#it's an endless litany of yearning and needing but that's just what being alive is like
me, already laying down: i need to lay down
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sasorikigai · 3 years
The first rays of sunlight through the window already signaled the arrival of the dawn. Luminosity highlighted the faces of both masters, facing each other, bodies covered only with a simple sheet and the tranquility of placid silence until the morning brightness finally forced the pale, icy eyes to open slowly, only to gaze upon the other's dazzling sight in his peaceful slumber. The everlasting admiration mixed with tenderness takes over the cryomancer's body, while the yearning to reach out and brush the rebellious strand of hair that dares to distort the vision of his handsome visage without waking him up is increasingly difficult to bear. With a discreet smile on his face, he indulges, soft and gentle enough not to take Master Hasashi out of this moment of peace. However, the movement of the body makes something else come to his attention: the volume between the now partially intertwined legs underneath the warm sheet.
He seems startled at first. Not because of the perfectly normal involuntary reaction of a virile body, but because of the urge that now seems to affect every fiber of his being. His mouth runs dry, the mouthful of saliva is swallowed in silence as he finds himself debating for a few seconds with his own thoughts whether or not it's reasonable to do what his body seems to want to do. It doesn't take much time to make the decision, while his solid constitution leisurely seems to sink and disappear between the covers with the very same facility and swiftness of a viper's crawl, following every curve, every sulcus, every detail on the topography of that body that filled his most obscure thoughts and fantasies with the yearning and desire of a hungry animal. More than the simple tastes, Liang desires to devour every single bit, every single inch of his beloved as he takes his manhood inside the now purposely slightly frigid mouth. Tongue takes its time to palate each and every sensation, from taste to texture, from the tip, working all the way to the base, changing the pace as lust dictated, sucking hard but as well taking a break to lick the entirely of the shaft and catch some breath while keeping the other body fixed in the best position, sinking his cold fingernails on the surface of the naked skin, spurring on Hanzo at his leisure until he could reach completion, or at least until he wakes up.
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NSFW Random Shenanigans! || @indulgentia || always accepting!
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || The kisses Harumi trickles on his neck, drips shivers and tingles down his spine in his exquisite halcyon dream, as Hanzo’s skin continues to ache for her touch, despite him being submerged in the sensation of dualism. How her warmth grips him with need, intoxicates his entirety, excites him to no end, making him want to beg in tender paroxysm as convulsive jut of his hips will arch his being, adhere against her tender supple alabaster nakedness as he repeats their moments of Satoshi’s conception together. Even as Scorpion’s voice of rage touched Grandmaster Hasashi with its violence, even as blood-tingled and etched fatigue gnawed at the remains of his kintsugi heart, such irrefutable memory of them joined in indistinguishable coalescence could be tainted beneath the infection of his rapidly surging vortex of firestorm rampant. 
His beloved wife used to be the magnificent sun that lit the sky, so that true love on Earth would never fade and die; in Hanzo Hasashi’s moving forward - he could never move on from simply forgetting Harumi Hasashi in all her bestowed love and devotion - had he gained Kuai Liang as their forged love kept Hanzo’s heat of a burn, which kept him alive more than ever against the sting of cold which left him to die in his utmost chagrin. Instead of searing insufferable swirl of hellfire and death, the mellow tender quell of Sub-Zero’s temperature unburdening the dismal grave of his depression. The dawning sun washes him clean, as Hanzo Hasashi still witnesses the star-beam of the unperturbed obsidian night, as his veiled eyes become a buoy swinging and swaying, floating over endless, unfathomable sea. 
Upon Kuai Liang’s initial ministration, the crease between his hipbone and belly, the soft dip just above the bulk of his pubic hair stirs. The hardening core of his shaft being taken by the tepid encompassing cavern as the foreskin glides lazily over and away from the head with each stroke. The roses start blooming, as the flutter of his heart become akin a beating of butterfly wings. In the throes of heavy somnolence, would Hanzo’s overflowing fiery depth would descend its mellowed embers, as eyes gleam, his crawling fingers brushing past his naked skin, as an invisible caress would eventually settle upon Kuai Liang’s unruly bedhead, stroking to clear the reverie from his mind. Clear his palate, so that he could witness and experience with refreshed eyes. He clenches his breath tightly in his lungs, and when it peaks, he audibly and visibly exhales slowly as it ebbs as his spine gently curls upward, mimicking the shape of a recurve bow. 
Such delicious pressure and wet slickness of Kuai Liang’s tongue rolling his foreskin and caressing his shaft, squeezing down the soft supple flesh of his member and gliding over the hard core causes his hips to instinctively jut. “It seems as if the last night’s carnal exploration was unsatisfactory to your liking?” Hanzo Hasashi could never complain, as there is cordial smoky warmth in his graveled baritone. His breaths would gradually hitch, sharp and ragged, as fluttering lashes would bat against his skin, as he lets himself be entirely inebriated in the sensation of grounding further into Liang’s mouth. As his long fingertips tighten around his beloved’s scalp, he would vocalize the litany of Kuai Liang’s name, as Hanzo would gently drown in the perfection of their coalescence. “Such exquisite reflection strikes a coal inside. Please, do continue, let your wanton desire unfurl and paint me whole, as you paint me luminescent and rubicund in our gentle erosion.” ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 
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whorphydice · 4 years
Hunger Has a Way With You
Haven’t gave anyone Ophelia content in a hot minute and i’m really proud of this one!
