#i paid for them tho so i can't send them but i can link the patreon where they are sold if u want them!
deepdragons · 8 months
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halsin armor refs for @chamomilewrites :3
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zurdurer · 5 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Hey!! Happy new year :]
1) I think my favourite piece I've done this year is still what I did for the risetober prompt video games it was a really fun challenge that I think paid off!!
2) I can't really think of many pieces that I've done that I'd like more people to see but I suppose my new years piece? And maybe a few drawings of Casey.
3) This is REALLY hard because there's so many talented people making awesome stuff all the time so choosing just 3 is hard. I think that of everything tho my top 3 would have to include :
@less-depresso-more-espresso's fic Bullshit Boyfriend
@pinetreevillain's comics (they're all so kool like wtf (that link is to the masterpost bcs i don't think I could narrow down which is my favourite))
@tapakah0's Animations/ animatics!!
Of course there's so many things that have been made throughout the year but for me I think these are the most prominent in my head!
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
I have scrubbed a bathroom floor. Saer is making apple pie?!
s4 ep2 The Valley of the Lost
Edit: this one has more Adult References than usual 😬 oops
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okay so the problem with reading (...and rereading) That One Adora/Huntara Fic is that now EVERY TIME I see Huntara I'm just doing the Sickos meme again (link leads to my jokey post about the fic not the fic itself side note)
Especially in this room!!!
I'm literally like "ehehehe they fucked on that table"
plot plot Glimmer's gonna send them to the Crimson Waste to get Mara's old ship and fix it up so they have a space ship
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I have a problem
I will attempt to stop thinking about them banging every time they're on screen together
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I didn't mean to get a shot of her cross-eyed but I'm not mad about it
Perfuma's frustration about cacti is relatable
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of course it turns out there's a whole fuckin' city
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🎵I know who that is🎶
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there she is, my bb, being all mean and shit *sigh*
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obviously I can't make it show up in a screenshot but Catra's eye fucking twitching is HILARIOUS
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Okay so they ship shift into Catra, and Catra shrieks and backs away, and it makes me think of that old joke about "would you fuck your clone" and (at least as of right now in the plot) Catra's answer would definitely be "no, because my self-loathing is just that strong"
plot plot Huntara's old friend got paid off by the Horde and now She-Ra and Friends are trying to fight off/run away from Horde soldiers
But also:
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aaahahaha she's just like "stop making me look at myself omg"
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I love Double Trouble
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poor Glimmer has the worst FOMO
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Today in "getting the exact moment Catra or Adora realizes the other one is there" ehehehehe
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the girls are fighting!!!
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go Perfuma go!!
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(tbh this is just really well framed)
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I had to slow it down to get this shot bc lolol look at it
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wait this one too AHAHAHAH
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how's that joke go? "you can bowl a cat"
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(from this post)
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y'know we don't often get to see Adora literally taunting Catra like this
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it's too fucking cute i can't
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OH RIGHT I forgot that was actually Double Trouble pretending to be Catra at ....some point during the fight scene. possibly the whole thing. I will still treasure those screenshots tho okay
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BUT YEAH the rebellion has Mara's ship, and the Horde has Double Trouble the shapeshifter, dun dun DUNNNNN
Also the apple pie smells so good!!!
