#it makes no sense that eric was that young and decided to only sire one off-spring
Listen, I know this was done mainly for plot reasons, but how is it that 12 years passed in The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea and Eric and Ariel only had ONE child? Specially since they were the ruling monarchs of that kingdom. These two mf’s should have had at least 7-10 more by the time Melody reached 12. Honestly, I think most of that girl’s problems would have probably been resolved had she had younger siblings to interact and play with. I can only think of 3 logical in-universe explanations for the lack of big family:
1) Ariel and Eric’s seggs life wasn’t that active.
2) Ariel and Eric’s seggs life was active, they just got it on when Ariel wasn’t ovulating.
3) Their siblings were miscarriages, stillborns or died when they were babies. 
The last explanation is an extremely disheartening one and if true, it would make the entire situation for Melody incredibly more messed up than it already was. Melody deserved to have 7+ siblings! We deserved to see a big sea family just like Ariel’s own family.
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30 Day Fandom Challenge
Welcome to day 6 Ladies and Gentlemen. As always I am gonna tag the amazingly talented @domsberto and then head back over into the world of the spooky and supernatural for this next one.
Day 6- True Blood
1) Favorite Character: Lafayette Reynolds
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Reason: Lafayette was freaking hilarious and a badass boss bitch. He had the funniest lines in the show and was savage at times. He was a very flamboyant character and I adore those types of characters. He trusted only a few people but was loyal as hell to the select few he let in his circle. When he actually had lover he was faithful and devoted to them, even in death in the case of Jesus. He had his demons but he handled them with grace and a sense of humor, not to mention lots of alcohol and weed. He was a medium which was pretty cool but it also lead to some disastrous situations (like stealing babies and killing the love of his life). I adore his relationship with his cousin, Tara, that borders more on that of siblings than cousins. He has no tolerance for ignorance or bullying, as seen when he put a table full of rednecks in their place for their gay slurs, and he backs up what he says. He is fully capable of handling himself in a fight and is just an all around amazing person.
Rest in Peace Nelsan Ellis! You are missed still to this day! ❤❤❤
2) Most Relatable Character: Hoyt Fortenberry
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Reason: Hoyt reminds me alot of Matt from Vampire Diaries, honestly. He is sweet and kind-hearted and according to Sookie, who can read minds, his thoughts are consistently kind and open compared to everyone else around her. He is also remarkably progressive toward vampires and other social outcasts. This is in stark contrast to his mother, Maxine, who was extremely prejudiced and judgmental of most people, humans and vampires alike. His lack of experience with, and high respect for, women makes him extremely shy around them. Unlike his best friend Jason Stackhouse, he has no desire for frivolous hook-ups, and remains a virgin until he meets and falls in love with the vampire Jessica Hamby. Whem we first meet Hoyt in the first season, he is bossed around by his mother, but begins to assert his independence as the show progressed. Throughout the series, his character development shifts from happy-go-lucky to a much more serious and emotional young man. I can relate to Hoyt because I tend to he shy around men and women I am attracted to because despite having been married for the past 13 years, I didn't really have much experience before I met my husband and I was really self conscious. I also get what it's like to have an overbearing mother and having to eventually put my foot down with her. Hoyt is also one of the most genuine and "normal" of all the characters in the show. This is why he is the most relatable.
3) Most Underrated Character: Godric
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Reason: Godric was only alive for one season and the fans grew to love him so much that after his suicide on the show, they wrote him into the show in later seasons as hallucinations and dreams that Eric, Sookie and sometimes Nora had. He is one of my favorite characters, quite possibly tied with Lafayette honestly. During his time on the show, Godric (who happens to be the maker of Eric Northman) was the Sheriff of the Dallas vampires and one of the oldest living vampires to date. He was a badass, as seen when he saves Sookie when she was almost raped and when he comes in to put an end to the fighting between vampires and the Fellowship of the sun. He was ruthless and a very capable leader, putting people in their place when need be (as seen when he banished Lorena from Dallas for causing trouble). He once lived by a moral code of "There is no right or wrong, only survival or death.", seeing humans as disposable and caring very little for human life. Humans were a means to an end until he grew older and began to relate more to humans. He came to realize that the human race's fear and hatred of vampires was well founded, and that he had contributed to it. He evolved over time and his wisdom and compassion grew. He is perhaps the best-natured vampire seen on the show.
He cared deeply for his progenies, Eric and Nora, and he was one of the few people who could turn Eric into an emotional mess (as seen when Godric decided to end his life). Godric was compassionate and kind but if you crossed him, he could snap your neck without even blinking or thinking twice. He was such an underrated character but I adored him so much.
