#im a little concerned about the fansom culture around those
just-aro · 2 years
searching AO3 for anything except romantic relationships is just like...
me @ myself: no romance! only sex!
porn WITHOUT feelings please
"ambiguously romantic! :)" tag -> the fic involves a dramatic, romantic love confession
gen? (only fics rated g, most of which are pure fluff... and therefore not exactly my thing)
*searches fics rated E in frustration* -> did you want to learn about several kinks you definitely do not have, and one you might have, but not in that context?... oh look! one fic that seems to be what you want! and - oh. uh. wow that's terribly written.
"pwp (porn without plot)" but like. bro. it is not porn just because they are naked and kiss and there is one (1) paragraph of barely described, fade-to-black sex.
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