#i can just imagine remus getting one of those chuckit things
maybebabyplease · 1 year
for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt:
Remus takes Padfoot to the park on Tuesday afternoons, but only if it’s sunny; otherwise Padfoot has a tendency to roll in mud puddles and track dirt all over their flat. The dog owners in the park all look like their furry friends, and Remus wonders if they think he looks like his.
Padfoot loves to play fetch, not that Sirius will ever admit it. He brings a stick over to Remus, laying it at his feet, tail wagging in anticipation. Remus stifles a grin and holds the stick up. He gives it a fake toss, to see if Padfoot will take the bait and go running. But Padfoot’s too smart for that, so he waits until Remus lets go and really sends it flying. As the stick soars through the air, so does the shaggy black dog, and he opens his mouth wide for the catch.
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