#i just gotta think about electric corpse-saint horror for a while hee hoo
deermouth · 4 months
So I know that Webb said that it's likely that what would happen (in any scenario where they ended up dead/sainted/etc) is that the Church Electric would just bring in new, less experienced, more easily exploitable employees, and that itself is a horror, but what if... the quick turnaround to getting the lights back on means something a little different? What if, in the frenzy of mass death at the hands of the state, the Saint accepted her striking workers back into the fold, once their ability to fight back was stripped from them? A grid supervised by saints. Buttons pushed and switches flicked by spasming fingers, nerves jolted with divine current. A place of worship manned by the worshipped--surely nothing bad will come of that! The Church puts out some great press releases that say otherwise, but quietly lets it happen. After all, they'll save a fortune on training courses.
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