#i loved peppermint but i got very sick writing it
boxwinebaddie · 22 days
nina do you ever plan on posting the remainder of pep?
this is nonsensical but this is how i feel ig
#i'll edit this later idk i just wanted to get this out#but idk pep like triggers the shit out of me if im real#i loved peppermint but i got very sick writing it#i was not treated kindly all the time it was v stressful#the formatting is hideous#i want to private it but i wont#im also an adult lady i dont want to write about my high school style anymore like i just really dont#like its not totally finished its mostly just dialogue and id have to fill in the gaps and think a lot idk#thinking about peppermint gives me hives#im sorry i know we loved that fanfic#and ill think about just spoiling it in one go at some point MAYBE but i just want to move on#like i seriously just want to be free of peppermint like thank you for getting me here but i have so much more i wanna do#theres so much au style i wanna flesh out ( which tbh my tfbw s+k are the most similar to pep style just Super and Villian )#new stuff i want to explore i just...i can talk about pep every once and a while but i dont really like doing it all the time#its just very overwhelming for me and i really have just moved past it so idk its ok if u dont want to stay for#my rm stuff or my other ncu stuff like if u are only here for peppermint i will not be hurt if u dont wanna stay#but im not really in the headspace to talk about it and dont really want to rip that wound open anymore im trying to heal#im glad that that fanfic brought me all of you#you were the best part of writing peppermint#thank you and i'm sorry#edit: oof u can tell where i started to have a panic attack#but feel free to ask me about tkak or the tfbw style#i can link you the references and the pinterest boards are fire i promise i am cooking a lot i feel a lot abt those
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lover-sy · 7 months
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Hi, hii! Today’s post isn’t random because I started my period yesterday and I also got sick so my energy is really drained and I want to share a few tips to maybe help some of you! ( this is the 2nd time I’m writing this so I’m a bit annoyed )
— HYDRATION : you gotta drink A LOT of water during your period. Hydration is already so important as it is but during your period it’s 10x more important
— TEA : first of all shoutout to all my tea girlies. Then, I love drinking tea ( without caffeine!) because it not only makes my cramps better because of the warmth and since i often drink peppermint and ginger ( which is really good during your period ) but i also just convince myself that tea will make me feel better so it does. ( it’a all about the mindset )
— POSITIVITY : I always try to see the good in things which also includes my period. As i told SOME PEOPLE I imagine it as the blood of my enemies.. not i’m kidding. I just tell myself that I can grow a whole human and that it’s gonna be over soon. This isn’t temporary so I shouldn’t complain because I can’t change anything about it by complaining ( I tell myself that with a lot of things. Complaining never helps )
— EATING : I try to get as many vitamins in as possible with veggies, fruits and nuts but fish and chicken is also very good for you!
— VITAMINS/SUPPLEMENTS : i only eat chicken as meat so i’m deficient in a lot of vitamins so i have to take a lot of the most important one during your period is magnesium. Even if you eat a lot of food containing magnesium ( mostly nuts ) you should consider taking some magnesium supplements
— REST : this is the key to not passing out in this week of suffering. Sleep a lot and limit your physical activity ( I’m sorry to my athletes out there. ), instead of going to the gym and doing heavy workouts stay in bed and read a nice book or do chores around the house ( also has you moving )
— MOVE : very contradictory but yoga and a bit of walking can never do harm, i love walking during my period because it makes me feel like I did something but it also doesn’t leave me completely drained from all energy.
— WARMTH : tea, warm baths, heating pads and pets ( my cats keep me warm <3 )
— DISTRACTION : this may differ from person to person but I need a lot of distraction especially when I’m just laying around in bed so I usually read a very captivating book to focus 100% and forget about the pain.
— PEOPLE : I stay in my dark room and when I’m in school talk less because I’m worried that I’ll snap at people but I usually tell my friends that I’m on my period or they figure so there isn’t any misunderstandings
— REMINDERS : you can’t do anything about the fact that you get periods, they’re normal and you shouldn’t feel ashamed about them. People who make you feel that way about them are childish. You weight may vary so don’t panic! ( i don’t weight myself during my period because it’s not my real weight so it’s of no use! ). Your energy is already low so try to stay calm and not waste it on unnecessary things or people. Drama can wait for when you’re ovulating.
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shhtickerbook · 3 months
Iced Chocolate
chapter one
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A stubborn as always Willy Wonka just has to go the extra mile for his ingredients, even if it lands him into very very cold bother.
Chapter two
Wonka agere / sick fic! This will have a few chapters, just wanted an opportunity to write some good ol comforting sick fic fluff yknow? I apologise for constantly hurting this poor chocolatier. also it is obvious at this point that abacus is a major comfort character for me lol. AO3 link below too.
“Willy you are such an idiot sometimes!”
Noodle was walking along with Willy Wonka, allowing him to lean his weight into her. Although he was much taller than she was, he didn’t weigh much and she was a strong girl for her age. The chocolatier was dripping wet and nearly frozen, he had been determined to get a supply of “freshly fallen snowflakes” for his peppermint fondant filling. But not any old snow, it has to be the purest and untouched powdered snowflakes. Both of them had snuck away outside of town, Willy claiming that the best place to find them was perched on the end of a willow tree leaf.
They had spent a few hours searching, Noodle getting colder and more irritated as time passed. Every time she was sure they had found some, it was never good enough for him. Too dirty, not a fine enough powder. Then at last, Willy called out, just as the sun was beginning to set.
“I see it!”
He ran ahead, knees riding high as he galloped through the snow. Right there resting upon a bright green leaf was a small pile of glittering untouched snow. The branch was hanging just over the now frozen river, too far to reach from bay. Noodle, gasping for breath from trying to catch up groaned at the sight.
“Willy, why does this matter so much?”
She said between gasps with her hands on her knees in exhaustion, head between her legs. Willy however, grabbed a vial from his pocket to collect the goods. As he was about to step onto the ice, a yell surprised him to step back.
“What do you think you’re doing?! That’s ice!”
She pointed out obviously, tugging at his magenta coat. As unbothered as usual, Willy pulled out his cane. And before taking any step out, he tapped it against the ice firmly. Not a single crack.
“See? It’s all good. Quit your worrying”
He chuckled, stepping out confidently onto the frozen water. Noodle not even wanting to watch, but as he continued on there were no signs of the ice cracking. Once far enough to reach, he pulled out a small metal tool to gently manoeuvre the pile of snow into the glass bottle. Very gently tapping the base of the leaf until there wasn’t a single snowflake left.
“Got it!”
Willy exclaimed, pushing the cork on top to seal in the precious substance. Noodle couldn’t help but laugh at the insanity of it all, but it was what she loved about him.
“Here, Catch!”
He gently threw the vial, Noodle just catching it before it hit the ground. The small bottle felt freezing to the touch, and when she looked closely you could see the tiny snowflakes flurrying around.
“Woah. Willy, won’t these melt by the time we’re home?”
She held it up to the now dwindling light, looking up at it in awe.
“Ah, well here’s the thing. These snowflakes-“
Willy was making his way back when an awful sound echoed beneath him. A terrifying crack that echoed and reverberated back and forth below his boots. Both Noodle and Willys eyes meeting in alarm, neither of them saying a word.
“Heh heh, it’s alright- I’ll just-“
Before he couldn’t finish his sentence, there was a terrible weightless sensation as the ice fell beneath. Silencing any cry of alarm as he was plunged into the freezing cold water. Noodle screamed, running forward in panic.
For a few seconds the chocolatier had disappeared, before suddenly Willy Wonka burst from the water with a gasp.
He was absolutely drenched, but it seemed the water level only came up to chest. Which was good as Willy wasn’t sure if he could swim very well.
“Oh, nevermind I guess”
He choked out, blinking the cold water out of his face. The adrenaline still pumping through him to find this slightly comical. Noodle however was not impressed, grabbing at his sleeve to pull him back onto land.
“Look at you! You’re gonna freeze to death”
Noodle had seen headlines in the paper, of men whom had plunged into cold water and never returned. She couldn’t believe how stupid the he was. She wanted to punch him she was so angry, but upon seeing his stupid grin she couldn’t help but chuckle in fatigue of it all.
“The snowflakes, you didn’t drop them?”
He spoke through chattered teeth, Noodle sighing. Willy could’ve drowned and all he cared about was a few snowflakes in a jar?
“Yes, it’s in my bag- but that doesn’t even matter, you need to get somewhere warm. And fast!”
And so Noodle did her best to get him back to the wash house as quickly as possible. His optimistic attitude quickly fading as they neared home. It had become a bitterly cold evening by the time they got back. Willys shivering starting to become violent, which only worried Noodle more. She banged hard on the wash house door, not caring if she alerted Mrs Scrubbit or Bleacher.
Thankfully it was Abacus who had answered, who had been wondering where on earth the pair had gotten themselves to. When he saw the state of the drenched boy, he stared them both down for a moment before sighing in exasperation.
“Get in, the both of you”
He curtly commanded, taking over noodles job by taking ahold of the frozen chocolatier. Even through his jacket he could feel how low his body temperature must be.
“I’m- ffffine Abacus. Just got a little wet. The ice was not as thick as I thhh-ought.
Willy tried to assure, but the cold felt like it was seeping into every crevice of his body. Almost as if the blood in his veins were freezing, slowly crystallising into ice. Noodle quickly relayed what had actually happened, much to Abacus’ dismay. The other workers quickly surrounding to help too. Faces full of worry and concern for their friend. Abacus examined him very carefully, he had medical experience from when he had been drafted as a young man. The boys skin was freezing cold to the touch, and shivering violently. He was clearly showing signs of hypothermia.
“Pardon my language Mr Wonka but you are truly are a stupid bugger sometimes!”
The man chastised, then carefully undressed him from his signature magenta coat, which was now sopping wet. He wrung it out best he could before folding it over a chair near the fire. Willy just stood there, all the adrenaline now expired from his body. Leaving him freezing and shivering cold, no longer feeling up to his positive mindset.
“I’m— So-orry”
He hated disappointing people, especially Abacus. Whose firm school teacher voice was extremely good at making you feel ashamed. With a sigh, he helped Willy to his feet before turning to the rest of their friends.
“Now I’m going assist Mr Wonka to his room, we’re going to need hot water bottles, blankets and likely a warm drink. Could you all manage that?”
Everybody nodded, but Noodle seemed very reluctant to leave Willys side. Abacus gently put a hand to the girls shoulder comfortingly.
“Do not worry dear, he’s going to be fine. Now if you could make up a hot drink of some kind it would be most helpful.”
He then turned back to the boy, eyebrows raised in disapproval.
“And for you, let’s get you up to your quarters before you become an icicle!”
Willy was still very cold to the touch, his lips still blue as they slowly approached their rooms. Cold beads of water fell from his curls, dribbling down his neck which was incredibly unpleasant.
“It’s okay- I’ll be fine”
Willy tried to stand up for himself, not wanting to make a bother for everybody. It was his stupid mistake. But the older man wouldn’t hear of it, practically carrying his weight into his room. Willy had bared swimming in cold water before, why was this so different?
“Oh the state of this room Mr Wonka!”
Abacus exclaimed when they both took in sight of it, clothes had been strewn across the floor, different chocolate ingredients scattered across the table. The bed completely unmade, with old socks hung upon the bedposts!
“It’s oka-y… I’ll clean it up”
Wonkas head felt funny, but he pushed on ahead. But when he tried to take a confident step forward it felt as if the world suddenly shifted on axis. Abacus grabbing ahold of him hard before he fell.
“You are clearly in no state to do so young man, you’re clearly hypothermic. Now sit down on that chair whilst I deal with this”
He scolded him firmly before placing the man on his wooden chair, he truly was a sorry sight indeed. Although no longer wearing his coat, he was still dripping cold water onto the floor.
“You must get out of these wet clothes, and with your shivering it’ll be far too tedious to do it yourself”
Without waiting for any response, Abacus made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt, then guiding his long legs from his slacks. Willy wincing as he felt the cold air hit his bare skin, frowning up at Abacus.
“Y-oure only.. makiing me even mmore cold”
He spoke between chattered teeth, feeling even colder than he did before. Especially as his bare skin hit the cold draft in the room. Abacus just chuckled in amusement, especially at the weak scowl he was receiving.
“Staying in those wet things will only keep your body temperature low, you need to be in something dry and warm”
He spoke as he wrapped a blanket around his frame, feeling how cold his skin still was to the touch. Whilst he did his best to warm up, abacus made quick work of making his bed up before guiding him over.
“Now you keep your nightclothes in here? correct?”
Willy nodded as the other man pulled out his nightgown from a drawer, infact it was the one that Abacus had lent him weeks before. The larger nightgown would be easier to dress in, and offer more warmth. Willy didn’t have the strength to fight him on whether he could dress himself, the freezing cold causing that familiar fuzzy feeling in his head try and emerge.
But he was still determined to hold onto any shred of maturity just yet, feeling very guilty about all the care and time he must be taking up. But it was quite difficult to do so when you were being nursed by another person.
“You.. don’t need to be doo-ing this”
He spoke as the nightgown was pulled over his damp curls, Abacus now replacing the blanket again over his lap in bed.
“You’re very correct, I don’t need to be doing anything. But I’d like to.”
He looked up with a smile, making a lump form in Willys throat. Yet again that fuzzy feeling had returned, swallowing hard. Before he could reply, the door burst open. Behind a stack of blankets, hot water bottles and a drink in one hand was Noodle.
“I got everything you asked for, is he okay?”
With a fond chuckle the man quickly got up to help her out, the blankets had been warmed by the fire no doubt.
“I couldn’t find any tea or things for the drink, but Piper managed to heat up some milk. Mrs Scrubbit had some tea but I didn’t dare swipe any”
Once the pile of things were removed from her grasp, she placed the mug down to check on her friend. Whom more honestly, she saw as a brother now, though she’d never said so. He looked so different, his face pale and sunken eyes. Although he still did his best to hold up a smile.
“Are you okay Willy?”
The man in question nodded weakly, peering over at the milk, clearly unimpressed by the contents. With a disgusted expression he whispered into noodles ear.
“Desk, top drawer, two- no three! large spoonfuls”
He managed to slowly list out, hoping abacus wouldn’t hear as he was busy unfolding blankets and arranging the hot water bottles beneath the thin mattress. Knowing to never apply straight heat to a person showing signs of hypothermia. Noodle giggled, pulling open the drawer in question in his chocolate making case. There was a jar of what was clearly powdered chocolate, typical.
Although as soon as Noodle was about to spoon in a third heaped spoon of the powdered chocolate, Abacus intervened.
“That’s quite enough dear, i know Mr Wonka needs his fluids but we best not overdo it. Two spoonfuls are already enough.
Noodle grinned, but Willy rolled his eyes. Abacus finished tucking the hot water bottles between the springs of the bed frame, before adding even more blanket layers around Willys body. Noodle was perched on the bed, her hand tightly wrapped around Willys. It was so cold, she couldn’t help but feel atrocious that she hadn’t warned him more. He could be so ditzy about things sometimes, always getting himself into silly situations. Thank goodness she’d been there. She felt a weak squeeze to her hand, Willy looking up at her with his kind eyes. His head was starting to feel very very fuzzy now.
“Now I think it’s best we let him get some rest, Hm?”
Noodle seemed reluctant, but stood up. But as she did she noticed something on the floor, kneeling to hold up a little knitted bird. She smiled at it before looking over at Willy.
“Is this yours? It’s so cute”
Willy felt cold for a moment, alarmed that Noodle had found Chester. But she was very kind about him, throwing him over. Willy quickly snatched the bird, he wanted to hold him up to his face like usual. But with Noodle here he felt a bit foolish doing so, instead just tucking him under the Blanket with a nod. With one last concerned smile she held on a little at the door frame.
“He will be fine Noodle. I’ll make sure of it”
Abacus assured the girl with a wink, who seemed only semi comforted by his words. But she left with a sigh, closing the door slowly. Abacus then gently taking the mug sitting on the table before handing it over to Mr Wonka.
“Drink up, it’s important to get your internal temperature up.”
But rather quickly they realised it wasn’t going to work, Willys hands were still too shaky to hold onto the drink, the contents starting to spill over the edges and down his hands.
Willy sighed in frustration, but he then felt a hand hold onto the mug for him. Abacus’ steady hand holding it at an angle. Although not as sweet as he would usually take it, the hot chocolate felt heavenly. It’s warmth blooming through his chest. He hadn’t even noticed his eyes had half lidded closed until there was no more of the hot chocolate milk. Blinking before shaking his head a little, his face blushing.
“Oh-sorry. I could’ve held it”
He mumbled out, but abacus just smiled. Abacus had a very sure suspicion that a certain chocolatier was beginning to feel little small. Especially from the way he nearly fell asleep whilst finishing that drink.
“Not at all, you’re still shivering. But are you feeling any warmer?”
Willy shuffled in his bed, almost like he was checking. The outside of him still felt very cold and shivery, but he didn’t have that awful freezing sensation in his core like before. So he just nodded with a shrug, Abacus then excusing himself for a minute. Promising to be back in just a moment, knowing he would be staying by his side for a little while and wanted to grab something.
Willy pulled out the knitted bird from the blanket, holding it through his thumb and forefinger as he pinched its chest. It was something he’d done for comfort since he was an infant, the toucans chests smooth and worn from years of love. Apart from his sacred bar of chocolate, Chester was the only thing directly from his mother. Abacus found Willy holding the birds close to his cheek when he returned, holding a book underneath his arm.
