#idk i feel like she's a bit too...passive and lacking in flaws like she's almost Too perfect
butchniqabi · 1 year
i think mercedes needs to be more bitchy. im gonna make her more bitchy
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Ask Explo--
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...you know what, you’re right. Name change effective immediately.
Askplosion #10:
Asks responding to previous posts:
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It’s okay! I figured that was what it was but it’s been so loooong.
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Ah, wow.
Um, that’s definitely not a part 2; I think that’s more like a four-parter/five-parter or something.
Sorry! No can do!
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That’s totally fair!
I think the reason I so quickly agreed with it is like--
I’ve been watching the Inuyasha sequel and it’s not like I don’t think the narrative’s apparent punching bag Moroha (who is fourteen years old) shouldn’t be punished when she does something wrong/sneaky/manipulative, but they punish her as if she’s Miroku (who was eighteen years old).
Basically, I want the punishment to take the age into account, or at least only affect Marinette on a more personal level and not be “Heart Hunter” where they take totally understandable feelings of heartache (remember, it wouldn’t have mattered which miraculous she took because Hawk Moth got the Miracle Box and Fu regardless; even beyond her emotions, I feel like she chose the best option available to her considering which temps she knew the location of) and then punish her for them by memory wiping Fu and taking away all of her temps and giving Hawk Moth the grimoire translation.
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Yes!! I really wanted to respond to this one, thank you! (It’s this one and then there was another one talking about Luka and Adrien, then talked to me about how I refer to Luka as “soft” but not in a bad way; I unfortunately don’t remember the whole thing.)
Ahaha, and yeah, I feel you. Anti-salters are a very strange conundrum I still haven’t figured out; like, I get not liking salt, but...
I mean, when I don’t like certain content, I just blacklist it. If I end up seeing it anyway due to cross-tagging or a lack of tagging, then I just blacklist the person themself. You won’t see me going after people for that very reason; I only see what people send/ask me if it’s content I don’t like.
I’m glad you’ve found some peace in this blog! Hopefully it continues to be that way for you in the future!
(and yay, a fellow INTJ!!)
New Asks:
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There are female writers? ;P I just assumed they were all locked in a closet until the male ones were like, “okay, pretend to help us here, we need one female writer to claim girl power.”
As for Ladybug all like, “Cute, isn’t she?” I think it was rhetorical (she could also be messing with him but “Glaciator” tells us that she didn’t know he crushed on her so who knows). The writers do this thing where Marinette is all panic-y and occasionally self-conscious as herself, but then as Ladybug, she suddenly gets a bit of an ego. I think it’s meant to be there in order to make Chat Noir look less... idk, “obnoxious” when he starts boosting his own ego; trying to balance the two by giving them both big heads, so to speak.
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Honestly, I feel like Adrien needs less screen time. :|
Even when he’s not on-screen, characters are usually talking about him, or you see his face in Marinette’s room/somewhere in Paris. I’m become so jaded by the guy that I don’t even think it’d matter if they remade the series and gave it a “totally good and interesting Adrien.” That’s how badly the show has made him out for me; “Adrien Agreste” the character is just... sigh, I’m so done with him.
And yeah, this whole idea about, “Marinette is [x], we need more AAAAAADRIEN!” comes off really bad, lol, especially when Adrien has very little going for him.
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(this ask ends off like there should be a part 2 but there isn’t one in my inbox, so sorry if there’s meant to be something else!)
The exact lyrics according to the wiki:
My wish for a cat who's in love, with our own Ladybug. Is that he'll get what he's always wanted! She doesn't know she loves him, only sees Adrien, But Christmas miracles always happen!
Yeah, especially nowadays, those lines bothers me. Not only does it imply “true selves,” but that it’s Chat who should be getting what he always wanted and Ladybug is the one with a problem.
Like, excuse me?
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Probably Stormy Weather, even in the first episode. Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn’t even touch her until they arrived on top of the TV station.
+ With all those effects and shots, it made it feel more action-y than typical episodes.
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Marinette, Aurore, Luka, Anarka, Jagged...
basically any name that I haven’t really heard before (”Luka” makes me think of Vocaloid but the Luka there was female), or a name that relates a lot to the character (like “Aurore” for “aurora” since she loves weather things).
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dfjbghfkdgfdgnjfdg this anon really like, “I NEED ANSWERS!!!”
It’s as if these characters hit 18 or something and just grow overnight, I swear. I’m hypothetically fine with some more variety in character height (it’s not like the show tries to be realistic, after all), but maybe don’t give us official heights if they’re gonna be this weird/inaccurate.
Especially when they change it just for the sake of a shot anyway. If you watch “Simon Says” when Ladybug and Adrien stand next to each other while looking at the picture of Adrien’s mother, the very next close-up has an obvious difference in their heights from what you just saw.
They’re 3D models!!! This shouldn’t happen!
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I... honestly never thought of the “less threatening” thing! Dang!
And yeah, Marinette isn’t helpless or incompetent, but because of the Adrien crush, it makes her that way at times since she’s always falling on him and--
...ugh, actually, yeah, don’t wanna think about those implications. Hard pass.
