#i kind of want to start Leah but i knew that if i start i wont be able to stop
It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ The Prequel ] || [ Chapter 2 ]
Pairing: Gaz x Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
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Chapter 1: Kyle
All of last night you and your friends spent time tinkering with your profile, putting up the sexiest pics of you that you had, some of them from Instagram, some from your camera roll, and filling in all the fields of info you could… 
And then you started checking out the profiles, definitely judging and roasting the men that popped on your screen (blame the alcohol), but always swiping right, regardless of what you (or them) thought of the most recent man on the screen.
But, once they left, you turned off the notifications and alerts from the app and went to sleep. You had acquiesced to downloading the app and making a profile, but the last thing you wanted was to be on that app constantly and get bombarded with DMs and Likes/Super-Likes…
The next day came and went and, as you sat in your kitchen after work, unboxing your take-out boxes of dinner, your group chat pinged with a text from Leah.
leah: How's Tinder going? 👀
You bit your lip and sighed as you typed out a response:
you: haven’t touched it all day bc i was at work. leah: Better touch it then!!
Rolling your eyes, you set the phone down on the table again, and locked the screen, as you began stirring the noodles you bought with your chopsticks.
Mia joined not long after with her own opinion. 
mia: ive got a good feeling about today! ur gonna find a hot bloke i know it 🫶 im sending good energyyyy!
“Yeah, right…” You grumbled. But, once again, you acquiesced and clicked on the little flame-shaped app icon.
The app lagged at first, for a good 5 seconds, and then a bunch of DMs and Like notifications pinged your phone.
You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself… Oh, how predictable men are… They see a picture showing just a bit more skin and they try to chat the person up. But, at the same time, it made you feel quite good…
You skim through the DMs you’ve already gotten, over 99 of them… And none of them tickled your fancy. Plenty of them were variations of “Oi.”, “Hey.”, “Hi.”... Not to mention the ones that were just directly asking you to meet up right from the get-go.
Returning to the groupchat, you text your friends a screenshot of the 99+ counter on both the DMs and the Likes, which causes them to break into cheers at you.
leah: Look at you!!!! mia: i knew it. you: not into any of them tho. mia: then go back to swiping girl!
Biting back a little groan, you returned to Tinder and flicked onto the Swiping page.
Surprisingly, now that you were alone (and kind of doing it against your will), it was a lot easier for you to not get lost over-analyzing the profiles and simply… mindlessly moving your finger.
Ew, that’s a catfish of a famous male model, Report.
“Kyle.” You said softly as you read the name on your screen. He looked adorable, with a squinted ‘the-sun-is-in-my-eyes’ smile. “29… A soldier… a Brummie…” You mused as you slipped a Chinese roll past your lips and chewed.
You took a screenshot of his profile and sent it quickly to your friends’ groupchat before you returned to Tinder. As you clicked through his photo gallery, you saw the push notifications pinging at the top of the screen.
leah: HE’S STUNNING! 😫 mia: 👀👀👀👀👀 mia: smash.
Chuckling, you continue going through his pictures. “Holiday photo, holiday photo, I seriously hope those are his nephews or something, mandatory picture in uniform, and… JESUS CHRIST, a warning would’ve been NICE?!” You said to no one in particular as your jaw dropped open and you almost dropped your Chinese roll. 
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“Bloody hell… Is that sweat or baby oil?” You asked yourself as you looked at his slick, bare chest in the mirror selfie he uploaded. “And is he cupping his-” You stopped that train of thought before it could go too far from the station.
Clicking the arrow in the corner you finally brought his profile into full-screen and proceeded to find yourself chuckling at his bio. 
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His pictures were all wonderful, he looked like a guy who took care of himself, and he was funny which was the best part. 
Taking a deep breath, you press the Green heart at the bottom. A squeal escapes your mouth when the phone screen suddenly changes to the darker ‘It’s a Match!’ screen with Kyle.
Your eyes widen in surprise and, just as you press the DM button, intent on coming up with something to message him, you notice it.
Kyle: bought some shoes from a drug dealer this morning. don’t know what he laced them with but I’ve been tripping over myself all day and now think ive finally fallen for you 👀
The cheesy pick-up line has you closing your eyes and exhaling through your nose. It’s starting off terribly… But he’s the first bloke you felt inclined to text… That has to mean something, doesn’t it?
you: you fell out of a helicopter… i dont think its the shoes. i’m starting to think ur just clumsy. Kyle: holy shit you’re not a bot! let’s goooo you: a bot? you really thought that? Kyle: when someone has posted pics as cute as yours you cant help but have that worry in the back of your mind 😅 Kyle: or that ur a catfish 🤷‍♂️ you: i promise you im neither. you: and thank you. you’re cute too. Kyle: thats exactly what a bot/catfish would say 🙄 you: well how would a human talk then?? Kyle: cant tell you bc then ur gonna machine learn and start doing it you: well then how else am i supposed to prove im not either?? Kyle: let me take you out. let me get a proper good look at you. you: was that all a ploy to invite me out?? 🫠 Kyle: first time on tinder? you: that obvious huh? Kyle: a little. Kyle: so is that a yes? you: I’ll think about it. Kyle: i can work with that. 🥴 Kyle: hmu whenever youd like. no pressure. 
Maybe you would hit him up later… Once you gained enough courage to go through with the whole ‘rebound’ thing.
Biting your lip, you click off the DMs and return to the Swiping page…
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe
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wosoamazing · 2 months
Summary: You join arsenal and move in with Beth and Viv, you're nervous how everything will go, but ultimately it was perfect
Warnings: Diabetes, Hypoglycaemia, Glucagon shot, let me know if anything else.
A/N: Just a bit of a cute fluffy fic, I tried to get everything right medically but IDK if it is perfect. I hope you like it. If I did get something wrong let me know. Also as always happy to do part 2s if requested but pls add some detail on what you want to see.
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You were originally going to move in with Leah however the Medical Team said it would be best for you to live with two people, so you moved in with Beth and Viv, you were very nervous as to how they would perceive you, and whether they would be accommodating of your diabetes or not. You knew the medical team had discussions with them and that the club had forced them to do the emergency training for really bad lows and highs, what you didn't know was that they asked the club if they could find them some more training courses, they had done just about everyone single one, from how to use a Dexcom and an Omnipod as these were the devices you used, to how to live everyday life with diabetes. 
So when you turned up to their house you were very surprised to see some snacks sitting out on the bench, each with a piece of paper next to them, with the amount of carbs in them. They had really gone out of their way to help you settle in and make your life easier.
“Um, we have something to show you.” Beth said, kind of hesitant, you followed them over to a cupboard, “Um, it might be a little silly but this is for you,” she said as she opened the cupboard. It was empty other than some shelves, and draws, some organisation baskets, a mini fridge and a basket full of lollies. “There are some juices in there, we didn’t know what flavour you liked so we bought a pack of each, if you don’t like a flavour that's okay, we also got you these, they are all 15g of Carbs each, um but we can buy anything else you want or prefer, and um we thought you could put all of your supplies in here so they are organised and there is even a label maker so we can label the draws and stuff if you want oh and this is for you I suppose.” She said as she picked up a phone, it was a brand new iPhone 15 “it's more for the club, they were originally going to by you a android but we told them you wouldn't use it so yeah, the idea is we connect it to you sensors as like an additional device, so that everyone has access to your levels, so like at night we will keep it beside our bed so if anything happens we are alerted and during games the medical staff will have it and during training I think Kelly is mainly going to have it.” you nodded knowing you couldn't speak, the kindness of both women, and seeing how much they more cared and were going to 100% help you caused you to become emotional you felt a single tear roll down your face, causing the pair to panic lightly “You could have a cupboard somewhere else if you wanted or we could show you, your bedroom, it's pretty bare but we had plans to take you shopping so you could decorate it and make it your own,” another tear roll down your face, “are you okay, did I say something wrong? Did I do something wrong?” you shook your head “th-thank you” Beth pulled you in for a hug “it's nothing really” but it was something it was everything, it was perfect. You spent your day moving in. 
You set up the cupboard first, you drew a plan of where everything was going to go, detailing it before everything started to get put into the cupboard. Your plan worked very well and the cupboard was very organised and practical. Viv thought it was quite cute, she was going to like this side of you very much. Once you had set up the cupboard you got to go shopping, first you went to the homemaker centre, buying some bedspreads, pillows, and decorations from multiple different shops, to make more room in the car you had to do a pit stop at home, chucking it sll through the front door, before heading back out for lunch, it was the first time Beth and Viv had experienced eating out with Diabetes, well even just eating and diabetes. You were very well practised at it, and helped Beth and Viv learn, showing them how you did everything, you taught them how to estimate carbs, but that differently needed practise on their end, you also showed how you can either your phone or your pod controller to set up the insulin delivery and you even pricked their fingers to test their levels for fun, you liked how they weren’t over cautious about it and how they weren’t treating you differently, and also the fact that they didn’t see it as annoying, really you just liked everything about them. You then went to IKEA to get a desk, a chest of drawers and some other items for your bedroom. Once you got home you set up your room, you were putting your clothes away when you were interrupted by Beth and Viv calling you down for dinner.
“Stuffed capsicums!” You yelled as you walked into the kitchen.
“Inside voice,” “Vivvy, it’s cute, your parents told us they were one of your favourites and we thought after the lunch we had today they would be a good choice, how many do you want?”
“Two please, thank you,” “you’re welcome, if you want we can sit on the couch and watch a movie.” you nodded your head before making your way over to the couch.
“Come in,” Viv said after you knocked on the door, her face dropped when you opened the door and she saw your red puffy eyes, and tear stained cheeks. You had been crying because you were so relieved and happy, and you wanted to thank them again.
“Kleintje, is everything okay?” Viv asked, causing Beth to pop her head out of the bathroom mid teeth brushing, the sight of you caused her to quickly move back to the bathroom rinsing out her mouth before pulling you in for a hug.
“T-thank you, for everything, it was perfect, you didn’t have to do any of it”
“Of course Kleintje,” Viv walked over to the two of you joining in the hug.
“We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable, it is now your house too. But please if you need us for anything at all you can come wake us up, our door is always open.” 
“Figuratively, not literally” you giggled slightly at Viv’s comment.
“Let's all go to sleep. Hey. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow” Beth said.
Your second day was a training day, you Beth and Viv arrived early, as you had a few meetings, the first one was with Jonas and Kelly, about everything but also your diabetes, then the medics and some other people, Beth and Viv came with you to all of them. As you sat in the tactical session, you sipped on your apple juice popper as you listened intently, trying to ignore Beth and Steph’s talking, you were one to think tactics were a major part of the game, something else Viv would come to like. You then had a short gym session and then it was lunch, everyone was wondering what it was going to be, you already knew but decided not to tell them, you had been given the menu for the week, to select some things that you would want, so that they could make up a plate for you, ensuring they could tell you the exact amount of carbs. You walked in to find your plate sitting on the bench next to all the other food, it was a chicken burger, on wholemeal bread rather than a burger bun, you also had some snacks. There was a piece of paper next to it that had your name on it and the amount of carbs in each item, including each item of the burger. You picked up your plate and walked over to Beth, who pointed to the table she usually sat at, so you sat down there, waiting for her and others to join you, Kelly soon walked in with your kit, which you accidentally forgot at the meeting, you took it from her gratefully and she told you what would be happening in training so you had some idea of how much you needed to adjust your insulin. You picked up your phone and checked to see what it said your sugars were at, your phone said your sugars were at 90 which was perfect considering your target range was between 80-100, you were unzipping your kit when some of the team came to sit down, Beth sat next to you, Steph, Katie, and Caitlin also sat down. You pulled out your lancing device and pricked your finger, using your metre to confirm your reading before putting the units you needed for the burger into your pod controller.
“Do you mind us asking?” Katie questioned what you were doing.
“Um, I have diabetes, I was diagnosed when I was two, but it means that I have to manually control my blood sugars. My body doesn't do it at all, so I have to calculate the insulin I need for when I eat," "Right,” she nodded her head.
You had a few hiccups with your diabetes since living with Beth and Viv, but nothing major, however that was going to change. It was the 60th minute and you felt your body start shaking, the medics hadn’t called a paused or called you over and even thought you felt funny at half time your levels were normal, if anything slightly high, but you knew you were low, not only was your body shaking, but your brain hurt and felt foggy, you were also struggling to not fall over. You knew you needed to get off the pitch soon, before you passed out. A corner gave you the perfect opportunity to tell Beth you were low, you walked up to her, she looked at you confused and concerned.
“L-Low” you managed to say to Beth before you collapsed forward on her, she lowered you to the ground and the ref immediately blew the whistle, the medical team was on the pitch immediately, players from both teams were starting to form a huddle around you, trying to protect you from the media.
They were checking your sugars, as Beth got a Glucagon shot ready, she was ready to go when she got the nod of approval from the medics. Beth injected the shot into you and you were immediately rolled onto your side by the medics, waking up just moments later, in a panicked state, sitting up. 
“It’s okay, you passed out from being low, we had to give you a Glucagon, but it’s okay, you’re going to be okay.” Beth said as she rubbed your back.
“S-sta-stay?” you managed to get out eyes wide open with fear.
“Go with her, I’ll tell Jonas,” Beth nodded.
Viv met you and Beth in the medical room, she sat on a chair while Beth sat on the bed with you, you were given some gummy bears as well as an apple juice popper, to try and elevate your levels, you were still shaky and sweaty but your vision was completely clear and the medics and paramedics cleared you, which meant you didn't have to go to the hospital, but Beth and Viv had very strict instructions to take you to the hospital if certain things happened, such as seizures, loss of consciousness and others. 
“Do you want to go home now Kleintje?” you nodded as you ate a gummy bear.
You were very nervous for your first camp, for how the staff would handle your diabetes but more so the team. The last game you played for Arsenal was the one you passed out during. You visited your endo after that incident and he had recommended putting tape over your sensor and pod when you played. The sensor had slightly pulled out during your arsenal game and so it wasn't actually reading your blood sugar.
It was your first training session and Beth had helped you, with the supervision of the medical team, put tape around your arms covering your sensor and pod, it was so you could get used to the feeling of it before your first game. You weren't required to have tape over your sensor and pod during training as you had frequent breaks which you could be checked during.
As you warmed up with Lauren Esme and Niamh, Ella and Alessia walked over to you.
“Why do you have tape on your arms?”  Ella asked. “Ella you can't just ask that” Mary said as she walked over with Beth, who had overhead the question, so she stood behind you placing her hands on your shoulders. “You don't have to tell them.” Beth whispered in your ear, you did want to tell them but you weren't sure you wanted to tell them right now.
“Oh um,” you were saved by Sarina calling the team over. While Sarina talked one of the medics came over to you, she handed you the phone and you saw your reading, being nodding and sticking your hand out to her, hoping that somehow in the non contact warm up the sensor had moved and that reading wasn't true, as if it was you most likely weren't going to get to do training this morning. You were handed a small container filled with 6 sour worms which told you the reading was true, you opened the container and started to eat them while Sarina kept talking.
“Why don’t we get sour worms?” Ella whined.
“Because you’re not special enough.” you inform her, causing everyone to break out into laughter.
“I like her,” Millie said as she high fived you. Sarina ignored all the commotion, she was obviously used to it and just continued talking. “Y/N could I just talk to you quickly?” she said as you and the girls started to disperse, you nodded and walked over to her.
“Sorry Sarina. I didn’t mean to-” “No, that's not what I wanted to speak about but I appreciate the apology. I wanted to talk to you about telling the girls, is it something you would like to do?”
“Um, yeah I think, I just don’t know how to tell them and like I don't want them to think of me differently”
“That's okay, I think sooner rather than later would be better, maybe today during dinner? During the announcements. Becky could help you, or even Beth or anyone you wanted, I could even just tell them and we wouldn't need to discuss it if you wanted.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Leah Williamson x Jordan Nobbs x Child!Reader
Summary: You want hugs
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The breakup with Jordan went fairly smoothly where the feelings were involved. Where it got a bit gritty was with you.
At three years old the travel between London and Birmingham was hard going and you didn't quite understand why you had to do it or why Mummy moved in the first place.
"Come on, bug." Mum tries to feed you, nudging a fork loaded with pasta against your lips. You turn you head away stubbornly.
Arsenal isn't as fun without Mummy here and you refuse to let Mum lighten your mood. So, you stay stubborn and ignore her.
Leah, for her part, is very confused at your change in attitude. She knew that there would be an adjustment period for everyone involved and she knew it would probably hit you the hardest.
But you'd had an attitude with her the whole week as soon as you got back from Jordan's and Leah can't quite work out why. She wondered if she'd been mean or rude to you but she knew that she hadn't so your change in mood is very disconcerting.
She's not getting very far with you so drops the fork and checks the time. There's still a full day of training to get through but Jordan hasn't got any so she's been driving down from Birmingham to pick you up for the week.
Leah sighs deeply at your stubbornness as you push your lunch plate away and sullenly pull at the table cloth.
"She'll come around," Lia says, reaching out to offer some comfort," It's just a hard adjustment."
Leah huffs. "Yeah, I guess so but-Bug! We don't hit!"
It was almost in slow motion that Leah watched you slap Lia's hand where it's holding hers.
"No!" You screech, not paying any attention to your mum as you scream at Lia. "No touching! She's mine! Mine! Not yours!"
You climb from your seat and grab Leah's arms to force them around you in some semblance of a hug.
"Hey," Leah forces her arms away. "No. We don't hit, bug! Say sorry!"
Your bottom lip wobbles as Mum stops hugging you, leaning away from you as she looks at you with a stern expression. "Hugs!" You whine," Hugs for bug!"
"No," Leah corrects," No hugs for bug until you apologise."
Your face turns stormy and your expression mimics Leah's perfectly. "Hugs!" You insist," Hugs! Now!"
"Say sorry," Leah continues," And then say please and you'll get hugs."
"No! Want hugs now!"
Leah squeezes her eyes shut for a moment to draw herself together before she moves. She hoists you up onto her hip and walks you over to the corner. At first, when you think that she's giving in, you go limp but as soon as you see where she's going, you start kicking and hitting.
"No! No! No!"
"Yes," Leah says firmly," We don't hit and we're not rude, especially not to me. Five minutes in the corner and then you can say you're sorry and we can have cuddles."
"No!" You bite out," Don't want cuddles from you! You're mean!"
Leah tries not to take it to heart. She knows that when she's angry she says things in the heat of the moment but you look so certain of yourself and so angry that it looks like you're being serious.
You fight being put in the corner but once you're there, you know to stay and Leah always makes sure to sit closer so you don't feel like you've been abandoned.
"What's going on?"
She hadn't even realised Jordan's arrived until she speaks.
Leah doesn't look away from you. "Bug hit Lia and she's demanding things again when she knows she needs to use her manners. She's having some corner time."
"Leah." Jordan sounds a bit worried. "She's only little. She doesn't understand."
"If she's old enough to hit and demand things then she's old enough to know that being rude and mean has consequences. It's not like I'm overreacting, Jordan."
The look Jordan gives her kind of makes Leah feel like she doesn't agree. In fact, Jordan approaches you, tapping your shoulder to let you know you can turn around.
"Hey there, bug," She says," What's going on?"
"Want hugs!" You yell, looking between her and Leah," Both! Want hugs from both!"
"Hey!" Leah says sternly again," You need to say please!"
You look at her in rage, like you can't believe that she's denying you again. Mummy never denies you cuddles. She's always touching you and giving you kisses and holding your hand.
She never makes you say please.
"Hug!" You turn to Mummy to show Mum what she's supposed to be doing. "Hug! Now!"
"Jordan!" Leah complains when Jordan immediately hugs you.
She rocks you back and forth for a moment and you instantly deflate.
You reach an arm out to Mum. "Hugs, now," You say, infinitely calmer but a lot more determined," Like Mummy."
"Bug," Leah says," You have to say please."
"Leah," Jordan interrupts," Just give her a hug. She'll stop screaming if you hug her."
Leah shifts closer but doesn't hug you. "You need to say sorry to Lia," She says again," Because it's rude to hit."
You huff. "Lia's not family," You respond," Doesn't need to be touching you."
