#i see kimetsu no yaiba has blown up these few weeks
hyliancourage · 5 years
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space-------kid · 4 years
you need not ask.
Anime/Manga: Kimetsu no Yaiba Pairing: Genya/fem!Reader Additional characters: mentions of Sanemi and the rest of the Shinazugawa family Warning: Is Genya being adorably shy and flustered considered as one? Additional tags: Modern day AU, adult!Genya and Reader (you’re both 20-somethings *wink* *wonk*) A/N: No beta as always. Also – wow, this took too damn long hahaha pls don’t hurt me –
After months of being into the relationship you think you could only experience in your dreams, your silly, adorably shy boyfriend finally asks for a kiss.
i. linger
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“can i please have her?”
- crawl (alt. my heroine)/angels and airwaves
               “You have to move it like this, see?” Genya says as he separates locks of your hair into three portions, nimble fingers quick and precise as he weaves your hair into a pattern. “Over and under, then this one goes here. The rest is just a repeat. Over and under, you slip this one here, over and under…”
                He makes the mistake of looking at you where you sit close to him and sees the look of gentle adoration on your face. The familiar sensation of heat creeping up his cheeks makes itself known as Genya fumbles, messing up with braiding your hair. You chuckle at the adorable display and cups his face with your hands, carefully tilting his head up to meet your gaze when he looks away.
               The two of you have been dating for several months now and yet your giant of a boyfriend still maintained the endearing shyness he displays towards women, more so to you. Anything you deem cute is one of your many weaknesses, and your poor heart has been blessed with such a loveable man who goes by the name of Shinazugawa Genya.
               All those times serenading him with a single song whenever he passed you by months ago has definitely paid off, your huge crush for him being granted a step forward when he (finally) asked for your name and number. You never consider yourself to be a bold type of woman, but the very first time you’ve laid your eyes on Genya, your heart and mind seem to make a consensus and set themselves into grabbing his attention by doing what you’re terribly good at.
               And so you sang to him, silently pleading to any higher power who might listen for Genya to make the first move (as if you haven’t done it already, always singing the same song to him whenever you spot his adorable mohawk in the crowd and attempting to charm him with your winning smiles). You know you’re diving head first into your attempts at getting his attention, but who are you to blame? You’ve never had a proper crush before him, and you’re the hopeless romantic type who wants for her very first boyfriend to also be her last.
               God, you’re so cheesy. And you have a strong feeling that you’ve gotten worse when Genya finally asks you to be his girl.
               Genya’s girl. Damn, that sounds so nice. And you’re damn well sure that you won’t be choosing anyone else. You’ve never been more certain that it’s him you’ll only want in your life every single day.
              You grin, knowing that you’re sporting a blush on your face much like his.
              “Genya. You’re teaching me how to braid my hair. Don’t stop now,” you tease him, inching your face closer to his and rubbing your noses together in an eskimo kiss. The action seems to deepen the blush on your boyfriend’s face, the lovely colour creeping up his ears and neck.
              He ducks his head, closes whatever distance is left between the two of you (practically none), and buries his face in the crook of your neck while he wraps his arms around your waist and you know that he is steadying himself. It’s taken you a solid two months before he can even initiate physical affection and instead of getting annoyed, you love him all the more for it. So shy and respectful. Damn this man and his natural shyness. You’re positive that he will be the death of you, but it is a death you’d gladly embrace.
              “Then s-stop being so cute,” he whines against your skin, and you can practically feel his bashfulness as he hesitantly places a soft kiss on your pulse point.
              Alright, point taken. He really is going to be the death of you. For someone who only limits himself to kissing your cheeks or your hands, Genya moving up to your neck was a rather bold move for you. You’d be a hypocrite if you deny how much you like it, though, as butterflies not just danced but partied in your stomach.
              Thoughts of teasing him flee you when Genya’s lips move further up your lower jaw, your eyes widening in surprise while your heart practically pounds against your ribcage. He slowly pulls away, a hint of a smile making the corners of his lips twitch minutely at the sight of your flustered face.
              “Alright, I take that back,” he tells you as he stands up, leaving you seated on the couch by yourself. He places a hand to your head to gently pat your hair as you look up at him, confused and still blushing.
              Emotions still reeling pleasantly from your boyfriend’s boldness, you tilt your head to the side and stutter a bewildered, “W-What…?”
              “Ah…” Genya lifts a hand to gingerly scratch at his cheek with a finger, diverting his gaze from you as the small smile on his face blows up into a huge but still shy grin. “Stay cute, [Name]. Nah, scratch that. You’re always cute, even now.”
              With that, Genya makes a hasty retreat to your flat’s kitchen, his muffled and adorably meek chuckles at the stunned look you’ve given him making you fall even harder in love for him.
              Your silly boyfriend has been acting weird these past few days, and you have to be honest to yourself and admit that it worries you.
              If you remember it correctly, Genya’s strange behaviour began when he has spent one afternoon with Mitsuri-san and her husband, Obanai-san. One of Genya’s younger sisters – Sumi, you think – is a fan of the city’s resident herpetologist, and the second eldest Shinazugawa child have told you of his planned trip to the Iguro household to get some advice on what small reptile should Sumi take care of first.
