#im also an adult lady i dont want to write about my high school style anymore like i just really dont
boxwinebaddie · 21 days
nina do you ever plan on posting the remainder of pep?
this is nonsensical but this is how i feel ig
#i'll edit this later idk i just wanted to get this out#but idk pep like triggers the shit out of me if im real#i loved peppermint but i got very sick writing it#i was not treated kindly all the time it was v stressful#the formatting is hideous#i want to private it but i wont#im also an adult lady i dont want to write about my high school style anymore like i just really dont#like its not totally finished its mostly just dialogue and id have to fill in the gaps and think a lot idk#thinking about peppermint gives me hives#im sorry i know we loved that fanfic#and ill think about just spoiling it in one go at some point MAYBE but i just want to move on#like i seriously just want to be free of peppermint like thank you for getting me here but i have so much more i wanna do#theres so much au style i wanna flesh out ( which tbh my tfbw s+k are the most similar to pep style just Super and Villian )#new stuff i want to explore i just...i can talk about pep every once and a while but i dont really like doing it all the time#its just very overwhelming for me and i really have just moved past it so idk its ok if u dont want to stay for#my rm stuff or my other ncu stuff like if u are only here for peppermint i will not be hurt if u dont wanna stay#but im not really in the headspace to talk about it and dont really want to rip that wound open anymore im trying to heal#im glad that that fanfic brought me all of you#you were the best part of writing peppermint#thank you and i'm sorry#edit: oof u can tell where i started to have a panic attack#but feel free to ask me about tkak or the tfbw style#i can link you the references and the pinterest boards are fire i promise i am cooking a lot i feel a lot abt those
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medusa1597 · 7 years
i see u have ocs.. care to tell us about them?
!!!!!!!!! of course!!!! this is so sweet ily anon!
ok so i have four main ocs! i don’t have a particular story so far, its all very vague tbh, i like romance so there’s romantic elements but i dont really have like. a fantasy story or something like that its just four Girls hanging out ig
okay so i have:
bea (her full name is béatrice for some reason? i cant remember why beatrice but its cute anyway): she’s one of the youngest, shes like 21 (thhey’re all adults its like when you were in middle school and you’d play games and you’d be a cool adult girl? thats it thats me and my ocs). she’s an artist and she takes some art classes but she’s actually not very good at art? she has been training for years but she doesnt really have any techniques or style and people usually dont like her style but she’s really good in the way that? she does fun things when she feels like it, its not always good but it has a lot of feelings into it (i love her)! since she cant make any cash out art she works part time at a local mcdo, she does birthday party and she dresses as a clown and she hates it (she really likes clowns and children and junk food but the job is exhausting). also she’s a weird girl i guess? she’s the “danny devito but lesbian” oc i was talking about (it doesnt make sense but it kind of does)… she’s really inappropriate (she’s not rude thho shes a sweet gal) she doesnt have any filters so she says most of the thing that cross her mind without really thinking? she feels a lot, she has a loooot of emotions so it gets confusing and weird sometimes, she’s a mix of a lot of things! she really like jokes too, she’s a funny girl! she really like comedies and simple things, she still watches d.isney ch/annel like she’ll rarely make an effort to watch a drama! she really hates pretentious content or things that are considered as the top of our society’s culture, she finds those things boring and lifeless …. bea is really funny and she has a lot of emotions and love! 