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I’m not familiar with that one, though Astruc deletes his tweets all the time (there was one tweet where he confirmed that Luka was poor and it only exists in screenshots now because it didn’t get archived and he deleted it almost like he realized that he was pointing out the blatant classism in the show, oops).
Yeah though, I haven’t seen anything like what you’re describing. Sorry!
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It’s okay! Sorry for having you clarify but him choosing and Marinette deciding to never give it back are very different things.
I don’t recall Chat Noir having much purpose in the final fight (in terms of both contributing and actual fighting; I know Cataclysm broke the object to release the akuma but was it needed?) so Marinette might either go cat-less or get a temp. Plagg could also be helpful in his own right because he’s small and blends in with the night, so he could hypothetically sneak up on the bad guy.
Afterwards, there’d need to be a new cat, but Adrien would also have to reconsider his actions and really think about what happened. I could also see Plagg going to Adrien’s house, half to apologize for giving the idea to Adrien that Adrien leave without telling Ladybug, but also half to call him out for giving up without consulting anyone. Adrien is a lot of conflicting things (see Adrien’s passivity compared to Chat Noir’s recklessness) so he’d have to find a middle ground within himself.
Marinette might carry Plagg around in her purse for a while and let Plagg have a say in who he goes to. Plagg might grieve for a bit over not having Adrien around (even if Adrien was flawed, Plagg didn’t ask for any of this so Marinette is doing her best here).
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That’s always the rough patch with “endgame ships.”  Once it’s obvious to the audience that they’re endgame, no more effort needs to be put into them.
The other thing too is how Kagami, for example, is friends with Marinette. Even once Adrimi sinks, she’ll presumably stay friends with her. Luka, meanwhile, is Juleka’s brother.
They have lives outside of their love interests. Adrien is so into Ladybug that he doesn’t have that; I mean, Nino is Adrien’s best friend like once in a blue moon.
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The entire class is just watching an episode and then calling on raised hands to answer what was wrong with what they just watched.
“I mean, yes, but I’m sorry, you have to be more specific to get credit.”
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I think Aeon herself is fine. It’s mostly just her transformed and that transformed name that I have a problem with (she doesn’t even look uncanny so I don’t get it). I heard there was something wrong with the name “Aeon” but searching the name doesn’t give me anything I would qualify as such so I have no idea. I just wish she was given a little less “I’m programmed to--” (makes her seem less sentient) and more “[anything that doesn’t have to do with pushing the love square]” because I feel like they might’ve done the latter to make her more “likable”? I think fans of anything usually like the “matchmaker” character provided it’s for a ship they like. Also strange that they make her a robot but Max and Markov don’t extensively interact with her, but that’s a nitpick and not a criticism of her character.
...I’m rambling, my bad lol.
(Ohhh, she was supposed to be a mummy? Like, foreshadowing her “dying”?? That went right over my head but I guess that’d be where the name Uncanny Valley came from? No clue.)
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Best case scenario is probably the middle or the end of Season 4.
And yeah, it really doesn’t matter to me what they do with the love square. Marinette had gone through too much suffering and the show goes out of its way to show how much stress Marinette is being put under (and also keeping Luka away during episodes like “Gamer 2.0″ even when it makes sense for them to be there, as if trying to make sure Marinette doesn’t have enough moments with him to forget Adrien).
Like, ah, yes, I totally believe that Marinette is in a position where she can make reasonable decisions about her love life while all circles of her life are on fire.
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If the Sonic movie of all things can have an interracial couple, there’s no reason why this show can’t, just saying.
And, even with Marinette, she’s white-passing (according to what basically everyone says, I’m really awful about recognizing race so this isn’t my field; I wasn’t aware that Ondine was Asian, for example).
Does Nadja count? Manon’s dark-skinned (I’m still not over the fact that all the kids in this show are dark-skinned; it’s not like it’s a problem from a representation standpoint - though all the kids are also all generically bratty/whiny so there’s that - but the percentages in this show are weird) while Nadja is really light-skinned, meaning either a dark-skinned husband or Manon is adopted.
Though I guess the problem then is that we don’t know, so there’s no established couple there.
Non-Miraculous Asks:
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w-who gave you the right to say such things????
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Uhhhh, that might be too broad of a question, I’m sorry!
I know this isn’t satisfactory, but I will say that my favorite genre is Fantasy/Romance (it’s why I adore Red Shoes so much; by the way, an anon asked for my opinion on that a while back and I will get to it! I’d need to watch it again to get screenshots) and my least favorite is probably Tragedy/Horror.
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I don’t think I’ve watched enough to really be able to say? I’ve kind of been all over but I’ve never fully gone through any of them outside of Miraculous. I’ve seen bits of Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Star VS the Forces of Evil (don’t know if that counts), and I meant to watch Yuki Yuna is a Hero but never got around to it. I saw the entirety of Puella Magi Madoka Magica but you guys know how I feel about that one.