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nmsthim · 3 months
IMABIGASB$$$$ #16big #13itch I love my life give me my round ain't no bald headed trick x2
ya love this right here a trick off the books ain't no pork and bean STUFF eat my dust just living life baby ain't A fool for two repping and stepping I love my ninjas tho we reaching the hilt of it. custom made bust down they calling me back to the streets big talk big stick hella rounds,
I got some blicks I'm the talk of the town the head mistress the mistress diaries I'm her the one and only he love me and get it for me making sure I don't miss my menses a page off the black books miss Mary on a whimp who is him get yo wig split solid like a rock bling Miami, off of bricks hos in different area codes drip in designer ain't the weakest link Mr.I I'm about that action facts over fiction spend it how I live it get it and I'm A winner checks blowing digits get like me shorty hoping for my dream beat like a freak CHORUS
OOS coming after me yelling whoop that trick I'm getting paid to split these gs split and dip. honey I'm coming home and its for a fee I'm fresh and so clean mouth full of Gleece bleed where's the fleece I'm A freak in the sheets leave a block head on the streets boss mentality head over heels in my big ass Bentley never too much for me check OOS and balance ninjas don't get at me if I ain't send for ya. ya peep but stay sleep motivate but y'all can't relate ain't weak in the knees, I'm in y'all mentions bow legs looking like the best pair in show collecting heads like its war warm up to me for the best in me tell them ill be coming around the Mountain crazy eyes on me I'm on one break them eyes as I walk by switch the walk with a smize like what like whatever whenever wherever you know I've been better so sick of love songs anyways break the ice ice baby come and talk to me open up to me talking about some honest tea pity party need to get past me princess pea, piss of by everything everyone on one what we gonna be music to my ear I'm getting tired of the STUFF talking street bulky walking , zombie hunting, acting green does it do something for ya ,forward this message to 20 ppl
CHORUS tax that BUTT because I'm what you ought to be going for the gold I'm coming through Smooth smooves and unaltered carbon I'm adulterY porn over 18, asking dude where's my car? behind the wheel in the latest model I love being me yeah me picture me rolling couldn't imagine me doing anything other what its been and come and earn it work it girl you know you prefect A plus for the try trump card getting by black card so I'm always fly peep the green card yeah I'm the reason why. stay strong never be complacent no lying ho can stop this parade don't rain on my parade say what's on you mind since you got something to say better surroundings caused for times like this from dusk til dawn I got what's coming for me rocking the latest designer things rings blings chains gains Hanes a cat walk thru pop my color my collar I'm fresh and famous too... get like me, ain't another shawty like me and right away is another bust open up to another opp hater blockers on me I won't be stopped treat or trick yourself into a block head strong money on my mind click flash a selfie and get a bigger picture swarm my way I'm putting ways out like its free dinner I got the keys and status knock y'all out the frame changed that game had to plead the fifth if that's what you mean with these kids and yo man I just might stay never sleep on these hos tell them get away tellem get back back, back to back, back to black, CHORUS..... miss me with that bull spit heavy hitter, hit em up style and let soul's boy tellem put those opposing in a coffin rock em sock em drop em clock em out empty out the pockets clips and wallet mistaken me for you friend or something what do you want from me? do my dance at the end since I'm free balling , balling so hard Ware at the point that it osama a clown and it all falls down never new a love like this found a pick me up after the end to a beginning put some respect on my name replay the last clip respect the technique nameless and blameless in your eyes Alexa couldn't figure me out free balling like mike and Iverson had to post up alone zooming down the alley like you owe me something collect calls like I just came from the pen jail bait have them clicking and saying my name no complaints, no shoes, no shirt, no service bed set, game, and match, ain't no cheap thrills thriller this vanilla he a wanna be big kill king me and check my mate with a few whirlwinds you don't know what's coming for you me myself and I I love me like I'm A classic ,A fan, an icon awesome! good job! thanks! no prob! Eat you up like its a pinched giveaway getting struck by Cupid,call it lucky strike, green lightning.. Gas lighting never stopping pocket watching got to think twice. never switch up balling like we took Arab from soulja call me a stronghold if I ever beg, its bigger war on drugs I'm that blood thinner no cap if I got a prob ya peep the turn of events ima get right with ya.
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doubleddenden · 8 months
Youtube's whole adblockblock bullshit really solidifies how we need to diversify our media selections without a subscription fee. Like YouTube nees SERIOUS competition that both respects its users and content creators.
