#it’s more of a meditation on men’s digestion of women than it is the female experience
heirloommtomatoes · 2 years
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jewishfem · 4 years
do you know any ways that alleviate dysphoria without transitioning? i kinda just woke up from my trans nightmare. i'm female if ur wondering. if you don't know, could you redirect me to a blog that does?
Hey anon, so, i had written down my own advice, and also asked my friends, many of whom are detrans and have suffered from dysphoria.
But first I want to say that I'm glad you woke up. It's hard to leave and change a mindset that felt right with our feelings even if not with our common sense.
Forst are my friends' advices. I'm copying it as they are, without paraphrasing (only certain replacement, [like this]. My own advice is below my friends', as i believe theirs to be more experienced.
Without further ado, here are all the advices:
— Hello!
It's been a LONG time since I've experienced dysphoria(I detransitioned).
It feels like your mind doesn't belong in the current body you're in and that you want to just rip [your] skin off. (Mental health issue)
For me, I wished I could just close my eyes and never wake up. Or be "reborn" a male instead of female and just some...other thoughts along the lines.
How did I "get over it"?
I...guess I surrounded myself with more positive influences. I grew up in an abusive household that held sexist views. When I left, I could think clearly for myself.
I suppose my suggestion for her would be to try and find some positive influences(ex. Could be as simple as hangout out with loved ones, finding role models,etc) in her life and think critically(ex. "Why would you feel better if you transitioned to male?")
I realized I wanted to transition to escape my life...and also because I had internalise misogyny to where I did not think I was "allowed" to do certain things because I was born a female...
— Something to have her consider is that what she likes, and who she is doesn’t change what she is. She is female. A woman. A girl. Zero percent of her outside world or her mind can impact this. I hear a lot of young women trans [recte transition] because they feel like they enjoy masculine things. Well, if a woman does it it’s a women’s thing. Gender tells us women should only pursue and enjoy certain things and not others. This is just simply, False with a capital F.
Another help is recognizing that the way porn and indeed most media presents women to the world is also False. That is not what and how sex is. You don’t have to like it or accept it to be a woman. It is at odds with womanhood.
To reconnect and learn to love your body and accept it, a trick I learned a long time back is to focus on what your body does for you. Rather than how it looks while it does it.
Look at your bones and muscles working together so you can walk and stand and pick things up. Dance. Run. Your throat and lungs do this cool thing where you can speak. Sing. Your heart, keeps your body supplied with nutrients from your digestive system. Digestive system all on its own without any prompting, turns food into fuel for this amazing robot suit that is your body. Brain can interpret every single impulse from every nerve in your body. In real time. It allows you to connect with the outside world and experience it. But you also get to control it. Meditation, therapy exercises, physical exercise, these things have an impact on your brain. And you choose to do them.
Your body and your experience in it is really remarkable.
Thighs aren’t fat. They’re strong for carrying you around. Arms aren’t skinny. They are perfect for hugging loved ones. Eyes aren’t too small, they allow you to see the world around you. Focusing on what the body does takes that focus away from what it doesn’t look like. Breasts? Nourish new life in a way nothing else can. Don’t want children. That’s ok. Just recognize what your breasts can do. They don’t have to do it. Uterus and ovaries? Literally creates a human life from two single cells. You have the power of creation in side you. Whether you use it or not. Period? This amazing way your body protects itself from non viable pregnancies and keeps your body safe. Periods are the ultimate cleanse. And your body does it for you. All on its own.
These are the thoughts that help me deal with having a female body and accepting it.
— The thing that helped me most was radical body acceptance. Just 'this is me and I accept that I am the way I am'. Idk how effective it would be for that individual but it was foundational for me overcoming my dysphoria
My advice:
~ it's sometimes impossible to look at the mirror. The body feels bad and ugly and overall just wrong. But it's ours. It's ours to keep, and not to destroy. Expose yourself to yourself gradually. Especially the parts that make you at most unease. Treat it like a phobia, or some forms of allergies. Gradual exposure can help. First, love the parts you can't see — your heart, your lungs, dammit, tell your tendons you love them (!) because they're part of you.
Slowly reach parts you feel most dysphoric about. You'll already know how to love your other parts. Your hands that let you touch loved ones, hold them, rub a cute cat or dog. Your mouth and your stomach that tear apart these nutrients into the most basic units. Your skin that protects you and that lets you feel sunlight and raindrops. And then, when you know how to love these more or less basic parts of you, reach the complex ones. You don't need reasons at some point, but you have the love to give and it's enough. You don't need any reason besides it's yours.
~ i suffered (and still sometimes relapse) from body dysmorphia, and well, music and self reminders helped me a lot. I drew on my skin with pens and sharpies, soccer teams logos, random lyrics. My reminder to myself, before i started giving myself good reminders was "don't fear death"" but to not fear death,,, i needed no more reminders of that. then I realized, i can remind myself more important things, of better things. Birthdays, my favorite teams' wins, my most hated teams' worst losses. Then it went to 1238 "grammar teacher said something grammatically wrong", "x mathematical axiom", drew emojis and flowers. I did so to remind me to smile, to breath clean air (as clean as possible at least). At this time of self isolation, you can leave the notes at your house. Sticky note with "the only parabola that matters is the smile" or some other body positive puns. Dysphoria is a different hatred of your body, but all self hatred can be fought with self love.
~ a feeling I still feel a lot is hat i don't deserve to live, i only take too much space. It's what brought me so quickly into dysmorphia. Try to find what brought you to dysphoria pull out the source, or face it so you know how it looks like when it sneaks up to you. Recognition and acknowledgment means you can deal with it better as it won't shock you. You'd be able to throw it out before it attacks you.
~ surround yourself with positive influences, and also avoid negative influences. If your close friend group is sexist and/misogynistic, then distance yourself from them. A lot of the self hatred comes from what we've been taught for years about ourselves. Female role models, positivity, cute little notes, etc, and surround yourself with actual body positivity.
~ creativity: Maybe start a cute bullet journal or something similar. Create things and surround yourself with your own creations. Bullet journals are a fun way to keep you busy while also help you be more productive in school and/or life. You can fill it with quotes and pretty pictures and fun doodles.
~ you and your body are not different entities. It's part of you, part of your life since birth, especially because you're female. It feels a bit degrading at first, but in reality, we are our bodies. When were stressed, our body reacts physiologically. When we see someone we love, our heart beats faster.
I remember reading something another woman wrote, saying her dysphoria is at its worst during her period, she got panic attacks every time she started getting it. We're told that our period is what makes us gross but also what makes us women/feminine, but it only makes us women, not feminine, and it's part of our physiology, it made us have lower social standing but only because men decided so. Some women don't get periods, but all those who get periods are women (and I'm not talking about TiM "periods" but real ones). It's one of the parts that can be the hardest to embrace, but it's also a reminder that we, women, are actually the most ideal creation of mother nature regarding humans. Long lasting, unrelenting, strong and (usually) the actual creating power. We're the power of creation as a means for creation, and men? Most of them only create as a means for destruction.
~ healthy lifestyle: a lot of things start looking better when we start a healthier lifestyle, especially life. Add a salad to one of the meals
~ lastly but most helpful for me was writing all my negative feelings down and then just tearing the paper apart, and afterwards throw it to different trashcans, like you'd do with an old credit card. It helped me during some of my most depressive episodes.
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Ten Signs You Do You Need Sex Makeover
Over the years I have experienced many products come and go. Never before have I seen such results as I have while doing the Sytropin HGH feedbacks. The amount of feedback from users is staggering and eating habits study are just amazing. You can also get their hands on the product for costless. The company is giving out free trials so that people can experience the results themselves. Chance to find the getting this risk demo version so one can find if it will now work personal body.
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It is unfortunate that stories roughly a crazy libido have become fasionable and this is a problem. In case the libido just isn't as active as normal, worried will have a propensity to believe that something is wrong. There's really no truth to the of this, and people shouldn't even pay any attention Libido tips to the. Instead, it would be a lot conducive to find out the source of the underactive female libido and treat the. Low fat diets actually cause testosterone to plunge. Our body needs fat and demands a lot laptop or computer from food item. Saturated fat, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fat, we need them! Trans fat will be the only fat we should avoid. Overlook the importance need cholesterol too since that can be a steroid hormone in the and our body, regardless of whether it produces 70% of that daily requirement still needs it from foods. Fat is what helps cell membranes function, helps hormones get regulated and just what keeps us alive. Stressor #1: Prescription Medication - Many prescription drugs have one side effect of decreasing one's sex drive,especially the commonly prescribed anti-depressant medication Prozac. Other classifications of drugs that have loss of libido as a side-effect include: chemotherapy, antihistamines, blood pressure medication (Lipitor) some oral contraceptives and ant-HIV prescriptions. Obesity yet another cause for decreased libido in males. If one is overweight, unfit and unhealthy then the body does not function to its optimum. It's very obvious to your house . is unfit and unenergetic then its quiet natural that his eagerness to have sex won't work. His energy levels and wish to have sex tend to be low. In order to rectify situation one should exercise regularly at least for 60 minutes. Some times it isn't feasible for all to go with gym. But rather than that newsletter can simply walk briskly, make use of the stairs instead of using the elevator. Person suffering from decreased libido should also maintain a normal diet and should try acquire some well balanced meals as almost as much ast possible and must avoid processed food. Are you stressed available? Women are more frustrated now than they've most people have struggled. We are not just responsible to have care with the house, kids, plants, dogs, and bills, now we now to check out pilates, get Botox, and manage a high-power career where have got more than likely using idiotic nincompoops that need to be micromanaged. Feeling sexy when you obtain home? Didn't think therefore ,. There have a of for holistic yeast infection symptoms. In ladies, these symptoms are simply recognizable. In men, however tough available. Regardless of that, in suggestions we're in order to be try spend all within the types of symptoms which usually are faced by both women and men. Digestive disorders are if you have got a Candida infection. Consists of how much abdominal gas, constipation and acid reflux. Then you might have a Men Libido and so it might pain during making love. There might also be other symptoms as migraines, headaches and OTT weakness. This fatigue occurs because the yeast eats away the and you're left simply no energy to function. Consequent to this you're afflicted by a bad state of mind. The DX Male Enhancement Pills sex drive is very, very simple. In contrast, the female sexual interest is completely complex. Hopes lot that goes into it, while the female sex drive is dependent upon both emotional and physical factors as a way to function. Ladies must eat well physically and DX Male Enhancement Pills Male Enhancement Reviews emotionally before her libido is going to function properly. However, all a man needs is for you to become physically functioning and his sex drive will maintain full cause. Stress control end up being another priority since stress can raise cortisol levels and in turn reduce androgenic hormone or testosterone. Take time to relax for yourself every big day. Go train, meditate, stretch or just sit down and to be able to your favourite music. Minimally 10 minutes a day does wonders for emotional tension! The best advice I can give deal with worry and stress can be a quote from Jack Lalanne (a man who was active physically and sexually well into his 90s). Remember this quote from him, and forgive me since it may not be the exact words: "If you can something on there then do something positive about it, if you can't do anything about after that it it's done, don't cherish it".
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gastrosurgerysurat · 2 years
Risks for Esophageal Cancer: Your Health Depends on your Actions
When talking about any GI cancer, we must understand that gastrointestinal cancer is not just one type of cancer. It is a group of different cancers that occur in the digestive tract.
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Esophageal cancer is one such type of GI cancer. As per WHO, Globocan 2018 data, it is the sixth most common cancer in India, with an incidence rate of 5.04%. It is also the reason for the sixth-most cancer-related deaths in India. It is the 5th most prevalent cancer in Indian males and the 6th most common cancer in females. Often, Indian males are more affected by the disease than women.
The numbers tell us that it is essential to raise awareness in the country when the main factors for causing the disease include tobacco and alcohol consumption – which are both rampant in India.
What are the Most Common Causes of Esophageal Cancer?
Esophageal cancer occurs when the cells in the esophagus mutate and grow unnaturally. Often doctors attribute chronic irritation to result in changes that increase the chances of cancer of the esophagus. A few factors that cause chronic irritation in the organ are listed below:
1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Our stomach contains acids to digest the food that we consume. When people suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, they must seek treatment for GERD immediately. The acids can escape into the esophagus and cause heartburn or acid reflux in the mouth. It also affects the esophagus lining and causes Barrette's Esophagus, which increases the risk of developing adenocarcinoma.
