goes across the back, and springs out from inside of right here. On this pocket we store all manner of private items from phones and wallets to iPads, office records and books. (Laughter) (Applause) but mostly — frequently even worthwhile cargo. So our culture is thriving, however so is our environment. Seventy two percentage of my country is below forest quilt. Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percentage of Bhutan’s complete land shall remain under forest quilt all the time. (Applause) Our structure, this constitution, imposes forest quilt on us. Incidentally, our king used this structure to impose democracy on us.You see, we the individuals did not want democracy. We didn’t ask for it, we did not demand it, and we surely failed to battle for it. Instead, our king imposed democracy on us through insisting that he comprise it within the constitution. But he went further. He included provisions in the structure that empower the people to impeach their kings, and incorporated provisions in here that require all our kings to retire on the age of sixty five. (Applause) fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our earlier king, the excellent Fourth, retired 10 years in the past at the peak of his popularity. He was all of 51 years at the moment. In order I was saying, 72 percentage of our nation is below forest duvet, and all that woodland is pristine.That is why we are one of the few ultimate international biodiversity hotspots on this planet, and that is why we’re a carbon neutral country. In a global that’s threatened with local weather alternate, we are a carbon neutral nation. Seems, it can be a tremendous deal. Of the 200-abnormal nations on the earth in these days, it looks like we’re the one one that is carbon neutral. Absolutely, that is now not quite accurate. Bhutan shouldn’t be carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon bad. Our complete country generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, however our forests, they sequester greater than three times that quantity, so we’re a net carbon sink for greater than four million lots of carbon dioxide each 12 months. However that’s not all. (Applause) We export most of the renewable electricity we generate from our fast-flowing rivers. So today, the smooth vigor that we export offsets about six million tons of carbon dioxide in our regional.By using 2020, we’ll be exporting sufficient electrical power to offset 17 million lots of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even 1/2 our hydropower skills, and that is precisely what we’re working at, the smooth, inexperienced vigor that we export would offset some thing like 50 million tons of carbon dioxide a yr. That is more CO2 than what the complete metropolis of latest York generates in a single year. So inside our country, we are a internet carbon sink. External, we’re offsetting carbon. And that is important stuff. You see, the world is getting hotter, and local weather trade is a fact. Local weather change is affecting my country. Our glaciers are melting, inflicting flash floods and landslides, which in flip are causing disaster and popular destruction in our country. I was once at that lake just lately. It is attractive. That’s how it looked 10 years ago, and that’s the way it appeared 20 years in the past. Just two decades ago, that lake did not exist.It was a superb glacier. Just a few years ago, a similar lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc within the valleys beneath. That destruction was brought on by way of one glacier lake. Now we have 2,seven-hundred of them to deal with. The point is this: my country and my persons have accomplished nothing to contribute to international warming, however we’re already bearing the brunt of its penalties. And for a small, negative country, one that is landlocked and mountainous, it is very tricky. But we aren’t going to take a seat on our hands doing nothing. We can combat climate exchange. That is why now we have promised to stay carbon impartial. We first made this promise in 2009 during COP 15 in Copenhagen, however no one observed.Governments had been so busy arguing with one another and blaming each different for causing local weather exchange, that once a small nation raised our fingers and introduced, "We promise to remain carbon impartial all the time," no person heard us. No one cared. Last December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to remain carbon neutral forever to come. This time, we have been heard. We had been seen, and every person cared. What was once specific in Paris was that governments got here round together to accept the realities of climate change, and were inclined to come back together and act together and work together. All international locations, from the very small to the very significant, dedicated to curb the greenhouse gas emissions.The UN Framework conference on climate exchange says that if these so-called meant commitments are kept, we would be towards containing world warming by means of two levels Celsius. Incidentally, I’ve requested the TED organizers here to turn up the warmth in right here via two levels, so if some of you are feeling hotter than common, you already know who to blame. It can be crucial that each one of us hold our commitments. So far as Bhutan is worried, we can maintain our promise to remain carbon impartial. Listed below are one of the vital approaches we’re doing it. We are supplying free electricity to our rural farmers. The inspiration is that, with free electrical energy, they will now not have got to use firewood to cook dinner their food. We’re investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the acquisition of electric autos. In a similar way, we’re subsidizing the fee of LED lights, and our whole govt is trying to head paperless.We’re cleansing up our entire country by means of easy Bhutan, a country wide application, and we’re planting bushes for the period of our nation by means of green Bhutan, one more national software. But it is our covered areas that are at the core of our carbon neutral