#i made these bc i wanted new lockscreen and wallpaper on my phone lmao
islandiis · 1 year
get to know the mun.
what's your phone wallpaper: my lockscreen is a photo my best friend and I took on a small rowboat in Sweden last summer. My background is a cute photo of my parents from behind, made even more special to me by the fact that my dad is wearing our team's football jersey which has our family's name and our football motto on it :)
last song you listened to: Little Dark Age, MGMT
currently reading: PiKHAL by Alexander Shulgin. I read TiKHAL (the second book) first bc I'm more interested in the subject of the second book!
last movie: Ummmm Ég Man Þig?? or Hlemmur?? OR The Cowboy Bebop movie LMFAOOO I can't remember the last movie I watched tbh I don't do that very often
last show: How To Change Your Mind
what are you wearing right now: the leggings I wear under my fishing trousers (I was fishing lmao), a crop top and a university hoodie
piercings/tattoos?: I have my earlobes pierced and seven tattoos!! They are: - a vegvísir and the date I was told I was cancer free (09.02.17, I got the tattoo the day after lol, it was my very first!) - coordinates - a quote from an anime (which is and always has been a very cringe anime but idgaf it brought me joy at the time and I don't fuck with regrets so. Yeah I have a Voltron tattoo that says 'go, be great'). no regrets - "þetta reddast", an Icelandic phrase which means 'things will work out' which sounds great and happy but is also used in like a fake-positivity, dismissive way. I'm not the best with my own emotions sometimes and I felt like it was funny and fitting bc I expect positivity of myself Always (I'm in therapy now lmao) and that ain't realistic - "ævintýri", the Icelandic word for 'adventure' bc that's what my life is all about <3 - a sun, because in the past few years several people have told me I'm "bright like the sun", "the human embodiment of sunshine", etc. and that's the nicest compliment I've ever gotten. I want to keep that with me always :') - a plane, a (semi) matching tattoo I got with a girl in a hostel I met for one (1) day. I held the door for her and we started talking. It was her first time in Ireland so I bought her a Guinness and taught her the word 'sláinte' - we decided we'd get tattoos to commemorate our meeting and carry a wee bit of one another with us :) she got sláinte tattooed but if I got that I'd get beat up bc I'm from the North so she got sláinte and I got a plane (which she had suggested). Everytime I look at that tattoo I think about her and how grateful I am we met, even just for a day.
glasses/contacts?: I wear glasses most of the time but I have contacts I can wear when I feel like!!
last thing you ate: onion rings lmao
favorite colors: YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW!!! I'm slowly making my life as full of yellow as possible bc it brings me joy :)
current obsession: I'm always obsessed with mushrooms and poisons tbh. mycology and toxicology are my shit. Recently I've also been focusing on one biiig passion of mine - getting more involved in activism and advocating for [redacted bc I know the topic can be triggering/sensitive for some people so I want to be mindful]
do you have a crush right now?: that Hozier song that is like "I fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new" is me bc I love people. I just love people. I'm not in love with people, I just love them - friends, strangers, whatever. But yes I have a crush right now lol I'm just sort of going with the flow and not really acknowledging it bc I'm so free spirited that idk where I want to be right now exactly, so I'm just gonna see how it all goes!!
favorite fictional character: OH DAMN. fuck. I mean, Fannar, my OCs Afthas and Hrafna. My best friend's characters (her Finland for example, UGH I'M OBSESSED). Other than that...?? Lio Fotia is my babygirl (and my cosplay victim <;3)
tagged by: @fangmother
tagging: @frestoniia @offreedom @ anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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mochisake-edits · 3 years
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So... Identity V, huh?
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hoodiehan · 5 years
Concert Experience
I’m not sure how to exactly.. section off this entire thing by topic so I’mma just jump in and go for it and say whatever I remember. This is going to be hella long because I have a LOT to say about the entire 2 1/2 hour concert lmao. 
Here’s a link to the setlist for the concert!