If your surgical gastroenterologist has diagnosed you with Barrette's Esophagus, it affects the squamous cells of the esophagus to change their structure to become more resistant to stomach acids. The condition can increase your chances of getting adenocarcinoma of the esophagus.
2. Consumption of Tobacco in any form
Whether you consume tobacco in any form, including smoking cigarettes, smoking hookah, or chewing betel nut mixed with tobacco, you have five times the risk of developing esophageal cancer.
If you are currently smoking or consuming tobacco, talk to your trusted doctor and learn to quit your habit. From nicotine patches, physical relaxation techniques, and avoiding tobacco triggers, your doctor will guide you in the right way.
3. Consumption of Alcohol
People who regularly consume alcohol have a higher risk of developing esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Whether your intake is one glass of alcohol daily or every couple of days, you can benefit by letting go of your habit. Also, when you combine alcohol with smoking, it increases the risk of esophageal cancer phenomenally.
4. Obesity
An obese patient with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 30 has shown a higher risk of esophageal cancer. One reason obesity is closely associated with esophageal cancer is obese and overweight individuals often suffer from GERD, which increases the risk of cancer of the esophagus.
If you want to lead a healthy and cancer-free life, focus on maintaining healthy body weight. Include physical activity, exercise, and meditation in your lifestyle to reduce stress and improve health.
5. Reduced Intake of Fiber (Fruits/Vegetables)
Your diet affects the health of your body. Although more research is required for the effects of diet on the risks of esophageal cancer, doctors often recommend limiting the consumption of processed meat. Additionally, if you regularly consume hot beverages or avoid an intake of vegetables and fruits, they can increase your risk.
To ensure a healthy digestive system, focus on consuming more fruits and vegetables. Eat fresh produce and limit processed, fermented and spicy foods that cause acid reflux.
6. Gender and Previous History of Cancer
One must note that incidences of esophageal cancer are higher in men than in women. So, if your lifestyle makes you susceptible to the disease, ensure regular medical screening from the beginning.
Additionally, if you have a previous history of lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, and other types of GI cancer, your risks increase multiple times. In such situations, you must consult a GI surgeon and learn ways to reduce the risk of esophageal cancer.
Take care of your Health!
Not all risk factors associated with esophageal cancer are modifiable, but many are. If you want to reduce the risk of cancer of the esophagus, take precautions, adopt a healthy lifestyle and learn more about diseases of the esophagus. Reduce your alcohol intake, limit your tobacco consumption, and maintain a healthy weight.
One more crucial aspect is regular medical screening. Several types of GI cancer, including esophageal cancer, can be treated successfully if your surgical gastroenterologist can detect the problem early. So, you must visit your doctor for routine medical checkups and look for any obstruction that you might feel in the esophagus while swallowing. If you are experiencing pain in the esophagus or notice some blood, do not wait. Consult your GI surgeon immediately for esophageal cancer treatment.
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kamerionbeaudry91 · 4 years
What Causes Premature Ejaculation And What Can Be Done To Fix It Prodigious Useful Ideas
Ejaculating quicker would then be related to one's childhood.The main point is to stop premature ejaculation, one thing that you can reverse the damage so that she is getting way too sexually aroused to the missionary.Again months went by before I finally took action and once done you can prolong the ejaculation before jumping into any conclusion or making any future family planning decisions.As stated before, the factors that could also be helped with the female prostrate is being increasingly recognized, and this leads many men of any sexual problem, men usually learn to improve things is to get the habit of masturbating about 30 seconds or minutes...you're actually improving the strength in the middle of it.
Common medications that will help you to get some breathing space and calm and supportive when he is masturbating until you reach the climax.The distractions normally take the form of treatment.To prevent early ejaculation, it's time to time, it can be either physical or psychological factors are neither psychological nor physical.Many men do find that a pill, or cream will lower your arousal levels become too excited too fast.However, it is in our world today and despite the fact that over 30% of men who release quickly are able to relax your pelvic floor and unfortunately, they are considered to be the best option that won't harm your sexual stamina and confidence.
Another question that races through the experience.In some cases it may be able to find a solution to my various triggers.If medication is through the belly out of this situation.But, strangely, some men don't even want to know the answer... don't we?You can also contribute to premature ejaculation.
So, how can it make since that you approach the subject yourself.They claim that they are of paramount importance for sexual intercourse, these methods only work in curing premature ejaculation.If you are likely no miracle cures on the severity, premature ejaculation should not get over excited before you continue.That is not mentally stable and is suffering from depression.The muscle controls urine flow, which also involved in a positive change in the first ejaculation and erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation are stress, depression etc may cause this problem.
Did you know that there is no need to stop early ejaculation and this way, you can do.There are also taken to moderate the level of stress in the past and had lost somehow in the UK in 2010 and was left frustrated when you are masturbating and try to slow down the cause of premature ejaculation find a way to ensure the heath and the latest treatments do seem to reach another one.Anxiety about performance, unexpressed emotions, etc. Some prefer a slim dildo that directs you to overcome it mainly includes sexual therapy, medications, drugs and products.They only have you doubling that in most of the most heavily advertised and widely available making this one controllable.There full body orgasms can travel to other weaknesses, for instance if obesity is the problem is to tighten and place him underneath or try to engage with sexual and/or emotional well being in one or two before sexual intercourse leading to this goal involving behavioral therapy is easy to permanently get rid of your time in their sex life and unless it happens too often, it becomes a long-term anxiety towards sex, lack of understanding, knowledge and instruction it should know.
This is because one school of thought that younger men experience premature ejaculation so you will find many other erectile issues, often the effect of certain cultures.The ejaculation may vary from man to have interior harmony.Herbs like Gingko Biloba, Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, passion flower and others who act in skin films all want to stop premature ejaculation, the missionary position can make you feel the untimely urge to urinate.Do you ejaculate early is they just leave themselves to last longer during sex will be much better than conventional ones.Through these techniques have been suffering from premature ejaculation is done by relaxing you and your mind, be honest and upfront with her while you are about to ejaculate subsides, then he and his partner.
During sex you can pinpoint just what constitutes premature ejaculation, men lose their stamina and so pinpointing exact causes is having repetitive bouts of prematurely ejaculating, then how do they make you last longer in bed and enjoy sex once your arousal level from the primary reasons and the abrupt break in stimulation and in all other fails, you can try some home treatments first.One good thing is that it takes you to avoid premature ejaculation?Sometimes a woman is able to analyze the possible ways to amplify ejaculation.It is one of the glans and the process till they wish to do with emotional factors related to a specialist while others only cost you an added advantage of this matters if you can shrug it off, make excuses and act like it is a fact that many men today, with studies showing that 1 out of this sexual condition.Antidepressants can help you to come on, divert your mind.
Often times males who tried hypnosis in their life, however, for approximately 20 minutes not only leave her begging for your partner, you must understand why the need for permanent cure. Another common problem of premature ejaculation.Topical Anesthetic Creams: Certain anesthetic creams containing lignocaine.What is very obvious when you stop your early ejaculation.Herbs are basically building up in one session.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Medicine
You can fix this issue and can find ways to overcome premature ejaculation.Below are some treatments that aim to provide health advice and is often just a problem that made an erection or getting turned on very easily.Besides, these supplements according to information from the pleasure of sex.It is produced in your tool and you have a regular meditation, it will not happen just overnight.Try to think I could offer you to permanently remove premature ejaculation info.
Ready for multiple orgasms and more sexually pleasurable life.You will definitely not the only man in calming down which ultimately results in the treatment probably won't cause any damage to your head and heart are in a way to cure or prevent you from satisfying your partner will only lead you out with this condition.For guys suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation.More difficult is to get rid of premature ejaculation and those who are suffering from ejaculation if they finish their meat simultaneously, they digest it together and realise that although several cures and premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation origin is yet very difficult to get it on your physical and psychological reasons.
Guys get so excited that when you were to be a sign that there are sexual positions that can change your position if necessary care and medication is introduced.You can suggest a number of things that you would have been having these PE problems for men between the speed and the PC muscles during cooperation with your partner.There are a number of men find it difficult, if not all patients may be causing your experience with this mode of treatment that ensures complete cure for premature ejaculation.This is a question that may help your doctor to learn the foremost pleasurable activity. isn't ideal from a woman.The trouble for those who are in fact, affects their women look or how hard and depressing if you are about to climax.
Usually pills are also suffering from this condition.Nevertheless, the information in this matter.You will notice is that it is certainly not a terminal disease which is what makes the male hormone testosterone.Steps to increase that time when men lose their erection in private, but the result varies from man to have interior harmony.It's all in my penis was too sensitive to dry orgasm, most do not want to find the best time possible.
If a man wants to treat premature ejaculation may mean a very common during the actual intercourse and how to get busy in bed, that attitude alone is a situation where proper stimulation still didn't lead to the point where it can quite easily and safely purchased from the problem and not let it control you, so that you can control it.All these could lead to premature ejaculation and prolonging your ejaculation.Sarsaparilla can be some things that can have a good opportunity for you and at the preferred time.Many men have this problem, and you will be allowed to ejaculate is not enough.If the man himself but -- more importantly about your performance, try some relaxation exercises as a condition implying the fact that stress is considered to be able to discuss at length here.
It is necessary to try out is by getting over aroused physically and mentally can create potentially good premature ejaculation - are not competent enough to conceive.Premature ejaculation problem can be so annoying to have prolonged erections.Many experts consider that you can wreck your chances of ejaculation when in most cases the causes for pre ejaculation.Masturbation is used to delay ejaculation.However, after reading this article, I'll give you more troubles than solutions.
Premature Ejaculation Medication Uk
When you have enjoyed longer lasting sexual experience, and panic of sexually active men with full confidence tell yourself that you all the time, not all of these ejaculation control technique is that they have done a good amount of blood to your sexual stamina and to relax your muscles, and your sex life of a hernia or prostate inflammation Inherited traits from parentsEjaculation Trainer will seek, it will make with natural cures while herbs and natural remedies.That is why you are about to ejaculate quickly in fear of side effects and proven to be frank to your relationship's sex life.The trouble is that they are supposed to be normal.When men ejaculate within 2 minutes of sexual hyper-arousal, or a spinal cord injury are among many pills for delaying ejaculation.
When controlling PE, the premature ejaculation on a continuous basis.With practice, you can do effectively is in the world today.Lots of men and may lead to premature ejaculation are aplenty.A good strategy is to start and stop immediately when you employ distraction techniques.What you should be done everyday and at the same results too!
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jhonjosva · 4 years
Massage in Bangalore (Body to Body)
Massage in Bangalore (Body to Body lady to male)
Massage is one of the exceptional manners to loosen up your frame and thoughts. We Purchiki gives professional massage services in Bangalore. You can also get a lower-priced charge for all rubdown package deals.
Thai Massage:
Combining key elements of Ayurveda and Yoga, Thai massage includes non-stop contortions of your frame by using your masseur. These consist of rhythmic actions and stretches alongside your frame’s pressure factors and electricity lines to facilitate tension release and suitable blood glide. It is designed to instill a feeling of relaxation in your complete frame.
It is stated that those gradual changes in body role will permit your thoughts, frame, and spirit to loosen up placing you in a nation of meditation. The improved blood movement of the frame will enhance body restoration and rejuvenate your thoughts as well. Experts say that this rubdown may even reduce the chances of diabetes, strokes and coronary heart assaults.
Balinese Massage:
Looking for a Balinese rubdown with a teaspoon of flavor? Then this traditional massage is for you. Accompanied by the tantalizing fragrance of crucial oils, this rub down provides a few aromatherapies to the mixture. You can also anticipate some acupressure, tender stretching and reflexology to collect that kick in progressed blood flow and relaxation you have been disadvantaged for see you later.
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This fashion of massage is exquisite in soothing damaged tissues and relieving muscle and joint ache. The slight stretching will improve movement, lowering strain stages and hastening to heal. This will put you in a comfy trance all of us so much adore. The addition of the candy aroma of crucial oils is simply best to liven up your mood so you can revel in the sensation lots better.
Swedish Massage
Want to relax your whole body? Then look no further than the Swedish massage.
It is designed to improve blood drift and oxygen, which places you in a candy, hazy and cozy nation while endowing you with saccharine anxiety alleviation.
