#idk if this will give scarlett any closure and theo cant be trusted for sure to her but
theosconfessions · 7 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
theo- yeah we moved pretty fast
scarlett- for someone who didnt want to settle down you did. but he was worthy of that right?
theo- [smirks] you know im not fan of you being passive aggressive as fuck right now. why dont you skip all this shit and ask me what you want to ask me.
scarlett- okay if dustin was the type youd settle down for. whyd you cheat on him twice? i mean the second time you full on left us. him everything you built. the first time well you just couldnt control your dick.
theo- turn the cameras off.
scarlett- sure
theo- im being serious turn the cameras off. im not putting this out there for everyone but if you have questions. fair enough. turn them off.
scarlett- cut the live, blake. say what you need to. but my phones still recording .for dad.
theo- dad knows everything im about to say to you.
scarlett- so say it again.
theo- thank you. so the first time was just stupid and im paying for that with my health. you want answers to why i left you guys and although dustin and i have been good for awhile. i never apologized to you, robin or river. that was my oversight. i could it here and give excuses but there are none. the problemw ith these types of shows, scarlett. especially with guys like me who are completely full of themselves..these shows feed into that. a house full of people who want to fuck me? as a young guy? are you kidding me? i mean, scar do you really think that it was just marlee and lillie i was involved with before dustin? i thought everyone wanted me and i acted as such. so all that aside, i turn 50. im married, i have a five year old you at home to take care of since marlees head is so far up jamis ass by then. BUT the problem is im still thinking like that. like everyone wants me. how could i say no i thought. it had nothing to do with your dad.dustin wanting kids. it had everything to dowith me. im a shitty person. no excuses. i left. and then i woke up. and then sex with strangers wasnt hitting like it did before. woke up alone strung out. still had to go to work . still had to see your father everyday knowing what i did to him. the worst thing ive ever done was hurt that man. it wasnt a quick forgive for him. i was on my knees literally some days. and he rightfully told me to fuck off. he had you guys to look out for.
scarlett- how did you get dad to forgive you? i barely remember you moving back in. you were just there.
theo- wasnt easy . like at all. and i didnt deserve his forgiveness. it took time a lot of it. i had to prove that he could trust me again. we started right back at the beginning. less sex this time though.
scarlett-youre gross
theo- some things dont change
scarlett- do you think dad trusts you now?
theo- if he doesnt? he has every right not to. but id hope in the ten years that weve patched things up that he does. id like to think he does.
scarlett- i still dont
theo- understandable. i dont think river or robin really trust me either. but im grateful youre giving me a chance scarlett. that youre even speaking to me. even if this thing started off as a witchhunt. and your dads probably going to kill me when i get home.
scarlett-[sighs] blake, start the live.
theo- whats this?
scarlett- just wrapping up. do you have any regrets in doing the bachelor?
theo- i regret how i treated the people on it.
scarlett- advice for people going into it?
theo- mm dont think with your dick.
scarlett- charming.
theo- im a charming guy.
scarlett- and where does the future take you,theo?
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