#i truly despise the marriage situation in boruto but they’ve also written sns in such a gay way still that i’m like . damn
snakecat · 1 year
if u see sasuke as anything other than completely whipped then ur wrong. uchihas canonically have their “person” who is their closest friend, their weak spot, etc. sasuke spends the entire original series acknowledging his close bond with naruto and trying to get rid of it cuz he thinks it makes him weak. at the end of naruto, he’s like “man, i wanna die” and naruto says “NO, you’re going to live and help me rebuild konoha” and sasuke is like “ugh fine whatever” and then spends all of boruto avoiding his family, running around saying “where’s naruto” and then proceeding to have secret meetings with naruto in the woods and going to restaurants with him. sasuke is not the coldhearted bitch he wants u to believe he is
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