#i think im schizophrenic. disorganized schizophrenia
hauntedhowling · 5 months
Urges urges urges I want to run around I want to hunt I want to sniff I want to mark my territory I want to have fun I want to be in nature I want to just.... exist
But I can't just exist !!! I cant
I want to more than anything but can't. I hate that I'm so fucking self aware of my body. I want it to be gone.
I want to understand myself. I wish my transformations were easier. I wish it wasn't just partial. It's always fucking partial. I want my head!!! Or my tail or some fur on my tummy. It's always breaking my ankles and projecting my palms. The pressure build up and then 🤷‍♂️
Need to rip my flesh off
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Do you have any tips/advice for getting parents to believe you when it comes to mental illness/neurological disorders?
SO sorry this was like the third ask i EVER got back in like JANUARY you probably wont even see this but im going to give some advice anyway in case you do or other people do.
make a list. a really, really extensive list. list out each part of the criteria, and under each part, every single way you can think of that you fit it. once you've done that, also list any common symptoms that aren't necessarily part of the criteria that you have. explain why you think you have this, not that, or this AND that. (e.g. "i have schizoid PD, not autism, because [X]" or "i have ADHD and OCD, because [X]". don't forget to list how it affects your life, too; a lot of these disorders have "must cause impairment in life functioning" or a similar statement in their diagnostic criteria. additionally, you want to dispel common myths ("girls can't be autistic" "psychosis is always obvious" "BPD is a girl thing" "ADHD is just being hyperactive" "you can only have psychosis if you're schizophrenic"), so your parents aren't operating on the wrong ideas.
to show how this would look: let's pretend you have schizophrenia and want to get your parents to help you pursue diagnosis (or even just believe you).
you would list the first bullet point of the DSM requirements out (having 2 out of 5 of blah blah blah stuff for X amount of time, 1 or more being 1, 2, or 3 on the list), show how many you had--e.g., hallucinations (number 2), disorganized speech, and negative symptoms for 8 months.
then you'd do the same thing with point 2, proving that your level of functioning since the onset was lower than your level of functioning pre-onset. lower grades, difficulty with self-care, difficulty in interpersonal relationships, etc. You'd also probably list this with point 3, proving the difficulty has persisted for at least 6 months, with at least 1 month of symptoms.
you'd then show that you've ruled out schizoaffective disorder and depressive or bipolar disorder w/psychotic features (alternate diagnoses). this would be basically "here's a list of why i'm NOT just bipolar/depresssed/etc". You'd also then talk about how it's NOT drug related/induced.
Then, you would list a variety of common schizophrenia traits that you've experienced since when you think onset started. After that, you'd list some common myths ("schizophrenia makes you violent" "hallucinations are always super super vivid" & the like) and why they aren't true.
Hopefully, if you went through all that, they'd be able to understand it. if they didn't, I'd suggest talking to a school counselor/therapist, but those are... varying in how helpful they are.
Obviously that doesn't just work for schizophrenia, you can use that process for most disorders, I just used it bc I had the DSM open (I read it for fun. don't ask) near the schizophrenia page.
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80pairsofcrocs · 1 year
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643 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
its vinegar
Five : hey, y/n can i get a sip of your water?
y/n : its not water.
Five : vodka, i like your style!
y/n : its vinegar.
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689 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
baby scarab || 1
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
synopsis : in which a schizophrenic teenager could see a certain god
takes place after the Marvel series Moon Knight, may have spoilers?
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic)reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader
i will be using she/her pronouns
A/N : this is all over the place btw, also fun fact, i have schizophrenia so that's kind of what motivated me in writing this. i'm going off of what i experience. pls enjoy <3
also if you want to be in the taglist, please ask! its not a problem
TW : mental disorders, child abandonment, language, fighting(?) let me know if i missed anything.
some would say its freaky,
others would say its like a superpower, like seeing ghosts is cool right?
you would say its a bit of both
you had schizophrenia, a mental disorder you have had for the past couple years, causing you to have hallucinations such as seeing shadows nobody else can, or fire where theres not fire, and that had absolutely nothing to do with ghosts, and you were labeled delusional by many peers.
you didn't take offense to it, because you were delusional. in fact your disorganized thinking has gotten you in trouble.
not because you're stupid, no, but because of others at your school making fun of you for it, you think its ok to beat them up for it.
which only fueled it. it caused others happiness to see you in trouble.
it also causes you to get suspended a lot.
such as now.
you were heading up to your apartment that you stayed in alone, since your parents dumped you in the street when you were young, and going through too many foster homes was a pain so you chose to just get your own place to call a home.
you just worked at an average paying coffee shop near your school, which you had to walk to.
you could either pay rent on time or get a car, so you thought that some cardio each morning and evening wouldn't be too bad.
you got into the elevator and saw another... man.. as well. he was in a bird costume and he was staring- or you thought he was staring at you.
