#i promise promise promise this is a midgelenny fic
One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
184. Mastermind
"How’d you know I’d be here?”
Midge gives him a little smile and a shrug. “Would you believe it if I told you I’m a mastermind?”
“Without question,” he answers immediately. The hand holding his cigarette twitches a little bit, and he adjusts his hold on the bag under his arm.
She offers the coat in her arms - the one he’d left behind that morning at her apartment. “I thought you might want this back.”
He looks at the garment before reaching out, taking it from her gently. “You know, after I bailed you out, this thing smelled like you for a month,” he comments, looking at her softly.
It’s strange to her, knowing what she does now, that he’s always looked at her this way. Like...like he loves her.
She’s pretty sure he does. “How long will you be gone?” She asks hesitantly.
Lenny sighs, a puff of smoke rising into the air as he does. “I don’t know,” he responds.
Midge feels her heart stop for a moment, her stomach twisting into a nervous knot. “Oh,” she breathes. She should’ve expected it honestly. He’s like quicksilver: the moment you think you have him in your grasp, he slips away.
“But I will be back,” he promises, leaning down toward her and finding her gaze insistently.
She bites her lip gently and nods. “Okay.”
He returns to his usual height, that adoring look still on his face, and he hands the coat back, making her furrow her brow. “My bail,” he explains. “You can give it back to me next time I see you.”
She lets herself smile as she takes it back. “And if I don’t have it with me?”
He smirks then. “Then I suppose I’ll have to come give the Upper West Side another shot.”
She feels her smile grow. “I’d like that.”
He nods and then jerks his thumb down the hall. “I’ve gotta catch my flight.”
She got so lost in their little moment that it startles her, remembering where they are, and she’s glad Alfie waited with the car so this could be a more private moment. “Right,” she replies. “Travel safe.”
He grins but doesn’t move for a moment, and she thinks he’s going to kiss her until he quietly says, “See ya, Midge.”
Her lips part in surprise as he starts to walk away. “Lenny!” She calls after him, making him turn back to face her. She flounders for words before finally settling very stupidly on, “No kiss?”
He smiles at her affectionately. “Darling, if I kiss you, I probably won’t get on that plane.”
“Then don’t. Stay. We can...I don’t know, get Chinese food and spend three days in bed and talk about - ”
“Midge,” he pleads.
She blinks quickly, biting her lip as she feels her throat tightening. “I just...don’t want you to go.”
He moves back toward her. “I have to, though,” he breathes. “I promise I’ll be back.”
He dips his head, resting his forehead against hers, and she closes her eyes, trying to stop herself from crying. Then she tilts her head and kisses him slowly, sweetly.
He kisses her back as she cups his neck with her hands, and it’s too brief before he’s pulling away again. “Some extra incentive to return quickly,” he comments.
“You bet your ass,” she teases with a playful swat to his chest. “Go,” she adds quietly.
He ducks his head and gives her one last kiss before heading for his plane.
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I love your midgelenny angsty reconciliation fics. Could we have one more, please?
(This got real heavy real fast. Withdrawal warning)
Midge frowns as she looks at Dinah, who looks...
"Midge, there's a call for you."
"For me?" Midge asks, narrowing her eyes. She'd been with Susie for most of the day, making a plan for her career going forward, but no one but her parents knew where she was today.
"He sounds real bad," Dinah tells her. "Real bad."
Midge takes it, frowning. "Hello?"
"Two comics walk into a bar..." Lenny says. His voice is hoarse and he sounds like he's physically ill.
"Oh, my god, Lenny?" she asks, panicked, forgetting that they haven't spoken since November, and it's now March. Forgetting that he completely disappeared on her. "Where are you, what's wrong?"
"That's not the punchline," he tells her.
"Fuck's sake, Lenny," she snaps.
"I know," he says mournfully. "I know. I-I'm sorry. I love you."
She freezes, and doesn't get a chance to respond before he's hung up. "No!" she yelps. "No, no, no. Dammit fuck!"
"The hell is going on?!" Susie yells, leaning out of her office.
"There's something wrong with Lenny," Midge says frantically. "But I don't know where he is or what's wrong-"
"Midge," Susie says evenly. "It's okay. He's probably high."
"No, he sounded really sick."
"Then, he probably ran out," Susie says. "You promised no distractions. C'mon."
"He sounded sick, Susie," Dinah warns.
"Dinah, find him," Midge begs. "Please. Just- you know how to find everyone. Please. Find out where he is."
It takes a little bit but Dinah manages to track him down to a building in the Bowery; run down in a terrible neighborhood, and when Midge climbs the three flights of stairs to his door, she's not sure what she expects to find.
Had it taken too long to get here?
What if he's dead?
She taps hesitantly, but finds that it creaks open just from that.
"Fuck," she mutters, stepping in slowly.
The apartment itself is small, and surprisingly neat, if cold. It's not yet spring in early March, and there's no way this place has heat.
"Hello?" Midge tries. "Lenny?"
There's a hoarse groan from the far side of the room, and she rushes over, finding him heaped on a mattress on the floor, wearing just his undershorts and an undershirt that's soaked through with sweat.
She kneels down next to him, brushing sweat-damp hair from his forehead, resting her other hand there. "You're burning up. Lenny. Lenny, can you hear me?" she cups his face, trying to get him to open his eyes. "Lenny."
Midge huffs quietly and scrambles to her feet, stumbling into the bathroom (another surprisingly clean room), and runs the cold water in the bath, waiting for it to fill up. She rushes back to Lenny and does her best to maneuver him, tugging his shirt off, but leaving the shorts. Certainly, she's seen what's beneath before, but she finds it too cruel to strip him now.
