#im on like ep 18 but now im like. i hope i didnt miss any somewhere in the middle
tinyplanetss · 1 year
why are so many rise episodes missing from netflix im so confused
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stanharu · 3 years
beastars episode 18 thoughts!
no spoilers but i do mention some stuff from the manga
this week’s ep was good, i feel like things are really starting to pick up. this ep covered chapter 65, the latter part of ch 66, 67, and the latter part of 69. 
i really liked the scene with louis and oguma, i enjoyed seeing louis’ frustration and how sinister oguma seemed.
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love this shot fr
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also its funny to me that louis’ name is written in katakana but oguma’s name is in romaji lol
im glad the anime kept the car scene with cosmo and louis. i was afraid it’d get cut @0@ 
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this shot of louis chugging the vegetable juice had me like 🥺🥺🥺 my boy hasnt had proper food in months he looked like he couldnt bring himself to stop drinking 😭 louis you are so dumb and i love you so much.
orange studio also came through with these beautiful alley shots
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ibuki ❤️_❤️
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tho i am sad that the anime cut this scene off here and didn’t continue on to the part where louis stumbles upon legosi in the BAM. this ep basically plays out the way it does in the manga from the bar scene except that the legosi and louis meetup is missing. i really hope the anime moves it to next episode or st and didnt just cut it out entirely. all the legosi and louis scenes in this arc are so important i dont want any of them cut!!
anyway, moving on. i love how obliviously awkward legosi is when asking to see juno’s teeth. juno is so cute too. the voice acting in the anime is always so good. 
it really seemed like gouhin was having a dad moment when talking with legosi in this ep lol. it was v cute. 
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also, i was so happy to see this animated!! this is one of my fave legosi moments, this scene in the ep had me so 🥺 bc legosi is so sweet. i love him.
i think the anime did the next part with legosis failed proposal pretty well. i always like seeing legosi and haru working things out together so i really enjoyed it. ill admit haru’s facial expressions aren’t as over the top as they are in the manga, which is a bit disappointing, but her other movements are quite expressive in this scene, so i think it was well done.
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rip to haru’s priceless faces /j
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also this shot of haru is SO CUTE
lastly, i loved seeing legosi take a big fat L animated lol
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Fs only pls 😔
judging by the preview, next episode seems like its gonna be a doozy. i hope we get to see legosi and louis’ reunion in the BAM, and also the next part of legosi’s training with gouhin. those are the only parts of vol 8 that have yet to be animated (aside from the chapter about sheila & peach, i have a feeling it may get cut for time :’^( ), and next ep seems to be going into volume 9. 
lastly i wanna say that we’re about halfway thru the season and only about 2 1/2 volumes have been covered so far, and theres 3 volumes left of this arc, so im a lil worried about the pacing of this season, and if there’ll be time to cover everything that needs to be covered w/o cutting a lot of stuff out. im not sure if there be 12 or 13 eps in this season but im hoping its 13. 
i have a feeling the pacing is really gonna speed up in the latter half of this season, like we’re approaching the top of the roller coaster and now all that’s left is the descent. im just praying that orange studio sticks the landing 🙏
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mejomonster · 3 years
Im trying to avoid anything too specific from WOH because I have to wait on the subs but all of the gif sets you reblog are so pretty and I am just 😭😭😭 i wanna look at them and reblog them already (and like don't feel bad about that, curating my own dash and avoiding spoilers is entirely my own responsibility xD im just impatient because WOH is so good but waiting on the subs is the worse)
if u block the ‘word of honor’ tag i am still tagging all the woh posts at least ToT 
although idk if ur like me. but i saw plenty of spoilers on my dash and still really had no idea what was going on until i finished the show this weekend. so. i don’t think the gifs really encapsulate what u are about to watch! (u could do what i did and like them but not look at any of em until the show’s done being watched ToT that’s what i did cause i didnt wanna miss the pretty gifs and lose em lol)
also: if you have android or iphone, people put out guides on how to get youku app vip if you did want to watch the whole show now. i’m guessing you know that’s an option right? vip was i think 18 dollars or less for 6 months. i ended up doing that because i was afraid the show might not finish airing. but it clearly did, and has been basically pretty secure, so i’m fairly sure it will finish airing on youtube ^-^. (i generally prefer watching on youtube so i can watch on tv). the youku app also had a 1.50 dollar special bonus 7 minute ep that is like the ‘final ending’ and i watched that too. i’m hoping it will also, at the end, be uploaded to youtube (because it will be really awful if its an ending only watchable in some places ;-; )
but like. u can watch on youku app if ur impatient... they uploaded all eps with eng subs. its all up there to watch now for youku app vip. i forgot who made the guides for getting youku vip if u wanted, but they’re pretty easy to find and floating around. 
update: here’s some guides: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/tian-ya-ke/60635-how-to-subscribe-to-youku-vip
here’s one for android users: https://three--rings.tumblr.com/post/646296467825426432/youku-vip-how-to
the iphone one i used: https://mejomonster.tumblr.com/post/645744895316918272
the tumblr android one: https://mejomonster.tumblr.com/post/645794869677293568
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gayliensav · 5 years
the opening card of fear the walking dead is literally the most annoying sound to my overly sensitive ears
but im starting a rewatch, just gonna keep updating this post below the cut
S1E01: “Pilot” 
ahahhaha that millennial daughter of theirs not watching to eat gluten. Bet the local white moms who are casual watchers for Norman loved this joke
Alicia is the only character I have liked from the very beginning (besides like...Strand, but he wasn’t in the first ep)
Like I know everyone is up Madison’s ass (at least they were last time I checked and I’m a few seasons behind), but I don’t like her or Travis all that much
Nick changed for me, I used to hate him but he got a little better
Nick hating Travis???? A BIG FUCKING MOOD
Like I understand that as the viewers who watch TWD we’re supposed to be annoyed with their decisions, which is how I feel from the beginning, but I do realize that’s how they want us to feel.