Maybe Cardcaptor Sakura by default then? It was definitely not perfect but I liked some of the character dynamics (I also have a clipcut of it - basically where I go through a series/movie and cut out parts I don’t like so it’s only good stuff - so I’m cheating a little) and the male love interest was a tsundere type that I actually ended up liking, which is really rare.
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!!! That sounds sweet~ I know Sailor Moon is popular so I’ll definitely take your word for it on that one.
I would also accept a “reincarnated”/”destined lovers” trope if maybe the ship themselves are the one who set it up in the first place. I have a Lukanette AU, for example, where they basically got together and then prayed to the shrine of the renewal god that they’d “always be together,” which ended up allowing them to reincarnate over and over (as if they set up their own soulmate AU ;P) and continuously find each other.
Though I guess that’s not technically a “meant to be trope,” but still, it’s a form of it but where it was totally consensual on both sides.
Also, I finally thought of a show that ended with the ship I wanted: Gargoyles. I didn’t see the entire series, mind you, but I saw most of it and Goliath and Elisa were just... quality, I adored them.
+ With Beauty and the Beast being my favorite Disney movie, they fit right in with my tastes.
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I forget that AangToph (I think the “official” name for the ship is Taang, but don’t quote me on that) exists sometimes, maybe because I’ve never shipped Aang with anyone; I’ve got no problems with the ship though.
Ugh, and this is what I mean when I talk about people who set up these reasons behind people shipping something based on what they saw a few people do. It’s like, “you only ship Adrimi/Lukanette to spite Adrienette!!”
Meanwhile, me having shipped all three at one point and then dropped off the love square.
Also, me shipping Zutara has nothing to do with it being dark/edgy because I’ve never seen it that way (intriguing, sure but dark and edgy? lol) and also avoid dark/edgy ships like the plague.
I still laugh at people who are like, “you can’t ship it because it’s not endgaaaaame!” as if shows can dictate how and why I enjoy something. Like sure, if you want to let a show/movie spoonfeed you how you’re supposed to feel, then by all means, go ahead.
I suppose people may be theoretically happier that way, but it doesn’t make for an analytic mind.
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I legitimately thought that “AssClass” must’ve been the actual name for something until it registered with me what it actually meant.
And eh, I guess it depends on the comparison and how accurate the comparison actually is? Like, comparing Puella Magic Madoka Magica to Miraculous... they’re not really close at all, but comparing... idk, Bunnyx to Homura or the concept behind “backfiring wishes”... maybe?
(note that the rest of this post is more Puella Magi Madoka Magica salt so you can stop reading here if you’re not interested in that; I’m not sure if this is all the same anon but I don’t mind letting people vent so I let them go off~)
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why can’t we just have nice things
I agree, and I give a little eyeroll every time it’s like, “oh, this person had [miraculous]”
+ even just in general, I feel weird about any show that mentions/implies that real world famous people are [x] or [y] in their show. It breaks my immersion; real world locations are one thing but when it’s specific people (unless they’re made up characters like Santa Claus) or games just--break me.
I also don’t know what to think when there aren’t magical boys but you have these magical girls in this frilly outfits/skirts. The demographic is girls so I presume the reason must be like, “you can look pretty and still beat people up” (;P) but having so many magical girl shows without a hint of a magical boy makes me suspicious that it’s for fanservice. Sailor Moon has Tuxedo Mask but I also don’t know what that guy did outside of the meme of him doing nothing so I’ve got no clue.
(edit: I should correct myself that I’m not talking about Sailor Moon specifically; I don’t know magical girls that well, though I do know there are ones clearly intended for fanservice (you could say that for anything, to be fair, but still). It’s just that I see things like super short skirts or very “questionable” shots and I’m just like, “hm”)
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Hmmm, good question. I feel like there has to be a lot but I’m also the type who doesn’t watch a lot of TV lol. I’m just familiar with cliches and tropes and such.
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The reason I try not to use “ism”s of any kind is mostly because it’s too broad. Like, you know how the English language only has one way of saying, “I love you,” but other languages like Spanish have multiple?
It’s like that, and sometimes I think it’s too easy to throw those words out there. A “small” (possibly completely unintentional/misunderstood) offense is sexism, and then a “large” offense is called the exact same thing. I’d rather go into why something is sexist than just call it that, y’know? The only exception I make is “classism” because I feel like that’s not as... I dunno, divisive?
Anyway, for that same reason, I can’t answer firmly that, “Madoka Magica is sexist.” I will however say that it makes me uncomfortable with how the show makes out the girls being emotional because they’re young and female and then proceeds to make their life a living hell before they’re old enough to properly answer to it (I know that’s the point but that kind of makes it worse?). It doesn’t help with how all the girls have different personalities, so it’s not like you have only “crybaby girls” who are being taken advantage of; it’s basically like... all girls.
Not helped is the fact that their soul gem not only deteriorates naturally, but it can also do so faster if the girl falls into despair, which then turns them into a monster (and I know it’s kind of like an akuma thing, but the fact that it’s only girls is... I dunno, it comes off wrong?). It seems cheap that the soul gem deteriorates no matter what so it constantly needs fed even if the girl is consistently happy.