"Lenny, we need to get you cooled off," she urges. "Lenny, come on."
He almost comes to, his head lolling a little. "Midge...?"
"Yeah. You have a really bad fever," she says as she drags him to his feet and stumbles him to the bathroom. "We need to break it. Come on."
"I'm sorry..."
"I know," she says as she somehow, someway (mom powers, she thinks) gets him into the tub.
He slumps back, and she lets the cold water keep running over him. It's big enough, thank god, that she can eventually dunk his head under, and eventually the fever lowers and he starts to come back to himself, the delirium starting to subside.
Midge sits on the closed toilet seat, watching him, still panicked. "Oh. Oh, my god."
"I'm sorry," he says again. "I'm sorry. I-I've been-I've been trying..."
She gazes at him, and it's clear from the pained look on his face.
"Oh, Lenny," she breathes out. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"
He scoffs a little and rubs the water from his face. "Because Jo-Jo's would be a great comfort while I'm trying to get clean."
Midge rolls her eyes to the ceiling before getting to her feet and grabbing a towel. "Come on. Let's get you dry."
"I can do it."
"Fucking hell," Midge mutters. "Please, just-"
"I don't need your help," he snaps. "I can do this. I can do this!"
She waits, holding the towel.
He doesn't move.
"Just because you can do this alone," Midge says gently. "Doesn't mean you have to. And you called me."
Lenny frowns. "I...I did?"
She nods. "You don't remember?"
"The fever..." he mutters.
"Probably. Lenny, you could have died."
He swallows.
"You said 'I'm sorry. I love you'," she tells him. "And I don't know if that's true or not. I don't think it matters. I just want to help you."
It takes him a moment, but eventually he gets to his feet, legs shaking as he steps out of tub, his head hung low.
Midge gently wraps the towel around him, rubbing his arms and back with it as his head slumps against her shoulder, as his start to shake.
She holds him that way for a long time.
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lovepollution · 1 year
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This engagement ring fic will be done soon I promise, the problem is it just kinda keeps growing... 😬
But oh boy, this is some fluffy wish fulfilment and I’m not even sorry because with s5, I need a happy MidgeLenny AU more than ever. 🥺
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hello! sorry to bother you and pleasepleaseplease don't take this as my putting any sort of pressure on you or something, but did you happen to get 2 stupidly long (as in:go over the character limit-long) comments on your latest MidgeLenny fic? I'm only asking bc,length aside,I think I also messed with the formatting a bit,so now I'm kinda afraid that the reason they're not showing up is that ao3 just like. Ate them or something,tumblr-style,lol. sorry again for bothering you like this!
Oh? Do you mean my new favourite comments of all time???
I have comment moderation enabled and I just haven't approved them yet! I do that with all of my fics, approving them only when I'm ready to reply.
This is the furthest possible thing from bothering me!!! I'm sorry if my slow response made you uneasy! I promise I've been 100% just savouring your comments until I have time to give them the thoughtful response they deserve.
P.S. Formatting looks 👌 on my end, pal.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
185. august
August slips away like a moment in time.
It’s been nearly a year. Nearly a year of spending random, infrequent nights twisted in bedsheets with one Miriam Weissman, and Lenny is coming to realize what he’s known all along.
She’s not his. She never was.
It’s for the best, really. For her to keep an emotional distance between them. He’s not good enough for her. He’s tried to be. He’s tried to rein in the arrests, to stay off the dope, but in the end, Lenny Bruce is a weak, cursed man.
To be fair, he’s off the drugs for the most part. The morphine has been hardest to kick. But he’s managing to wean himself off of it pretty well.
Doesn’t make him worthy of her.
He blinks out of his thoughts and turns his head to look at her, lipstick kissed away, mascara smudged, and hair tousled from their lovemaking. She’s always beautiful, but this is his favorite version of her. Naked and disheveled and smiling at him.
She’s got her head propped up on her hand as she lies on her side, looking down at him. She taps his forehead with one finger and says, “What’s going on in there?”
He sighs as her finger trails into his hair, her nails gently scraping against his scalp, and he nearly fucking purrs. “Just...thinking,” he murmurs as his eyes close.
He hears her laugh quietly as she continues stroking his hair. “About?”
“Us,” he answers honestly.
“Uh-oh,” she drawls teasingly. “Thinking about us and frowning. I guess I need to learn some new moves.”
It gets a chuckle out of him, and he opens his eyes to look at her. “You are lovely,” he rebuts.
She smiles softly at him and dips her head. “So are you,” she breathes before kissing him softly.
“I don’t know about that,” he replies when she pulls back again.
“Well, I do,” she insists. Her fingertips slide down his neck to his chest, where she starts drawing patterns over his skin. “You want to talk about it?”
He considers it. Considers voicing all of his fears. Telling her how he really feels about her. That he loves her. That he wants this to be real. That he wants this to be forever.
But if he just keeps those thoughts to himself, he can at least pretend she could ever feel the same way. “I’m good,” he promises, resting his hand over hers and squeezing gently.
She looks at him, clearly skeptical, but she doesn’t push. She just dips her head and kisses his chest. “Want to hear what I was thinking?”
He chuckles as she slips her leg over his and shifts to lie partially on top of him. He slips his arms around her, trying to push the negative thoughts from his mind. Significantly easier with her entire naked body pressed against him. “What were you thinking?”
Her eyes move away from his, down to their joined hands. “I was thinking that...maybe when you’re on the show next week...we could...”
He lifts his brows in question as she trails off. “Christen your dressing room?”
She laughs softly. “No. Well, yes, now that you mention it, but...” She bites her lip as she looks at him. “Maybe we should start telling people.”
