#imagine a goose big enough to ride and thank me later for your nightmares
anna12o · 1 year
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So I was GOING to make a post comparing Mother Goose to The Untitled Goose Game, but as it turns out, Mother Goose is a PERSON! Seriously, wtf? The only thing I've ever seen on Mother Goose books is a goose in a bonnet, but apparently she's called that because she rides a goose. Am I the only one who thought she was a fucking goose?
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The Honeymoon--chapter 4
Rating: T
Summary:  With the Black Fairy defeated and the Final Battle won, Emma and Killian are able to focus on the important things—like their honeymoon.  Thanks to a souvenir from the latest curse, Killian comes up with a way to give Emma the wedding trip of their dreams.
Missed the Beginning? (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3)
Emma held tight to Killian, burying her face in his neck as the portal swirled around them.  Taking the Jolly Roger on the honeymoon had seemed like a good idea, but navigating the swirling portal sea…not so much.
As the sea raged around them, Emma remembered the last time they’d done this.  It had been under far less pleasant circumstances.  They’d followed Henry and his kidnappers to Neverland. She’d been frantic.  She’d had no idea what was in store, what Henry might be going through, if the ragtag group of heroes and villains with her could even pull together to find Henry.
What a difference a few years made!  Now she’d full accepted her magic, her family, her destiny.  She wasn’t on a desperate rescue mission, but on her honeymoon. She wasn’t with a group of people she was afraid would kill each other, but with her husband, her True Love, the man she’d literally go through hell for.
Back then, in the dark days of Neverland she never would have believed she could love this deeply or completely, and if someone had told her Killian would be that love interest? Well, she didn’t know whether she would have laughed or punched them in the face.
The raging portal suddenly became calm, and Emma cautiously raised her head to look around.  In the distance lay a land she’d never before beheld. Wonderland.  There was something…surreal about it.  Everything was just a little bit too much.  Too bright, too colorful.  The flowers too big, the trees too small.  It seemed less a land of beauty than the crazed imaginings of someone who was high as a kite.
“So this is Wonderland, huh?” Emma said, running her fingers through hair that had tangled and matted with the portal’s fury.
“Just so, love,” Killian said, mouth set in a grim line.  “More a land of nightmare than of wonder.  But then, perhaps things have changed now that dear old Cora is no longer with us.”
“Let’s hope so.”
Killian let down the longboat, hopped down, and then helped Emma in.  “Killian, we don’t have to spend long here, I promise.  Just long enough to check in on Jefferson and Grace. Then we’re off.”
Killian leaned over and kissed her deeply.  “I don’t care where we honeymoon love, as long as I’m with you.”
Emma smiled, reaching up to cup his face, letting her thumb caress his cheek.  “That’s so romantic and cheesy, Killian.”
“I happen to be rather fond of cheese, Swan, and as for romance, you bring out the romantic in me.”
Emma laughed.  “Well, for the record, I’m happy as long as I’m with you too.  So how about we make a pact.  Neither one of us dies, sacrifices ourselves, or has a near-death experience for at least the next fifty years or so.”
“I do believe we have an accord, my love.”
“How do you want to seal that accord, Killian?” Emma asked, extending her hand.  “Handshake?”
“Not a chance,” he said with a positively sinful grin, “but I dare say the way I’d like to seal it could get us arrested for public indecency if we engaged in it here and now. I will however, accept a substitute until we’re able to properly set the accord.”
“Yeah?  And that is?”
Killian tucked his chin, looked up at her from beneath heavily lidded eyes and tapped his lips with two fingers.  Emma laughed, her mind returning to the humid jungles of Neverland, to a flirtatious pirate who requested a thank you that neither one of them, it ended up, could handle. She grabbed the lapels of his coat and pulled him to her, doing her best to recreate their first, steamy kiss.
“Quite odd,” Killian said as they broke apart and rested their foreheads against each other.
“What’s odd?”
“I seem to remember a certain savior assuring me in no uncertain terms that what happened on Neverland was a onetime thing,” he said, “and yet here we are, sharing our three hundred twentieth kiss.”
“Three hundred twentieth?”
“Aye,” Killian said, with a decisive nod.  “I have a head for keeping track of the important things.”
Emma laughed.  “So are we going to sit here in this boat and make out all day, or are we actually going to find Jefferson and Grace?”
Killian put a finger to his lips as though deep in thought.  “Difficult choice, my love, but I suppose we’d best do what we set out to do.”