fahra: i dont? really have that much about fahra to be honest she’s mostly concepts in my head (i still love her i love my vague girl) basically she’s bea’s cousin and she lives with bea and her mom since she was seven; she used to live with her parents in the u.k but both of her parents died in a car accident (i have this really vague idea that maybe her parents were starting to be famous singer so they have this kind of fallen legends aspect? and fahra’s mom is really charming and charismatic! i think fahra was raised around a lot of music and art and fashion and just? her mom’s charming old maghrebi singer aesthetic). she’s very? i used to say that she was fake mean but i think she’s not really fake mean its mostly that she doesnt trust people and she’s just a discreet girl who love judging people; she kind of built walls around her, she’s very afraid that ppl will judge her back! she really like making fun of people but she’s really protective, she loves her friends and the people she cares about; like i said she doesnt trust/open up easily so her entourage is very very important to her. she’s kind of like? a di/sney villain (like cruella? she’s mean but she stays elegant) except she’s a nice person with only good intentions and that most of the time she’s just joking around… she really like fashion (i used to say she was emo and tbh? shes like couture em.o, she definitely used to be e.mo in middle school)… she acts really mysterious and everything, its her thing, she wants people to see her as the protagonist of drama about coming out of age or something… also she really enjoys watching bad movies with bea, they’re really close (basically sisters tbh)…
solange is really cool she’s just a really cool girl? she’s fahra’s best friend and mary’s best friend (mary’s the last oc) which is probably another example of how cool and friendly she is! most people will consider her as an extremely sweet and sincere girl, she’s like? when you were younger and you tried to act super sophisticated like a princess? that’s solange except its not an act and she really acts like that naturally! she’s very princess-ish but she’s not like. just sweet cute boring, she’s very funny; you know tjose people who make jokes and they’re so subtle you’re not sure if its a joke or not? thats solange, her jokes are really absurd (like bea’s, they kind of have that goofy side in common and they both really get along for tht).. she’s really into that full ride or die aesthetic thing like she’ll show up at your birthday wearing pink fur and seven crystal necklace because she felt like it.. also she doesnt know anything abt astrology but she seems like the kind of girl who would so sometimes she just throws fake infos tht she invented abt signs and everyone agrees with her? people trust her easily which is 100% normal since she’s the best girl in the universe but also? shes not fahra’s best friend for nothing, she likes making fun of people too she kind of like messing w/people like just making up lies or acting dumb in front of ppl who dont know her well just to make her closest friend laugh…. back to the fashion thing, in high school she would show up with outfits that dont make any sense and she had terrible tastes but everyone loved her and thought she was the coolest.. she can wear ugly clothes but it’ll look amazing and trendy on her because she knows she’s cute? she has the biggest heart and she has so so so much love for her closest friends
mary has? no idea what’s going ever. she’s that feeling where you leave the house with only two hours of sleep but human and gay gheqsjk… she moved in with solange and her mom during her high school years because her family is awful and abusive. she’s solange’s oldest friend, they’re very, very close and they both trust+love each other so much!!! they know everything about each other and they both get very different when they’re around each other; mary is very shy and she doesnt like talking because she gets easily confused or lost in her thoughts but when she’s with solange she completely lost that anxiety and they both get super loud around each other (power of friendship). she’s a mess to be honest, she doesn’t have passions or anything she’s very lost in her life but she’s not unhappy either she just doesnt know what she’s doing? also she’s very good with others especially with people she cares about, i thinks its her favorite thing, she’s very good at understanding others? its very surprising coming from her but since she spends a lot of her time in her own head and she’s easily distracted she likes to focus on the people she knows to keep ground???? she hates talking but that doesnt mean she’s helpless with human contact, shes probably the best among my ocs…. she has big crush on bea whom she first saw at mc/do while she was wearing her clown outfit.
also i have the solange’s mom and hafidda (bea’s mom) but im too lazy to write a lot abt them but basically i love those cool old lady…. haffidda spends 70% of her time in pajamas no one knows how she gets away with it; shes like homer simp/sons but clever and cooler, she’s always there for young ppl and she’s very open minded..
solange’s mom is super cool, she’s very energetic? she’s the cool aunt except she’s also a mom… she loves to travel, her and solange’s dad used to travel a lot! she also lived on a boat for a while shes really cool… she divorced with solange’s dad when solange was 13 (they get along super great they just didnt felt the Spark anymore) and she has been in a relationship with another old woman (cool old bi woman!!!!!!! i love the moms gfuhdsjkq).. 
thank you for the ask anon, ily !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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weedconsortium2 · 5 years
If you’ve never listened to Chris Webby’s music–you should. In a world where the hip-hop arena is dominated by trappers and mumble rappers with tattoos on their faces and little substance to their lyrics, Webby’s well-rounded bars shine like a beacon in the dark.
Webby became a viral star last year after dropping an amazing freestyle over Dr. Dre’s “What’s The Difference” during an interview with Sway Calloway on SiriusXM. He killed it, dissing “new school” MCs and slaying crooked policy-makers:
Remember the name, C-Web, I spit sickly, I got my competition breathing hard as Chris Christie.
Beyond free-styling, Webby is a great writer. A good intro to his music can be found in his “Raw Thoughts” series, a rap trilogy where he lists all the people he does not like and explains his reasons. In the first song of this trilogy, Webby puts “scummy politicians”—as he calls them—to shame.
It’s hard not to crack up over his slick burns, as he calls the former anti-weed Attorney General Jeff Sessions an “old Smurf,” promising to “light up a doobie” on his “turf.”
As one explores Webby’s music, it’s obvious this guy is all about weed. His albums Homegrown, The Checkup, and Wednesday all feature marijuana leaves on the cover art. Webby also recorded a few odes to pot, with his recent song “Sativa” featuring famous stoner B-Real of Cypress Hill:
This sh*t is sublime. Hit it and lift up your mind. The most specific of kinds, Particular strains I’m smoking during daytime Got me feeling high and energetic at the same damn time.
