#i know this isn't even ass out by his standards but i liked the combo of these :>
muppetjohntavares · 2 months
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Hate it when he goes, love it when he goes, you know how it is. (Willy Styles jersey butt appreciation)
(Picture credit to Minas Panagiotakis, Mark Blinch and Vitor Munhoz)
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
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Now stfu. Thanks :)
Oh wow. I kinda expected, you know, a page in an encyclopedia or any other page with educative content about Greece or geography in general, but you come proudly with a random Turkey vs Greece article by a David dude.
Honey. You will find anything spelled out on the Internet, including actual mistakes. That's why we check our sources. In fact, this article has many other mistakes as well.
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False. Turkey gets more tourists than Greece.
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False. The Turkish Republic is exactly 100 years old and the Ottoman Empire lasted about 600 years.
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Where to start with this one... If Greece is famous for anything, that's not its urban locations.
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Mistake #1: Aya Sofya is not famous because of its minarets and Mistake #2: Ephesus was built in the 10th Century BC, so its heyday or point in time it should be referred with was at least 900 years before the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. Although granted, a lot for its preservation was done in the Roman era.
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OMG American mistake #18361986: Greece is NOT a tropical country and HAS ZERO tropical islands
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Built by WHOM of WHAT? Perhaps David meant King Antiochus I Theos of Commagen, check an actual source for once
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David is straight out pulling facts out of his ass, isn't he
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"The major cities like Istanbul and Santorini" the guy is either trolling or hasn't stepped one foot in Greece ever. Santorini is a tiny island and its "major city" Fira has 1,600 residents LMAO my grandparents' godforsaken village has more than that
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The guy does a super delicate trolling, I give him that. The guy says things like oceans and tropical and major city of Santorini but has also come across Slav-Macedonian. Amazing combo. David is a man of contrasts. For the record, I haven't come across it and I have lived all my life here. I mean, it exists but you have to struggle to find its speakers and they are all bilingual anyway.
Overall David, that international traveller, does not really mean bad... apart from this????
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That was very professional there. But even though he says this, he proceeds to say equally good stuff about both countries, I 'd say. The article is a confusing text by a confused man. But that's not the point. The point is his myriad of inaccuracies and mistakes (as called out in several of the comments), some very typical of Americans, like mistaking Greece for a tropical destination or confusing oceans and seas.
Which brings us to you @libbyhaiku .
I believe, very politely, I added in the tags of that damn post this:
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That really set you off. You sent me an ask, telling me to fact check in google... what... whether the country of which I am a native has seas or oceans?
And I did! Even though I don't need to fact check whether Greece has oceans. And once again every website of any actual integrity, apart from the David dude, repeats this over and over. Greece has seas. Which I told you.
Furthermore, @jamy-libations searched for it on their own accord, and to my understanding they are not Greek or native Greeks, they told you and you responded as you responded to me.
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I wonder, did you tell them to shut the fuck up too in your message?
So, here's the answer. You and David are making a very typical American mistake, or maybe its not a mistake within your very own borders, which is that because the USA is surrounded by oceans, you think ocean is the standard generic term for sea.
In fact, the word ocean can be used in two ways: either as THE Ocean, which is the entire body of saltwater of the earth and derives as a concept from the Greek mythology, just like the very word derives from Greek so I know well what it means, or to describe the five major bodies of water: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Indian and the Southern ocean.
Greece, unlike the USA, is surrounded by neither. Greece is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and its adjacent smaller seas like the Ionian, the Aegean, the Libyan, the Cretan, the Myrtoan, the Ikarian, the Karpathian Seas. While the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the very narrow strait of Gibraltar, it is so enclosed by land and it exchanges so little water with the Atlantic that it is both traditionally and scientifically considered its own body of water, a Sea, and not just a general area of the Atlantic Ocean.
Here's to explain to you the difference between an ocean and a sea by an actually serious source.
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Here is a map of the Mediterranean Basin. As you see, it is almost entirely enclosed and it does not earn the status of being an ocean, let alone containing a multitude of them. Greece is also in the far end of the Mediterranean, as apart from the Atlantic as possible. None of the countries in the Mediterranean Basin have access to an ocean or oceanS, apart from Spain, France and Morocco, as evident here.
Now, I would honestly have not cared or written so much if you didn't throw a tandrum for a tiny tag in a post I reblogged in a positive manner. Unfortunately, you chose the asshole way.
And since we're at it that photo was actually taken in the Italian....... oceans
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and it's edited... but whatever, we have this species too.