“You need to take Christopher” “i DoNt WaNnA gO”
He’s literally asking his son, a teenager, to come and spend the weekend in the hospital with someone he barely knows, like what does he expect here??
the lead up draaaaags on for too long
*slams fist on desk* wheres isaac lahey
I think one of the main problems with the relationships in this show is that there’s no lead up and no development, they just immediately love each other. Like with Rick and Michonne, we had seasons of lead up, but not with these two. The writers of this are capable of writing good relationships, they just chose to drag these two heteros into the main stage without giving them any backstory in the beginning.
This liveblog is going to consist of me making quips and then actual analysis of stuff
i walked out of the room to go to the bathroom and didnt miss anything
this one kids got it covered, tobias is prolly still out there
thats what I expected Paul Rovia to be like at the beginning of the apocalypse. Everyone is like dicking around and hes like nah fam and yeets his body outta town
the whole show is on 123movies, btw, dont give amc the numbers by watching it on their site. They also don’t have the first few seasons available anyways, so
like why don’t they just go check the building instead of saying Nick was just drugged. Like I know he was high, but he saw dead bodies, they need to call the police and have them check that shit out. Instead Travis just goes there by himself. Ricky Grimes would not approve.
I forget how long until the actual apocalypse stuff happens, but I’m getting a teeny bit bored already.
“Something really bad happened there” “I don’t care” lmao WHAT, Madison????
I paused and 50 pop ups came up, thanks
you know alicia’s bf goes down
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they really teased us with an almost-zombie huh almost like they knew we were bored
fffff there aint a doubt in my mind that anyone from the pilot except tobias and alicia survived this show
nick’s yeetin outta here
Like the concept of being in a huge city during the beginning was great, but we didn’t really get very much of that. The first few episodes especially when Travis was trying to get Chris and was stuck in that barber shop was great. Like that’s one of the few episodes of this that really stick in my mind. Those crazy fucking scenes were great.
“there’s no bodies...they couldn’t just get up and walk away” lollllll what clever writers WE HAVE
Like I’ll give Travis credit, he did try to be a good dad and stepdad...just bad timing, not great decisions in the end of the world, etc. Like the one scene where he was swearing he’d drag Nick to rehab??? That scene got me feelin’ stuff.
lol a helicopter
 you know why all these kids aren’t in school??? their parents are anti-vaxxers
walkers walkers walker walkers LETS GO THERES A WALKER
“killshot, bitch”
that took way too long to be the first episode goddamn
S1E02: “So Close, Yet So Far” 
Ooooo cellphones are starting to go, shits getting good now
I’m like 30 minutes in and haven’t liveblogged anything, I’m bored
Well, that was that.
S1E03: “The Dog”
I hate this already because of the title we stan (1) TWD Dog in this house and his name is Dog Dixon
this star wars now???
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See, I’m a neutral gay who just likes to watch chaos. A chaotic neutral, if you will. So this episode is fucking WILD, like this is what I mentioned before.
the monopoly scene was wholesome
I guess I could see Paul joining in on this chaos for a bit until he realized oh shit this aint good chief THEN yeeting outta there
Fun fact, the truck they use for the first part of Fear is Daryl, Aaron, and Paul’s truck on the askjaaryl blog:
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The music while they’re driving is on fucking point, like it kinda sounds like that one TWD theme (the hopeful one) but remixed.
The scene where all the lights in the city go off PHEW poetic cinema
Madison: DONT LET IT IN! Nick: ITS A DOG! -- Daryl felt that
I frozzee I thought for a hot minute that it was Dog
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He a cutie tho
that poor doggo im so sick of this show’s treatment towards them like
if anything happens to Dog, I think Norman will quit and rightfully so
i feel like just a few people in the post-apocalyptic world where zombie movies dont exist were just blessed with the knowledge that you have to shoot the head
damn chris really didnt do shit and got a whole broken nose huh
so far, stan list: alicia, victor strand (he hasnt appeared but yyknow), and chris sort of
they need a doctor but she never went to school before the end of hte world is this how alex feels all the time
S1E04: “Not Fade Away”
The opening to this one always really stuck with me. Like it’s so normal but you know it’s not.
lol remember that time everyone freaked the fuck out thinking this was Carl
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I feel like Ophelia and this soldier dude would have one of those conversations where it’s like “what do you like about me?” “you’re beautiful” “is that it?” 
deadass don’t care if nick is over 18, she still hit her son who has an addiction he can’t control 
I think this is where I started to hate Madison. Instead of blaming the people who did it, she blamed Liza. Because that makes sense.
S1E05: “Cobalt”
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Strand out here scamming the heteros since before the apocalypse started
Paul Rovia and Victor Strand had a thing, you can’t change my mind
Everything but Strand’s scenes is boring to me and there is an extreme lack of those.
S1E06: “The Good Man”
Honestly, the relationship between Nick and Strand was really great.
“We’re gonna get along fine, Nick’s mom” is one of my favorite lines because like...it’s like a little kid talking to someone else’s parent, but he’s a grown ass man and he knows damn well how funny he is.
So wait did Ophelia die???
oop nope she good
lol she deadass apologizing that he got taken and not for beating her own son but OKAAAAAY
S2E01: “The Monster”
Here we go, a full length season this time. Let’s see how this goes.
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