#ace asks
trainer-ace · 3 months
thoughts on crime?
You probably shouldn't do it????????????
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seashoreships · 6 months
hey um. can we hear more about your ideas behind recruit henry and charles :O your design for recruit henry rocks so much!!
ALSO ALSO YES i will talk about them. always. GAH.
okay so my ideas for them are. em. unorganized HAHHA but but but theres a basic structuree. so. im gonna make a plot chart actually....
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st0rmyskies · 3 months
Sky!!! 2 and 20 :D
Hello Ace! I imagine you mean HSH Sky.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That Sky can kick ass. He is the epitome of "walk softly but carry a big motherfucking stick." His hobby is napping and he loves his girlfriend and his callsign is Godkiller. We'll eventually find out that he's one of the few to best Champion in hand-to-hand combat during training, at least during one memorable occasion, and yet he's also the friend that if you sit too close to him on the couch you're probably going to get assimilated beneath that blanket for snuggles. Really, though, who wouldn't want to play with that floofy hair while he's snoring?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I am a sucker for Sky and Warriors mainly because they're big foils for one another. Where Warriors is obnoxious and extroverted and likes to push others' buttons, Sky is soft and sweet, he'll go for coffee with a friend to cheer them up, and he knows exactly how to push others' buttons but he really wouldn't.
Unless you're Groose.
I think the other best friend in the house would be Hyrule, specifically because that boy needs to learn some self-care in the form of rest, damn you. Sky would be an ideal day-off buddy for Hyrule in that he would make sure Rulie gets in some quality z's.
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ace-thinks · 11 months
Do you ever just see a person and go “oh yeah, I can see why other people might find them attractive”? Like, I don’t feel attraction to people but occasionally I’ll see someone with a feature that I think is aesthetically pleasing and just nod like I’m at a fine art museum :)
Loll mood
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aspec-advice · 3 months
Hey! So I think I might be on the ace spectrum in some way but im still questioning and could use some help
I know I feel attraction and like romantic feelings and things like that but I feel a bit off about sex-stuff sometimes I guess (this feels a bit strange talking about haha but I will try). For example I dont really feel like it unless I know the other person does, like its fine and I can enjoy it and get in the mood but i dont really initiate anything cause I would enjoy just cuddling and kissing just as much. I don't really feel the need for sex to be honest, even though I may enjoy it when it happens. And sometimes i get a bit grossed out with it in a way, all the not dry and clean things makes my skin crawl sometimes?
I guess I just want to feel like my feelings are valid cause I know they are but I cant really talk to anyone about it. And my ex was fine about it, like he absolutely wouldnt do anything he knew I didnt like but he also didn't really understand cause when I brought it up like how I didn't really need sex he took it personal and interpretated it like it meant that i didn't love him as much or wasn't as in love as he was or that I wasn't as attracted to him even though I know it isn't like that. I still think people look hot or attractive and I was as much in love as he was, I just enjoy other forms of intimate stuff in a relationship more
Also, finding a label wouldnt be bad cause even though I dont think I will ever tell anyone because I don't think its any of their bussiness it would be nice to have something to search for on the internet and read about others experiences to make me feel more normal. Cause I think it is something normal, its just a personal preference and it doesnt mean anything else than just that
hi!! i completely understand what you're saying, i'm very similar to you in that i don't mind sex like as a concept or actually in practice it's just not something that i need in a relationship, and like you, i would rather just hang out and cuddle and kiss or whatever. your feelings are completely valid, i definitely feel like that all the time. in addition to that i've also not ever experienced sexual attraction, i've never been with someone and looked at them and wanted sex it's more of an option that the other person says, which seems to be what you're describing. i personally label myself as asexual, because asexuality is a spectrum and being sex-neutral is part of that which is what i am, like i don't mind either way. if you want to look more into asexuality and what the spectrum looks like i think that would be helpful and some specific labels you can look into are demisexuality and graysexual! i hope this helps and if you have any more questions you can dm here or on my personal tumblr (weareliterallyonfire), i can help to explain more in depth or just explain some of the things i meant here!
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pizzolisnacks · 7 months
I have no clue what on earth a pizzoli is but every time i see you in my notifs i think "mmm.... pizzoli snacks... those must be scrumptious"
Pizzolis are not a real thing I am sad to say 😞
BUUUUT Pizzoli is simply a bastardization of the italian cookie Pizzelle! My dad and I make them every christmas and they ARE scrumptious! I highly recommend 👌
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
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💚💚💚💚thank youuuu!! Youre amazing aswell 💖
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I give to you in return... a wonderful picture of my sleepy beagle
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spaceyaceface · 2 years
What about bob: would you consider yourself most similar to an elf, a dwarf, or a hobbit?
