#i can't even address him comparing yuki to his great white hope max who is apparently quiet???? yeah okay you delusional old man
hungerpunch · 2 years
i'm not gonna reblog the post itself bc i'm sure you've all seen it, but i don't even know where to start.
if yuki is receiving any type of mental health care, that is private. marko shouldn't be disclosing that to the press, to his teammates, anything. the only person to talk publicly about yuki receiving treatment should be yuki himself.
but now that we do have that information, i wish it were clearer information because a few components can make a lot of difference here. first, let's note that psychiatry are psychology are two different things. seeing a psychiatrist and seeing a psychologist are two different experiences. having it chalked up to "a sort of psychologist" doesn't instill a lot of confidence.
additionally, we have no idea the degree of yuki's agency in this. was it mandated by rbr? was it a plan constructed in collaboration with yuki? was yuki given a choice, or was he given an ultimatum? that's information that we don't have but is hugely significant. all psychiatric treatment or therapy cannot be assumed to be good (see, for an extreme example: britney spears' conservatorship case), and especially so if it is mandated and involuntary.
either way, helmut himself is pretty explicit about the motivation. it's not for yuki's well-being, it's for his performance. the fact that helmut has overseen a truly giant stable of drivers who have been more mouthy, inappropriate, and aggressive than yuki but yuki is the one he's publicizing treatment for... there is so much to be said here.
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