You shuffle out of Jordan's arms but take care to keep holding one of her hands. "Don't need to touch you," You insist. You grab Leah's hand and she lets you because you're trying to explain your feelings and she doesn't want you to be discouraged and shut down like earlier this week.
You pull Leah's hand and connect it to Jordan's, wrapping around both of them so they can't pull away.
You seem proud of yourself, puffing out your chest. "Hugs now!"
"Hey, wait, no," Leah says quickly," Manners, bug. We've talked about this."
"Mummy doesn't make me use manners when I want cuddles." You shrug. "Just have to want one."
Jordan, at least, has the sense to look a bit embarrassed.
Leah never likes to critique Jordan's parenting skills. She's a great mum but there are things that tend to grind Leah's gears. It's not that she thinks that she's better or her way is best (Leah knows that she's not the perfect parent) but giving in to your every want when you're being rude about it is one thing that really annoys her.
"It makes her happy," Jordan defends," And it saves all the tears and tantrums."
"Jordan," Leah groans," She can't just demand everything."
"Leah," Jordan says back," You haven't even scratched the surface of her tantrums. She's always been your perfect little angel." There's a hint of bitterness in Jordan's tone that makes Leah feel a bit bad.
She's right, of course. Before the breakup, you were nothing short of a little angel for Leah, following her like a shadow and lavishing in her company. Jordan had always had to work a little bit harder to gain your approval, even going back as far as the day your care worker brought you home to them.
Leah sighs deeply and pulls you a little closer.
"Bug," She says, a lot gentler than earlier," You need to go and apologise for hitting Lia." You make a face but Leah continues on. "Thank you for explaining with your big girl words but I think big girls like you understand when they've been a bit naughty."
You nod sullenly, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
"And then, if you still want cuddles, you need to say please, okay?"
You shake your head. "No! 'Cause Mummy's here now! Can't have Mum cuddles!"
Leah and Jordan exchange confused looks.
"Why can't we cuddle now Mummy's here?"
"'Cause I've got to go home with Mummy! Can't cuddle with you if I'm with Mummy!"
You look close to tears, tears of sadness rather than the tears of anger earlier.
Leah's face softens. "But do you still want cuddles with me?"
"Okay," Leah says," Here's what we're going to do. Mummy's going to take you over to Lia and get your lunch. You're going to say you're sorry for hitting Lia and then we'll all sit down together, have some cuddles, finish your lunch and we'll get you on your way with Mummy. How does that sound?"
You nod. "Yes, Mum."
"Okay." Leah presses a soft kiss to your temple. "Let's get started then."
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leah-lover · 2 months
Entangled desires. Leah Williamson x Alexia putellas x reader. Smut 18+
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The air was filled with tension. your breaths were clearly hitched. your bodies were frozen and only one thought filled your brains.
You decided to make a move. You got up, passed by alexia, your hand caressing her back quickly, and you went in front of leah.
Knowing what you were going to do, she gave you space and took a couple steps back. You then looked at Leah's eyes looking for any sign of discomfort. When you didn't find any you moved your hand to cup her face. you kissed her slowly, sweetly, and quickly.
“ Are you okay?” you whispered in order to preserve the intimacy of the moment.
“ yes. Are you?.” she responded scanning your face for any kind of doubt. As a response you kissed her again and again and again. Your kisses were quick but sweet because you didn't want to overwhelm her.
You then took a step back and looked at Alexia then at leah. Alexia understood your message and started walking towards Leah and kissed her. Alexia’s hands grabbed Leah's waist, pulled her closer to her, and kissed her. Their kiss was nothing like yours. Alexia was’nt as sweet as you when it came to sex. She kissed like she was hungry for her. The kiss was rough and graphic. Alexia was clearly taking control of Leah's entire body.
While they were making out, you took the initiative to take off your dress leaving you only a black lace lingerie set you wanted to surprise Alexia with before you knew what your night would become. When they broke out of their kiss they both looked at you laying on the bed watching them.
“ You are so fucking beautiful.” Said Leah louder than she hoped for. Embarrassed; she apologized.
“ No no no no . Don't apologize for anything. “. Responded Alexia.
“ I am yours now Leah as much as I am Alexia's. Don't hold back please “ you added.
“I think you are way too dressed for this occasion Leah.” Said Alexia moving towards her again. She kissed her again, this time guiding her to the bed. She first took off her blazer, then her shirt, leaving only her bra before throwing her in the bed.
Leah’s jaw dropped at her move so you seized the opportunity and kissed her, sliding your tongue between her open lips.
Alexia then took a couple steps back and watched you straddle Leah and go down to kiss her more.
“ Is Alexia okay with this?” She whispers between the kisses.
“ Yes she is totally on board with us. She wants a piece of you too” you responded.
You lifted her head slowly and moved to her neck. Leah was clearly not a loud person. So the little short whimpers and quiet moans you were getting out of her were the best sound in the world. You then moved onto her chest all while straddling her lap. You took care of each of Leah’s boobs. You touched them, massaged them, kissed them, and pinched her nipples too. Leah was a moaning mess underneath you. You went back up to kiss her only for her to whisper“ I need more.” into your ear. After that you took off her pants and spread her legs. Her glossy sheen was clear as day. It has spread all over her thighs and started dripping on the bed.
“ all of this just for us hermosa.” you praise her by almost touching her clit with your fingers. She hissed at your attempt. “ you wanted ale and i to fuck you this bad.” you say, almost touching her clit again. “ Tell me how needy you are for my fingers.”
“ I've wanted them ever since I saw you at the bar tonight. Please just please.” she whined. You did as she asked, sliding 2 fingers into her wet pussy.
Her back arched as a response and she started moaning louder with each thrust. You decide to put your tongue into good use and started to rub circles on her clit all while fucking her with you fingers. It only took her a little while before her legs were beginning to shake. “ I am gonna come.” she barely managed to say before she came in your mouth. You helped her ride out her orgasm, your fingers shallowly thrusting into her.
As soon as her legs stopped shaking you turn around to find a naked alexia with a strap on her core watching the show infront of her.
You went to her with Leah's juices all over your mouth and kissed her with them. After she was done cleaning you up. You both looked over to Leah who was still on the bed, her legs were still spread, but she was up by her elbow watching you and alexia make out.
“ What do you think of mi amor?” asked Alexia. “ don't you think she deserves a reward after she made you feel so good?”
“ Yes I do.” she responded. “ how about you get a taste of her pussy.” added Alexia.
“ but….” Started Leah before being interrupted by alexia “ no buts i call the shots.”
“Necesito que seas una buena chica para nuestro invitado aquí. Quiero que me obedezcas y hagas lo que te digo. no seas un mocoso “ she said to you lifting you head by your chin.
You get up and move towards the bed and lay down next to leah. She gets off the bed and stands in front of our waiting for you to settle. She then starts kissing you as soon as you get comfortable. The kiss was much more dominant from her this time around.
She quickly established control, and slid her tongue on top of yours. She quickly moved down the rest of your body until she was near your dripping core. She wasn't as sweet as you or as rough as Alexia. She was a happy medium. She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew when to tease, when to stop, and when to go hard.
As soon as she lowered her head in between your thighs she released an audible gasp. Surprised, you got up a little supporting yourself with your elbows only to find Alexia’s front glued to Leah’s back with absolutly no space between them. Alexia was kissing Leah’s neck which made her drop her head back of ale’s shoulder.
“ Didn't we say that amor over there deserved a reward for treating you so well.” Whispered alexia in Leah's ear.
“Uhmmm” was all what Leah could get out. “ So don't mind me and help her out.” She added. After that Leah lowered her body again leaving her ass brushing against Alexia’s strap and her head between your thighs.
“Buena niña.” Said Alexia.
Leah was good with her tongue, she moved it skillfully around your clit for a while, which made you a moaning mess. Leah’s tongue stopped for a moment and when you looked over you found Alexia using her strapon Leah.
“buena chica sigue comiéndola por mí.” Said Alexia. “ Keep eating her out for me baby girl.” She repeated so that Leah would understand.
She started out slowly to stretch her out. Everytime Leah was full she would suck your clit harder. “¿Se siente bien mi vida?” Asked Alexia. “ sì corazon.” You responded.
You were panting and your orgasm was getting close when Leah moaned against your clit.
You knew that Alexia would eventually touch her clit because she used you like that all the time. What you didn't anticipate was Leah's reaction.
She did you so well though. She kept her focus on your pleasure but now she was holding on to your thighs after Alexia sped up her pace.
She was still moaning against your clit when you announced that you were gonna cum.
“ I want you and Leah to come together. Be my good girls and come together. You can hold it for me. Right carino?” She said in English which surprised you. It only took a little while before Leah said “ I a…. Gonna…. Come.” She said against your clit. “ Sì Hermosa ven por mí.” Said Alexia all while thrusting hard into her. A few secondsatet you both came under Alexia moaning and shaking. Alexia kept thrusting into Leah until she came too. Alexia didn't make a sound when she came. You only realized that she did when her head dropped back.
“ Ambas fueron tan buenas para mí.” Said Alexia kissing Leah’s back while her head rested on your stomach. “ Such good girls.” She added.
“ Voy a buscar un poco de agua, la necesitaremos para la segunda ronda.” She said after pulling out of Leah and deposing of her toy.
“I have a feeling we will be up all night.” You said after Leah nuzzled her head on you neck.
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mj0702 · 2 months
The other Bronze – Part 14
For Lunatic... I hope you're doing better and I hope you read this and find some comfort in it - mom and dad love you to the most and back Lunatic ♥️♥️
Sarina parked it just a little bit away from the hotel and turned in her seat to look at you
“We still need to talk Liefje” Sarina said sternly pulling you back into the car
“Don't worry – I found a weak link” you said happily
“Not what I was thinking about but.. good job” the dutch said “.. Leah said you tried to kill yourself – I want to know why”
“Seriously... I swear that was a one time thing and I'm better now” you said upset
“Not what I asked... I want to know WHY” the blonde stayed stricter
“I... I felt so alone... Lucy was gone... Keira just moved to Barcelona.... I mean the girls a great but... they're not Luce or Kei... somehow me stupid brain convinced me that they left and broke up because of me... and that they wouldn't care if I was around or not... so I got some pills from grandmas cabinet and just took them all...” you said not looking at the dutch
“... and then?” Sarina said lowly
“... I got scared... like... I suddenly knew that it was a mistake... so I wanted to call Hempo but I clicked the wrong number... got Leila on the phone.. I didn't knew her very well just in passing – but she came... she asked me where I am after I cried into the phone that I'm scared. I even called her Laurie... you know... she didn't KNOW me – but she came...and before I knew it I threw up... I'm basically still alive because of her... Lei then called Hempo... mills turned from that moment....” you recapped the night it all happened
“But why Liefje.... you know you could always come to me – or to one of us” Sarina tried again to understand you
“I can't tell you why Mama Rina.... I don't know... I just felt so alone... but I swear I never ever thought about it again” you stressed out
“If you EVER feel the need to do something like that again I want you to call me” the blonde took your hand strongly and with her second hand she made you look at her “Okay?”
“Okay... I promise...” you nodded lightly
“Good... so... that weak link....” Sarina smiled slightly
“Now or after dinner? Because I AM kind of hungry” you look embarrassed
Sarina laughed out loud but nodded anyway
“Of course Liefje... come on now” she laughed as the two of you exit the car
The dutch laid her arm around your shoulders pulling you into her side as the two of you walked the short distance to the Hotel. You laid your head on her shoulder enjoying the rare moment of peace you get with the head coach.
“Hey... hey y/n... we saved you a seat!!!!” you heard Tooney before you saw her
“Go” Sarina smiled lovingly as she released you from her hold
You sprinted over to the table quickly sliding into the chair between Less and Tooney before Keira or Leah could grab you. You sat opposite to your girlfriend sending her a small smile knowing Lucy was watching you two with hawk eyes. Suddenly you felt your chair being pulled back a little bit. You squeaked surprised as you felt the chair being lifted.
“You really think I would let you sit at the kids table??” you heard Keira as you looked up you saw Millie and Mary holding the sides of your chair about a foot in the air
“Sorry BB” Millie smiled apologetic “She has dirt on me”
“You can't be serious” you exclaimed trying to slip off the chair
“You will get the same food at my table” Keira said dry as she nodded her head and Millie and Mary started to carry you (chair included) over to the grown up table and dispose you next to your sister while Keira sat down to your other side
“I don't wanna sit here” you whined “This table is boring”
“Excuse me? Do I look like I care? The last time you three sat next to each other you got us kicked out of a restaurant” Keira said nonchalantly
“It was NOT our fault that the flame thingy fell over and set the table on fire” you said upset
“You prodded it the whole time even after I told you to leave it alone” Keira now growled
“I found it fascinating.. the flame was blue” you said ashamed
“Give up Bubs... you stuck with us for tonight” Lucy now sighed “She won't let you go back”
“You can overrule her... sister tops...” you said hopefully
“Oh Bitsy... your sister tops absolutely nothing” Keira smiled sweetly as she lightly slapped your cheek “Now eat”
You looked down on your plate and pulled a disgusted face
“What's that?” you prodded at your food
“Chicken” Keira said as she started to eat
“THAT is not chicken...” you pointed at the light hill on your plate
“That's the rice with sauce” Keira rolled her eyes “That is the chicken” she said as she pushed the rice a little aside
“And that green stuff... I don't do green stuff..” you argued again choosing the difficult route today – she wanted a kid. She'll get a kid.
“Spinach” Leah now answered as her best had her mouth full
“Ew no... not eating that” you huffed leaned back in your chair crossing your arms in front of your chest
“Suit yourself... go to bed hungry” Keira shrugged her shoulders “If you ever THINK of throwing a fit later because you're hungry you and I will have a private talk and you know these never end good for you”
“I want food... not... that” you pouted and whined
“Bitsy come on... you're not three... just eat” Keira said and you heard that she's about to lose her last nerve with you
Still you shake your head not moving towards the plate again
“Bubs come on... you haven't eaten since breakfast” Lucy now tried the nice approach – good cop, bad cop “You must be hungry”
“I AM... but I want something tasty” you whined
“It's very tasty... just try it... for me?” your sister spoke softly smiling hopefully.
“Hey Pumpkin... you interested in a deal?” now Beth interrupted the interaction knowing how important it was to get some food into you
“Listening” you answered and glanced at her
“Two forks equals one stroopwaffle... if you finish your plate – spinach included a whole extra pack” Meado smiled encouraging
“One fork one waffle” you shot back
“No can do... two for one...” Beth leaned back in her chair grinning
“Two extras at final whistle then” you tried your luck again
“I'll give you two extras if you eat your salad too” the brown haired woman smirked
“Okay now you're pushing it” you huffed out
“Two for one and an extra if you finish the plate” Meado leaned forward extending her hand.
“Two extras” you said seriously
“Nope... no deal” Beth said as she pulled her hand back
“Okay okay... two for one and one extra” you said quickly nearly jumping on the table to grab Beth hand “but from the good shop in Amsterdam”
“Deal” Meado grinned as she saw Keira mouthing a “thank you” towards her
You recutlanty started to pick up some rice and chicken with your fork. Everyone at the table knew you were a picky eater. Always have been and always will be – but if you had found something you liked you would eat like a harvester. But also you would go days without actual food if there was nothing you would find interesting. You carefully brought the fork to your lips just to feel the usual knot in your stomach putting the silverware down quickly
“No... sorry... can't do it” you said as you quickly stood up basically fleeing the table and the room.
Everyone looked after you confused. The first one who reacted was in fact Georgia as she pushed her chair back with such a force that it fell over backwards running after you. Lucy tried to run after the two of you but got stopped by Keiras hand on her arm
“Leave them...” the blonde said softly
“But what if...” Lucy tried
“If what...” Leah asked now
“If G takes advantage of her state – we know how fragile she is at the moment” your sister said a little stressed
“Excuse me?” Keira said shocked “That's G we're talking about – you know damn well this girl has a heart of gold and as big as five field... and she's not the brightest sometimes... she doesn't even know what it means to take advantage of someone”
“I'm just....” your sister defended herself
“I know... but you need to let her grow up... it's not easy for me either but let her be Luce” Keira said softly
You quickly sprinted outside the hotel actually jumping over some luggage which was standing around from guests just checking in. Once outside you looked around frantically as you saw the next best bush. You quickly got over there and just started to throw up. This was how your girlfriend found you. Hunched over a bush heaving loudly. Wordless she stood next to you rubbing small soothing circles on your back offering silent support. After a few minutes you got yourself up right again and leaned backwards against the wall
“What happened” G asked keeping her voice down
“Just got too much” you mumbled closing your eyes “Thank you”
“For what?” Georgia asked confused
“Coming after me...” you murmured suddenly feeling tired and exhausted
“I'll always come after you – and if I have to run to the end of the world” your girlfriend answered whispering as she both manoeuvred you into a sitting position
“Sap” you smiled with your eyes closed but leaning against her “We probably shouldn't be so close – what if fans see?”
“Let them... don't care” your girlfriend mumbled back “only care about you right now”
“You would...” you started
“Don't care... you're important to me, you know?” she interrupted you quickly knowing where this conversation would go if she'd let you go on
“You're important to me too G...” you said serious “... that's why we need to talk”
“Are you breaking up with me?” Georgia asked and you heard the panic in her voice
“No... no... but you might want to break up with me after that talk” you mumbled
“Did... did something happened... with someone... in Barcelona?” your girlfriend asked unsure
“Yes... that too... but not like you think” you sighed knowing you can't push that conversation further away anymore “But you need to promise me to let me finish and not interrupt me”
“Okay...” Georgia said carefully
You took a deep breath before you started to talk
“I'm telling you this because you are so SO important to me – not even Kei knows this... or god forbid Lucy... did I ever tell you why Leila and I are so close?” you looked at her and G shook her head before you continued “She saved me G... literally... she saved my life... two years ago, when Kei moved to Spain too... I felt so alone... I know Toons was there... and Less... and Leah... and all of them... but in the same time no one was there... it was bad enough to lose Lucy to Spain.. But I still had Keira... but when she moved too – it broke me G... I know she had to for her career... and I would never ever blame her for what happened but it broke me. I had no one to go to – I was still laborating on my ACL and I didn't know what to do. I fell G and I fell hard. I was rock bottom and I didn't know how to get back on top again...” you started to feel the tears threatening to fall “... so I got all the pills my mom had in her cabinet threw them all in a bag mixed them up and just took a handful... and suddenly I got so SO scared... the sensible part of my brain asked me if I'm bloody serious to choose the easy way out. Out of panic I wanted to call Hempo of all people – you know how she would react in a situation like that. She would panic herself. But she was the nearest to where I was. I pressed the wrong contact and Leila answered the call. Don't know why but she did. I didn't even realized my mistake and just started sobbing into the phone what I just did and that I'm scared and where I am and to please help me”
You were full on crying now. Not the loud outgoing cry, just silently as your tears run down your cheeks onto falling onto your shirt
“I don't know how much time went past but suddenly I got yanked up from the bench I was sitting on and the person just bend me over and made me throw up.... wasn't the nicest thing in the world. After I came by a little more I realized Leila was the one holding me bend over asking me if I think that it was all of it or if there's some left in my stomach because she WILL shove her fingers down my throat again if she had to... told her I think that everything is out and she basically carried me to her car. She told me she's going to get me into hospital and who she should call. Told her Hempo – I knew the chain would work its way to Leah. Leila got me to the Hospital told them what happened and they took care of me. When I woke up the next morning Leah and Meado were sitting next to my bed. Leah looked like death heated over twice. Meado wasn't far behind. I felt so guilty that I started crying . Woke them both up with my sobbing. Leah informed me that they'll take me back with them – already talked to my mom and dad about it. She also told me that they told them it's because she thinks a change of scenery would benefit me – dad agreed knowing how hard I took Lucys moving. Went back to London with them and god – Leah can be worse than a jail guard... I went to therapy... three times a week... it was always Leah or Beth picking me up afterwards... until it was Millie and somehow with Millie I just broke down. I held it together for Lee and Meado... but Millie with her calm persona and just being there – I think I cried for hours. Woke up in Meados guestroom... was the first time I met Viv officially as the girlfriend. It got better after that day – really better. Leah basically held me hostage for another six month – she even made me join her at the Arsefacility for light workouts. Let me tell you they have all that great stuff in their gym and still are shit” you smiled through your tears keeping your eyes fixed straight ahead staring into nothing so you didn't see your girlfriend crying too “ … and then a few days in Barcelona I had a full blown anxiety attack because Mapí played a ball wrong and it came at me. I got it under control played it back to Kei before even realizing what I was doing and then all of them were looking at me like I just scored a World cup winner... got to much and everyone of them saw.. I tell you because I know Sarina wants a friendly against Spain end to camp – when she announces it you act surprised – and they will ask if everything is okay... because that's how they are... It was weird at the begin...”