“I thought that we could continue that book from before, would you like that?”
Willy nodded, but still rather weakly considering his condition. He’d been really wanting to continue that book, but had felt too self conscious to request that they pick up where they had left off. Abacus sat himself down on a stool beside, opening the book up and letting Willy peer at it before he began to read.
“Why do they make the words so little?”
Willy shivered out at his squinted his eyes at the big blocks of text, all the letters kept on dancing around crazily and refusing to stay put. Noodles books were easier, he could use his finger to follow each one.
“Yknow what? I don’t know why either. Even with my spectacles it can be troubling to follow. But I assume it’s so there isn’t thousands upon thousands of pages”
Willy thought about a book with so many pages that you could barely open it, giggling rather deliriously to himself. Abacus looking only a little concerned, hoping he wasn’t developing any kind of fever.
But as he began to read aloud, Willy could quickly feel his eyelids feeling heavy. Which was very irritating as he had fallen asleep far too early the last time as well. He wanted to find out what happened to this funny sounding girl and her puppy. He tried his best to stay alert, jumping his head back up again when he felt himself drifting off.
“Willy, let yourself sleep.”
He chuckled, stroking back his still damp curls. Frowning as he felt how cold his skin still was. Although he saw how little Wonkas eyes fluttered in delight as ran his hand through his hair. Almost resembling a cat enjoying a good scratch, so he continued the action as he resumed reading. Just as they had reached the beginning of the third chapter, he heard a soft rumbling from Willy. Who had completely drifted off, snoring quietly.
Before leaving, Abacus carefully tucked the blanket tight around his frame. Smiling at the little knitted toucan thats wings were stretched over his pale cheek. Hopeful that the little frozen chocolatier would be able to thaw out by morning.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
love is all that i can give to you
summary: vampires in theory should not be able to procreate. you learn through a bit of an accident that such a theory is wrong. vampires being protective though? that's a theory that's pretty damn true.
fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 )
rating: t-ish? there's a bit of cursing, mild implications of violence, i'd peg it as a t.
word count: 3566
tw: blood mention, vampires, implications of hurting other people, werewolves, twilight jokes because do you really enjoy twilight to some degree if you can't joke about it? pregnancy and babies. a very blink and you miss it mention of child loss and a small mention of austin's mom.
author's note: so. once upon a time i posted an austin as a vampire fic called heart's got teeth. had blood kink, we all loved it. or like some people loved it and then life moved on. however, @diva-1992 requested vampire baby fic in the simplest forms. i said hey i should get it done within a week. that was a month ago and i'd like to formally apologize, things went real weird in my life. however, i do honor my requests when i say i'm gonna do them so hope this did what you wanted, my dear and i'd- promise that if you request something from me again i won't take this long but honestly, much like my "how long will this series be?" estimates are, my "how long will this take to write?" estimates are not the most accurate ever. i've also rewritten this more times than i want to count. not beta read but gave it a quick once over. whatever i missed blame on my two hours of sleep.
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"You smell weird." Darce says one day when you're out for coffee, an old habit that started while Austin was filming Elvis and you found yourself wanting to know more about his costars. It's comfortable and routine enough by now that despite the whirlwind that's become Austin's and your life since the release of Elvis, you purposefully make time for it in your schedule. Still, when Darce says things like that out of the blue you have to question why you still choose to hang out with the man.
"Is that your way of telling me I need to shower?" You ask slowly, taking a sip of your peppermint tea. "Because I literally showered like 10 minutes before I met you here. I know I didn't sweat that bad already."
He laughs, shaking his head. "No, it's- you normally smell like your perfume or shampoo but today you don't. You smell kind of like a bakery. Like the bread cooking, maybe a pastry? I don't know what exactly it is, it's just weird. Because I don’t know where I’m getting that smell from.”
You scrunch up your nose partially because you feel a roll of nausea overcome you at the idea of food, which- when did start to get hungry this quickly after eating- and partially because there’s zero reason you should smell like that. In the end you end up just shrugging. “Maybe you’re smelling the girls behind us. They definitely look like they’ve got some of that Bath and Body Works Vanilla stuff going on.”
Darce just laughs and his comment is quickly forgotten until later on that night when Austin says nearly the same thing.
"You taste off." Austin looks at you confused as he pulls away from your neck after taking a sip. “Are you-”
"What the hell? First Darce, now you?" You cut Austin off in a huff, attempting to pull yourself up the bed and out from under him. ‘If I call Kelvin or Alton or Olivia, are they going to tell me I sound weird? I’m pretty sure I’m not hearing weird unless I hallucinated you saying that and I can see you right in front of me looking like you didn’t just tell me I taste off.”
Austin can see that you’re working yourself up and while he has found you very attractive when you get angry, he’s not in the mood to deal with it right now and honestly he’s just as confused as you about Darce saying you smell weird combined with you tasting off somehow to him. 
“Baby- I’m not- you taste almost like you’re sick.” He pauses and very quickly follows that with more of an explanation. “I don’t think you are sick, before you start worrying. But you just taste different. Like my taste buds are telling me not to drink from you. I can't explain it. I've never really experienced this before."
Somehow that was the wrong thing to say because you very quickly follow it up with. “Oh, so now I taste like something you shouldn’t drink from. You’ve just developed an aversion to me, okay. That’s great. I get what, a few months of you drinking from me until your body decides nope, go find another-”
The growl that leaves Austin’s mouth when he kisses you trying to get you to hush up is a warning. He only ever really does it when he starts to get angry and right now hearing you go down the line of thinking he can tell you’re going down is making him see red. He wants to drink from you, he wants to turn you, he wants everything with you and he’s told you this a million times but somehow it always escapes you when your brain is making you doubt his undying- literally- love for you. 
He pulls away and his hand just grazes the side of your face. “Darling. I love you more than anything I’ve ever seen in this world. No amount of my body deciding that it’s not okay for me to drink your blood will change that. Calm down. I’ll ask one of my older vampire friends. Okay? They might have experience with this sort of thing.”
You nuzzle at his hand, your temper cooling just a bit because he’s right. He does love you so very much and he reminds you of that every day. “You promise?”
He smiles slightly and kisses your forehead. “Promise.”
He actually forgets to ask because despite not drinking from you- well you happen to enjoy the night anyway. But the whole thing is forgotten anyway until one night a few weeks later when you’ve fallen asleep as you’ve been doing so often lately and Austin comes home from a hunt to hear your heart beating far too fast for everything to be okay. He trips over a chair or two before he gets to your shared room only to find you fast asleep. Breathing just fine with your nightgown a little tight over your chest but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He looks at your sleeping form in confusion trying to focus on the heartbeat he hears only to realize it’s not yours.If he focuses enough he can hear yours sounding normal but the overwhelming one, the one that has him falling to his knees is still coming from you just not where your heart is. 
“You’re- Holy shit, you’re pregnant.” He whispers to himself knowing fully well you're still asleep and that you're not awake to hear him. You’re pregnant and he didn’t even realize that was possible but the proof is there, he can hear a heartbeat that beats faster than yours centered in your lower abdomen. You’re pregnant with his child that he figured he’d never have. He wants to wake you up and tell you, but he’s covered in blood right now and you need your sleep. God that was why you had been so tired, you were- He would tell you tomorrow morning but for now he was going to shower and curl up with his head next to your stomach just listening to your child’s heartbeat.
When you wake up it’s hard to do so, partially because waking up in general is hard right now- you’ve been so tired that you’re seriously considering going to the doctor to figure out what’s going wrong. But the other reason is that you have an Austin shaped lump kissing on your stomach. That’s weird but not entirely unheard of, especially if he’s in a mood.
“Austin?” You question, your hand moving to his head and just sort of gliding through his hair. ”Hi baby, what are you doing?”
He hums against your stomach and you can’t help but giggle at the sensation. “Kissing my baby.” His lips curl into a smirk at the joke he makes that he gets but you don’t. 
“Oh.” You respond before using you grip to pull him just slightly away from your stomach so he can look up at you. “Uh huh. Kissing your baby. I’m up here. You’re kissing my stomach.”
Austin bites his lip and just looks so happy that you are wondering what the hell is going on. Did he drink from a drunk person? Is he drunk? Is he high? What is happening right now? Your eyes narrow just a tad while Austin just grins at you, his lower lip still being slightly bitten by one of his canines. “No. I’m kissing my baby.”
You understand the words that just came out of his mouth but your brain fails to properly process them until you just stare at Austin’s grin for just a little bit longer and notice his hands are cupping your stomach. “You’re kissing your baby. I’m- Are you telling me I’m- you’re a vampire.”
“I know.” He whispers, moving from his position in your lap and up to your face where he just places a hand on either side of your face. “I can hear them, darling. That’s- You’re definitely pregnant. I don’t know how but-”
“I’m pregnant with your baby.” You manage to state, wide eyed and in such shock you feel a bit of nausea at the thought. “That you didn’t realize I could have. Oh my god.”
He nods and the grin just stays on his face as he gives you a kiss, it’s soft and gentle, almost as if he’s scared you’ll break before he pulls away. “You’re pregnant with my baby. That explains why I couldn’t drink from you. I’m not- it’s the one rule vampires have and I guess our bodies won’t even let us do it either. You taste off because you’re not just you. You’re you and our baby.”
“Our baby.” You let out a nervous laugh. You’re happy, but this is so sudden and so unexpected you don’t quite know how to react. “I- I need to go to the doctor, oh god what if it’s not human- I mean I’d still love it anyway but- Aus! I can’t drink blood what if it needs blood-” Austin shushes you with a finger to your lips.
“You would have already been craving it, baby. And all I think you’ve wanted is steak and spinach which have iron and that’s a normal pregnancy thing, I think. Ashley- no Ashley had to deal with that so that’s a normal pregnancy thing. We’ll go to the doctor, get you checked out. I’ll call up the older vampires I know. See what I can find out. We’ll- if anyone can do this, it’s you."
There's times when Austin annoys you and makes you want to drive a stake through his heart because he's being just that much of a pain in your ass. This isn't one of them, this is one of those times you find yourself so overcome with love that all you really want to do is kiss him over and over again. You sniffle a little, tears of what you think are joy threatening to spill out before you kiss Austin softly. "Austin Butler, you don't need to say something as charming as that, you've already got me pregnant."
"I'm only telling my goddess of a girlfriend the truth." He replies simply before pulling you out of bed. "Now, mama, I think you deserve a special breakfast made by your very appreciative baby daddy."
The thing is Austin before you were pregnant was protective which was fun. It was hot even, but since he found out you were pregnant it’s gotten so much worse.You swear you can’t even leave the house without him following behind you making sure you don’t fall down the two steps outside of his house and of course he needs to walk you to the car. Now that he’s at the car, oh well he might as well come with you and scare off anyone who comes anywhere within a 5 foot radius of you and your stomach.The amount of times you had to apologize for Austin’s behavior increased the further along you were. It all came to a head one day when you were going to go out for your lunch date with Darce. He had been filming a new movie and so you hadn’t seen him for months in person. He hadn’t seen you in person for months, sure you had told him you and Austin were expecting but- there was a difference between that and seeing you in person. 
“I’ll be back in a couple hours!” You shout heading to the door knowing fully well that Austin is practicing his lines for his upcoming shoot. “Love you, Aus!”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” He asks, popping his head out of the room he was in. “I can bring the script with me, it’s not a big deal.”
“It’s lunch with Darce, Austin. It’s harmless.” Your hand strays to your stomach and rubs it, more out of comfort than anything else. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” 
His eyebrow quirks up. “It’s with Darce? I thought-” You hold your hand up.
“Not another word, Mr. Butler. I will see you later, go read your lines.” You smile before making a quick getaway or what you thought was a quick getaway.
When you see Darce at the restaurant you can’t help the way you grin and end up just barreling into him with the biggest hug you could manage. Rather than just letting you hug him he picked you up, mindful of your bump. He puts you down and motions for you to twirl which you do without question. 
“You look phenomenal and I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Austin is a lucky man.” Darce pulls out your chair and waits for you to sit down. “How did you get him to let you leave his sight? I’ve seen the stories.”
You groan. “I practically ran out of the house. He was mildly offended when i told him it was you I was going out with.” 
Darce opens his mouth before shutting it with what sounds like a mix of a groan and sigh. You can’t help but tilt your head and raise an eyebrow waiting for him to say whatever has him making that noise. “I’m not- Really not surprised.” 
Now it was your turn to be making the weird noise because you’re confused. Honestly, the way Austin had been protecting you was weird but you pegged it as him wanting to protect something he didn’t know you two could have. You could understand that, but separating you from a friend? Someone who he also defines as at least somewhat of a friend just didn’t make sense. There had to be another reason because you know that Darce would protect you just like he’d protect any of his friends. “Why? Because from where I’m standing it’s just my boyfriend being mildly controlling because I’m pregnant. But maybe that’s just me.”
There is a moment when Darce just looks into the distance behind you like he has seen a thousand lifetimes pass before his eyes. It occurs to you that maybe Austin is madman and is behind you, but when you don’t hear Darce say Austin’s name you realize it’s just that Darce doesn’t want to answer the question. You start to open your mouth to speak before- “Probably because I’m a werewolf and his brain is telling him I’m going to eat you and your kid.”
“You’re not a cannibal- Hold- What.” You brain had only really processed the words going to eat you and your kid, nothing else originally but once you started speaking your brain caught up fairly quickly and you find that your head is swimming a little before you speak again. “Did you just- You’re a werewolf? You- I think I’m going to pass out.”
“Please don’t.” Darce says very quickly as soon as you start breathing a little quicker. “I thought you knew.”
“You-” You force yourself to take a calming breath because stress wasn’t good for the baby but if looks could kill the one you give Darce would do it. “In what universe do you think I assume that everyone I meet is a supernatural entity. My boyfriend being one is an anomaly and for statistical purposes I don’t count it in my daily assumption/allotment of supernatural creatures. I didn’t think-” You pause. “No one assumes vampires and werewolves are real. I can be forgiven for not thinking you were a werewolf. Were you ever going to tell me this? Was he?”
And almost as if Austin had suddenly turned into Beetlejuice or just sensed something was wrong you feel the very familiar arms of your boyfriend wrapping around your shoulders. “No, because I assumed you knew. He’s not subtle about it. Look at him.”
Any other time Austin’s arms would be a comforting balm for you but all it inspires in you in that exact moment is bit of rage and overwhelming annoyance. Your voice drops to a very sharp whisper. “You remember how I reacted when you told me you were a vampire, right honey? How I was surprised? Hm. Now what makes you think I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Darce fucking Montgomery is a werewolf. Get your arms off me, darling. I’m mad and I don’t think you’re gonna like me mad right now.”
“Baby-” Austin starts before you cut him off.
“Y/N-” Darce also starts before you cut him off in the same breath.
“No. Both of you. I-” You shrug your shoulders to get Austin’s arms off your shoulders and move to get up out of your chair, a little slower than you’d like which gives austin enough time to try and stop you. “No, I’m going to go home- I’ll leave the two of you to have a little supernatural tete a tete.” 
“Darling-” He stops himself while trying to grab ahold of your shoulders. “You know- Look at me I didn’t mean anything by not telling you. I honestly thought you knew because you took me being a vampire so well- don’t- I just want to protect you and Kenna Rose.”
You look up at Austin focusing on his eyes and how he looks like he’s liable to cry in public, something he’s never been a fan of doing even before Elvis and his newfound larger fame. It’s a sign that he’s being genuine and it makes your shoulders loosen a little and the tension to leave your frame. Austin’s still looking at you and his hand moves to your stomach when your daughter chooses that moment to actually kick at where Austin’s palm is. Any tension and most of the anger that was still in your system just sort of floats away once you see Austin’s small smile at the gesture. You’re still annoyed and both him and Darce owe you a number of things to make up for this but maybe they weren’t completely silly for thinking you knew. 
“I know Aus.” You whisper, nuzzling at his neck and placing a soft kiss there. “You’re just being- really overbearing. I know you want to protect me. And I know that you want to protect Kenna Lori Rose.” His eyebrows go up at the use of his mother’s name breaking up the name he thought you two had decided on for your daughter. “I’m not complaining about that, but Austin, trust me to know when I’m doing too much and to protect myself. I don’t want to lose her any more than you do.”
Darce pipes up from his seat. “Austin, you know you’re part of the pack- my pack at least. All three of you, I couldn’t hurt them if I tried. My wolf would rather I jump in front of a bunch of silver bullets.”
You snicker and Austin looks at you with a bit of admonishment before exhaling and getting on his knees to press a soft kiss to your stomach. Your hand moves to touch his head, your fingers running through his long locks in a bit of comfort. “I know that, Y/N. She’s just special to- I never thought I’d have a kid since I was turned and you’re giving me one. I’m getting one from the most perfect human I’ve ever met.” He places another kiss, knowing fully well that someone is probably hiding a bush across the street with a camera taking a picture of this but he can’t bring himself to care. “And you’re- Kenna Lori Rose, you snuck that one on me, darling. Naming her partially after my mom.”
The smile that crosses your lips as you shrug is soft and barely there. “She’s a miracle and her due date is on the 27th. How could I not?”
His hand moves to his eyes to wipe at them as he stands up and pulls you close to his chest. “You really had no choice.” 