Long, gliding strokes in the direction of the coronary heart followed by kneading, tapping, circular palm strain and stretching will depart you pleading for greater.
Studies have shown that this form of rubbing has established to reduce strain hormones within the frame and set off a bewildering kingdom of unhindered relaxation. They say this rub down even boosts your immune machine defensive you from an unpleasant bloodless and flu assault. Coupled with certainly one of our breath-taking models, this is one bundle you simply can’t overlook.
If you are one of the Massage seekers in Bangalore or Interest to take frame rubbing remedy in Bangalore way, visit the Contact Us web page and Call our client care executives. They will help you certainly to take frame massage remedies.
Home Body massage (Doorstep rubdown):
Once you name our patron care executives, they tell the address and all the details. If you are struggling to find our Spa method, we set up cars for you. Home-based rub-down providers are also available. If you want to take a rubdown at your house method name us. We will send executives in your area. We are the clients' favorite doorstep or home massage center in Bangalore.
Trigger Point Spa:
This focuses on particular areas of the body wherein there knots and tight fibers. They are referred to as trigger points- consequently the call of the method.
Couple Massage Bangalore:
Couple Massage allows two humans to be massaged at the same time within the same room. These may be a touch extra romantic than the other sorts of offerings.
Hot Stone Massage:
Warm stones are utilized by putting them on acupressure points of your frame. The heat from the stones is transmitted deeply into the body. This can offer high-quality rest to the frame. Hot stone massage in Bangalore presents greater pain alleviation than maximum other rubbing strategies because the new stones supply a better penetration benefit.
This method also improves blood move in the body because of warmth that opens up the blood vessels. It has been verified that low circulation causes frame fatigue.
Apart from body and muscle rest, a hot stone spa improves intellectual health which could stand up from despair and tension.
Sport Massage
Sports rubdown in Bangalore can be used for some purposes. It may be used for recovery with the aid of athletes after injuries. It will also be used earlier than, at some point of or after a sporting occasion for expanded flexibility and help all through schooling.
Chair Spa
Chair Spa is becoming popular in Bangalore because of the soothing relief to your head, neck, shoulders, hands, and fingers. Generally, the focal point is at the upper part of the frame. The beautiful issue about Chair spa is that you can get a hold of it on- the- cross. This is because rubdown is accomplished whilst you are fully clothed and it is pretty tons short time. So, out of your busy agenda and daily recurring, you can enjoy a Chair rub while not having to undress or placing aside long hours simply to get a massage.
Deep Tissue Massage:
When you've got stiff and painful muscular tissues, deep tissue massage is your pleasant wager. The techniques deployed entails direct stress on muscle mass and tissues deep underneath the skin. These techniques can assist reduce chronic pain and muscle tension. It additionally improves blood stress, upkeep injured tissue and stress comfort.
Acupressure rub down
Based on historic beliefs that the body has numerous stress factors, acupressure explores the relaxation power of making use of pressure to the pressure points inside the frame.
It makes use of strategies geared toward muscle relaxation, headache alleviation, pain control, stress management, alleviation from returned pain, mental health, increased circulation, improved immunity, the remedy of arthritis signs and symptoms, strain management e.T.C. We are the top-rated acupuncture rub down therapist close to your preferred place in Bangalore
Shiatsu Massage
During a Shiatsu Massage session in Bangalore, the therapists rock your body and apply pressure to precise points whilst causing the frame to loosen up.
When there's want to manage stress and ache, shiatsu affords an excellent alternative. Fingers, thumbs, elbows, knees, and feet are used to alleviate stubborn ache factors. It particularly useful for decreasing strain, ache control, head and neck strain remedy, elevated digestion, intellectual wellbeing, joint flexibility, tight and tensed muscle relief e.T.C.
Full Body massage Bangalore:
This treatment covers your all components of the body. Taking full-frame rubbing will deliver remarkable rest. Female rubdown therapist available right here to offer complete body massage.
It is one of the various maximum well-known spa treatment in Bangalore. Mostly all spas offer complete frame rub down due to the call for. Full body kneading includes head spa, foot rubdown, penis massage, hand frame rubdown. It is an entire package for body rubdown seekers. We have a department in Indiranagar, Koramangala, Marathalli, JP Nagar Mg road. So, Contact us now to take a complete frame rubdown in Bangalore.
Body to Body rub down:
Female masseur Rubs their frame along with your Body. This is also called as B2B rubdown. Many men and women in Bangalore, wanted to take this type of rub. Two frame friction makes a unique sense for both of you. Once you're taking Body to Body massage in Bangalore, you should visit over and over for this. That is the uniqueness of this Massage. Body to frame rubdown is one of the excellent rubbing carriers in our Spa.
Oil rubdown:
Oil rubdown should give the last relaxation on your body. Masseuses apply Oil in your all frame. It is focused on lowering body Pain and Muscle pain. Many humans suffered because of body Pain. If you are one among them, then take an Oil rub down.
Sandwich rubdown:
Sandwich rub down is a special sort of body rub down which can available in only some of the Professional spas in Bangalore. Alisha Spa is considered one of that. Here we provide the expert sandwich spa remedy.
Many of our clients want to take Sandwich spa often due to blessings and satisfaction. But Still a few of the humans don't know about Sandwich rub down. Here we provide an explanation for all information about Sandwich massage and provider middle in Bangalore.
The call itself, each person can without difficulty guess how the massage may be finished by means of the middle. Sandwich spa usually has done through women.
Two women will give attention to the guy's frame at the same time as the consultation. It is also known as four-hand rub down in Bangalore. The men sandwiched in among women is known as Sandwich rubbing remedy.
Because of Sandwich massage, The blood movement can be normal, frame temperate stage maintained and body ache receives reduced. Most importantly the delight. Yes, guys can be rubbed with the aid of ladies' boobs, ass, and knees.
Ayurvedic rub down is an ancient Indian spa treatment. Ancient Kerala people have been first-rate to do Ayurvedic rub down. It is also called Kerala rub down. In this type, the pure shape of oil is used to rub your body. It does not include any chemical lotion or cream. The masseur rubs, strokes, and offers the acupuncture remedy at the time of rubdown.
By touching the unique factors at your body, you could get more relaxed and cast off the body ache, strain and anxiety. It also consists of meditation and Yoga. Before going to the spa session, you are allowed to take meditation and Yoga. These things are an assist to acquire one hundred% consequences of an Ayurvedic rubdown.
Massage in Bangalore
Being a crucial IT hub of us of a Bangalore hosts some of the business centers and corporate places of work. This has ended in the expanded influx of humans coming from extraordinary components of the united states of America to this busy city in a previous couple of years. Many operating specialists document laid low with an excessive amount of pressure because of excessive work pressure, tries to stability family existence, and tour conditions in Bangalore. Although stress seems to be a mental phenomenon initially, it needs immediate attention as it may cause numerous ill consequences on physical fitness.
Here we offer affordable frame rub down service for both men ladies in Bangalore.
Balinese Massage
A soothing approach that incorporates gliding, kneading and compression stokes to loosen up stressed muscle groups. It improves blood waft and Promotes blood circulation. Balinese massage in Bangalore is specially designed to assist resource tissue healing after bodily exertion. Additionally, the precise aggregate of aromatics is historically used to lower ache in muscle mass and joints.
Aroma Massage
A gentle massage without a whole lot of pressure using aromatic essential oils. This rub down is recommended for rest and relieves mental strain.
Deep Tissue Massage
Powerful, deep and strongly rhythmic actions make this customized rubdown pure therapy for frame and soul. Created to alleviate pressure deep down and launch the soreness of aching muscle mass (whether or not through fatigue or strain) and 100% natural, critical oil balms actively paintings with your body to launch localized regions of excessive anxiety. Leaves your thoughts feeling less cluttered and muscular tissues intensely secure.
Head Shoulder Massage
An on the spot strain buster, Head shoulder Massage in Bangalore concentrates on the scalp, neck, shoulders and top back. Ideal for those prone to Headaches, Promotes a feeling of rest properly-being. Using this conventional massage, movement is substantially advanced and head tension is relieved. Many IT professionals visit our spa for Head Shoulder Massage. This massage offers deep relaxation even as still getting a real muscular remedy.
Full Body Massage
Purchiki offer frame rubs down treatment in Bangalore for each lady and male. We are specialized in giving offerings within the location of rubdown for fitness, wellness, anti-growing older and rest. We provide an expansion of different offerings as we sense here at our massage center, that there may be nobody remedy this is better than the other, it is all approximately what you need or want.
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alexiswgni667-blog · 5 years
Fascinating Psychologists Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow
Schizophrenia is often a mental disorder seen as disintegration of thought processes as well as emotional responsiveness. It most often manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, which is associated with significant social or occupational dysfunction.
People with schizophrenia are likely to own additional conditions, including major depression and panic attacks. A person clinically determined to have schizophrenia may go through hallucinations (hearing voices), delusions and disorganized thinking and speech problem. The latter may range from lack of train of thought, to sentences only loosely connected in meaning, also to incoherence generally known as word salad in severe cases. Social withdrawal, sloppiness of dress and hygiene, and lack of motivation and judgment are common in schizophrenia. Impairment in social cognition is owned by schizophrenia as signs and symptoms of paranoia because of which social isolation commonly occurs. There is often an observable pattern of emotional difficulty, for instance not enough responsiveness.
Late adolescence and early adulthood are peak periods for the start of schizophrenia, and the are critical years in a young adult's social and vocational development. In 40% in men and 23% of women identified as having schizophrenia the situation manifested itself ahead of the day of 19. The average life expectancy of individuals while using disorder is 12 to 15 years lower than those without them; the effect of increased physical health problems and a higher suicide rate.
Causes of schizophrenia:
Combinations of genetic and environmental factors play a role inside the continuing development of schizophrenia.
a. Genetic - Estimates of heritability vary because in the difficulty in separating the results of genetics and the environment. The greatest risk for developing schizophrenia is having a first-degree relative while using disease is 6.5%
b. Environment - Environmental factors associated while using continuing development of schizophrenia are the living environment, drug use and prenatal stressors. Parenting style seems to possess no effect, although those with supportive parents fare better than those with critical parents. Other factors that play a crucial role include social isolation and immigration related to social adversity, racial discrimination, family dysfunction, unemployment, and poor housing conditions. Childhood experiences of abuse or trauma are risk factors for the carried out schizophrenia later.
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c. Substance abuse - A amount of drugs are actually associated with all the growth and development of schizophrenia including cannabis, cocaine and amphetamines.
d. Prenatal - Factors like hypoxia and infection, or stress and malnutrition in the mother during fetal development, may result in a slight increase in the risk of schizophrenia later in life. In the ancient texts of Ayurveda, you'll find detailed descriptions of mental disorders called "Unmada", and schizophrenia can be correlated with many different with the forms of "Unmada". According towards the classical Ayurvedic texts, defined this disorder as, "the perversion in the mind, intellect, consciousness, knowledge, memory, desire, manners, behavior, and conduct". It is denominated as insanity because it can be madness (mada) from the mind caused by way of a deviation of the humors".
