#implied Zalissa
allaboardthevespa · 1 year
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heloflor · 3 years
Dance lesson
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When Milo has to learn the waltz for a school dance, he ends up turning towards his honorary uncles for help.
Note : Another random thing that’s been on my mind for a while and that I finally decided to write down (I SWEAR I’m working on a longer fic). And it’s a fic with no angst and only fluff for once ! And it contains the ACTUAL main character of the show !
But yeah, joke aside, it’s just some random fluff that turned out three times longer than planned (as usual). Like always, Cavendish and Dakota are married. Also Dakota is a dad with Milo because I love this side of him.
There’s also one line that implies Dakota being too dependent of Cav and I really hope that it doesn’t count as romanticizing it because that’s not AT ALL my intent. I just wanted it to be pointed out but using Milo’s POV definitely makes it seem a bit clumsy, even if it’s just one random throwaway sentence. Which is why I’m talking about it now, to make you know that I’m aware that Dakota has issues and it’s not “cute”. And frankly, if I make more fics that take place after the show, I DEFINITELY would take the occasion to point out that Dakota is seeing a therapist and tries to work out how to let go of Cav and trust him to take care of himself.
On that same note, there’s also one sentence that mentions how Cavendish and Dakota hide their relationship out of fear due to homophobia.
There are also a few sentences that are mostly there to give some random headcanons about Cavendish and Dakota, because why not.
Oh yeah and one important thing : I’m no dance teacher, I don’t know how to dance, and finding info about the waltz without ending with a video is harder than I thought. So be aware that the description of the dance is VERY, VERY far from perfect.
I also don’t know shit about American proms and use it more as a set up than anything, so bear with me on that one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways. Enjoy !
Milo opened the front door of his house, trying not to feel anxious. The day of the annual spring prom was fast approaching. The theme chosen by the teachers for the main dance was slow and formal, to the surprise of most students. While Milo knew that not everyone was going to be perfect when it comes to dancing a waltz, at least among those who would choose to dance it, he really hoped to have a dance with Amanda, who he knew would strive for perfection. And with the almost certainty of Murphy’s Law making the evening more difficult, the least he could do for her was to learn to dance, to be able to keep up against all eventualities.
But learning the waltz was easier said than done. His parents didn’t remember much aside from what it was supposed to look like. As for Sara, she didn’t know how to dance it. Same for his friends. Besides, Melissa had decided she wouldn’t dance if it had to be something like a waltz, much to Zack’s chagrin. So asking them wouldn’t help. Finally, looking it up on the Internet was a no go, as he wanted to learn from a more authentic experience.
So all that was left were dance lessons. But those had a cost. And while Milo considered himself willing to do anything for Amanda, there still was the risk of paying for a lesson only to get the place destroyed over and over again and be banned before learning anything.
Milo didn’t know what to do. Amanda deserved the best, and he truly wanted to be the one to give it to her.
It was with these thoughts in mind that he noticed the three men in his backyard. Doctor D. was working on some machine, helped by Dakota, while Cavendish was standing nearby, chatting with them. While Milo had asked the professor and knew he couldn’t be of any help, he hadn’t told Dakota and Cavendish about it yet.
“Hey guys !”, Milo called as he went to join them.
“Hi Milo !” “Hello Murphy.”, the former time-travelers greeted.
“Found someone to teach you to dance yet ?”, Doofenshmirtz asked as a greeting.
“No. Not yet.”, the teen replied, his smile faltering.
“Something’s wrong ?”, Dakota immediately asked.
“No, no ! I’m fine !”, the short man raised an eyebrow. “Well, it’s not something bad or dangerous. It’s just…”, Milo looked away, suddenly feeling embarrassed to make them think that he had a big problem over something they probably saw as insignificant. “There’s the annual spring prom this Saturday, and I’d love to go with my friend Amanda. But I don’t know the dance and Amanda- she likes when everything that could go wrong doesn’t.”
“Trying to impress a girl for a dance, huh ?~”, Dakota asked in a teasing tone that made the teen blush. “Yeah I’ve been there.”, he shrugged.
“I suppose there isn’t a way we could help you ?”, Cavendish asked.