I made a setlist of all the songs that were played! Including the songs that were played during the VCRs! But the only song I didn’t include was Mixtape #2 because that was played during a VCR and also none of the mixtapes are on Spotify lmao.
Ah okay okay before the concert STAYs started chanting “STRAY KIDS EVERYWHERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD” then during the ments, the boys started chanting it back to us and we chanted it to them and ;-; yes. Then we also chanted “WE LOVE YOU! WE LOVE YOU!” and I think it took the boys by surprise a little bit, but then they started chanting it back to us and it felt wonderful :’) being apart of that.
So I sat in P2. In the Orch R Section (right side of the venue) in row F, so I was also 2 rows away from P1. ;-; But tis okay, ‘tis okay. 
During the ments, the lineup goes: Minho Jisung, Jeongin, Felix, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Changbin and Woojin. From right side of the venue to the left side. Changbin and Woojin were standing right in front of my section and OH MY FREAKING GOSH THEY ARE SO ETHERAL. LIKE WOOJIN. MY MAN. YOU A WHOLE MAN. HE’S SO ASLKJGHASKJLG SURREAL LOOKING LIKE I CAN NOT BELIEVE. AND CHANGBIN. HE’S SO SO SO HANDSOME IN REAL LIFE. AND HE’S SO FREAKING BUFF ? IM SO SHOOK I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. BUT HE ALSO LOOKS SO INTIMIDATING ? AND LIKE IDEK. OKAY PLEASE DON’T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY BUT CHANGBIN IS ˢᵉˣʸ. LIKE IM NOT TRYING TO SOUND THIRSTY, GROSS OR ANYTHING BUT HE JUST HAS THIS WHOLE AURA AND VIBE AROUND HIM THAT SAYS “Yeah, I’m here, I know what I’m doing, the effect that I have on you all, and I own this stage” AND THAT CONFIDENCE. IS VERY ATTRACTIVE.  I’ve said this like 20 times lmao but there was a girl sitting 2 rows ahead of me who had a Changbin banner and she would hold it up whenever he looked at us. He saw her banner, waved and smiled to her SO MUCH. PLEASE GET A BANNER FOR A MEMBER STANDING ON YOUR SIDE OF THE STAGE. THEY WILL SEE YOU AND THEY WILL GIVE YOU ATTENTION LIKE I PROMISE YOU. Also he FLIRTED SO MUCH WITH THE FANS. There was one moment where Changbin looked at a fan in the first row and he just gave her this look that was so different idek how to explain it. IT WAS A GOOD LOOK THOUGH. But the girls behind me saw the look he gave her too and said “Oh who was HE lOoKinG AT”. 
Stays cheered so so hard for Changbin! Like I’m so happy that they did too because he deserves it! And every time we cheered for him, he would always kind of smile shyly and ugh adorable. Not to say that we didn’t cheer hard for the other members either. We cheered so loudly and so proudly for everyone! But Changbin was just definitely louder and more energetic. 
Jisung is my bias and he was on the other side of the stage so I didn’t exactly look over at him that often because I was sort of focused on getting Changbin and Woojin’s attention lmao. There was one moment where he came to my side of the stage during Yayaya and I had to stop jumping, screaming, singing and just look at him and realize “Oh my gosh he’s actually real and here”. He’s so absolutely beautiful my heart flutters every time I think about him. Jisung was also wearing a button up shirt with sleeves that were attached with strings. A few of the strings came undone during the concert because he was going so hard on the performances but it was so cute :) 
Here’s a picture of what he was wearing!