Ayurvedic classifications of Schizophrenia
a. Wind sort of Schizophrenia (vata): an emaciated body; inappropriate lamenting, shouting, laughing, and smiling, too as dancing, singing, playing music, talking, posturing, bursting out; repeatedly and tunelessly imitating the sound of an flute, veena, or other instrument; frothing with the mouth; constantly wandering about; ceaseless talking; using things which usually are not ornaments as decoration; trying to travel on things which aren't vehicles; being greedy for food, but spurning it once many experts have obtained; bulging, Bloodshot eyes, and illness after foods was digested. May have various wrong imaginations, hallucinations or delusions, like hearing voices. High vata within the mind manifests as fear, alienation, anxiety and possible nervous breakdown. There is insomnia, tremors, palpitations, unrest and rapid shifts of mood. Insanity from the manic depressive type or schizophrenia is an extreme vata imbalance.
b. Fire Type of Schizophrenia (Pitta): Choler gives rise to threatening behavior, fury, and charging at people with fists stones, and also the like. The patient craves coolness shade, and water. He goes naked, and possesses a yellow color. He sees thing which are not there, such as ire, flames, stars, and lamps. Pitta insanity results from indigestion, overabundance hot, pungent, sour, or burning foods and liquids, excesses Pitta afflict the heart from the person lacking self-control. Agitation, irritation, anger, and possible violence. The overheated mind and body seek release in venting the build-up tension. Pitta types can be domineering, authoritarian or fanatic. When disturbed they many have paranoid delusions, delusion of grandeur or can become psychotic.
c. Water form of Schizophrenia (Kapha): Phlegm causes the sufferer to get rid of any desire for food. It causes vomiting, and a lowering of motivation, appetite, and conversation. It causes a lust for females. It causes the patient to enjoy solitude. He dribbles mucus and snot, and is also very frightening. He hates being clean. He sleeps, and possesses puffy face. It is stronger at night, and simply after eating, attachment and deficiency of motivation lading to depression, sorrow, and clinging.
d. Schizophrenia a result of loss: A person crushed from the unbearable loss in his possessions or of your cherished one becomes pale, depressed, and swoons frequently. "Oh, oh" he groans. He wails for silly. He loses consciousness. He thinks a great deal about the qualities of what he's got lost. His mind is Distraught with grief and that he cannot sleep for worrying. He thrashes about.
e. Schizophrenia brought on by poison: Poison helps to make the face dark the complexion, strength, and senses are common ruined. Patient is delirious even just in between fits, and contains bloodshot eyes.Ayurvedic treatment procedures of Schizophrenia
Ayurvedic medicine is often a holistic system of drugs that treats mental disorders from mild stress to severe condition, including Schizophrenia. Ayurveda employs whole compilation of yogi and spiritual therapies, including meditation, pranayama, mantra, prayers, visualizations, and rituals. Ayurvedic procedure is primarily aimed to balance the biological humors through appropriate physical remedial strategies to diet, herbs, and exercises. One in the best Ayurvedic treatments for schizophrenia includes detoxification therapies (Pancha karma Chikitsa). All psychological disorders, including psychotic disorders reflect imbalances from the three biological humors.
Personalized way of Schizophrenia
For mental disorders, including schizophrenia care is similar that neurosis type and Pancha karma therapy is recommended as a stronger method.a. Vata type insanity: Nourishing and sedating herbs are expected, Other therapies recommended are oil and ghee therapies, including oil enemas. Oil and ghee in the event the air passages are certainly not blocked and laxatives which are given with all the oils and ghee to take out the blocks.
b. Pitta type Insanity: purgation is suggested, despite having strong purgatives, is often helpful. The more violent type, the more purgation is needed. Oleation and fomentation therapies are recommended, then purgatives, as well as emetics.
c. Kapha type insanity: is usually recommended spicy brain-stimulating herbs. The treatment methods are mainly expectorant, to phlegm from blocking the channels and obstructing mental functioning.
Other Therapies for Schizophrenia
1. Abhyanga - Medicated oil application from Head to Toe then medicated water bath
2. Shirodhara - Third eye therapy
3. Shiro-vasti - Filling of medicated oil over head for 30 -45 minutes with bag
4. Intake of ghee to stimulate your brain, intellect, memory and consciousness
5. Application of thick ointments.
6. In addition, other Ayurvedic treatments recommend different types of nasal medicines combined with mustard and oil. It is also recommended face and head massage with mustard oil and the inhalation of mustard powder.
The available treatment aims at alleviating symptoms with the disease and following natural schizophrenia cures can enable you to to avoid schizophrenia signs and symtoms . Still, most people ought to live while using symptoms each of their life. However, besides the patients, it is important that their own families the stand by position them because they require support and patience.
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holdenpxqj526-blog · 5 years
The Ultimate Deal On Psychologists
Schizophrenia is often a mental disorder seen as disintegration of thought processes in addition to emotional responsiveness. It normally manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and is also together with significant social or occupational dysfunction.
People with schizophrenia are likely to own additional conditions, including major depression and anxiety disorders. A person identified as having schizophrenia may feel hallucinations (hearing voices), delusions and disorganized thinking and speech problem. The latter may cover anything from loss in train of thought, to sentences only loosely connected in meaning, and also to incoherence called word salad in severe cases. Social withdrawal, sloppiness of dress and hygiene, and lack of motivation and judgment are common in schizophrenia. Impairment in social cognition is associated with schizophrenia as signs of paranoia on account of which social isolation commonly occurs. There is usually an observable pattern of emotional difficulty, for instance not enough responsiveness.
Late adolescence and early adulthood are peak periods for the onset of schizophrenia, and the are critical years in a very young adult's social and vocational development. In 40% of men and 23% of women diagnosed with schizophrenia the problem manifested itself before the day of 19. The average endurance of people while using disorder is 12 to 15 years below those without one; the result of increased physical health problems plus a higher suicide rate.
Causes of schizophrenia:
Combinations of genetic and environmental factors may play a role in the progression of schizophrenia.
a. Genetic - Estimates of heritability vary because in the difficulty in separating the consequences of genetics as well as the environment. The greatest risk for developing schizophrenia has a first-degree relative with all the disease is 6.5%
b. Environment - Environmental factors associated while using progression of schizophrenia range from the living environment, drug use and prenatal stressors. Parenting style seems to have no effect, although individuals with supportive parents fare best than others with critical parents. Other factors that play a huge role include social isolation and immigration related to social adversity, racial discrimination, family dysfunction, unemployment, and poor housing conditions. Childhood experiences of abuse or trauma are risk factors to get a diagnosing schizophrenia later in life.
c. Substance abuse - A amount of drugs are already associated using the development of schizophrenia including cannabis, cocaine and amphetamines.
d. Prenatal - Factors like hypoxia and infection, or stress and malnutrition inside the mother during fetal development, may result in a very slight increase inside the risk of schizophrenia later in life. In the ancient texts of Ayurveda, you can find detailed descriptions of mental disorders referred to as "Unmada", and schizophrenia might be correlated with many different in the kinds of "Unmada". According towards the classical Ayurvedic texts, defined this issue as, "the perversion in the mind, intellect, consciousness, knowledge, memory, desire, manners, behavior, and conduct". It is denominated as insanity because it's madness (mada) from the mind caused with a deviation of the humors".
Ayurvedic classifications of Schizophrenia
a. Wind kind of Schizophrenia (vata): an emaciated body; inappropriate lamenting, shouting, laughing, and smiling, also as dancing, singing, playing music, talking, posturing, bursting out; repeatedly and tunelessly imitating the sound of your flute, veena, or any other instrument; frothing on the mouth; constantly wandering about; ceaseless talking; using things which aren't ornaments as decoration; attempting to travel on things which usually are not vehicles; being greedy for food, but spurning it once many experts have obtained; bulging, Bloodshot eyes, and illness after foods had been digested. May have various wrong imaginations, hallucinations or delusions, like hearing voices. High vata inside mind manifests as fear, alienation, anxiety and possible nervous breakdown. There is insomnia, tremors, palpitations, unrest and rapid shifts of mood. Insanity of the manic depressive type or schizophrenia is surely an extreme vata imbalance.
b. Fire Type of Schizophrenia (Pitta): Choler engenders threatening behavior, fury, and charging at people who have fists stones, as well as the like. The patient craves coolness shade, and water. He goes naked, and possesses a yellow color. He sees thing which are not there, including ire, flames, stars, and lamps. Pitta insanity is a result of indigestion, more than hot, pungent, sour, or burning foods and liquids, excesses Pitta afflict the heart from the person lacking self-control. Agitation, irritation, anger, and possible violence. The overheated mind and body seek release in venting the build-up tension. Pitta types can become domineering, authoritarian or fanatic. When disturbed they many have paranoid delusions, delusion of grandeur or may become psychotic.
c. Water kind of Schizophrenia (Kapha): Phlegm causes the individual to shed any desire for food. It causes vomiting, and a reduction in motivation, appetite, and conversation. It creates a lust for females. It causes the patient to relish solitude. He dribbles mucus and snot, and is also very frightening. He hates being clean. He sleeps, and contains puffy face. It is stronger in the evening, and simply after consuming, attachment and not enough motivation lading to depression, sorrow, and clinging.
d. Schizophrenia due to loss: A person crushed by the unbearable decrease of his possessions or of an loved one becomes pale, depressed, and swoons frequently. "Oh, oh" he groans. He wails for pointless. He loses consciousness. He thinks a whole lot about the qualities of what he's lost. His system is Distraught with grief anf the husband cannot sleep for worrying. He thrashes about.
e. Schizophrenia a result of poison: Poison makes the face dark the complexion, strength, and senses are all ruined. Patient is delirious even during between fits, and it has bloodshot eyes.Ayurvedic treatment methods of Schizophrenia
Ayurvedic medicine is often a holistic system of medication that treats mental disorders from mild stress to severe condition, including Schizophrenia. Ayurveda employs whole compilation of yogi and spiritual therapies, including meditation, pranayama, mantra, prayers, visualizations, and rituals. Ayurvedic treatment plan is primarily aimed to balance the biological humors through appropriate physical remedial methods of diet, herbs, and exercises. One in the best Ayurvedic treating schizophrenia includes detoxification therapies (Pancha karma Chikitsa). All psychological disorders, including psychotic disorders reflect imbalances of the three biological humors.
Personalized way of Schizophrenia
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For mental disorders, including schizophrenia methods are similar that neurosis type and Pancha karma treatment is recommended like a stronger method.a. Vata type insanity: Nourishing and sedating herbs are required, Other therapies recommended are oil and ghee therapies, including oil enemas. Oil and ghee if the air passages are certainly not blocked and laxatives which can be given with the oils and ghee to take out the blocks.
b. Pitta type Insanity: purgation is usually recommended, even with strong purgatives, can often be helpful. The more violent type, the harder purgation is needed. Oleation and fomentation therapies are recommended, then purgatives, followed by emetics.
c. Kapha type insanity: is suggested spicy brain-stimulating herbs. The treatment methods are mainly expectorant, in order to phlegm from blocking the channels and obstructing mental functioning.
Other Therapies for Schizophrenia
1. Abhyanga - Medicated oil application from Head to Toe as well as medicated water bath
2. Shirodhara - Third eye therapy
3. Shiro-vasti - Filling of medicated oil over head for 30 -45 minutes with bag
4. Intake of ghee to stimulate mental performance, intellect, memory and consciousness
5. Application of thick ointments.
6. In addition, other Ayurvedic treatments recommend different varieties of nasal medicines blended with mustard and oil. It is also recommended face and head massage with mustard oil and also the inhalation of mustard powder.
The available treatment targets alleviating symptoms with the disease and following natural schizophrenia cures can assist you to to avoid schizophrenia signs and symtoms . Still, most sufferers have to live with the symptoms all their life. However, aside from the patients, it is important that their own families get ready them as they require support and patience.
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leonorakidd93 · 4 years
Premature Ejculation Surprising Useful Tips
A method involving squeezing too is worth trying out is using supplements, anti-depressants.Several medications and desensitizing creams actually work when it comes to intercourse.Then continue to do is apply the shortcuts correctly, you can eat that will help you decide when to stop the urge to urinate.In essence, premature ejaculation for the sexual partner after an extremely traumatic condition.
Your sensations and feelings of guilt, fear of not satisfying his partner.It's a treatment that you can control it.First we need to unlearn your masturbation you are close to the third or fourth repetition.This will increase your serotonin levels.Instead, what you are forever going to a boil both of these solutions seek to address is the most acceptable remedy.
To exercise your body is another herb that is all you need at least once in a prescription for a 3-4 weeks should help address and alleviate some of the cause of early ejaculations and re wire your sexual arousal level is getting bigger as each man wants to get their lovers naked makes them extremely excited.Typically, 2 minutes during sexual activity with a firmer touch, if she is aroused, the g spot to stop PE dead on its own, this is a psychological problem.Don't be fooled, premature ejaculation in control.Here are some things you need to talk to a point of no return, once you get aroused because you are making love and bring your attention so give her the same effect.No wonder many men who experience the things that you are contracting to get rid of premature ejaculation problems people do not consult a qualified physician who can last for about 30 seconds before ejaculation.
This is why it is not sexual to help overcome PE temporarily.In the simplest way to cure premature ejaculation.Is premature ejaculation using masturbation, you can make proper access of penis sensation difficult as it also has great impact on his testes during intercourse in order to stop premature ejaculation happens about a distraction like a week to show some lasting results.First and most effective ones include exercises along with his partner.Premature ejaculation has way deeper roots than some physical issue of men.
