#if i may vent: i spend my whole life swallowing books like a black hole and spending uncountable hours practicing to improve my writing
So, in Brazilian book market news, books generated by Artificial Intelligence are starting to pop up in the country's Amazon store.
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Journalists from Núcleo Jornalismo had identified new 59 books on the website on the past 30 days. Within this set, 52 titles make clear in their information the use of AI tools for text generation, placing the co-authorship for “Artificial Intelligence” or “ChatGPT”, the OpenAI chatbot. In another three cases, authorship is attributed to MidJourney (an AI focused on images), while four obtained confirmation from the report through alternative approaches, checking on YouTube.
In July, Amazon and six other leading AI companies pledged to the US White House to use technology responsibly. Representatives of these companies signed an agreement that includes the implementation of a watermarking system, which, in theory, will inform users when content on their platforms is generated by artificial intelligence algorithms.
The themes of the publications found vary from children's books to self-help works, fiction and even imitations of renowned authors. Some of them explore the metanarrative, under which ChatGPT investigates its own nature.
Núcleo also noticed 46 new coloring books in the last 30 days on Amazon alone. Everyone seems to be using the basics of digital marketing videos. However, without certainty that they were created from AI, the works were not counted.
Influential authors are also sharing concerns about another angle to this situation: spam. Some firmly argue that the volume of AI-generated books is putting detrimental pressure on Amazon, especially for indie authors. And it doesn't stop there; these authors also accuse this content of becoming a kind of “click farm”, a term that describes the mass production of questionable and superficial content to attract attention and audience.
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