              When he comes back home to your shared flat, you immediately notice how Genya shyly looks away when he spots you picking irritably at your suddenly chapped lips (damn the winter season for creeping real close). He usually stops and gently chides you for doing so and would then offer you one of your numerous flavoured chapsticks to soothe your lips.
              He hears you let out a light yelp when you picked at the skin a little too hard, a small drop of blood welling where it cracked. You remember how Genya’s face contorts with worry, one of his hands immediately cupping your cheek and softly dabbing the blood off with his thumb.
              You remember how he stares too hard at your lips, his eyes glazing with an emotion you can’t read, and how he seem to snap out of his daze and hide his suddenly flushed face from you.
              This strange obsession of staring at your lips whenever he thinks you’re not looking persists for days, and days have turned to weeks until you pull yourself out of your own obliviousness. Of course, it can only mean one thing.
              Genya, your silly boyfriend, wants to finally kiss you!
              Maybe he’s witnessed how Mitsuri-san and Obanai-san interact as a married couple during his visit. After all, Mitsuri-san doesn’t hold back with showering her beloved husband her undivided affection. Maybe… Maybe Genya is an unsuspecting witness of kisses shared between the two?
              You can only imagine how embarrassed Genya must’ve felt at that moment, and yet…
              You’d be full-blown lying to yourself if you deny that you have been thinking about kissing him, too. But you know how shy, reserved, and easily flustered your poor darling is and you find yourself curbing your desire to just pull him down to your level and give him a quick smooch. You have spent quite a lot of time imagining how soft his lips must be against yours, and how he’d kiss you – will Genya lightly press his lips to yours, or will he be peppering your lips with butterfly kisses? Perhaps he’s particular with languorous kisses, his lips sometimes finding their way to your cheeks, forehead, lower jaw, and the tip of your nose? Or maybe he’ll turn out to be the type who’d softly nibble on your lower lip with those pearly whites and cute canines?
              You are quick to rule out French kisses in your list. You’re quite sure that asking Genya for one would lead to his untimely death.
              (You’re always so sweet, mindful, and respectful of his bashfulness – you have no idea how much Genya adores you for your patience with him.)
              And so you wait for him to make his move, knowing that your patience will be rewarded sooner than later.
               It’s raining tonight, and Genya comes home to find you snoozing on the couch, his favourite purple, cable knit jumper practically swallowing your petite frame.
               He makes his way around your shared flat, mindful of making any noise that might wake you up. He changes into something comfortable, phones Sanemi and their mom to ask how their day have been, and quietly walks back to the couch to sit beside you.
               Genya watches you sleep, his heart beating a mile a minute as he admires how softer your features seem in your sleep. Gently, he removes the distance between the two of you and scoops you in his arms, carefully repositions you on his lap, and lets your head rest on his shoulder.
               A soft smile appears on Genya’s face as his gaze remains firmly fixed on your face. He can feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest, as well as your solid, comforting weight against him. He towers over you and yet it never escapes him how your soft curves slot perfectly in the hard and muscled planes of his body.
               His gaze find its way back to your face, and Genya doesn’t mind the red painting his cheeks because you cannot tease him in your slumber. Gently tilting your head up, he places a soft kiss on your forehead, then to your eyelids and the tip of your nose. He stops, however, when you shift a little then slowly open your eyes.
               “Hi,” he greets you voice soft and face red. He melts a little inside when you smile sleepily up at him, clutching his shirt with one hand and burying your nose on his chest to breathe in his scent. You have always been open to him with things like this, telling him that his scent always calms you and eases your worries.
               “Hi, love,” you greet him back. You pull yourself away a little and shoots him a coy grin. “I thought I fell asleep on the couch…”
               Genya catches the teasing tone in your soft tone drowsed by the remnants of sleep, sending him into yet another blushing fit while he played along.
               “You look comfortable, but not enough, see,” he tells you with an endearingly meek chuckle.
               “Mm… you’re right,” you mumble, snuggling back on his broad chest. “This is much comfier.”
               You feel your boyfriend’s lips on the top of your head, his contented hum rumbling in his chest and into your frame pressed against him. You spend the next minutes in restful silence, one of Genya’s big hands rubbing circles on your back in a soothing manner while his other arm is draped casually over your thighs. His presence and gentle touches are more than enough to send you back to your peaceful slumber, but it seems that your boyfriend has something else on his mind.
               Fighting off sleep is an easy task when you hear hesitation in his voice. You tilt your head up to look at Genya and sees that his gaze is anywhere but yours. His face is redder than usual, too, coming up to the tips of his ears then travelling down to his neck and even further below his shirt’s collar.
               The hand on your thighs travelled to the hem of his sweater you are currently clad in, fiddling nervously on the soft fabric while he musters the courage to look directly at your face. His smile is pinched with worry, so you place a hand on top of his busy one in an attempt to calm him down.
               “We, uh… w-we’ve been a couple for months now…” he begins, face so red you would mistake him for a mohawked tomato. You can practically feel the heat of his embarrassment, see how his eyes dart from your [colour] orbs down to your lips and you are given the whole gist of what topic he’s trying to broach – something you have also been thinking a lot about yourself. You let him finish talking, however. No use in getting him more nervous than he already is, don’t you think?