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SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL I LOVE HIM. At first his sleeves were rolled down at the beginning of the concert (I think) but then he rolled them up to his elbows halfway into the show and FRICK. THAT’S MY WEAKNESS. BUTTON UPS ROLLED UP THE ELBOWS AHHHH
Then he changed into his sleeveless hoodie/tank top and HOASGKLJASHG HIS ARMS HIS ARMS HIS ARMS HIS ARMS HIS ARMS
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Anyways moving on. I took so many pictures I wanted a new wallpaper for my phone (because before it was from the BTS concert from September). My wallpaper is a picture of the boys saying goodbye to everyone, and it’s like perfectly placed because all of my apps are on top and the pictures are clearly seen on the bottom with heavenly yellow lights shining down on them :) Then my lockscreen is a live photo of Hyunjin hugging Jisung and ugh beautiful yet again. Fans did the fan chants during the concert! But it was kind of quiet. bUT WE WENT SO HARD DURING VICTORY SONG, MIROH AND YAYAYA! Like those songs were the most hyped up and it was so fun !! 
Tbh idek what to say for the concert because it went by in such a blur :(  They only had 2 outfit changes during the concert too. But then for the hi touch they changed outfits. They performed a lot of songs back to back and they did it so energetically idek how they do it because I was just standing there singing, and I was already exhausted by the time that My Pace played lmao. 
Ah okay okay. Chan made Seungmin speak SO MANY TIMES LOL. But it’s funny because Chan would say, “I think.....” then he looked around the stage then looks at up Seungmin and says, “SEUNGMIN wants to say something !!” And Seungmin would just go like “Ah” and shake his head but then he would introduce the next song. :) It was super cute.  Chan also talked a lot about “first times” and how precious and memorable they are. He was really excited about this being his first time in LA and about performing in LA for la stays it was so cute :))
Then Hyunjin talked about coming to Disneyland when he was smaller and he said “But because I was so child I can’t remember it” and UWU. BUSTED 10000000 UWUS FOR HIM !!! 
Changbin also spoke so much English ! i’M SO PROUD OF HIM DID I ALREADY SAY THIS? IDEK BUT HE SAID SO MUCH IN ENGLISH AND HE SPOKE SO ELOQUENTLY IT WAS AMAZING !! Woojin, Jeongin and Minho didn’t say as much. But they spoke in Korean and there was a translator. :) Minho tried to speak in English during his ending ment but he forgot what he said. Stays were trying to cheer him on by saying “YOU CAN DO IT!!” But he got shy, and just said “I LOVE STAY”. :)) He’s so adorable I love him.  There was also a person performing sign language for a Stay on my side of the venue too. Chan saw them and took a moment during the concert to say “can we just take a moment and applaud the sign language translator!” Chan is so cute he really notices everything idk he’s adorable HE’S ADORABLE. 
The girl in front of recorded the entire concert and honestly I respect her because my arms got tired of holding up my phone after like 1 chorus lmao. Also the girls behind me screamed so loud I hope that their throats are okay today. I was sitting next to the speaker too, so hearing all the screams in the arena and sitting next to the speaker did not help my hearing at all LOL. My ears were muffled at the end of the entire thing.
Also idk if it’s my hearing being messed up or if it was real life but their voices are so much more high pitched irl? Like Seungmin was so nasally and Jisung was like ᵘᵖ ʰᵉʳᵉ. LOL But during the hi touch, Jisung sounded deeper. Felix sounds the same irl and holy frick I love him. I love him. I love him too.  The boys are absolutely so cute they kept looking at everyone around the entire arena and they kept seeing “I love you Stay!”  Woojin also said during the concert “La is pretty but Stays are more pretty” and AHHH We all went wild HAHAH. During their aegyo part, thEY ALL KEPT ROLLING AROUND THE STAGE AND I WAS LIKE ??? IS THIS ALLOWED ??? HAHAH. Chan said “The name’s Bang... Bang Chan” and aksjlgh THE CROWD WENT WILD FOR THE MAN. Hyunjin had the cutest aegyo though :’) He did a flying heart and caught it and ugh beautiful.