Suddenly your conversation got roughly interrupted by your sister who pulled G up by her shirt away from you already started yelling at her. You got scared for a second before you quickly jumped to your feet going after your sister who had your girlfriend pinned to the wall by now. Georgia was white her eyes wide as Lucy kept yelling at her
“What have you done Stanway??? I listened to Keira and let YOU go after her to find her crying her eyes out” your sister yelled in Georgias face pushing her harder against the wall
“Lucy please... it wasn't her” you begged your sister tugging on her arm “it wasn't her and it's not because of her... Luce please”
But it was no use since Lucy just saw red. She just came out to check on you knowing you always need air when you feel trapped. What she saw broke her heart and made her blood boil. She saw you crying and your girlfriend just sitting next to you doing nothing. It was irrational she knew but she swore to protect you and if it costed it the place on the national team than she would pay that price but she won't let anyone hurt you.
“Lucy.... please” you tried again as fresh tears sprung to your eyes and again your plea fell to deaf ears as your sister continued to ignore you in favor of yelling at your girlfriend
So you looked around for help and spotted Keira and Leah at the elevators on the other side of the lobby. You quickly ran over to the doors who opened and yelled through the hotel lobby
“Keira!!!” you hoped to get her attention. Your voice must have sounded so distressed that Keira turned around quickly – Leah following suit and she spotted you standing in the automatic door “Help” you said louder but not yelling level.
Keira took off towards you before you could turn around Leah hot on her heels as you went over and tried to get Lucy off Georgia again. Keira and Leah came exit the hotel and quickly saw what brought you to such distress. They immediately got into action mode pushing themselves between Lucy and Gs bodies. You were still trying to tug your sisters arm off Georgias shirt. Thank god Keira and Leah were much more successful (perks of knowing how to separate players from experience) and quickly got your sister and girlfriend separated. You immediately went over to your girlfriend who was still rooted in place shock and fright clear on her face.
“You okay?” you asked lowly “She didn't hurt you did she?”
“Just shaken up... didn't see that coming” Georgia said back lightly shaking
You let Keira and Leah deal with Lucy while you checked your girlfriend over once more needing to make sure she really was not injured. After you were satisfied with your check you turned around seeing Keira poking Lucys chest furiously on the other side of the entrance. Leah stood nearly in the middle of the two parties having an eye on both sides. She met your eye and you let her know that everything was okay and even tho G was shaken up she was not injured. At the way Keira was now waving her hands around and your sister looking ashamed and guilty you knew Kei was pissed and Lucy was at the receiving end. You saw Leah coming over to you and stepped into your field of vision
“Are you okay?” the captain asked concerned
“Yeah... just... got a little scared... don't know what got into her” you mumbled
“Keira is sorting it out right now” Leah said lowly “You okay G?”
“Yeah...” your girlfriend nodded slightly
“You want to report it to Sarina? Or want me to tell her?” Leah asked seriously “You're calling it G... I don't know what happened but I know you didn't provoke her so Lucy laying her hands on you...”
“No...” your girlfriend interrupted her friend “... I just want to talk to her... alone”
“Are you sure G?” Leah asked again
“Yes I'm sure...” Georgia nodded again “... I don't want her thrown of the team Lee... I just want to know why”
“Your call G...” Leah sighed and called over “Kei... lets go” before looking at you “You come with us”
“Da Fuck I will” you said stubborn
“Babe it's okay... let me sort this out okay...” your girlfriend said calmly
“I swear Lucy... if you even as much as look at her the wrong way I will end you” you sneered as you passed your sister getting pulled along by Leah
You don't know how much time passed as you watched through the big glass windows as your girlfriend and sister having a talk outside the hotel with you inside the lobby
“Calm down Bitsy...” Keira said as she pulled you into her side “... G's a big girl... she can handle it”
“I know... but Kei... Luce basically attacked her with no reason” you huffed but let Keira comfort you a little bit
“I know it sounds like a cheap excuse but... she just got scared about your well-being... I KNOW you are also a big girl Bitsy... but you'll always be her little girl... she's trying Bitsy... but seeing you cry made her snap” the blonde mumbled as she pulled you closer
“But it wasn't because of G... I told her what happened in Barcelona and I couldn't stop the tears... G had nothing to do with it” you said as fresh tears starting to form in your eyes “and she didn't listen... Lucy didn't listen to me... I can't do this Kei... I can't have my sister and my girlfriend fighting... or my sister fighting my girlfriend – she needs to stop”
“She will Bitsy... it just takes some time for her to come to terms with it... she's not good with change either – where do you think you got it from?” Keira smiled slightly
After what seemed like forever in your mind you got surprised as you saw your sister and girlfriend hugging. Not an awkward hug. It was a full on bear hug. Like the hugs you only accept from a few people in your life – full of love and unspoken promises. You watched as they parted again but Lucy kept her arm around Gs shoulders as they walked back into the lobby stopping right in front of Keira and you
“You two dating now?” you asked raising an eyebrow
“Yeah about that babe...” Georgia smirked playing along
“It's fine... I'll just take your best friend then...” you waved off starting to grin
“Does Leah know about this?” Keira now asked faking confusion
“Not talking about Leah” you smirked as you pressed yourself further into the blonde
“That... looks so wrong” Lucy looked horrified
“YOU asked me if it was Keira!!” you exclaimed accusingly
“and THAT was a genuine mistake...” your sister defended herself quickly “... but you made it looked like it was!”
“I was just wearing her shorts!!!” you bantered back
“What in our world means that you're basically engaged!!!” Luce fired back
“Where's my ring?” you turned to Keira expectantly raising your eyebrow again
“EXCUSE ME?!” Georgia exclaimed fake shocked “You're engaged and making moves on me?? Keira I swear I didn't know”
“Meeh... it's alright G... thought I give her the chance to get it out of her system before tying her down... because that's over then... and she was drooling over you for a long time” Keira waved off before all of you bursted out laughing
“Luce...” you said getting serious again “... you can't do that... you can't freak out like that again”
“I know... I'm sorry Bubs... It's just...” your sister tried to explain but couldn't find the right words so Keira helped her out
“It's not easy for us Bitsy... we love you so much and even if we KNOW that G would never ever hurt you – seeing you cry is hard for us” the blonde said as she started to scratch the back of your neck lightly “.... we went through so much together that we just want to protect you – and again... we know that that one wouldn't hurt you on purpose but still... seeing you crying and in distress just flips a switch... the difference is that I have WAY more self-control than your sister” Keira explained quietly
“I'll never hurt her I promise” G said quickly her eyes wide
“I know G... I know you'll never hurt her on purpose but there will be hurt... because that's how a relationship works – it's not always sunshine and rainbows... you both have to work for it and you have to communicate” Keira said serious “We'll always be there to support you and if you want give advice – you're both young and we know what it's like to be separated for some time...”
“Thanks Kei” you mumbled into her shoulder
“Always Bitsy...” she smiled as she pressed a kiss to your forehead “And G”
“Yeah?” your girlfriend asked weary
“For god sakes... grow some balls and defend your girl” Keira said sternly “Lucy can take some bollocking – because that will be something she has to deal with when we're back in Spain anyway”
“I have to what?” your sister asked horrified knowing Keira doesn't fuck about
“We'll have a talk when we're back... just you and me... in private” the blonde informed your sister who shrunk back a little under the intense stare of her ex-girlfriend
“Uuuuhhh... someone is in troooouuuble” you sing-songed snickering
“You want to be added to the list?” Keira raised her eyebrow looking down at you
“Yeah no thank you” you quickly said sheepishly
“Thought so... now off you go... it's late and it was an eventful day – I can see and feel the exhaustion from you” the blonde scoffed before pushing you off her slightly
“Luce” you whined and your sister immediately turned around to give you a piggy back ride
You unceremoniously climbed on her back letting her carry you to the elevator getting you to your room while Keira and G stayed behind
“I'm sorry for what happened G” Keira started
“It's okay Kei...” Georgia waved off
“No it's not G... it's not okay what Lucy did” the blonde interrupted her best friend quickly “... she shouldn't have reacted that way... and I promise you it'll never happen again I make sure of it... but I want you to understand that Bitsy is her everything – Lucy wouldn't think twice to jump in front of a truck for her... both of us wouldn't think twice but Lucy would be quicker. She went through so much and never actually talked about it or grieved you know – when she got the news of it being her ACL again and this time she's forced to stop playing... she just... sat there” Keira said remembering the day as if it happened yesterday “... she just sat there – 13 years old... blank face... shrugging her shoulders – Lucy and I kept it together until we were home and then first Lucy broke and then me... but her... she just – I don't want to say accepted it but she just bottled it up... she lost her spark that day – and slowly it's coming back... you are the reason for that G... you don't know it but you help her heal more than Lucy and I could in the last three years”
“I... didn't do anything” your girlfriend said confused
“You treat her right G... and that's enough for her” Keira smiled slightly
“I nearly didn't... you know... if it wasn't for her stubbornness” Georgia admitted shyly
“What do you mean? And yes... everyone with the name Bronze is stubborn as fuck” the blonde said rolling her eyes
“She kissed me you know... after the Euros... I was... drunk... but sober enough to kinda realize what’s happening... I pulled her outside the locker room and told her this can't happen..” your girlfriend explained to her best friend “... I told her she's too young and this isn't what she wants... she told me she may be young but she definitely knows what she wants... and that's me... she was so adamant... but I pushed her away a few time... until she showed up at me apartment in Munich – god only knows where she got the info from where I live – and just TOLD me that she won't accept me saying “no” anymore and she'll definitely won't let me run away and hide anymore... my whole self-control broke that moment....”
“So you did have sex with her before her birthday... because that's what she told Luce... that you waited till her birthday” Keira questioned
“No... god no... I didn't touch her that way before her birthday... I swear Kei... I mean there were some moments where it nearly got to that point but I stopped... I SWEAR K...” Georgia said quickly
“G... even if you did have sex with her before... it's in the past and nothing can change it... I know how the Bronze women can be... once they have something set their mind on it takes an army to get them to get them off the rails... it doesn't matter if it's Lucy or Bitsy or Sophie or Diane...” Keira smiled “... you will experience that in future a few times – and I wish you good luck and already feel sorry for you at the same time... but what Luce did earlier is still not okay”
“We talked it out K... I swear it's okay... she promised to hold back” your girlfriend assured
“You could talk to Sarina...” Keira said but this time Georgia interrupted her
“No... she apologized we talked it out... done and dusted... I understand her Kei... I really do... because if I see someone making me girlfriend cry I would snap too” your girlfriend waved off
“Great...” Keira mumbled “... another one I have to keep an eye on... the next time I get asked what I would do if I don't play professionally football anymore I say “zookeeper”... got plenty of experience in keeping wild animals under control”
Georgia burst out laughing and offered her best friend her hand to pull her off the couch. Keira accepted the hand gladly and let G pull her into a standing position.
“You're getting old Walsh” Georgia teased when Keira groaned getting pulled into an upright position
“No... I'm just over the whole shite” Keira grumbled as she turned around to leave
“Love you Walsh” G yelled after her
“Love you Stanway” Keira yelled back making Georgia smile
Lucy noticed you were asleep before you two even made it to your room. The way your head slowly sank deeper onto her shoulder was a clear indicator – as well as your light snoring and the occasional smacking of your lips. Your sister “knocked” on the door using her foot adjusting her hold on you. LJ opened annoyed but perked up immediately when she saw Lucy
“Yeah?” LJ asked
“Just here to deliver Bubs...” Lucy said being a little icy towards the younger player
“Oh... okay” LJ said stepping aside letting Lucy in
Your sister disposed you carefully and with practical ease on the bed and started to pull your socks and trousers off your legs
“She's 16... I think she's capable of undressing herself” LJ bit a little too harsh which caused Lucy to narrow her eyes at her teammate
“I am aware... but I also know her... look LJ... I don't know what your twos problem is but when it comes down to it – she's my baby sister... and whoever hurts her better makes his last will because I won't have it...” Lucy said seriously as she made sure your scars were covered quickly
“Lucy... I know that okay... and yes we're not really friends anymore” LJ started and Lucy snorted “... but I think we can be civil with each other.. I mean you and me know she swapped my cleats and I did nothing to her did I now”
“I really like you as a person and a player LJ...” Lucy sighed before pressing a kiss to your head “... but again.. she's my baby sister”
“We will figure it out” LJ said and if you weren't asleep you would've bursted out laughing – because from your side there was no “figuring it out”
“Morning” you greeted Meado at the elevators the next morning
“Morning pumpkin” Beth greeted back giving you a once over “You okay?”
“Gettin there... need coffee” you said slowly clearly still half asleep as you felt Meado putting her arm over your shoulders pulling you into her side
“Pumpkin I know you don't want to hear it but I need you to eat something too okay... I know you can go longer than 24 without food but it's not healthy” Beth said a little concern in her voice.
She as well haven't forgotten what happened two years ago. How Leah called her full on sobbing that she needs to get to Manchester as quick as possible but she can't go on her own because she probably would crash the car. Of course Beth immediately was on board picking Leah up not even 15 Minutes later. Leah was an emotional mess. Meado actually didn't find out what happened until there were about 30 Minutes out of Manchester. And when Leah finally told her – Beth nearly lost control over the car. So yes – your well-being also was important to her.
“Yeah I know... yesterday was just...” you started ashamed
“... emotional... I know...” Meado finished for you smiling slightly
“Morning” you heard suddenly as Keira stood behind the two of you
“Morning Kei” Meado said happily while you just grunt in response
“Come here Bitsy” Keira said lovingly opening her arms knowing you always need longer and more importantly physical contact in the mornings
The elevator arrived and all three of you entered it to go down to breakfast. One floor down Millie and Rach entered the elevator and you immediately whined for Millie to carry you. As usual you had everyone wrapped around your finger and so it happened that you got carried to the breakfast room where surprisingly Sarina waited for you with a coffee in your hand
“We need to talk, Liefje” the dutch said you still clutched to Millies back pushing the mug into your hands “So ex that and with me”
“What did you do to make the big boss angry?” Millie asked confused as she set you down looking after Sarina who was just leaving
“You're guess is as good as mine” you shrugged your shoulders downing the coffee shuffling after the dutch into an empty meeting room
“What can I do for you great masteress of lionesses?” you tried to lighten the mood
“What happened yesterday?” Sarina came straight to the point looking at you expectantly
“Huh?” you looked at her confused
“Why were two of my best players at each other throats AGAIN yesterday after dinner?” the dutch said and you knew not to fuck about
“There was a misunderstanding” you said carefully
“Elaborate” Sarina said seriously and you noticed she's getting angry
“I told G about what happened... two years ago... and in Barcelona... because I wanted to be honest with her... I started crying... I didn't even noticed I was crying... and suddenly Lucy was there having a go at G... but Kei and Leah took care of it” you spilled immediately trying to low the blow
“Okay... okay...” the dutch sighed out massaging her temples
“I didn't mean too” you said quickly feeling incredibly guilty
“It's not your fault... but I need to talk to both of them... this can't go on” Sarina said seriously “I can't have my squad fighting each other”
“I know” you sighed ashamed “... I don't know what's going on with Lucy... because G did nothing and Luce is constantly out for her...”
“Your sister is protective, Liefje” Sarina said softly “And it's hard for her to see you dating”
“But... I'm not a baby anymore” you said desperately
“Liefje... you were with her your whole life – there were rumours that you are her daughter instead of her sister” the dutch chuckled
“Ugh” you gagged slightly
“I want something else from you” Sarina now leaned against the big table
“Ehrm... I feel honoured but... Ehrm... you are a little to... experienced for me Mama Rina” you stuttered scratching the back of your neck
“Dear god kiddo... it's not all about sex in life...” the dutch rolled her eyes “... I want you to come up with a exercise for training – teamwork and communication”
“Why are you including me so much...” you asked a little confused
“Because I know how great you can be – you always sell yourself short... I want you to realize how amazing you are and live it” Sarina said softly “... and I want to inform you that we indeed have a friendly against Spain in 10 days”
“Yes... I really want to face them” you said happily “... I really want Less and Toons to meet Mapí”
“Liefje... I will put you on a leash you if you plan on doing something stupid” the dutch pointed her finger at you
“I just want to.... cultivate international relations...” you said carefully
“You want to cause trouble – I will talk to Lucy about your harness... what was the name?” Sarina waved off
“Bronzo” you murmured defeated
“Ah yes... now... I want you to come up with an exercise and a strategy for the game against Spain” the dutch said and you know your little “meeting” was over
“Yes Mama Rina” you sighed already thinking about different drills
“Oh and y/n?” Sarina held you back as you were about to leave
“Yes?” you looked up a little shocked
“Send your sister and girlfriend in” the dutch smirked and winked at you
“Will do” you smiled widely “With pleasure”
“BRONZE!!! STANWAY!!” you yelled when you entered the breakfast room and all heads snap towards you
“Big Bossies wants to talk to you” you nodded towards the meeting room
Both your sisters and your girlfriends face went white as they stood up walking slowly past you with Georgia stopping shortly
“Are we out?” G whispered lowly
“Don't think so... but I can't say for sure” you whispered back grabbing her hand and squeezing it encouraging
“If that's the case I'll still be around – we can invade Leahs apartment” Georgia smiled lightly but you saw right through it
“She won't kick you out.. she'll kick your ass and that's it... she knows it's not you who causes trouble... it's Luce” you leaned up quickly pressing a kiss to your girlfriends cheek
“STANWAY!!” now Sarina yelled down the corridor
Georgia quickly let go of your hand and ran down the corridor.
“They're in trouble?” Keira asked you as you plopped down in the chair next to her inspecting Keiras plate who immediately pushed it towards you
“Yeah.... somehow Sarina knows about yesterday” you mumbled “... hey Kei?”
“Yes Bitsy?” the blonde smiled at you
“Can I have eggs?” you asked embarrassed
“Of course Bitsy.. why do you ask?” Keira looked at you confused
“Don't know.... just feel like it” you shrugged your shoulders
“Come on Bits... let's get you some breeki hm?” the blonde smiled encouraging and pulled you out of your chair leading you over to the buffet
“Take whatever you want Bitsy.... just... don't load your plate Bronze style” Keira smiled as you went over all the option
“Eggs... bacon...” you mumbled to yourself
“Something healthy” Keira threw in
“Guac....” you mumbled deep in thoughts “Uuuuhhh.... donuts”
“No” Keira smiled sweetly
“But” you whined childish
“No Bitsy... take some fruit and we're good” the blonde grinned
“But you said whatever I want” you whined again
“No donuts... you didn't do anything today what would justify a donut” Keira said and you knew you lost the donut for good
You sighed heavy and took an apple from the fruit basket
“Uuuuhhh... mom put her foot down” Rachel laughed as you passed they're table
Keira pushed you to walk on when she noticed you wanted to start arguing with the blonde and lead you back to your table. After you sat down you looked down on your plate with the apple next to it. You picked up the apple looked at it for a second before throwing it towards Rachel hitting her straight in the back of the head which caused the whole table (especially Millie) to interrupt in loud laughter and Rachel to swear loudly. Keira scolded you lightly but smiled nonetheless
Lucy, Georgia and Sarina entered the room. The two players looked like drowned puppies while the Head coach smiled satisfied. Georgia immediately took a detour towards Tooneys and Less table which caused you to frown. Lucy sat down opposite to you and you watched her closely
“All good?” you asked
“All good” your sister answered before continuing to eat
“Okay Girls... this was a really good training so far” Sarina yelled over the field clapping her hands
“Our new addition here” she pulled you next to and in to a hug “will have the honour for the last exercise of the day”
All Lionesses looked at you expectantly and you suddenly felt a little shy
“I didn't agree to your offer” you mumbled shyly
“You will” Sarina smiled happily “I'm pretty positive about it – now go and show them what you got”
“Okay Ladies... and Lucy” you said loudly grinning after the little pep talk
“Hey!!” your sister exclaimed annoyed as the team began to chuckle
“Listen up... we're playing Hungry Hippo” you clapped your hands and Rachel “woohooed” loudly
“For everyone who doesn't know Hungry Hippo... it's simple... teams of three each... every team gets four balls... you have to defend your balls and also have to steal the balls of the other teams... team who is out of eggs first runs laps until the game is over” you explained quickly
“What's the goal of the game?” Niamh asked
“Goal of the game is to get all the balls in one “nest”... the goal of the exercise is teamwork and communication... you need to work together and communicate with each other” you explained “And before you ask... I put the teams together”
“Aaaawww maaaaan” you heard Less groan
“Walsh, Stanway, James” you rattled off ignoring one of your best friends
“Russo, Williamson, Toone” you smirked knowing you just got Leah back for the rooming incident
“WHAT??” the capitan exclaimed shocked
“YES!!” Tooney and Less high-fived
“Daly, Bright, Mearps” you continued and split all the players into teams
“Really?” Sarina asked under her breath but loud enough that you could hear her “Walsh, Stanway and James?”