Not to mention advertisers need a swift, righteous kick to the balls. I get that websites need money to operate, but CONSTANTLY ASSAULTING THE SENSES ON EVERY DAMN LEVEL is not the way to go.
In fact, any advertisers reading this: I will actively REFUSE to buy ANY of your bullshit just because you annoyed me. I refuse to buy premium anything because I refuse to reward a bunch of loser corporate nerds and absolutely pathetic jackasses suits for figuring out several thousand ways to annoy people.
If I could make a suggestion? Just 1. If no ads and ad block are truly that evil (they're not and actually the God damn FBfrickingI and most computer nerds recommend you use them to keep your information safer, and in general it makes your pc use less data and resources to load them):
Silent, non obtrusive ads to the side or bottom. Just those old squares again like in the late 2000s. No long 1080p videos that send you to 5 different sites for clicking somewhere wrong, just. Low data consumption pictures, with a single link you can click if you're interested in the product, or a large, easy to click or tap X button to make it go the fuck away if it's a stupid political ad, for instance. Every minute or so they slide out for a new ad. Take away the stupid, obnoxious, video and sound ads that drag on for longer than 5 seconds- ESPECIALLY the ones that don't let you skip- and replace them with that.
You may think "but then nobody would see my ads" TOUGH LUCK ASSHOLE, NOBODY WANTS TO ANYWAY, THAT'S WHY ADBLOCK IS A THING- see my above thing about refusing to buy from annoying brands.
But you know? Let's say you finish a non interrupted video, you're about to watch another- oh hey tho? There's a single, non obtrusive picture ad- The new Taco Bell Doritos Locos Ass Incinerator Burritochangalupa. It kinda looks good. It didn't interupt my vtuber clips and it didn’t get in the way of me listening to strange Columbo memes- I'm in a good mood! It just HAPPENED to catch my eye- I'm now voluntarily looking at your product you are advertising! In fact, I'm kinda hungry, and I hate myself! I think I just might go to Taco Bell!
Compare this. To this:
Oh boy I can't wait to watch monkeys being silly and- a 15 second unskippable ad for Claritin Allergy Meds playing the SAME GODFUCKINGDAMN CHRISTMAS CAROL OUTSIDE OF FUCKING GOD FORSAKEN CHRISTMAS LIKE IT HAS BEEN FOR CLOSE TO 36 FUCKING MONTHS WITHOUT! FUCKING! REST! And ANOTHER ad following! This one is for alt right lies brought to you by a far right misinformation group with fake credentials whose name rhymes with Hrager-Ew. Okay I am irritated now- I finally have monkeys!... and another ad- skip. Monkeys! Oh, now the damn youtuber is SPONSORED BY ISEKAI DEMON MOMMIES- the latest trashy mobile game that's shit and sells your personal data but they've been paid to tell you it's great and you'll finally get to have a harem of milfs at your command. You watch because hey, at least this is for the Monkey Man himself. Monkeys continue, andddd another ad. The video ends with more ads- at least now you can ignore Tord Fruck month since it's at the end.
All of these ads have annoyed you now- do you A. Go out and purchase these products? No, because that tells them it works. B. Subscribe to premium? It could help your favorite channels! No, it won't, the website pockets most of it and it just tells them it's okay to be this annoying. C. Find and research ways to avoid or turn off the ads. For free. DING DING MOTHER FUCKER.
Seriously. I'm tired of ads and I do not CONSENT to ads. No, me clicking the terms and conditions nobody reads- with EVIDENCE PROVING such- does not equate to my consent. I do not exist to consume advertisements. I exist to watch random videos that explain to me the production value and complicated struggles of a forgotten 2000s kid's sitcom from Nickelodeon- right after I watch a man create braided bacon rolls in some beautiful outdoor scenery as he cooks steaks to pink perfection in butter and herbs.
I exist to consume what I wish on my own terms. Not be subjected to endless advertisements
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Ive seen a few fans being far more positive about g than you guys have been and I guess I'm just wondering how you all came to your opinion on her? and how others haven't?