During Get Cool, Changbin changed the lyrics :’). He changed the lyrics from 막내 오다 주웠다 훗 이게 형 클라스죠 (Maknae, oda juwoda hut ige hyung geullaseujyo) to “Stay, I love you!” and gave a finger heart. IT WAS PRECIOUS. Also.. Voices just hits so differently irl. Seungmin’s part in the chorus when he sings “Break free from the voices in my head”  just HITS. SO. DIFFERENTLY. IT’S AMAZING. And when Chan sings “Step out of the voices” is so powerful I can’t even explain. I recorded the part where Changbin and Jisung are doing their duo rap because IT’S SUCH A POWERFUL MOMENT.  Insomnia is... IT ALSO HITS DIFFERENTLY. Something about all the Stays singing “I can’t sleep” with Chan is so emotional idk. But Hyunjin singing in Insomnia UGH BEAUTIFUL. THE ENTIRE CONCERT. BEAUTIFUL. MINHO HITS DIFFERENTLY IRL. LIKE HIS SINGING IS SO ANGELIC AND WONDERFUL I LOVE HIM ! I LOVE ! HIM ! Hyunjin did a body roll because he was doing a “sexy version of My Pace” and wow my boy. Right there. Really going at it. 
THEY KEPT SLAPPING EACH OTHER’S ASSES DURING AWKWARD SILENCE LMAO LIKE OKAY THAT’S GREAT HAHAH During Felix’s part where he went “Marbling” someone slapped someone else’s but I can’t remember who asgkjh it was funny though because like their bottoms were facing us and you can just clearly see them slapping each other lol
Also some fans got a project together and they made red cellophane sleeves and blue sleeves for the lighsticks. During Hellevator we all held up our red sleeves and during Grow Up we held up the blue sleeves. It was sooo pretty being apart of the blue ocean in Grow Up :)
Then during the Mixtape #2 VCR, it showed clips of the boys doing their individual introductions during the survival show days. It sort of broke my heart in a good way. Idk how to explain that properly. But just seeing how far they’ve come... when it’s also only been a year.. and seeing how much they’ve grown and improved.. I love it so much. I love being a Stay. It’s sincerely one of the best things ever. 
Also since the concert venue was smaller compared to other concerts, I found the entire thing to be really cute. Because it was all so small and personal. We could really interact with the boys, and they interacted with us :’) I mean I sure would love to see them perform at the Honda Center, Staples Center or The Forum too. But this was a beautiful start. Having this small little concert and being with them :) 
The fans though... they’re such a beautiful sight. During certain parts of the concert, it would be pitch black. But the thing was, our lightsticks shined so brightly that it lit up the entire room. It was such a beautiful sight I loved it so much. 
I had a lot of fun at the concert though (as you can probably tell heh). :) It was just so fun being surrounded by other STAYs, singing, dancing, doing fan chants and more :) I love our boys so so so much and I miss them so much already. They’re really the light of my life. 
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bilbao-song · 6 years
Hello! I'm looking for a new wallpaper for my phone. Do you have any good pictures of Jeff (preferably 70s Jeff)/ELO that would be suitable for a phone background? Thank you! :)
hi!!!!!!! i’ll put some under a read more :^) (note that this is going to be extremely image heavy bc it’s basically just a massive photo dump at this point)
also: i’m really not sure if these will be big enough if you save them directly from my blog so if you need any of them bigger/higher res just send me a message or another ask (anon or not) and i’ll see what i can do lol
first of all, i figure this is as good a time as any to mention the fact that i made an elo lockscreen for no reason a few months ago, like, i’m not even using it (which i’ll explain in a minute lmao) but it’s very obviously based off of/made from this poster which was honestly just begging to be a lockscreen. so!!! here it is:
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nothing too fancy but. yeah. i have no idea what size screen it’s even for but i think you can resize as needed??? i’m also not sure if saving it from my blog is going to leave you with a high enough res/correctly sized copy so if anyone wants to just download it here it is on dropbox
anyway! the reason that’s not my lockscreen despite the fact that i like it a lot lol is because for like ~4 years my lockscreen has been space jeffrey. the problem with this is that i didn’t even originally make it to be a lockscreen so the clock goes across his face (at least on the iphone???) but i’m planning on remaking it so there’s more space (pun maybe intended?) at the top when i get a new phone lmao
anyway!!!!!! what you actually asked for, which is pictures:
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(idk about this one bc i’m on a pc right now but i would imagine as long as you can get it big enough it would probably be pretty ideal w/ all the empty space at the top)
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(i feel like this one might be too small but it would also be lovely lmao)
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(i’m just biased bc i’m in love with this photo honestly)
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the main thing with this one is that i feel like in order to really make it into a good lockscreen you would need to trim it down just to the photo of him and that add some more empty space at the top but it would be So Easy and it would look so cool
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and these last two are going to have two different versions each bc at one point while playing around with photoshop i edited them for no reason but my own entertainment so here you go (the original of each is first and my edit is second)
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and the only other thing i wanted to add was that my phone background (not my lockscreen but like…the other thing) is this poster, and that posters in general make kind of nice albeit somewhat busy backgrounds:
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anyway!!! that’s about all i can come up with!!! if anyone else has any suggestions feel free to reblog this or something lol
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madhatterweasley · 6 years
@morgandakotaq​ tagged me and she’s an amazing, supportive person. 