I would like to say elf and pretend to be all graceful and whatnot, but I am in fact short, happy about simple comforts, and like to eat a lot so we gotta go with hobbit
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Ace ask: 12 and 18!
Fall or spring ace
Another difficult one... I'm thinking fall because the trees look beautiful and I actually like leaving the house when it is still dark out. Could do without the rain and cold though
Sneakers or flipflop ace
Sneakers all the way!!! I have no idea how anyone can walk on flipflops and not rub the space between the toes raw
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
HELLO! Dropping in to say I'm in fucking love with your art! I would love to purchase a print or a poster. Is there anywhere that I would be able to do so?
omg i've only just clocked this, so sorry! logged onto desktop and saw the little envelope—think my mobile app is poorly atm as there are some other notifs i don't seem to be getting rn #dumblr dot com, lol.
um so wow. i am seriosly blushing over here... i'm SO HAPPY you like my stuff and just. THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH for letting me know! it's honestly the lovliest thing to be told that someone enjoys the things you create. i cry.
okay, so, seeing as a few folx have asked me this now (on some of my other blogs too, actually) i guess i really need to get my shit together and make like an INPRNT or something? i'll check out which options will (hopefully) work out for me and then (hopefully) get on it and see what i can come up with... and then get back to you? sound like a plan? yeah!
again, thanks so very much for the interest (and also the others who have mentioned this in comments etc), you're the best :))
cassidy xp
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trainer-ace · 3 months
[ @tenmadontyouknow asked: ]
WOAAAHHH you have a sylveon too?? we are like twinning or somethign.....
YEAH!! He's my buddy!! Spike's been with me FOREVER!!!!
An old friend gave him to me when he had to move away. He kept Spike's brother, though.
Maybe we'll meet up again someday, haha!
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seashoreships · 6 months
Not sure if you're still doin art requests, but if so, could you perhaps doodle Rupert being a Dave hater please?
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i need to draw side characters more yeoowch
here you goooo ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚
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sirompp · 4 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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ace-thinks · 11 months
Hi, i hope this isn't too awkward to ask but how do i deal with the social pressure of losing my virginity whilst never wanting sex? the pressure I'm getting off friends and partners means i keep forcing myself into sexual situations that i always cut short. it's really messing up my life.
Hey! Not too awkward at all. I'm sorry you're experiencing this right now. I'm no expert, but here are two strategies/ways of looking at the situation that might be helpful:
Talk to the people who are pressuring you
You could consider bringing the issue up directly and letting your friends/partners know how they're affecting you. It's possible they don't realize the impact they're having, in which case an honest conversation could genuinely help.
On the flip side, if they do know what they're doing and they do it anyway, it could be time to distance yourself from them.
I know this is way easier said than done, but if the alternative means hanging around people who are knowingly pressuring you into something as personal (and potentially traumatic) as sex—then I think it's worth it to leave.
At the end of the day, they're telling you through their actions that they don't care about your well being. That's reason enough to walk away.
2. Reframe how you think about the situation
I've had "friends" make fun of virgins/virginity before, and it used to make me feel ashamed and embarrassed until I realized—what am I embarrassed about?
I've never had sex because I've never wanted to. In my book, that's a win. Just like I've never licked the bottom of my shoe or dropped a bowling ball on my foot. It makes no sense to feel ashamed about not doing something you don't want to do.
That line of thinking has helped me overcome a lot of unwanted pressure because it helps me look at sex the same way I'd look at any other activity I'm not interested in trying at the moment.
I hope this is helpful or at least gets the wheels turning. Again, I'm super sorry you're going through this. I know from personal experience how much this sucks, but just know you're not alone.
No matter what other people try to say, there are tons of us out there who are perfectly happy not having sex.
Let me know if you have other questions! Also anyone else feel free to add on your own tips.
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cahootings · 6 months
“their relationship is too deep to be sexual” what’s deeper than dick in hole. please tell me
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pizzolisnacks · 8 months
I see you share at least a little bit of the pacrim brainrot with me <3 thanks for joining me in this aksjakjd
I was literally looking up pacrim content last night so imagine my surprise when you roll up with the pacrim content RIGHT ON MY DASH. It was magical
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