His brows fly higher toward his hairline. “You want to tell people we’ve been fucking like rabbits?”
Another louder laugh escapes her. “No, that we’re...I mean I know we haven’t really been dating, but...I mean, I’m not dating anyone else. I don’t know if you are - and I don’t need to know. But I was thinking we could - ”
“I’m not,” he interrupts.
“You’re not?”
“If I’m not gigging, I’m either at your show or sitting home, waiting to see if you call,” he admits then.
She grins at that, biting her lip as she does. “You are?”
“Pathetic, huh?”
“Well, it would be if it weren’t so fucking sweet,” she replies. Her toes drag up his calf slightly, her cold toes making him shiver a little.
“So...you want to date?” He asks carefully.
Midge nods slowly. “I mean...I’m pretty sure you love me,” she explains.
He chuckles, hoping it masks the way his heart starts racing beneath their joined hands. “You’re pretty sure?”
“I’d say about eighty percent,” she confirms.
He exhales slowly as he gazes at her, her eyes betraying her own nerves, and he lifts his hand to brush his fingers through her hair. “And you...do you...?”
“Love you?” He nods, and she smiles at him. “Yeah, I do,” she whispers.
He finds himself feeling lighter. Like all of his anxieties have faded, and he lets himself smile for real when he says, “I love you, too.”
She breathes a quiet laugh and then kisses him deeply.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
167. Message in a Bottle
"I can’t sleep.”
Midge inhales sharply in surprise. It’s the first time she’s heard from him since Carnegie Hall, and it seems they’re skipping right past that fact.
Honestly she doesn’t mind it. “No?” She asks, rolling over onto her back with the phone pressed to her ear.
“Nope,” he confirms.
She laughs softly. “Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that.”
There’s a pause on the other end - like he’s considering whether or not to voice his next thought. “You know...that night...”
Midge bites her lower lip gently and shifts to sit upright. “I do know that night,” she confirms.
He chuckles. “Up until you got out of bed...that was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.”
“I would’ve come right back,” she replies quietly. She hugs her knees to her chest, the bed suddenly feeling very cold and empty.
“No you wouldn’t have,” he insists, and she has a flash of that bag in his bathroom. The bag they haven’t talked about yet. “It’s gone,” he promises. “I’m...I’m getting clean.”
A shaky exhale passes her lips. She doesn’t know anything about what she saw. Just that a bag full of needles and vials can’t be anything good. “Is that why you can’t sleep?” She asks quietly.
She hears him inhale, undoubtedly around a cigarette. “Partly,” he admits. “But also...”
He pauses for a long moment, and she can’t help but ask, “What?”
He sighs. “I miss you,” he whispers.
She can’t help but smile at that. “You do?” She breathes.
There’s another long silence, the familiar, heated kind that often lingers between them. “I should have found you again at Carnegie Hall,” she says.
“I didn’t expect you to after I yelled at you.”
“But you were right,” she admits. She starts fiddling with the edge of the blanket as she dips her head. “And I should have told you that sooner.”
He exhales another sigh. “You’re just so good, Midge. And I couldn’t just watch you tank your career without saying something.”
“I know,” she breathes, tugging at a loose thread in the blanket. “But...I’m working again. I’m not...” She takes a deep breath, remembering the last time she saw his face. “I’m not going to break your heart.”
She sits there, waiting for him to respond, and after a moment, he quietly replies, “Well that’s a relief.”
She grins and leans a little further into the headboard. “So...where are you? It’s a little after midnight here, so I can’t imagine you’re still in California.”
“Keeping tabs on me?”
“Always best to know which way the sneak attack is coming from.”
He laughs again. “Not too far, as it turns out,” he answers.
“I’m in Hell’s Kitchen.” Midge raises her eyebrows in surprise. “I got a place. Putting down some more permanent roots. Trying to make it so that my kid can come stay with me.”
She smiles again. "You know, it’s funny...”
“Most things are with us.”
She giggles. “I just mean...I know what your dick looks like, but I don’t know your daughter’s name.”
It’s his turn to laugh, then. That short, staccato laugh that she would recognize anywhere. “Her name is Kitty,” he reveals. “She’s six...going on thirty-five.”
“You miss her?”
“Every fucking day,” he answers immediately. And then he adds, “She’s the only person I miss more than I miss you.”
Midge feels her cheeks flush at that. “You know...Hell’s Kitchen isn’t too far from the Upper West Side.”
She can hear the smirk in his voice when he asks, “It’s not?”
“Twenty minutes on the subway maybe?” Her legs involuntarily squeeze together. “If you’re having trouble sleeping alone...”
“Mrs. Maisel,” he drawls. “Are you propositioning me?”
Her lip is nearly raw from how many times she’s bitten it while talking with him. “I’m just saying maybe we could not sleep...together.”
He inhales sharply. “Am I going to be bombarded by your family in the morning?”
She considers telling him the truth - that her parents are in DC visiting her brother and her kids are with Joel - but instead she just asks him, challenging, “Would that stop you?”
A short pause, and she sighs in relief when he replies, “Twenty minutes, you say?”
“On the train. Half that time if you spring for a cab.”
“...ten minutes, then,” he replies.
She can’t help the broad grin that meets her lips. “I’ll see you in ten minutes, then.”
He arrives about fifteen minutes later, blaming the lack of cabs at quarter past midnight for his tardiness, but she just tugs him down by the back of his neck to kiss him tenderly.
“I missed you, too,” she whispers against his lips.
He holds her tightly around the waist and kicks the door shut.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
172. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
She hasn’t seen Lenny in weeks.
Carnegie Hall and then nothing. He’s not playing anywhere. He hasn’t called or showed up at any of her gigs, and she misses him. And when she’s upset or angry, she tends to make pretty reckless decisions.