I think it depends on how people perceive her. If they are ok with her, that's fine obviously, cuz it's more about music and nothing else or they're probably coming from her side of the fandom and yk, it's something else when u start from a certain fandom and work ur way through the linked one
The ones that can't really stand her (tho it's a strong word) it's because of some things she used to do while she dated brad and keeps doing, like bragging about the relationship in her songs, making him look bad, while he's taking the blame for everything and stuff. And since i know u won't look through hundreds of posts, I'm gonna say here a few of the reasons people don't really like her. From the outside (i don't know for how long u've known them, this is why i want to mention this), these reasons might sound silly and not worthy of being paid attention to, but anyway. Brad is a really private person, so he doesn't like making his relationships public especially bc of the backlash he's getting, as u can see 😂😂 but she didn't care about that and used to post clips from the studio with Brad not facing her, sort of him not being aware of her making a video, on his bday, when they were dating, they had a family photo taken with his parents and one of her friends made that photo public. And obviously, a friend has no right to do that, especially if in the photo are ur boyfriend's parents. And also, another friend of hers took a viral photo of them in vacation at the beach and posted it on twitter. I'm also gonna mention that this thing with the twitter picture was said by a fan who was also at that beach that day, i don't know how trusting it can be BUT it still doesn't sound good to have rumours spread about this, i mean u're already put in a bad lightning from the start. And what actually divided the fandom and made people choose sides was the fact that she released a whole ep about her calling brad a piece of shit basically and there were fans who were really supportive of her, no problem in that obviously, but they started going at Brad's throat for nothing really bc they thought that what g sings is actually true. It could be, it couldn't be, don't care, it's the fact that she stood there and watched all the hate go to Brad, while he said that he doesn't want people to send hate messages to her
All in all, the ones who don't have anything again her are probably people who have been very supportive towards her and her relationship with him, the others, like me, found out about her through not so glamorous circumstances, pushing the relationship with him to be public so she could get more recognition. They broke up soon after she had one of her songs out, fishy 👀
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officialgritty · 3 years
Here is the compilation post for all of the round 2 results, I hope you enjoyed and the next round will be posted ASAP! (and I actually mean ASAP this time)
If you want to join in, it’s not too late! Here’s the link to sign up for the taglist! If I am unable to tag you or you haven't been getting these, please do send me a message with your new user. 
I’ve tried to keep my favourite responses short, purely because this post would be way too long. I appreciate all the reasoning given though!!!
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Boston Bruins VS Vegas Golden Knights
(4 - 3)
Out of 17 votes the Bruins received 9 and the Golden Knights received 8.
Winner: Boston Bruins
My favourite responses:
“Chris Evans breaks swords with his biddies.”
“After time travelling thru the middle ages they finally get Knighted which gives them the ego boost needed to best the bruins.”
“I'd say that Ransom!Knives Out might have some hockey knowledge since he's a privileged white boy from New England.”
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Los Angeles Kings VS New York Rangers
(2 - 3)
Out of 17 votes the Kings received 4 and the Rangers received 13.
Winner: New York Rangers
My opinion: I don’t have one besides fuck the Burger King jersey.
My favourite responses:
“Prince William is a lizard.”
“William’s receding hairline recedes so far that the flash of the paparazzi cameras shining off his nearly bald head is so blinding that anyone on the ice near him is stunned (attack points: 10)”
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Ottawa Senators VS Carolina Hurricanes
(2 - 3)
Out of 17 votes the Senators received 6 and the Hurricanes received 11.
Winner: Carolina Hurricanes
My opinion: Oddly enough I don't have one.
My favourite responses:
“Alarms are scary but less scary than white men in suits yelling at you. Talk about no thanks.”
“Personalized hurricanes just about sum up the last year.”
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Buffalo Sabres VS Montreal Canadiens
(2 - 3)
Out of 17 votes the Sabres received 6 and the Canadiens received 11.