“I mean, I did, but I knew it would mean something to you.” You pause and look over at Darce before turning back to Austin. “So, can I enjoy my lunch date or does Mr. Overprotective Dad need to make sure I’m eating my veggies.” 
Austin has the decency to look chagrined before he holds up his hands. “Enjoy away, I’m pretty sure Jupiter and Ashley would welcome me with open arms today.” His lips sneak a quick kiss and his hand sneaks a quick brush of your bump before he lets you go back to sitting down. He looks at Darce. “Take care of her this lunch and we’ll talk about that whole godfather thing.”
Darce doesn’t say a word when you narrow your eyes at him. You wait until Austin’s out of earshot before you say the one joke that’s actually been in the back of your mind. “This isn’t some weird imprinting thing like Twilight, right?”
Darce’s laughter almost gets the pair of you kicked out of the restaurant. 
You get your answer when Kenna is born and the first person other than you and Austin to hold her is him. It’s not. It’s just a werewolf protecting his most fragile pack member just like Austin’s thing was him protecting his coven’s most fragile member. 
It doesn’t stop after she’s born and you’re okay with it.
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
Stellar Winter Event
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“What do you mean we’re out of hot chocolate?”
Cuddling by the fireplace
“You. Me. Snowman. Now.”
Winter sport of your choice
“What’s that smell… are you making cookies?”
“Hey, no peeking!”
“You invited over HOW many people to the holiday party?!”
Christmas shopping
“Wait, did you spike the eggnog?”
“Where did all of this mistletoe come from?”
“I’m a grown adult. I don’t want to take a picture with Santa Claus.”
Trimming the tree
“Your hands are freezing!”
“Aren’t you cold like that?”
“Seriously, I told you that you would get sick going out like that.”
“What do you mean you don’t want to go sledding?”
Watching movies under a pile of blankets
Snowball fight
“I swear to god, if you sing another goddamn Christmas carol…”
“Where on EARTH did you get that sweater?”
“How did you manage to get tangled up in tinsel?”
Kissing in the snow
“Let’s go for a walk! No, we won’t freeze.”
“Here, let me help you with the scarf.”
Spending time with family
“We’ve got a white Christmas!”
“Did you eat all of my holiday chocolate?”
“Where’s all of your holiday spirit, you Scrooge?”
Opening presents
“You know, when you said ‘Christmas party,’ this isn’t what I was expecting.”
“Come on, just wear the Santa hat for a little bit?”
“There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
“Hey, cut it out. It’s the holidays.”
“Nope. This is not happening. It’s CHRISTMAS.”
“Wait, you’re not going home for Christmas?”
“Oh come on, it’s just a tradition.”
Stuck in a snowstorm
“You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.”
“Just open the damn present.”
“Hey, stop laughing and put the damn topper on the tree already.”
“If you don’t go to sleep right now, Santa’s not coming.”
“I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit but this is ridiculous.”
“What do you mean, Santa’s not real?!”
Running into each other at the airport
“No, you’ll burn the house down.”
“It’s almost midnight.”
“This is not for holiday cheer. This is blackmail.”
“Did you seriously get me a pony for Christmas?”
“No more holiday movies. Please.”
“Those cookies were for Santa!”
“Look out! It’s icy!”
“I’d like the snow a lot more if I didn’t have to drive in it.”
“Why is it so cold?”
Winter power outage
“You want to go to the mall now? ARE YOU CRAZY?”
“Shhhhh, don’t tell [pronoun of choice]!”
“Secret Santa? Really?”
“Ummm… Thank you very much for the fruitcake. I’m sure it’ll be, uh, delicious.”
“Wait, you mean this whole time, you hated peppermint?”
“I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
“What are you doing with that mistletoe– oh.”
Unexpectedly spending the holidays together
“But that carol doesn’t even make any SENSE!”
“I guess… this is when we kiss?”
“No, we’re not getting a puppy for Christmas. Stop. Asking.”
“You don’t put marshmallows in your hot chocolate? YOU HEATHEN.”
“You’re going to New York for New Year’s? Are you nuts?”
Winter proposal
“So… what are your plans for New Year’s?”
“You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–”
“Do NOT throw that snowball or else!”
“Did everyone else come with a date?”
“Hey, want to help me get my parents off my ass about not having a date?”
“Don’t you have anything else spirited that isn’t as much of an eyesore?”
“Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, love.”
It’s already November and soon it’s that time of the year, if you all know what we mean! We want to start a new event thing! Even though we have requests in progress and Lou is super buy with her final year project.
The rules are simple, send us a sentence starter along with the character you want us to write for! 
Please be advised that we only write one character max but can have more than one prompt. We may combine a few requests together [mainly because the request for the same character and the same prompt.] But we will make exceptions if you plan on giving us more details of the scenario you want. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Example: [Character of choice] with [Prompt Number]. Sample: Luffy with #1 and #13 for the Stellar Winter event. (Honestly, send it however and just make sure its clear enough for us to understand!)
The requests will be tagged with ‘Stellar Winter 2022′ which will be accessible in our tags page soon! We will stop taking requests on 31 December 2022. Be advised that if you send your request on the last day, we will still do it. And depending on our schedule and flow of requests, the release of each request will differ.
List of characters are in our rules post! 
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
🛏️ 🪨 & 🪤 for the OC ask game!
Thank you for this lovely ask! (only like 5 minutes after I reblogged the game, too! Sorry this is a couple days later).
So. I have been neglecting TDATS, which is unfair, since it's the book I'm trying to finish right now. So I'm going to give some non-POV characters some love for this game.
🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
Zjav: All the bunks aboard the ship are identical with little privacy other than a pull-down curtain and little space other than the back wall and a tiny fold-out desk. Zjav has several pictures of his daughter Alrila, one of them torn and then taped back together so his ex-wife is in the frame. He also took some of his free time to experiment until he found the right materials on board to dye his blanket in a messy patchwork of color because he was so sick of gray. He has secretly wanted a fantasy four-poster since he was a little kid, with tons of space to roll over and a full curtain around it. But that wasn't an option for him even on Earth.
January: As a geneticist, she thinks printed out cheesy science memes decorating her wall are funny. She also regularly writes out ideas and theories directly on the wall or ceiling of her bunk, despite the abundance of available screens, smearing whatever idea she'd had before. It never occurred to her to mess with the gray blanket or sheets. In general, she doesn't care too much what her space looks like as long as it's practical and she can have her memes for a chuckle.
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
I ridiculously love this question, thank you so much for sending it!!
Dlar: to him, it would be more about the sentiment than the gift itself. He takes pride in the patience and gratitude he has learned over his long life, and at 72 he's happy to play father/grandfather to just about everyone he meets. If one of these people gave him a shiny rock, he would show it off prominently in his bunk or by his workspace and be sure to tell anyone else he was talking to where he got it.
Wire: I adore him, but honestly he's a bit of a mess and he just doesn't care much about stuff. He hoards practical necessities and forgets to have fun, much less collect cool stuff. If he was feeing absentminded, he would probably set it down somewhere and never find it again. If he was a little more together, he would probably give it to his little sibling Pixel to stim with.
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
Void: If you looked at Void's programming, you would be led to believe that it could not be lured into a trap at all. But, although programming must be followed, it can manifest in unexpected ways. If there were an actual trap placed by a villain, they could use Void's friend Peppermint, who it is very close to. If this were a more lighthearted trap, a large database of obscure trivia would tempt it every time.
Tril: A serious answer is anyone in her large family, especially her older sister Ly'ore, who she literally followed into space. But that's no fun. A better answer would be the teddy bear she still secretly sleeps with in her 30's, or maybe some especially good sour candy.
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andswarwrites · 1 year
I wrote about food yesterday. Let's continue the theme and talk about drink.  I mean, I've already covered coffee and tea pretty thoroughly, but then there's sparkling water, juice, smoothies, bubble tea, and of course alcohol.  Yeah, I can write a thousand words about this.
First of all, the absolute best beverage to hydrate and refresh is water.  But tap water usually tastes nasty, especially in cities; in the country a well might be the source of the water, so you don't know how it's going to taste.  In our household we don't drink bottled water; we filter the tap water.  So the rule is, pour out what you need and replace it immediately, that way it doesn't run too low or even run out.  Guess who has trouble remembering this rule?  That's right, the youngest member of the family.  She'll learn.
We used to buy huge crates of canned sparkling water, then we figured out that the little appliance known as sodastream works out to be more cost effective, and we don't have to clutter up our small apartment with used aluminum cans.  I try to always keep at least four flavors on the counter, so I can offer a selection of refreshment.  We usually have blackberry, peach, pineapple and lime or cherry. 
When I was little, juice was not a constant, it was a treat, and you didn't get a glass of pure juice, either one of your parents diluted your glass, and if your mom did it, you got a glass of water with some juice flavor, and if your dad did it, the flavor was just right: fruity, but not sugary.  I was also allowed juice when we went out for breakfast.  And one time my grandfather took us out for dinner, and he ordered me a Shirley Temple.  I loved that drink so much, for years, I would ask if they had them on the menu when we'd go out as a family.
Speaking of juice, another appliance we purchased years ago and which is still in excellent working order is a juicer.  Not one of those high-powered juicers that deafen everyone in the vicinity the instant you turn it on.  This one is quiet, and easy to clean.  We got it after watching the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".  I used it to try a seven day juice fast, and I posted pictures of the juices to my Instagram account.  Honestly, homemade juices using fresh fruit and vegetables are very satisfying.  I felt hungry at first, but my body adjusted quickly.
And I remember the first time we went to a Chez Cora for breakfast, and I saw this luscious smoothie on the menu.  I asked if I could have one, and the answer was yes.  It came in a beautiful glass, decorated from top to bottom with fruit.  That was my first smoothie, and it was far from my last.  I went through a phase where breakfast more than half the time was a smoothie.  In the summer, using half a banana, a bit of yogurt, some dairy-free milk, and a scoop of frozen mixed fruit, then blending, that was my ritual in the morning.
Just a few blocks from where we live, we have a little place that sells bubble tea.  Just like the Shirley Temple was the epitome of a treat for me, for N- it is the Bubble Tea.  And I agree, they're delicious.  Recently I saw a sesame flavor on a take out menu.  I haven't tried it yet, but I'm curious.  I usually go for green tea flavor.  N- always chooses fruit.  At her age I loved cranberry and grapefruit.  N- can eat a bowl of cranberries as if they were a bowl of candy.  She's not too fond of grapefruit though.
Our family goes out to coffee shops fairly regularly, and if I see a London Fog or a Matcha Latte listed, I am unable to resist.  N- is still at the stage where she wants hot chocolate, but she recently discovered white chocolate with a hint of peppermint.  And she is one of the rare kids who actually like 70% cocoa or higher.  Almost all of her friends, if not all of them, only like milk chocolate.  As I stated yesterday, N- is not picky.  Chocolate is chocolate, and you have to watch her otherwise she'll eat a whole palette. 
When I turned eighteen I finished my shift at the Inn where I worked, went to the bar, and ordered a drink.  Now when I was younger I liked liquor combined with a sugary drink, such as a rum and coke, a whiskey and ginger ale, and less sweet, a gin and tonic.  I also enjoyed a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer.  Not just any beer: I like scotch ale or imperial stout, as a rule.  Like my chocolate, the darker the better.  And as far as I'm concerned, the best wine is not from France, from Australia, or from California.  It's from Greece.  Their wine tastes like sunshine in a bottle. 
I recently tried an ale that was made with buckwheat and honey.  I've tried several drinks with honey in it, and usually I find them too sweet.  But I wanted to test out this one, because I suspected that the buckwheat would add enough complexity to balance with the honey.  I was so right: the result was a drink on the level of mead.  It was exactly like a fortified wine, but it was beer.  We have a friend who makes his own batches of beer, and S- got to help him out one time.  Every time we discover a new flavor, we like to bring it with us for him to try.  Next time we visit, I'm bringing that buckwheat and honey combination.
It's April 27.  Only three more days of posting my writing.  I've been working, for the past week, on a memoir of sorts.  I suspect a lot of this month's writing will find its way into the book.  But not today's.  Today's was about having fun, seeing how much I could write on one topic, a fun, easy topic.  I can't bare my soul every day.  It's finally a sunny day, and my mood reflects it.  All week it's alternated between cloudy and rainy, so I welcome the sun.  The buds are beginning to show on the trees, the grass has shifted from light brown to green.  Spring seems to have made itself known.
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In Memoriam: V.H.
TRIGGER WARNING: Death (cancer), verbal/emotional abuse, and depression.
V.H. was my grandfather. We knew each other and were very close. He lived within a quarter mile from our old house and we would see each other almost every day. On the weekends, we would sometimes walk to a convenience store on the corner together and just chat. He’d buy me some Red Vines or a York Peppermint Patty while he got a pack of cigarettes. Unfortunately, he smoked a lot (had been doing it since he was a teenager) and was trying to quit, but it was very difficult for him. Also, he had a rather complicated relationship with my grandma. They loved each other in their own weird way, but would fight every day. You could hear the angry shouting even from outside.
My grandma tended to get more of little me’s attention because she’d act nice and distract me with tv. (This was before I learned that she was verbally and emotionally abusive towards my mother and grandfather. I was a little kid and didn’t know better.) My grandfather seemed a bit more serious at times and wanted to talk more. However, he had a good sense of humor and would joke around too. I wasn’t much of a chatty kid. So, I’d pop in to say hi and walk with him, but would often just watch tv.
Granddad was also a good cook, especially with barbecue. My grandma would call microwaved vegetables from a can and a fried egg with toast “fancy stuff”. No joke. She hates cooking. So, every holiday, he would make something nice for us. He wouldn’t eat much himself because he was diabetic and asthmatic as a result of the smoking. So, he had a strategy to control his type 2 diabetes with a specific diet and eating schedule, plus an inhaler. Unfortunately, the smoking addiction would add more problems.
The first time he got sick was when I was 10. Small cell lung cancer. He went through the chemo and radiation treatments while still trying to stop smoking. He lost a lot of weight and his temper would occasionally flare because of the nicotine withdrawal. So, the arguments between him and my grandma got worse. His tumor eventually shrunk and he went into remission. However, he was never really the same. His stamina was pretty much nonexistent and he needed a bit more help doing things.
We adjusted to help accommodate him and life moved on. I got more busy when I got into that college prep high school, but still visited both him and my grandma on the weekends. Though now I was listening to him a bit more and got to hear some of his old records, developing a taste for Blues, Jazz, African American Spirituals, and R&B. Unfortunately, during my junior year of high school, he got sick again. The cancer had metastasized to his liver and was rapidly growing. He went back on the chemo and radiation, but the cancer was far more aggressive this time.
We were still hopeful that he might survive because he managed to get through it last time. Also, we all did our parts to try to help. My mom would make special food for him that would help him gain weight back without messing with his blood sugar too much. My dad would help him do things. Grandma would take him to the doctor whenever he needed it. I would check to make sure he was hydrated and took his medicine at the right times and in the right amounts. He kept getting worse…
Eventually, he didn’t have any appetite and could barely keep anything down. My mom got frustrated. He decided that he wanted care at home. So, the nurses would come to us instead of him coming to them. We were there as often as we could and I would help the nurses since I already had an interest in medicine. They were nice enough to let me. Plus, at this time, I was 16. A minor, sure, but old enough to have an idea of what was going on. We still kept trying to get him through this. In denial about what was about to happen.
New Year’s came and he wanted us to stay with him. At this point, he could no longer speak and would write on a small whiteboard. I did my best to carefully give him water and medicine, following whatever the nurses told me to do. It got late and I was exhausted. So, I fell asleep next to him and my parents after a while, letting the nurses do their thing. A few hours later, I was woken up by an awful, gurgling, rattling noise and my grandfather’s ventilator. Then…Silence.
I got up and checked on my granddad…He was gone. I felt it like a punch in the gut, walking over in a daze to his side. I gently caressed his head and tried to talk to him. My parents noticed I was up and saw what happened. “I guess you’re not coming back from this, are you, Granddad?”, I sobbed quietly. I didn’t want to leave, but my parents gently pulled me away so the nurses could take the body away. I went numb. He was only in his 60’s when he passed. I was 16.
The funeral was a few days later. I couldn’t cry. Numb. My mother sobbed next to me and my dad comforted us both. All I could do was gently rub Mom’s back silently. I couldn’t talk, cry, or anything more. All the while, a horrible voice in my head began to whisper: “This is your fault. If you had taken away his cigarettes or treated him better, he would still be alive.” Somehow, I began to blame myself for his death. I was the last family member taking care of him. So, somehow, I messed this up, right? He was dead because of me, that horrible voice insisted. I felt like a murderer. Like I didn’t deserve to be around anymore.
Shortly after the funeral, we lost the house and one of my aunts, only adding to the grief. Then, my grandma turned on us despite begrudgingly taking us in. My first taste of the abuse that she issued towards my mother. I no longer cared whether I lived or died. However, I didn’t want to hurt my family even more. So, instead, I just buried myself in my classwork, volunteering, and projects. I barely ate or slept. Whenever I did sleep, I had nightmares of the sound of the ventilator and my grandfather’s death rattle. I managed to get accepted into college. Though I was now much thinner and had permanent dark circles under my eyes. I also had my first gray hairs.