I would probably opt for the show being centered more around Kyubey being new to this or something - like, magical girls are a new thing - and then have Kyubey being surprised because they presumed that the soul gem would deteriorate naturally since “emotions are powerful but destructive to the person having them,” but then all the girls team up and help each other work out their problems. Maybe the reason magical girls are usually alone isn’t even because of the grief seed (I think that’s what it’s called?) thing not being able to be shared, but because Kyubey intentionally separates magical girls so they can’t do what the main group is doing, but Madoka is so into the idea that, “We shouldn’t have to be alone,” and so she’s constantly pulling all the girls together, which keeps them healthy.
Maybe Homura’s backstory could be that Madoka originally was more sheepish and more afraid to put herself out there, especially since she was a magical girl (who are encouraged to go it alone), which is why their soul gems were both deteriorating; they were friends but kept more of a distance, or maybe they were a team but that’s all they were. Then Madoka gives Homura the last grief seed to save her and that’s what inspires Homura and makes her see Madoka as something more than a teammate, which is why Homura actively tries to save Madoka specifically (which then encourages Madoka to want to keep everyone together as friends).
In the case that Kyubey doesn’t separate them out of concern of fRiEnDsHiP, but for another reason altogether, and then it’s ultimately their own downfall when they allow the girls to hang out and realize that it’s doing a lot of good for them.
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“cute and innocent”
That was exactly it. It’s on Kyubey’s trivia section on the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Wiki.
Before the anime's first dark plot twist aired, head writer Gen Urobuchi said on his Twitter account that the "Kyu" in Kyubey's name comes from the English word "cute". This was a lie meant to further mislead fans into thinking that Madoka Magica is an innocent happy show. In a later episode, it was revealed that "Kyubey" is, in fact, short for "incubator".
In my personal opinion, a spoiled plot can’t be “ruined” if it’s a good plot. If you told me that Kagome was trapped in the Modern era for three years and then decided to stay with Inuyasha at the end of Inuyasha, it wouldn’t/shouldn’t decrease the value when I finally see it for myself because it’s good. That’s not to say that everything should just be spoiled right out of the gate, but it’s saying that maybe your plot isn’t good if you have to rely on shock value to make it work??
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I FEEL THAT “ASSIGNING IT TO THE WHOLE GENDER” THING SO BAD. It just adds to my “the girls all have varying personalities so it’s not like Kyubey’s only after emotional crybabies or anything” salt.
I have no idea about any of the stuff about the writers so I can’t confirm or deny them. I will very much agree on the target audience thing though, especially with the whole “keeping the dark plot a secret” because really? Who is this for then? Like, the first two and a half episodes are for one demographic and then the others are--???
I dunno. Me personally, I just like feel good stories. I do like some good conflict and drama (for context, Remarried Empress is basically a webtoon that gives you things to feel salty about and then makes its own salt fic as its plot, allowing for endless streams of feels and catharsis, so I’m definitely not against drama), but there are other times where I just want to feel good watching something.
I feel like the show expects the characters to be selfless/perfect and then punishes them even though it’s their writing that’s causing them to act out. I can’t really talking about “out-of-character” but sometimes it’s just obvious where “we did this because we needed a plot/conflict.”
Like, hello? We don’t need the main characters screwing up; why can’t we just have some feel good thing where they take the day for themselves (seriously, imagine a Miraculous episode where Chat Noir actually tells Ladybug to take a couple days for herself, like maybe someone else gets the earrings for a few days as a temp while Marinette gets to breathe; IMAGINE IT). Not everything needs to be high-stakes to be interesting and you need those calmer moments so that the action-packed ones feel more intense.
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I feel like the magical girl genre as a whole can be way more complex than it’s made out to be. I think people hear the word “magical girl” and think “cute girls in short skirts talk about girl problems and fight evil with the power of friendship and accessories.”
Ugh, just the mention of Rebellion makes me sigh internally.
Congrats on working on your own magical girl story! I hope it goes well for you!
I know it’s not technically a magical girl show, but there was also Totally Spies that Astruc worked on to some degree (I think there was some characters who were based on/a loose reference to the mains from that show but I don’t remember exactly).
The thing about the female characters suffering is that they could make for good lessons on positively directing one’s emotions (like Usagi from Sailor Moon, for example, maybe having a problem with taking her anger out on her friends, but learns that she can save that rage for the bad guys; “Gamer 2.0″ from Miraculous could’ve done that, honestly, by having Ladybug absolutely WRECK all of her gaming opponents in “violent” (cartoon violence obviously) fashion). It’s just a shame that it’s not taken advantage of.
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Sayaka??? Selfish???????
*does not compute*
(Also, I wasn’t tired of them, don’t worry! It was a little overwhelming in my inbox but it’s me who’s allowing all the asks to flow in so the blame isn’t on you lol.)
I’m not sure where this obsession came from with, “you have to be selfless and you’re not allowed to use your powers for yourself.” It’s like the world’s going to end if a character leaves to go Self-Care or something. I think what happened is that shows got this idea that promoting only the giving of others is great and it’s not important to take time for yourself (even with “Gamer 2.0,” it was still Marinette playing games with everyone else, and they treated her dedication and seriousness like a bad thing when she literally did not have time to waste and they didn’t give a reason why it was good for her to take a break, only that she should).