So it surprises her when she laughs at Joel’s proposition.
He stares at her, clearly not expecting to be rebuffed by his twice ex-wife.
“Joel,” she sighs. “I need you to look at me and hear what I’m saying.” He furrows his brow, and she explains, “We are never...ever...getting back together.”
He rolls his eyes. “C’mon, Midge. You’re not seeing anyone, Mei left...it’s the perfect time for - ”
“No,” Midge interrupts. “Just because we’re both single does not mean we should get back together.”
“Midge,” Joel presses, taking a step toward her and gripping her hip in a possessive way that he probably thinks is sexy.
All Midge knows is his breath reeks of whiskey and that she doesn’t want him anymore. “Stop,” she protests, pushing him away with a palm on his chest.
Which clearly makes him angry, and suddenly Midge is wondering if alcohol is the only thing he’s taken tonight. He starts to advance on her again, but then - “I believe the lady said no.”
Lenny’s arm has extended between Midge and her ex, stopping Joel in his tracks. His face blanches a little bit as the sight of his comedy hero sobers him up a little. But then the anger returns. He clenches his jaw and sneers at Lenny, “This is none of your business.”
“Maybe not, but see, my friend here looks pretty damn uncomfortable, and as strong as she is, I wouldn’t place my bets on her in a brawl,” Lenny replies. “So I’ll take my chances.”
Midge stares up at Lenny - god, he’s so good at showing up at just the right time - and then places a hand on his shoulder. “Lenny, it’s okay,” she tells him quietly.
He looks back at her, and it’s just enough time for Joel’s fist to crack against his jaw. “Joel!” She shrieks. Lenny stumbles into the bar, and the whole club erupts in chaos.
One of Lenny’s friends - Alan, Midge remembers - shoves Joel away, and as Lenny turns to look back, she grabs his hand and starts running.
It’s not far to the door, and they reach the street together, Lenny stumbling a little from the shot he took. Midge immediately pulls him under a street lamp so she can inspect his jaw. There’s a bruise blooming there, but no cut, and she exhales shakily as her thumb brushes gently over his skin. “Are you okay?” He asks quietly.
She laughs softly. “I think I should be asking you that question,” she replies.
He smirks and then winces. “I’m fine,” he breathes. Midge nods, going to drop her hands, but his wrap around her wrists gently, keeping her there. She slips her hands to his neck, cupping it gently. “Are you okay?” He repeats.
“Thanks to my guardian angel,” she answers. He squeezes her wrists gently. "I’m sorry...Joel’s usually not like this. But Mei left him, and he’s been stressed with the club - ”
“It’s fine,” he promises, cutting off her rambling. “As long as you’re okay.”
A gentle grin meets her lips. “I’m great now,” she whispers. She gazes up at him, any anger she felt over their last meeting melting away, and she’s left staring up at the man she’s developed incredibly strong feelings for over the last year. “I missed you,” she admits after a long moment.
His gaze softens even further until he’s looking at her in a very similar way to that night in Miami. “I missed you, too,” he murmurs. “I had to take care of some things out of town. Work, my kid,” he explains as his hands slide along her arms until they’re resting on her waist. It’s gentle, almost tentative, a stark contrast to the way Joel had grabbed her a short while ago.
She blinks slowly. “Want to tell me about it?”
“Maybe over dinner?” He suggests, tilting his head.
“And an ice pack,” she adds, looking at the darkening bruise on his jaw.
He grins despite the obvious pain. “Deal.”
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
182. The Archer
She still finds herself wondering how Joel could have ever left her.
But then how could he stay?
They just weren’t right for each other. As horrible as the way he left was - having an affair and then taking her suitcase - if he hadn’t left, she would still be in a marriage that didn’t make her happy. Not really.
She wonders if there’s anyone who could stay.
On a snowy November night, she thought she’d found someone who would. She thought that inevitable night with Lenny was the beginning of her endgame, but she even pushed him away. With her own bull-headedness, she made sure to nix any opportunity to see just how far this thing between them could really go.
He’s been away for months - god knows where - and she misses him. She misses having someone see through her. He sees who she really is while also being able to see right through all her bullshit.
No one has been able to put her back together since he left. She’s been working and working and working, but personally she’s a mess. And granted, being a mess makes for some damn good comedy, but she’s tired of feeling this way.
She’s so damn tired in general.
He appears one night at her show, and she feels like he’s a mirage until after her set, when he steps up beside her, gently grasping her elbow and guiding her out of the club.
On the sidewalk, she collapses agains his side, feeling just on the edge of consciousness. “Midge?” He whispers.
“'m so tired,” she whimpers, feeling tears in her eyes.
He sighs through his nose, which is resting against the top of her head. “Let’s get you home.”
She nods and lets him guide her to a cab.
She’s always been the caretaker in her relationships, so it’s strange to see him roaming around her kitchen, getting her water, rummaging in the fridge for leftovers. “Drink,” he commands gently as he sets down a glass of water in front of her.
She sips, finding it unbelievable how delicious water tastes right now. But then when was the last time she actually took care of herself? She’s taken great care of her children, her parents, even Joel, but she hasn’t taken any time for herself since Carnegie Hall two months ago.
“Thank you,” she whispers when the glass is empty. He sets down a container between them. Chinese food from...two nights ago? She takes a fork and stabs some of the chicken. It’s spicy as hell, but maybe it will give her a jolt.
She chews thoughtfully, and he coughs when the spice hits his tongue. “Holy shit,” he chokes out, chugging his own water. “How the hell do you eat that?”
