#i’ll try putting in a readmore but if tumbly doesn’t accept it I apologizs
notsosilentmonsters · 5 years
What do the monsters think of people in the Order? like Claudia, Walter, Dahlia, ect
Oh boy this’ll be a long one
Re: Claudia and Dahlia, most monsters are kind of scared of them. Claudia especially, she’s kind of a monster whisperer of sorts? She has this strange aura, monsters find it oddly soothing and distressing at the same time. Dahlia is was just strange. Monsters generally feel chaotic around her. Valtiel- as we are all aware he is omniscient- sees a sort of authoritative and leader-like quality with Claudia. She’s capable of taking things into her direction and can reliably lead situations to her favor as long as she is in charge 100%. Dahlia however has a very emotional quality to her methods, but is also strategic to a degree. When something goes awry she’s more likely to get frustrated and angry than to hurry to solve it.
Re: Walter, he’s a very calm, level-headed person, but gives off a very unsettling vibe. Monsters generally don’t stick around very long near him, especially ones like the Twin Victims. Valtiel thinks he has potential, but executes it very poorly. He’s an emotion-centric planner.
Re: Vincent, ew? He’s a very egotistical human being, though not as evil as one would feel comfortable with him being. Monsters tend to ignore him purely because of his association with Claudia, not really because of he himself giving off any odd vibes. Stay far, far away and it’ll be okay.
Re: Leonard. While he’s also a monster himself, a lot of other monsters will avoid him and his area. He’s just not very friendly! And also kind of dead a little bit. Just a little though.
A good portion of the “Boss” monsters don’t typically have much feeling towards the Order due to its varying states of functionality but Butcher and Valtiel and the Red Pyramids have experienced it being active. They kind of all think the cultists are annoying in varying degrees (Butcher hates them the most, surprise-surprise), but haven’t actually dealt with them one-on-one very much or at all. The other Pyramid Heads only know the Order from its involvement with Shepherd’s Glen history, other than that they’re completely clueless. Never seen a human person that obnoxious in their life (probably)
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