This usually leads to the “demonization” of characters who sport a lot of self-confidence or any sort of ego. It works on both sides; Marinette is a punching bag because of her anxiety and occasional lack of confidence, but if she had an ego as Ladybug, there are parts of the fandom who deem her “obnoxious” (i.e: “Reflekdoll”). There’s a delicate balance between “be confident” and “be humble” and it’s a tightrope act.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
The baby boy himself, Whitley!
(for the ask meme)
Whitley is so my baby, I love my child so much. I’m realizing I say ‘I’m really excited for this one’ for like every character I get for this ask game, but it’s because I’m having so much fun! These take a bit to write, but they are honestly so interesting to me, so as an fyi, if anyone does have any character they want to ask my about, but thinks they might be too late, or I might be uninterested, I’m still totally interested! It just might take me a bit to answer. :)
My top three ships for the character
Whitley/Oscar is my top ship for this in canon currently. It works best if Ozpin could somehow be separated from Oscar (which is theoretically possible I guess,) but yeah. Farm boy vs rich boy, they look cute together, their personalities could vibe, and they’re both snarky, but at heart caring and compassionate. Whitley/Mercury. I mentioned this in my Mercury ask, but I was writing a fic with @why-i-hate-rwby-now where Whitley and Mercury were thrown together and had to work together to escape their abusers, and I just kind of started shipping them while writing it. O.O Also Whitley/Penny is cute as heck and I could totally see her grounding him and also making him loosen up, while Penny thinks he’s funny and interesting.
My three least favorite ships for the character
Whitley/Blake. I don’t understand this ship, Blake just feels like more of an adult atm compared to Whitley - a literal child. (Yes, I realize I ship Whit with Merc, but A. I thought Merc was sixteen while I was writing that fanfiction and he acts kind of on the young side, while Blake has been acting ‘as an adult’ and being treated ‘as an adult’ for two seasons at least while directly talking to Whitley, and has always been more of a mature character for her age anyway.) But on top of that, Blake seems to treat Whitley like an in the way child and is kinda judgey to him, while Whitley barely seems to notice her. Whitley/Henry Marigold just feels bad. And Whitley/Yang. Again, Yang has been written as a nineteen year old demanding to be treated as an adult (though I wanna say she’s less mature than Blake) but also Yang is a hotheaded character and has been acting pushy lately, and that’s fine as a character flaw, but I feel like it just puts me off her for Whitley especially.
My biggest criticism for the character
He’s treated like he’s not a victim??? Like, his abuse and neglect and even his struggles are just... Not really gone into or acknowledged very much, Weiss acts like he has to prove himself before she can show him the slightest bit of sympathy or affection when she’s his big sister, his relationship with Jacques is glossed over and he isn’t given closure there, Willow’s neglect isn’t really acknowledged seriously, Winter seeming totally disinterested in him doesn’t feel like it even matters, Weiss is treated as blameless in her and Whitley’s problems. And the writing kind of frames Whitley as having gotten a redemption, when the worst things he did was be a bit of an asshole while in an abusive situation as like a fourteen-fifteen year old with no aura or glyphs or fighting ability. Emerald and Whitley’s volume 8 arcs should not be comparable! Emerald is a full on murderer and was still willingly working with Cinder to attack people as a nineteen year old woman, and yet she and Whitley are treated very similarly by the narrative (helping one person and then that ‘making up for’ their ‘past mistakes’ and then them just being on the good side and carrying the team’s actions until the pathways arrive and they both go to Vacuo. To be clear, I think this framing was too much for Whitley since he never even needed a redemption at all imo, and not enough for Emerald, the literal murderer of Penny who was just recently willingly helping Cinder try and murder Penny once again.) Whitley should’ve been treated as the child he is, he should’ve been treated as the victim he is.
My favorite thing about the character
His potential dynamics, but specifically with Weiss. He and Weiss both had almost the exact same upbringing, only Weiss actually had more support, but guys... The way the two of them coped had similarities, but were also very different. Weiss hid behind anger and sternness, Whitley hid behind peppiness and smiles. Weiss copied Winter, Whitley copied Jacques. Weiss was always afraid of people putting on acts around her, Whitley was constantly putting on acts as a means of survival. Each of them are plagued by jealousy, pettiness, judgmental behavior, and they both have good qualities that are similar, but they both are too prejudice against each other to see those good qualities and need to learn to understand where the other is coming from. Weiss is a fighter, but a follower, while Whitley seems to have a bit of a ‘fawn’ tendency, but plans and enacts schemes under the table (even if it doesn’t have to be, like with Nora! Whitley’s instincts were to just figure out how to help Nora and then go off and do it alone without telling any of the obviously antsy people with guns what he was doing - after he was spying on them lol.) I just love the possibilities that exist with two characters that are so similar, but so fundamentally different. Also I’d love to see him resentful of Winter and snarky and passive aggressive with her, and Winter not really getting the problem, and Weiss having to mediate between them. Idk, there are so many possibilities of amazing interactions and connections Whitley could have with the others, and he could be a really new, good viewpoint if he was allowed to flourish. And maybe became kind of a ‘guy in the chair’ more permanent part of the team. Like, I know we don’t need more character bloat, but let me dream!
