#i had trouble with yoshi but yeh
tatortatshima · 4 months
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whoops i drew these 2 again instead of sleeping for school
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yukiette · 3 years
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11/15 • Durarara Izaya's Route • (Pink colour is pretty kiyot bruh)
🚧 Below Spoilers 🚧
Had a limited people MC to converse with,
As usual, he's gathering informations as Izaya's assistant.
There we see the Yellow Scarves leader and his trusted subordinate talking with each other..
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(Yeh I forgot to take a pic, kinda lazy too lols.)
Honestly I didn't play his route on 1st game.
I wasn't surprised because there's lots of hints before this but it's great to have my guesses proven.
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(Mikado tolds him that he had to take roundabout path & many of Yellow Scarves glared at him along the way.)
Ahh, it's a minor hint to his identity I suppose. Quite cool 😎
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(Yellow Scarves took a notice of Yoshi and was planning to capture him due to suspicions of him being one of the Dollars.)
Yoshi nigetazo, yoku yatta desu! ✨️
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(Chiaki informs Yoshi that there's change of plan and told him to finish the job fast.)
Y'know what, one of good reason to play his route is we being able to know everything that's going on in Ikebukuro, lols. 💕
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(Yagiri tells him that she doesn't know what bait Izaya put for MC to cooperate with him but he shouldn't involve himself with Izaya. But MC probably insisted and was told that "Whatever happens, you better take responsible of it and don't complain later on.")
Y'know wat, I think mc has been warned thousand times alr by this point lols, sorreh mc-kun but I wanna know wat happens in this route.
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"Hey~ Sorry I wasn't able to welcome you out there."
"You see, I went to Ikebukuro to scour for information a little today but Shizu-chan and I ran into each other."
"There he threw the road sign with tremendous speed and I kinda got my leg injured there."
"Hm? Ah~ It's totally fine. No need to worry that much."
"I'm walking just fine and this wound won't take that long to close."
"Shinra's being in Ikebukuro was a lifesaver."
"Right after the treatment I was able to go back immediately, I'm honestly grateful."
"But still, I'm really glad that I only got off with just this."
"If that directly hits me it'd result on instant death."
"We've known each other for a long time so I'm at least knowledged about Shizu-chan tendency movement patterns here and there that's why I was able to got off with this only-"
"But normally to have that thrown at you, it's a big deal, y'know?"
"It wouldn't even be weird to have that incident shown on newspaper front page."
"But, since it's not quite a mysterious phenomenon like Headless Rider, people don't take it seriously and dumb strength of his apparently got overshadowed."
"Geez, I really do wish that Ikebukuro Police can take and execute their job more seriously and properly."
"You see, back then, I schemed to trick and trap Shizu-chan."
"But unfortunately in the end of story he was able to get away with it."
"Don't you think that kind of primitive and ferocious creature ought to be enclosed and trapped in cage or something?"
"You know, I love all sorts of human."
"But Shizu-chan.. I can't even bring myself to look him in positive outlook."
"Even I gave an effort to bring myself to love Shizu-chan, y'know?"
"I thought about treating him with care the first time we met." (He talked as if Shizuo is a kind of object way.)
"However, he's like oddly sharp and somewhat keen to my schemes.."
"With that primitive like intuition he always without fail sniffs them out. All sorts of things."
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"Even when I planned my observation plan carefully.."
"He really suddenly appears and ruins everything, that Shizu-chan."
"Let's see.. Its just like building blocks."
"You spent a lot of effort and went through all of the troubles to carefully place a piece one by one in order to build a grand tower you desire."
"And only to have them be drop-kicked before your eyes.. Was the kind of anger that built up."
"Even though, who did that was me."
"That's why it'd be nice if he could just drop dead soon."
"Shizu-chan is pretty stubborn, you see."
"World really doesn't go as you want it to be, huh~"
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"Hey, hey. In your opinion, what means that will be enough to kill Shizu-chan?"
Choices :
• Impossible (Correct)
• Knife
• Drugs
"Right~? I also do think so."
"I do wonder if Shizu-chan is really a human, category wise."
"Personally I highly doubt it, really."
"Ah. Right, right."
"Speaking of that oil drum, that one you carried was the one that I made in the past."
"It was when I was still a student along with Shizu-chan."
"I just thought. Maybe this one will at least be of use for countering Shizu-chan."
"But in the end I didn't use it."
"Well to be precise, I wasn't able to."
"It was found out and that's it."
"Though, I do remember the teachers contemplated where could they dispose it during that time.."
"Well, well. Didn't expect it to be at that place."
"I'm just gonna say this but I wasn't the one who equipped it with a bomb."
"I only put gasoline in, okay?"
"Ahh~ I do wish that with this incompetently executed incident Shizu-chan could get entangled somehow."
"That's why I warned them how it's still too early, geez."
"Oh well~ Can't be helped, I suppose."
"Because this will result on their own stubbornly wanted outcome, after all."
"Well, we did what we're assigned with."
"As for the rest, why not we enjoy what'll happens together."
(A/N : Ya im ded, probs i shouldnt have translated all of em 💀)
Welp, kiwotsukete, sankyuu n mata otanoshimini! 🌸
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