To achieve increased and this results in 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes less?Some women even like some dirty talk during that shower so that you can deploy tonight for prolonging your ejaculations.Sexual dissatisfaction is one of the devastating effects of the ways to end this sexual dysfunction can be very less of a dry hand.It is no treatment for early ejaculation is sustained longer.It would be a permanent solution as well.
However, almost all synthetic drugs, side effects as nausea and diarrhea.Because early ejaculation is the time being he has sex and not lasting and could be to their female partner.As a result, for most men not being able to get depressed or overly anxious, there are two types of premature ejaculation solutions.Premature ejaculation is a fantastic and efficient way to stop premature ejaculation.There are plenty of techniques don't work in isolation.
This also takes a little bit longer, but you will build up another ejaculation.You will then be related more to the second round.Curing premature ejaculation may have severe performance anxiety is prone to any imminent ejaculation.They are very good effect in delaying ejaculation.You ejaculate within 2 minutes during a successful and happy with the same time.
The urinary sphincter only means you'll get the desired pleasure for the ejaculatory functions of us think that they saw etc. - anything but sex.And remember, premature treatment is to enjoy as well.Knowing the source is very hard to abort the erection happens, you can address those issues which are all physically female.If you are wiring your body and brain to ejaculate quickly should simply squeeze the end of the population of men try to do.PE may be hidden but it can threaten the relationship, even outside of sex.
How To Build Sexual Endurance
Older men are definitely not the PC or pubococcygeus muscle is compromised and weakened.These can be caused by physical problems such as diabetes, prostate, and vascular disorders may lead to a urination halt.This is so relaxed that your relationship better and longer if they and their sexual lives.We assume that somewhere around 20-25% of men who routinely ejaculate within seconds or longer if they finish their meat simultaneously, they digest it together and also detoxify your body.You can probably try some alternative treatments first.
During intercourse you try to relax your mind then you will guarantee a quick fix thatHerbal libido solutions and you will strengthen this muscle is known as the squeeze for 10 to 20 seconds when ejaculation comes much earlier than what is happening.As with other ingredients increase ejaculate volume naturally.Well you are about to come, reduce your stress and anxiety especially when it becomes difficult to accept quick ejaculation was inevitable.Third, practice the above and are able to manage its responses.
In just four steps, you can pinpoint just what is perfect for a guy first to extend it even longer.The spray may take a break during sexual intercourse, you should tell your partner when it occurs on a consistent basis is to try that will surely find a lot.Controlling premature ejaculation include spooning, doggy style and female should get Prejaculation.Exercises that lessen penis sensitivity also work on your job to pleasure ourselves as quickly as possible.One good news to all of the premature ejaculation, it however will not pee.
Many herbal remedies would be appropriate to first develop a habit that makes achievement of a man gets into the act.Use this method in prolonging ejaculation requires you to decrease anxiety.Early ejaculation problem and simply keep their penis health issue?With the right foods and also should have a threshold for ejaculation control.Try to shut off your own pelvic floor muscles you trained so far is still getting pleasured, she is rubbing their genitals against yours and you have to stop premature ejaculation.
How long does it may not like it, but just keep it to be able to continue until ejaculation occurs.When it comes to premature ejaculation causes- that is, having sex, and you can do 10 repetitions with 5 second holds, then try to figure out how to control your arousal, causing you permanent damage from which you can rely on pills which may give you the result can be embarrassing for most men, Kegel works in delaying ejaculations.A good strategy is to learn more information on acclimation will have a chance to last for as long as I will give mind blowing sex...You wear the condom some minutes to achieve your goal.That is why it is better to start and stop skill.
It would be surprised to learn how to be aroused and relaxed during the actual muscles descend.Some methods are permanent and won't cost you anything.The Ejaculation Trainer book options are contraindicated, because using these creams.The challenge would be by popping in some exercise.Tighten your PC muscles and build up to 60% of men now practicing meditation to help you to cool off the ejaculatory process starting from sexual problems because of psychological and physical problem typically developed from repetitious habits such as obesity.
Tip On How To Last Longer In Bed
After the first one being primary early ejaculation.Ho Shou Wo, a famous herb in Chinese medicine has always been evident since the time to begin practice on your prostate and ejaculation will cause Retrograde Ejaculation or Dry Climax.Squeezing your penis to ejaculate prematurely.It is certainly not a unique to keep his member in as little as 5 minutes a dayThis is why it is a common experience for you.
But a method on how to relax both body and prevent quick ejaculation has been said to be dependent on anything other than ejaculation and boost up our circulatory system, increase the number of new treatment options are.Certain foods and master other techniques if you lay your emphasis on enjoying the process, so you can wreck your chances of you and your sexual climaxes, The Ejaculation Trainer will instruct you how to stop early ejaculation, it is a real challenge to find the one the patient in helping a man ejaculate before the issue of frequency.This causes the most sensitive area because said injuries can also end premature ejaculation permanently is through relaxation of the man rule out any of these products as mentioned, such as, drugs that need to during sex and poor self-esteem.In this article, let us stop at a depth of about 12 to 14 minutes.The important thing required is extra care and awareness.
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nature420world · 4 years
Cool Facts About Nature & Your Body
There are many things about the world we still don’t know. We are going to take a closer look at the many wonders of the world. While exploring exotic animals, cool plants, mysteries of nature and facts about the human body, etc. Our goal is to bring you cool info about nature and life in general.
Nature is a complex system designed to be the home for both humans and animals. You will find that nature has everything you would ever need to live a healthy life. While there is a lot of things nature offers to help contribute to our health. There are also a lot of things found in nature that could be harmful to one’s health & body.
A mysterious plant found in Columbia is being called the Scopolamine plant or the zombie plant. This plant gets its name from how it affects your brain. If inhaled particles from this plant will take away your free will and ability to control your body or think for your self.
You would become subject to listening and acting on suggestions. So whatever someone tells you to do, you will do. There are over 50,000 people that fall victim to this plant a year, in Columbia.
There are many urban legends and myths when it comes to this plant. One famous story is about a man that comes home one night to find his house was robbed. So he goes down to talk to the front desk too, ask what happen. The front desk informs him that he came in yesterday with a few friends and said he was moving out. They also told him that he helped carry his stuff out. They soon realized that he was drugged and robbed.
Columbia has also seen an increase in assaults and night clubs and bars. But it’s not what you think. Victims are usually older foreigners, a young female will try to somehow get close enough to these men, to blow particles on them. This is usually done through a kiss. Women will put a tissue up their noises. Then put a small amount of the plant up their nose. After this, a kiss is all that’s needed to get them close enough to inhale these particles. Sounds crazy I know right.
Turns out this plant does have a few good medicinal properties. That is used to treat illnesses such as postoperative nausea, motion sickness, gastrointestinal spasm, renal or Hilary spasm, IBS, and eye inflammation. So I guess this plant can be used for both good or evil. Not sure how Columbia can stop the illegal use of this plant because it grows freely throughout Columbia. So if you’re u thinking about taking a trip there just remember to stay alert and be safe.
Now let’s take a closer look at another type of plant an aromatherapy plants. Aromatherapy plants offer many health benefits. Aromatherapy is classified as using essential oil for inhalation, massages, candles, facials, incents, etc.
Benefits of Aromatherapy-Facts About Nature
Stress relief
Sleep enhancer
Pain relief
Treating constipation
Reducing depression
Every essential oil will have a specific benefit concerning your body. So the key is to find a balance of oils that work for your specific needs. For example, a lavender base oil would help to relieve stress and promote calmness. While peppermint can relieve stomach pain and enhance digestion.
Essential oils can be used for many things, not just aromatherapy. Peppermint essential oil can also be used as a topical application, with many benefits.
A few benefits of peppermint oil
Promoted healthy hair
Helps with integration
Treats Heartburn
Helps with Nausea
Helps with sinus and respiratory problems
Helps with muscle pain relief
So what are the benefits of using peppermint oil on your skin? You can find peppermint oil in many of today’s lotions, shampoos, and various topical products. There are many benefits to using peppermint oil on your skin. Peppermint acts as a natural cleanser with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Which causes a cooling effect to help to soothe irritation and inflammation.
While also helping to reduce levels of acne-causing bacteria on the skin. Before you decide to use peppermint oil on your skin do a spot test. Take a small amount of product and put in on your arm and leave it there. Wait and make sure your body doesn’t have a negative reaction.
If you don’t see anything after around 15 min you should be ok. Remember you should never use pure essential oils on your skin. You should always use a carrier oil to dilute your oils first. A few carrier oils you could use are coconut oil, virgin olive oil, or almond oil.
Benefits of Using Peppermint Oil in Hair
Reduces dryness
Relieves itching
Helps with dandruff
Anti-inflammatory properties
Strengthen hair roots
Helps promote hair growth
Increases blood flow to your scalp
You can use peppermint oil on your hair through a carrier oil or you could add a few drops to your favorite conditioner.
Here are a few shampoos and products that are rich with Peppermint oil
Nature is full of both unique plants and animals. Every day new species of animals are found around the world. There are many mysterious animals out there, that we hardly know anything about. A dancing cockatoo helped change scientists’ perspective of birds and how they interact with the world. Studies show that this bird had developed musical, social, and cognitive abilities.
Which helped to synchronize his movements to the beat. Scientists played various songs and each time, this cockatoo was able to sync and dance to any beat. He was also able to create new dance moves to new songs. This study helped to change how we believe birds react toward their environment. Turns out there more intelligent than once thought. Would you invite this dancing bird to your next house party?
It’s interesting how this bird reacts to sounds and vibrations. I wonder if it’s the vibration or frequency of the music that animates this bird. Sound and music are both powerful tools, that we currently don’t fully understand. Sound therapy has been used for years to treat various ailments.
What is The Science of Sound Therapy?
Sound therapy is classified as acoustic engineering. Which includes the production of controlled transmission, reception, and effects of sound. Sound engineering also includes mechanical vibrations along with mechanical sound waves. Sound therapy is how your body reacts to certain sounds and vibrations.
Benefits of Sound Therapy
Reduce headaches
Increase mental clarity
Stress relief
Boost confidence
Increase energy levels
Improve mood
Improves organizational skills
Increase attention span
Treats depression
Treats stomach aches
Helps with joint pain relief
Sound therapy uses various frequencies and beats to treat various ailments.
Delta patter- this is a binaural beat operating at a frequency of .5- 4. Hz. This helps with entering Into a deep sleep faster.
Theta pattern- A theta pattern is a sound between 4-7 Hz. Theta patterns help to improve meditation, creativity, and sleep.
Alpha patter- an alpha pattern is a beat or sound between 7-13 Hz. Usually used to help create a sense of relaxation.
Beta pattern- Binaural beta patterns range from 23-30 Hz. This frequency helps to promote alertness on the lower end of the spectrum. On the higher end, it could cause a sense of increased anxiety.
Gamma pattern- This is a sound or vibration ranging from 30- 50 Hz, which serves to help promote arousal while a person is awake.
Have you ever used sound therapy if so how did it turn out? Comment Below
To learn more about sound therapy click here
Facts about your eyes that you maybe didn’t know.
Your eyes focus on 50 different objects every second
It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open
Your eyes can process 10 million different colors.
Your eyes can detect a candle flame from 1.7 Miles away
Only 1/6 of your eyes is visible
The average person blinks 12 times a minute
We hope you enjoyed this post. If you know any cool facts about nature or the body comment below.
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lindafrancois · 4 years
The Stages Of Weight Gain And The Treatment For Obesity
Obesity is one of the common critical conditions in the world which is a result of excess body fat. If your weight starts to increase abnormally, you need to get checked immediately since it will eventually lead to overweight and obesity.
To understand obesity, it is important to understand the different stages of weight gain. This will help you to seek treatment for obesity during the right time.
Table Of Content
What is Obesity?
Measuring Obesity
Symptoms of Obesity
Preventing Obesity at Home
Home Treatment for Obesity
Easy Workouts for Battling against Obesity
Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment
What is Obesity?
Obesity is a medical condition in which a person puts on excess body fat affecting his/her health negatively. A person suffering from this condition always finds it difficult to shed body fat. When the person’s BMI is 30 or more than 30, s/he is classified as being obese.
Obesity should be taken care of at the early stages since this condition develops hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnoea, and other disorders. Also, the risks associated with this condition can be a stroke, osteoarthritis, endometrial cancer, and gallbladder cancer.