Winner: Montreal Canadiens
My opinion: The Sabres can't catch a break even in fantasy land huh? I also don’t know what the French says, I gave up on learning it lmao
My favourite responses:
“I just really fucking love hummus.”
“Baise les épées. ils ne sont pas à la hauteur de ces baiseurs Français.” 
“It's doubtful the Sabres will ever win another game again.”
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Calgary Flames VS San Jose Sharks
(3 - 2)
Out of 17 votes the Flames received 11 and the Sharks received 6.
Winner: Calgary Flames
My opinion:
My favourite responses:
“The Flames will take inspiration from Sidney Crocsby.”
“Matthew Tkachuk somehow falls in the water and Coach Sutter rescues him by executing a perfect pike dive and punching the approaching hammerhead in the nose.”
“They’ve been working with Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl.”
“Like Gary Bettman always says, ‘The flamethrowers have always been our enemy.’”
“They corral some of the local cows and try to ride them in the water. One of the refs quits during the second period and a mic catches him saying he isn't paid enough for this.” ... “Eventually the sharks (animals) start eating the cows and everyone calls it a day.”
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Colorado Avalanche VS Vancouver Canucks
(4 - 3)
Out of 17 votes the Avalanche received 11 and the Canucks received 6.
Winner: Colorado Avalanche
My opinion: I swear I’m not making up these numbers, you guys have been divided the exact same amount!!! I’m losing it at the Colorado Assalanche omfg
My favourite responses:
“They’d all be too busy monologuing about MacKinnon’s ass to actually play.”
“Jake Virtanen looks with interest onto the twerking action.”
“The shake of the ass vibrates the ice hard enough that the puck slides into the opposing net and the Colorado Assalanche booty becomes the most powerful.”
“Following the game, several Canucks join a local theater group in the off season, with at least one abandoning pro hockey altogether in lieu of following his new dream of winning a Tony.”
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Arizona Coyotes VS Philadelphia Flyers
(2 - 5)
Out of 17 votes the Coyotes received 3 and the Flyers received 14.
Winner: Philadelphia Flyers
My opinion: To the person who apologised to me after dissing the Flyers for their ‘embarrassing loss to the Rangers’, don't apologise. I have become void of emotion towards my team. 
My favourite responses:
“This literally just turned into an ep of Looney Tunes somehow but we always gotta take Gritty over Wile E Coyote.”
“G R I T T Y and they would all look SO GOOD in cheerleader costumes.”
"Gritty can do what he wants, everyone knows that.”
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Nashville Predators VS Florida Panthers
(2 - 3)
Out of 17 votes the Predators received 6 and the Panthers received 11.
Winner: Florida Panthers
My opinion: I wanted the Preds to win but your opinions are valid. Doesn't mean i’m not upset tho :(
My favourite responses: 
“Juuse Saros made 41 saves against the Panthers tonight and he WOULD FUCKING DO IT AGAIN”
“Florida men don’t fear pregnant women.”
“Fear the Floridian man.”
“One of the Preds goes into labor during intermission which sets off two others throughout the second period like in a bad medical drama.”
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The updated bracket:
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@scheifefe @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @d00dlebob @bricksatlandyswindow @churchofrileytanev @moritzseider @itsjuliak5 @blvejackets @calgarycanuck @marc-andrefleury @kempe @bowenbyram @andrei-svech @itschellybear @lorrmorr @tkachuk-yeah @berrybreadd @museinmind @pizzarandomness @rosieberg18 @youngbeezersmixtape @klutchnetsov @crosbeezinthetrap @chaos-hockey @connormcdavo @holymysticjellyfish @timmy-schallers @stockyardsyndrome @hockey-more-like @hockey-is-my-love-language @all-eyezzz-on-me @iwantahockeyhimbo @theonlytorontomapleleaf @sweetlittlegingy @toplinetommy @grenawitka
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