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
Hi hi Fa! Great day isn't? Did you get some rest and had fun watching the Reputation Tour?
I see what you meant, elemental reactions do play a gigantic part in the game after all. Zhongli is a difficult one to use, right? People have been complaining about his utility in battle, because he is a geo and those are mainly a support, which doesn't fit well in most people's parties, since it's not everyone's cup of tea. It only depends on the approach one takes in battle.
Hmm that's too bad for Xiao, we'll work on the Ayaka agenda from now on! Venti's long gone, but... Doing The Math™ a person would need at least 28800 primogems to secure getting a 5 stars character, hopefully less with luck, but I really want Venti so I'll work my ass off for it!!! :'D
I like anemo too, it's a very fun ability to play with. Not gonna lie, I thought you disliked water because of the aesthetic ahah The other elements I like are ice and fire, even if I can only use fire arrows and I can't aim to save my life ;-;
A weather system? That's intriguing... I tried to search about it and only saw something about the possibility of the characters using snow clothes and I'm all for it!
My excitement only rises with each passing day with these news!! The devs will work on it faster, I suppose; too bad they couldn't release it all at once. We'll survive the wait for sure!
Hey, anon!! Yep, I had some fun today, was your day good too? 
Yes, the elements are what makes de combat on Genshin so great. Geo is a complicated element to use, since it’s an element that by nature is very inclined to support, even if Ningguang is actually a very good dps, they all some how have support abilities. 
They work well as tanks and assistants for “real” dpss such as Diluc, Razor and such. Personally, I saw ppl running dps Zhongli and blasting with him, but he actually really shines as support. 
When I tested him out I really liked his movements, the way his shield is so strong and how his ult is unique but also so powerful. To me, he’s a very good unit, despite everything I’ve said about him. However, I realized that he’s really not what I was needing in my team. 
Cuz so far I’ve been running 2 supports as dps and 1 tank/sub-healer and 1 healer, which is fine for running around and doing daily tasks but not very powerful to take out bosses for example. Or to clean the abyss. 
I was very unlucky on my first pulls in a sense, because I got a lot of repeated characters and not much differently characters to build in with, of course, the repeated characters became strong because of that, but they didn’t suit my taste, I really need a good dps, one that I can rely on and would make good combos with the characters I intend to use in the future. 
That’s why I first thought about Xiao, since he’s so cool and he’s banner is so close too. 
My friend tho, told me that Xiao will benefit from support characters, but he didn’t quite get my point of elemental reactions causing a damage chain reaction that is exactly what I’m searching for as a style to play. So in theory, Ayaka is my best shot, until then I will be able to gather enough primals!! 
Ah, but I don’t need 20.000 primals actually. There’s a thing about the gatcha. 
When you do 90 pulls you get a five star, it can be someone from the standard banner or the limited edition character, you surely know that, however, the pulls are accumulative, they only reset for a five star. 
I’m at my 30th pull currently, so theoretically I would need just more 60th to get a guaranteed five-star. 
HOWEVER, there’s another mechanic behind it. When you reach those 90th pulls and don’t get the character of the banner (currently, Zhongli) but get another five star (like I got Keqing), in the next 90th I’m guaranteed to get the 5-star character of the current special banner! And this doesn’t reset when they change banners, this is accumulative and stays, so they will give me the next 5-star of the banner that I choose to spend all my primals on. 
So, if I went to complete all my 60th pulls on Xiao’s banner, I would get him for sure. 
But also, you’re right, if someone started playing right now, they would need the number you said. 
I think I can do more 30 pulls before Zhongli’s banner ends, with all the prizes, events and daily quests of this month, I can roughly maybe go for at least 30 pulls. Maybe I will only do 20, who knows. I really want more Xinyans tho. I would love do 40 pulls to at least try my luck!!
The devs didn’t confirm the weather system yet, but the spoilers talk about blizzards and items that give heat!! 
Yes, the game would be so much nicer if it was ready, I guess it’s the price to pay (besides buying primals) for a free to play good game kkkkkkk I’m okay with the waiting, I will probably take some breaks from it periodically, I’ve been spending way too much time playing =/ 
But Dragonspine for sure is something to look forward to, the events too!! It seems like we’re getting more events!! With more free primal gems!!! <3 
Btw, which is your type of weapon? Me and my sister like characters with the big sword for the damage, but spear users to me are so cool too (I actually like them better than normal sword users). Ah, and bows are terrible, I can’t aim to save my life either, anon!!
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