“Kei and G are pissed at James – rightfully so but still need to learn to keep it off the pitch” you mumbled back
“Genius move – I need you in my team” Sarina smiled
“And you will.. I want Jill Scott as my guardian” you said off handy
“Done” the dutch answered quickly and smiled widely
“And we will talk about numbers... I want a good salary” you smirked at her
“You haven't even seen the contract and already start hackling?” Sarina laughed
“I saw Lucys contracts over the years... they were shit..” you pointed out
“We'll talk about it later... now let them run” the blonde dutch smiled and you grabbed her whistle successfully pulling the short woman closer to you and blew that whistle hard
Immediately there interrupted chaos on the field and you couldn't help but laugh loudly when Lucy rugby tackled Rachel to the ground who tried to steal a ball from your sisters nest. The little game continued for some while – for a hot second it looked like Keiras team was loosing since they did everything than communicating with each other but the recovered quickly and got some balls back. You also saw how different the teams approach their tactics to defend and retrieve. Team Bright for example had Mearps AND Bright on defending egg duty while Rach zipped around stealing balls. Lucys team had only Lucy for defence and Lotte and Meado for retrieval. It was honestly too funny and you turned around to the media team
“Oi edits.... get some footage of that... fans will love it” you laughed as they quickly scramble to get some of the chaos on video
“Hey.... hey you” you shouted over to a guy who stood there a little lost and when he turned towards you you waved him over
“What's your job here?” you asked but still keeping an eye on the field
“I'm... a trainee” the dirty blonde said shyly
“Okay... perfect... go get coffee for the big boss and myself.... she takes it black like her soul – strong... basically like oil... I want a latte” you said smiling
“Where do I find coffee?” the young bloke said getting even more shy
“In the meeting rooms should be coffee machines.... just... take some from there” you looked a little unsure yourself “Oh... and what's your name?”
“Finney... friends call me Finn” he now smiled getting a little more comfortable talking to you
“Yeah no.... I'll just call you Fren... we're Frens now” you waved off “everyone who brings me coffee is a Fren”
“Okay... I promise I bring the best coffee I can find” he smiled before sprinting off
“Already abusing your status I see” Sarina smirked next to you
“Don't tell me you had enough time this morning to actually fulfil your caffeine fix” you said rolling your eyes
“Of course I didn't... I had to put your sister and girlfriend through the wringer AND put them on probation.... I was THIS close to put them on the naughty step” the dutch mumbled annoyed
“I would have paid to see that” you bursted out laughing “OI STANWAY.... STOP PULLING LOTTES PANTS DOWN!!!!”
“JEALOUS???” Lotte yelled back holding onto her shorts for dear life with Georgia hanging on the hem of them shorts trying to pull them down once again
“Not at all” you yelled back laughing at their antics “She already knows how comfortable the couch is...”
You saw a few seconds later how team “Two best idiots + Leah” lost their last ball and you grabbed Sarinas whistle (and Sarina) again whistling loudly. All Lionesses froze in their place and you grinned
“I really enjoy this” you said loudly smirking evilly “... Capitan oh Capitan....” you said dramatically “... your team is the first loosing all their Hippo eggs... so... you and your mates.... off you scramble... laps until the game is over”
“You can't do that” Leah growled knowing fully well you actually can make her run
“Oh but I can... I said beforehand the first team without Hippo eggs will run laps, Williamson” you smirked enjoying having the upper hand for once extremly “... sooooo... run”
Less and Tooney already jogging away from you knowing they wouldn't get out of it anyway so they just accepted their fate. Leah on the other hand was adamant to prove a point now looking at Sarina
“She can't do that” Leah said sounding a little like a small child
“She can... I gave her the task of finding a exercise for teamwork and communication – which she did – and I authorized it.... she said before you all started what will happen and you lost.... get going Leah...” Sarina said calmly knowing when to back you up and when you can defend yourself
Leah started to jog away still mumbling and growling under her breath
“Thank you Mama Rina...” you mumbled as you accepted your coffee from Finn
“No need Liefje... you were in the right and just because Leah wants to pull the capitan card doesn't mean she can do that all the time” the dutch said softly also accepting her coffee from the young lad.
The leftover players on the field were still looking at you expectantly and you realized you didn't restart the game
“Sorry guys” you smiled embarrassed
“Wait...” Grace (Clinton) said quickly before you were able to blew the whistle again
“Yeah Hillary?” you looked at her smirking
“First... please don't....” she sighed “second... what does the winner get?”
“Oh... winner gets the afternoon off – and gets a cheat meal extra” you smiled shrugging your shoulders
“Excuse me?? I didn't agree to that” Sarina exclaimed surprised
“Yeah well... I just thought of that” you looked at her apologetic
“The things I let slide with you” the dutch rolled her eyes and waved her hand for you to continue
“Love you Mama Rina” you smiled pressing a soft kiss to her cheek
“Yeah yeah” the blonde murmured but a smile tugged on the edge of her lips
You blew the whistle again and immediately there interrupted chaos again – the game ended with a tie (you were made to stop it by Sarina) between Team Walsh and Team Bronze. Which surprised everyone – especially you but you did internally congratulate yourself for fulfilling the task of brining the team closer together.
The Bus ride was mostly quiet except for Georgia and Esme (who was on Lucys team) discussing rather loudly what they would have as their cheat meal with Rachel throwing in Gs direction
“Little Bronze doesn't count you know... you can eat her as much as you like” the blonde smirked and immediately got Lucys dirty sock thrown in her face while you bursted out laughing next to Mearps and Georgia turning fire red once again. Back at the Hotel everyone went to their rooms to shower and get ready for Lunch and eventual media assignments. Lunch went over without a hitch – if you ignore the fact that your sister shooed your girlfriend away again – and soon all of you got the plan for the rest of the day.
You entered the room which was officially dubbed the “common get together”-room finding Lucy, Keira, Mary, Less, Tooney, Niamh, Meado and LJ (who you honestly could do without) chilling around. Some of them were lounging on the couch while Tooney, Less and Niamh were placed at the table playing with some Legos. You made a beeline for your two bestest friends as Keira looked up from her book
“No” the blonde just said knowing letting you sit with them would end up in a Lego fight and you'd throw pieces at each other until one got either hurt or cried
“Keira cooooome ooooon” you whined which caused Tooney and Less to look up
“Yeah Keira... cooooome ooooon” Tooney whined too
“Come here Bubs” Lucy said from her place on the couch stretched her hand towards you trying to get you to come over to her “Wanna show you something”
“You can always show it to LJ” you pulled a face and your voice was laced with venom
“Huh?” your sister looked at you confused as you turned around now marching towards Tooney like you were on a mission
“Bitsy” Keira warned you raising her eyebrow in challenge
“I'm just gonna sit here” you said annoyed and the blonde noticed your grumpy mood
“No Lego fights!” the blonde looked at you threating
“Okay mom” the three of you answered simultaneously grinning
Soon after Less got called away by the media team for some... whatever, you didn't pay attention. Tooney and you continued to build on your Lego castle but as usual after like 30 minutes you both got bored
You just looked at each other communicating without words – like always. You both stood up at the same time looking around until your eyes fell on the dart board that was hung up on the other side of the room. Tooney and you tried to be as sneaky as possible as you slandered over to said piece of fun without noticing Keira watching every step you took. Just as you were about to pull the third dart out of the board so Toons and you could play a hand reached over your shoulder taking all darts away
“I told you... no sharp objects” you immediately reconized the voice of one Keira Walsh
“They're not sharp...” you pouted as you turned around to look at her with your best puppy eye look
“No pointy objects either” Keira smiled sweetly and you knew it was fake as fuck
“But... Tooney and I wanted to play” you pouted
“Tooney is banned from pointy objects too” the blonde just said hoping to end this topic
“Tooney is what?” Ella said confused
“The last time you whined for a WEEK that your finger nearly fell off” Keira rolled her eyes “So no darts for you either... find something else”
“Oh yeah.. I forgot about that... it was really close for me finger to fall off” Tooney said as she remembered her last interaction with darts
“Your bloody finger was fine” you exclaimed
“Bloody... that's the word you should emphasize... so much blood” Ella sighed
“Less nearly broke my nose.... THAT was bloody... your finger was just... trickling blood” you said upset
“If you don't stop to one up each other immediately I'm going to put you in different corners of the room” Keira interrupted your “fight”
“Sorry mom” both of you said
“Gosh... can't you two play nicely with each other for once?” the blonde rolled her eyes
“We tried... you wouldn't allow it” you tried to reason with her
“No sharp or pointy objects” Keira said again “Find something else”
You looked over at Tooney who just shrugged her shoulders
“Uh... there's a bowling thing in the basement... can we go bowling? Nothing sharp, nothing pointy” you said excited as Tooney started to beam
“Not without a responsible adult around” Keira said “And I'm not going down there with you”
“Millie and Rach are down there... I think” you said as you tried to convince Kei
“Lucy?” the blonde turned around to your sister
“Yeah?” Lucy looked up from her phone where she (most likely) texted with Ona
“I just spoke english did I?” Keira asked her ex
“Ehrm... yes? Why?” your sister asked confused
“Good... I just thought I switched to spanish without noticing it when I said them two nobbheads won't go bowling in the basement without a responsible adult and Bitsys answer was Millie and Rachel... I just wanted to double check that I in fact did use the english language” the blonde said and you groaned behind her knowing she just shut down your idea
“Oh no... you definitely spoke english” Lucy smirked
“Mary??” you asked hopefully looking at the keeper
“Yeah okay...” the tall brunette rolled her eyes but smiled noneless “I'll take you bowling”
“YES!!” you high fived Tooney “Mary counts as responsible, right?” you checked with Keira
“Yes... Mary counts as responsible” the blonde sighed actually hoping you'd find no body who would go with you so she could keep an eye on you
“Woohoo...” you cheered chasing after Tooney who already was sprinting towards the door
“No running” Mary yelled after you but it was no use as she stood up following the two of you
“I'll give them 20 Minutes” Keira said plopping down next to Lucy on the couch
“Naah... Mearps is good... Bubs respects Mearps.... 30” your sister grinned as she started a timer
32 Minutes later the door of the common room got kicked open and Mary carried you bridal style inside to cross the room with quick strides. Tooney was following after you apologizing profusely while you whined into Marys neck
“32 Minutes and 17 seconds” Lucy looked down on her phone grinning stopping the timer showing it to Keira
“Should we follow or just ignore that something went horribly wrong... as always when these two are left to their own?” the blonde sighed looking expectantly at Lucy
“Naah... she has Mearps with her...” your sister waved off smirking knowing you'll throw an absolute fit once one of the physios wants to touch whatever limp is hurting at the moment.
A minute later the door opens again and Mearps head appeared
“Luce... Kei.... Help... please? She bit the new physio already” the brown haired keeper pleaded with her teammates
“Rock paper scissors?” Lucy asked raising her eyebrow
“2 out of 3 or at first go?” Keira just asked back already getting ready
“First go... we don't have the time for 2 out of 3” your sister said getting ready as well.
“Okay Bubs... why are you causing trouble again?” your sister sighed as she entered the medic room “And what happened in the first place?”
“I want Keira” you sniffled
“Yeah well... Keira won rock paper scissors so here I am” Lucy shrugged sitting down on the exam table next to you
“Tooney threw the bowling ball on me foot” you whined and Lucy REALLY needed to bite her tongue to not burst out laughing – leave it to Tooney and you to actually get hurt by a bowling ball
“We just wanted to take a look but she wouldn't let us touch her foot” one of the Medics explained to your sister
“It's okay... I got it” your sister smiled as she sat down further down on the table putting your foot into her lap which caused you to whine and try to pull away
“No Bubs... let me look” Lucy said softly starting to undo your laces and carefully pulling your shoe off your sock following just after the shoe
“Okay... I'm no medic but it doesn't look broken...” your sister said looking up at you “We'll just let the pros have a look at it okay Bubs”
You knew it was a rhetorical question but that doesn't mean you couldn't answer anyway
“No no no no no” you shook your head quickly
“Yes... come on Bubs... just a quick once over and we're out of here again – I'll even get you some cookies” Lucy said softly knowing you needed reassurance right now
“Okay... but I want a donut... the chocolate one” you mumbled
“Of course” Lucy chuckled nodding to the medics
Just as she promised they just did a quick once over put some tape on your foot and told Lucy you should keep weight off it for at least 24 hours before sending you on your way again. Your sister knew you would be stubborn about letting her help you so she quickly grabbed you before you could slide down from the table and carried you down the hall
“Lucy let me down” you yelled annoyed as your sister carried you into the common room
“I will...” Lucy said calmly looking for a place to dispose you “Stop wriggling”
“Now...” you grunted trying to get out of your sisters hold
“No...” Lucy grunted back “Kei help”
“Just put her down on the beanbag” the blonde said already coming over
“Keira...” you whined loudly
“Oh Bitsy... what have you done now?” Keira sighed seeing your taped up foot
“Toons just doesn't know how to bowl” you huffed crossing your arms over your chest
“I TOLD you to be careful” the blonde scolded
“I WAS... I stood behind her... ball needs to go forward.. not my fault she doesn't understand the rules” you grumbled back
“I'm really sorry” Tooney said from the table where she got placed down by Mary “gently” (gently means death glare and pointed finger)
“I know you are Toons” you grinned “You got me donut”
“Excuse me??” Keira exclaimed looking at your sister annoyed
“She was good... she deserves one” Lucy defended herself knowing by Keiras look that the blonde didn't agree
“Just like always Lucia” Keira snarled “You don't have to deal with her when she gets all hyperactive because of the sugar – you just sleep or disappear”
“I'll be good Kei... I promise” you said quickly not wanting that Keira and Lucy fight
“I know you Bitsy... you won't... so you can have your donut... tomorrow... and in small pieces” the blonde said strictly
“But...” you started but got shut down immediately by Keiras killer glare “Can I play Lego with Tooney?” you asked instead sheepishly
“You hate Lego” the blonde answered as a matter of fact
“There's nothing else to do” you whined
“You can just leave your ass seated for a hot minute” Keira sighed loudly throwing her arms in the air annoyed
“That's boring” you whined making grabby hands towards Keira
“Seriously Bitsy.... you and Tooney are a guaranteed headache” the blonde said but helped you up nonetheless
“y/n... Tooney... you up for some media contend?” a voice suddenly asked from the door
“YES!!” you and Tooney exclaimed quickly as you tried to hobble away from Keiras prying hands as quick as possible
“Great... we have something fun planned...” the man you named “edit” (because he edits all the contend for the Lionesses social media) grinned widely
“You need my approval” Lucy yelled out just as you and Toons slipped through the door letting it fall shut loudly
“Okay guys... first you gonna introduce yourself and then we gonna explain what you have to do” edit says as if you two did media for the first time
“We know how this works Steve” Ella rolled her eyes
“Okay... then... go” the black haired man said
“Hi guys... I'm Ella Toone” Tooney smiled brightly
“.. and I'm the smarter and better looking Bronze” you grinned into the camera
“You have a name you twat” Ella said hitting your shoulder
“I know I do... but I AM the smarter and better looking Bronze” you huffed back shoving Ella so she nearly fell of the chair
“Okay... so here's what you two will do today” one of the media guys explained from the background “Ella we going to blindfold you and we play a little taste test”
“Why am I getting blindfolded??” Tooney whined loudly while you grinned
“Because you so ugly they don't want their lenses to crack” you laughed
“Shut up” Ella shoved you hard pushing you successfully off your chair and you took the table down with you.
Tooney looked down at you shocked but a second later both of you exploded laughing
“Oh god... we should've paired someone else” one of the media guys said desperately already seeing this go horribly wrong
The staff help you up again and set up the table again before giving you a Lionesses scarf and tell you to cover Ellas eyes with it. After you done your bit and actually tested that Toons really doesn't see anything by pretending to hit her multiple times you grinned happily back into the camera
“What now?” you asked excited as you got handed a take out box
“Now you just have to feed that to Tooney and she has to guess what it is” edit says pointing to the box
You opened the box looked inside and immediately gagged loudly before closing it again.
“What?? What is it??” Ella asked alarmed
You opened the box again and now even just the smell resulted in you gagging even louder (the gag that comes from way down) – you felt like you nearly need to vomit
“y/n... you can't do that... stop gagging” Tooney said seriously already feeling her stomach tighten
“Sorry... but... no... no” you said again pulling your shirt over your nose heaving again
“STOP IIIIIT” Ella whined
“This stuff is making me heave... I can't stop” you gagged again turning away from the take out box “I swear Toons... I would be livid if they made me eat that...”
“Stoooop” Ella now whined desperately “You can't say shit like that and expect me to eat whatever it is”
“Okay... okay...” you breathed deeply reassuring – not Ella but yourself “okay... this isn't gonna be nice okay Toons... just... swallow it... don't taste it just swallow it down... ready?” you asked having a little bit of the brown substance on a wooden spoon
“Fuck me” Toons looked unsure
“Trust me Toons... just... down” you said unsure as you lined up the spoon with roughly Ellas mouth
“But...” as soon as Ella opened her mouth you shoved the spoon into her mouth pulling it out a second later
“Get that away from me” you pushed the take out box harshly so it nearly tumbles off the table before looking at Ella again who actually started to chew a little bit
“Toons... just swallow it... you're not a fucking gourmet” you exclaimed disgusted
“What is it?” Ella asked trying to guess the right flavor
“It's dog food I swear... it looks like the stuff Lucy gives Narla... Caesars or something” you said starting to heave again
“It's not...” Tooney said convinced “It's pâté... or something”
“THAT'S Pâté?” you asked confused since you were sure it was dog food
“It's not Pâté” one of the guys said from behind the camera
“IT'S NOT???!!!” Ella screeched
“Told you... it's dog food” you said offhandly
“It's chicken paste” the guy said
“Oh... oh... it's not bad actually” Tooney said nodding
“No... if you ever bring that near me again I'll break you legs” you gagged loudly again
Half an hour later the two of you left the media room and Tooney helped you hobble down the hallway.
“I swear Toons... it look like dog food” you mumbled needing to concentrate on your good foot
“But it was tasty” the brown haired girl said softly as she held you upright
“Hey” suddenly someone stood in your way
You looked up to see your girlfriend leaning casually against the wall
“Need a lift?” she smiled at you softly
“I would take a ride too” you winked and this time it was Ella who gagged loudly
"You know... I'm just gonna call you Georgiaswifey from now on" Tooney huffed as she helped you onto your girlfriends back
(if you want to see the inspirational video to that media moment of bb and Tooney...
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
All that I ask is that you stay with me | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, A - All that I ask is that you stay with me
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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This is some angst that I thought to write because, well, life's been hard recently and I need a creative outlet to get my emotions out on paper and well, this is the result.
It might not be great and it's not been proof-read at all, so uh, yeah... Let me know what you all think but please be kind :)
And if any of you have any ideas of things to write, I'm open to write anything, within reason of course. My asks are open so feel free to drop anything in there :)
The battle with your inner demons are hard. You sometimes wonder if it's better to leave the world, making the decision without the realisation of how loved you are by the team of girls around you.