I kept working and working and working. Nothing more. My parents got worried about me and feared that I would work myself to death. I didn’t care. They made me go out with my old friends in an effort to get my mind occupied with other stuff. I hadn’t gone out in a couple of years. So, when my friends saw me, they were shocked. One of them took me aside and said that I looked dead. Like a walking corpse. He snapped me out of it with how concerned and shocked he was at my appearance. I realized that I needed to take better care of myself. Though I still blamed myself for what happened. My friends all disagreed with me and we talked for a very long time. I felt a bit better. Though I privately still didn’t really believe them.
I made an effort to take better care of myself in an attempt to recover because there were multiple people who seemed to still care about me. My parents counted, of course, but I felt more like a burden to them than anything. Having friends talk to me about it helped considerably. Eventually, I came across a paper during my studies about small cell lung cancer…Apparently, the 5-year survival rate is 7%. It’s a very aggressive cancer which kills the vast majority of patients. I then realized that no matter how much I did (even to my unrealistically high standards), he was going to die. It wasn’t caught in time to help. In a weird way, it helped and I realized that it wasn’t my fault. With that, I slowly began to recover. Years later, I’m finally doing better. Though that experience will stay with me forever.
I still have his old music records, my commitment to biomedical science, and a determination to do research on immuno-oncology to find a way to give people like him a better chance of survival and maybe a healthier life/recovery. He’s in my thoughts every day and I make an effort to become the best researcher that I can possibly be because of him. I love you, Granddad. I hope to make you proud and save some people like you one day.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: when you wear peppermint chapstick, you discover Peter hates peppermint
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It started as an ordinary day.
You saw Peter and Ned in the dining hall between classes and went to join them like you normally did.
“Hi.” Peter smiled up at you from his seat when he saw you approaching.
“Hi, Petey.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders before moving to kiss him. He craned his neck to kiss you back but pulled away sooner than usually.
It only went downhill from there.
You looked at him curiously and sat down, wondering why he stopped kissing you so fast.
“Oh.” He grimaced as he puckered his lips.
“What?” You looked between him and Ned, hoping someone had answers.
“You’ve made a bold choice today.” Peter nodded as he wiped his mouth off on the back of his hand.
“What?” You laughed in surprised.
“A lot of bold flavors going on.” He continued, taking out a napkin to wipe his mouth.
“What is he talking about?” You asked Ned when Peter gave you no answers.
“Oh, I see.” Ned realized. “Is your chapstick spearmint?”
“No, I think it’s-“
“Peppermint.” Peter cut you off with a sour face. “It’s peppermint.”
“Am I missing something?” Your eyes shifted between the boys, still extremely confused.
“Peter hates peppermint.” Ned told you.
“You do?” You laughed and looked at your boyfriend. “Why?”
“It’s so gross. Oh my God, it’s still on me.” Peter gagged as he wiped his lips again.
“What is your problem?” You raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior. “You don’t want to be minty fresh?”
“Thats not minty fresh. That’s disgusting.” He shook his head and rubbed his face. “Ew, my hands smell like it now.”
“How did I not know you hate peppermint?” You sat back in your chair as you wondered out loud. “Is this why you threw up my my gingerbread house party last year?”
“Yes.” Peter answered. “And I guess I never told you because I assumed you would know I hate the most putrid smell on earth.”
“Peppermint is not putrid.” You laughed again, still not taking this seriously. “It’s sweet and minty.”
“No.” Peter shook his head repeatedly. “Evil spawn.”
“No, not evil spawn.” You insisted. “It’s a nice scent.”
“Princess, you know I hate to disagree with you, but I’m pretty sure Satan keeps a an diffuser with peppermint essential oil on at all times in hell.” Peter told you as he squeezed your hand.
“Now you’re just being dramatic.” You teased. “It’s just chapstick.”
You leaned in to kiss him again and he put his hand on your face to push you away.
“No. I can’t.” He gagged. “It’s too gross.”
You stared at him with a dropped jaw, not believing he just pushed you away. You realized that this wasn’t a joke to him and he actually hated peppermint.
“Fine.” You shrugged. “Then I just won’t kiss you today.”
Peter said nothing to this and instead nodded, as if he agreed. You raised an eyebrow, expecting him to object like he usually did if you said you weren’t going to kiss him. Peter was a very affection person, so you often teased him by threatening to withhold affection. You looked at Ned to see if he was seeing what you were seeing, and Ned looked scared.
“Oh No.” He gulped. “This isn’t good.”
“Peter!” You softly hit his arm, making him jump.
“What?” He asked.
“You’re supposed to protest!” You told him. “I’m your girlfriend and I just told you I’m not gonna kiss you.”
“And I’m being a good boyfriend and supporting your idea.” He smiled sweetly at you and rubbed your back. You scoffed and looked at Ned for help, but he offered none.
“School is the only place we can kiss each other anytime we want.” You reminded him. “You know Avengers are still banned from dating at the tower. Are you seriously not going to kiss me because of my chapstick?”
“It’s not because of your chapstick.” Peter told you. “It’s because of the scent of your chapstick.”
“Are you sure this is how you want to play this?” You asked Peter, giving him a chance to change his mind.
“Um…yes?” He said weakly, now worried about your sudden mood change.
“Fine.” You shrugged and stood up. “Then I’ll see you at the tower.”
“You’re not eating with us?” He asked, giving you puppy dog eyes.
“No.” You gave him a tight smile. “Clearly and me and my lips are not welcome here.”
You turned on your heel and walked away, leaving Peter and Ned alone.
“Bye!” Peter called after you. “I love you!”
“That went well for you.” Ned chuckled once you were out of sight.
“You don’t think she’s actually mad at me, is she?” Peter wondered.
“No.” MJ said, making Peter and Ned jump. “She’s not mad at you. She’s upset that you didn’t want to kiss her.”
“How long have you been listening?” Ned asked as he looked up at her.
“Since Ned said Senora Chavez had a nice ass.” MJ stated as she sat down next to Ned. “Listen, I know Y/n better than anyone-“
“Uh, I disagree.” Peter cut in. “Hi, Y/n’s boyfriends, nice to meet you.”
“Cute.” MJ deadpanned. “Best friend trumps boyfriend. Everyone knows that.”
“That’s not true.” Peter snorted. “Is it?”
“No.” Ned answered. “But I also don’t know.”
“What I’m trying to say is, you won’t win this.” MJ continued. “You have to get over your little peppermint tantrum or she won’t kiss you. Simple as that.”
“She can kiss me as long as she’s not wearing peppermint chapstick.” Peter shrugged, not seeing anything wrong with what had happened.
“She’s not gonna stop wearing peppermint chapstick, dummy.” MJ flicked him on the side of the head. “You just started a fight.”
“What? That wasn’t a fight.” Peter insisted.
“It’s a silent fight.” MJ explained. “She’s not gonna say anything about it and wait for you to apologize. If you don’t, then it becomes a real fight.”
“Apologize for what? For hating the worst smell in the world?” Peter scoffed.
“For being a diva and calling her gross.” MJ said like it was obvious.
“I didn’t call her gross.” Peter corrected. “I called her choices gross.”
“And that’s where you fucked up.” MJ made a face. “It’s fine if you don’t want my help, but you’re gonna lose your girlfriend over it.”
“That’s ridiculous.” Peter laughed in dismissal. “I am not going to lose Y/n over something as meaningless as peppermint chapstick.”
“See for yourself.” MJ shrugged and got up. “Later losers.”
Peter sat in silence for a moment as he thought about what MJ had said. You did seem upset when you left, so MJ might be right.
“You don’t think…” Peter began, and Ned knew where it was going.
“No.” Ned assured him. “But also I don’t know.”
“I’m sure we’re fine.” Peter said to convince himself. “It’s just chapstick.”
“Yeah.” Ned agreed. “Unless it’s not.”
“Yeah.” Peter worried. “Unless it’s not.”
Peter couldn’t keep the interaction off his mind all day. He could barely focus in the lab later that day when Tony had to take of you writing down chemical reactions he needed in a future experiment. If you were mad, you didn’t let on. But you also didn’t give Peter the impression that everything was fine. After ten minutes of writing in silence, he poked you with his pen.
“Psst.” He whispered.
“What?” You whispered back.
“You look pretty today.” Peter smiled softly at you.
“Oh yeah?” You tilted your head. “Then kiss me.”
Peter’s face fell, cheeky smile long gone.
“I can’t.” He whispered again.
“And why’s that?” You stopped writing to give him your full attention. Peter looked up as he thought of a good enough lie to tell you.
“I’m waiting for marriage.” He answered finally, making you nod your head.
“Were you waiting for marriage when we had sex last week?” You kept your tone neutral.
“I temporarily stopped waiting and I have now resumed.” He corrected himself.
“You’re an imbecile.” You spoke at full volume now, earning a glance from Tony.
“I hate peppermint!” Peter whined. “It’s gross!”
“Dumb and Dumber.” Tony called to you. “Is everything okay over there?”
“Yes, sir.” Peter calmed down. “Sorry, sir.”
“You’re gonna be sorry.” You laughed humorlessly as you started writing again.
“Princess.” Peter softened his voice and stroked your hair. “Just take it off and we can go back to normal.”
“I don’t want to take it off.” You shrugged. “In fact, I think I need some more.”
“Don’t.” Peter deadpanned as you reached into your pocket and took out your chapstick. You smiled sweetly at him before generously lathering the chapstick on your lips.
“Ew!” Peter began to dry heave and got out of his chair. “I’m gonna barf.”
“All right. That’s enough.” Tony sighed and stopped working. “Peter, hit the showers or something. I need you out of here.”
“Gladly.” Peter said as he glared at you.
“Gladly?” You raised an eyebrow. “And you said I was bold?”
“Y/n. You too. Out now.” Tony commanded so you gathered your things. You started putting on chapstick again, maintaining eye contact with Peter as you did it. He gagged before clutched your stomach while pinching his nose. You blew him a minty kiss before walking out of the lab with Peter following behind you.
“Are you happy now? Are you pleased as punch, Parker?” You spat as he continued walking. “Mr. Stark probably thinks we’re crazy now. Or even better, he’s gonna figure out that we’re together.”
Peter ignored you and kept walking, not wanting to talk when he was angry.
“You know what?” You continued. “He’s probably right. Since only crazy people would hate the luscious, beautiful smell of peppermint.”
Peter suddenly turned around and grabbed you, rubbing his hands over your lips to wipe off the chapstick.
“How dare you?” You gasped. “You ghoul!”
“You’re the ghoul!” He shouted back. “Peppermint is a sin!”
Steve and Nat, who were sitting in the living room and watching this unfold, exchanged a look.
“It is not!” You shouted. “You’re just being dramatic!”
“I can’t help it.” He shrugged. “This calls for drama. I hate it so much.”
“How much?” You asked as you slathered it on again. “How much do you hate it?”
“Please.” He covered his mouth and gagged. “I’m gonna be sick.”
“You need to get over this. It’s just a flavor.” You insisted.
“Demon flavor.” He shot back, hunched over with his hands in his knees and coughing.
“This is super weird, right?” Steve whispered to Nat.
“Yeah.” She nodded as she watched the scene in front of her with a disgusted look. “I think we should go.”
You watched Steve and Nat leave the room, feeling embarrassed with the strange looks they gave you. No one actually knew you and Peter were together, so you could only imagine what they were thinking. You looked back at Peter and saw that he was still gagging, bringing you to a decision.
“Fine, Peter.” You sighed and rubbed your mouth on the back of your hand. “I wiped it off. Are you okay?”
You crouched beside him and rubbed his back, worried he was actually going to puke. He slowly stood up and blew out a breath before nodding.
“Yeah. I’m sorry.” He frowned at you. “I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you.”
“I’m sorry too.” You said as you rubbed his shoulders. “We shouldn’t be yelling at each other in the hallway. Someone’s either gonna realize we’re dating or think we’re unstable.”
“Yeah. We do look a bit ridiculous.” He laughed shyly as he looked around.
“Yeah.” You chuckled as wrapped your arms around his neck. “And I’m sorry about the chapstick. I didn’t know you didn’t like it.”
“It’s my fault.” He insisted. “I should have told you. And I definitely shouldn’t have gotten that upset.”
“Maybe not.” You agreed. “But I should not have taunted you after I knew you hated it. That was mean.”
“Just a little.” He pinched his fingers together. “Are we okay now?”
“We’re okay. I love you, Petey.” You rubbed your thumb over his cheek, happy to have resolved it.
“I love you too, princess.” He smiled before leaning in to kiss you. Before your lips could touch, he sharply pulled away.
“Oh no.” He said gravely.
“I smell it.” He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to freak out.
“It?” You wondered.
“Your chapstick.” He admitted, making your groan. “I can smell it from here.”
“I wiped it off.” You whined, pulling your arms away from him.
“The smell.” He gagged. “It lingered. I cant kiss you. I’m sorry.”
“Are you serious?” You out your hands on your hips and stared at him.
“Yes.” He answered. “I’m sorry. Can we make up but not kiss?”
“You’re not gonna kiss me because of a lingering smell of peppermint?” You said as more than a statement than a question.
“This is true, yes.” Peter nodded.
“Then I’ll see you later, Parker.” You shook your head and walked away from him. Peter sighed sadly as he watched you walk away, knowing that wasn’t how he wanted to end things.
“What was that about?” Sam asked as he wandered into the hallway. He overhead the fight from the kitchen and arrived in time to watch you leaving.
“Um.” Peter thought of a way to explain what just happened. “We had a little fight.”
“About what?” He pressed.
“Y/n is wearing peppermint chapstick today.” Peter answered honestly.
“And that concerns you because…?” Sam questioned.
“I don’t like the scent of peppermint.” Peter scoffed. “Does that make me a monster?”
“So what?” Sam snorted. “It’s not like you’re kissing her.”
Peter turned his face to the side so Sam wouldn’t see his inability to keep a secret.
“Hm.” Peter nodded stiffly. “Yes. It is not like I am kissing her. That was be absurd.”
“Right.” Sam said skeptically. “Because Avengers aren’t allowed to date each other. You know that, right?”
“I know.” Peter nodded too many times. “We’re not dating. I just hate peppermint.”
“For arguments sake, let’s say you were dating.” Sam began. “Because everyone knows that you are but no one cares enough to report you.”
“What?” Peter forced a laugh. “That’s ridiculous. We’re not dating.”
“Yeah. And I’m white.” Sam humored him. “If you were dating and fighting over the flavor of her chapstick, I’d give you one piece of advice.”
“What’s that?” Peter asked.
“Get over it and go kiss your girlfriend.” Sam sighed. “It’s just a flavor, but she’s not just a girl. Don’t risk a good thing over a bad scent.”
“Wow.” Peter soaked it in. “That’s pretty good advice. Thanks Sam. I always thought you didn’t like me.”
“I don’t.” Sam told him. “But I like Y/n. And I don’t want to live in this tower while you two are going through a messy breakup. So make up or shut up. Your choice.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded confidently. “I know what I have to do.”
Peter went back to his room and began to brainstorm ways to make it up to you. Before he could put his plans into motion, he heard a knock at his door.
“Come in”. He called from his bed.
“Hey, Petey.” You spoke timidly as you opened his door. You weren’t sure if he was mad at you or not, and he was wondering the same thing about you.
“Hey, princess.” Peter smiled softly. “It’s nice to see you. I’m glad you came to see me.”
“I missed you.” You smiled back as you sat on his bed. “Whatcha doing?”
“Just taking my daily vitamins.” Peter said as he laid his gummies out. You furrowed your eyebrows and moved his hand to see what his vitamins looked like.
“These are fruit snacks.” You told him as you held up a bright orange gummy.
“I’m so fragile right now.” Peter whispered before downing his fruit snacks in one go. You chuckled a little at your boyfriends antics and scooted closer to him.
“Talk to me about it.” You said as you rubbed his arm.
“I feel as though our relationship is not in mint condition.” Peter said without looking up at you. You caught on to his pun and let out a groan.
“I’m sorry.” He smiled weakly. “You look beautiful.”
“What are you doing?” You asked skeptically.
“Giving you a compli-mint.” He fed you another pun.
“You don’t have to do this.” You assured him. “I caved. I’m wearing cherry chapstick.”
“You are?” His eyes lit up.
“Yeah. I threw the other one out.” You shrugged. “I don’t even like the smell of it. It was just the first one I grabbed this morning.”
“You don’t like the smell either?”
“It’s a little harsh on my nose.” You scrunched your nose. “Plus, it burns my lips.”
“You know what this means, don’t you?” Peter smiled wickedly.
“What does this mean?” You laughed.
“We are mint to be.” He said with a cheeky smile.
“Stop.” You whined. “The fight is over. No more puns.”
“Okay, I’ll stop.” He held up his hands. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. And I’m sorry I wouldn’t kiss you all day.”
“I’m sorry I yelled too.” You frowned and cupped his chin. “You can make up for it by kissing me now.”
Peter nodded happily and leaned in to kiss you, giving you a real kiss this time. He pulled away and kept his lips puckered, realizing he was tricked.
“You’re wearing peppermint chapstick.” He said matter of factly.
“Yep.” You smiled. “And you didn’t die, vomit, or burst into flames.”
“Hm.” Peter realized you were right. “It stings my lips a little. I kinda like it.”
“See? It’s not that bad.”
“Oh, it’s bad.” Peter corrected. “It’s just not as bad as I thought. Maybe I was a little too dramatic.”