A headcanon I have about them
Before Weiss lost her inheritance, Whitley was sort of tasked with learning everything but being head of the company, like he was learning the financial side of things, the technological side of things, ordering, inventory, scheduling, all about Dust and mine operations... And Whitley’s naturally academic and a fast learner, so he absorbed a lot of it. But yeah, I think Jacques was trying to train Whitley up to be a sort of always available PA of Weiss’s that could handle anything she didn’t want to do / was too busy to do, and that was something Whitley really resented too. His skillset was essentially being crafted around helping Weiss, but never learning how to actually manage the company itself and severely lacking in the social side of things, like he’d never be able to make a proper speech. Also, like pretty much everyone I think he plays piano and writes his own music compositions (which in my headcanons he subconsciously writes to include vocals only for him to then get bothered that even his music seems influenced by Weiss. XD) Also I know this is three headcanons, but if he had been trained to fight, he would’ve used duel pistols and would’ve eventually developed a ‘born out of trauma’ semblance.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I’d just allow his status as a victim to be recognized and for him to have the sympathy I feel his character deserves. I’d have him and Weiss both framed as having contributed to their bad relationship, but Weiss - as the sister four to five years older than him - would be the one who makes the first moves towards repairing it, proving she has changed enough to put aside her pettiness and be there for the brother she does truly love. I’d also get Willow away from him, or at least let Whitley be angry and distant and not have their relationship fixed over the course of an in-universe day. This is why I say there should’ve been another Atlas season, which I think is what I’d do when it boils down to it. With every plot point coming fast and then being pushed on the back burner for the next plot point, there’s no time to focus on any of it or to give the character’s sufficient growth from it. So then things like Willow having her hand glued to Whitley’s shoulder feels very ingenuine, because their ‘growth’ was so rushed. So yeah, I’d really just add an extra season and let Weiss recognize that Whitley is also an abuse victim, make her be the one to start making steps to be there for him, and let things like his relationship with his mother come slower and not be an easy fix. Also I’d have Winter acknowledge that she has a brother more regularly and have her actually care about him, even if she hasn’t shown it well at all.
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
Whitley has no assigned character allusion and his name doesn’t offer very many hints, since it literally just means white meadow/field snow, but it’s easy enough to assume that like Weiss and Jacques - Snow White and Jack Frost - Whitley’s character allusion has something to do with the cold. I agree with the general opinion that he’s connected to ‘the Snow Queen,’ and is likely meant to be Kai, a once kind hearted boy who gets a piece of a magic mirror in his eye that only lets him see the bad in people and gets kidnapped by the snow queen. His best friend Gerda goes on a quest to save him - encountering a land of eternal summer and a talking crow amongst other things - and temporarily forgets him due to an enchantment, but then finds him almost frozen over and saves him by crying on him and through the power of her love that literally makes people and nature bend to her will, Gerda rescues Kai and dislodges the mirror piece from his eye so that he can be cheerful again. Pretty in tune with how the writers wrote things. I don’t mind this, but if Whitley is meant to be Kai and Weiss is meant to be his Gerda, there were two missed opportunities here that could’ve been great. One, Gerda is reminded of her love for Kai whenever she sees red roses, and Ruby and Whitley have a few similar mannerisms and kind of similar coping through their ‘cheery exterior’s’ even f Ruby’s lost all her sass and Whitley’s never had her spazzy, dorky, rough around the edges traits. I think it would’ve been cute and make for a more interesting dynamic if Weiss had mentioned to Ruby in volumes 1-3 that Ruby reminds her of her brother, and if it had made Weiss both harder on Ruby (since she and Whitley are estranged and he does drive her crazy a lot lol) but it also made Ruby all the more endearing to her and is one of the reasons they could be friends fairly fast despite Weiss’s early animosity (since she loves her brother and the traits he shares with Ruby compliment hers.) The next missed opportunity I can think of is that everyone thinks Kai is dead in the Snow Queen for a bit, but Gerda doesn’t believe it and goes looking for him instead. You could easily fit this into a narrative where everyone else has given up Whitley as a lost cause, but Weiss won’t believe that and is determined to help and to get close to Whitley again, which is what I think I’d want to go with. But also, a Whitley death fake out? That could be very good and very emotional. And it’d be easy omg. Weiss could think the Hound has killed him sometime during the fight (even if just for a moment,) but also if Whitley had been the first one to fall in the void instead of going through to Vacuo O.O 
Idk if we’ll ever get his character allusion confirmed, but if it isn’t someone from the Snow Queen, I feel like the whole fandom will say “What?!” at the exact same time. XD 
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
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(credits to eternal_galaxys,metalchairz and idk where the other for the hair damn.)