TW: heavy angst, SH, MH and talks of suicide and death.
"Y/N are you in there? Hurry up, we're about to start the film" The loud voice of Katie shouts aloud from the other side of the closed bathroom door to alert you of your attention.
You were joined by the girls in a classic team bonding night, a good ol' fashioned film to watch with some sugary treats, curtousy of it being a cheat day.
You are always so excited to spend time with the older girls, you all looked up with some much respect, being a part of the team for a while, you'd grown to love the girls like your own family.
Despite how well you fitted in at the club and how amazing you played football, there would always be people to put you down.
And in this case, it was in the forms of social media.
The internet could be a cruel place sometimes.
"Ye... Yeah, alright. J... Just a minute, I'll be right out" You shakily reply as you held the blade out in front of you while it stared back at you, almost like it was almost taunting you to use it.
Old habits are easy to break, you should have knew that.
It wasn't long before you were slumped on the bathroom floor as you watched the crimson liquid trickle down your arms. It felt like a rush of instant relief to the pain that you currently indured.
One small cut to take away the pain, you thought it would be okay.
Two cuts, you just wanted to chase the rush of the first.
Three, four and five, you realise you may have messed up.
You were doing so well, you had been on the right path to get help. that was needed. You had been clean for a numerous amount of days and just in that instant, the snap of a finger and all of that progress, had just been so easy to unwravle again.
You found it so easy to take a hold of the blade in your hand, press it against your wrist and pierce the skin.
It was a feeling of euphoria that you hadn't felt in a while, it was something that was needed.
The cuts were deep, too deep that even with added pressure, they wouldn't stop bleeding.
"Is this the end now?" You had to question yourself as your eyelids felt heavy, you were so tired and you didn't have it in you to fight anymore.
Was it really that easy to leave a world full of heartache and pain?
Maybe so,
At least you had thought that as you hear the sudden loud bang of the bathroom flying open and clashing against the wall.
"Y/N!" It was Leah's shrill voice that screams out in a panic, her eyes widened in fear as she stares at you. "Y/N, can you hear me?!" she questions with a a quiver in her tone.
"L... Le" You slur her name as you look at the blonde as you can feel yourself slipping into a state of unconciousness.
"Stay awake, Y/N. You have too-- Girls, help!" Leah continues to shout aloud for any of the girls to hear. " You hear me, Y/N? You have to stay awake" she pleads as her tears threaten to spill.
"S' okay, Le. L... Let me go. It's time" You tell her quietly as your eyes flutter between being open and shut.
"No, Y/N. You can't give up... You can't" Leah cries openly, the tears at bay have now escaped. "Stay with me, Y/N. Stay with me, please" she adds, her voice becomes louder as hot tears roll down her cheeks.
The rest of the girls all heard Leah's panicked voice and dart in the direction of the bathroom, each of them gasping in shock to find you slumped on the floor.
"Shit-- Y/N" Beths' eyes widen in fear and panic as she takes in the scene in front of her.
"What happened?" Viv questions, alarmed by the sight.
"S... She's hurt herself" Leahs' panicked voice speaks aloud while she's crouched down on the floor and pressing a towel against your wrists to try and soak up the blood. "I... I can't get the bleeding to stop" she tells them.
"Somebody call an ambulance, quick" Katie states as she joins Leah's side to kneel down and try to help in way that she can.
Her usual joking manner has suddenly turned into fearful and that's when the girls all knew this was serious.
"I'm on it" Jen agrees as fishes her phone out of her pocket, dialing 999 and waiting for an answer on the other side. "I need an ambulance, as soon as possible. It's urgent! My team mates' hurt herself and is in and out of unconciousness" the scots' woman speaks aloud,
"Stay with me, Y/N. Stay with me, keep your eyes open please" Leah pleads as she continues to hold the now blood-soaked towl against your skin, her own tears freely spilling down her cheeks as you daze in and out of sleep.
"W... Why would she do this to herself" Steph questions concerned as she glances at you, heartbroken it had come to this.
"I don't know, she was... she was doing better" Lia spoke out, swallowing the lump in her throat as she tried to keep her own emotions in check.
"At least, we thought she was" Beth mumbles as she struggles to take her eyes off your unconcious body.
"She'll be okay, she has to be" Caitlin adds in with vulnerability in her voice that wasn't usually shown to anyone, other than you.
You were the baby of the team, all of the girls were overprotective of you ever since you joined. It wasn't a secret that you had them all virtually wrapped around your pinky finger.
All the girls knew it was hard for you, you had a lot of expectation to live up to and knew that eventually, the pressure would be too much for you and you would break.
They were all there the last time, they saw the good, the bad and the damn right ugly and vowed to not let it happen again.
But, old habits are easy to break, right?
"Ambulance is on it's way. It won't be long" Jen tells the girls.
"I'm going with her" Leah was quick to say. A tone in her voice which the rest of the girls knew to not object against.
You were close with the girls but compared to them, Leah was pretty much your second-mum, older sister figure all rolled into one and she was the one that you always came to when it got tough.
Why didn't you just speak to her? Then maybe things could be different.
"We'll follow you to the hospital" Kim replies to the blonde and the rest of the girls all nod in agreement, they would always be there for you at a time when you most needed it.
They were your family, and family never turned their back on another.
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
lullaby || lucy bronze x reader ||
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you comfort lucy when she comes to your room after rachel's last game.
you weren't the least bit surprised to find lucy outside of your room after the game. more than a few of the girls had all grouped together for comfort after rachel's last game. lucy had held strong for the camp, having been warned earlier on by rachel herself. you had also been warned, but yours was more to make it easier to look out for lucy.
"can i sleep over tonight?" lucy asked you. keira had already gone to georgia and leah's rooms for the night. you were sure that a lot more girls were piled into the captain's room than just the three best friends, but what mattered was that lucy had come to you.
"of course you can," you told her. it wasn't late enough to sleep just yet, but lucy went straight to the bed. she laid down and curled up a little, something that you only saw her do whenever she was really upset. lucy ignored you as you moved around the room, grabbing a couple of water bottles for the two of you before you got into bed with her. "do you want to talk about it?"
"i don't want to talk about anything," lucy grumbled. you frowned a little to yourself, but let it go. lucy rested her head on your chest and grabbed onto your hand, squeezing it slightly. "do something, it's too quiet in here."
you're momentarily at a loss about what to do until you remember the night that keira and lucy had truly called it quits. it wasn't necessarily a good night for anybody, but it was definitely the start of your relationship.
"she don't want me no more." there was nothing scarier to you than a teary-eyed lucy bronze. you knew that lucy had planned on going over to keira's to talk after their last little argument. they had broken up twice already, but agreed to work things out. this time, hadn't been successful for lucy.
"luce, i'm sorry," you apologized to her. it wasn't your fault, and the apology only really made her kind of angry, but you didn't know what to do. lucy wasn't one to open up emotionally, especially not to you.
for the most part, lucy had no idea why she had come to your apartment. you weren't her friend, you were keira's. that was something you had made clear every single time that lucy had messed up in the past. however, there was still the part of lucy's brain that knew things weren't like that anymore.
somewhere along the line, something that shifted between the two of you. nothing had been acted on, but lucy had caught her eyes lingering on you for a little longer than normal. you had thoughts in a similar vein about lucy, and if it wasn't for keira being one of your best friends, you would have acted on your feelings.
"i just need somewhere to be for a while. can't be getting myself in trouble," lucy said. her accent was thicker through the tears. you nodded as you pulled her into your apartment. almost immediately, your cat raced across the living room to get as far away from lucy as he could. "little rat faced bastard."
"luce, be nice!" you hissed as you swatted at her shoulder.
"i'm over here crying and getting hissed at, so you hit me!" lucy shouted. you placed your hands on her arms, rubbing gently to try and soothe her. lucy moved like she was about to shove you away from her, only to surprise you by melting into your arms completely. she broke apart into a fit of sobs as your arms moved to hold her.
"hey, hey, it's okay," you whispered softly. lucy grabbed onto the back of your shirt and tugged you closer to her. you hummed nervously, unable to move away. slowly, you managed to get lucy to let you guide the two of you towards one of the chairs in your living room.
you picked the big, comfy one. everybody teased you for it being an eyesore, but you loved it. the pattern was hideous, but you had never sat in a more comfortable recliner in your entire life. as your body hit the back of the seat with lucy's on your lap, you were grateful for the slightly oversized chair.
lucy cried in your arms as you continued to hum. slowly, the hums grew into broken pieces of songs that you could remember. lucy's sniffles and sobs slowly came to a stop. you figured that she'd want you to be quiet now that she was done cry, but she pipped up at the first bit of prolonged silence.
"no, don't stop. i like the sound of your voice," lucy told you. she sounded a little whiny, but you weren't going to tease her for it. you started in on another little song, this time stopping when you saw lucy staring at you. it wasn't in annoyance or amusement like what you had grown accustomed to. this stare was different, and it made your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
"don't let me ruin this, please," lucy muttered. you had originally thought it was intended for you to hear, but once lucy pressed her lips to yours, you realized that it was a prayer of sorts.
you glanced down at lucy as she laid on your chest. her breathing had evened out finally, soft snores echoing each breath. you quietly snapped a picture for your phone, something that you'd want whenever the two of you went back to barcelona and she decided to pretend that this had never happened.
there were a few texts on your phone when you checked it. the first you saw was one from keira, warning you not to let lucy ruin your shirt with drool. you chuckled quietly to yourself, almost certain that it was only a matter of time before the puddle formed. the next couple were from rachel and millie, both women asking how lucy was doing. she had worried a lot of your teammates during rachel's celebratory dinner, even though she had been actively trying not to.
"stop moving around so much," lucy grumbled as she tugged your body closer to hers. "'m trying to sleep."
"it was just rach, she was wishing me a good night's rest," you said. lucy grumbled something, but it was muffled by her face being buried against your body. "i'm sorry, what was that?"
"tell her to fuck off. this is my time with you," lucy grumbled. you smiled as you placed your hand on her head to tip it back. she looked up at you with half-closed eyes and a pout, which you found adorable. "what the hell do you want?"
"a kiss, but if you're going to be an ass, i'll just go get one from someone else," you answered. lucy obviously did not like that answer as she shot up and pinned you beneath her on the mattress.
"who told you that you could kiss other girls?" lucy asked. she was getting possessive, like she tended to on your nights out with the team, but lucy never really did much other than fuck you.
"it's not like i've got a girlfriend, now is it?" you countered. lucy furrowed her brows, seemingly ready to give in to your one demand. you had been dropping all sorts of hints, doing everything short of actually giving her an ultimatum.
"sing me another song, and i'll take you out for breakfast tomorrow before we leave. a nice little date for just the two of us, but (y/n), are you sure about this? am i really who you want?" lucy asked you. she knew that you had gotten very close to hooking up with a couple of other girls on both the lionesses and at barcelona.
"lucy, you would not be in my bed right now if i wasn't sure. do you think i just sing every pretty little bird that crosses my path to sleep? what kind of woman do you take me for?" you pretended to be offended, up until lucy cradled your face and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
"my deepest apologies, and for the record, i think you're like some sort of disney princess. the kind that would give ingrid a run for her money," lucy complimented. "so, do you want to be my girlfriend? i think you've kind of had the position for a while, but might as well make it offical, yeah?"
"might as well, yeah," you echoed. lucy smiled, this time pulling you into her arms. you let the music resume on your phone, singing along to the songs until you felt lucy's body relax beneath yours.
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
it was war it wasn't fair
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the great war chapter 2 :)
R's teammates debate the potential causes of her breakup. Ona comes to her defense. R realizes her feelings might not be as easy to avoid as she hoped.
ps. not one bed trope, but... teammates-sharing-a-hotel-room-at-an-away-game-and-one-has-a-nightmare-kind-of trope.
brief descriptions of a panic attack.
You were sure that if you could just sleep you'd be fine. You'd never really had problems sleeping before, but in the days since your breakup with Alessia, you'd been struggling. Your brain wouldn't turn off; you went back over every little moment in your relationship, over analyzing, trying to figure out where it went wrong. Where you went wrong.
You honestly wished that was the only thing keeping you up. It wasn't. You couldn't get Ona out of your head. The kindness she'd been showing you, how perceptive she was of your feelings. It was overwhelmingly confusing, to be heartbroken by someone, and completely fixated on someone else at the same time.
Most of the time, you were glad to have such a close team. Everyone looked out for each other, and you knew they'd always have your back. Unfortunately, they seemed to think that having your back in this situation meant hovering over you every second of the day. It didn't help that you wouldn't tell them why you and Alessia had ended things.
Although you knew your teammates were keeping an extra close eye on you, you hadn't realized that some of them had begun to have suspicions about what had gone down. You'd come to a halt outside the locker room, after hearing your name. You'd forgotten your keys, and were heading back inside when you heard Keira's voice floating through the doorway.
"Leah said Alessia's really torn up about it, but she won't tell anyone what happened either."
"I knew they weren't doing well, but both of them seem too upset for it to be a mutual thing," Lucy responded.
"Y/n doesn't look like she's slept in a week," Alexia chimed in. Perfect. This was a group conversation, apparently.
"Maybe one of them cheated. I don't remember seeing y/n leave by herself when we went out last week," Keira mentioned offhandedly.
You knew Keira didn't mean anything by it; anyone looking at your relationship from the outside would guess that between the 2 of you, you'd surely be more likely to cheat than Less. You'd been significantly more of a playgirl before Alessia, and your friends had always joked they'd missed the version of you that went home with a different girl every weekend.
Still, the implication that you'd done what had, in fact, been done to you, really fucking hurt. You were more than prepared to go in there and start yelling, god knows you've been needing someone to shout at, but someone beat you to it.
"If she wanted you guys to know what happened she would have said," Ona's voice rang out through the locker room, unmistakably filled with anger. "You're supposed to be her friends, she's clearly having a tough time, and now you're accusing her of cheating? Behind her back? "
"Ona, I didn't mean anything by it," Keira began, clearly startled by the angry tone with which the brunette spoke.
"Y/n didn't cheat, she'd never do that," Ona replied fiercely. "You're lucky she didn't hear you suggest that, because I'm not sure any of you would have been able to put her back together."
With that, Ona stormed out of the room, turning the corner and coming to a sudden stop at the sight of you. You'd been too baffled by her words to move, and now it was too late.
"Thank you, Ona. Really," you said, blinking back tears. Behind Ona, Lucy, Keira, and Alexia walked out of the room, clearly on their way to go after the defender and calm her down. They all looked comically shocked at the sight of you, but you had no interest in talking to them. You spun on your heel, walking briskly out of the building and to your car, ignoring the calls of your name behind you. Ignoring, too, the tears that began to cloud your vision.
Despite arriving home several hours ago, you lay in the same spot on the couch that you'd occupied since walking through the door. Your brain was working a mile a minute, going back and forth between fixating on Ona's passionate defense of you, and being angry at your teammates for speaking about you behind your back. You'd gotten texts from them, you knew, a particularly long apology from Keira, but you'd yet to open them. Ona had texted you too, and you hadn't read that either, for a very different reason.
You weren't mad at Keira for thinking you'd cheated, not really. You just hated that they were trying to figure out what happened; you'd made it clear you didn't want to talk about it, and here they were, dragging it back up over and over again. Logically, you knew it was because you weren't handling it well, and they could tell. Maybe you didn't like them worrying about you, either.
You were about to grab your phone and absolve your teammates of guilt, when there was a knock on your door. You walked to the door, looking through the peephole, and sighing. Of course.
"Hola, Alexia," you said, swinging the door open. Captain Alexia wasn't one to take team conflict lightly.
"Can I come in?" she asked, after returning your greeting. In response, you stepped to the side, allowing her into your apartment. She followed you in, sitting next to you on the couch. She had a familiar glint in her eyes, one that you knew meant she was determined to do something. What, you weren't exactly sure.
"Y/n, I'm really sorry we were talking about you when you weren't there. We're really worried about you, but there's no excuse. We should have brought our concerns to you," Alexia tells you sincerely.
"I know you're worried," you sigh. "And I probably wouldn't have been very receptive to you asking me about how I was doing."
"And what Keira said-"
"I get it. Of the two of us, I seem like the one who would sleep with someone else. I would have thought the same thing too."
"Does that mean Alessia cheated?" Alexia inquired, after a moment of silence. You looked at her, stunned, not quite sure how she came to that conclusion. In response to your expression, she explained.
"You're both apparently really upset, so it's clearly not mutual like you said. I know you didn't cheat. Sleeping around might have been your thing before Alessia, but it's not now, and it would be unfair to assume you hadn't changed. And, the way you phrased that last part. You "would have" thought the same thing too. That makes it sound like you no longer think that way."
You processed this for a minute, reminded of how smart Alexia was. You wanted to be annoyed, because if Alexia knew, it wouldn't be long before the whole team knew. Alexia had a strict policy of sharing everything with her co captains, who, famously, could not keep their mouths shut. You were really just relieved, though, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, now that you didn't have to try so hard to pretend to be okay.
"Yeah. She slept with some girl in a bar."
"I'm sorry, y/n."
"It's fine. We were probably going to break up anyway, and she's having a hard time. I don't even know why I'm upset."
Alexia's face changed at that, looking somewhat stern.
"It's not fine. She still betrayed your trust, even if you were going to break up. Even if she is struggling. That's not an excuse, y/n, and you're allowed to be upset that a relationship you spent a lot of time in ended so horrifically."
You shrugged in response and avoided her eyes, chewing on the inside of your cheek. Her hand came to rest on your shoulder before she spoke again.
"It's okay to be upset, y/n, you don't need to pretend you're not having a hard time with this. None of us will think any less of you." Alexia's tone was gentle, and at her reassurance, you turned to look at her, eyes big and wet with tears.
"Oh, nena," she said, pulling you in for a hug. You went willingly, allowing yourself to be comforted for the first time since the breakup. You cried softly into Alexia's shoulder, your captain's arms wrapped tightly around you. You felt safe here, in this little bubble with the older woman, safe enough to allow yourself to feel the hurt that you'd been pushing down for days.
You'd assumed that after speaking with Alexia, you would feel better, and start sleeping better. You did feel better; it seemed that leaning on your friends during a tough time did, in fact, make getting through it easier. But you weren't sleeping better. If anything, it was getting worse. You'd wake up on the verge of having a panic attack, so filled with anxiety you could barely breathe. You didn't recall any nightmares that prompted this, and it didn't take long for you to calm down, but it made sleeping an ordeal.
The team's next game was an away game in Tenerife. You all had flown out the afternoon before the game, and tried to distract yourself from your exhaustion by goofing around with your teammates. Keira and Lucy had been relieved when you easily accepted their apologies.
Things with Ona were... more complicated. She'd seemed almost embarrassed after her outburst in the locker room, and had taken to avoiding you. Not completely, because you still caught her staring at you during practice, but enough that you found yourself inexplicably missing her presence. Those that had been on the receiving end of the defender's scolding were evidently intrigued by her behavior.
So, when you got your room assignments for the trip and saw Ona's name next to yours on the list, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the clear attempt from Alexia to get you back on non-awkward terms.
You all headed to dinner first, and you couldn't help but watch as Ona barely touched her food, seemingly caught up in her own thoughts. You weren't quite sure if she was preoccupied with you, or something else, but you were determined to find out. She was your friend, after all, and despite your increasingly confusing feelings for her, you wanted to be there for her.
Ona beat you to your room after dinner, and you walked in to find her sitting nervously on the bed nearest to the door, fingers picking at her nails. She began speaking almost the minute the door had shut behind you.
"I just wanted to apologize, y/n, if I overstepped. It wasn't my place to say anything, and-" you cut her off.
"Oni, it's really okay. You don't need to apologize for sticking up for me. What you said was... it was really nice." You were blushing. Why were you blushing?
"Okay, good," Ona replied, smiling in relief. She turned, presumably to finish getting ready for bed.
"Are you doing okay? You've seemed stressed recently, not like yourself," you mention, heading to your luggage to act like your question was more casual than it really was. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ona freeze.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just been a long week." she said. For some reason, you didn't believe her. Something in her voice told you that she was lying, but you didn't want to push.
"Well, if you want to talk," you say, smiling at her reflexively. It was almost unconscious, the way your lips lifted into a grin when you saw her face, freckles scrunching adorably as she returned your smile.