“Well, I need to find someone who can teach me to waltz. So if you know someone who can…”
Dakota looked at him for a beat, before his face brightened. “Well, I think you just found your teacher.”, the short man cheerfully said, turning towards his partner. The tall man looked between the two before closing his eyes and beaming with pride.
“I have to admit, I’m quite the dancer.”, he boasted.
“Cavendish can dance the waltz ?”, Doctor D. asked. Dakota nodded. “Somehow, I’m not even surprised.”, the scientist deadpanned, earning a glare from the British man.
“I’ll have you know I was taught a variety of dances at a young age.”, Cavendish defended. “I still master most of them.”
“Yeah. He can do anything that’s old-fashioned.”, his partner confirmed. He then leaned towards Milo. “But you don’t want to see him try a modern freestyle. Trust me.”, he jokingly half-whispered, making the teen laugh.
Cavendish cleared his throat in annoyance. He then turned his attention to Milo. “So, shall we start this lesson ?”
“Oh, you mean right now ?”
“Why of course ! Unless you don’t have the time, obviously.”
“no, no ! I have time. I just thought you guys were busy.”, Milo replied, glancing at Doctor D.’s machine.
“Oh that ?”, the scientist said. “Don’t worry about it. They already told me everything I needed to know to make my synthetic-time-juiceinator work.”, he assured. “Or at least I hope it’ll work. We’ll just have to see when I’m done building it !”
And with that, the trio scooted away, letting the scientist do his work.
  “So,”, Cavendish started. “as you may already know, the waltz is a European dance with several variations, with a few danced amongst the highest courts. Given your time period, I assume what you need to learn is the slow waltz, the most universal one. There are two roles in this dance. One partner is the leader while the other is the follower. Since you’re a beginner, I would advise you to be the follower. N-”
“Um…Actually, I have to be the lead.”, Milo interrupted.
“Really ? Why is that, if you have no experience ?”, the taller man seemed genuinely confused.
“Well, the man is the one leading, while the woman follows his steps.”, he explained, wondering why he needed to explain something so basic.
The two former time-travelers shared a look. “They still do that gendered music thing in this time-period ?”, Dakota asked with a frown.
“…Yes ?”, Milo replied. The short man rolled his eyes. “I guess it changed in the future ?”
“It did.”, Cavendish confirmed, not without looking displeased himself. “The one who leads is the most experienced dancer, regardless of gender.”
“Yeah.”, Dakota continued. “That’s why Cav tends to lead. Between the two of us, he’s the one who knows what he’s doing.”, Cavendish raised an eyebrow at that.
“Anyways.”, the tall man coughed. “If you need to learn to lead, I can teach you to lead. Now…”, Cavendish walked to the center of the backyard. “the waltz has a certain amount of moves that you can do depending of your level and comfort. You said your party was Saturday, which means we have four days to teach you as much as possible. For today, we’re going to concentrate on the three most basic moves. The first one is the box step, the essence of the waltz itself. Dakota, if you please.”, Cavendish extended a hand towards the man.
“I-uh-what ?”
“I need a dance partner.”, the tall man deadpanned.
“I don’t know how to dance that, Cavendish ! I’m not a dancer ! I’m more of a singer. And a musician.”, he glanced at Milo at that last sentence, likely trying to amuse the teen.
“I’ve seen you dance the waltz before.”, Cavendish commented.
“Yeah, once. For our first dance. And I had to take lessons before the wedding. Annnd if memory serves, I tripped and fell only a few minutes in.”
“You tripped during your wedding ?”, Milo couldn’t help but ask.
“Yeah.”, the short man shrugged. “But it was fine.”, he let out a chuckle. “I didn’t break anything. Besides, I had been giddy all day. It was one of the best days of my life after all ! One stupid fall wasn’t going to ruin it ! I never did that dance again though.”
“But surely you remember some of it ?”, Cavendish interrupted. Despite his tone, Milo could see a small smile on the tall man’s face. It seemed like Dakota wasn’t the only one thinking about the day they had years ago.
“eeeesh…”, Dakota punctuated his noise with a shake of his wrist.