She shrugs, the movement feeling difficult now that she’s actually acknowledging how tired she is. “How did you know?” She asks quietly.
“Know what?” He asks as he gets up to refill their glasses. 
“That I was running on fumes,” she answers. “I...I didn’t even know.”
He sets her glass in front of her and takes his seat again, nudging the chicken toward her.
“Because you pay attention,” she realizes aloud. “You know how much I’ve been working.”
“Yeah,” he confesses. “I know it’s partly my fault. I told you to work, and I - ”
“It’s not your fault, Lenny,” she interrupts. “I just...I lost so much momentum this year, and I was trying to get back to where I was before Shy dumped me.”
“I know,” he murmurs. “But I also know you. I should’ve known that when I said work, you’d take it to the extreme.”
She sighs, closing her eyes for a moment. It feels really good to be understood like this. To be cared for this way. She vaguely registers his chuckle, and then he’s guiding her to her feet and scooping her up in his arms.
She rests her head on his shoulder as he takes her down the hall to her bedroom. “Now I’d undress you, but you’re close to unconsciousness, and as you once pointed out, I am a gentleman.”
“S’okay,” she promises. “Need help.”
He sets her on the bed. Oh, her bed is so comfortable. The show corset decidedly less so. 
He unzips her as easily as he did that night in his blue room, and she stands with his help, letting the dress fall to the floor as she kicks off her shoes. He helps her out of her corset, and through her bleary vision, she can see him struggling not to look at her.
“You’re allowed to look, Lenny,” she mutters. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“Yes, but if I look, I’m going to have a little bit of a problem,” he reasons, half-joking.
She manages to laugh softly as she tugs her girdle off. “Can you get a nightgown?” She asks, pointing to the dresser.
He nods and heads that way, and she watches him open the drawer. He pulls out a nightgown and gives it to her, letting her slip it over her head as he pulls down the covers.
She used to sleep on the left side, but she’s been sleeping on the right ever since that night with him. She slips under the sheets, resting her head on the pillow, and she feels him press a kiss to her forehead. “Night, Midge,” he whispers before turning to go.
“You could stay,” she whispers. He stops and then turns to her slowly. “If you want,” she adds. “I just...miss you.”
He looks at her for a long moment, and it’s the last thing she sees before sleep overtakes her exhausted body.
Ten hours later, she wakes to find her head pillowed on his chest, and she feels like she can take on the world.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
173. Red
Midge | Lenny
Lenny is never far from her mind.
Every aspect of their relationship was intense. The gazes between them, the laughter they shared, the phenomenal sex, the love...
But he can’t work in New York right now. Not while his lawyers work on the appeal.
So they broke up. Or, well...he left.
Men proposition Midge all the time. For dates and for...’fun’. Her career is on the rise, she’s more visible than ever, and that makes her even more enticing than before.
She always says no. Because even though Lenny is in California and their relationship is technically over, she doesn’t think it will ever really be over.
She calls him tonight. It’s a whim, and maybe an ill-advised one, but beyond their romantic relationship, he’s still always been her friend. With everything going on, she needs to make sure he’s okay.
“I haven’t scored,” he promises her out of the blue, and she feels herself relax. “I worked too hard to get clean, and as much as I fucking want to sometimes...I won’t.”
"Good,” she exhales shakily. She’s pulled the phone over to the window, and she sits on the fire escape, smoking a cigarette. It’s a beautiful night. Early autumn in New York, and the cold hasn’t started to set in yet. “How’s the appeal going?”
She pictures him shrugging. “I haven’t fired my lawyers yet.”
“Good. Because if you had, I’d have to come out there and smack you upside the head.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he bats back, and she laughs as she taps the ash from her cigarette.
“Hey, Lenny?” She asks quietly.
“Yeah?” he breathes, his voice equally soft.
“I know we broke up, but...” She takes a deep breath and then exhales a sigh. “I really fucking miss you.”
He sighs on the other end of the line as well. “I really fucking miss you, too,” he admits after a long moment.
“Are you...” Midge swallows thickly at the idea of asking this question.
It’s a beat too long, and Lenny asks, “Am I what?”
She worries her lower lip between her teeth as she musters up the courage. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“No,” he answers immediately. “I’m, uh...just doing the dad thing. Writing.”
“I read your last one,” she tells him. “It was great, Lenny.”
“Did the guy at the news stand have a conniption when you asked for Playboy?” Lenny teases.
“I may have blackmailed Joel into buying it for me.”
He barks a laugh at that. “And how did you do that?”
“Well...after you left...he may have come on to me,” she admits.
She knows exactly what Lenny’s expression is right now. He hates Joel. He’s hated Joel since before he ever met him. She knows his gaze is dark, his jaw set, and she imagines he’s rubbing his hand over his mouth. “Did you - ?”
“No,” she answers. “No, I - there hasn’t been anyone else,” she explains. “You see, I’m still pretty enamored with this guy who lives all the way across the country. And...I’m holding out hope that he’ll come back someday.”
“I know,” she murmurs. “But...your lawyers are working on the appeal, and one day you’ll be able to work here again - ”
“There’s no guarantee - ”
“And I don’t want anyone else,” she finishes. “I just...don’t.”
On the other end, he takes a drag from his cigarette and exhales. “So what do you propose we do about this?” He asks.
“I mean...long-distance sucks, but...I’d rather do that with you than try to make something work with anyone else.”
He pauses briefly. “And if the appeal goes on for years?”
“Planes exist,” she replies. “And I think they go from New York to Los Angeles.”
“But do they go in the other direction?” He jokes.
“Theoretically. So...maybe we can visit each other every now and then. You can write in New York even if you can’t perform. I know Papa would be thrilled to see you again. I could come out, maybe play some clubs there? Finally meet your family...?”