“Maybe?” You teased.
“Fine.” Peter agreed. “But you knew I was dramatic before you started dating me. If anything, this is all your fault.”
“Why don’t we blame this on the entire concept of peppermint of call it a night?” You suggested and you laid down on his bed. Peter laid down beside you and wrapped his arm around you, still rubbing his lips together.
“You know what, princess? That sounds like a great idea.”
Tag List 🏷
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alien-baby-boy · 3 years
*Comes rolling in* Thoughts on Omegaverse??? 🎤🎤🎤 headcanon, perhaps?? (I like your headcanons best :3)
hi, ace! i like hearing from you, too. i just imagined you on rollerskates & that made me laugh so take it as you will :D
i'll split this into two parts, my thoughts on a/b/o as a whole & my headcannons for it
tw for the low tier in my thoughts, dark things that are unfortunately common in omegaverse (r*pe, abuse, drugging, etc)
Part One: Thoughts
i have read omegaverse before, it's practically a staple in any fandom. that being said there is definitely a tier of what is a good a/b/o fic & what isn't. all in my opinion, so i'm not judging the people that read "low tier", it's just not my cup of tea.
high tier- alphas, betas, and omegas all stay true to their personality or character, dynamics are seen as more of a gender & about as important as hair or eye color. omegas can function in society alone & be successful, alphas can be homemakers, etc, it all depends on the person. heats & ruts are inconvenient, sure, but it doesn't drug the person & make them useless for a week. just about any pairing has a chance at romance, not just alphas & omegas or two betas.
low tier- omegas as a whole have little personality & only want to cook, clean, have kids, etc. i admire the people that do this in real life, but there's almost no way every single omega wants the same thing. also, alphas that abuse, r*pe, or treat other dynamics as slaves because "it's in their nature" is definitely a whole can of worms i do not want to open or even look at. when omegas are basically drugged during their heats & unable to do anything except sex or self pleasure, as well as when omegas only exist to "serve their alphas"/ reproduce.
i realize a/b/o is fiction and all, but reading the kind of stuff in the low tier example makes me physically sick.
now that all the dark stuff is out of the way, here's what you're really here for
Part Two: Headcannons
L is a,,,, omega!
everyone thought he'd present as a beta, since he didn't show signs of any dynamics & generally acted like he didn't care about it while showing little emotion in daily life
L hates being an omega and cried for hours after presenting. they locked themselves in their room and refused to come out for three days until they needed to get food.
per L's request, Watari hid their dynamic in official papers & got the best suppressants, birth control, and other omega necessities that money could buy
they frequently wish they were a beta, don't ever want children or to manage a household, and wanted to remove the omega organs from their body.
since L wouldn't be able to live without said organs, they just suppress everything & ignore the warnings of various suppressant companies to use caution
L was very worried his dynamic would negatively affect his career as a detective & make the task force undermine his authority, so he hid his dynamic as much as possible while not bringing up other people's
took private self defense lessons (capoeira) to feel more in control of his body as well as on the off chance something might happen
nothing ever did, L's just paranoid.
their heats were already intense, but on the rare occasion they forget to take their suppressants, it's ten times worse.
L is about the average height of a beta, although he's much skinnier than most betas or well-fed omegas, so most people just assume he's an unclassified beta
L's pheromones smell like a combination of vanilla, orchids, and clean soap
Light is a,,, alpha!
he was very overprotective of his loved ones, even before he presented, and was raised knowing that his personality matters more than his dynamic
his family did joking bets on if he would be classified as a beta or an alpha, since he had traits of both. he loved to cook, was a very active kid, and always knew when someone was really hurt or just needed their parent to get them when he was on the playground
Light is netural on having children, but definitely wants marriage and a partner who wouldn't need to rely on him 24/7
he generally dated betas, and a few omegas before meeting L.
Light doesn't understand why L hates their dynamic so much, since omegas are respected & equal to other dynamics in japan, but he accepts them regardless
he is a firm believer in dynamic equality & is not afraid to speak about it or correct older generations when they're being rude.
Light's pheromones smell like citrus, pine, and cloves
Misa is a,,, omega!
it was no surprise when she presented, Misa has always loved attention from others, fantasizing about her wedding, dress up toys & dolls, as well as other traditionally feminine things associated with omegas.
she doesn't suppress her heat but she does take birth control since she wants to live her life independently and have a career as a pop star/ idol before starting a family
she has dated other omegas, beta, and alphas before, but generally prefers betas (*cough* like rem *cough*)
Misa has volunteered with younger abused or at risk omegas, to show them you can live however you please no matter your dynamic, and frequently campaigns for better access to heat suppressants, allowing dynamics to be removed upon request, etc
she loves being an omega and honestly couldn't imagine herself as a beta or alpha
Misa's pheromones smell like peppermint with a bit of sage mixed in
also, Rem, Ryuk, Matsuda, Watari, & Sayu are betas. Aizawa, Mogi, Soichiro, & Wedy are alphas. Sachiko, Halle, Naomi Misora, & Mello are omegas
amab omegas are pretty rare at just 15% of all omegas, while afab alphas are at 40%
betas make up a the majority at about 55% of the population being beta, 25% alpha and only 19% omega.
the missing percent is because in rare cases, like if it would put them in danger or if they're in an important political position, some people are unclassified, or they just never present medically. unclassified people generally live as betas
this is very long, but i hope you enjoyed! i've never written an a/b/o fic before, but now i feel like i could if i wanted, so thanks for the writing inspiration! until next time *waves*
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retrogradedreaming · 2 years
Heya I’m back!
Okay so, here’s a bunch from the valentines asks so, don’t feel like ya have to answer them all unless ya feel like it:
3, 8, 20, 31, 42 lmao, 46, 50
Hope you’re having a great day!
lskdfjdskl thank you for sending so many, hell yeah i'm gonna answer them all!!!
3. favorite love song?
oh this is hard because i don't really like a lot of love songs. so hang on while i look through my spotify for something i've saved.
okay i'm back and after scrolling through 200 songs i found that i only saved like 2 love songs (if you'd even call them that), so i'll say:
difficult by peppermint ollie
feel good by gryffin, illenium, daya
appalachian wine by eleventyseven
8. favorite fanfic trope?
hurt/comfort!!! i like it broadly but i'm also just a sucker for sickfic (as long as it's not like...a stomach thing. can't handle those unless i'm in a very controlled headspace). there's just something about one character caring for another when they're really vulnerable like that and in a state where they're just not having a good time, not at their best...like, a lot of people don't want someone to see them when they're not feeling well, and i really like fics where a sick character shows this side of themself to someone who cares about them and receives love even though they don't feel lovable in that moment. i could go on about this trope until the end of time, i just love it so much.
putting the rest under a cut because it got long!!
20. sweetest romantic memory?
ugh okay i know i have a lot of them because @nycorix and i have been together for over 8 years now but every time someone asks i blank because i don't always pick up on romantic stuff and a lot of mundane things are very romantic and lovely to me. but honestly, it's just kind of a bunch of collective things. we were long distance for years before we lived together and when we'd visit (they lived in indiana and i was in massachusetts), we'd start the night in separate beds because we weren't out and then when everyone else was asleep, we'd go to bed at like 3am and sleep in a twin bed huddled together. we'd savor the time we spent going to anime cons because it was the only time we got to sleep in a king or queen bed and be able to be open about it because neither of us was out to our families. things they did like writing a whole travel itinerary for me the first time i traveled alone to see them. making chocolate for them for valentine's day (even when it got smushed on the plane and turned into a giant turd). little things like that all add up for me, so there's no one thing i consider MOST romantic.
31. guitar or piano?
piano! my pepere used to play the piano so beautifully, and i have several of his cds. he composed his own music, and one of his pieces is named after me. at christmas, i usually try to listen to his christmas cd at least once. he always played at the big family christmas party and everyone danced in the living room, and it was always everyone's favorite part of the evening. piano is relaxing to me, and sometimes it's the only music i can listen to that lets me focus. i like listening to other pianists, too, but pepere's music is special.
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
Tumblr media
46. favorite liquor?
i don't drink, so i don't really have a favorite. i do like some - rumchatta and kahlua are my favorites, if i have to choose - but i can't even remember the last time i had alcohol, and i don't like it in general
50. what's your dream house?
at this point, something that isn't attached to other people's houses. i live in a condo, and i really just want to live in a house where i don't hear my neighbor's stereo system vibrating the place at 11pm. but dream house....i like cape style homes, two floors, somewhere that has a lot of privacy but isn't totally cut off from other people. also, a yard for my dog. also, it isn't my dream house, but i think it'd be so cool to live in an old mansion. i'd probably hate it and i'd never be able to keep it clean and i'd get lost in my own house but imagine being able to hide from people so thoroughly, like you have a party and you don't even have to interact or hear it because you're in the other wing. idk, my real dream house is just something big enough to separate me from other people if i want to be alone but small enough that i can be cozy.
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
How did you usher in the new year this year?
initially it was supposed to be a date but I kinda said “lets wait” and then it was going to be a friends thing but my friends got sick. so it ended up just being me. but I enjoy my own company so that was ok with me.
What year is it?
It’s 2022.
How old are you?
I’m 29
What was the last thing you ate that was spicy?
hmmm. oh man this is going to bother me because it wasn’ t that long ago when I ate something i eat plenty frequently but it was spiced with unusually VERY spicy spices. but I can’t recall what it was.
What are you sitting on?
My bed.
Is there anyone in your life that hates you?
i am guessing K’s gf and probably to an extent K. :( 
What did the last face mask you wore look like?
just white sheet mask
Have you ever been dismissed from a doctor's office?
What color was the last cup you drank out of?
uhhhhhhh white
What is your new year's resolution?
I want to continue with offering grace. I want to continue to do hard things. I want to be intentional. I want to be courageous. 
When was the last time you uploaded a YouTube video?
like a year ago for school.
What was the most recent big purchase you made?
oooof. Christmas took most of my money. I have to contribute money for my brothers bday gift here this week and I’m seriously going to be down to about 20 bucks. 
What color are your nails?
They’re chipped pale pink from when I went on a date. I wanna paint them something fun next.
How many laptops have you owned?
this is my third. 
Do you like the size of your feet?
yeah I am not bothered by it.
What was the last movie you watched?
probably sleepless in seattle.
Favorite day of the week?
I like Fridays and Thursdays and Saturdays.
What was the last thing you took a picture of?
I screenshot some pics of Z.
What did you last do in your gallery file?
Go figure you ask this. I am currently organizing my pictures because if i’m going to belong to someone then I should not have a phone full of pics from another guy. but man that is not a simple task. it’s a lot of seeing a face I have been in love with and cared about and then like a couple pics later it’ll be screenshots of messages from his gf saying rude things to me. so. it’s just a cluster eff of emotions.
Do you write with colorful glittery gel pens?
I haven’t since Christmas.
Do you keep a diary?
I consider this a semi journal but I also journal outside of this.
Do you write in cursive or print more?
I use both but probably print more? maybe?
What is your favorite app on your phone?
tumblr, insta, snap, acnh guide, camera, gallery, google docs
What is your favorite app on your computer?
google docs
Can you type fast?
What color shirt are you wearing?
rn it’s just a white tank top.
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year?
I want to achieve peace about a lot of various topics in my life.
Do you enjoy watching Christmas haul videos on YouTube?
Which do you prefer: Instagram or TikTok?
I never got on tiktok. seemed too easy to become obsessed.
What was the weather like on your last birthday?
it was wild actually. mom and I went to Wisconsin for the day and it was beautiful and breezy and like 70′s. it is NEVER like that in july.
Are you subscribed to any doctors on YouTube?
Use three words to describe the view out the window closest to you.
darkness, snowy, street
Do you like peppermint?
What do you usually order from Subway/Togo’s/another sandwich place?
like a club sort of sammich but in the tubs because i can’t do bread.
Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out?
uhhhhhhh not to my knowledge. I don’t typically talk about it because I think a lot of people are uncomfortable talking about periods. i used to be shy about talking about it to other girls just because mine is so different being that i’m sick. but tbh, who cares? i just dont care anymore lol
Have you ever been to small/church/bible group/study (forced to or wanted to)?
many, many, many times. I miss it.
In-N-Out, ever been there? If not, what’s a good burger place around your town?
we don’t have any out here. I have had it before but I don’t remember feeling impressed. theres a lot of great burger places out here. but I really don’t eat them anymore so I couldn’t tell ya.
How many people do you know with the name Ashley/Ashlee?
probably close to 10
Have you ever been to an asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you?
uhhhhhhhh i want to say a couple but im blanking.
What would you do if the person you have feelings for showed up at your door?
I would be surprised cus its 1030 at night and they don’t live close by.
What did your last text message say?
“ooooo I wanna see!! yah!!!”
How many people have texted you today? Did you reply to all of them?
uhhhh ok incoming: 12 different people
responded to: 8
When was the last time you drank something with alcohol?
hmmmmmm. Christmas morning
Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex?
yes. I slept in the same bed as 2 of my exes before. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it but ah well
Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Im pretty sure i’m done responding to messages for the night. at a certain point I just check out lol
How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos?
I don’t really care 
Do you actually eat breakfast lunch and dinner everyday?
lately i’m eating about .5 of a meal per day. it is nottttt good I don’t recommend it.
Is there something else you should be doing?
Was your last text message from someone of the opposite sex?
Yeah Z just texted me.
If you could have a free plane ticket to anywhere, where would you choose to go?
switzerland. always switzerland
What’s the approximate total cost of the clothes you’re wearing?
oooo man. ok uhhhhh bout 48 bucks
Where was the last place on your body that you felt physical pain?
my lower back is wreeeeeecked today.
Has someone of the opposite sex made you smile recently?
What do you want/need right now?
want: physical comfort, attention, responses, money
need: money
How much does the last person you texted really know about you?
a pretty good amount
Who was the last person you apologized to? What did you apologize for?
I think K. He said something to the effect of me discussing the stuff we have gone thru/going through was making him feel as though life had no meaning.
do you think anyone is thinking about you right now?
I think so. 
Did you straighten your hair today?
No. i just let it live life as is.
Is it okay to like someone else, if you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I before have been black & white about this but theres this episode of GG where rory has this like schoolgirl crush on a prof despite being in love with logan and when she tells logan hes like babe, it is ok to be attracted to other people there are a lot of attractive people out there that is instinctual. but it is different if you are in LOVE with these people. idk its an interesting thought
Would you spend the night in a haunted house?
eh probably not
Look in a mirror. Are you 100% happy with what you see? Why/why not?
No. I am bothered by my tummy. I also wish my jawline was sharper and that my hair was fuller. 
Will tomorrow be better than today?
dunno. today was ok as can be expected
What are you listening to right now?
kara on tv lol
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Do you still whip out the Nintendo on random occasions?
of course!
Can you honestly tell the difference between DiGiorno and delivery pizza?
What surprised you today?
K posting on tumblr is always surprising to me. pretty much feel like he has moved on entirely.
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snapefiction · 3 years
Can I request a Snape x Reader where the reader gets pregnant and reveals her pregnancy in the form of a Christmas gift, maybe some cute baby kittens? 🥺 absolutely love your work, and thought to keep it christmassy!
A/N: Thank you so much for your compliment and for this cute request! I hope you like the way this one turned out! ❤️
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Word count: 2189
Warnings: Mentions of throwing up, Swearing
Due to your Job at the tea shop at Diagon alley you always got very busy around the Christmas Holidays. Starting at the end of November the Wizards, Witches, goblins and a lot of more magic beings started to flood the small shop only to get the best tea in whole England, atleast that's what Severus your longterm boyfriend called it. Severus was a Potions Professor at Hogwarts one of the most popular schools for magic. The two of you met around 6 years ago when he ran into your shop only to get a bag of tea. He was very late and you actually already had closed but when your gaze met his you fell for him. That's why you let him in your shop after closing time to buy the last pack of peppermint tea. On the Next day he came back early in the morning as the first costumer of the day only to buy some more tea. This continued two weeks long until he had every variation of tea at his kitchen and finally dared to ask you out. Since then the both of you have been inseparable. The both of you never fought- you always somehow agreed with each other on every topic. Even though he might be a little older than you are, eleven years to be exact, he always shared your opinions. 
That's why you knew exactly what to get for Severus on Christmas and what not. To bring more happiness into the small house at Spinners end the both of you always thought about adopting a cat. At first Severus was a little bit skeptical but when he saw that little kitten at the animal shelter in Cokesworth he fell in love with a little lady named Ally. He was crazy about her and you had never seen him this happy about something before. Because the Owls approached shortly before Christmas this year and you couldn't take some time off before the 24th of December you had to decide that Ally would move in with you the day after Christmas. It wouldn't be fair to her if she, as she was only a kitten yet, would've to stay at home all alone all day long. That's why you decided to wait which seemed to be the best solution for everyone.
Anyways. Today was the 16th of December and only after two hours after your shift started your feet started to hurt. This usually only happens short before your shift ended at 7 Pm but not at 2Pm. Not thinking anything about it you kept working and selling everyone the most variously teas in town. But it wasn't until a few hours later as you noticed how the smell of Vanilla almost made you choke. It turned from one of your favourite smells into your worst nightmare. Thinking about enchanting the damn box of vanilla tea you got more and more stressed out by every minute.
,,Is everything alright Y/N?" Your co-worker and chef Kim asked as she passed you a cup of tea. Curious she raised her brows.