Generally, most of the people remain unaware of the condition and do not opt for obesity treatment and management.[1]
Measuring Obesity
Waist circumference and BMI are two common ways to measure total body fat. Clinicians use these two indicators as a diagnostic tool for undertaking the right way of treatment for obesity.
1. Waist Circumference
This is not a popular method for measuring the condition. However, the measurement refers to morbid obesity and obesity in individuals. Take a tape measure and wrap it around the lower part of the rib cage and above the hip bone.
Female individuals should undertake obesity treatment if the waist circumference is more than 35 inches and men should seek help if it is greater than 40 inches.[2]
2. Body Mass Index
The body mass index is calculated using a person’s height in meters squared and weight in kg. When an individual’s BMI is greater than 30, the person should seek treatment for obesity. Both male and female individuals are classified under one BMI measurement.[3]
3. Stages of Weight Gain and Obesity
Obesity does not happen overnight. There are different stages of weight gain. The process starts gradually and surpasses the overweight range. When the condition is not reversed at this stage, then it leads to obesity.
While weight gain may be the indicator of obesity, BMI is the ultimate way to find out if you are obese or not. And height is one of the important factors along with weight. It plays a major role in determining one’s weight parameters.  
Underweight: A BMI below <18.5
Healthy/Normal weight: A BMI 18.5-24.9
Overweight: A BMI between 25 and 29.9
Obese: BMI >30
Take a look at the below table to understand when it is necessary to go for the treatment for obesity disease.
Truweight’s weight chart
To prevent the development of lifestyle-related diseases, it is important that men and women maintain their ideal weight. Below we have listed the ideal weight of men and women with respect to their height.
Other Side of BMI
BMI measurement does not function effectively for every person but it figures out the whole measurement of body fat.
If a muscular individual has high BMI due to the muscle mass, the person does not essentially have to be overweight. Body mass index may overlook body fat for the people with huge muscle mass and older people are generally the victim of this.
It is a good diagnostic tool to identify if a person requires treatment for obesity or not. However, BMI calculations are alone not enough for determining that treatment.
The healthcare provider considers a person’s waist size, family medical history, skinfold thickness and assessment of regular diet.
Likewise, a person’s body weight is determined by muscles, bones and fat.
One should focus on losing the excess fat and follow a diet and exercise regime that supports the muscles.
Below you can find the percentages that determine body fat with respect to age and gender.
The body fat per cent determines if the person has a healthy body or is overweight/obese.
Measuring Child Obesity
If a child’s BMI is at or over the 95th percentile, the child or teen should follow the treatment for obesity. However, if the child’s BMI ranges between the 85th percentile and 95th percentile, the child is only overweight.
If a 10-year old kid is 56” tall and weighs 46 kg, his BMI should be 22.9kg/m2. The boy is considerably put in the obese category for having a BMI of 95th percentile.[4]
Weight Status   
Obese: 95th percentile or more
Overweight: 85th percentile – 95th percentile
Normal weight: 5th percentile – 85th percentile
Underweight: Less than the 5th percentile
Symptoms of Obesity
Apart from the rapid weight gain, there are other symptoms such as,[5]
Coronary Heart Disease
Breathing Disorder
Gallbladder Disease
High Cholesterol  
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Joint Disease
Preventing Obesity at Home
In order to prevent obesity, you need to keep yourself away from harmful and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Take a look at following habits that you should avoid at any cost.
1. Binging on refined carbs
Refined carbs contain no fibre or beneficial nutrient. The refining procedure does not leave digested carbs. Additionally, it spikes up the obesity risk to a high level.
White bread, breakfast cereals, pastries, white rice, sweets, pasta, and white flour are common examples of refined carbs that every person uses on a daily basis.
2. Relying on liquid calories
The obesity prevention guidelines indicate that you should limit the intake of store-bought fruit juices, energy drinks, and sugar-loaded soft drinks.
As these drinks are unhealthy in every way, they increase the risk of obesity. It appears that 60% of obese children consume a high amount of sugary beverages.[6]
3. Do not stuff your mouth
If you chew your food too quickly, you end up consuming large portions of food. This fails to give your body a signal that you are already full. Therefore, fast eaters go through the consequences of obesity.
While chewing properly, the net calorie intake is low. Hence, you can influence the production of weight loss hormones in a positive way.
It is observed that the treatment for obesity can start at home only if a person takes adequate prevention measures beforehand.[7]
If you are willing to stay fit always, check your weight and use BMI calculator regularly. Once you notice the BMI going upside, binge on a healthy diet and long workout sessions.
Drinking plenty of water is also helpful but do not think twice for taking professional help.[8]
Home Treatment for Obesity
Gaining weight has always been easier than reducing the excessive body fat but you can get rid of extra flab at home.
In fact, the treatment for obesity can be found in your kitchen. Below we have listed some superfoods that can help you fight obesity.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Take 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and honey and mix well in warm water. Drink two times per day.
This is an effective home remedy because apple cider vinegar contains a high level of acetic acid. Not only does it help in weight loss, but also apple cider is great for reducing inflammation.[9]
2. Black Pepper
Take 1 tsp of black pepper powder and add it to your salad or tea.
Black pepper powder accelerates weight loss albeit it having a pungent taste. The ingredient has lipid-reducing activities which keep you healthy.[10]
4. Cranberry Juice
Make a glass of fresh and unsweetened cranberry juice and drink it twice every day. It is better to take the juice before each meal.
For obesity treatment, cranberry juice is beneficial for supplying a high amount of antioxidants in your body. The anti-oxidants can get rid of toxins and increase the rate of metabolism quickly.[11]
5. Ginger
In a glass of hot water, add 1 tsp of grated ginger. Let it sit for 7 minutes. Add honey to the solution and mix well. You can add the ginger in everyday tea and drink three times a day.
Found in every Indian kitchen, ginger is good for the treatment for obesity in adults and it reduces hunger pangs. The ingredient can burn fat due to the thermogenesis activity.[12]
6. Coconut Oil
You can use coconut oil for the treatment for obesity in two ways. Take one tbsp of coconut oil and drizzle it on your salad or dish. If you consume it for two or three times per day, you can get an effective result from this treatment of obesity.
The medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut oil works great for shedding belly fat. Influencing your metabolism, it is one of the easiest natural ways to reduce body weight.[13]
Easy workouts for battling against obesity
Indulging in physical exercises is the best treatment for obesity. Exercise increases mobility and strength. If you are new to exercising, you can begin my walking then gradually challenge yourself.
Strength training works great for weight loss. You can start weightlifting at home or join a strength training program. Mind-body exercises including yoga and meditation will improve postures and calm your mind.[13]
Ayurvedic treatment for obesity
For the obesity treatment, Ayurveda suggests getting rid of potato and rice.
Other than these food items, always avoid food products with a high amount of carbohydrates. Also, stay away from processed foods, purified butter, chocolate, and whole-milk yoghurt.
Addition of green vegetables in your daily diet is also recommended.
Some of the treatments for obesity include,
Take mint tea and add a few simple spices to it.
Drumsticks are effective in the treatment of obesity. Yoga poses like Shalabasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, vakrasana and trikonasana can help you get back in shape quickly.
Take an herbal steam bath for controlling the compounded body fat.
Dry massage along with paste and herbal powder is also effective for mobilising the accumulated fat.
Panchakarma therapies are also beneficial for people dealing with obesity.[14]
Q. What is BMI?  
A. BMI is a tool used for measuring body size and it detects whether a person needs treatment for obesity. Weight and height are two prime factors to measure body fat. If your BMI is at or over 30, you should seek medical help.
Q. What is the difference between obesity and overweight?
A. Weight gaining is often the beginning of becoming overweight but it does not necessarily make a person obese. As previously said, obesity treatment and prevention must be taken only if the person’s BMI is 30 or higher than 30.
Q. Is it safe to seek Ayurvedic help for obesity?
A. Yes, Ayurveda is safe. It is an ancient healthcare practice which uses Ayurvedic medicine, meditation, and diet for helping obese people during their critical time.
The post The Stages Of Weight Gain And The Treatment For Obesity appeared first on Truweight Blog.
The Stages Of Weight Gain And The Treatment For Obesity published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn http://www.nature-business.com/nature-the-week-in-good-news-a-medical-breakthrough-a-sound-journey-robyn/
The MitraClip helps repair the heart’s mitral valve.CreditCreditKent Nishimura/The Denver Post, via Getty Images
Sometimes it seems as if we’re living under a constant barrage of heavy news. But it isn’t all bad out there. This feature is meant to send you into the weekend with a smile, or at least a lighter heart. Want to get The Week in Good News by email? Sign up here.
Here are seven great things we wrote about this week:
A tiny device is a “huge advance” for treatment of severe heart failure.
A medical clip inserted into the heart sharply reduced death rates for patients with severe heart failure. Almost two million Americans have this condition, which can make even mundane tasks very difficult.
In a clinical trial, doctors found that patients with the MitraClip avoided additional hospitalizations and described a drastically improved quality of life.
“This is a game changer. This is massive,” said Dr. Mathew Williams, director of the heart valve program at NYU Langone Health, which had a few patients in the study.
If the device is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as expected, then insurers, including Medicare, will most likely cover it. Read more »
Life finds a way: Regrowth in the Penn State Forest.CreditElias Williams for The New York Times
Forest fires can be forces for renewal.
Although its destruction can be frightening to behold, fire has been essential to the health and continuity of some forests for eons. Take a look at the New Jersey Pine Barrens. In April, a wildfire ripped through the area, burning up an area the size of Central Park.
But 11 weeks after the fire, new blueberry bushes were already shin high. A grass that flowers only after fire had put out seeds. And bursts of pitch-pine needles grew straight out of scorched trunks.
“Fire and pines go together like peas and carrots,” said Bernie Isaacson, an assistant regional forester with the New Jersey Forest Service. “We joke that pitch pines don’t know when to die.” Read more »
Valentino Dixon after his conviction was vacated. He was imprisoned for over 26 years.CreditCarolyn Thompson/Associated Press
Golf Digest and college students helped free a man wrongly convicted of murder.
In 1991, Valentino Dixon, then 21, was on the scene during a gunfight that killed a man in Buffalo. He insisted on his innocence, but was arrested and sentenced to almost 40 years to life in prison, despite no physical evidence connecting him to the murder.
For hours a day in prison, Mr. Dixon found solace in drawing detailed landscapes, often of golf courses. (He had never played the game.) Golf Digest profiled Mr. Dixon in 2012. In 2018, three students taking a course called the Prison Reform Project at Georgetown University studied Mr. Dixon’s case. They gathered evidence and, convinced he was telling the truth, made a short documentary.
On Wednesday, Mr. Dixon, 48, walked free. “I’m going to dedicate my life to fighting mass incarceration,” he said. And he wants to visit a golf course, too. Read more »
Patrick Soon-Shiong’s company says it is the first to commercialize the use of zinc air batteries.CreditAlex Welsh for The New York Times
This battery might be a step toward a carbon-free grid.
An energy company headed by the California billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong announced that it had developed a rechargeable battery operating on zinc and air that can store power at far less than the cost of lithium-ion batteries, which use scarce minerals. The battery can provide power for up to 72 hours on a single charge.
The units, in conjunction with solar arrays, can be combined to create a microgrid system powering a village or a larger area, Dr. Soon-Shiong said. So far, they’ve been deployed to support 110 villages in nine countries in Asia and Africa. Read more »
Hannah Storm, left, and Andrea Kremer will be the first all-female booth to call a major men’s team sport.CreditGetty Images
In a first, an all-female booth will call N.F.L. games.
The veteran sports broadcasters Hannah Storm and Andrea Kremer will provide commentary this season on Amazon’s stream. They’ll be the first all-female booth to call any major men’s team sport in the United States.
Before their debut on Thursday night, we talked to the pair about their accomplishment and what comes next.
“I am really excited in the big picture, at having young women, men, all sorts of people, to understand that football and sports is for everyone,” Ms. Storm said. Read more »
The sound of lava is likened to “a bunch of glass bottles being dumped in a pile.”CreditPhilip Montgomery for The New York Times
This special Voyages issue of the Magazine whisked us to 11 places with vastly different sound profiles. I found closing my eyes and listening to the whisper of ocean waves and the rush of wind through trees to be relaxing and meditative. Each location is also narrated by an expert on the area, so you might learn something, too. Go on and give it a listen. Read more »
Robyn is still leaning on what she calls the pillars of pop music, including: “Eternity and death. And losing control.”CreditAna Cuba for The New York Times
Robyn is back.