               You hum your acknowledgement, smiling encouragingly up at him while putting on an inquisitive front that screams what are you trying to tell me?
               Genya swallows down his anxiousness, reciprocating your smile with a pleading, shy one.
               “I just… I want to…” He averts his gaze for a few seconds before it’s back at you with a full-blown focus. Genya moves his hand from the hem of his sweater up to hold your hip, his eyes shining with bashful determination.
               “May I kiss you?”
               The question comes surprisingly smoothly past his lips and it is your face’s turn to explode into a blushing mess. You grin up at him with sudden self-consciousness, biting your lower lip and letting a small giggle burst out of you. What an endearingly shy gentleman your boyfriend is. Who do you thank again for being blessed with such a fine lover as he is?
               “You really shouldn’t ask, Genya,” you tell him, trying not to sound too excited at the prospect of finally unlocking this achievement of knowing how his lips would feel against yours – and out of his own volition. “Although… now I’m even more in love with you for doing so.”
               You laugh when he closes his eyes in profound embarrassment, hand squeezing your hip in a bid to chip away at your amusement.
               “W-Why do you say cheesy stuff like that, [Name]?” he groans with half-hearted heat, ducking his head to bury his nose in your hair. You stifle your laughter and gently pry his face off of your hair.
               “Do you want me to say cheesy stuff to someone else, then?” you tease him. Heavens, Genya will indeed be the death of you – he’s just too cute!
               “No!” He sounds so alarmed – you can’t take too much cuteness from him in just a single day. “Don’t try it, or else I’ll…”
               “You’ll what?” you playfully taunt him. “Kiss me? ‘Cause as far as I’m concerned, Genya, your lips haven’t even touched mine yet!”
               “You’re killing me. You’re killing me and you’re having the time of your life while doing it.”
               “And you’re killing me, too, making your girlfriend wait and all that…”
               Genya presses his forehead to yours, the tips of your noses touching. “I’m mentally prepping myself,” he tells you in a slightly serious tone. “I’ve been thinking of kissing you – wanting to kiss you – for weeks now, and–“
               “Then do it,” you tell him. “And I’m telling you, you need not ask.”
               Your words of affirmation seem to do the trick. Emboldened by your words, Genya crosses whatever distance is left between your lips and kisses you.
               It’s a simple peck, really, and he pulls away as fast as he presses down – but you’re torn between saying that it’s enough and it isn’t. You’ve only been given a second to enjoy the surprising softness of his lips but you don’t want to tell him that you’re disappointed–
               Genya surprises you by diving back down, pressing his lips against yours and actually lingering for more than a few seconds before pulling away and giving you butterfly kisses. You are quick to reciprocate, chasing after his lips when he pulls away, your hands moving up to tangle your fingers through his hair. You let out a soft noise of astonishment when you feel his tongue dart out to swipe shyly at your lower lip, causing Genya to pull his burning face away with a worried look.
               “I’m sorry! I didn’t know what came over me! Did… D-Did I overstep…?” he asks you hesitantly, but you can clearly see on his face that he doesn’t want to stop kissing you yet.
               Smiling brightly, you shake your head no and pull his face down to your level. “Of course, you didn’t. I was just surprised, that’s all.”
               The fretful look on his face dissolves into relief. “Oh. Oh, good.” And with that, he’s back to shyly blessing your lips with butterfly kisses in between his words. “You know, I’m kicking myself everyday about this… and… now I’m wondering why I…” he presses a little too long, enough to leave the two of you breathless. “…waited this long. I could…” another kiss. “…do this every day. Just… kiss you to prove how I fall in love with you every… single… day we spend together…”
               He pulls himself away, but just enough so he can stare at you oh so lovingly, you can feel yourself turn to putty in his soft kisses and beautiful smiles. Genya ducks his head to meet you halfway, your eyes automatically falling shut as sparks fly once more when your lips connect with his. It’s just pure magic, this moment you’re sharing with him, and if this is what drowning in love feels like then you would gladly sink deeper into his arms and lips and smiles and love and just drown in him–
               The two of you smile at each other through your kisses, unafraid of this moment coming to an end. With both of you being hell-bent into choosing each other, then you can always recreate the feelings you are sharing with this first kiss.
               “But seriously,” Genya wonders in mock innocence, looking as if he is trying to get back at you for teasing him. “Why did I wait so long to kiss you? Maybe–“
               “Oh, I wonder why, too,” you cut him off innocently – far too innocuous for your boyfriend’s liking. “And here I was, thinking that you’re preparing for a French kiss or something.”
               Genya tilts his head to the side in confusion. “French… kiss?”
               You grin up at him, wriggling your eyebrows suggestively. “You know… a really deep kiss, with tongues involved… and maybe a lot of touching.”
               Genya remains unresponsive for the rest of the night, face pale and constantly muttering “oh, gods, I can kiss you like that?” even as the two of you are telling each other good night. You can only hope that you haven’t brought your poor boyfriend to a near catatonic state with that smartass quip of yours.
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