#ig technically shen jiu isn't really a cheap shou
tinynerdycthulu · 5 months
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fem!, modern moshang!!! sqh writes scum gong cheap shou novels in this au and constantly has to self-censor before the chinese government does <3 when she transmigrates into one of her novels she tries to seduce beibei because everyone knows there are only three types of female characters in BL: bitch, fujoshi, lesbian, and she'd probably get murdered by sj or lbg if she wrote rpf of them. now, you'd think that their relationship explicitly being NON-platonic would make them communicate but they're still moshang so...
oh and in this universe i think shen yuan's meimei should be the one who transmigrates bc i have this vague memory of her canonically reading hardcore bondage danmei (maybe it was a headcanon?) but i feel like she'd still have discerning taste...yk maybe she hooks up with minglingning
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