Killian grabbed the oars and began rowing.  Emma sat back, enjoying the ride—enjoying the way the exercise made Killian’s muscles strain against his shirt.  For a moment, all thought, but that lean, muscled body fled Emma’s mind.  Her need and desire for her husband was pretty close to insatiable.  Now, unfortunately, was not the time.
“See something you like, love?” Killian said with a wink.
“You know I do, sailor,” she answered
“Just wait until I get you alone later,” he said, “You’re free to explore all you like.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
The longboat scraped against the beach, and Killian jumped out, pulled the boat the rest of the way in, and then helped Emma out.  Stopping to give her a quick kiss before they went on their way.
“Whooooo are you?”  came a voice from behind them.
Emma looked up to find a huge, green caterpillar wearing a fez and sunglasses and holding a hookah pipe.
“I’m Princess Emma Swan-Jones of the Enchanted Forest,” she said, “and this is my husband Killian.”
“Princess?” the caterpillar said, looking at her over the rims of his sunglasses.  “And are you quite sure of the identity of your companion? He looks rather like a ruffian we had in our borders some years ago.  Captain Hook was his name.”
“I’m the very same,” Killian said, standing tall and proud.  “Though I’ve rather put my villainous ways behind me.  I do hope my past here will not make my wife and I unwelcome.”
“Not at all,” the caterpillar said. “Captain Hook may have had villainy on his mind, but his visit rid us of the Queen of Hearts.  You, sir, are nearly a national hero.”
“Did you hear that Swan?” Killian said, “I’m famous.”
Emma groaned and then looked up at the caterpillar.  “His ego does not need to be further stroked.”
“As long as you continue stroking other parts, love,” Killian said in a low voice, far too quiet for anyone but her to hear.  
She blushed in spite of herself.
“Anyway…” she said, “we were hoping you could help us find someone.”
“I know all within these borders.”
“Great!  We’re looking for Jefferson…although he may be known as the Mad Hatter here…and his daughter Grace.”
“Ah yes,” the caterpillar said.  “He has indeed returned to our borders.  Perhaps you could try to speak to the March Hare in order to find his current whereabouts.”
“And where might we find this March Hare?” Killian asked
“The best way to find someone is simply to look.”
Emma raised her eyebrows. “That’s….not really helpful at all.”
The caterpillar pointed in the direction of a dirt path that led into the forest.  “Follow yonder road, but be sure to stick to the path lest you slowly drown in the marshmallow swamp.”
“Yeah, that’s kind of something I’d like to avoid on my honeymoon.”
“Or at any other time,” Killian added for good measure.
Armed with precious little information, but having a heading at least, Killian took Emma’s hand, laced their fingers and started off along the path.
“According to Henry’s book,” Emma said, “Jefferson and Grace lived in a tiny cottage in the woods.  If you see anything that looks promising, we’ll check it out.”
But after more than a mile of walking, all either of them saw were the strange trees, flowers, insects, and vegetation of Wonderland.
“Is it just me, or did that stoned caterpillar send us on a wild goose chase?” Emma asked.
Emma missed what Killian said in reply, as she caught a flash of…something…in the braches of a nearby tree.  She did a double take, but whatever it was was gone.
A moment later it appeared again.  It was….a wide, toothy grin attached to absolutely nothing.
“Killian…” She said, pointing in the direction of the odd site.  “Do you see that?”
He looked in the direction she pointed and then groaned.   “It seems we’ve come across the Cheshire cat, love.”
As he spoke, the features of the cat began slowly to appear—first the eyes, then the whiskers, then the ears, then the sleek body.
“You think he can help us?”
“Oh I’m sure he can, love,” Killian said, “but I’m equally sure he won’t.  The cat is a right bastard.”
There was a “tsk”ing sound from the cat.  “Now is that any way to speak to those you meet on the road?”
“Can you tell us where to find the home of Jefferson and Grace?” Emma asked, turning from Killian’s fierce scowl to the cat’s obnoxious grin.
“Of course I can,” the cat assured. “The question is why should I?”
“Perhaps you’d prefer not to be impaled on my hook, mate,” Killian growled.
“Captain Hook, always so violent,” the cat said with a mocking shake of the head.  “But to show that I can be hospitable, I will tell you exactly what you asked.  Just around yonder bend in the road, you will find a cottage nestled in the woods.  The cottage belongs to the hatter and his girl.”
“Thank you,” Emma said.
They set off, watching as the cat slowly disappeared, bit by bit until only his grin remained.  A moment later that disappeared as well.
“Okay, I don’t know about you,” Emma said, “but that feline totally freaks me out.”