Lenny pauses again, and she’s terrified he’s going to turn her down. Instead, he says, “Okay.”
She feels her heart skip a beat. “Okay?"
“Better than okay,” he amends. “I...I do want you to meet Kitty. I think she’ll like you more than she likes me.”
Midge laughs quietly. “Considering how much Esther loves you, it’s only fair.”
They stay on the phone a while longer, making plans for her to visit, and when she finishes her cigarette, she says goodnight.
“Night, Midge,” Lenny replies. “I...I love you.”
She grins even wider and replies, “I love you, too.”
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
175. Breathe
With Esther in his arm already, Joel kneels down and hugs Ethan tightly with his other arm as Midge watches them all.
She never thought it would end this way. Yes, Mei got a residency in Chicago, and yes, she’s pregnant. Yes, Midge is completely over her ex-husband.
But the reality of Joel leaving their kids has her feeling like she can’t breathe.
He’s promised he’ll fly back and forth. Archie will run the club in his stead (much to Imogene’s annoyance). But Ethan’s only five. Esther’s still learning to talk. How is this going to affect their lives. Will Esther even remember who he is in a month? Will Ethan struggle with the lack of a father figure in his life?
She cannot emphasize enough how much she doesn’t want Joel anymore, but the second her doctor called to say she was going to be a mother, their lives were bound forever. He was meant to be her partner in helping to raise their children and make sure they grow up to be good, smart, wonderful people. Even after he left, he promised he would be there for their kids.
And now, as he stands in front of a truck loaded with all of his belongings, Midge is faced with the reality of his broken promise.
She clenches her jaw, feeling tears constricting her throat as Joel pulls out of the hug and brings the kids back to her. “Uh, I’ll call when I get to Chicago,” he says as he passes Esther to her.
She nods, not trusting her voice right now as she holds Esther tightly against her side.
Joel studies her for a long moment. “I...Midge, do you want me to stay?” He asks.
The answer, of course, is yes. She wants him to stay. To help raise their kids. To be downtown so that they can continue this strange co-parenting relationship they’ve fallen into over the last two and a half years.
But as she looks at him, she knows what he’s really asking. He’s asking if she wants him to stay for her. So they can give it another shot. And as much as she wishes she still wanted him - for the sake of their children - she just doesn’t.
She hasn’t wanted him since a very blue night just a few months ago.
Not that that seems to matter. Lenny is nowhere to be found. He hasn’t appeared at any of her gigs. She hasn’t seen him on her television or heard of any shows he’s performing in town.
It doesn’t stop her from holding out hope.
She breathes deeply, steeling herself, and answers, “No.” She feels Ethan’s hand gripping her skirt as he cuddles against her side. “No, go be with Mei. We’ll be fine.”
He blinks slowly, as though trying to process her answer, and then he nods. “O...kay,” he replies. He leans in and kisses Esther’s cheek. Then he ruffles Ethan’s hair. “I’ll see you at Passover.”
Midge nods again, and Joel goes to the truck and drives off. She stands there, a divorced mother with her two kids, and watches the truck until it disappears. “Mama?” Midge looks down at Ethan. “Can we get ice cream?”
Midge forces herself to smile. “Sure, sweetie,” she says, petting his hair.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
177. Run
Part 1 | Part 2
She doesn’t trust her voice right now.
This whole morning has felt very out of character for the two of them. Their relationship has been defined by banter and jokes, and there’s none of that today.
She has therapy this afternoon, which is probably a good thing. There’s going to be a lot to unpack in her session given his leaving for Arizona. She’s asked if there was a place closer by, somewhere on the east coast, and while there are places, the facility he’s going to seems to be the least terrifying option. No electroshock, no substituting one drug for another. It’s just a place to escape the temptation and go to therapy with people who are going through the same thing.
But god, it’s so far.
She takes his hand as they head down the stairs from his apartment. She’s not ready to say goodbye to him, but she knows he needs this. They agreed. She needs to figure out her shit, and he needs to kick his bad habits.
When they reach the sidewalk, he sets down his suitcase and extends his arm to flag down a taxi. She slips her arms around his waist, holding him tightly, and he holds her with his free arm. The cab pulls up, and she sighs, knowing it’s time.
He puts the suitcase in the trunk of the cab and moves back to her, taking her face in his hands. She blinks back tears as she gazes up at him, and he dips his head, kissing her slowly, promising her without words that he’s going to make this work.
As he pulls back, she pulls a piece of paper from her purse, handing it to him, and he reads her words, the words she can’t say aloud for fear of having a meltdown here on the sidewalk.
I’ll wait for you.
He swallows thickly and blinks back tears of his own before kissing her again. “I love you, Midge,” he whispers.
She breathes deeply and nods, barely managing to whisper, “I love you, too.”
One last kiss, and then he gets in the cab bound for the airport.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
160. Wildest Dreams
His fingers brush through her curls as they lie there together in the aftermath of some very blue activities.
“Promise me something?” She whispers.
“You are very, very funny,” he answers with a grin.
“Okay, promise me something else,” she amends with a soft laugh.
Lenny nods slowly. His hand moves lower, his fingers dancing along the bare skin of her arm. “Okay,” he breathes.
“Say you’ll remember me.” His brow furrows in confusion, and she takes a deep breath. “Lenny, I don’t...I don’t know what this was to you - and I don’t need to right now,” she insists as he opens his mouth to speak. “I just need to know that you won’t forget it...”
It feels silly. She’s surprised by the sudden rush of anxiety she feels. This was supposed to just be sex, but...it feels like more. But he’s like quicksilver. He’s there one moment and gone the next, and she never knows when she’ll see him again. So she needs to know that he’ll remember this. That he’ll remember her.