“Come now.”, his partner grumbled. “I’m sure you’ll get it back soon enough.”, Cavendish grabbed the shorter man’s hand and led his partner to where he had been standing moments ago. He then put one hand on Dakota’s waist and took Dakota’s other hand in his. Despite his grimace, the shorter man didn’t offer any resistance and also took position, a hand on Cavendish’s shoulder.
“Now. The box is a series of steps that the leader takes, mirrored by their partner. The leader starts by moving forwards, then slide, join your feet, change the foot you put your weight on, and repeat the opposite of what they just did, all in the tempo. For the tempo, you have to count from one to three on rhythm. Now watch.”
After his explanation, Cavendish started slowly making the movements he described, one after the other, taking for each one the time to let Dakota follow. Milo looked at their feet and how they moved. Looking up, he could see the taller man glancing at him from time to time, surely to make sure the teen was still listening. His partner, however, kept his eyes down, looking at what he was doing. At some point, Cavendish pointed out the weight he was putting on each foot and how to change it.
Once Milo confirmed that he understood the moves, Cavendish asked him to put on some music with his phone. Then, the former time-travelers started making the steps again, this time moving to the right rhythm, not without guidance from the taller man. Dakota was clumsy and awkward, never looking away from his feet. But with Cavendish’s assurance, and with the shorter man’s ability to just go with the flow, Dakota managed. This made Milo smile a little. Seemed like he wasn’t the only one getting taught how to waltz.
  After explaining everything about the box step, the man introduced the progressive step, followed by the reverse step. Both were rather similar to the box and served to move around the ballroom. The tall man described them as essential to master the more complex moves. Just like for the first step, Cavendish went slow at first to let the teen see how it looked and get Dakota to learn as well, before then following the rhythm of the music.
  “Milo,”, the tall man started as Milo cut the music after a few minutes of dancing. “are you sure you understood everything ?”
“I sure did !”, the teen assured.
“Good. Now, we’re going to show you how to combine all three steps together.”
“Say what now ?”, Dakota asked.
“Before we start,”, Cavendish continued, ignoring his partner’s interjection. “there’s one important thing for you to understand. As the leader of the dance, the choice of where and when to move is in your hands. Your partner is meant to simply follow and mirror your steps so, unless they tell you where other people are, you can’t rely on them to guide you. This is why being the leader is harder than the follower.”
“I understand.”, Milo replied.
“Good. Now the music, if you please.”, the tall man asked in a jokingly polite manner. Milo turned the music back on and watched as the two men started dancing again.
  As the minutes passed and they kept dancing, their moves started to get smoother with Dakota growing in confidence. Eventually, Cavendish let go of Dakota’s hand for a beat in order to lift the shorter man’s chin, making the duo hold eye contact for the first time since they started. The two smiled as they continued. Milo soon realized that Cavendish had stopped glancing at him. The former time-travelers were completely enraptured with each-other as they moved in harmony to the slow pace of the music.
Milo felt a strange fascination in looking at the two men. Never had he seen Cavendish look so…peaceful, before. Of course, Milo had seen him be happy or excited in the past, more than once. But when he and Dakota were talking, Cavendish had a tendency to be annoyed at his partner. Here, there was none of that. Cavendish’s eyes were filled with love and affection for the shorter man, making Milo understand better why the taller man stayed in their relationship despite his numerous complains.
As for Dakota, it was the same. While Milo frequently saw the shorter man in a good mood, it had never been to this extent. Dakota looked at his partner with pure adoration, as if Cavendish was the most important thing in his entire life.
Milo knew that the two were married. While talking relationships with him, Dakota mentioned how long-lasting relationships weren’t all romantic and cotton-candy like how TV portrayed it but instead were mostly about arguing over the dumbest things. Cavendish’s reaction to the statement accidentally gave them away. Since then, the teen promised to keep the secret, if only to keep them safe from what some people might think.
But while Milo had known of their relationship, he never saw a display of their affections. The teen wondered if their first dance had been like this. For a moment, it made him envious. He hoped that, someday, he and Amanda could be like this. That they could look at each other this way, with the same love, the same passion. Maybe this would be possible this Saturday…At the thought, a new wave of determination coursed through the teen.
“w-woah !”, the moment ended as quickly as it started when Dakota suddenly tripped, letting go of his surprised partner in his fall.