"'scuse me." you move your arm past the extremely tall man to press your floors button. the bird man looked down at you with its creepy mask, and you tried to ignore it until it touched your shoulder and gasped.
you jumped and stepped away from him, thinking he was just a weirdo messing with you.
you could sense the guy staring at you so you turned your head to him. "you need something?" you ask him, to which he shakes his head slowly.
you nod and look away, but turning back when you see that nothing was attaching his head to his body, also now noticing the huge scary stick with a cresent moon on it.
your eyes widen and your breath hitches, as soon as the elevator hit your floor, you get off and speed walk to your apartment. unlocking the door took 4 tries, but that's only because you just saw some sort of demon.
your breath quickens as you finally open the door and slam it shut behind you and lock it.
See the full post
882 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
good guy, bad guy
klaus : I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
five : It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and y/n isn’t
974 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
baby scarab masterlist
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playlist!! - by @hutaos-gh0st
welcome to the baby scarab masterlist!! the chapters will be slow coming out but i'll try my best
chapters with the ( * ) indicate nsfw, but dont worry! if its not your cup of tea, they have nothing to do with the plot. they are just bonus chapters.
hope you enjoy <3
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
See the full post
1,034 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
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cosmicck · 1 year
bro someone is using mentally ill(i am actually mentally ill bro anxiety and a huge chance of depression) and called someone schizophrenic????(meaning of schizophrenic: schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects less than one percent of the U.S. population. When schizophrenia is active, symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble with thinking and lack of motivation.)
JUST because they told them to leave me alone because i wrote dark content and they said to leave me alone cause it's a waste of time to argue with someone on a electronic BOX as if i do non-con to people daily like...WTF IM 17😭😭😭😭
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kingfrumpkin · 3 years
harrow & schizophrenia
i was asked to elaborate on my "harrow is schizophrenic" post and im more than happy to! i dont see this talked about a lot and it makes me sad & i hope theres more talk about it as time goes on
without further ado, here is harrow and her schizophrenia symptoms
the DSM-V outlines 5 symptoms of schizophrenia, which includes (1) hallucinations, (2) delusions, (3) disorganized speech (4) disorganized/catatonic behavior, and (5) negative symptoms. one only has to have 2 of these symptoms to get a diagnosis for schizophrenia, given they have lasted longer than 6 months and are not caused by drugs
let's go through these symptoms individually in regards to harrow:
1) hallucinations
there is no doubting that harrow suffers from hallucinations, as mentioned several many times throughout harrow the ninth. her hallucinations are mainly auditory (hearing doors close or people walking) and visual (the Body, hallucinating cythera's body, implied past hallucinations in her dream-river scape.) even in the first book there is evidence of harrows hallucinations, mainly when her and gideon are sneaking around hallways and have to stop constantly for "no reason", according to gideon
2) delusions
delusions are a little trickier to show examples of because the books are rarely from her POV, but i would consider her relationship with the Body a delusion. the Body has no special relationship to her and is incapable of feeling love to her, however harrow believes that they have this deep relationship. technically this could be considered a "religious hallucination" where "someone might think they have a special relationship with a deity" (WebMD). this delusion feeds into her hallucinations of the Body.
3) disorganized speech
harrow has no known disorganized speech patterns or confused thoughts. she has no problem talking/following trains of thoughts accurately
4) disorganized/catatonic behavior
this would be under the category of movement disorders in terms of schizophrenia which, again, is hard to gauge with everything that goes on in the books. however, there is one key line that mentions how harrow would lose track of time simply staring at/being with the body and waste hours doing this. if still at the time, this could be considered catatonic behavior. however, that is possibly a stretch
5) negative symptoms
negative symptoms is a little broad so let's break it down a little.
flattening: "When they talk, their voice can sound flat, like they have no emotions. They may not smile normally or show usual facial emotions in response to conversations or things happening around them" (WebMD)
we don't really have many descriptors of harrows inflection, or lack thereof, when speaking except when in moments of stress or upsetting circumstances, like with harrow witnessing the mercy/john/august sandwich. it could be said that harrow has a severe lack of facial expressions in response to normal day-to-day conversations
withdrawal/apathy: "This might include no longer making plans with friends or becoming a hermit. Talking to the person can feel like pulling teeth: If you want an answer, you have to really work to pry it out of them." (WebMD)
this is another obvious symptom that harrow has. she wants to work with no one and prefers to spend her times alone. she almost refuses to go to the dinner that magnus and abigail have and is uncomfortable the entire time. it is very hard to get answers out of her as well, as gideon is unable to do so and constantly gets frustrated with.
struggling with the basics of daily life: "They may stop bathing or taking care of themselves." (WebMD)
this is another obvious symptom. harrow rarely takes care of herself and has to be forced to.
other symptoms/schizophrenic behaviors
there are links between certain behaviors and schizophrenia that are worth going over, outside of the officially recognized symptoms
this section will be worked in examples of harrows behaviors
harrows rituals
rituals are important to harrow and is stressed in harrow the ninth. in flashbacks, she describes a series of rituals she practices and her strict adherence to them.