Because she’s never going to forget.
She’s going to be old, barely clinging to her memories, and this memory will remain. The memory of lying in bed next to him, feeling his fingers continue to explore her skin as they lie comfortably together in the afterglow. The memory of his soft whispers and moans and the way he made her feel so loved will stay with her until she’s barely breathing.
She needs to know he’ll remember, too.
His lips quirk, and he shifts closer, kissing her slowly. Her fingers tangle in his curls, and then he’s shifting on top of her, and she opens her legs to cradle him between her thighs. He parts their lips, but his nose brushes against hers when he says, “Darling, I’m still going to be thinking about you on my fucking deathbed.”
She feels herself smile, and he kisses her again.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
158. Never Grow Up
He hears Sarah’s crying from the nursery, and he sits up, putting his hand on Midge’s arm to stop her.
“I’ll take care of her,” he offers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. The look in his wife’s eyes is a combination of surprise and immense appreciation. She tips her head up to kiss him softly before he slips out of bed.
It’s very domestic, padding down the hall in his slippers and robe to take care of their fussy new baby, and despite everything he used to think about himself, Lenny finds he loves it. He loves being a dad to all four kids. He loves getting up and drinking coffee while he reads the paper and Midge makes breakfast. He even loves getting up to take care of a screaming child at three in the morning.
He picks her up gently, holding her against his chest, his hand supporting her head as he gently bounces her up and down to soothe her. “You have a bad dream, kiddo?” He murmurs as she starts to calm down.
Eventually the screaming stops altogether, and he sits in the rocking chair, cradling her in his arms as he gently wipes the tears from her face. She grabs his little finger with her little hand and squeezes, and he smiles. “You’re a strong little one, aren’t you?” He whispers.
He rocks back and forth for a while, watching as his youngest daughter starts to fall asleep, and he can’t help wishing things could always be like this.
“You gotta understand something, Sarah,” he murmurs. “I’m not a fan of diaper duty. I’m very excited for the day you learn how to shit without needing my help.
“But...I wish you didn’t have to grow up. I wish your life could always be easy. Just eat, sleep, shit, repeat. Never have to worry about anyone hurting you or leaving.
“I wasn’t a great dad for your sister,” he admits. “But I’m trying now. I’m trying so hard to be what you kids deserve. And while I can’t promise I won’t screw up - that I won’t stumble along the way - I can promise I will never desert you.”
He grazes his thumb gently over her pudgy cheek before lifting her up to kiss her forehead. “I love you so much, Sarah.”
He sets her gently back in her crib, brushing his hand over the tuft of dark curls on her head. “I will say you’re lucky you got your mother’s looks. Gonna make your life a hell of a lot easier.”
He hears a quiet laugh from behind him, and when he turns, his wife is leaning in the doorway, head resting on the frame as she watches him with slightly sleepy blue eyes.
“I told you I’d take care of it,” he murmurs.
“Since when am I good at sleeping without you?”
He chuckles softly and moves toward her. “You know what, that’s entirely fair.”
She stretches upward, standing on tiptoes to kiss him lovingly. “You’re a great dad,” she whispers when she returns to flat feet, her fingers tangled with his. “I hope you know that.”
He smiles gently. “I’m starting to believe it.”
She leads him out of the bedroom, and he closes the door silently behind them before heading back to bed with his wife.
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
146. Don’t Blame Me
She’s only been high once in her life, but she’s fairly certain this is what it feels like.
Tangled in the sheets with Lenny, she knows she’s already addicted to him. The way he touches her delicately, the soft breath of her name as he rocks against her, the feeling of his lips dragging along her skin, it’s a euphoria she’s only ever experienced from an audience’s applause.
And much like comedy, she can’t imagine ever giving him up.
She pants heavily as he collapses next to her, his own breathing heavy as they stare at the ceiling of his bedroom, and she presses her palm to her chest. “Holy shit,” she gasps. She can feel her heart thudding hard in her chest.
“Agreed,” he replies, equally breathless. She turns to look at him. “Excuse me for one minute,” he murmurs. He gives her a quick kiss and rolls over, disposing of the condom in the wastebasket beside the bed.
He extends his arm and relaxes heavily into the pillow. “We make up good,” she comments as she curls into him. She kisses his chest, damp and a little salty from the exertion of the last - she peers at the clock on his nightstand - three hours of activity.
“If nothing else, at least we know that works,” he jokes, wrapping his arm around her a little tighter.
“We’re good at other things,” she protests gently. Her fingers trail over his chest as she lists, “Banter, dancing, sneak attacks...”
He chuckles and kisses her hair. “We are good at all of those things,” he agrees.
There’s a long while of quiet. Her hand slides over his chest until her palm rests over his heart, returning to its normal pace. “I really am sorry, Lenny,” she whispers.
She hears him sigh. “I know,” he replies, equally quiet. His fingertips graze over her shoulder. Goosebumps form on her skin as she shivers from the combination of his touch and the slight chill of the bedroom.
“So...what now?” She asks, tipping her head up to look at him.
He covers the hand on his chest with his own, squeezing gently. “Well, I don’t think we can go back to being just friends after that,” he comments with a quiet laugh.
“Well we could,” she comments as she lifts her head to look at him, “but I’d absolutely attempt to seduce you again.”
“And I would be powerless against said attempt,” he replies, honest but with a slight hint of teasing.
“So...we date?” She asks.
“If that’s what you want. Hell, we can go down to City Hall tomorrow and get married if you want.”
She raises a brow. “Seriously?”
“Sweetheart, after that second round, I was ready to get down on one knee for you.”