“He’s harmless,” Killian said as they approached the bend and walked past.  “Annoying as hell, but harmless.”
“Well, at least he gave us useful information,” Emma said, as a tiny cottage finally came into view.
“I’m not so sure he did,” Killian frowned.  “Do you notice anything peculiar about that domicile?”
Emma looked more closely. It was completely overgrown.  The small vegetable garden was full of weeds, ivy and other trailing plants crawled up the sides of the house, the lawn was similarly overgrown, one of the front windows was broken, and there was not a light to be seen inside the house.
“I don’t like the looks of this,” she said as they cautiously approached the cabin.  “Do you think the Cheshire cat lied to us?”
Killian knocked, and when they received no answer, he opened the door.  Inside they found their suspicions confirmed.  A thin film of dust coated everything, a kitchen chair was overturned, the hearth looked as though it hadn’t seen a fire in decades and other than a raggedy patchwork stuffed rabbit in one corner, it showed no signs that it had ever been a dwelling.
“No, love,” Killian said, stooping down to tug a round box free from under the small bed in the corner. “I believe he told us what was literally true.  This was where Jefferson and Grace lived.  This can be none other than the hatbox where Jefferson kept his famous hat.”
“Well, they’re not here anymore,” Emma said.  “You think something happened?  You think Henry was wrong?  Maybe they never came back here.”
Killian shook his head. “No, Swan.  The lad is the author, he’d know more than anyone what has happened to the people within his pages.  If Henry says Jefferson and Grace are in Wonderland, in Wonderland they are.”
Emma blew out a long breath. “Killian, I’m beginning to see why you hate this place so much.  It’s one big riddle with no answer.  I guess it’s back to the drawing board.”
“Seems that way,” Killian said, stopping to kiss her cheek before they continued on.
“What was that for?” Emma asked, reaching up to cup the place he kissed.
Killian shrugged. “Whether we find what we wish or not, I’m with you, and that reminds me that I am the luckiest man in all the realms.”
Emma reached up and pulled his head down for a long kiss.  “You’re no luckier than I am,” she said.  “So what do you want to do next?  Should we keep on with this wild goose chase, or do we head back to your ship?”
“Let’s search a bit more, love,” Killian said, opening the cabin door and ushering her back outside. “It would be a shame to disappoint our lad.”
“Our lad,” Emma said, feeling the love bubble up within her.  “I love the sound of that.”
They’d only just started down the path once more, when they were pushed aside by a white rabbit dressed in a waistcoat and carrying a pocket watch.  “Pardon me!” he said, “I’m terribly sorry, but I’m late!”
“For a very important date?” Emma asked with a grin.
“Indeed my lady,” he said with a nervous little bow.  “I’m due to have tea with the queen and her king.  Mustn’t be late.  Mustn’t be late!”
“The king and queen?” Killian asked, “who is it who rules the realm?”
“Queen Alice and King Cyrus,” the rabbit said.  “They are benevolent leaders.  Wonderful monarchs.  Can’t be late; must go!”
With that, the rabbit began scampering off.
“Oh wait!” Emma called after him.
He stopped but bounced on the balls of his feet, clearly ready to sprint away.  “I cannot wait.  I’m late!  Must go now.”
“Just a quick question!” Emma said.  “Do you happen to know where the Mad Hatter and his daughter live?”
The rabbit nodded and pointed to a hill in the distance.  “There,” he said.  “The mansion at the top of the hill.  Now please! I cannot delay.”
“Many thanks, mate,” Killian said, “and enjoy your tea with the royals.”
Many hours later, Emma lay in Killian’s arms in the big bed in the captain’s quarters.  When Killian had first proposed that they live on the ship during their honeymoon, Emma had been skeptical.
“Killian,” she’d said, “I love the Jolly, I really do, but….I’ve seen the bed in your captain’s quarters.  It’s barely big enough for one person, let alone two.”
“Not to worry, Swan,” Killian assured.  “I assure you, our nuptial bed will exhibit the utmost comfort.  I intend, after all, to spend long hours there with you.”
And he’d been as good as his word.  The day before the honeymoon, Emma had climbed down into the captain’s quarters, hoping to stock the room with everything they’d need for their voyage, and the first thing she’d seen was a huge, king sized, four poster bed, complete with down pillows, a soft mattress and the most luxurious silk sheets and cotton blankets.