“Dakota, are you alright ?”, Cavendish asked. The softness from before hadn’t left the man yet and his voice was full of worry. However, it was cut short as Dakota started laughing.
“And that,”, he said while looking at Milo. “is what happened fifteen years ago !”
“…It did.”, Cavendish admitted with a sigh before helping his partner up. Milo walked up to them.
“I’m getting too old for this.”, Dakota grumbled after cracking his back.
“You’re only 45.”, Cavendish commented.
“So ? It’s already pretty old for this time-period.”
“How old can people get in the future ?”, Milo found himself ask.
“A few people have managed to reach 150 years old.”, Cavendish explained. “This means that a few of the people born today might live long enough for us to have met them in our youths.”
“But even if they live that long, they look like a living corpse by the time they’re 120.”, Dakota interjected.
“Still. With the evolution of science and healthcare, people our generation might live even longer. After all, we already are able to stay in good shape until we get near our 100th anniversary.”
“Yeah. Just look at this guy !”, Dakota pointed at his partner. “In his fifties and still able to run ten miles without stopping !”
“I’m 52.”, Cavendish replied. “And you could be in better shape if you worked out with me.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.”, the shorter man rolled his eyes.
“Anyways. Milo ?”, the teen quickly turned his head as the attention went back to him. Cavendish offered him a hand. “Now that you saw how a waltz looks like, I believe it is time to practice ?”
“Uh ? Oh ! Right !”
“I’m not dancing again.”, Dakota warned.
“I don’t expect you to.”, his partner replied.
Dakota took a few steps back, letting the other two take position.
“Are you sure this is going to work ?”, Milo asked, immediately noticing the large height difference. “I mean, Amanda’s more my height…”
“Don’t worry, it’s going to be fine.”, Cavendish reassured. “Besides, this isn’t about how you hold your partner, it’s about the moves that you make. Now, let’s start with the box step. Do you remember it ?”
“I think so.”
“Alright. We don’t have to use the music for now, just take it slow.”
Milo started moving slowly, following the steps he remembered. Like Cavendish said, the height difference wasn’t that much of a problem, especially with the taller man knowing exactly what he was doing.
  With the minutes going by, Milo got more into it, though not without a few corrections from Cavendish. The teen managed to move smoothly, making the correct steps. And when music was added, it didn’t take him long to manage to follow it. Being in the backyard also helped a lot as Murphy’s Law couldn’t turn as chaotic as it could be in town. The watering system turned on at some point, both his and Dakota’s phone ran out of batteries, and a few birds ended up causing some damage to the place, but it wasn’t anything that could prevent them from continuing. And after half an hour of practice, Milo was happy to see how good he got at the basics.
Seemed like he had a shot to dance with Amanda after all.
  During the following days, Cavendish and Dakota would show up at the Murphys’ house to teach the teen more. Once the basics were mastered, Cavendish taught him some more moves like how to twirl or dip your partner. Due to Cavendish’s height, Milo had had to train those moves with Dakota. These lessons had been more fall-inducing than the others, especially on the shorter man’s end, but at least Milo had been able to learn. And while it took more time to get it right, training with Dakota was really fun. The man was as lost as the teen, so the practice always ended with a laugh. And when they were about to fall, the shorter man always made sure to fall first to prevent the teen from getting hurt. Of course, Cavendish had shown annoyance at the duo’s antics but, as long as Milo was learning, he couldn’t really say anything to them.
Milo had to admit, Cavendish was a far better teacher than he first thought. The man knew how to take it slow, making sure everything was understood before moving to the next level. At the same time, he could be sharp, reminding Milo that he didn’t have all the time in the world and couldn’t just spend the entire time messing around. The man knew how to be involved without suffocating the teen, how to get to the point while still giving enough details.
From the way the man would look during some of his explanations, Milo guessed that Cavendish was repeating things he had been told when he had had to learn to dance. This made the teen sometimes wonder about what kind of childhood Cavendish had, though he never dared asking the man directly. Besides, Cavendish wasn’t there to talk about his past. Milo did once ask Dakota about one of the ways Cavendish would speak. But, as it turned out, Dakota didn’t know anything about Cavendish prior to his time living in the States. When Dakota first asked him about it, the tall man simply told him that anything from his past didn’t matter anymore. The only thing Milo learned was something that Dakota jokingly told him : given his personality, there was no way Cavendish used to be a serial killer or a runaway prisoner or anything like that. So there was no point in wondering about Cavendish’s past, especially if it made the man uncomfortable.