“As I recall, I was already on my knees,” she drawls huskily, a smirk finding her lips.
He laughs. “Dating sounds good,” he finally answers. “Actually seeing you in the daylight.”
“Suffering through what’s sure to be an interrogation from my father.”
“I’ve already done it once. I can do it again.” At her questioning look, he adds, “He may have already given me his blessing.”
Midge’s eyes widen. “What? When?”
“When we were in jail together. He commented on the flowers, we talked about you for a while, and he gave me his blessing.”
“But...we weren’t...we were just friends,” she manages.
“Well...” He sighs. “I was already pretty gone for you.”
“How - how did I not know this?”
Lenny shrugs. “You were with the doctor. I didn’t say anything. So...”
Midge watches him for a long moment. “So you’re telling me...that you’ve been pining for me?”
He cachinnates beneath her. “When you say it like that, I sound a little pathetic,” he jokes.
She grins and brushes her fingers through his damp curls. “You’re very sweet,” she says before giving him a soft, sweet kiss.
“Don’t tell anyone,” he says when they part. “I need to uphold my reputation as a relentless jackass.”
She giggles and rests her head on his chest. “Your secret is safe with me,” she promises.
He holds her a little tighter as she closes her eyes.
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180. Come Back...Be Here
He leaves for California tomorrow.
He doesn’t want to deal with his mother, but he misses Kitty, promised he’d come visit her over the holidays, and he’s broken too many promises to her in her short life.
The promise to be there for her, for one.
It kills him that he hasn’t been there for her, that he’s had to leave her with his mother, but it’s the best chance she has at a normal life - even if Ma is hell-bent on getting her granddaughter into showbiz.
But he doesn’t want to leave Midge for a month.
They just got here. Well, she got here. He’s been head-over-heels for her since practically the moment they met. And now that he finally gets to be with her this way, to spend time with her in a way that isn’t strictly friendly, he has to leave.
“You alright?” She asks as her fingers trail over his chest.
He sighs and pulls her hand to his lips, gently kissing the tips of her fingers. “I don’t want to go,” he admits quietly. He adjusts his hold on her, pulling her a little closer to his side.
She rests her chin on his chest and looks up at him. “Aren’t you excited to see your daughter?”
“Yeah...but I’ll miss you.”
A slow grin finds her lips, and she shifts to kiss him sweetly. “I’ll still be here when you get back.”
He arches a brow. “You sure about that?” He asks, half teasing, half skeptical. She’s Midge fucking Maisel. He doesn’t have any illusions that he’s way out of his league, here - that she couldn’t do so much better.
She pretends to think for a minute and then nods decisively. “Completely.”
He sighs through his nose and holds her a little tighter. “You know, I tried not to let this happen,” he admits after a long while.
“Let what happen?”
“Us,” he answers quietly.
“Could’ve fooled me,” she teases. “Men who don’t want something to happen don’t typically ask to see your underwear.”
He chuckles. “You tell me about your show corset and expect me not to want to see it?”
She laughs a little. “You know...it’s strange. I know you so well, but I don’t really know anything about you.”
He arches a brow at her, glances down at their naked bodies tangled up together in his sheets. “No?”
“I don’t know your daughter’s name,” she points out.
He looks at her, confused. He must have said Kitty’s name at some point in their relationship, right? But as he looks at Midge, he knows she knows better than he does. “Kitty,” he replies. “Well...Brandi Kathleen, but we call her Kitty.”
“Really bucking that Jewish heritage with that name,” Midge comments with a soft laugh.
“Honey’s Catholic,” he explains with a shrug. “And we were both pretty high around the time Kitty was born.”
He feels her tense a little in his arms, but she doesn’t comment on that information. “What kind of music do you like?”
He grins. “Jazz...Blues...a little of everything, really.”
“Is your favorite color really blue?” She asks then, gazing up at him.
He looks at her, brushes a little hair away from her eyes. Her blue, blue eyes. The very eyes that appeared in his mind when the good people at Carnegie Hall asked what his favorite color was.
He grazes his thumb over her cheek as those blue eyes stare into his soul, and he nods. “Absolutely.”
She smiles softly and kisses him again.
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176. Dear Reader
Over the course of her life, Miriam Weissman-Bruce has found that the best way to learn is to fuck up.
And she has become an expert on fucking the fuck up.
She sits in front of the computer, pondering the final chapter of her book. Her editors have suggested wrapping up the book with advice for the younger generations. To teach them to learn from her mistakes.
She knows from experience that you cannot learn from the words of others - no matter how wise they may be. You have to make the mistakes yourself.
She keeps staring at the blank document, her arms folded, her brow furrowed. Many years ago she would have been concerned with the wrinkles that would form, but she’s too old to give a damn about that anymore. The wrinkles are here to stay. Symbolic of a long life filled with laughter, tears, thought...
She hears her husband shuffling into her office and realizes the sun has gone down. “Oh,” she breathes. “I...I haven’t written a damn thing,” she says apologetically.
He chuckles, his hands resting on her shoulders as he bends to kiss the top of her head. “That’s okay,” he promises. “You can try again tomorrow.”
She huffs in annoyance. “I really want to get this finished before our vacation.”
“You will,” he replies, his hands massaging her shoulders gently. His hands are still strong, if not as much as they were forty years ago, and she relaxes into his touch. “But for now, you need to eat something and move around. The doctor said it’s not a good idea to be sitting for more than a few hours at a time.”
Midge nods and stands, feeling the slight ache in her hip from too long in her desk chair. She takes his hand and tugs gently as she tilts her head upward, and he dips down, kissing her sweetly. “Food,” he directs.
She smiles and nods. “Food,” she agrees.
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