#if anyone wants to write it kjabfkjsd
coffeebanana · 7 months
🐑 #double agent #kwami swap #fake dating
this is still a summary i swear because sometimes summaries can be snippets and this is all that popped into my head aksjfdbsk
It takes all Adrien's resolve not to back down when his father stands up at the opposite end of the table. He stares Adrien down, carefully adjusting his tie. If only hiding the Miraculous from view was enough to let Adrien forget everything his father had done. "You invited who to dinner?" His father's voice is just a few degrees cooler than the drafty dining hall. Adrien slips one hand into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the earrings he's hidden there. His other hand makes air quotes as he speaks. "My girlfriend." The silence that follows makes Adrien sick; his father probably manufactured it that way. So much about Gabriel Agreste is an act. Adrien knows that now--especially now. After all, Adrien's become the latest player in his twisted games. But that's not the lie that stings the most. It's that he now has to convince his father that this is all part of the act. That Ladybug--or Lady Noire--means nothing to him. Really. It's that Lady Noire also knows their relationship is fake. That she doesn't want anything different. It's that Adrien will do anything to protect her. It's that he's terrified of accidentally leading her to her demise. Adrien swallows nervously. "I thought that's what you wanted, father. A chance to take her Miraculous."
thanks for the ask!! 💜
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