You turned back to your bag, internally shaking your head at yourself. You needed to get it together. You weren't so naive to not understand what was going on, but getting into a relationship with a teammate, so soon after the disastrous end to your previous one, seemed like the world's biggest mistake.
Even though you'd done everything you could think to relax yourself before falling asleep, you still startled slightly only a few hours later, stuck in the land between wakefulness and slumber, your body thrumming with anxiety. It was a bad one, that was really your first conscious thought. You were already short of breathe, but still somehow drowsy, and you fought to drag your eyes open, and go through the familiar routine of grounding yourself.
You didn't realize you were breathing loudly, nor did you hear Ona the first time she said your name. It was only after the first time, when she spoke louder, that you turned your head to look at her in the other bed.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" She asked. You simply shook your head in response, not quite sure you could explain it. You wanted her to go back to sleep, let you pull yourself together on your own like you always did, but you should have known Ona wouldn't do that.
Ona rose from her own bed, approaching the side of yours. You'd sat up, resting your head in your hands as your chest rose and fell erratically.
"Y/n," Ona called softly, hovering nervously next to the bed, like she didn't know what to do.
"I'm ok-okay," you gasped out, admittedly not very convincingly.
"You don't seem okay," she said, doubt clear in her tone. "Do you want me to get someone? Lucy? Ale?" She turned as if to leave.
Suddenly, you were struck with fear at the idea of her leaving. You hadn't realized how much you'd been relying on her presence to calm yourself down until she mentioned leaving. You breathing sped up again, and you reached out frantically, grabbing a fist full of her shirt. She turned back to you, seemingly surprised at your movements. her face was filled with a kindness that was so distinctly Ona, you felt yourself calming down again at the mere sight of it.
"Hey, I won't go, it's okay," she reassured you, taking a careful seat on the edge of your bed. She gripped your hand in hers, tugging it off of her shirt, and you squeezed it gratefully. She sat next to you, allowing you to regulate your breathing, not saying anything, but apparently realizing you just needed to feel her next to you. When you were calm, a few minutes later, you turned to her, prepared both to thank her, and apologize profusely, but she asked a question before you could open your mouth.
"Is this why you haven't been sleeping?" she questioned. Her eyes were peering into yours, and you wished the lights were on, so you could see the warm honey brown staring back at you.
"Yeah. I don't really know what's going on, I just wake up really anxious," you admit, again reminded of Ona's miraculous power to get you to tell her the truth. Ona contemplated for a minute, before she motioned for you to scoot over. You did, although confused, and watched as she slid into the bed next to you. Ona's had her poker face as she laid down, resting her head on your pillow, and motioning you to nestle in next to her.
You were planning to object, really. Instead of opening your mouth, though, your body moved almost without your permission, and you were soon laying next to Ona, head tucked comfortably into her chest. It was such a natural thing, laying against her, like something you'd done a thousand times. You weren't tense, or uncomfortable. You just felt sleepy, suddenly, and enjoyed the feel of the spaniard's soft t-shirt on your cheek, not even questioning it when her arms wrapped around you, holding you securely against her.
Ona didn't say anything, and she didn't need to. You were already drifting off, remarkably calm for someone snuggling one of their friends, who they maybe, possibly, were developing a crush on. You didn't feel butterfly's like you would have expected. Ona never made you feel nervous. Flustered, sure. But as you drifted off into the best sleep you'd had in weeks, you were truly struck with how she comforted you easily, and how she got you to accept that comfort with no argument.
When you woke the next morning, still cuddled close to Ona, you marveled at the fact that you'd slept through the rest of the night. You watched her face as she slept next to you, the morning sunlight hitting her freckles perfectly. You wondered if you could count them all.
You also wondered how much longer you could pretend you weren't falling for the girl next to you.
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lvnleah · 1 month
Double The Love || Leah Williamson x Lia Wälti
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Based on this request! :)
Summary: Leah’s daughter, Sage, starts to call Lia Mummy one night after spending a lot of time with her over the past few months due to Lia moving in because of Leah’s ACL. Leah and Lia are secretly dating and Sage figures it out over time.
Notes: this is my first one-shot so please be kind! <33
“Sage! Bed time, c’mon let’s get your pjs on!” Leah called out from the living room, slowly walking into the kitchen.
Leah’s heart swelled with love as she slowly walked into the kitchen. Her two-year-old daughter, Sage, was sitting on the kitchen side, giggling away, as her girlfriend, Lia, stood in front of her. Lia tickled the two-year-old repeatedly, getting more and more giggles out of her.
Lia had been a constant presence in their home ever since Leah tore her ACL during a game a few months ago. The injury had left Leah hobbling around on crutches, and Lia had stepped in to help. She moved in with Leah and Sage and took on a motherly role. From cooking meals to reading bedtime stories, and even teaching Sage how to speak a little bit of Swiss, Lia had become a major part in Leah and Sage’s life.
As time progressed and Lia and Leah spent more time together, the pair caught feelings for each other. They decided to keep things from Sage, not wanting the toddler to get hurt if things didn’t work out.
Sage didn't understand why her mumma, Leah, sometimes winced when she moved or why she needed those crutches. But Lia was always there for her Mumma, she could tell that Lia was helping her Mumma. Sage became curious about her Mumma’s injury and Lia helped answer any questions that Sage had.
Sage’s laugh became contagious and Leah couldn’t help but laugh along with Lia and her daughter.
“Right, bubba! It’s bedtime,” Leah announced as she joined Lia and Sage. “Say goodnight to Lia and Mumma will put you in your pjs!”
Sage lent forward and wrapped her arms around Lia, holding on so her Mumma couldn’t take her as she rested her head on Lia’s chest.
Lia smiled, “I don’t mind helping put her to bed.” She offered, “We’re besties aren’t we, sweet girl?”
Sage gave Leah her cute little pout that she knew her Mumma couldn’t say no to.
Leah walked into Sage’s bedroom, Lia closely following behind with the sleepy toddler attached to her hip. Despite being tired, Sage demanded to be placed down on the floor so she could pick out her pyjamas and a book for her Mumma to read. Leah watched from behind as Lia helped Sage pick out a bedtime story, her heart swelling even more with love.
“You sure you want this one, sweetie?” Lia asked as Sage handed her the book, the same book that’s been read every night for the past week.
Sage nodded, her blonde pigtails moving in unison, “Yep! Me love this book.” Sage smiled, climbing onto her toddler bed. “Mr Flopsy?” She frowned, looking around her bed for her favourite teddy.
“Mr Flopsy’s here, bubba.” Leah said, getting the stuffed rabbit from the shelf.
The three sandwiched themselves into Sage’s toddler bed, Lia sat closest to the wall whilst Lwah rested on the edge with Sage sandwiched between them. Lia and Leah took it in turns, each reading a page of the book to Sage.
As they finished the final page, Sage’s eyes began to close slowly. Lia slipped out of the bed before helping Leah up from it. Leah kissed Sage’s forehead, whispering sweet words to her daughter before letting Lia say goodnight.
“Goodnight sweet girl, sweet dreams.” She whispered, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Sage’s forehead.
"Goodnight, Mummy," Sage sleepily whispered, her voice soft and gentle as she wandered off into a deep sleep.
Lia's heart skipped a beat. She glanced at Leah, who was standing behind her, her eyes crinkling with affection. Leah didn’t bother to correct Sage. Instead, she'd smile and let the moment linger, savouring the sweetness of the moment.
Sage’s innocent confusion tugged at Lia's heart. She knew that she and Sage shared a bond that went beyond biology. A bond forged through scraped knees, bedtime stories, and whispered dreams.
Leah took Lia’s hand into her own as the pair of them tiptoed out of Sage’s bedroom. The hallway was dimly lit, the smell of Sage’s lotion lingering in the air. They made their way into the living room, Leah pulling Lia down with her as the pair of them sat down on the couch. A comfortable silence fell over them before Leah broke it.
“I-I, umm, I’m sorry if Sage calling you Mommy made you feel uneasy.” Leah apologised, kissing the brunette's head.
Lia sat up and shook her head, “It didn’t, it felt…right.”
“Do you think it's time to tell Sage?” Leah carefully asked, making sure not to overstep.
“Do you?” Lia questioned.
Leah nodded, “I do, I really do. I don't think anything would change, if anything she’d probably love it. I think she’s already caught on that you’re more than just her Mumma’s friend. I’m just worried that Sage might get hurt if things go wrong.”
Lia laughed, she knew Sage was an intelligent two year old and Leah’s guesses were probably correct. “Leah, I’m never going anywhere. I promise you that I’m here forever, I’m not leaving.”
Leah smiled, placing a soft kiss on Lia’s lips, “Could we just see how things go? Maybe we could just start showing more affection in front of Sage and see how she reacts. If she asks questions then we can just be open with her.”
Lia nodded in agreement, “Of course we can, we’re doing things at your pace okay?”
As the days turned into weeks, Sage began to call Lia ‘Mummy’ more often. She'd say things like, "Mummy, can you read me a story?" or "Mommy, can you help me build a fort?" And Lia would nod, her eyes shining with love.
Leah returned to training, Sage attending training with her. The couple arrived to training together everyday, their teammates knew they were together but were still shocked when they heard Sage refer to Lia as ‘Mommy.’
One evening, after dinner, Sage crawled into bed, her eyelids drooping. Lia sat on the edge, brushing her fingers through Sage’s hair as Leah cuddled up beside them. "Mommy," Sage murmured, her voice barely audible.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Lia whispered back.
Sage eyes fluttered open. "You love Mumma?"
Lia's heart swelled. She leaned down and kissed Sage’s forehead. "I do, sweetheart. I love her a lot.”
“You dating Mumma, like Auntie Beffy is dating Vivi?” Sage questioned.
Sage knew what a relationship was and was aware that many of her Auntie’s were in one, the one she adored the most was her Auntie Beffy’s.
Lia looked down at Leah, letting her take the lead on the question. Leah tickled Sage’s stomach before speaking.
“Yes, we are. I love Lia and Lia loves Mumma a lot, we’re a little family, is that okay?” Leah asked. “It mean means you get double the love!”
Sage nodded, “I love you, Mommy.”
“I love you too, sweetheart!” Lia smiled, kissing Sage’s forehead again.
And in that quiet room, with Leah cuddled beside them, they were a family. A family that came unexpectedly but something they all needed.
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leahwilliamsonn evenings well spent with loved ones ❤️
tagged: liawaelti
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mysunshinetemptress · 6 months
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I’m sorry I love her
Leah Williamson x reader
Based of this request :) request
Warnings:Angst,fluff maybe kind of you have to squint Bethany
Love is probably both one of the most complicated emotions as well as the most simplest emotions. One that had brought one of the best humans in the world into your life but had also forced another out.
Jordan Nobbs had been your best friend from the minute you signed for Arsenal, being a few years younger than the forward you followed her like a lost puppy for the first few weeks at the club, the girls will say you still do but it was just that you where a shy person.
Jordan adored you from the moment you walked through the doors of London colony where ever she was you weren’t to far behind her and vice versa so it was only fitting that she introduce you to her new girlfriend Leah Williamson.
Of course you knew Leah from playing with her for Arsenal but had always been to shy to get to know her but that soon changed and over the 8 years they dated you tagged along as a third wheel, spent numerous nights sleeping on the couch when you all stayed over at each other’s apartment you stating couple get the bed. You watched Jordan fall in love, and soon after watched her heart break.
You had been lying in bed watching a rerun of the best goals in the premier league when your phone lit up with a text from Jordan, thinking it was her asking for you to hangout tomorrow you ignored it till your phone began ringing turning you answered “hey I…” you didn’t get to finish your sentence as Jordan cried down the phone “Jords.” You heard her sob before she began “she left me Y/n I…I…she doesn’t love me anymore.”
You didn’t know how to act around Leah after that, she had broken your best friends heart but she had also become one of your best friends over the time of their relationship, until Leah cornered you at training “Y/n.” You looked at her trying to look annoyed, you should be annoyed she broke Jordan’s heart but it’s Leah and you couldn’t hold the expression for very long. “What Leah.” Leah sighed “I….I.” You shook your head at the loss of Leahs words “ you broke her heart Leah, why she loves you.” Leah shook her head “loved, she loved me, Jordan doesn’t love me anymore and I can’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love me.” You shook your head “bullshit Leah that girl sobbed into my chest for hours all because you broke her heart.” Leah felt her self begin to tear up “y/n please believe me Jordan hasn’t loved me for a long time she was just comfortable with me and our relationship, it broke my heart but I’d rather be then one to do it then her a few months.” Leah sucked in a breath “I’m sorry but please Y/n I don’t want to lose you too I can’t lose you.” You pulled Leah into you squeezing her tight “ok ok I believe you, you aren’t going to lose me not now not ever ok.” Leah nodded into your neck “I’m sorry.”
Jordan found it difficult to start her best friend still being so close to her now ex but you had told her after an argument that she couldn’t stop you from being friends with anyone especially when you all played for the same team and saw each other so regularly.
The most awkward time’s always seemed to be team bonding nights both girls asking for you to come get ready in theirs to which you would always reply “sorry chica getting ready at mine.”
Tonight was no different except team bonding was heading to a club to celebrate the English girls and Rafas success over the summer. Stepping into the club you took a second to let your eyes adjust before turning to finding Katie dancing on a chair laughing you walked over “McCabe get down before you fall and are out for the season.” Katie smiled jumping on you “ah Y/n how are ya.” You smiled at her before she led you over to sit down. Lost in a conversation with Beth who was giving out about you not wearing your Euros medal, stating “I’m scared I’d lose it Beth.” When in all honesty it was because you felt like you where gloating to your best friend that you had been there and she hadn’t. When a glass was put down in front of you, looking up you caught Leah’s eye “Jamie and Ginger for the pretty lady.” You smiled thanking her as she sat down across from you, both you and Beth including her in the conversation until another glass was placed down in front of you this time a pint “here you go love.” You looked at Jordan puzzled “Jords I…” Jordan held up her hand “nah it’s all good Y/n you bought last time let me do tonight’s.” Sitting down beside you talking to Caitlin and Lia.
This happens consistently over the course of the night both girls buying you drinks and to say you where sloshed was an understatement. You had been dragged on to the dance floor by Lia not to long ago and both of your best friends had been keeping an eye on you until Jordan’s eye had caught a brunette at the bar leaving just Leah who had decided she was going to dance to. “You look gorgeous tonight Y/n.” You smiled at the taller girl “you clean up pretty nice yourself darling.” Leah couldn’t help but wrap her arms around your waist “Beth says you don’t want to wear your medal to scared to lose it yet your the only one I trust to mind mine.” Leah stated taking it off her neck putting over your head “god you are beautiful.” You always found it easy to get lost in Leah’s eyes but this time it was like you would never find your way back “think it’s time to head home gorgeous want to come stay at mine.” You simply nodded before Leah intertwined you hands pulling you through the crowd to the outside and waving down a taxi. Leah laughed as you leaned into wrapping your arms under her blazer jacket covering your own in the process before looking up at her only to find her already looking at you, Leah leaned down kissing you softly pulling away slightly before you leaned up catching her lips more passionately this time. As soon as the taxi arrived Leah shoved you in the back seat clambering in after you before connecting your lips together again. This happened the entire way back to Leah’s before she threw cash at the poor driver and pulled you up the steps to her apartment, throwing open the door Leah wasted no time before picking you up and taking you to her room.
The next morning you stretched before stopping abruptly looking down you saw a hand resting just under your naked right boob before following it to a sleeping Leah also naked, you sucked in a breath as memories from last night came rushing back just as Leah stirred turning to face you smiling slightly “you stayed.” To in shock to form words you nodded “I’ll make breakfast. What do you want.” You swallowed before telling your self to cope on “French toast, I’ll come with you tho Le I still don’t trust you to not poison me.” Leah laughed turning over and sitting up throwing shorts and an old jersey on before getting up to her wardrobe and giving you the same.
You both stood in the kitchen tension thick as you waited on your breakfast “I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable Y/n, I don’t regret my actions last night but if..”you cut Leah off “I don’t either, my actions I mean, I have had feelings for you longer then I would like to admit.” Leah let out a breath chuckle “I could say the same.” You smiled brightly before the feeling of guilt set in “I really do like you Le but Jordan….” Leah stood up coming over to you holding your head in her hands “hey listen to me this isn’t selfish ok I know that’s what your thinking but you deserve to be happy if it’s with me that’s a bonus but don’t pass on something that could turn out really great for the sake of others ok.” You looked up at her your eyes sparkling as adoration took over “you think we could be something great.” Leah smiled pulling you closer “yeah.” You closed the gap kissing her softly “ok then let’s me be great.”
You both state, the rest of that day was your first date cuddled up on Leah’s couch watching movies laughing about anything and everything. Your relationship with Leah only grew, she asked you to be her girlfriend three weeks later.Two weeks after that she invited you to Milton Keynes to meet her family this time as her girlfriend, a few days later you did the same travelling up to Manchester to your family, both sides overjoyed with the news.
The next step was to tell your friends, the thought of having to tell Jordan made you sick, you had countless sleepless nights thinking about the consequences of telling your best friend you where dating her ex as images of her sobbing flashed through your mind. Leah didn’t know what to do as she tried desperately for you to talk to her only for you to pull further away until eventually she called your mum.
“Y/n.” You looked up from the couch at Leah who was now stood beside you mum “hello peanut.” You stood up crashing into your mother’s arms letting out a breath you didn’t know you where holding on too as she squeezed you tight “oh darling what’s on your mind.” You pulled back looking at Leah who nodded before feeling your bottom lip start to tremble “I can’t tell her, I don’t she’s going to hate me mum please I don’t know what to do I can’t sleep without seeing her crying.” Your mum pulled you over to the couch “oh Y/n it’s ok it’s all going to be ok I promise, Jordan loves you, your her best friend and a real best friend is happy for you no matter what, hey look at my darling.” You sniffed looking at her “are you happy, right now in this relationship with Leah.” You nodded “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” Your mum smiled brushing the hair out of your face “then Jordan will realise how happy Leah makes you and be just as happy for you ok.” You nodded looking at Leah who stood in the corner of the room before you put your hand out for her to take which she did coming to sit behind you and pull you closer “you deserve to be happy and if it’s with Leah then wonderful ok.” You thanked your mum before getting up to make her a cup of tea leaving the pair to talk. You slept the full night through that night wrapped in Leah’s tight hold.
You stood frozen outside of Lia and Caitlin’s house Leah holding your waist from behind as she tried to get you to relax “we don’t have to stay ok we just go in stay an hour tell everyone and leave shortly after ok enough time for you to rewatch the best of David Beckham.” You shuffled forward before pressing the doorbell sucking in a breath as the door swung open and your best friend jumped on you “friend oh friend.” Leah coughed behind you nodding at Jordan before stepping around you both to hug Lia “we haven’t hung out in ages Y/n what the fuck man.” You smiled sheepishly “sorry Jordy I’ve been so busy but I’m free for the next two weeks whenever you want.” Jordan grabbed your hand leading you into the house greeting the rest of the team you sat with Jordan chatting with Viv and Jen.