4 & 5) Most Overrated Character & Least Favorite Character: Sookie Stackhouse
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Reason: So Sookie is the main character and honestly she annoys the hell out of me. She acts like your stereotypical trailer trash, you know the type. The kind of girl that gives us Southern girls a bad name? Yes that type. She had every guy in the show that wasn't gay or family chomping at the bit to try to get in her pants. She constantly found herself knee deep in trouble at every turn, "Must be a Thursday." to quote her. She toys with the boys who fall in love with her unintentionally and honestly she isn't the most attractive on the show to warrant so many male suitors. For a fairy with special powers, she has no idea what she is doing half the time and like Elena in Vampire Diaries, she often makes things worse and ends up having to be saved by someone who knows what they are doing. She is overrated and my least favorite character in the series, despite being the main character. While she has a few good qualities and some decent scenes sometimes, I really can't stand her.
Pam made a comment once that stands out “I am so over Sookie and her precious fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name! F*ck Sookie!”
6) Favorite Canon Pairing: Hoyt Fortenberry & Jessica Hamby [Close 2nd Honorable Mention- Lafayette Reynolds & Jesus Velasquez]
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Reason: Jessica and Hoyt were perfect for each other plain and simple. They both lost their virginity to each other (granted since Jessica was a virgin when she turned she never truly loses her virginity because her hymen keeps growing back) and had a sweet and loving relationship. When they ended things and she slept with his best friend, Jason, Hoyt was so distraught that he asked Jessica to glamor him into forgetting they had ever met and fallen in love before leaving town. They found their way back to each other in the final season and fell in love all over again as if they had never fallen apart to begin with and eventually got married before Jessica's maker, Bill, died. They had a beautiful and pure love that surpassed even memory wipes and I love them so much together.
7) Favorite Non-Canon Pairing: Eric Northman & Pamela "Pam" Swynford de Beaufont
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Reason: While Pam tended to lean more toward women most of the time it was implied time and time again that she and Eric had a romantic or sexual history together prior to him turning her into a vampire. The chemistry between Eric and Pam is amazing and goes well beyond that of the typical sire/progeny bond. They loved each other on a deep level, one could possibly consider the love that Eric and Pam had for each other agape which is the highest form of love that surpasses traditional romantic and sexual feelings toward a person. They had an unbreakable bond and even when Eric released her as his progeny, Pam still stayed at Eric's side no matter what the cost. I wish that they could have been a romantic couple in the canon universe but sadly that never happened. Their love for one another still lives on in the hearts of us fans to this day.
8) Least Favorite Pairing: Sookie Stackhouse & Bill Compton
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Reason: Besides the fact that I really can't stand Sookie, I loathed Sookie and Bill as a couple on the show. They were back and forth so much with their relationship that it made my head spin half the time and when they actually stayed together, the relationship itself was pretty boring compared to some of the other relationships on the show. Sookie could never make up her mind on exactly who it was she wanted to be with and that left her juggling Bill, Eric, Sam and Alcide before ending up with a faceless and nameless man by the end of the show. They had their good moments, don't get me wrong, that made me actually like them but then one of them would do or say something stupid and I would go back to loathing the ship as a whole. Though I will admit it was both heartbreaking and poetic when Sookie ended Bill's suffering in the end. I still feel like there are better couples on the show.
I will admit though that outside of the show I think Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer have a beautiful marriage and beautiful children so my opinion doesn't reflect on the actors personally but rather their characters on the show.
9) Favorote Part/Moment: The Aids Burger Incident AKA Lafayette Vs The Ignorant Rednecks
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Reason: This scene is my favorite scene because first of all Lafayette was a savage and proved that he will not tolerate ignorance from anyone. He put the rednecks in their place when one of them sent back their food because they refused to eat it because "The burger might have Aids.", directly referencing Lafayette who was cooking that night who is openly gay. In that scene he took the burger back out to the customers and confronted them for their gay slur in one of the most epic manners possibly before shoving the "Aids Burger" in the man's face. He proved that he could handle himself in a fight when he kicked his friends' asses before delivering a final quip of "Tip Your Waitress" before walking away like the boss ass bitch he was, fist bumping and impressed Jason Stackhouse on his way back to the kitchen to finish his job. Lafayette was amazing in this scene and I have to give the late Nelsan Ellis credit for such an epic performance. I post a video of this once a year during Pride Month to show one of the most epic scenes of an openly gay man standing up for himself and fellow gay men against ignorant bigots. It was amazing. I will post the video directly following this post.
10) Least Favorite Part/Moment: The Entire F***ed up Billith Situation [Honorable Mentions: Godric's suicide- it was sad as hell but hauntingly beautiful, The Witches induce Amnesia on Eric, Marnie Possesses Lafayette and makes him kill the love of his life Jesus, Tommy Dies to Save Sam]
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Reason: My least favorite part was when Bill merged with the mother of all vampires, Lilith, to become this super powerful and equally psychotic vampire deemed "Billith". The entire situation was just stupid and you could tell that during that season the writers ran out of ideas for what to add into the show. It was far-fetched and pretty OP and that's why I consider this one of the worst parts of True Blood.
Back at you soon with today's post since I'm behind by a day.
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