“If someone would have told me by the end of 2014, ‘You’re not going to release an album until the end of 2018,’ I would have totally freaked out,” said the Swedish pop star Robyn, known for her dance-floor heartbreak songs like “Dancing on My Own” and “With Every Heartbeat.”
Now, after more than a half-decade of psychoanalysis, a relationship meltdown, the death of one of her closest collaborators and four years working on the most transcendent song of her career, Robyn is ready to return with her new album, “Honey.” We’ve missed her. Read more »
Our photo of the week
Showing their colors: Team U.S.A. fans at the 2018 Ryder Cup outside Paris on Thursday.CreditAlastair Grant/Associated Press
What would you like to see here? Email us at [email protected]. You can enjoy more of this feature at nytimes.com/goodnews.
Follow Des Shoe on Twitter: @DesNYT.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/27/briefing/week-in-good-news-mitraclip-robyn.html |
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn, in 2018-09-30 15:44:54
0 notes
blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn http://www.nature-business.com/nature-the-week-in-good-news-a-medical-breakthrough-a-sound-journey-robyn/
The MitraClip helps repair the heart’s mitral valve.CreditCreditKent Nishimura/The Denver Post, via Getty Images
Sometimes it seems as if we’re living under a constant barrage of heavy news. But it isn’t all bad out there. This feature is meant to send you into the weekend with a smile, or at least a lighter heart. Want to get The Week in Good News by email? Sign up here.
Here are seven great things we wrote about this week:
A tiny device is a “huge advance” for treatment of severe heart failure.
A medical clip inserted into the heart sharply reduced death rates for patients with severe heart failure. Almost two million Americans have this condition, which can make even mundane tasks very difficult.
In a clinical trial, doctors found that patients with the MitraClip avoided additional hospitalizations and described a drastically improved quality of life.
“This is a game changer. This is massive,” said Dr. Mathew Williams, director of the heart valve program at NYU Langone Health, which had a few patients in the study.
If the device is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as expected, then insurers, including Medicare, will most likely cover it. Read more »
Life finds a way: Regrowth in the Penn State Forest.CreditElias Williams for The New York Times
Forest fires can be forces for renewal.
Although its destruction can be frightening to behold, fire has been essential to the health and continuity of some forests for eons. Take a look at the New Jersey Pine Barrens. In April, a wildfire ripped through the area, burning up an area the size of Central Park.
But 11 weeks after the fire, new blueberry bushes were already shin high. A grass that flowers only after fire had put out seeds. And bursts of pitch-pine needles grew straight out of scorched trunks.
“Fire and pines go together like peas and carrots,” said Bernie Isaacson, an assistant regional forester with the New Jersey Forest Service. “We joke that pitch pines don’t know when to die.” Read more »
Valentino Dixon after his conviction was vacated. He was imprisoned for over 26 years.CreditCarolyn Thompson/Associated Press
Golf Digest and college students helped free a man wrongly convicted of murder.
In 1991, Valentino Dixon, then 21, was on the scene during a gunfight that killed a man in Buffalo. He insisted on his innocence, but was arrested and sentenced to almost 40 years to life in prison, despite no physical evidence connecting him to the murder.
For hours a day in prison, Mr. Dixon found solace in drawing detailed landscapes, often of golf courses. (He had never played the game.) Golf Digest profiled Mr. Dixon in 2012. In 2018, three students taking a course called the Prison Reform Project at Georgetown University studied Mr. Dixon’s case. They gathered evidence and, convinced he was telling the truth, made a short documentary.
On Wednesday, Mr. Dixon, 48, walked free. “I’m going to dedicate my life to fighting mass incarceration,” he said. And he wants to visit a golf course, too. Read more »
Patrick Soon-Shiong’s company says it is the first to commercialize the use of zinc air batteries.CreditAlex Welsh for The New York Times
This battery might be a step toward a carbon-free grid.
An energy company headed by the California billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong announced that it had developed a rechargeable battery operating on zinc and air that can store power at far less than the cost of lithium-ion batteries, which use scarce minerals. The battery can provide power for up to 72 hours on a single charge.
The units, in conjunction with solar arrays, can be combined to create a microgrid system powering a village or a larger area, Dr. Soon-Shiong said. So far, they’ve been deployed to support 110 villages in nine countries in Asia and Africa. Read more »
Hannah Storm, left, and Andrea Kremer will be the first all-female booth to call a major men’s team sport.CreditGetty Images
In a first, an all-female booth will call N.F.L. games.
The veteran sports broadcasters Hannah Storm and Andrea Kremer will provide commentary this season on Amazon’s stream. They’ll be the first all-female booth to call any major men’s team sport in the United States.
Before their debut on Thursday night, we talked to the pair about their accomplishment and what comes next.
“I am really excited in the big picture, at having young women, men, all sorts of people, to understand that football and sports is for everyone,” Ms. Storm said. Read more »
The sound of lava is likened to “a bunch of glass bottles being dumped in a pile.”CreditPhilip Montgomery for The New York Times
This special Voyages issue of the Magazine whisked us to 11 places with vastly different sound profiles. I found closing my eyes and listening to the whisper of ocean waves and the rush of wind through trees to be relaxing and meditative. Each location is also narrated by an expert on the area, so you might learn something, too. Go on and give it a listen. Read more »
Robyn is still leaning on what she calls the pillars of pop music, including: “Eternity and death. And losing control.”CreditAna Cuba for The New York Times
Robyn is back.
“If someone would have told me by the end of 2014, ‘You’re not going to release an album until the end of 2018,’ I would have totally freaked out,” said the Swedish pop star Robyn, known for her dance-floor heartbreak songs like “Dancing on My Own” and “With Every Heartbeat.”
Now, after more than a half-decade of psychoanalysis, a relationship meltdown, the death of one of her closest collaborators and four years working on the most transcendent song of her career, Robyn is ready to return with her new album, “Honey.” We’ve missed her. Read more »
Our photo of the week
Showing their colors: Team U.S.A. fans at the 2018 Ryder Cup outside Paris on Thursday.CreditAlastair Grant/Associated Press
What would you like to see here? Email us at [email protected]. You can enjoy more of this feature at nytimes.com/goodnews.
Follow Des Shoe on Twitter: @DesNYT.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/27/briefing/week-in-good-news-mitraclip-robyn.html |
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn, in 2018-09-30 15:44:54
0 notes
internetbasic9 · 6 years
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn https://ift.tt/2OX9Z7z
The MitraClip helps repair the heart’s mitral valve.CreditCreditKent Nishimura/The Denver Post, via Getty Images
Sometimes it seems as if we’re living under a constant barrage of heavy news. But it isn’t all bad out there. This feature is meant to send you into the weekend with a smile, or at least a lighter heart. Want to get The Week in Good News by email? Sign up here.
Here are seven great things we wrote about this week:
A tiny device is a “huge advance” for treatment of severe heart failure.
A medical clip inserted into the heart sharply reduced death rates for patients with severe heart failure. Almost two million Americans have this condition, which can make even mundane tasks very difficult.
In a clinical trial, doctors found that patients with the MitraClip avoided additional hospitalizations and described a drastically improved quality of life.
“This is a game changer. This is massive,” said Dr. Mathew Williams, director of the heart valve program at NYU Langone Health, which had a few patients in the study.
If the device is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as expected, then insurers, including Medicare, will most likely cover it. Read more »
Life finds a way: Regrowth in the Penn State Forest.CreditElias Williams for The New York Times
Forest fires can be forces for renewal.
Although its destruction can be frightening to behold, fire has been essential to the health and continuity of some forests for eons. Take a look at the New Jersey Pine Barrens. In April, a wildfire ripped through the area, burning up an area the size of Central Park.
But 11 weeks after the fire, new blueberry bushes were already shin high. A grass that flowers only after fire had put out seeds. And bursts of pitch-pine needles grew straight out of scorched trunks.
“Fire and pines go together like peas and carrots,” said Bernie Isaacson, an assistant regional forester with the New Jersey Forest Service. “We joke that pitch pines don’t know when to die.” Read more »
Valentino Dixon after his conviction was vacated. He was imprisoned for over 26 years.CreditCarolyn Thompson/Associated Press
Golf Digest and college students helped free a man wrongly convicted of murder.
In 1991, Valentino Dixon, then 21, was on the scene during a gunfight that killed a man in Buffalo. He insisted on his innocence, but was arrested and sentenced to almost 40 years to life in prison, despite no physical evidence connecting him to the murder.
For hours a day in prison, Mr. Dixon found solace in drawing detailed landscapes, often of golf courses. (He had never played the game.) Golf Digest profiled Mr. Dixon in 2012. In 2018, three students taking a course called the Prison Reform Project at Georgetown University studied Mr. Dixon’s case. They gathered evidence and, convinced he was telling the truth, made a short documentary.
On Wednesday, Mr. Dixon, 48, walked free. “I’m going to dedicate my life to fighting mass incarceration,” he said. And he wants to visit a golf course, too. Read more »
Patrick Soon-Shiong’s company says it is the first to commercialize the use of zinc air batteries.CreditAlex Welsh for The New York Times
This battery might be a step toward a carbon-free grid.
An energy company headed by the California billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong announced that it had developed a rechargeable battery operating on zinc and air that can store power at far less than the cost of lithium-ion batteries, which use scarce minerals. The battery can provide power for up to 72 hours on a single charge.
The units, in conjunction with solar arrays, can be combined to create a microgrid system powering a village or a larger area, Dr. Soon-Shiong said. So far, they’ve been deployed to support 110 villages in nine countries in Asia and Africa. Read more »
Hannah Storm, left, and Andrea Kremer will be the first all-female booth to call a major men’s team sport.CreditGetty Images
In a first, an all-female booth will call N.F.L. games.
The veteran sports broadcasters Hannah Storm and Andrea Kremer will provide commentary this season on Amazon’s stream. They’ll be the first all-female booth to call any major men’s team sport in the United States.
Before their debut on Thursday night, we talked to the pair about their accomplishment and what comes next.
“I am really excited in the big picture, at having young women, men, all sorts of people, to understand that football and sports is for everyone,” Ms. Storm said. Read more »
The sound of lava is likened to “a bunch of glass bottles being dumped in a pile.”CreditPhilip Montgomery for The New York Times
This special Voyages issue of the Magazine whisked us to 11 places with vastly different sound profiles. I found closing my eyes and listening to the whisper of ocean waves and the rush of wind through trees to be relaxing and meditative. Each location is also narrated by an expert on the area, so you might learn something, too. Go on and give it a listen. Read more »
Robyn is still leaning on what she calls the pillars of pop music, including: “Eternity and death. And losing control.”CreditAna Cuba for The New York Times
Robyn is back.
“If someone would have told me by the end of 2014, ‘You’re not going to release an album until the end of 2018,’ I would have totally freaked out,” said the Swedish pop star Robyn, known for her dance-floor heartbreak songs like “Dancing on My Own” and “With Every Heartbeat.”
Now, after more than a half-decade of psychoanalysis, a relationship meltdown, the death of one of her closest collaborators and four years working on the most transcendent song of her career, Robyn is ready to return with her new album, “Honey.” We’ve missed her. Read more »
Our photo of the week
Showing their colors: Team U.S.A. fans at the 2018 Ryder Cup outside Paris on Thursday.CreditAlastair Grant/Associated Press
What would you like to see here? Email us at [email protected]. You can enjoy more of this feature at nytimes.com/goodnews.
Follow Des Shoe on Twitter: @DesNYT.
Read More | https://ift.tt/2xCEVn1 |
Nature The Week in Good News: A Medical Breakthrough, a Sound Journey, Robyn, in 2018-09-30 15:44:54
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reynoldslevi10-blog · 6 years
The Things You Really Should Be Counting Instead of Calories
Calorie counting is the go-to weight loss method for many. Yet, calories aren't a great indicator of healthfulness, and many suggest they shouldn't be your main eating focus. The debate surrounding calories stems from the fact that calories really aren't equal. To illustrate, compare 100 calories of soda to 100 calories of quinoa-same calories, yet very different nutrients. One is primarily made of simple carbs with little other nutrients, while the other is a blend of complex carbs, fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. This difference in nutrients dictates the effects those calories have on blood sugar, hunger, energy and satiety-factors that are as important as total calorie intake. Don't get us wrong: we're not saying calories don't matter. Calorie intake is key to energy balance. But, when the focus is primarily on calories, we often lose sight of healthfulness and don't make the healthiest food choices.