If you remember the other credits please tell us so we can add them! ^_^
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU? Beforan Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Ernaci (from Erenacinae, the scientific name of hedgehogs) Sozpat (a butchered version of sociopath which is a bit of her. I need to think of better names bc I suck at it.)
Sociopathy is a term that’s been out of circulation for a while because it’s not actually very helpful and has mostly been used to stigmatize mentally ill ppl. Reading what I’ve read of her character, it seems less to me that she’s a standard or stereotypical “sociopath” (not a real thing) and is instead just Low Empathy. …I’m almost tempted to make a Shadow the Hedgehog joke here because of how you’ve described her personality, but I… shall refrain…. Still, it might be worth looking to him for some inspo since you’re hedgehog themeing her!
Either way, if you want to keep a similar sounding name, maybe you could do Schope, as a reference to Schopenhauer, a philosopher who helped establish the idea of the Hedgehog Dilemma. 
Age: 7.5 sweeps
Strife Specibus: needlekind (knitting needles but doesnt use it for knitting.)
Fetch Modus: (none yet)
You could have something like… a quill modus to further drive home the prickly theme. Everything is stored inside a spike ball. She has to reach in to grab it, but if she’s not careful she can get hurt.
Blood color: Indigo
Symbol and meaning: Sagira (Prospit, Mind)
Trolltag: doubleedgedBlabbermouth
Quirk: I actually don’t know aside from perfect caps. also commas instead of periods. Also speaks with some internet lingo. I just don’t know how to incoperate the hedgehog spikes to her quirk lol. Hun,,, you got a big storm coming on you,,,
\You could put spines around all her messages,,,/// <- Like That
Or you could have her use ->->-> When she’s being accusatory.
Special Abilities (if any): Super strength from being an Indigo-blood but doesn’t use it that much.
Lusus: Hedgehog in the size of an adult cat.
Verie Cute. I could make a joke here about like… having a hedgepony, As a hegemony pun. But that’s more of a ‘bluebloods having horse lusii’ joke and not a necessity. 
Personality: Ernaci is that one person who tries not to be an asshole. She is brutally honest (a double-edged sword) that it can hurt others without her knowing. Talkshitting is fine for her since she doesn’t feel bad after doing so. Ernaci has good intentions and ideas, it’s just that she struggles to word shit correctly so she gets misunderstood (put-foot-in-mouth 24/7). She is stuck between being a porcupine and emotionally/physically intimate. Ernaci really tries her best to overcome her flaws but the other side of her doesn’t want to change so she’s stuck again. She has a hard time showing emotions because she suppresses it. She’s also peak hedgehog’s dilemma.
EDIT: also things to add for Ernaci Sozpat: she’s also stuck between not caring about her reputation and actually giving a fuck about it and on asking help or just fucking stay like that forever.
I like this a Lot! You made her a mind character and I think all of this plays really well into that. The identity conflict, the objectivity. Mind players value action over feeling, they’re about the physical and not the spiritual and so that’s definitely something you can do with her. She knows how to Act, she knows how to Think, but she doesn’t know how to feel. And that means that when she gets close to people she can hurt them. 
So this creates a really interesting character dynamic! Desiring to get close but knowing it’s not a good idea but not knowing how to fix it or even if she wants to fix it. Being harsh with others and possibly drawing their criticism because she doesn’t understand feelings. It’s great tension!
As I said above, I also think she’s more low empathy than “sociopathic,” which just means she can’t understand how other people are feeling. It’s something you can research about online for further portrayal!
Interests: gossips, rom-com media, comedy media, film noir, self-deprecation memes, internet, internet drama (I want to add more interests but can’t think for something related to mind)
Mind is a hard one to really grab Interests for because it really is all about action. And usually facades, too. If she likes internet drama, she could probably even like like… internet trolling. Putting on a fake persona and stirring up shit on forums.
Title: Mage of Mind since she has mild sociopathic tendencies and also has to come to terms with her mind. (how can i portray her correctly lol)
I’ve said as much, but I really do agree with this. She understands Mind, Logic, Thought, and as a result she tries to passively push and form emotion to fit the mold of logic but it just doesn’t work. 
Land: (i havent thought of this one)
Land of Frost and Spines, maybe? Something chilly and spiky. 
Dream Planet: Prospit
Trivia: The songs that i’ve picked for her are also one of my favorite jams Bad Girls by Tennis, Sinful by Marina and Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. Also a lot of hedgehog jackshit because Hedgehog’s dilemma lol.   Honestly she kinda sounds like a Rage player writing this.
And oh I kind of projected on this character oof.
I like her a lot! And dw, I think she soudns more like a mind player than a rage. 
Design time!:
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Sorry for the lack of transparent background once more. But here we go! 
Hair: I made her hair a liiiittle spikier just for the Hedgehog Theme. 
Face: Her eyes looked a little too familiar, so I change them up a bit to make her look slightly harsher. I also turned her lips blue just for some Variety. And I gave her a suspiciously heartshaped mole because... Marina Diamandis. 
Body in general: I just did some color and outline edits to make things visually read a lil better! 