You where stood in the kitchen getting another drink when you felt Leah’s hands wrap around you from behind “you ok.” You nodded leaning back before she turned you your head finding it’s spot in the crook of her neck pressing to her neck, Leah sighed “keep that up and we are leaving in five.” You smiled leaning to kiss her, only to jump apart at the sound of glass breaking. Turning startled “what the fuck.” You looked at Jordan in horror “Jordan.” You moved towards the older girl “no what the fuck.” You stopped as Jordan took a step back “you have five second to tell me I’m imagining this or I swear..” you looked past her as the rest of the Arsenal girls gathered behind Jordan “what’s going on.” Lia looked at the three of you confused “I walked in on Y/n trying to kiss Leah.” Your eyes flicked around at the faces of your teammates “I…we…we where going to tell you I’m sorry.” Jordan shook her head “how long.” You looked at the ground as Jordan grew more angry “HOW LONG.” Leah stepped in “hey don’t you dare talk to her like that Jordan I swear to god.” Jordan shook her head “Fuck off I’m not talking to you so Y/n how long have you been screwing my ex for.” Still staring at the ground you felt tears well in your eyes “just over two months.” Jordan laughed in disbelief “TWO FUCKING MONTHS.” Jen put her hand on Jordan’s shoulders but she just shook her off as she stepped towards you “after everything you saw her put me through, after everything we have been through.” You looked up taking a step back in shock at how close Jordan was “I’m sorry.” Jordan shook her head “yeah sorry you got caught.” You shook your head “no Jordan because you might not believe me but we where going to tell you tonight, I…I…I have made my self sick this past few months had countless sleepless nights scared to tell you, scared that you would react like this, but they are right I deserve to be happy as well can’t you see I’m happy can’t you be happy for me as my best friend.” Jordan looked at you in shock “I’m not friends with backstabbers, who whore themselves out to get a girl their best friend cried to them about for hours.” Leah stood in front of you once more “I’d back the fuck up if I where you Jordan or I swear to god this will end badly, all she wants is for you to share her happiness instead your being a prick.” Jordan just kept staring at you standing just past her shoulder “your not even sorry are you.” You looked at her once more “I am I’m so sorry, I’m sorry I love her, and that it is her but that’s not going to change, the same way my love for you won’t change.” Jordan shook her head, turning to walk out of the house as you chased after her “Jordan.” Jordan stopped in the driveway turning “I hope you are happy and that you do actually love her and that she loves you back, she can deal with all the shit I’ve had to put up with being your friend.” Jordan walked off after that as you dropped to the floor in tears Leah pulling you into her “I’m so so sorry Y/n, it’s ok I know it doesn’t feel like it now but it’s going to be ok.” You couldn’t respond to busy sobbing into her chest as your friends watched on.
Love is probably both one of the most complicated emotions as well as the most simplest emotions. One that had brought one of the best humans in the world into your life but had also forced another out
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alessiasfreckles · 4 months
14 leah plsss xoxoxo
the ways i love you - leah williamson x reader
14. A kiss to the stomach
warnings: negative body image
You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You had bought a new bikini for your holiday with Leah, wanting something cute to wear at the pool or on the beach.
You loved Leah with all your heart, but sometimes dating a professional footballer was hard. Especially when you were very much not a professional footballer and enjoyed chocolate a little more than you should. She was incredibly attractive, and her body was just amazing, but occasionally you'd catch yourself comparing your bodies, which you knew wasn't fair.
She would tell you that as well - that it was unfair and unrealistic to expect your body to look like that of a professional athlete, and that she loved the way your body looked, not just because it was gorgeous, stunning, sexy, but because it was your body.
Still, you'd catch yourself frowning when you saw your reflection, especially next to hers, and lately you'd been having to make an extremely conscious effort to not talk or think negatively about your body.
You turned, looking at yourself from the side in the mirror. You knew, logically, that most girls and afab people carried some fat on their stomach. That it wasn't anything unusual, or anything to be ashamed of. You poked your stomach with a grimace, watching it in the reflection.
Leah's voice echoed in your head, telling you how beautiful you were, and you rolled your eyes. As if she could read your mind, Leah poked her head around the bedroom door.
"Woah, look at you!" she said when she saw what you were wearing, whistling appreciatively. "Baby, you look fantastic! Is that a new bikini?"
You covered your stomach with your arms self-consciously, shrugging. "Yeah, I got it for our holiday. But I don't know, I might return it."
"What, why?" she asked, walking over to you and stopping a few feet away to look you up and down again. Her eyes lingered on your chest and legs, pausing at your arms covering your stomach.
You shrugged again. "I just, I feel too, I dunno, exposed? I don't think this is the right kind of thing for my body."
"I think it's exactly the right kind of thing for your body," Leah said firmly, then hesitated. "Can... Can I do something?"
You squinted at her suspiciously. "What?"
"Can you lie down on the bed for me? I just want to see if I can help make you feel better," she explained. When you raised an eyebrow her cheeks pinkened slightly. "Not sex! I mean, I'm happy to make you feel better that way, too, but that's not what I had in mind."
"Uh-huh," you said, smirking at her, but you got on the bed anyway, lying down.
"Can you close your eyes for me?" she asked. "If you want me to stop, just say, okay?"
You nodded, eyes closed, and felt Leah climb onto the bed, near your legs. You jumped when her hands brushed your calves and thighs, stroking them, massaging them.
"I love your legs," she started. "I love your legs because they're beautiful and they're yours, but I also love them because they're strong. They let you walk, run, swim. They're powerful. They help hold you up."
She placed kisses up and down each leg gently, the soft touch making your heart swell with love. Then she moved to your arms, straddling you to reach both easily. You grinned as she straddled you, and you could feel her laughing above you.
"This is not sexual, remember? Not yet at least," she said, and you could hear the smirk in her voice. She touched each arm, in a similar fashion to how she'd touched your legs, caressing them gently. "Anyway, where was I? Oh, your arms, and your hands. I love your arms. I love how soft your skin is, the dimple by your elbows. I love them because they let you hold my hand, they let you hug me, they let you do all sorts of things to me. Your arms are strong, like your legs, they're powerful and beautiful."
Your throat felt tight, like you were going to cry. Leah kissed your arms, making her way from your shoulders to your wrists.
"Your hands are so perfect. They fit in mine like we were made for each other, like two puzzle pieces linking together. Your hands do so many amazing things," she continued, and kissed each fingertip, then the palms of your hands.
You felt her body weight shift as she moved down, sitting on your thighs. You tensed as her hands came to rest on your stomach, aware of every movement she made, everywhere her hands touched.
"I love your stomach. I love how it looks, I love that it's soft, it's so beautiful and attractive. I love that if i touch it a certain way, like this, it makes your stomach feel like it's flipping and it makes you giggle," she said, brushing her hand over your stomach to prove her point, making you jump and smile when your stomach flipped. "I love that it lets you eat yummy food, that it makes so many noises at night when we're going to sleep, that one day our baby will be in there."
You felt a tear leak out of your closed eyes as she pressed kisses to your stomach, gently, as if she was worried about breaking you. Sniffling a little, you opened your eyes when you felt her move off you, coming closer to you.
"Oh, I didn't mean to make you cry," she said, wiping away your tears with the back of her hand.
"No, no, it's okay," you shook your head. "They're good tears."
"Oh, phew! I was worried," she smiled, stroking your cheek softly. "I love you. I love all of you, all of your body, all of your brain, so so much."
"I love you, too," you said, and she leant forward, kissing you, her lips soft against yours.
"And, I really do like this bikini," she said as she pulled back. She winked and reached down to the string on the side of the bikini, pulling it open. "It really does look amazing on you. But... I think it'd look even better off."
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wosoamazing · 2 months
Bad Timing
Warnings: Endometriosis, Passing Out, Vomiting
A/N: IDK how good it is, can’t decide if I like it or not but yeah…. (also I tried to make this as accurate as possible in terms of the medical things but IDK)
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It was your first Lionesses camp, which you were dreading, if you weren't nervous enough your period was due during this camp, and to say it wasn’t easy was a massive understatement, you had just recently been diagnosed with endometriosis, after what felt like years of being told you were over dramatic. You were rooming with Leah, Sarina had said something about “broadening horizons” or something by switching up the rooms slightly, it meant nothing to you, it was your first camp. However this made you more nervous and scared about getting your period. Leah was really nice and kind, and you really enjoyed playing at Arsenal with her and you always took on any tips she had for you, but you were worried she would see you as weak after seeing how you were on your period. You knew she also had endometriosis and for the one and a half years you have been at arsenal she had not once taken a day off, making you feel like you just weren’t strong enough. You missed training almost once a month and Beth even forced you to pull out of a game one day, insisting she stayed with you missing the game as well. To be fair Leah had done her ACL a week before you signed for arsenal however you still never once heard her complain about it.
Training had been going well, even though you had a dull ache in your abdomen and you had a headache, you knew it meant you would be getting your period pretty soon but you thought you would be in clear at least for now and that you could make it through training, you just had to try and ignore the pain, that had slowly been increasing in intensity.
You were having a drink when a hand was placed on your shoulder, “do you have another pair of shorts?” It was Leah, “no,” you replied quietly trying not to cry, how did you manage to not bring a spare pair, of course this happened, you had travelled from your hotel on the bus to training so it wasn't like you could just go up to your room. “Okay, well why don’t you go to the locker room and I’ll just tell Sarina what is happening and then I’ll come to you, I have a spare pair.” “I should probably go get my tablets from the medics” “Do you-” you cut her off with a nod knowing what she was going to say before a wave of stabbing cramps caused you to hunch over slightly and clutch at your stomach. “It’s okay, I will do all of that, you just go to the locker room.” you nodded before you turned around and walked into the locker room.
Leah had noticed things not many people would, first it was how you missed a training session from the same week 3 months in a row, then it was the fact that you bled through more than you would’ve liked, and the last one was that you would always sit with your knees to your chest in meetings and breaks during the week that your day off fell into.
“Sarina, I think Y/N has just started her period, I’m just coming to tell you because she needs to change her shorts and doesn't have any but I do, so I was just going to go with her.” Leah says as she walked over to Sarina, who nodded before walking away from the other girls getting Leah to follow her, “She has endometriosis, the medics have her tablets and from what her doctors reports say it gets bad, it’s only a friendly, I might get someone to take you both back to the hotel, so we can make a judgement on how we approach this long term, I don’t want to risk her health. Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah, I think that might be good. Thank you” “No, thank you Leah. I know you will take good care of her, it might not just be a coincidence that you are her roommate.”
Once you got into your room you changed out of your training gear and Leah went down with one of the medics so she could get some things you may need.
Once you had changed you started to walk over to your bed when a shooting pain ran down your back and legs sending you to the floor. You were curled up on the floor of your room, holding your stomach tightly, just wishing Leah came back soon, maybe she could help. You really hated how your periods just started like a tidal wave, giving you no time to prepare. You felt like someone was squeezing and twisting your uterus, whilst your back cramped.
“Oh tiny,” Leah said sympathetically as she walked back into the room, she placed the items she had gotten on the bed before she crouched down in front of you.
“Do you want me to move you to the bed?” you gave her a weak nod, and she placed a hand on your shoulder before rolling you over slightly so she could pick you up, the slight movement caused you to whimper before the swift movement of her picking you up caused a heavy stream of tears to fall from your eyes, “I know, I know, I’m sorry”. She gently placed you down in the middle of your bed, before getting in next to you, her upper body was propped up slightly from the pillows as she laid down next to you. She silently handed you a hot water bottle which you placed on your stomach before curling up into a ball on top of her, your head resting on her chest. “Do you want one on your back too or no? I can keep it there,” “yes please,” you said weakly, she grabbed it and softly placed it on your back before holding it there.
“I have a sick bag if you need it, and please ask me for anything at all, I promise I wont judge you, I just want to help.” you just nodded slightly and she wrapped her free hand around you, you managed to fall asleep but even asleep Leah could tell you were still in pain.
“How is she, is she okay?” Beth panicked as she rushed into your room concerned for her favourite little person, she had obviously been informed by Sarina or one of the other staff. You had known Beth since you were born, you were very close family friends, your Dad’s knew each other from when they were young kids and even though you were 11 years younger than her you both always got along well. So when you moved to Arsenal it was a no-brainer that you would move in with her and Viv, it also meant they would have someone living with them to help. When her Mum died it hit you hard, June had been a big part of your life, always looking after you for your parents when their work caused them to be away, she would always show up to your weekend games if she was available and even came to your grandparents day at school, when your grandparents couldn't come but you didn't want your parents to go, when the teacher suggested you could bring an adult friend you had asked her and she happily accepted.
“Yeah she is okay, I think she is in a lot of pain though, it's kind of worrying me,” Leah said as she looked at you, noticing a fear tears were now leaving your eyes even as you slept.
“y/n” Leah softly said as she brushed her hand against your cheek causing your eyes to flutter open, “Beth is here,” you opened your eyes to see Beth sitting on Leah’s bed, “Can I go to the toilet?” “Sure, do you want me to help?” you nodded shyly and Beth helped you off Leah before steadying you as you walked into the bathroom, just as you entered the bathroom, you felt light headed and dizzy, everything was going blurry and there was a ringing in your ears.
“Beth-” your voice was laced with panic and pain “It’s okay, don’t worry, let's just sit on the floor,” Beth said calmly as she lowered you to the floor knowing what was going to happen, as soon as you were on the floor your body went limp against Beth’s and everything went black. “It’s okay, you’re okay, we’re here, we’ve got you,” you heard Beth say as you came back to, opening your eyes slowly so they knew, “Are you okay?” you shook your head as you closed your eyes again. All your body weight was still being supported by Beth, as you took some deep breaths “do you think you might be sick?” you nodded your head, and Leah quickly got the sick bag from the bed and handed it to Beth, “I’ve got a bag, okay. You’re going to be okay though, I promise, I’ve got you, no matter what happens,” Beth reassured you, a few minutes had passed and thankfully you hadn't been sick yet. “Are they always this bad?” Leah asked to which you nodded slightly before letting your head fall back against Beth’s shoulder, she brushed away the pieces of hair that were stuck to your forehead before giving you a small kiss on your forehead.
“Have-” Beth shook her head, “They wont do anything more Leah, we’ve been to extensive appointments, she is too young for them to look into more drastic things yet apparently, and due to her age she is limited on the strength and type of painkillers she is on but some months they are a bit better but they also can get a lot worse.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Playing Favourites II
Arsenal Women x Child!Reader
Summary: You know how to get what you want
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Leah kidnaps you again.
Now that she's nearly back from her big knee ouchy she's been driving up to see you lots and more often than not she takes you home with her.
Her teammates are at her house a lot too so you learn how to give them puppy eyes to get what you want.
The most susceptible to this is Alessia.
You're warmed up to her and, when you spot her at the little dinner Leah's brought you to at your favourite Lia's house, you immediately bolt to her.
She lifts you into the air, throwing you up for a moment before catching you again.
"Alessia!" Leah cries from the doorway where she stands with Jen and Kim. "Be careful with her!"
"Lessi's careful!" You insist even though Alessia's put you back down and is hurrying you into the kitchen.
Laura and Vic are standing there, staring at a bowl of pizza dough half in awe, half in confusion.
Lessi drags a chair with her to the countertop and helps you stand on it.
"Alright, bean," She says, forcing a lump of dough into a circle," What do you want on top?"
"Er..." You look over the different options. "This one. This one...And this one!"
"You better not be overfeeding her, Lessi," Leah interrupts as she wanders over," I've got to put her to bed tonight."
"My Nonna always says that the best way to sleep is with a belly of warm food."
"Food, Leah! We're making pizza!" You look so unbelievably excited to have pizza that wasn't from the freezer that Leah can't help but sigh.
"Not too much, bean," She says, dragging a finger over your cheek as you sprinkle more cheese over your pizza," You could get a tummy ache."
You give her an unimpressed look. "We're making pizza, Leah. Don't need to think about my tummy."
Leah shoots a flabbergasted look at Alessia, pointing an accusing finger at her. "You're turning her Italian! I think I preferred it when you two didn't get along!"
"Mummy says just because you don't have friends doesn't mean that I can't," You say, turning back to your pizza and letting Vic help roll up your sleeves.
You end up with your whole pizza as you sit snug between the better Lia and your Leah. You slap at your sister's fingers and bare your teeth when she tries to grab one of your slices.
"Can I have one, bean?" Lia asks and you stick your tongue out at your Leah and pass one to Lia. "Thank you."
"That's not fair!" Leah complains as you push her away again.
When she reaches for you for the third time you clamber away to Lia's other side and squish between her and Kyra.
Kyra smiles at you and drapes part of the blanket she's using over your legs.
"So, bean," Jen says from across the room," Are you excited to be a mascot tomorrow? Do you know who you're going to walk out with?"
"Er...Don't know."
"You'll need to make a decision soon," Leah reminds you," So I can put you in the right jersey tomorrow."
You still make a noncommittal noise as you survey the assembled girls. You tug at Kyra's shirt.
"If you give me chocolate, then I'll walk with you."
"Oh! Whoa! Wait a minute!" Beth interrupts before Kyra can agree. "I can get you a bigger chocolate bar than Kyra."
You shrug. "I guess I can walk with you."
"A chocolate bar and a milkshake," Katie says, holding her hand up," I think that's a better offer."
The other girls start shouting their own bribes and Leah looks at you with disbelief. You're lapping up the attention, flitting between each girl as they promise you grander and grander things in return for just walking out on the pitch with them.
By the time that the match has circled around and you're dressed up in your Arsenal shirt, it's Lessi who has won with the promise of a chocolate fountain and a whole Happy Meal after the game.
As Leah watches you walk out and glances back at the chocolate fountain waiting to be put in her car, she kind of wishes that you hadn't come out of your shell around Alessia and just stuck to someone like Viv or Lia, who knew not to make such outlandish promises to you.
But, whatever she's promised you, you look especially happy to walk out with Lessi and scamper over to Leah as soon as the game begins, arms raised for her to pick you up and bundle you in a blanket.
Your happy mood dampens quickly though when the girls can't seem to get it together and go one-nil down in the first fifteen minutes. They manage to just about keep another goal out but it's clearly a struggle.
"Hey, Laura," Leah says as soon as the team heads back to the locker room in shame," Do you mind taking the bean to get some snacks?"
You look at her suspiciously. "You don't let me get snacks."
"I don't let you eat chocolate either, bean." Leah ruffles your hair," But somehow you've fine angled your way into a chocolate fountain. Quit while you're ahead." She waves a wad of cash in front of you and you snatch it out of her hand and grab Laura.
While you're both gone, she hurries off to the changing room, slamming the door open. "Get your heads in the fucking game! The bean's in the crowd and I will be damned if you lose in front of her!"
"It's not that easy," Katie scoffs," None of us expected them to put all of their effort in attack."
"Are you professionals or not?!" Leah demands, throwing her hands up in the air in anger," Look, it'll be embarrassing enough losing like this but do you want to make the bean upset? She'll cry. She'll definitely start crying and then she'll tell Mum and Mum will never let us see her again. Is that what you want? To not see the bean again?"
"We get it," Beth grumbles," We'll get it together. You don't need to guilt trip us with your baby sister."
"Good." Leah points her finger at each of them in warning before heading back out to the box again.
You've got a hot dog in your hand and you're sipping at a fizzy drink when she gets back. You smile. "Did you tell them that I'll cry?" You ask.
Leah ruffles your hair. "Make sure you do if they lose."
"Okay," You reply, taking another bite of your hot dog," Do I get a McFlurry at Maccies if I do?"
"You can extort everybody but me," Leah reminds you," Don't forget who taught you to do that."
You look a bit annoyed at that but just moodily take a bite of your hotdog instead of arguing.
As it turns out, you don't really need the waterworks because the girls pull it out with a healthy 2-1 win and you make your way down onto the pitch riding on Leah's shoulders.
"Look at that!" Katie says in triumph as she approaches," Just needed a good old Williamson talk and we were golden."
Leah rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Let's not make that a habit."
"We might need the bean at every match," Jen says, helping you down from your sister's shoulders so you can run off to Alessia and Kyra.
"Ha! Good luck explaining to my Mum where her youngest has run off too."
Katie grins. "I can be very charming."
Leah rolls her eyes again. "Maybe don't use that line with my parents."
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leah-lover · 2 months
You dug your grave. Leah Williamson x reader
Smut 18+
Reader punishes Leah by. Masturbating in front of her.
Leah was a known flirt in the team. She was touchy and flirtatious with everybody. On most days that didn't bother you. You were secure on who you are and on what you meant to her. She loved you. She was crazy for you. It was just her nature , her way of having fun, to be risky with her friends.
It was that time of the year again, international camp. You both loved it. You got to be together, hang out with your friends and be the best country in the world.
This time camp was different. You and Leah didn't come together. You weren't even called up in the first place. It was because of an injury to one of the players that you were standing in the lobby right now.
“ Here is your key card, this is a single room on the 53rd floor.” Said the kind receptionist.
You thanked her and went up to your room. You then text your girlfriend and inform her that you are in the hotel.
You took a shower, got ready, and headed to the restaurant to meet up with the girls for dinner.
Once you showed up loud cheers filled the room. You went around kissing and hugging everyone and proceeded to go over to your girlfriend's table.
“ Hello my baby I missed you.” She said, greeting you with a filthy kiss. You kissed her back and joined her conversation.
