#idk why but I imagined the chain like. needing to get three blocks on a mountain
smilesrobotlover · 9 months
Sky huffed as he pulled, determination flowing through his veins. He didn’t know why the group was racing to the top while pulling these heavy blocks, but by the goddesses he was going to win. He just needed the ones helping him to also want that.
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
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softnorwegians · 6 years
Another bunch of asks that I didn’t want to leave unanswered! Note: tread lightly if you love the remakes or William or P Chris, opinions in asks not necessarily my own.
man, I can already see the fourth of july instead of may seventeenth plot...oh god! Skam Austin gets worse everytime I think about it too hard!
I think it’ll be prom or homecoming or something that’s a thing?
I had my problems with skamit but kept watching until ep 4. When italian vilde was going upstairs to hook up with you know who she actually stopped and asked italian chris if she was doing the right thing bc she was not sure and she was like wtf are you kidding me, just go with him. I just, idk, no best friend would tell you to follow some guy just like that. It might sounds stupid but that scene really made me feel so damn bad. I am afraid this remake might be a bit too much for me.
Mmm, yeah, I didn’t keep up with that one past the first ep so I don’t know. I’m glad the Italians seem to enjoy it but I could understand why they’re like “oh god, how to we explain this to non-Italians” at least once an episode. 
I think the positive thing about it being on Facebook watch is that it is the only free streaming platform it could have been on, meaning it has the potential to reach more people. I mean okay you need a fb account but that’s better than paying for Netflix or Hulu every month. Plus as of now it isn’t geoblocked. And Facebook owns Instagram so the social media can be filtered better than it would have on any other network. I just see how in terms of what US networks have to offer why FB was best
Yeah, I think it’s a fitting choice? I’m not sure how much being on a certain platform gives you a greater reach, I think some people were thinking more people might stumble onto it elsewhere.
I’m from jersey too! Man north and south jersey are like two different states. Imagine Skam Jersey City or something - never on time to anything because NJ transit sucks, the multiple malls within in a 20 minute radius is the hangout on weekdays and you go into the city or Hoboken on weekends for no reason with no money to spend. Your neighbors pretty much make your block more diverse than the UN. Real non chain pizza and Chinese take out are eaten religiously.
Jersey has a little bit of everything?? Because I was from a small-town, little suburb that was all tree-lined and beautiful. But that town was also surrounded by highways and stripmalls if you went ten-fifteen minutes in several directions?
i used to be meh about the remakes but the longer they go on the more i hate them. the european ones feel like a bunch of bad cosplayers decided to remake skam. I HATE THEM
I have this thing where it’s kind of fun to compare them at first but then the novelty wears off and I’m more “why... no...”. I generally hate remakes though so I’ve actually felt like I’ve grown as a person to be this accepting!
Lol Isak and Even were barely in s4 and when they were the storyline was either dropped halfway trough or Isak was used to further Sana's story, develop their best friends story they build in s3 or to use Isak as preacher to justify muddy waters. Just like Sana and Noora's ONLY SOLO scene did, to "call out Noora's hypocricity" but it was more to excuse and get a wise, popular character to make William look better (lol). Yet Vilde and Chris were close and had build up with Sana, not Noora...
My two least favorite scenes in Skam...
If the Uk is the biggest it's not what Scandinavia is getting. 90% is American based, it's always been like that and that's why we have so much American integrated in out cultures and also why we are also very good at English because while we study it early on we are constantly surrounded by English and American film and television.
Maybe part of that stat is the UK/USA co-productions? Like a British production company doing Skam Austin like this. 
US Willhelm looks like the most genetic white football player douschebag and he looks exactly like that scumbag from 13 reasons why. I wonder why the remakes never changes the ethnicity for Willhelm when he's supposed to be the dream goal?
Yeahhhhhhhh, it does say something that they’ve changed P Chris to a minority twice while the most popular guy is always remarkably the same.
I mean I get that Julie is doing skam Austin so it’s being critiqued more BUT there are so many other remakes going on to watch instead. So many countries have the opportunity to make skam and I’m sorry but so far they all either did an exact copy and/or are not keeping up with the point of daily updates in real time.People hate on Julie but the other creators so far have done little to adapt it correctly. Clearly from Skam Austin we see that the characters do not have to be exact copies 🤷🏻‍♀️
Well, I don’t think people were very accepting of the other remakes either? People have been pretty harsh on all of them. It’s just a different kind of harsh with Skam Austin because it’s tied up with people’s existing feelings about Julie Andem and s4 and the end of Skam and etc.
"The argument is racist" omg stop throwing that word around it actually has an important meaning and using it for something inappropriate is just defeating its purpose. Also idk if it's just because that anon is American, but not every argument needs to have an underlying note of racism in it and it's frustrating when people just use the "you're racist" card just to look better in a discussion, it just destroyes the job we put into fighting against racism when it actually matters.
Yeah, that happens a lot. There’s a thoughtful way to consider race in what we’re talking about but that’s not it.
I think skam austin is going to be another repeat of the same plot , like I think if they wanted to do something new, they would change the name at least but calling it skam austin immediately connects it to og skam and I think the other remakes have shown us just have different they can go with the plots...
I don’t know, I’ve really gone back-and-forth about how close it’s going to be? I think we have to wait and get some footage at least.
imagine how it was when she broke the news to the actors? the deal was done during s3, they must have at least thought of her going to the states, then finding out s4 is the last season.
I wonder if they did find out in stages or all at once. Was Skam ever possibly going to continue? Without Julie, maybe? I’d kind of assume she told them both at once.
I remember reading a while ago when a p Chris fan was going ***** over Jonas and that Eva didn't give Chris a chance because he's so much more than a fuckboy. They said they had seen vines of pchris and Eva and I though of course it would be vines rofl so imagine a bunch of people falling for this hot badboy over vines expecting this great badass character and then he's barely in the show? I think it's 90% Herman projection onto Chris and Eva. They love him because he's apparently hot.
Yeah, with P Chris I’m like “he’s barely there????”. At least William is a character!
it's weird that all the remakes chose to start in the middle of the school year. even weirder that skam france has chosen to put out 2 seasons in the space of about 4 months... I feel like they're doing that to dominate the skam remakes, you know to be the most predominant remake. Seems fishy to me. I don't trust them. Don't even get me started on these fake leaks of the episode for publicity!!!!! We're not falling for it! Who else could it be except THEIR OWN TEAM!!! yeesh lol sorry ANYWAY
Didn’t episodes leak twice or something? I don’t know, I’m not following it very closely. I did find the whole “just wait, things will change more after episode three!” thing annoying though.
"Is it true that skam Italian uses a white actress to play a muslim character? If so it is so wrong!!" Anon,let me just remind you that what is wrong about it is the fact that she's a non muslim girl but she wears a hijaab and plays a muslim (if we get s4..I can't imagine all the scenes with "Sana" praying, knowing she's not muslim). Please, remember that there are white muslim people and it'd be more okay for a white girl to play this character IF the actress was muslim herself I guess.
Yeah, I think you have to be careful not to conflate that, but also it is a shame that they’d change a POC character into a white character? Just because someone can be white and a Muslim doesn’t mean that’s actually a good representation of the Muslim minority there? 
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