#idk i felt like mr shakespeare kind of got tired of his own play in the middle of writing it and it is not about it mixing comedy w tragedy
kashilascorner · 10 months
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Read in 2023: The Tempest (William Shakespeare)
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
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xandertheundead · 5 years
Ah! Idk if you're still taking these still Xan (just saw you post the list) but Reddie + in the rain + confessing feelings????
For you, love.
Traveling to England for their senior trip?
Planning to confess that he had been in love with one of his best friends for almost his entire life in the gardens of Shakespeare's New Place when they visited Stratford-upon-Avon?
Terrifying, but ready.
Getting him and Eddie accidentally separated from their group when neither of their cellphones allowed roaming and Eddie was starting to panic?
No ideal.
“Oh my god.” Eddie groaned, running his hands through his hair as he looked around for anyway their group could have gone. “We’re lost! We are lost! In a foreign country, Richie!”
“Okay, Eddie, calm down.” Richie muttered, pulling out the sheet of paper their teachers had given them for when free time was supposed to happen. It had a small map of the area, even if it was xeroxed and you could barely make anything out. “I mean, at least we are in a country that mainly speaks English.”
He heard Eddie groan and move to sit down on one of the benches in the garden, feeling awful that he was the reason they had been separated. He had wanted to get Eddie to this one spot in the garden and far enough away from everyone where they wouldn’t be interrupted, but by the time he’d actually been able to get Eddie away their time in the garden had been up.
Only they hadn’t known that.
He squinted as he looked at the map and then the itinerary that everyone had planned out. “We’re supposed to see a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theater thing around eight. Maybe we could just find our way there and meet up with everyone?”
He glanced back at Eddie and he felt guilt start to form at how defeated Eddie looked. The whole trip had been pretty hard on Eddie so far, first with even getting Eddie’s mom to let him go had been a fucking nightmare, then airline had mixed up the tickets so Eddie had to spend seven hours on a plane next to people he didn’t know.
Richie had offered to switch but Eddie had just told him to enjoy sitting next to Stan and Mike.
Due to severe jet-lag, half way through their first touring off the plane, Eddie had tripped on the street and beefed it on the curb. A nasty scratch surrounded by dark blue and purple bruising sat proudly right by Eddie’s left eyebrow from that. At least Richie and him got to room with each other, which would have been much more romantic if Bill and Ben hadn’t been assigned to that room as well.
Eddie looked so...defeated.
Richie bit his lip and moved so he could sit down next to the other boy, reaching out to elbow him gently when Eddie didn’t move from his position of his face in his hands. Eddie sighed and after a moment pulled his hands away to look up, his expression so resigned Richie felt a surge of anger at the universe for doing this to the guy.
“You okay?”
“Uhh, no?” Eddie replied easily. “Why would I be okay?”
“Yeah,” Richie replies softly. “England hasn’t been nice to you so far.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Eddie snorted, then growled as he ran his hands through his hair again, the curls fluffing up almost to the point where his hair stood on end. “This was so dumb. I shouldn’t have even tried to come.”
Richie frowned. “Hey! No, don’t say that! We still have like three more days here, your luck will turn around.”
The class ring Richie had in his pocket burned and he wondered if having Richie confess his feelings would be considered a good thing or a bad thing to Eddie. God, what if Eddie didn’t feel the same and this turned out to be another awful thing that happened in England for him. Just as Richie was starting to regret the idea of doing this, the sky ripped open and they were drenched by a heavy downpour. Richie winced when Eddie screamed in frustration.
“I hate this!” Eddie yelled. “All I wanted to do was go somewhere cool for my senior trip with my friends and maybe do something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile! Because it’s a new country and it’s adventurous, but no! The universe said ‘No, Eddie! We made a deal with your mom so you have the worst experience ever so you never leave Derry again!”
Richie’s glasses were starting to fog up from the cold bite of the rain, but he could still see the way the water dropped of Eddie’s curls. The thick waves trying so hard to keep their shape when being soaked with water, how the water ran down his cheeks, the freckles across his nose stood out more because his cheeks were red with anger. Eddie was beautiful and spirited even when he was mad, tired and looked like he’d fought a kangaroo and lost.
Richie took a deep breath in through his nose. “Eddie, I’m sorry.”
Eddie deflated a little. “It’s not your fault, Richie, I mean-“
“No, not that.”
Eddie frowned and looked over at him, the rain letting up just the smallest bit so he could actually see Eddie through the rain now. “What then?”
“I love you.” Eddie’s eyes widened and he stared shell-shocked as Richie continued. “I’ve loved you for a real long time. Probably since we were like eight or something, but I just didn’t know that wasn’t like ‘oh cool I love him like a brother’ instead of ‘oh cool I want to hold his hand and kiss his mouth’ kind of love. I uhh...the whole wanting to bring you to the garden thing was kind of my whole plan. I was going to tell you in it because it really pretty and I saw they had these red flowers, which I know you like red flowers, but then I got us seperated and now you’re stressing out and now we are soaked and I’m just…”
Eddie blinked.
“I’m sorry.”
They sat in silence for a few seconds, Richie not daring to look at Eddie while Eddie continued to watch nothing but him.
“That…” Richie winced at Eddie’s quiet voice, and turned his head just slightly so he could peek at Eddie. “That’s shockingly romantic coming from you.”
Richie forgot his embarrassment for a second at being offended and frowned. “Hey! That’s not fair! I’m very romantic! Remember when I asked Kelly O’Toole to homecoming sophomore year? That was-“
He stopped when Eddie presses a hand over his mouth, blinking owlishly over at his friend who just rolled his eyes.
“Richie, don’t bring up a girl you asked out when I’m about to tell you I love you too.”
Richie could only gape as Eddie took his hand away from Richie’s mouth only to replace it with his own lips. Suddenly being wet and slightly cold didn’t matter when he had his plate of spaghetti in his arms and Eddie was now in fact, his spaghetti.
The class ring on Eddie’s pinkie finger said so.
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