process. Our blanketed areas are our carbon sink. They’re our lungs. At present, greater than half of our country is covered, as countrywide parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. But the magnificence is that we’ve connected all of them with one an additional by means of a network of organic corridors. Now, what this implies is that our animals are free to roam during our country. Take this tiger, for example. It used to be spotted at 250 meters above sea degree in the scorching, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that equal tiger was noticed close 4,000 meters in our bloodless alpine mountains. Is not that exquisite? (Applause) We need to preserve it that manner. We ought to hold our parks super. So each year, we put aside resources to avoid poaching, looking, mining and air pollution in our parks, and resources to aid communities who reside in these parks manipulate their forests, adapt to climate alternate, and lead higher lives whilst carrying on with to are living in concord with mom Nature.However that is pricey. Over the following couple of years, our small economy will not have the assets to quilt all the bills which can be required to defend our environment. Correctly, after we run the numbers, it appears find it irresistible’ll take us at least 15 years earlier than we will absolutely finance all our conservation efforts. But neither Bhutan, nor the world can have the funds for to spend 15 years going backwards. That is why His Majesty the King started Bhutan For existence. Bhutan For existence gives us the time we want. It gives us breathing room. It’s well-nigh a funding mechanism to preserve our parks, to preserve our parks, except our govt can take over on our possess absolutely. The idea is to elevate a transition fund from character donors, organizations and associations, however the deal is closed simplest after predetermined stipulations are met and all funds dedicated. So multiparty, single closing: an thought we borrowed from Wall avenue.Which means that character donors can commit without having to worry that they are going to be left supporting an underfunded plan. It is anything like a Kickstarter venture, handiest with a 15-yr time horizon and millions of lots of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to guard our parks, giving our executive time to expand our own funding regularly unless the end of the 15-12 months period. After that, our executive ensures full funding endlessly. We’re nearly there. We expect to close later this year. Naturally, i’m lovely excited. (Applause) the world flora and fauna Fund is our precept accomplice in this ride, and i wish to give them a significant shoutout for the fine work they’re doing in Bhutan and internationally. (Applause) Whew, it is getting heat in right here. I thank you for being attentive to our story, a story of how we’re maintaining our promise to remain carbon neutral, a narrative of how we are maintaining our nation pristine, for ourselves, our youngsters, on your kids and for the world.However we are not here to inform reviews, are we? We are here to dream together. So in closing, i would wish to share another dream that i have. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our impact and our passion, to replicate the Bhutan For life concept to different international locations in order that they too can preserve their blanketed areas for all time. After all, there are lots of other international locations who face the same issues that we face. They too have normal resources that may help win the arena’s combat for sustainability, most effective they won’t have the potential to spend money on them now. So what if we set up Earth For lifestyles, a world fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For life in the course of the arena? I invite you to support me, to hold this dream past our borders to all folks who care about our planet’s future. After all, we’re right here to dream collectively, to work together, to fight climate change together, to preserve our planet collectively. Given that the fact is we are in it together. Some of us might dress another way, but we’re in it together.Thank you very so much, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. (Applause) thank you, thanks, thank you. .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/this-country-isnt-just-carbon-neutral-its-carbon-negative-tshering-tobgay-2/
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
If you are wondering, no, i’m now not carrying a gown, and no, i’m not pronouncing what i am carrying beneath. (Laughter) this is a gho. This is my country wide dress. This is how all guys gown in Bhutan. That is how our women costume. Like our females, we men get to wear lovely vibrant colours, but in contrast to our women, we get to show off our legs.(Laughter) Our countrywide dress is specified, but this isn’t the one thing that’s distinct about my nation. Our promise to stay carbon impartial is also distinct, and that is what i’d wish to converse about at present, our promise to stay carbon neutral. But earlier than I proceed, I should set you the context. I should inform you our story. Bhutan is a small country within the Himalayas. Now we have been called Shangri-La, even the last Shangri-La. But let me let you know proper off the bat, we’re not Shangri-La. My nation is just not one colossal monastery populated with completely happy monks. (Laughter) the fact is that there are barely seven-hundred,000 of us sandwiched between two of probably the most populated nations in the world, China and India. The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped country doing our first-class to outlive. But we’re doing adequate. We’re surviving. Actually, we are thriving, and the reason we’re thriving is on account that we have now been blessed with distinguished kings.Our enlightened monarchs have worked tirelessly to advance our country, balancing fiscal progress cautiously with social progress, environmental sustainability and cultural maintenance, all inside the framework of good governance. We call this holistic