You went feeling good at all and your girlfriend's thought tendencies got on your nerves but you stayed calm throughout the dinner.
After dinner you went and got some drinks, laughed a little and headed back into your room with Leah in your hand.
Once the door closed your girlfriend pinned you to the wall and started kissing you. You however didn't kiss her back.
“ Baby what's happening?” She asked.
“ Since you were so bothered about me today I thought to treat you “ you said.
“All I wanted today was something that was truly mine but you had to get cuddly with Beth, “ you added.
You didn't leave her much time to react before you got out of her group, went to the bed and undressed yourself.
“But baby than isn't fair”
“leah, go sit on that chair.” you ordered. She obliged. She was now sitting in front of a fully naked you with your legs wide open.
“ my love please.” She pleaded.
“ You are gonna sit there and watch me. You move your hand from the arm rest you won't see me naked in a long time “ you warned her. Upset she did as you said.
You started by running your hands through your body. You dtp at your breast. You massage each one, you squeeze your nipples between your fingers and you moan. You release the filthiest moans you have ever said. Leah’s face was pouty but her eyes were full of lust. She grips the armrests tightly and says. “You are so fucking beautiful. You cunt is so fucking beautiful.”
Your core was starting to drip when you started playing with your puffy clit. Leah’s eyes on you have you motivation to moan even louder and make her wish she could touch you which you were with sure she was already. She knew that arguing with you and begging you wouldn't change your mind so she grips the arm rests tougher yet hands go white.
Inpatient you slide one finger in and follow it with another. You knew exactly where to touch yourself to make yourself come . So you quickly became a moaning mess and came screaming Leah's name.
Once you opened your eyes again Leah was white.
“ Fuck me with a strap now if you want “ you say.
She quickly picked up the strap, got on. The bed and started fucking you after adjusting herself to it.
She was rough with her pace so you quickly got close to your second orgasm.
“Baby I am gonna come.” I said.
After she heard that she quickly pulled out.
“Baby no please.” You pleaded.
“ You dug your grave .” She said,
Leah liked edging you so you knew this was gonna be a long night.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Alex Scott's daughter (1) II Leah Williamson x Reader
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"Our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow 'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know." ~ Taylor Swift, Our Song
part 2 I arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1747
Being the daughter of Alex Scott was significantly different to having any other mum. Not only had football a very important part in both of your lives, but you also were much closer than other families were. Alex had gotten pregnant with you when she was only seventeen, struggling to balance being a young mum and finding her way into a football career. You two basically grew up side by side, with the same people and on football fields all across the country. Often, you felt more like sisters than mum and daughter.
Now you were twenty-one sitting on the sofa and watching your mum slip on some heels while simultaneously putting in her earrings. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me to this party?“, she asked for the hundredth time now.
You rolled your eyes with an amused smile; “Yes, I’ll be fine at home with my book and a hot chocolate, Mum.“ “Okay, fine. I won’t ask anymore. But you’re going to miss out.“, she warned you, holding up a finger in your direction. Satisfied, you nodded once; “Thank you and no, I don’t think I will.“
Your mum shrugged into her coat and walked over to give you a kiss on the crown of your head: “See you later. I won’t come home too late.“ You closed your book carefully, keeping one finger between the pages as a bookmark and raised an eyebrow at your mum; “We’ll see about that. If a certain redhead is there, I’m sure it will take longer.“ You knew your mum loved parties. Especially when her new crush was likely to show up.
Alex just waved your comment off; “Oh shut up. She won’t be there.“ “If you say so…“, you stated before returning to your book. “Hey, I’m not just saying it, I know it.“, your mum continued. “Mum, you need to hurry up or you’ll be late.“, you reminded her, pointing at the clock in your living room.
Hesitant the former player started to laugh:” Yeah, fine. Why do you want to get me out of the house so quickly?” “I don’t.”, you replied flushing. Despite her feeling that something was off in the way you tried to make her leave, she said: “I’ll see you later.” “Bye, I love you.”, you shouted as Alex was already at the door. With a huge smile she turned her head towards you before stepping out of her home:” Love you, too.”
A couple of minutes after your mum left the door ringed. A bright grin was on your lips as you opened the door for your girlfriend: ”Lee, come inside.” “Hi.”, Leah smiled. A loud sigh escaped your mouth:“ Hey, sorry, I thought she’d never leave.” “Couldn’t say goodbye, huh?”, the blonde threw her eyebrows up in amusement.  “Nope.” The defender admitted:“ That’s kind of cute.” “So, any plans four this evening?”, you winked at her.
In a casual tone the older woman answered:” No, I thought I’d just come over and we’ll see what we’ll do.” “Sounds good to me.” An innocent smile was showing up on Leah’s face while she showed you what the Arsenal player was hiding in her bag:” I even brought my book if you prefer to read together.” “Like in a reading date? I love that. Do you want a hot chocolate, or I think we do have a bottle of red somewhere if you prefer that.”, you informed her about the options.  “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m just here to spend time with you.” Time together, was something you rarely had, especially with the busy calendar your girlfriend had even with her ACL injury.
So you decided on the following evening plan:” Okay, let’s spend our time with reading so your physio can’t complain about the fact that you don’t rest enough.”  
“I’ve rested enough.”, Leah protested before she was lifting you up carrying you in the direction to your bedroom. Giggling you pleaded: “Lee, let me down.” Although you knew all too well about the England’s captain stubbornness. Determined the blonde shook her head: “No.” “Sofa or bed?”, you questioned her. “To read on?” “Yes.”, you nodded.
“Bed.“, Leah decided quickly. You nodded in agreement of her decision; “Good choice.“ “I know.“, the defender grinned back while following you into your bedroom. With a sigh, she let herself fall onto your bed. You immediately followed suit. With your head propped up on one arm, you opened your book; “Want me to read out loud to you?“ “Sure, why not?“, Leah agreed and turned around to put her own book on the nightstand. As you started reading, she drew her attention back to you.
However, this did not last long. You could feel her fingertips on the outside of your thigh tracing small patterns and then slowly wandering higher and under your shirt. In feigned annoyance, you slapped her hand away; “Hey!“ “What?“ Her blue eyes met yours with pure innocence. “You’re not listening.“, you scolded her. Leah shook her head in denial; “No.“ You shot her an amused look which Leah took as an invite to kiss you and finally, you gave in.
The book dropped from the side of the bed as you passionately kissed her back, running your fingers through her long blonde hair. “Now I know why you didn’t finished The Cost of Living yet even though it’s only 200 pages.“, you laughed between two kisses. Your girlfriend rolled eyes as answer and pressed her lips on yours again. You two were so absorbed in each other that neither of you heard the front door open and close. “Honey, I’m home.“, Alex’ voice echoed through the hallway.
In surprise, you two immediately drove apart but at the same moment, the door to your bedroom opened. Alex stood in the door frame, watching the scene before yelling out; “What the hell?“ “Oh shit. Alex, I can explain.“, Leah replied. She got up from the bed and took a few steps towards her friend. Your mum refused to hear any of it, looking from you to Leah with in an expression of betrayal; “No. That’s my daughter you kissed there, Leah!“ “Alex…“ Your mum turned back to you; “And you? Leah is one of my best friends!“ “Mum…“, you whispered, looking down at your hands because you could not stand to look at the hurt in her face.
“Can I talk to you for a moment, Alex?”, the blonde pleaded. Sternly Alex shovelled one of her closest friends out of the room:” For how long this has been going on, Leah?!” “Not long. Really. We just didn’t find the right time to tell you yet.”, Leah confessed. Out of breath Alex lips escaped an: “Oh wow.” “Don’t be mad at her. I started it.”, the younger woman told her, the softness in her words when she mentioned her daughter startled the older one. Devastated the former Arsenal player shouted: “You? When? How? Why?” “Because your daughter is cute.”, Leah said trying not to hurt her best friend any further while staying honest about her feelings.
Furious Alex looked at her:” I know she’s very cute!” “Alex.” Angrily the ex-defender waved with her hands:” What?!” “Calm down.”, the blonde asked her to. “So you started it?” “I did.”, the England skipper nodded earnest. “Are you serious with her? If not I swear-“, Alex began.  Without any hesitation Leah stated firmly:“ Alex, you know me. I don’t date unless I mean it.” Groaning the BBC reporter hid her face in her hands:” I know and I even told you recently you need to let someone in your heart again, that you’re ready to love again.” “And I am.”, the Arsenal player confirmed. “With her?” “Yes.”, the blonde affirmed.
Carefully you reached out to the brunette: “Mum?” “I’m fine. Sorry, I’m just being dramatic it’s what I do.”, Alex apologized.  A mild but also tired smile appeared on Leah’s face:“Only when it comes to her.”  “True.”, her friend admitted while putting the arms around her daughter into a tight hug. Quietly you said:” But mum I’m not a kid anymore.”  “I know that.”, your mum mumbled into your ear. “But?” “It’s Leah. And you. I’ve to get used to that first.”, the brunette revealed. You let out a sigh of reveal:” That’s okay, we respect that.” “You should leave now Leah.”, Alex told the younger woman. The blonde went to you and pressed a kiss on top of your head:” Oh okay, good night you two. See you both soon.”
You share on last look with Leah; “Night, Lee.“ “Good Night.“, Alex answered curtly and closed the door behind the blonde defender. Your mum turned back to you but didn’t say anything. “How was the event, Mum?“, you finally decided to break the silence. “I don’t want to talk about that right now.“, she shook her head earnestly. You bit your lip, trying to avoid the elephant in the room; “What do you want to talk about?“ “You.“, Alex replied simply. With a sigh you agreed; “Alright.“ Slowly, you sat back down on your bed.
Your mum was still looking at you with her arms crossed in front of her chest but her facial expression has relaxed a bit; “So? When did you want to tell me?“ “Soon, really.“ Alex raised an eyebrow and repeated sceptically; “Soon?“ “Yes?“ Unconvinced, she shook her head; “I don’t believe you that.“ “I’m really happy with her.“, you stated, tired of discussing with your mum.
Finally, she seemed to soften up and sat down next to you; “You really are, huh?“ “Yeah.“ “I can tell.“ You carefully tried to find her eyes; “You’ll get used to it, right?“ “I think I will.“, she answered, a smile tugging on her lips. You nodded gratefully in her direction: “Thank you.“
“Hey?“, she asked and nudged you with her shoulder. “Huh?“, you looked up in surprise. Your mum winked at you; “I don’t want to know anything about what you two are doing together, okay?“ Perplexed, you could not stop yourself from laughing; “Okay.“
After a moment of silence, Alex cleared her throat; “I’m sorry I send her away for tonight.“ “Don’t worry about it.“ Gently, she slapped you on your thigh as she got up from your bed; “Let’s order some food and you tell me about you two? How does that sound?“ A big smile on your face, you followed her; “That sounds great, Mum.“
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eiightysixbaby · 3 months
the boy is mine (leah’s edition)
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my little slice of input for @carolmunson’s writing challenge 🩵
cw: best friend!eddie x fem!reader, kissing, a couple flirty comments, nothing else really just fluff! (1.9k)
prompt rules: the scene: a romantic night in at the trailer. props included/mentioned (in passing or can hold bigger meaning): a throw pillow, vanilla frosting, a small notebook. dialogue included (can be manipulated slightly if needed, can be placed in any order): "i ran out of like, nice cups, is this okay?" // "aw, don't be like that. that's not even true." // “and you like that?" // "if you don't stop, we're gonna have a problem."
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Your heart is thrumming excitedly in your chest before you’ve even thrown your car into park. The sun is just starting to set, blanketing the trailer park in a cozy golden hue. The air is sweet when you step out of your vehicle, and you take a deep inhale to calm your giddy body.
You don’t need to be inside the trailer to hear Eddie’s guitar. The melodic sound of his acoustic’s strings dance in the summer evening’s breeze, carried right out of his window and into your waiting ears. You smile to yourself, looking down at where your sneakers flatten the grass with each step you take. Climbing the front steps and nearly knocking, then deciding you never need to knock at Eddie’s, you swing open the trailer’s door with a gentle pull. There’s a squeak of its rusting hinge, a sound you’ve grown entirely used to, and it protests once more as you close the door behind you just like you knew it would.
“Ed?” you call out, toeing off your shoes in the doorway.
He doesn’t hear you, which doesn’t surprise you. Knowing him, he’s completely lost in whatever song he’s trying to learn. If you’re lucky he’ll have actually remembered your plans tonight, and you won’t walk in on him butt-naked or something.
The trailer is bathed in warm lighting, the lingering scent of a cigarette hanging in the air. You trail down the hallway, fingers fidgeting with each other as you go. His door is already open a crack, but you give a gentle knock anyways.
The smile he gives you when you appear in his room is radiant, his eyes so fond and eager to see you. He sits cross-legged on his bed, hair pulled loosely off of his face. He looks beautiful, as he always does.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greets you, a pet name you’ll never tire of hearing from his lips. “Sorry, I promise I didn’t forget you were coming, I just kind of got distracted playing—”
“It’s okay, Ed,” you cut him off, sitting on the floor at his feet. Your chin rests on his knee, looking up at him. “What’re you practicing?”
“Well, uh,” he starts, reaching a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “It’s new. Something I wrote.”
“Oh?” you perk up, curiosity peaked.
“I haven’t perfected it yet, though. Honestly I’m not sure if it’s even any good,” he continues, his face reddening slightly. You notice him reach out to grab the notebook that sits beside him, holding it protectively. That’s his lyric book, you know it is, because he usually lets you flip through it whenever you like.
“Hey, don’t be like that. You’re good at songwriting, Eddie.”
“You just say that cause you’re my best friend, ‘n you have to,” he rolls his eyes, smiling fondly at you despite it.
“That’s not even true!” you defend. “I mean, yes I am your best friend, but no I’m not saying it because I have to.”
You look at him so earnestly, your voice so sincere, it nearly makes him crumble. You stare at each other for a moment, something hanging in the air between you, before he clears his throat.
“You, uh, you want anything to drink? It’s been hot as tits out there all day,” he says, standing up and laying his guitar flat on his mattress.
“Did Wayne make any more of that lemonade?” you ask, looking up at him hopefully.
He laughs, a bright little sound. “Yeah. Knew you’d want some, so I asked him to make another batch. C‘mon,” he says, holding his hand out for you to take.
He hoists you up from your spot on the carpet, not letting go of your hand on your journey to the kitchen. You can’t help but yearn for the warmth back when he eventually lets go, opening the fridge and pulling out the pitcher. Perching yourself on the countertop, you watch as he rummages around for glasses.
“I ran out of like, nice cups. Is this okay?” he asks, presenting you with a red plastic cup with a Care Bear on it. Somehow, after coming to this trailer weekly for over a year now, you’d never seen this.
You snort, accepting the now-filled plastic kid’s cup. You rotate it in your hands, marveling at it. “I didn’t take you for a Care Bears type-a guy,” you wiggle your eyebrows, taking a sip of the sweet and sour liquid.
“Oh, fuck off,” he says, though there isn’t a hint of anger in his tone. He smiles while he says it, pouring his own lemonade into a coffee mug.
“Listen, I’m just saying. They’re very like, sunshine and rainbows! Happiness and love!” you say, pitching your voice higher and waving your hands as you speak.
“Okay? And?”
“And you like that? Forgive me for being taken aback that you, Edward Munson, lord of all things dark and off-putting, are a Care Bears enjoyer.”
That glorious laugh leaves him once more as he moves to stand beside you, his back pressing against the counter and his side brushing against your thigh. You flush at the contact, trying to keep your composure.
“Okay, well, first of all,” he starts, looking at you with a tilt of his head. “It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s literally a bear called Grumpy Bear. Y’know, he’s got the rain cloud? He’s always like, super pissed and mopey.”
“One angry bear doesn’t take away from the overall happiness of the show,” you inform him, earning a scoff from him. “And, the bear on this cup is literally Tenderheart Bear. You own a cup with the leader of the happy bears on it.”
“What’s wrong with Tenderheart Bear?” he asks, holding a hand over his heart as if he’d been mortally wounded. “He initiates all of the new bears, makes them feel welcome. Tenderheart Bear is to Care-A-Lot what I am to Hellfire.”
You laugh, nearly spitting your lemonade all over the kitchen floor. “I know you did not just use that analogy.”
“Oh, I so did,” he says, raising his eyebrows so they’re hidden behind his bangs. Setting his cup down, he moves to stand between your thighs, palms gripping the counter on either side of you; caging you in. “And if you don’t stop dissing the Care Bears, we’re gonna have a problem.”
You’re probably meant to laugh, to shove him away or keep mocking him or just anything that keeps the mood playful. But instead your focus goes entirely to the warmth of his body pressed right up against yours. Your lips part, attempting to get words out but failing, your gaze moving between his gorgeous brown eyes to his mouth and back again.
He scoots in a little bit closer, you feel it, and you watch the way his tongue wets his lips. His eyes don’t leave your face, neither of you saying a damn thing as that unspoken something once again hangs between you.
He speaks suddenly, then, his cheeks pink. “You know, uh. You know that song I was working on?”
You nod, still utterly unable to pull words from your brain.
“It’s about you.”
Your eyes soften, your heart pounding inside your chest. “What?” you ask gently, seeking out more.
“It’s about you. I wrote a song about you. Because I can’t stop fucking thinking about you, every second of every day. And not in the way friends think about each other, this is like, so totally breaching the lines of friendship—” he rambles, no longer making eye contact, gesturing with his hands as he goes on.
“Eddie,” you interrupt, yet he keeps talking. You giggle to yourself, speaking louder this time. “Eddie!”
He stops. He almost looks… scared? Like if he stops talking, if he leaves room for you to respond, you’ll make fun of him or get mad or leave. Or all three.
“I think about you, like, every second of every day.”
“Not in the way that… friends do…?” he asks, his eyes so full of hope it makes you want to scoop him up and never let him go.
“Not in the way that friends do. Definitely not in the way that friends do. I wore this top today hoping you’d think my tits look good in it, so,” you joke, admitting some of your own vulnerability to take the pressure off of him.
And he laughs, softly at first, then a booming, wonderful sound. “Your tits do look good in that top. I thought that the second you walked in,” he grins, covering his eyes with his fingers, peeking through two of them.
You start to laugh with him, until tears are coming out of your eyes, your foreheads pressed together. His hands reach up to cup your face, noses touching.
You smile, getting out the last of your giggles as your lips nearly brush so many times. Up close he’s prettier than ever, you can’t even count how many times you’d wished you could pull him this close and kiss him breathless.
He makes your dreams come true when his mouth meets yours, so tender and warm as your lips move together. It feels like your heart stops for a moment, only to immediately restart when his fingers card themselves through your hair, deepening the kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist and he takes the hint, scooping you off of the counter and walking you over to the couch. Your head rests on the plush throw pillow, the one you know to be embroidered by one of the neighbors who has a little thing for Wayne.
His weight presses on top of you, your body dipping into the cushions beneath you. It feels surreal, kissing your best friend. It also feels right, like maybe you should’ve been doing it all along. You can hear the crickets chirping in the grass outside, the ambient summer sounds waltzing in through the window. It all makes you feel so safe, being here with him on this cozy evening. There’s no doubt in your mind that this is where you should be. That this is how things should be.
His tongue parts your lips, slipping into your mouth as a content sigh escapes you. Your hands tug his hair out of its ponytail before your fingers tangle themselves in his curls, swirling your tongue around his. He tastes like vanilla frosting, a guilty pleasure food that he’ll eat by the spoonful when no one’s looking. You know he’s always got a tub in the pantry, and it makes you smile into the kiss to think about him indulging in his secret snack.
When he finally pulls back for air, his eyes hold so much adoration. You both just stare at each other for a moment before bursting into what feels like your millionth fit of giggles.
“Eddie?” you say finally, your voice soft.
“Yeah, sweets?”
“Can I hear that song? I don’t care if it’s not done yet. It’ll be perfect, no matter what.”
“Yeah. I’ll play it for you. Come on,” he says, pressing one last peck to your lips before he’s dragging you back to his room.
You grab your forgotten cup of lemonade on the way, smirking to yourself as you do. “I’m totally telling Dustin about your Care Bear Hellfire thing, by the way.”
“No you are not!”
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