  By Saturday evening, Milo knew most of the different moves possible in a slow waltz, along with a few steps from what Cavendish called an “American waltz”, which sometimes had moments in which the two partners separated.
The teen was extremely grateful for what the former time-traveler did to help him, and made sure to thank him more than once. Cavendish had received the praise with a proud smile. It seemed that the knowledge of helping Milo was enough compensation for him. As for Dakota, he had spent the end of the last lesson teasing the teen, trying to find him ways to approach Amanda, making Milo way more embarrassed than he thought he would be. Though, the shorter man ended his teasing with an encouragement, ruffling Milo’s hair while telling him to just be himself and that, with his talent to turn every situation around, there was no way the evening would be ruined.
Milo had thanked the duo one last time before going to prepare himself for the evening.
And now here he was in his best clothes, in front of the school gym, along with Zack and Melissa. Since they had no intention to do the main dance, the duo had agreed to help Milo by dealing with Murphy’s Law themselves. Zack had even brought his own backpack for the occasion.
“Here we are.”, Milo declared.
“Nervous ?”, Zack asked him with a smile.
“A little.”, the teen admitted.
“What are you scared of ?”, Melissa interjected. “The waltz doesn’t start before a good hour. And you trained for this. You got this !”, she encouraged.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I got this !”, and with that the trio entered the gym.
  Just like for last prom, the place was greatly decorated. There was already music, played by one of the school bands. As Melissa predicted, the main dance wasn’t before a while. For now, Milo could just relax and have fun, at least as much fun as Murphy’s Law could permit without ruining the evening.
“Hi Milo !”, Milo immediately turned at the familiar voice that made his heart flutter.
“Hi Amanda !”, he greeted. Amanda was wearing a pink dress that reminded him of the one from last prom. The Hispanic girl also had a check-list with her, making Milo quickly understand that she planned the event. “Nice party !”, he complimented.
“Thanks !”
“I guess you’re in charge of every committee again ?”, Melissa asked with a smirk.
“Not this time. I wanted to have more time for myself.”, Amanda replied. “Though I did choose the people in charge. And made sure they all had backup if needed. And gave them all my number in case they need anything.”, the teen smiled awkwardly.
“But now you can have fun !”, Milo enthusiastically pointed out.
“Well, as long as nothing goes wrong.”, Amanda replied, looking in Milo’s direction.
“Oh don’t worry about that.”, Melissa said. “We’re here to make sure everything runs smoothly.”
“Yeah.”, Zack continued, pointing at his backpack. “The committee against Murphy’s Law and its backup are here !”
“Well, we’ll see how it goes.”, Amanda shrugged, though Milo could still see how nervous she was.
“Come on !”, he tried to encourage. “Let’s go see what they got for the buffet !”
“You spend way too much time with Dakota.”, Zack commented as the group started moving.
  The evening had started in a great note. Of course, not everything went perfectly with Murphy’s Law. But, as long as Milo kept an eye open for trouble, the party could go on.
After several songs and about half an hour into the party, the lights toned down and the music changed for something more classical. Milo felt his heart start to beat faster.
It was time.
Turning towards his friends, Melissa gave him a gentle punch on his shoulder while Zack gave him a thumbs up, before the duo walked away, ready to deal with any eventuality.
Milo gulped, tried to calm himself with a deep breath, and turned his attention towards Amanda. The Hispanic teen was looking at the dance floor where a few couples were already starting to waltz, while others opted for a slow dance instead.
Milo offered her a hand, getting her attention.
“May I have this dance ?”, he asked, not without a blush.
Amanda looked between him and his hand before finally smiling. “Sure.”
Milo tried not to let his excitement show too much as he led her to the dancefloor. Remembering all of Cavendish’s lessons, he took position and they started to move.
As he expected, Amanda seemed to know exactly what she was doing and danced around with grace. Milo was doing pretty good too. He was especially satisfied about how easy it was to be with someone his size after spending four days dancing with taller people.