strategy to progress "Gross countrywide Happiness," or GNH. Again within the Seventies, our fourth king famously said that for Bhutan, Gross national Happiness is extra main than Gross national Product. (Applause) Ever considering the fact that, all progress in Bhutan is pushed by using GNH, a pioneering imaginative and prescient that aims to make stronger the happiness and well-being of our persons. However that’s less complicated stated than finished, exceptionally when you are one of the vital smallest economies on the earth. Our complete GDP is lower than two billion bucks. I know that some of you listed here are worth more — (Laughter) individually than the complete financial system of my nation.So our financial system is small, however here is the place it will get exciting. Education is totally free. All citizens are assured free tuition education, and those that work tough are given free tuition education. Healthcare can also be fully free. Scientific session, medical medication, drugs: they are all supplied by way of the state. We manage this because we use our restrained resources very cautiously, and considering the fact that we stay devoted to the core mission of GNH, which is development with values. Our economic climate is small, and we need to reinforce it. Fiscal development is most important, however that fiscal growth must no longer come from undermining our exact tradition or our pristine environment.At present, our culture is thriving. We continue to rejoice our art and structure, meals and gala’s, monks and monasteries. And sure, we have fun our national dress, too. That is why i can wear my gho with satisfaction. Here is a enjoyable fact: you are watching on the world’s largest pocket. (Laughter) It begins right here, goes across the back, and springs out from inside of right here. On this pocket we store all manner of private items from phones and wallets to iPads, office records and books. (Laughter) (Applause) but mostly — frequently even worthwhile cargo. So our culture is thriving, however so is our environment. Seventy two percentage of my country is below forest quilt. Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percentage of Bhutan’s complete land shall remain under forest quilt all the time. (Applause) Our structure, this constitution, imposes forest quilt on us. Incidentally, our king used this structure to impose democracy on us.You see, we the individuals did not want democracy. We didn’t ask for it, we did not demand it, and we surely failed to battle for it. Instead, our king imposed democracy on us through insisting that he comprise it within the constitution. But he went further. He included provisions in the structure that empower the people to impeach their kings, and incorporated provisions in here that require all our kings to retire on the age of sixty five. (Applause) fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our earlier king, the excellent Fourth, retired 10 years in the past at the peak of his popularity. He was all of 51 years at the moment. In order I was saying, 72 percentage of our nation is below forest duvet, and all that woodland is pristine.That is why we are one of the few ultimate international biodiversity hotspots on this planet, and that is why we’re a carbon neutral country. In a global that’s threatened with local weather alternate, we are a carbon neutral nation. Seems, it can be a tremendous deal. Of the 200-abnormal nations on the earth in these days, it looks like we’re the one one that is carbon neutral. Absolutely, that is now not quite accurate. Bhutan shouldn’t be carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon bad. Our complete country generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, however our forests, they sequester greater than three times that quantity, so we’re a net carbon sink for greater than four million lots of carbon dioxide each 12 months. However that’s not all. (Applause) We export most of the renewable electricity we generate from our fast-flowing rivers. So today, the smooth vigor that we export offsets about six million tons of carbon dioxide in our regional.By using 2020, we’ll be exporting sufficient electrical power to offset 17 million lots of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even 1/2 our hydropower skills, and that is precisely what we’re working at, the smooth, inexperienced vigor that we export would offset some thing like 50 million tons of carbon dioxide a yr. That is more CO2 than what the complete metropolis of latest York generates in a single year. So inside our country, we are a internet carbon sink. External, we’re offsetting carbon. And that is important stuff. You see, the world is getting hotter, and local weather trade is a fact. Local weather change is affecting my country. Our glaciers are melting, inflicting flash floods and landslides, which in flip are causing disaster and popular destruction in our country. I was once at that lake just lately. It is attractive. That’s how it looked 10 years ago, and that’s the way it appeared 20 years in the past. Just two decades ago, that lake did not exist.It was a superb glacier. Just a few years ago, a similar lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc within the valleys beneath. That destruction was brought on by way of one glacier lake. Now we have 2,seven-hundred of them to deal with. The point is this: my country and my persons have accomplished nothing to contribute to international warming, however we’re already bearing the brunt of its penalties. And for a small, negative country, one that is landlocked and mountainous, it is very tricky. But we aren’t going to take a seat on our hands doing nothing. We can combat climate exchange. That is why now we have promised to stay carbon impartial. We first made this promise in 2009 during COP 15 in Copenhagen, however no one observed.Governments had been so busy arguing with one another and blaming each different for causing local weather exchange, that once a small nation raised our fingers and introduced, "We promise to remain carbon impartial all the