obsessive compulsive tendencies are found linked with schizophrenia in multiple cases. in an article in psychiatry MMC, several authors state: "Although OC symptoms in schizophrenia were once thought to occur rarely [...] recent studies have shown greater prevalence". case 1 of this article outlines a man with OCD-type rituals
harrow's paranoia
it is obvious harrow is a very paranoid person with her constant wards and sneaking around in the first house. paranoia is a symptom closely linked with schizophrenia, usually due to delusions/hallucinations
and at this point ive hit the character limit so UHHHH YEAH TY FOR READING
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deanaportillo · 6 years
I’m not Schizophrenic I am Schizoaffective
Although schizoaffective disorder is a mental illness that is closely related to schizophrenia, the two problems are distinctly different diagnoses. Many people mistakenly believe that schizoaffective disorder is a subtype of schizophrenia but this is not the case. They are both separate mental disorders that have their own unique set of symptoms.
People who are schizoaffective often receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia in the early stages of their illness because the two problems are so frequently confused. There are many similarities between the two illnesses which can cause some physicians and psychiatrists to misdiagnose their patients. However, there are also significant differences that make it possible to categorize one separately from the other.
Even though schizophrenia is the more well-known disorder that is often considered very severe, the truth is that schizoaffective disorder is much more complex and difficult to diagnose and treat. A diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder can be problematic because it combines characteristics of different disorders. However, with the right treatment it is still possible for a schizoaffective individual to improve their condition and function as well as they can.
What is Schizoaffective Disorder?
Someone who is schizoaffective is experience a hybrid of different conditions that combines characteristics of schizophrenia and certain mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression. The fact that it is a hybrid condition affecting a person’s mood is what sets it apart from schizophrenia which is related to thoughts and behavior but not directly to a person’s mood. Schizoaffective disorder blends different health conditions and affects a person completely including their thoughts, feelings, behavior and mood.
One way to understand how schizoaffective disorder combines different characteristics of disorders is to think of it as a part of a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum would be schizophrenia and on the other would be a mood disorder such as bipolar disorder. Schizoaffective disorder would fall somewhere in the middle of these two illnesses.
People with schizoaffective disorder can often exhibit symptoms that are experienced by people with bipolar disorder including extreme mood swings. They will feel the high of mania and the low of depression through different phases of their life in a similar way to bipolar disorder. However, a schizoaffective person will also experience symptoms normally associated with schizophrenia such as hallucinations and delusions.
Understanding the Symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder
A schizoaffective person may suffer unnecessarily if they receive an inaccurate diagnosis of either schizophrenia or a mood disorder. They need treatment for all of their symptoms rather than one aspect of them so it is important that they have a correct diagnosis in order to improve. These are some of the signs and symptoms of schizoaffective disorder:
Auditory hallucinations in the form of voices that may be hostile or accusatory
Delusions or false, irrational beliefs that cause fear, paranoia and mistrust of others
Disorganized thinking as exhibited by thought or speech patterns that lack coherence
Thought blocking where the mind suddenly goes blank
Excessive, repetitive or agitated body movements that have no obvious purpose
As well as manic symptoms such as:
talking too fast
Racing thoughts
Difficulty thinking and concentrating
Inflated self-esteem and delusions of grandeur
They might also have depressive symptoms including:
Low energy and motivation
Appetite and weight changes
Talking too much or too little
Trouble completing projects
Apathy about school, work or relationships
Feelings of hopelessness or thoughts of suicide
Diagnosing Schizoaffective
Because there are many different sets of symptoms and one individual may not exhibit all of them it can be very complex to recognize and diagnose schizoaffective disorder. It requires more extensive exploration of a patient’s medical and psychological background. Psychiatrists must be cautious about diagnosing someone as schizoaffective and have enough expertise in order to make an official diagnosis.
In order for someone to receive a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder they will need to have experienced psychotic episodes for at least a month that involved delusions, hallucinations or disorganized thinking. They will also need to have a mood disorder that is dominant more than half of the time. If either mania or depression have been present for an extended period of time along with psychotic episodes then they will most likely be diagnosed as schizoaffective.
Although schizoaffective disorder is complex, like most mental illnesses it is treatable with the help of medication and psychotherapy. Antipsychotics can be helpful for any schizophrenic symptoms and antidepressants or mood stabilizers can help treat a mood disorder. Individual psychotherapy along with group therapy can be very beneficial to help treat the sources of their symptoms.
An inpatient treatment program for a period of time can be very helpful in allowing a schizoaffective person to learn to manage their disorder and minimize their symptoms. If you think you or someone you love might have this disorder then contact a mental health professional for assistance.
The post I’m not Schizophrenic I am Schizoaffective appeared first on The Gooden Center.
source https://www.goodencenter.org/im-not-schizophrenic-schizoaffective/
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