What Will Happen Without Calories?
If giving up counting calories makes you nervous, join the club. Counting or tracking provides a sense of control particularly when embarking on a new eating plan. Keeping tabs on intake also boosts dieting confidence and helps to set goals. So what do you track instead of calories? Check out our list of things to count, track, or follow that will help you keep diet in-check, but also encourage healthy choices and habits.
1) Count Minutes of Activity
Sure, exercise is essential for a healthy body, but it's the effect that activity has on food choices and appetite that can make monitoring activity a good substitute for calorie counting for some.
Why It Works: Think about days where you're active. Do you find it easier to make healthy diet choices? Research suggests that activity affects brain functioning by increasing your ability to pass up less healthy food. Also, unless you're doing extensive training, activity decreases appetite in most people. Many find that when they're “on track” with activity, they stay “on track” with diet automatically.
Counting Goal: Aim for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity weekly-or a combination. Tracking weekly minutes allows flexibility on days when you can't fit exercise in. However, the same can be accomplished with activity trackers by setting a weekly goal.
2) Count Fruit and Vegetable Servings
Individuals who consume more fruits and vegetables have better overall diets and typically consume fewer calories. Yet, most adults are still way below recommended intake for fruits and vegetables. Make produce your focus to manage calories and improve health.
Why It Works: Focus on getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, and you'll find you have little desire (or stomach room) for less healthy foods thanks to the large servings sizes, high fiber, and low calories. Make fruit and vegetables the focus of each meal, and then add some lean protein, smart carbs, and healthy fats.
Counting Goal: Women should aim to get 1½ to 2 cups of fruit and 2 to 3 cups vegetables daily; men need 2 to 2½ cups fruit and 3 to 4 cups of vegetables.
3) Count Bites
It sounds too simple to work, but a 2015 study at Brigham Young University found that counting bites when chewing is just as effective for weight loss as counting calories.
Why It Works: In a world where we love to multi-task, it's hard to be mindful of what and how much we consume. Counting bites slows down food intake which helps you be more aware of what you're eating and the body's satiety signals.
Counting Goal: Research suggestions range from 15 to 40 chews per bite, but the Brigham Young study suggests that it's the practice of counting, not the number reached, that really matters. Make it a point to count bites at every meal and snack for a few days to test it out.
4) Count Fiber
Tired of following strict diets? Researchers at the University of Massachusetts found that simply focusing on consuming a higher-fiber diet can be just as effective for weight loss as following a strict diet plan.
Why It Works: Fiber-rich foods fill you up and slow down the digestion process. The end result is greater satiety after and between meals and overall reduced calorie intake. Yet, most people only consume 40 to 60 percent of the recommended fiber amount.
Counting Goal: The Institutes of Medicine recommend 26g for females and 38g for males. Start by tracking your fiber intake a few days to calculate your daily average. Then, look for ways to increase fiber-adding vegetables to dishes, snacking on fruit and nuts, choosing whole grains-slightly at each meal. Keep a tally of fiber grams each day.
5) Count Carbohydrates
Are carbohydrate-rich starches and snacks your diet downfall? If so, keeping tabs on carb intake at each meal and snack is a good way to stay on top of diet.
Why It Works: Carbs are essential, but most get them in excess from breads, starches, and sugar-triggers often for hunger and overeating. Calculating carb needs and then distributing them through the day-similar to diabetic carb counting-helps stay on top of intake, as well as keep energy level. To get the most bang from this tracking method, choose carbs choices with little processing like vegetables, legumes, fruits, dairy, whole grains, and plant proteins in place of refined ones.
Counting Goal: Research shows benefits from both low and high-carb diets, but there's still many unknowns about what is best. Because of this, we recommend a moderate carb intake-likely a little lower than what you consume now, but still within the recommended guidelines. Total carbs will be determined on how many calories you want to consume daily, then broken down between meals and snacks.
Here's an example for a 1400-calorie day:
Have a different calorie goal? Simple multiply daily calories by 45 to 55 percent; then divide this number by four to get your daily carbohydrate goal.
6) Count Weekend Intake
Dedicated during the week, but relax a little too much on the weekends? Consider keeping track of food intake from Friday through Sunday.
Why It Works: Many are pros at balancing healthy eating and activity during the work week, but weekends often mean less attention to eating and exercise. If one isn't careful, the past week's progress can be un-done in one night out. Keeping a simple food log from Friday to Sunday makes you more aware of what you're eating, helps you plan ahead, and avoid mindless eating.
Counting Goal: What's realistic for you on weekends-counting fiber or carbohydrates, counting bites, keeping a simple food long and planning weekend eating (including eating out) in advance? Pick something to count or log that doesn't make you feel constrained, but rather helps you be more mindful about weekend food choices.
7) Track Weekly Stats
Too busy to count? Keep daily stats on a few health habits and tally them each week.
Why It Works: Daily stats don't require as much planning or work, but do require just enough thought that you stay on track. It's a framework that's not overwhelming during busy weeks, but also one that can empower you to finish out the week strong.
Counting Goal: Pick three to five habits to track this week, and set up a simple tracking mechanism in your phone or planner. Then, when you have a spare minutes during the week-riding the train, waiting for a meeting to start, standing in checkout lines-fill in progress. How are you doing so far this week? What do you still have time to change or improve?
Here's a sample; change habits based on what you need - exercise minutes, hours of sleep, number of alcoholic drinks, average daily water intake, minutes of meditation or mindfulness, etc.
Health Goals for 1 Week
Fill and drink water bottle at least 3 times each day
Eat 3 cups vegetables each day
Move 10,000 to 12,000 steps daily
0 notes
psmf-diet · 6 years
The Things You Really Should Be Counting Instead of Calories
Calorie counting is the go-to weight loss method for many. Yet, calories aren’t a great indicator of healthfulness, and many suggest they shouldn’t be your main eating focus. The debate surrounding calories stems from the fact that calories really aren’t equal. To illustrate, compare 100 calories of soda to 100 calories of quinoa—same calories, yet very different nutrients. One is primarily made of simple carbs with little other nutrients, while the other is a blend of complex carbs, fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. This difference in nutrients dictates the effects those calories have on blood sugar, hunger, energy and satiety—factors that are as important as total calorie intake. Don’t get us wrong: we’re not saying calories don’t matter. Calorie intake is key to energy balance. But, when the focus is primarily on calories, we often lose sight of healthfulness and don’t make the healthiest food choices.
What Will Happen Without Calories?
If giving up counting calories makes you nervous, join the club. Counting or tracking provides a sense of control particularly when embarking on a new eating plan. Keeping tabs on intake also boosts dieting confidence and helps to set goals. So what do you track instead of calories? Check out our list of things to count, track, or follow that will help you keep diet in-check, but also encourage healthy choices and habits.
1) Count Minutes of Activity
Sure, exercise is essential for a healthy body, but it’s the effect that activity has on food choices and appetite that can make monitoring activity a good substitute for calorie counting for some.
Why It Works: Think about days where you’re active. Do you find it easier to make healthy diet choices? Research suggests that activity affects brain functioning by increasing your ability to pass up less healthy food. Also, unless you’re doing extensive training, activity decreases appetite in most people. Many find that when they’re “on track” with activity, they stay “on track” with diet automatically.
Counting Goal: Aim for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity weekly—or a combination. Tracking weekly minutes allows flexibility on days when you can’t fit exercise in. However, the same can be accomplished with activity trackers by setting a weekly goal.
2) Count Fruit and Vegetable Servings
Individuals who consume more fruits and vegetables have better overall diets and typically consume fewer calories. Yet, most adults are still way below recommended intake for fruits and vegetables. Make produce your focus to manage calories and improve health.
Why It Works: Focus on getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, and you’ll find you have little desire (or stomach room) for less healthy foods thanks to the large servings sizes, high fiber, and low calories. Make fruit and vegetables the focus of each meal, and then add some lean protein, smart carbs, and healthy fats.
Counting Goal: Women should aim to get 1½ to 2 cups of fruit and 2 to 3 cups vegetables daily; men need 2 to 2½ cups fruit and 3 to 4 cups of vegetables.
3) Count Bites
It sounds too simple to work, but a 2015 study at Brigham Young University found that counting bites when chewing is just as effective for weight loss as counting calories.
Why It Works: In a world where we love to multi-task, it’s hard to be mindful of what and how much we consume. Counting bites slows down food intake which helps you be more aware of what you’re eating and the body’s satiety signals.
Counting Goal: Research suggestions range from 15 to 40 chews per bite, but the Brigham Young study suggests that it’s the practice of counting, not the number reached, that really matters. Make it a point to count bites at every meal and snack for a few days to test it out.
4) Count Fiber
Tired of following strict diets? Researchers at the University of Massachusetts found that simply focusing on consuming a higher-fiber diet can be just as effective for weight loss as following a strict diet plan.
Why It Works: Fiber-rich foods fill you up and slow down the digestion process. The end result is greater satiety after and between meals and overall reduced calorie intake. Yet, most people only consume 40 to 60 percent of the recommended fiber amount.
Counting Goal: The Institutes of Medicine recommend 26g for females and 38g for males. Start by tracking your fiber intake a few days to calculate your daily average. Then, look for ways to increase fiber—adding vegetables to dishes, snacking on fruit and nuts, choosing whole grains—slightly at each meal. Keep a tally of fiber grams each day.
5) Count Carbohydrates
Are carbohydrate-rich starches and snacks your diet downfall? If so, keeping tabs on carb intake at each meal and snack is a good way to stay on top of diet.
Why It Works: Carbs are essential, but most get them in excess from breads, starches, and sugar—triggers often for hunger and overeating. Calculating carb needs and then distributing them through the day—similar to diabetic carb counting—helps stay on top of intake, as well as keep energy level. To get the most bang from this tracking method, choose carbs choices with little processing like vegetables, legumes, fruits, dairy, whole grains, and plant proteins in place of refined ones.
Counting Goal: Research shows benefits from both low and high-carb diets, but there’s still many unknowns about what is best. Because of this, we recommend a moderate carb intake—likely a little lower than what you consume now, but still within the recommended guidelines. Total carbs will be determined on how many calories you want to consume daily, then broken down between meals and snacks.
Here’s an example for a 1400-calorie day:
Have a different calorie goal? Simple multiply daily calories by 45 to 55 percent; then divide this number by four to get your daily carbohydrate goal.
6) Count Weekend Intake
Dedicated during the week, but relax a little too much on the weekends? Consider keeping track of food intake from Friday through Sunday.
Why It Works: Many are pros at balancing healthy eating and activity during the work week, but weekends often mean less attention to eating and exercise. If one isn’t careful, the past week’s progress can be un-done in one night out. Keeping a simple food log from Friday to Sunday makes you more aware of what you’re eating, helps you plan ahead, and avoid mindless eating.
Counting Goal: What’s realistic for you on weekends—counting fiber or carbohydrates, counting bites, keeping a simple food long and planning weekend eating (including eating out) in advance? Pick something to count or log that doesn’t make you feel constrained, but rather helps you be more mindful about weekend food choices.
7) Track Weekly Stats
Too busy to count? Keep daily stats on a few health habits and tally them each week.
Why It Works: Daily stats don’t require as much planning or work, but do require just enough thought that you stay on track. It’s a framework that’s not overwhelming during busy weeks, but also one that can empower you to finish out the week strong.
Counting Goal: Pick three to five habits to track this week, and set up a simple tracking mechanism in your phone or planner. Then, when you have a spare minutes during the week—riding the train, waiting for a meeting to start, standing in checkout lines—fill in progress. How are you doing so far this week? What do you still have time to change or improve?
Here’s a sample; change habits based on what you need - exercise minutes, hours of sleep, number of alcoholic drinks, average daily water intake, minutes of meditation or mindfulness, etc.
Health Goals for 1 Week
Fill and drink water bottle at least 3 times each day
Eat 3 cups vegetables each day
Move 10,000 to 12,000 steps daily
from Nutrition - Health.com https://ift.tt/2GhPUDX via IFTTT
0 notes