,,Yes, I'm alright. Just caught a Cold or something." Smirking she nodded and you knew that she probably thought of completely other things.
,,Or maybe it's because you are all my cupcakes, dear." She now said in a bit huffing tone only to show you the empty plate as an evidence sign.
,,I'm sorryyy- they're just so great." Rolling her eyes Kim now sat down next to you. ,,I know. That's why you stole them the last few weeks from the fridge."
,,I'll get you new ones tomorrow, I promise." Chuckling you grabbed a cookie from your lunchbox before taking another sip of your tea.
,,I really hope so. Or else I have to ask Severus for a Potion that could make you hate Cupcake or I don't know.. enchant them or something. He's probably more intelligent than I am when it's about inventing spells and potions." She mumbled while browsing through a new catalog of tea ingredients and jars. The day went by without any further events and you almost couldn't wait anymore until Severus would come back home in less than 8 days by now.
Waking up in the morning you knew something wasn't right. Your stomach turned around and you barely made it to the toilet until the cupcakes and cookies from yesterday and the tea made their way up your throat again. This couldn't be happening. It was the most important time of the year for the shop and you just couldn't get sick right now. Somehow, even though you were 25 Minutes late, you still made it to the tea shop where a stressed out Kim was awaiting you.
,,Y/N! Thank Merlin you're here! I though you wouldn't come at all." Shaking your Head You silently took her place at the cashbox so she could do her job. As the lunchtime came around and you got to close the shop for round about 30 Minutes Kim wasn't waiting long until pressuring you to another smalltalk again.
,,Why do you look so sad? Did you forgot the Cupcakes or something?" Her Face was tensioned as the thought of not getting her loved cupcakes again.
,,They're in the fridge." You sighed before rubbing your eyes and leaning back against the wall. Watching her hovering above the plate of cupcakes you had to talk to her. ,,Sorry for being late. I just- I had to throw up all morning long. It's a nightmare." Holding a Cupcake in her hand the pink haired woman who was also somehow your best friend now listened closer to what you said.
,,Let's hope You're not pregnant, I wouldn't be able to lead the shop without you." She mumbled and bid into the sweet bakery in her hand. ,,Maybe it's just something about your Period coming up. PMS or so what."
,,I don't know. I can't even remember my last Period." You joked innocently, bid into a cupcake as well only to almost spit it out a few seconds after. Kim's eyes widened as well.
,,No way!" She said now putting the cupcake aside. ,,No fricking way!" Kim now gasped and held her hand above her mouth. You instantly realised that you couldn't remember your last period because you didn't had one. Wiping your mouth with a paper towel that Kim just gave you you rethought the last few months. The last time you really remembered your period was around October. October?! ,, Don't Play jokes on me!" She almost squeaked jumping happily up and down. If you really were pregnant she'd always of course support you and Severus. Wait- Shit- you had to tell Severus! But you didn't even made a test yet. Was it even necessary? Of course it was necessary. Looking back at Kimberly you just noticed how she had been talking to you all the time.
,,You know what, Sweety? You will take some time off today. I'll get Sarah to help me out and you can things get figured out, ok?"  Just nodding easily you couldn't be happy just yet but just worry. If you were pregnant you were sure that Severus would be a lovely father but what about you? Are you ready to be a mom? A good mom the child of someone like Severus would deserve? And even worse if you weren't pregnant, would you feel sad or relieved? Would Severus even like to have kids with you? Your thought were so busy to rethink everything that you got out of words when you sat at the bathroom on the rim of the bathtub holding up the potion Kim just handed you and thinking about the Muggle pregnancy test you also got which were also about to tell you if you were expecting a baby or not.
,,And how do I use the potion?" You had asked Kim on the phone.
,,You have to spit in it and maybe shake it a little bit. If it turns red you're not pregnant." She said as her curiosity almost made her jump through the phone but you just hung up while still being shocked. Doing as she said you spit in the small jar, mixing it up with the fluid in it and shaking it. As you sat it down on the counter you buried your face in your hands. This was nerve wrecking! And a few seconds later you had your results.
24th December You had set up the Christmas Tree by yourself and already made Dinner so you and Severus could relax as soon as he would arrive late at the evening. Also you managed to pick up Ally earlier then planned due to Kim telling you to stay at home until Severus would be back again. The last few days you were so nervous it was stealing your sleep. Not being able to relax you sat on the couch watching Ally sleep in her small basket. Only when you heard the Keys turn in the lock you felt like some weight fell off your shoulders.
,,Y/N, love. I'm home." Your tall Boyfriend instantly went looking for you. Pulling you close to kiss you he softly hummed against your lips- you missed him so much! After he let go of you he instantly kneeled down to pet Ally. ,,She's so cute, isn't she?" Nodding he looked up to you. ,,She's a baby!" His voice was so high pitched it made you chuckle instantly. He was a strict man and seeing him becoming so excited about this tiny kitty was just too cute. As he got himself to let go of her he took off his jacket and sat down on the couch next to you. He always enjoyed slowly arriving at home just spending the first few moments with you but you were just too tensed. ,,Ready for Dinner?" You quickly pressed. Before Severus could answer you already hurried to the Kitchen.
The Dinner went on surprisingly unproblematic. He talked about the so very ugly Christmas sweater he got from Minerva and how he gave her some pink socks in return. To his disadvantage she loved the socks and wasn't upset or anything at all. They loved getting themselves the ugliest Presents they found so they could watch the other one being teased. Last year he got her the Biography from Lockhart- ohh she was raging about this one! ,,I'm never ever going to wear that ,thing'. Anyways, your presents are always the bests. I can't wait to see what you got me." He said before downing the last bite of chicken down with some wine. Smiling nervous you just nodded getting up to wash the plates. ,,Y/N, let me do that after we unwrapped our gifts." He smiled and kissed your neck softly.
Your legs felt like they would collapse any second that's how nervous you were by now. How would he react? Well, you were about to find out.
Sitting next to each other at the couch he smiling gave you another kiss. ,,What's bothering you so much?" He whispered against your lips and you knew your cover has been blown. His hands carefully petted the small kitty who just walked over his legs to lay down on your lap.
,,I'm just nervous that you maybe won't like my present. That's all." And by that you gave him the small box form below the tree.
,,I'm sure i will love the present as much as I love you." His smile was as wide as could be but as he opened the lid of the box and it discovered the small cat plushie, the potion you used to discover your pregnancy and a small baby body in the colours of Slytherin it faded. He was staring at it not believing his eyes. ,,What does this mean?" You opened your mouth but no words left your mind.
,,Y/N, if you're just joking - that's - that's not funny." He said now suddenly vulnerable and his eyes started to glistening. ,,I'm pregnant, Sev." You mumbled trying to hide your Face behind your hair. He suddenly breathed out and he hugged you tight.
,,I'm going to be a father?" Getting up while still hugging you he spun you around. Chuckling you noticed how all your worries weren't important at all. The relief was knocking all your doubts down. Looking at Severus you couldn't help it but cry - he was so very happy.
,,You're going to be the best father ever." ,,And you the best Mom. I knew that your present would be the best!" Letting you down you both sat down again. Instantly Severus hand found their way to your stomach trying to feel any type of Life.
,,Well, I have to admit that the new teacup I got for you isn't as good as your surprise. But I hope you still like it. I never thought I’d become a father myself- that’s so great!“ And again you kissed him being happy about the changes and the new members of your family. The both of you couldn't be happier!
Taglist: @deepperplexity , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4
Let me know if you want to be added in my Taglist. :)
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eloquentposture · 3 years
Hey so I had someone on twitter ask me to cross post my roger and Blair headcanons onto here and like a week later I’m here to do it! I will add some more for making them wait too. These were also posted on twitter under @/chiidofearth so enjoy:
-I’ve talked about it in mo money quite a bit but Roger is a huge hockey fan. Loves hockey games and going to them he just loves the energy and the vibes of hockey games and how rowdy it gets
-naturally the type of person who goes out of his way to make sure other people are doing ok. He’s just the person when you’re having a hard time you go to cause he gives good advice and is always willing to listen
-twilight fan
-words of affirmation asf! I wrote a whole story basically about his love language which I will be posting soon but he expresses himself very well through words. When he’s sad he’ll write letters to Blair about how much he loves him to make himself feel better
-he isn’t the biggest physical touch person but once he’s comfortable with the person (Blair) he’s all over them as much as Blair is
-book lover straight up he always has a book he’s reading at all times and will give Blair the rundown of each story once he’s finished so he can talk about it
-tea drinker his favorite tea is peppermint
-in school is subject was English he can effortlessly write essays and often wrote essays for Blair
-he easily gets down on himself and finds it hard to fight for himself sometimes but Blair is just fiery enough to get him to fight for himself when others are wronging him
-he really did feel stuck in his life til Blair showed up and he didn’t realize how much he needed him until Blair was there. Blair is not like anyone Roger has ever associated with and at first that sense of danger is what allured him but over time as he got to know Blair it wasn’t that danger feeling anymore it that pulled him in it was Blair helping him change to live life less by the book and more so how he truly wants to live. Idk if that makes any sense but Blair inspired him to be more to people than his public image that he uses as a defense of people judging the real him
-that one got a little sad um his favorite book he tells people is Picture of Dorian gray but secretly he really enjoys the books in the perspective of a stalker you know the ones
-loves otters the animal not the body
-also loves raccoons cause they’re funny and him and Blair cried over the video of the raccoon washing the cotton candy
-I’ve said it in a different thread but he’s a vegetarian I think cause of a traumatic incident involving chicken on the bone
-stealing Blake’s hc but back sleeper
-I think he has played either the piano or cello classically or both
-Roger will play his cello every once in a while and every time blair comes and hugs him from behind as he plays and he just laughs cause Blair is in the way now but he tries to keep playing whatever he is
-can play by ear so he plays Blair’s favorite songs for him all the time
-a bit of a hopeless romantic and he believes in true love but before Blair he just didn’t think he’d ever get to experience it. Hint after he meets Blair he feels like he finally has
-a true believer that everything happens for a reason and that every person finds others for a reason and he writes a lengthy letter to Blair one day about how important it was to him tbat Blair found him when he did and how much he needed him and how grateful he is for Blair helping him change into who he is today
-he doesn’t believe in a higher power but more believes things happen for a reason
-maybe I should write letters to Blair from Roger’s POV that’s a good idea
-Blair calls him out real quick on putting up a front for everyone and he’s like damn ok.
-I have this more in depth in a au but Roger’s relationships often fizzle out because he’s too scared of being his real self with people and is terrified of expressing his emotions to others and so his partner never feels like they actually know him but with Blair he feels this pull to want to be himself it’s hard to describe but with Blair he says things and expresses things no one knows about him
-neck kisses in an affectionate way not a sexual way also will Blair’s forehead quite a bit just when they’re chilling
-on the down low likes true crime
-one last thing actually he really loves golf because it’s the type of sport where you have to have a clear mind and let all your anger and frustration go to perform well at so it’s cathartic to him and he likes watching hockey cause he can be fucking ANGRY
-Last one cause I have to leave now but this is a completely self indulgent hc and be ready cause I will do a one shot soon but Roger closing cashier at a sketchy grocery store linden is this because you are a closing cashier at a sketc- gets shot
-ok one more but surprisingly to a lot of people he’s a very very creative person and he keeps it on the down low but musically, artistically, and with writing he’s very very creative and good at those types of things and it shocks people when they find out
Now for some extra ones I’m gonna think up real quick for you you blessed tumblr user you:
-this one is Blythe’s but Roger is hypersensitive to light touch when he’s sick so Blair will have to put all his weight on him and it makes Roger feel a lot better
-Blair is really good at baking and will often bake things for Roger at like 2 am and one night it wakes Roger up and roger comes down and starts helping and that leads to Blair just hugging roger from behind while roger stirs shit
-Blair makes roger coffee all the time and just leaves it on the counter for when he wakes up
-Blair has a hard time waking up in the mornings and when roger wakes him up in the mornings he has to wake him up an hour earlier so Blair has time to keep rolling over and cuddling Roger and going back to sleep
-Blair slow dances with Roger’s dog
I might add to this later but that’s all I can think of right now!
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ceo-of-daichi · 3 years
Tumblr media
Characters ~ Barista!Bokuto x GN!Reader
Summary ~ When a handsome barista catches your eye you can’t help but be drawn to him. Does he have the same feelings? Or is he the same with all his regular customers?
Genre ~ Fluff, Coffee Shop!AU
Warnings ~ Literally none...
Word Count ~ 1.8k
A/N ~ THIS IS MY SECRET SANTA FOR @nonexistent-social-life !!! Hope you enjoy babie, for some reason this took me like 2 solid weeks to get where i wanted it!!
The bustling life of campus engulfed you as you made your way out of the lecture theatre. Immediately surrounded by people of all different backgrounds and from all different paths of life, the atmosphere always made you smile. Much less suffocating than the lecture theatre you were just sat in. As you broke off from your friend group with promises of seeing them tomorrow, your feet guided you straight to the coffee shop.
The path so familiar as your feet lead you through the nooks and crannies of campus. The coffee shop was quaint and in one of the outbuildings just off campus. You loved the typically ‘student’ feeling it gave, multiple people constantly sat with laptops open and books splayed out across the worn tables.
It was getting close to christmas and one thing you loved about the little cafe was they did the best peppermint mocha you had ever had. You don’t know if it was because of the sprinkle of chocolate they put on top, or the absolutely stunning guy who worked there making it for you. But something about it made it taste magnificent. Like a crisp winter morning or the press of a lover's lips on yours under the mistletoe.
As you pushed open the heavy door the scent of cinnamon and chocolate hit you like a truck, a smell you are all too familiar with. However it still made your stomach flutter with anticipation. Walking up to the counter you noticed the barista who you always saw, his broad shoulders and strong arms always looked so inviting, not to mention the excited smile that was always upon his lips.
‘How can i help you today [y/n]?’ He asked, flashing you his signature toothy grin causing your heart to pound in your chest.
‘Please can i have a peppermint mocha today Bokuto-san?’ You asked, returning his infectious smile. He smiled at you the same way everyday, yet every time he did it made your stomach flip and you stumble your words.
‘Coming right up! I’ll bring it over to your table when it’s ready.’ He said as he started to make the drink. You always sat in the same booth and Bokuto knew that, he knew you came in everyday but he could never understand why. Little did he know that he was the reason you walked out your way everyday to come here. Sure there were coffee shops on the way to your dorm. But none with an extremely handsome barista.
As you sat yourself down in the booth you got your phone out, not paying attention to your surroundings while you scrolled through instagram. Unaware of your friends observing you from across the street.
‘What are they doing here?’ One of your friends asked, none of them even knew the quaint place existed.
‘Maybe they just wanted a coffee?’ Another one said, all of them knowing there were much more convenient coffee shops than this one. It wasn’t long before they got their answer as Bokuto carried your coffee over to you, smiling wide.
Looking between each other they suddenly realised why you walked out of your way to this place, why you didn’t want them going with you and why you always looked so happy after. A plan started to form as they headed home, leaving you to your unofficial coffee date with the handsome barista.
‘Thank you Bokuto-san!’ You say enthusiastically as he places the drink down on your table. The contagious smile he always adorned still on his lips, you wondered if he knew just how good looking he was? How kind he was? These questions always passed through your mind when you talked to him. Although you hadn’t much past your coffee order and the odd hello if you saw him on campus.
You barely knew anything about him yet the thought of knowing him made your heart rate speed up and your face flush. You thought of asking him to sit, to chat to you more. Maybe even asking him on a date. But everytime he managed to turn round just that split second too fast, walk away just before the question could leave your lips.
As you pressed your drink to your chapped lips you realised while in thought he had already left, you watched as he smiled at the next customer. You wondered if maybe he was like that to everyone? But for some reason there was a glint of something more in his eyes as he talked to you. Maybe you were imagining things, the way he looked at you could very much be the same way he looked at every regular who walked through the heavy wooden doors.
As the warm liquid slipped down your throat you couldn’t help but smile at the taste. It was always so good, no matter how much you drank it. Finishing up your drink you realised you didn’t have an excuse to stay any longer. Getting up you took your cup over to the counter, smiling widely at Bokuto as you did who was busy making another drink.
‘Will i be seeing you again tomorrow [y/n]?’ He asks as you head towards the door, the question catching you slightly off guard.
‘Yep, at the same time I always finish lectures! See you then!’ You turn and give him a small wave as you leave. Thoughts swirling around in your head as you walked back to your dorms. Does that mean… he looked forward to seeing you everyday?
After this you made more of an effort to talk to him as he served you, getting to know him bit by bit. However you couldn’t seem to build up the courage to ask him out. You kicked the leaves angrily as you headed out of the cafe once again without a date with Bokuto. How come you couldn’t do it?
It's just a simple question! But it didn’t seem so simple when he was standing in front of you. His biceps hugging his uniform just that bit too tightly, his hands looking as perfect as always. Oh how you wished they were holding yours. But you couldn’t do it. Weeks passed and your friends got sick of just standing by and hoping, praying you would ask him out.
In their eyes it was obvious you both had feelings for each other. Both of you are just as blind as the other, completely oblivious to the lingering touches and slight glances. You just needed a push, and your friends were not scared to help you out.
They were certain all Bokuto needed was a little bit of convincing to ask you and so that's why they decided to enter the cafe 20 minutes before you today. Setting their plan in motion.