“I had it commissioned,” Killian had said, coming up behind her.  “Marco carved the frame for us.  See the swan and the hook on the headboard?  Granny bought the mattress—and fear not, she chose far better for us than she did for her inn, and your parents provided the bedding. It’s my wedding gift to you, my love.”
Emma had expressed her appreciation enthusiastically, attacking him with kisses, before toppling him onto the new bed, insisting that it needed to be properly christened.
“So a happy ending for the hatter and his daughter, then,” Killian said, bringing her back to the present, gently caressing Emma’s bare shoulder.
“Yeah,” Emma said, “I’m glad things worked out so well for them.  Good for Regina, keeping her word.”
They’d hiked up the hill and rung the doorbell of the huge mansion and estate at the top.  They’d waited for several moments, but finally Grace, now more of a young woman than the little girl Emma remembered, opened the door.
Grace had quickly invited the Jones’s to tea, delighted to see them again, full of questions about Henry and how he was doing now.
Over the course of the next few hours, Jefferson told Emma and Killian how they’d ended up in a mansion in Wonderland.
“We were sent back after Regina destroyed the first curse,” Jefferson said, pouring Emma a cup of tea. “Everyone returned to their original lands, if you recall.”
“Yeah,” Emma said, “Things were kind of chaotic then…and ever since.  You’ve missed the Wicked Witch, the Snow Queen, the Queens of Darkness, Me becoming a Dark One, me turning Killian into a Dark One, Hades, Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, the Evil Queen—split off from Regina, Gold and Belle’s grown up son Gideon, and the Black Fairy.”
“No offense, Emma,” Jefferson said, “but I’m glad Grace and I missed it.  Sounds like you haven’t had a moment of peace.”
“You have no idea, mate!” Killian said.  “It was a miracle Swan and I found the time to get married amid the chaos.”
“So how is it that you got to stay here in Wonderland when the second curse was cast?”
“We felt the pull of the curse,” Grace said, offering a tray of scones, “but it was weak.  It was like whoever cast the curse was giving us the option to go or to say.”
“And since we’ve now got the perfect life together,” Jefferson said, “we decided to stay.”
“Can’t say as I blame you,” Emma said, “but that’s another thing.  How did you end up with such an amazing house…and estate…and servants…and basically everything you could ever want?”
Jefferson shared a quick smile with Grace.  “It was Mayor Mills,” Grace said finally.  “She gave us this life; she gave us our happen ending.”
“Really?” Killian asked.
“Absolutely,” Jefferson said, “long ago, the Evil Queen asked me for a favor.  She promised to give me, and particular my Grace, a good, happy life where we’d want for nothing.”
“But instead, she separated you from your daughter and trapped you with your memories in Storybrooke,” Emma said.
“Yes,” Grace said, “but you broke the curse, and my papa found me again!”
“And when Regina destroyed the curse,” Jefferson said, “she evidently decided to fulfill her promise. We were taken directly to this house. And now we’ll never be separated again.”
They’d stayed and talked until nightfall, and then Emma had poofed herself and Killian back to the Jolly.  Now, sometime later they lay near sleep.
“So now that we’ve fulfilled Henry’s request, where to?” Emma asked sleepily.  “Next stop’s your choice.”
Killian was silent for a long moment, and Emma sat up until she could see his face.  “Killian?”
Finally he sighed.  “I never would have expected to suggest this, particularly not on my honeymoon, but love, I think we should go to Neverland.”
“Neverland?” Emma asked, her eyes going wide.  “Why the hell would you want to go there?  Not exactly the best memories from that place.  Last time we were there a bunch of psycho teenagers were about to burn you at the stake.”
Killian sighed and ran his hand through his hair.  “You’re correct, of course,” he said, “and it’s not precisely that I want to return to that hellish land.”
“Then why suggest it?” Emma asked.
“Tiger Lily,” he said finally.  “It was only due to her aid that we were able to defeat the Black Fairy.  She was instrumental in our success, and when I last left her….the lost ones were demanding her head.  I just….I wanted to be sure she’s well, that she’s not in need of our aid.  You don’t mind, do you love?”
Emma smiled, feeling love well up inside her for this man.  She leaned down and kissed him.  “Mind?  Not even close.  I love you and your honor, Killian, and I’d be happy to go to Neverland and make sure the Lost Boys are behaving.”
“Very well,” Killian said, “First thing in the morning, Neverland it is.”
--So there you have it.  Wonderland.  Jefferson and Grace got their happy ending in a big, comfortable house.
--Up next: Emma and Killian go back to Neverland where they meet up with Tiger Lily—as well as some of the Lost Ones.
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