Sign: I just made it smaller so it wouldn’t be hidden by the kerchief. 
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thank u
hi im dumb and idk how submissions work but heres a link to a “japanese” troll that im sure youll love as of the time im sending this, it looks like the bio is incomplete, and idk if theyre ever going to complete it and whether thats a deal breaker or smth but have fun i‘m having a great time already
p.s. i love you guys ty thank u i love u too
(also when y’all submit, please submit just the whole thing like copy paste and shit thank u, we’re not out here to expose anyone)
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Nikeale Kinadi whomstve
“Yes I am japanese. No I’m not stupid.” this implies japanese people are in fact stupid and i just love that casual splash of racism. really brightens up my day
Tag: PotentialBlossom wanna explain that or………
Age: 8 sweeps
Gender: Female
Blood Color: Greenish Teal
Quirk: Please get øut øf my face ain’t that a mood. i want this troll gone
Title: Theif of Life theif of spelling correctly
Seeing the future, telepathy and stealing life i feel like two of those things shouldn’t really be in there
Theme Song: 3OH!3 Bang Bang why is there so much autotune in this song. like i know i listen to exclusively vocaloid but these are real human vocals 
Theme: Cherry blossoms
Theme: Nike Goddess of victory
those are two real distinct things
your troll’s theme is what they’re based on. almost anything can be turned into a theme: an animal, a mythical figure, a legend, a rune, etc. don’t be afraid to mix two or more things together- just make sure you’ll be able to stick with it this is like the highlight of this troll, except for the casual racism, they leave in the outline for the bio and everything, god bless
Symbol: On her skirt but what IS it
Name Explanation: Her first name is a longer version of Nike and Her last name was a random thing I did. great. real detailed and thorough thanks
Fetch Modus: yes?
Strife Specibus: ………yes?
Weapon(s) of Choice:
Japanese fan and sai 
also i love that you can research a japanese weapon but not a last name like ok
Personality: yeah me too
Brief Description:
try to balance strengths and weaknesses. this is less about number of strengths/flaws and more about how much they influence the character’s behavior
Introvert or Extrovert
Emotional or Stoic?
Both what??
Aggressive, Assertive, or Passive?
Agressive and passive what???
Which do they trust more, their head or their heart?
Both w h a t ????
Interests/Hobbies: also me
Dislikes/Pet Peeves:
Greatest Strength: me
Biggest Weakness:
Biggest Goal:
Biggest Regret:
Greatest Fear:
Darkest Secret:
Does anyone know?
How did they find out?
if you didn’t have anything here you could’ve just omitted it entirely y’know
Relationships and Crushes:
♥: (crush) Mimosa Pollux
Danny and Alice
Medium length hair. Light grey skin with a tiny bit of teal.
Clothing: in the picture
Under her kimono is a light teal t-shirt
you’re supposed to wear a “hadjuban” (undershirt) and “koshimaki” (like a loincloth) under your kimono and right on your bare skin so y’know lovin the lack of research into japanese culture before making a japanese troll but ok
i did literally two minutes’ worth of google searching for this information and i guarantee you it would take me longer to figure out what the fuck a “sai” is with just a picture in mind
She wears some leggings under her kimono also not really typical 
Tattoo of a dragon on her arm
Scars on her back from her ex Kismesis dude do you wanna explain that
Teal eyeliner and some blueish lipstick
A scar on her lip
Horns: In the picture
5'9 124 lbs somewhat muscular
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homie u might wanna put on a few pounds if u muscular
Do they need glasses or contacts?
If so, do they wear them? literally you could’ve just 
Mutations (if any): Glowing freckles
How do they hide it?
A lot of teal blush and makeup
i mean this isn’t like the worst thing possible but the entire rest of the troll makes me wanna give this a yikes
Near a forest of cherry blossom trees
Japanese snow crab
A Japanese house that is so unspecific especially because it’s confusing what time period this troll lives in assuming “japanese” culture on alternia is the same as on earth even though…….they don’t, because there is no japanese culture on alternia but ok
Game Related:
Land of flowers and peace
Prospit or Derse?
Lusus Kernelsprite she threw her Lusus and a sword to make it. okay maybe it’s just me but i love the term “threw” like she just F L U N G a fucking c r a b into her kernelsprite 
Weird ass dog cat thing that is blue and green bruh what
Chameleon consorts
Entry Item:
Japanese fan ok
Paradox Clones:
The Useless/Powerful uhhhhhh i don’t know what the “/” implies like both or either or what
Kikoan Kinadi
Rules Broken: the lack of knowledge of japanese culture when people make japanese oc’s is ASTOUNDING and that’s honestly most of what i have to knock this troll on, also the submitter included that the “creator” of this troll was asked “who designed her” to which they responded “ I cant remember”. and y’all just know how much i LOVE art theft and not crediting artists WOOOOOOHOO, the amount of conflicting information is also fascinating and the use of the template STILL IN THERE despite the fact some aren’t even filled out and there’s no disclaimer that the troll isn’t done or anything, amazing
Fantroll Rating: i love casual racism with my morning key lime pie
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