You let out a steamy breath as you snuggled further into your coat, the walk to the cafe seemed to take twice as long today. You didn’t know if it was because of the cold or the fact you were so deflated. It seemed that every time you thought you were getting somewhere with Bokuto it backfired.
Maybe he didn’t like you at all. As your brain continued to have a war with itself you reached the familiar heavy doors that lead into the cafe. You wondered if today they would feel heavier?
The first thing you noticed as you entered was how busy the cafe felt today. Multiple booths were taken, surprisingly by groups of people babbling and bitching about their days. As you scanned the room you noticed your regular booth was free, you took it as fate as you headed towards the counter.
‘Hey Bokuto!!’ You said as cheerful as ever, expecting him to grace you with his beautiful smile as always. However today when he turned to you today his smile didn’t have the same twinkle as usual. He looked nervous. Brows slightly creased as he waited for your order, knowing it would be the usual.
For some reason what your friends had told him earlier still hadn’t settled in. It felt like a fever dream. As you said your order, he wasn’t listening. Too busy watching your lips as they made shapes, how he wished to just sweep you up off your feet already. Writing down your usual he nodded, suddenly losing all the confidence in his voice. Worried if he spoke it would come out cracked.
As you headed to your booth you wondered what had gotten into Bokuto. He could barely look you in the eye, nevermind talk to you. You watched him carefully as he prepared your drink, something felt off.
Approaching your table he put down your drink, but this time stayed. He stood in front of you a small blush brushed across his cheeks. Looking at your drink and back at Bokuto you raised a brow at him slightly.
‘Look [y/n] I just think you are the most beautiful person in the world’ He blurted out causing you to almost choke on air.
‘W-What?’ You questioned, your eyes wide as he babbled away about how he had liked you for a while and never had the confidence to say anything. You couldn’t hear him, your eyes had glazed over and all you could hear over and over was that he liked you. He liked you as in more than a regular customer, more than a friend. He wanted to get to know you.
And god did you want to get to know him more too. You wanted to know how he felt when he had his arms wrapped around your waist. Your head pressed into his shoulder as he rubbed circles in his back. You wanted to wake up next to him, desperate to know how his face would look peacefully asleep. And more than anything, you wanted to know what his lips felt like pressed against yours.
Bokuto at this point thought you had gone into a state of shock as you just stared at him, eyes wide and mouth open. Before he could ask what was wrong you had pulled him down and pressed your lips against his in a quick but meaningful kiss.
His lips felt soft, but worn from the cold weather. You wondered what your lips felt like to him as you let him pull away. The ridiculously catchy smile back on his face. But this time it was different, it was full of love. And your heart has never felt more full.
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sweetsubharry · 3 years
hi! do you have any fic recs of like really fluffy one shots
Hiya!! yes I do!! Aren’t they just the best sometimes?? Sorry this took me a few days to do! I had over 260 fics to go through on ao3 just under fluff (I really need to tidy my bookmarks!)  💖 There’s 79 in this list so it’s a long one!! ^-^
please stay safe and read the tags everyone! :)
freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this by rosesau
Harry (not so) secretly crushes on the cute footie player and fills pages with sketches of him.
Thunder started it by booloveshiscuppycake
Harry's always been scared of thunder storms. But louis' always been there to comfort him. Friendship and comfort turn into love. (Fluffy as shit)
but he cant be what you need (if he's eighteen) by lingerielarries
“I need you to do something for me.” Harry said, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
“It seems like you’re asking me to kill for you, H.” Louis laughed nervously.
“It’s nothing that drastic, I promise. It’s just. I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m not a.. normal eighteen year old.” Louis furrowed his eyebrows at that, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy.
“Are people giving you a hard time?” Louis wondered. Harry shifted in his seat and brushed some of his fringe off his forehead.
“Yeah, that’s. That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Harry swallowed nervously. He could feel the sweat pooling at his hairline so he wiped it with the sleeve of his sweater. “I need you to uhm, pretend to be my boyfriend.”
the one where harry is sick of getting bullied and casts louis as the hot punk boyfriend to scare them away. louis needs harry to return the favor.
punk!louis and flowerchild!harry
the love is ours to make (so we should make it) by lingerielarries
“I’m.. Harry. I nanny? For Ernest and Doris?” Harry responded.
“A nanny? How old even are you? You look twelve.” Louis remarked. Something caught Louis’ eye, and a closer look revealed that Harry had a coat of pink nail polish on his fingers.
“Nineteen. I’m nineteen.” Harry replied.
“Right. Nineteen, wears pink, flower crowns and paints his nails. Who the actual fuck did my mum hire?”
the one where louis takes some time off from life to return home, only to be met with a strange boy in pink and a flowercrown as the nanny of his siblings.
All I See is You by ElegantSurrender
Even with the blood gushing from his nose, he couldn’t keep his thoughts on anything but the boy in front of him. He was just so… pretty. He smiled to himself, which only seemed to worry his boyfriend more.
“Why’re you smiling?” Louis asked confusedly, moving Harry’s bloody hand away, and replacing it with his, pinching his nose shut with a tissue. “You’re bleeding, and you’re fucking smiling.”
“Seeing you makes me happy.”
(or the one where Harry has a bloody nose and Louis takes care of him, and Harry really really loves Louis)
Pretty Blue Eyes (I don't care about the nightmares) by justgotowisharder
Harry has nightmares, Louis hates sharing the bed, they end up talking about dreams, they read Freud and they fall in love in the process.
Breathe by dontlietomehoney
Harry has an asthma attack and Louis is scared to death. What follows after though, scares both boys, pulling them apart and bringing them together.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
yes, you make my life worthwhile by orphan_account
Harry whispers to him that this feels like every dream he’s had for the last three years and Louis kisses his temple, behind his ear, across his cheeks and by the edge of his jaw. He runs the back of his finger across Winnie’s sleep-warm cheeks and sighs, the weight of the world finally off his shoulder.
Louis' a pediatrician, Harry's a preschooler teacher, and they're having a baby.
Weigh Us Down (We're In Love) by orphan_account
Harry’s eyes widen slightly at that. “We’re friends?”
Louis nods eagerly, smiling even wider. “Of course we are! You’re like, my first ever friend here. We just moved in, you see. Did I already tell you about that? Anyway! Maybe you can stay for dinner and I can show you my toys?”
Harry smiles. “You’ll let me play with you?”
Louis nods again, excited. “Of course!” He looks thoughtful for a moment, and then he’s slipping off the couch and crouching in front of Harry. “Oh, and Mum always kisses my wounds after she fixes them up. It makes me feel loads better all the time, so.” He leans forward and puckers his lips, pressing them over the bandage on Harry’s knee.
(harry and louis first meet when they’re eight and ten. this is their story throughout the years.)
Breathe by Jade_eyed
Can you write a Larry high school AU where Harry's a sophomore and Louis' his senior boyfriend and Harry's being bullied during class and has a panic attack and all he's saying is 'Louis' so someone goes into louis' classroom and gets him and louis' like freaking out when he finds out and just really fluffy and stuff i just need this okay
[ I changed it a bit , I'm sorry babe I tried. :( ]
Cause If You Let Me, Here's What I'll Do by stylesforstiles
Five times where Harry is Louis' baby
Zero Means Nothing When I'm With You by StripedAndBowtied
Louis doesn't know what he's looking for until he finds it.
Harry just knows he may defy his gender norms, with his height and clumsiness, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want litters of pups running around while he does domestic things all day long.
In other words, boy meets boy and no one can stop pining.
All my senses come to life by erikaeurekajoe
And it was true. Harry's senses were all coming to life, on overdrive in fact because a handsome blue-eyed stranger was holding his hands.
Because of Louis Tomlinson's Arse by AggressiveStress
One in which Harry is a clumsy Uni student that first sees Louis leaning over, picking up his things with his arse very prominent. Harry then falls down the stairs and Louis- wearing a nice little beanie- helps him back to his feet.
In All Its Imperfections by BriaMaria
From: Louis Tomlinson To: Undisclosed Recipients
I’ve asked the front desk and you lovely folks are the ones who are on the same level as me in the car park. I found a to-do list today that looked somewhat important because it has lines of poetry scribbled at the bottom that seemed like they might be for a card project. The stationary has a moose in a canoe at the top of it (and he is quite adorable). Let me know if it’s yours!
“Oh. My. Fucking. God,” Harry whispered, his eyes darting over the sentences again willing them not to make sense. They did, they did make sense. “Oh. My. Bloody. Fucking. God.”
The next thing he knew he was on the floor, staring at the ceiling, with a very concerned Liam hovering over his head.
"What happened, mate?" Liam asked.
Harry just pointed to his computer.
Liam bent over Harry’s desk to read the email. “What? This isn’t bad. Is that your to-do list? Did you finally come up with the inside text for those cards?”
“Leeyum" he groaned. “It’s what’s on the list.”
“Oh,” Liam paused for a beat. “Is it dirty stuff?”
Harry nodded.
There was more silence. And then, “Dirty stuff with Louis?”
Delirious in Love by yourpricelessadvice (orphan_account)
Louis is there for Harry waking up from minor surgery; he wouldn't miss it for the world. For two reasons.
Stars Will Align For Us by 2tiedships2
"The serial monogamist is single," Niall said by way of introduction when he sat down across from Harry in the canteen.
Harry sipped his chocolate milk. "What are you going on about?"
"Your alpha dream boat," Niall said. "That tiny little footie player? I heard from Hannah that he's broken it off with his boyfriend so he’s single and ready to flamingle. Now's the time to make your move."
Harry sipped his chocolate milk harder to keep himself from replying.
Or the one where Harry is an omega at a loss of how to get past his pining and gain the attention of Louis...especially considering the alpha is always in a relationship.
(twenty minutes later) wound up in the hospital by callmelover
“Baby, I think a quick trip to A&E might do you some good, hm?” Louis keeps his voice as calm as possible. He doesn't want to startle Harry or make him scared, but he knows that Harry’s fever is too high and he can't risk Harry choking himself into another attack when he's so poorly.
He hears a sharp intake of breath come for Harry and he knows Harry is starting to panic. Louis moves his hand from Harry's hair to his back, rubbing circles into his sweat-soaked shirt.
“No, no. Shh, don't worry, darling. Everything is okay, you’ll be okay. I just know that the doctors will be able to make you feel much better much sooner than I can...Just want you to get healthy as soon as possible, okay?”
or the one where harry has the flu and louis is a protective, nervous-wreck of a boyfriend
You live in my heart by styleztomlinson
As soon as they’re done with their set, Louis only has one thing on his mind and that’s to get out of there as soon as possible.or,Harry is sick during their performance at the iHeartRadio festival. Afterwards, Louis takes cares of his baby, and dotes on his husband.
Take Care by secretlylarry
Louis really does love to take care of Harry when he's sick.
if we got nothing, we got us by tumsa
Harry is Louis' baby and he's sick as well.
Peppermint and Lavender (and Coffee) by 2tiedships2
“He was there again,” Louis announced by way of greeting. “Lottie was right and she can never know.”
"What the fuck are you talking about?” Niall asked as he snapped his laptop closed.
“The omega, Niall. He was there today. Just sitting in the corner looking pretty. Or at least his back is. He hasn’t turned around when I’m available to see. I know he’s beautiful though.”
"Okay?” Niall questioned. “What does that have to do with Lottie?”
Louis let out a huff. "She told me I shouldn’t work at a coffee shop. She was right.”
Or the one where Louis might have met the love of his life in a coffee shop. But that’s not how it’s supposed to happen.
So Long I've Been Waiting by kikikryslee
Niall held up his glass in a toast. “Cheers.” Harry stared at Louis as he brought the glass up to his lips, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t like he could refuse the drink, but he certainly didn’t want to have any champagne. Louis monitored everyone else, and as soon as they all had their heads tilted back, drinking their mimosa, he reached out and knocked Harry’s glass right out of his hand, sending it crashing to the floor. “Oh, no!” Louis pretended to be shocked at what had just happened. “Harry, you’re so clumsy. You dropped your glass.” “Yes,” Harry said seriously. “I am very clumsy.” --- Or, the one where Harry and Louis are having their first baby, and keeping it a secret until the end of the first trimester is a lot harder than they thought it would be.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me But Divine Intervention by kikikryslee
“So… what’s next on the soul mate search?” Louis asked. “I don’t know,” Harry answered. “Whatever I’m doing isn’t working. I’m not finding him anywhere.” “He’ll get here. I know it." “Yeah. I know he’s out there somewhere; I just have to figure out where.” --- Or, the soul mate AU where Harry overthinks everything having to do with finding the love of his life, and Louis doesn't think there's a Mr. Right for him at all. It takes them a while to realize that their soul mate is the person they want it to be: each other.
We Made These Memories for Ourselves by supernope
Breath held, Harry squints his eyes open and focuses on the first stick. A blue line. Harry breathes out an unsteady breath. He’s pretty sure he read that one blue line is a negative, but he fishes the box from the bottom of the pile just to make sure.
“Negative,” he confirms, voice echoing around the small room. “Next.”
Now that he’s feeling a little less shaky, he scans the rest of the tests at once, is met with a headache-inducing mixture of pink plus signs and blue double lines. His heart rate picks up until it’s pounding triple-time in the base of his throat and the pit of his stomach, thundering in his ears and throbbing in his temples. He flips over the rest of the boxes slowly, but he knows what they’re going to say before he even looks.
[or, Louis is a footballer, Harry owns a bakery, and they're having a baby.]
taken by the wind by scrunchyharry
When he decided to move to London with his sister, Harry thought he would finally get to learn how to control his magic. He couldn't possibly have predicted that he would fall for her neighbour.
Or the one where Harry is a clumsy witch and Louis is making everything worse just by existing.
Piece by Piece by SadaVeniren
He rubbed his hand over his lower stomach and closed his eyes. Louis was going to lose his fucking mind.
(aka Harry tells Louis he's pregnant and it goes as expected)
And We Linger On by stylesforstiles
Harry is pouting. Louis takes care of him
There's a Hole In My Soul, Can You Fill It? by stylesforstiles
Sometimes Harry is so tired. Louis always wants to fix it.
one glance and the avalanche drops by Wankerville
It's strange, honestly, having someone so gorgeous in his kitchen, and not only physically gorgeous, but, like, the everything else gorgeous. The type of gorgeous that Louis wants his life to always be covered in. The type of gorgeous he wants lying in sweatpants and an old t-shirt on his couch when he gets home from class. The type of gorgeous he wants to have shoving crisps down the front of his shirt. The type of goddamn gorgeous he wants to kiss, and coddle, and like, love.
Which is ridiculous- he doesn't know him. Pfft.
(or an au wherein louis buys a christmas tree and harry is the boy in leggings who delivers it. they are a christmas classic.)
Do Not Falter (There's a Star Ahead) by LadyLondonderry
It's Christmas Eve, and every single one of Louis' family members are crowded inside his little flat. Really, what more could he ask for on his birthday?
The present he never knew he wanted - in the form of an omega from his past - might just make this his most memorable Christmas.
Right Here Waiting by lovelarry10
Louis and Harry are expecting a baby. Harry's heavily pregnant and nesting madly, determined to make their home ready for their baby.
Blow Out the Candles, Baby by iwillpaintasongforlou
Louis' been planning Harry's 20th birthday party for weeks, and Harry's too sick to move. Louis might be the kind of sap who tries to nurse him back to health with cuddles and jokes and cupcakes for two.
Never Let You Fall by iwillpaintasongforlou
Harry slips on stage and gets a minor concussion, and Louis insists that he spend the night in the hospital just in case. He then turns into a protective baby lion because that is his Harry and he'll be damned if anything happens to him on Louis' watch. Harry rolls his eyes a lot but doesn't really mind.
Asthma and Bad Jokes by Larry_Klaine_Stylinson
When Harry has an asthma attack on stage, Louis has to go and help him. He leaves Niall in charge of keeping the audience entertained.
All I Need is Oxygen (and You) by lululawrence
There are only two ways to navigate Bloomfield High School: become popular or make yourself invisible.
With the help of his best mate Niall, Harry’s introduction to high school hadn’t been half bad. Despite being a “bandie” – the lowest of the low in the ancient hierarchy of high school –Harry had somehow managed to survive freshman year relatively unscathed. So naturally, Harry would have been perfectly happy to resume his position of invisible trombone player number four for the remainder of high school. But one day something drastic happened, something that would change the course of Harry’s entire existence (probably).
It was the last football game of his freshman year, and the band was back in the stands after performing a rousing rendition of Bloomfield’s alma mater during half time. Harry was gracelessly wiping the slobber from the mouthpiece of his trombone when he saw him.
Louis Tomlinson.
Or...a High School AU where Harry is a bandie and Louis is the epitome of cool, so naturally, Harry must find a way to get his attention and win his affections.
i’d burn this city down to show you the light by you_explode
Harry's a sheltered rich kid and Louis's a punk with a heart of gold. They meet when Louis breaks into Harry's house, Harry obtains an instant and all-encompassing crush, and they spend the summer falling into a whirlwind romance.
put your head on my shoulder by wayfared
Niall gives Harry until the end of marching season to either a) make a move on Louis Tomlinson or b) get the fuck over him. Either is easier said than done. Basically, your High School AU with a drum beat.
we should get jerseys, 'cause we make a good team by ellisaco
Harry's not very good at football, but he's aces at cheering Louis on.