“You’re doing amazing !”, Milo flattered after a twirl.
“Thank you, Milo. You’re doing great yourself.”
“I’m glad you think that !”, the teen felt his face flush again. “I…I really trained hard to have a chance to dance with you.”, he admitted.
Amanda looked away with a blush of her own. “I’m…very glad that you did. And-“
She suddenly stopped as both of them heard the sound of glass shattering. They stopped in their tracks and turned at the same time, looking for the source of the problem. But as soon as they noticed the broken window, Zack was on it, already sweeping the shards away.
Milo was relieved to see that nobody had been hurt. He and Amanda shared a look before smiling and starting to dance again.
As they went through the room together, Milo started thinking of Dakota and Cavendish and the way the two of them would look at each-other while dancing. His envy from a few days ago came back as he thought of the possibility of him and Amanda being like that. Maybe that was it, maybe they could-
His thoughts were interrupted by a scream, and the pair stopped again, ready to act. But just like a few minutes earlier, the problem had already been half-resolved by Melissa who winked at the duo. Milo and Amanda went back to dancing.
“Melissa and Zack sure are doing a lot of work.”, Milo commented.
“I have to say, I’m impressed.”, Amanda replied. “I know they said that they got this, but I didn’t expect them to be so effective.”
“Well, they do have a lot of experience helping me deal with Mur-“, Amanda shushed him before he could finish.
“I think we’re unlucky enough without you mentioning it.”, she commented.
“Sorry.”, he replied.
“It’s alright.”, she reassured.
For a few instants, she smiled at him and he smiled back, growing in confidence. But before he could say anything else, another anormal noise was heard. And yet again, they stopped in their tracks, only to realize that the situation quickly got solved without their intervention.
“They really seem to have got this.”, Milo murmured, looking at his friends smiling at him and smiling back.
“You know, I’m surprised to see them willing to take this time to help instead of dancing.”
“Well, Melissa didn’t want to do this kind of dance.”, Milo explained. “And…weeelll, they kind of agreed to look out for me during this dance, so that we can have fun.”, the teen looked away, embarrassed.
“Oh.”, Amanda stayed silent for a beat, both teens looking away. “Well I’m…I’m glad they did. And perhaps…maybe they’re right.”
“What do you mean ?”, Milo looked back at her.
Another noise. But this time, as Milo looked away, he felt Amanda’s hand grab his cheek, pulling his attention back on her. The teen went back to dancing, leading Milo with her.
“I know it may sound crazy coming from me,”, she started. “but I think we should…ignore the mess.”, she looked horrified as she finished her sentence but shook her head to keep her composure. “Your friends got it. Let’s just…let’s just enjoy the dance.”
Milo looked at her for a second before feeling a smile spread across his face.
“You’re right. Let’s just keep going. And whatever goes wrong will get fixed without us !”
Amanda smiled back and the two started focusing back on their steps. Milo took back the lead and the two locked eyes, their smiles never faltering.
Slowly, as they kept dancing, Milo felt like the music was growing louder, making everything around them disappear, until all that was left was the two of them, gazing at each other while the soft music was leading their paired movements. Milo felt his heart pulse faster than ever, and yet, he never felt more at peace. He wanted to smile and laugh like never before, but all he did was continue dancing, admiring Amanda’s elegant steps. After a twirl, once they looked back at each other, the way Amanda looked at him made him feel like his heart was about to burst out. For a moment, he felt peace and happiness, pure happiness, and he wished for this instant to never stop.
He didn’t know how long they kept dancing, how long they stayed like this. All he knew was that, after a dip, it was all over.
The music ended, most of the couples started to pull away, and the band went back on stage. A few feet away, Melissa and Zack were trying to get a student out of a hole in the wall.
Milo and Amanda kept smiling at each other as Milo pulled Amanda back up. The teens then pulled away and avoided each other’s eyes, both blushing but unable to stop smiling.
“Amanda !”, Lydia suddenly interrupted. This snapped the Hispanic girl right out of her reverie.
Milo could only stand there, trying to blink his dream state away, as the two girls talked, until Amanda spoke to him.