I’ve never done one of these before and will probably do this one and the other ones that I was tagged in later lol.
I’ll tag: @strangerstuffandthingsimagines​ @cometoceantrenches​ & anyone else who wants to give this a go!
Name: Lo
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aquarius (today is actually my 20th birthday lmao) 
Height: 5′0″ (i’m short af and will fight anyone who’s taller than me)
Sexuality: Bisexual
What images do you have set as your desktop/cell wallpapers?: My laptop wallpaper is Lana del Rey smiling from the Love music video. My homescreen on my phone is a Marina (aka Marina and the Diamonds) edit and my lockscreen is Steve Harrington with his bat.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: I don’t think so? I don’t remember most of them honestly lmao.
What was your last text message?: "Love you” to my mom
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?: Being happy and hopefully having started my acting career already. And if I started dating Dacre Montgomery then that it would be nice too.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?: Don’t have a specific place but I’d rather be with my cousin today since we share a birthday and it’s been years since we’ve been together on our bday.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Probably a clown when I was eight months old. Which is ironic since clowns scare the shit out of me (thanks mom for letting me see It when I was five.) I don’t remember any of my other costumes other than being a ‘witch’ for like three years in a row from ages 6 to 8. 
What was your favorite 90′s show?: Rugrats and Goosebumps
Who was your last kiss?: This really piece of shit asshole when I was 16 (he’s also the one who suggested the thing in the second to last question)
Have you ever been stood up?: Never even been on a real date lmao.
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Probably strawberry if there are pieces of actual strawberries. If not - then vanilla.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Yes, last year was the last time I went.
What’s your favorite fruit?: Strawberries (it would be better if it was chocolate covered strawberries) 
Your favorite pair of shoes?: I only own two pairs of black converse - so my newer black converse
What’s your favorite book?: I haven’t read anything that wasn’t fanfiction in over a year so I can’t think of anything lmao. 
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: Ditched class to go smoke pot with my ‘new friends’ in my sophomore year of high school. We snuck out of the school during gym and went to some girl’s house to get the stuff. Then the fucking morons smoked it in some alleyway while I stood there thinking about my life choices. I decided not to smoke any since we were going back to school during lunch. When we tried to sneak back in, we got caught and were sent to the dean’s office. He called everyone’s parents except mine because I didn’t smoke anything and they all lied to protect my ass, saying that I had barely shown up to the school from my house and had walked there with them. That’s the only good thing they ever did for me and I’m glad that I haven’t seen them since I left that school. (a lot of other stupid choices were made in my time at that school. my whole time there was a mistake. that was also the only public school i went to for high school. the rest were charter schools.)(idk why i’m sharing so much on this one lol)
What loser?: If we’re talking 2017, Richie and Eddie. If we’re talking 1990, Bill and Richie. If we’re talking book, idk… Probably still Richie…(keeping dakota’s answer bc same)
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