time," no person heard us. No one cared. Last December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to remain carbon neutral forever to come. This time, we have been heard. We had been seen, and every person cared. What was once specific in Paris was that governments got here round together to accept the realities of climate change, and were inclined to come back together and act together and work together. All international locations, from the very small to the very significant, dedicated to curb the greenhouse gas emissions.The UN Framework conference on climate exchange says that if these so-called meant commitments are kept, we would be towards containing world warming by means of two levels Celsius. Incidentally, I’ve requested the TED organizers here to turn up the warmth in right here via two levels, so if some of you are feeling hotter than common, you already know who to blame. It can be crucial that each one of us hold our commitments. So far as Bhutan is worried, we can maintain our promise to remain carbon impartial. Listed below are one of the vital approaches we’re doing it. We are supplying free electricity to our rural farmers. The inspiration is that, with free electrical energy, they will now not have got to use firewood to cook dinner their food. We’re investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the acquisition of electric autos. In a similar way, we’re subsidizing the fee of LED lights, and our whole govt is trying to head paperless.We’re cleansing up our entire country by means of easy Bhutan, a country wide application, and we’re planting bushes for the period of our nation by means of green Bhutan, one more national software. But it is our covered areas that are at the core of our carbon neutral process. Our blanketed areas are our carbon sink. They’re our lungs. At present, greater than half of our country is covered, as countrywide parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. But the magnificence is that we’ve connected all of them with one an additional by means of a network of organic corridors. Now, what this implies is that our animals are free to roam during our country. Take this tiger, for example. It used to be spotted at 250 meters above sea degree in the scorching, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that equal tiger was noticed close 4,000 meters in our bloodless alpine mountains. Is not that exquisite? (Applause) We need to preserve it that manner. We ought to hold our parks super. So each year, we put aside resources to avoid poaching, looking, mining and air pollution in our parks, and resources to aid communities who reside in these parks manipulate their forests, adapt to climate alternate, and lead higher lives whilst carrying on with to are living in concord with mom Nature.However that is pricey. Over the following couple of years, our small economy will not have the assets to quilt all the bills which can be required to defend our environment. Correctly, after we run the numbers, it appears find it irresistible’ll take us at least 15 years earlier than we will absolutely finance all our conservation efforts. But neither Bhutan, nor the world can have the funds for to spend 15 years going backwards. That is why His Majesty the King started Bhutan For existence. Bhutan For existence gives us the time we want. It gives us breathing room. It’s well-nigh a funding mechanism to preserve our parks, to preserve our parks, except our govt can take over on our possess absolutely. The idea is to elevate a transition fund from character donors, organizations and associations, however the deal is closed simplest after predetermined stipulations are met and all funds dedicated. So multiparty, single closing: an thought we borrowed from Wall avenue.Which means that character donors can commit without having to worry that they are going to be left supporting an underfunded plan. It is anything like a Kickstarter venture, handiest with a 15-yr time horizon and millions of lots of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to guard our parks, giving our executive time to expand our own funding regularly unless the end of the 15-12 months period. After that, our executive ensures full funding endlessly. We’re nearly there. We expect to close later this year. Naturally, i’m lovely excited. (Applause) the world flora and fauna Fund is our precept accomplice in this ride, and i wish to give them a significant shoutout for the fine work they’re doing in Bhutan and internationally. (Applause) Whew, it is getting heat in right here. I thank you for being attentive to our story, a story of how we’re maintaining our promise to remain carbon neutral, a narrative of how we are maintaining our nation pristine, for ourselves, our youngsters, on your kids and for the world.However we are not here to inform reviews, are we? We are here to dream together. So in closing, i would wish to share another dream that i have. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our impact and our passion, to replicate the Bhutan For life concept to different international locations in order that they too can preserve their blanketed areas for all time. After all, there are lots of other international locations who face the same issues that we face. They too have normal resources that may help win the arena’s combat for sustainability, most effective they won’t have the potential to spend money on them now. So what if we set up Earth For lifestyles, a world fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For life in the course of the arena? I invite you to support me, to hold this dream past our borders to all folks who care about our planet’s future. After all, we’re right here to dream collectively, to work together, to fight climate change together, to preserve our planet collectively. Given that the fact is we are in it together. Some of us might dress another way, but we’re in it together.Thank you very so much, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. (Applause) thank you, thanks, thank you. .
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