“I’m sorry Milo, but I have to go.”, she apologized.
“Don’t worry.”, Milo tried to get his usual cheerful tone back. “A committee needs you, I understand.”, Amanda nodded.
“See you later, Milo !”
“See you later !”, Milo waved as the girls went away.
  “Soooo.~”, Milo was taken by surprise as he suddenly noticed Melissa standing next to him with a smirk. “How did it go ? ~”
“Did you two have fun ?”, Zack continued, not without his own smile.
“It was…magical.”, Milo replied. He was still on cloud nine, Amanda’s smile forever graved on his memory. “Yeah. Truly magical.”
He really needed to thank Cavendish again.
  The school prom was loud, loud enough to be heard a few streets away from the school. Though, the school had quieted for a while. And now, the music started again.
Vinnie smiled. Seemed like Milo’s time to shine was over. He hoped the kid had gotten the dance he wanted with his girlfriend.
With a nostalgic sigh, the man entered his ‘apartment’.
  Balthazar was crouching near the couch, fumbling to get the bed open.
“The kid’s done.”, Vinnie said.
“What ?”, Balth stopped, looking at his husband in confusion.
“Milo. I’m pretty sure the waltz over.”
“How do you think he did ?”, Vinnie smirked. “How much you wanna bet he fell ?”, he joked.
“Please.”, Balth smiled as he stood up. “Milo became quite the dancer. I’m sure he did wonderfully.”
“He did have a great teacher.”, the shorter man flirted.
“And he’s not the only one who learned a lot.”, Balthazar replied. The tall man took out his phone, and quickly put some music. Vinnie just looked curiously as his husband put the phone on the small table and offered him a hand. “May I have this dance ?”
“You’re not serious.”, Vinnie grimaced.
“Come on.”, Balthazar smiled in a way that made the shorter man silently curse the effect his partner had on him. “You did a lot of progress over the last few days.”
“Alright, alright.”, Vinnie sighed, though his smile betrayed his emotions. He took Balthazar’s hand, letting himself be led by the taller man. The two couldn’t move much as the space was small and cramped, but it didn’t stop Balth from doing a variety of steps.
Though, less than a minute into this, Vinnie tripped over the table’s feet and fell, barely giving Balthazar the time to react and push his partner towards the couch. Vinnie half-slumped half-fell into it.
“…Ouch…”, the shorter man complained
“Are you alright ?”
“Thank goodness.”, Balth mumbled, helping him up.
“You know what ?”, Vinnie declared. “We should let the kids do the whole dancing thing. I think I’m going to take a break from formal dances.”
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fisforfreakyme · 7 years
For that ask meme: 001 for MML ^_^
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Vinnie Dakota, Savannah.Least Favorite character: Elliot? It’s not like I hate him, but I really don’t care for him that much.5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): High-key Savinnie, low-key Zalissa and Milomanda.Character I find most attractive: Dakota, Savannah.Character I would marry: Marrying? Pff, at least take me out on a date first.Character I would be best friends with: I think Sara. I get really into nerdy stuff very quickly, and I pseudo-cosplayed Marty McFly once, so…A random thought: I was really hoping it wouldn’t cross over with Phineas and Ferb, mostly because it feels like the show just exists for that reason. Still gonna watch it with an open mind, though.An unpopular opinion: I like Dakota having two brown eyes. And being Chilean. My canon OTP: None yet? Since the first season is still going? We’ll see later, I guess.Non-canon OTP: Savinnie forever.Most badass character: Probably Milo himself. Not on the most traditional sense of the word, but what else would you call him? He’s prepared for everything and very resourceful. Nothing brings him down.Pairing I am not a fan of: Dakavendish.Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I would have liked to have Amanda developed as her own character before her becoming a love interest for the protagonist. The same could be said about Savannah, but since Dakota isn’t the main character and his crush on her isn’t brought up that much I think it’s okay. Milo and Amanda having an implied mutual crush so soon feels very rushed, considering they haven’t had that much screen time together yet.
Favourite friendship: Milo/Melissa/Zack. They care for each other so much, I’m crying.
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Savannah, perhaps? I would love for her to teach me to kick ass and look amazing at the same time. 
Thank you so much for asking! @revenblue
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