Snow by hlftanna
Louis hid something from him. Harry was 100% sure of that. He knew him better than he knew himself. And. He. Hid. Something. From. Him. Harry just hasn't figured out what. Because if Louis wanted to hide something from anyone he usually succeeded because he was Louis Tomlinson.
Use Your Words by zedi
based off this prompt: collage au where jock!harry always serenades flowercrown!louis with love songs in their music class. what nobody knows is that harry actually kinda means the words he sings.
But instead it's Louis as the jock and Harry as the flowerchild because I do what I want.
see the truth (it's me for you) by orphan_account
If you asked Louis the first day of his French Literature class what he’d be doing on the last, he’d probably never have guessed it would involve helping a poorly Harry Styles study for the final exam. Good thing he’s not a betting man.
(Or the one where Louis and Harry spend an entire semester ignoring each other after a one-night stand, only to come face to face when Harry manages to catch the stomach flu during finals week. Sometimes fate is funny like that.)
calling out for somebody to hold tonight by heartinsidemine
“Dunno why I can’t sleep,” is the first thing Harry says into the still, quiet night.
“New flat, new noises,” Louis murmurs, finally setting the kettle on the stove and turning properly toward him. “New responsibilities, too, eh? Second year, you’re working your way up in the world.”
Harry rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Nothing’s really new, though, is it? I mean, the location, but… I’ve got the same job I had last year, same basic courses, same workload…” He sighs out, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You and me are in the same boat, though,” Louis murmurs to him. He hates seeing Harry like this, even though rationally he knows that he can’t do anything about Harry’s insomnia. “Finding it difficult to sleep myself. Was gonna turn on the telly, maybe the cooking channel until I fall asleep. Care to join me?”
He doesn’t think twice about the offer before making it; it only makes sense. They’re both exhausted and they both sleep better with a cuddle, and anyway Louis would absolutely rather have a conversation partner than only the walls of his room for company.
Running Down To The Riptide by sweaterpawstyles
"I can't give you your present yet, Lou."
Louis furrowed his brows. "And why is that, my love?"
Harry smiled at his lap. "Because your present is under my sweater," he pulled his free hand that wasn't laced with Louis' and gently laid it on his stomach. "I'm pregnant."
It's New Year's Eve and Harry has a surprise under his sweater
Song For The Springtime by sunshiner
“Cherry blossoms,” Harry mumbles. “The solution’s cherry blossoms.”
Uni AU.
the happiest place in our universe by tippytoetomlinstyles
Harry holds Louis’ hand and looks around at all the exciting and beautiful things and Louis looks at him because he finds him the most beautiful and exciting thing there is.
or the one where Louis takes Harry to Disneyland and Harry convinces Louis to wear Mickey Mouse ears to match his Minnie Mouse ears.
Made From Love by lovelarry10
It's almost Christmas, and amongst the preparations, Louis' realised something about his husband Harry.
Harry, however, seems to be oblivious.
Louis' determined to open Harry's eyes and make him realise the real magic that's happening this Christmas...
Another Constellation to Trace by screwstyles
Louis wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m winning that bet.”
“What bet?” comes Niall’s excited voice from behind them, followed by footsteps. “I wanna be in on the bet!” he shouts, prompting Harry to quickly roll down his shirt sleeve and straighten his shirt where it’s still crinkly after Louis’ hands.
Niall takes one look at them and purses his lips in a tight line. “Were you guys making out again? Isn’t the fire meant to die down a bit after eight years?”
“Trust me, the fire is still very much alive,” Louis winks at Harry. “One could even say it’s cooking something.”
Mpreg AU: Louis and Harry bet on who can keep Harry's pregnancy a secret for longer. Neither of them is particularly good at it, and it doesn't help that their soulmate tattoos make it even harder.
another pair of feet by honey_beeing
where Harry is pregnant and Louis is an oblivious idiot.
We Were Made to Love by supernope  
“Everything all sorted? Need help with the buckles? I know they’re a bit tricky in this compartment.”
The voice startles Louis out of his daze, and he turns toward the voice to let him know he figured it out. When he catches sight of the owner of the voice, though, his response dies in his throat. Whatever he had imagined the conductor of a children’s train that rides around the shopping centre in Leeds would look like, this is certainly not it.
Leaning through the window, arms folded across the sill, is a green-eyed angel with cherry red lips stretched wide in a smile and dimples flirting in his cheeks. A black conductor’s hat is the only confirmation that this is not some gorgeous stranger who’s come to flirt with Louis through the window of a children’s train, but is just a man doing his job.
[or, Harry drives a kiddie train in the shopping centre for the summer and is obsessed with babies, and Louis never stood a chance.]
here comes the sun by orphan_account
“Everything’s going to be fine,” Louis promises, his pink, chapped lips moving slowly in the cold. It matches the beanie on his head—pink, because they found out this morning that they’re having a girl and that’s just.
Harry’s going to be a dad. To a little girl. Five months from now he’ll be holding her in his arms, and she’ll be so lovely and small.
They’re going to have a spring baby and she’s probably going to have Louis’ eyes. What a blessing that would be. Harry crosses his fingers on the hand inside his pocket, hoping that she does. He’ll love her either way—blue or green or even brown eyes, it doesn’t matter—but he’d really like them to be blue, he thinks.
[Harry is a pediatric specialist, Louis is a neurosurgeon. All they want is a baby.]
So Put Your Hands In (The Holes of My Sweater) by Kat_rawr
“Are you gonna kiss me then?” He asks so quiet he isn’t even sure Louis heard him.
“I think it’s bad luck if I don’t.“ Louis’ breath is hot on Harry’s skin in the cold air. They stand in the dark; Louis’ face only lit up by the yellow-ish light from the street light a few metres away. The light over the door of their building hasn’t worked in years.
“Okay,” Harry says, and of course his cheeks heat up. There are definitely butterflies in stomach and his mouth is definitely dry.
Harry and Louis go on a lot of not-dates
A Little Kind of Magic by Star55
A tiny tale of Louis' Very Important Birthday and Christmas at Hogwarts that Harry loves celebrating with his best friend whom he absolutely is not in love with. No matter what Niall says. (He's a little in love with Louis.)
it tastes like you, only sweeter by EmmyLouWho
Sometimes Harry hates being a second year, like when all his older friends get to go to Hogsmeade and he has to stay behind in the castle. Luckily, Harry has a Louis to make everything better.
For the prompt: “I’m not allowed to go to Hogsmeade but you always tell me stories about it and bring me candy from Honeydukes”
Sun-Dappled by QuickedWeen
Louis and his best friend Harry are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, facing down their future together. Louis has been in love with his best friend for as long as he can remember, and he begins to feel a sense of urgency as the second semester begins. Finally he hatches a plan to tell Harry about his feelings on Harry's birthday.
Sweet Like Sunshine by orphan_account
When Louis saves him from some seventh years bullying him on his lack of Quidditch skills, Harry takes offense. Louis offers to teach him to make up for it. They fall in love somewhere along the way.
Featuring one exasperated Niall, trips to Hogsmede and many flying sessions.
Follow Me Down This Time by supernope
Harry first noticed Louis in his second term at Hogwarts, and despite three years of inventing ways to stumble across Louis, he's never managed to actually work up the courage to speak to him. Also known as, self-indulgent Hogwarts AU, because every fandom needs Hogwarts AUs.
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by panicmoonwalk
Niall’s head was sitting in the fireplace, wide grin lighting up his features as flames licked the bright tips of his hair. Louis promptly dropped his tray at the sight.
“Bloody hell!” He yelled, half at the sudden appearance of Niall in the fire and half at the scalding cocoa he’d just dropped on his bare foot. “What are you doing?!”
Niall just continued to grin, clearly highly amused by Louis hopping on one foot and desperately trying to search for a weapon he could use to beat his friend’s head out of the fireplace.
“Well,” Niall began. “We’re going on an adventure!”
Or, the one where Louis and Harry’s Christmas holiday at Hogwarts is rudely interrupted when they’re dragged off on a tropical wizard’s vacation, featuring some angry centaurs, a spell gone wrong, and the ‘weirdest birthday anyone’s ever had. Ever’.
Loving with a Little Twist by hrrytomlinson
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know Niall! I just promised my mother I’m bringing my boyfriend - a boyfriend I don’t have - to Thanksgiving dinner. What should I do? I can’t call back and be like, ‘Oh yeah mom, that boyfriend I said that I have, I don’t actually have. Sorry to disappoint you.’ My life is ruined.” Harry returns to suffocating himself with the pillow.
Niall laughs and Harry growls at his best friend’s unwarranted happiness in this life-ending situation. Harry is fucked. Fuck. He needs a boyfriend. Fuck.
(or a thanksgiving themed fake/pretend relationship au)
everywhere (i wanna be with you) by itiswhatitisbutterfly
Harry and Louis meet because they have terrible friends, they fall in love because something feels right in a world of uncertainty and shifting grounds. Louis is an actor and Harry is a model at the top of his game, the best things in life are the most unexpected ones and the things that hit you when you are least expecting it.
Featuring winter in London, nights in Paris, early mornings in New York, burning heat in Monte Carlo and an enduring love spent transcending four corners of the globe.
on a wednesday, in a cafe by wreckedboyfriends
“What can I get for you today?” he asked without looking up, arranging the last of the pastries.
“Have any recommendations? Never been here before, actually.” Harry hit his head on the top of the case in his haste to look at the source of the voice. It was a really beautiful voice, small and high and just lovely, if a voice could be lovely. Harry thought so. “Alright, mate?” the man asked when Harry finally composed himself, rubbing the top of his head as he took his place at the register.
Harry opened his eyes, and fuck. If Harry had thought his voice was lovely, the man himself was on a whole other level. “Alright, mate?” He repeated and shit. Harry had been openly staring for quite awhile, hadn’t he?
“Yeah,” Harry replied, and it came out sounding like a semi trailer running over gravel. He cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he repeated. “Um, the cherry danish is quite good, I think. ’S my favorite.”
The man smiled. “One cherry danish it is, then.”
OR Harry’s spent the last year with six locks on his door, a pair of too-flamboyant boots buried in the back of his closet, and insecurity issues the size of a mammoth. Louis changes some of that, but Harry changes the most.
I Long For You by AnotherAnonymousWriter
Thirty minutes later, he's sat on a bench in Hyde Park with a book in his lap and a travel mug with hot tea in his hand. Not far from where he's sat, a group of boys are playing football and a bunch of children are chasing each other. Life is good.
Or at least, life is good until he hears a familiar “LOOK OUT!” and sees a football flying in the direction of his face.
And then everything is black.
(Harry gets hit in the head by various objects and falls for a boy with blue eyes.)
Let It Snow by thebrainisafunnyplace
Bakery owner Harry Styles is always cold, until he hires local university student, Louis Tomlinson to work as a cashier. When the storm of the year hits, the boys find themselves stuck together inside the bakery the night before Christmas Eve. Luckily, they have each other to keep warm.
everything i can arrange, every part of me you change by orphan_account
“Don’t you try that shit with me,” Niall spits the second he reaches Louis, pulling off the hood with force. “What the hell is this?” He plops down next to Louis on the empty bleacher and unceremoniously pushes a sheet of crumpled paper in his face.
Netflix and Chill Buddy Application
It’s like no matter how hard Louis tries, he can’t seem to run away from this stupid fucking flyer. All the girls (and some of the boys) in every one of his classes have been talking about it all week. It’s on every wall of every building on campus. Louis went for a jog last night and he nearly tripped and died over a loose one on the football track.
[Harry needs a big spoon and Louis refuses to let anyone steal his position. Based on this post.]
No words by becharlatan
Harry is a music student who never talks because he's a total introvert. Louis happens to bump into him by accident and as if like the constellations, the two have aligned their paths together despite their differences.
Sun Emoji Moon Emoji by mybeanieandme
For the prompt:
University!au: Harry works at a cafe as the busboy and Louis just really wants to get to know him. (Louis pines for an insecure Harry for a semester)
nonstop earthquake dreams of you by lumineres
And there's heat behind it, blazing, plasmatic, like stars crashing together, like an explosion in space, like a supernova, like a black hole--everything else sucked out of existence. There's no bed and there's no pillow and they're not lying down, just floating somewhere, somehow, and there's no room and there's no X Factor house and there's no Niall snuffling or Liam's deep, even breathing and there's no wind or traffic outside and there's no hum of the heating unit and it's all just Louis. All encompassingly Louis.
or, harry falls hard and finds louis already at the bottom
Kiss From A Rose by lovelarry10
Harry is the quiet one in the office no one ever notices. Until Louis does, that is. When notes start appearing on Harry’s desk, he ponders who is behind the kind words, oblivious to Louis’ attempts to get his attention...
Black Cat by lalune15
Inspired by this tumblr post (not asked or requested): fic where louis works at a haunted house jumping out at people and harry’s friends drag him along even though he doesn’t really like haunted houses. when louis jumps out to scare their group, harry freaks out and accidentally jumps into louis’s arms. louis just squeaks. harry ends up sitting there with louis the rest of his shift and totally doesn’t come back every night after that.
Be Mine, For Always by zams
Louis is happy when Harry is happy. That's what Louis wants, and so when Louis starts feeling weird when Harry cuddles with Liam, Zayn, or Niall instead of him, he keeps quiet. But the burning, uncomfortable feeling Louis gets deep in his stomach when he sees Harry contentedly nuzzling Liam's neck, or Harry's arms and legs tangled around Niall like an octopus, or Harry's face smushed in Zayn's stomach as Zayn plays with his hair only gets worse as the days go by.
Loosen Up My Buttons by softfonds
The beautiful man opened this bakery about a year ago. He remembered the exact day he came: a glum, rainy morning in the middle of February, which instantly turned brighter the minute he saw him. The man had come in with some paint buckets and tools, and Louis doubted he would be able to fix up the drab place all by himself. But as he walked down the stairs at the end of the day and saw the man standing there in the middle of a gorgeous pink and white shop, clearly proud of his work, Louis fell in love at first sight. If only he knew how to talk to him.
Usually, Louis knew how to flirt. He prided himself on it. But every time he looked at the beautiful man, he completely forgot how to form sentences, and there was no way he could go up to him only to make a fool of himself. That was the last thing he needed.
Or, Louis owns a tattoo shop called Pretty in Ink, Harry owns a bakery called Rolling Scones, they haven't been introduced, and Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect opportunity to finally talk to the man Louis has been pinning over for the past year. And they both end up with more love than they bargained for.
Coffee Cups and Football Boots by kimtaedumb
Harry’s stood behind the counter again, but this time he’s painting his nails. Louis strolls up to the counter and, thanks to his no brain-to-mouth filter, blurts out, “Isn’t that a little girlish, Haz?” leaning closer to inspect.
Harry lets out a little huff as his hand slips, “Oh, damn, now I’ve messed it up,” he pouts and turns to Louis, “Why should making myself feel pretty be girly?”
Louis holds up his hands in surrender, “’M not judging, jus’ curious is all.”
(The entirely cheesy and cliché Christmas AU, in which Harry doesn’t give a damn what people think about him – mostly – and Louis may be a little bit in love.
Alternatively, the one in which Harry owns a café that’s barely scraping by and Louis is a footballer and he takes Harry away for Christmas.
Featuring Zayn as a cocky little shit that most definitely needs to be put back in his place, Niall as the loveable Irish dude who drinks too much and flirts with Zayn more than the average girl, and Liam who loves everyone but hates them all at the same time.)
you make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong by orphan_account
“Curly?” Louis says, stepping into Harry’s sight. “You okay?” Harry looks up from where he has two things in his hands, a thick winter coat sized for a newborn, and a sweatshirt fitting a grown man such as himself. He looks up at Louis, stricken, and holds them out for him to see. “They’re the same price,” he says. “They’re both forty dollars! Forty dollars for such little material.”
(or, Harry is pregnant and stops at the mall to buy cheap baby clothes. Louis has extra money from working a long shift, and he can't think of a better way to spend it than on him.)
you were the ocean, i was drawn into you by by orphan_account
where harry takes pictures and worries too much and louis plays guitar.
i'll be your sunflower by scagnetism
“What do you think’s gonna stop us now?” Harry says cheekily, laughter in his voice as he looks up at Louis. “Something’s gotta get in our way like always, doesn’t it?”
“Ha,” Louis grins, kissing his cheek and holding open the door for him as they make their way toward the car. “Nothing’s gonna interrupt us this time. ‘S gonna be perfect, just like Pumpkin.”
Or, a few interruptions aren't going to stop Harry from having a perfect pregnancy and having the family he and Louis have always dreamed of.
Send Me Your Pillow (The One That You Dream On) by flowercrownfemme
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
Short fluffy o/o gaybo drabble with lots of cuddles and softness and sock stealing <3
As one we are everything/We are everything we need by louloubaby92
Harry finally marries the love of his life. He's got the mating mark, he's got Louis' ring on his finger.
And now, he's on his honeymoon. Louis is but a door away, waiting for him.
Honestly, he doesn't understand why he's nervous.
only guilty of loving you by sweetrevenge
After Harry gets set up with his co-worker's alpha friend Louis, he's expecting some pleasant conversation, free dinner, and maybe a new friend. What he doesn't expect, however, is that Louis' arrival in his life begins a life of crime Harry never knew he had in him.
A You've Got Mail!AU with a twist.
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