Feeling the urge to talk weed with this verbose, pot-loving rapper, High Times hit up Webby to meet up.
Webby’s Love of Weed
Webby says he grew up in a weed-friendly house. His dad was a musician, and his mom was a middle school teacher. They were respected members of the community and enjoyed a good ol’ joint every once in a while.
“I caught them when I was really young and, obviously, at the time they didn’t want me to smoke weed,” Webby tells High Times. “So, when they caught me in the eighth grade, they scolded me. They were right too. They explained my brain wasn’t done forming yet. Weed is for adults.”
But, as he got older, his love of pot could no longer be contained or hidden.
“Nowadays, I smoke weed with my parents,” he says. “I think that being in that sort of a household allowed me to realize marijuana isn’t a bad thing and that people like my mom, a school teacher for more than 30 years, a pillar of society, could use it and still be good, productive people.”
Over time, Webby didn’t just develop a love of weed and a passion for advocacy, he also developed a deep understanding of the strains that best work for him.
“There’s no doubt that different types of weed will put you in different types of places,” he says. “I have my bedtime weed, I have [my] when-I-want-to-write weed, I have a nice sativa for when it’s creative time, and a nice heavy indica when I’m ready to go to bed and just need something to help me get there.”
Best. Joint. Ever
Over a long conversation, Webby discussed politicians, opioids, his ADHD and use of Adderall, and many other topics. At one point, we decided to go for a classic cannabis enthusiast question: What’s the story of the best joint you’ve ever smoked?
“Well, that one’s a thinker,” he says. “Let me think for a while. In the meantime, let me tell you the story about the guy who taught me how to roll a joint. I was in high school and I went on vacation with my buddy Nick to an island called Bequia, in the Caribbean. It’s a very small island and his family knew somebody who lived there, so we went and stayed with them.”
“I remember we would walk around this island, we met everybody, and we befriended this young Rasta named Linton. I would say was probably about 25 [years-old] or so. Linton was the fucking man. He showed us around a bunch of nights and he was always rolling joints. Up to this point, I had remained pretty unsuccessful at rolling a good joint. Linton broke it down for me and he not only taught me how to roll a joint, [but] he also taught me how to roll a joint while on the move. We walked around town and he had me rolling joints until I got it right.”
“To this day, I still use Linton’s rolling technique.”
‘Yo, Hillary’
Moving away from cannabis, we returned to “Raw Thoughts” rap. In that song, Webby does not only destroys Jeff Sessions, but he also incinerates other well-known conservative politicians like Ted Cruz (whose face puts him in a “crappy mood”) and former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt—promising to “build a pipeline through his wooden kitchen cabinets.” At one point, Webby unexpectedly recites:
But, yo, Hillary. Really? You think that I wouldn’t mention you Just ’cause I tend to be liberal with all my general views? But you’re an evil lady; [I’ll] say it ’cause I got to. I’m down to have a woman President. Just not you! You Claire Underwood-ass bitch, you wicked witch Lyin’ through your fuckin’ teeth every single chance that you get…
We asked if he was really down to have a woman president. After all, “Raw Thoughts II” is a feminist-as-hell song:
Bill O’Reilly says he’s sorry but really none of us buy it, You can’t pay me off like all of those women to keep me quiet. Who cares if he denies it, I’ll still come for him… I’ll teach that old prick to treat women with respect When I jam a pair of stainless steel scissors in his neck… Old, gross, and crusty, outdated, and rusty, Out of shape and husky. Do you know how to tell if Bill O’Reilly’s near? When you hear a woman scream: “Don’t touch me!”
“Absolutely,” he unhesitantly responded. “I think a female in the White House could be a great thing. I think that Hillary Clinton is a very poor representation of what a female in America truly is; I think she is a corrupt politician like the rest of them… And, at that point, why even put a gender on it?”
“She is the same as them,” he continues. “She is a horrible person and horrible people cannot be defined by male and female. But I think a woman in the White House could actually be a great thing. I think women think differently [and] tend to be more compassionate [and] tend to sit back and think before they act a little bit more than testosterone-driven men… There are there are differences between men and women. I’m all for equal everything, but beyond all that there is the difference between a man and a female, going back to what we are as a species, before all this society stuff came into play.”
So, what about women in cannabis? What makes the cannabis industry more receptive to women? Why are there more C-Suite female executives in cannabis than in most other industries?
“I think the marijuana industry just attracts a lot of people like us; just cooler individuals who are just with it… Of course, women can be in charge of stuff. For me, that’s a no brainer.
“I think that’s one of the coolest things about marijuana: it brings cool people together. Through my life I’ve met some of the most incredible people through just smoking a joint.”
Keep up to date with all things Webby by following him on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
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