#i'm SICK of constantly being in varying levels of pain
demoniccaterpillar ยท 1 year
I did a few more answers to questions from the spirit worker ask list.
17. How often do you talk to your spirits?
That depends on my relationship with them. I'm pretty much constantly connected to Azazel, so we're communicating through clairaudience and telepathy throughout the day, and I have a similar open connection with my personal companion demon (his name is Shaliss, but I don't talk about him much online since he's only known to me). I talk to Dantalion and Valefor multiple times most days too, since they're the other demons who are almost always present (Dantalion is one of my Patrons and Valefor's my self-assigned "guardian demon"). I also communicate with my celestial night fairy familiar at least once or twice a day, and try to remember to say "hi" to the other lower spirits on my property.
I talk to the other Divinities I'm really close with (Ampelos, Lucifer, Vine, and Hekate) at least a few times a week. I also do a regular schedule of brief honorary rituals every week to Thor, Persephone, Dionysus, and my agathos daemon (house guardian spirit) mainly as a way of reminding myself to keep in touch with them and the rest of my inner pantheon.
How much I communicate with spirits outside my inner pantheon really varies. I've talked to Apollo every day for the last few weeks, but there have been times I went months without contacting him. Ultimately, who I talk to depends on a combination of what I'm working on (part of why I've talked to Apollo so much is because everyone around me is sick so I've been doing healing magic and also making wards against them sharing their plague with me) and whether the Divinity chooses to come around on their own.
It's true that I'm always able to make contact with at least some of my spirits, but I do need to emphasize that I didn't start out with this level of connection. In the beginning I had the same issues most spirit workers do, with my clair abilities not always working and Divinities ignoring me. Over time, I worked to strengthen and expand my natural clair abilities until they were reliable and also developed very deep connections with the spirits at the center of my practice.
25. What common advice given about spirit work do you NOT agree with?
I think the threat of "imposter spirits" pretending to be well-known Divine Spirits is vastly exaggerated by many spirit workers, especially in the Demonolatry community. Most powerful Divine Beings protect their names, meaning they deal with any lower spirit who uses that name to impersonate them, and it's rare malicious spirits take that risk. Plus, if you have even the most basic spirit senses, you'll be able to feel the difference between Divine energies and everything else once you've experienced true Divinities. If you're new and doubting if a spirit is really Divine, just do a strong cleansing while the spirit is present. Real Divinities won't be removed by cleansings or standard negative entity banishings, and shouldn't mind if you do one with them there.
Another claim I've seen frequently is that all real Divinities will follow general codes of conduct with mortals, or at least not engage in certain behaviors (the details of these codes and forbidden behaviors vary depending on the values of the mortal writing the advice). I totally understand why people want to believe Divine Beings won't do things they find morally repugnant, but that doesn't make it true. Every Divine Spirit I've met has their own personal code of ethics, which vary wildly between them, and many couldn't care less whether their ethics align with the morality of a given mortal or culture. As enlightened consciousnesses Divine Spirits aren't generally seeking to inflict pain or do harm, but it's extremely hubristic to think the entire Divine World will abide by your values or the values of your culture.
I suspect this thinking connects with the excessive fear of imposter spirits, since I frequently see people say things like "if the deity you're working with does X, then they must be an imposter". Not only is this overstating the presence of imposters, it's dangerous advice because it carries the implication that you no longer need to worry about a spirit doing "X" once you've confirmed their Divine identity, and that may not be the case.
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lichfucker ยท 4 years
I already had what I thought was a hefty amount of love, admiration, and respect in my heart for everyone who deals w chronic illness, but after four straight months of being constantly sick, in varying levels of pain and discomfort pretty much every day, completely wiped of all my energy, most days unable to do much more than sit in bed and browse tumblr, trying and failing to predict what's safe vs what will aggravate my body's incomprehensible whims... g-d you're all so fucking incredible and I love you so fucking much. four months and I feel like I'm at my breaking point. the people who've been dealing w this shit for years? and you're still here? I'm really not trying to be inspiration-porn-y, I'm just... I'm so sorry you're suffering and I'm so, so grateful you exist
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