Eurydice was a hungry young girl
In her whole life there were two feelings that never left Eurydice.  The first was the way the weather felt- constant feelings of discomfort. In the blistering heat there were only so many layers to take off. Only so much that you could do, sitting under a tree, with no access to a cold drink or a cool room to rest. In the freezing nights of winter, it was the opposite. Thin, torn leggings didn’t do much to warm her legs, an old ragged coat only did so much to protect from the biting snaps of the wind. She could use that skinny, cold body to obtain shelter at a cost she hated paying. Ain’t no lengths to which a girl won’t go to stay a live, she supposes, when strangers grope at her skin.
The other feeling was hunger. The dull, throbbing ache in her stomach that could bring her to her knees. A constant reminder that nothing she could get was going to be enough- nothing could satiate the nawing burn of starvation. An apple was a tease. Grapes were a cruel taunt to her body. She would never have enough. She would always go to bed at night with a burning ache for more. Eurydice, would always be hungry. 
Until she went to Hadestown. 
That was the first thing she noticed, the way down. It was not the smell of metal or the blinding lights. It was not the pulse of electricity that seemed to burn through the air. No. It was the absence of that familiar ache inside her. No need to eat, once you sign yourself into everlasting servitude. As she traded in her tattered negligee for a sturdy leather Uniform, she noticed the way it seemed to hang on her frame, robbing her of what little shape she had. Fitting, for the girl who’s fight was hunger, to be forever in the body of a malnourished child. 
No. You did not need to eat in Hadestown. You could not starve to death if you were already living in hell. 
Still. Fate seemed kind to her. Though she didn’t need it- food was there. Bread, small fruits, nuts. Nothing substantial, but to the starved woman it may as well have been a feast. 
She attributed the tighter fit of her uniform to the indulgence in a meal. 
It was not until months later, when Orpheus turned and reality set in, that she thanked her body for not letting her daughter starve, too. 
You can have your principles, when you have a belly full
Her body had failed her. Time and time again. Her inability to fight her hunger, to fight her yearning, lead her here. All of her choices were led by hunger. Were lead by the will to survive, even if that meant she did not live. Loving Orpheus was the only thing her body had let her do that wasn’t out of sheer instinct to survive. Even then, hunger took her from him. 
This was the only thing her body had ever given her. 
“I’ve got you, baby, i’m right here.” Words that had fallen from her lips endlessly in the past few months. Words that fell as she wrapped her daughter to her chest and held her there under leather overalls. Words that fell as she paces around her little apartment, trying to bring a living child peace in the land of death. Most commonly, they were said in moments like this. 
In a shanty excuse for a bed, both arms clinging to the little girl. She would look at her brilliant hazel eyes as she nursed, revel in the feeling of her entire hand wrapped around a single finger. “I’m never gonna let anything bad happen to you, I promise.” She would often cry during these moments. Cry as she fed a little girl with her lover’s eyes. Her whole heart laying on her chest, it was  like she was holding the universe to her skin. 
Eurydice was never lost to the irony of it all. She starved to death, but here she was. The only way her daughter could survive was Eurydice. Funny, how she couldn’t save herself from starving to death but she was the only thing between Ophelia and that fate. 
How was she supposed to let her go? To hand her over to Persephone, knowing she would never see her again?
“I love you, endlessly, always, forever, Ophelia.” Eurydice cooed, kissing her daughter’s fist as her eyes fluttered back and forth between sleep. “And i’m sorry. I’m so sorry for leaving you.” She would never know her, Ophelia wouldn’t. Ophelia wouldn’t remember these moments in a one room apartment, when she slept safer in her mother’s arms than she would be anywhere else in the world. Ophelia wouldn’t remember the way her mother smelled or the sound of her voice- but Eurydice would never forget those details about her daughter. 
She never understood it- how someone could leave their baby. How they could bring a whole child into the universe before abandoning them to fate. Yet, she also didn’t understand sacrificing yourself. She didn’t understand how her mother starved to death, so Eurydice could have the extra bites. She didn’t understand how her mother could be so willing to die for her.
Now, as Ophelia buried her face against her collarbone and fell asleep, there was nothing she understood more. She would die for her, she would kill for her. And even, when the time came, she would say goodbye to her. 
Hard Enough to Feed Yourself
“I don’t know what to do for her!” Orpheus broke. Voice cracking as tears fell steadily down his cheeks, still desperately pacing back and forth in a fruitless attempt to calm Ophelia. Ophelia, with her voice hoarse from screaming, hysterically wailing for hours at a time, and endless desperate please for the thing Orpheus could not give her. “Please, baby, i’m trying so hard..”
“Did you try feeding her again?” Hermes asks, bringing his hand to Orpheus’s shoulder. He gave a firm squeeze, trying to comfort the young man he had raised. 
“She fights me every time...sometimes she’s too tired and she’ll drink it but.. It’s hard. She’s stubborn..” Orpheus bounces her a little, offering her a litany of warm words and kisses to try to settle her.
Persephone swirled the drink in her glass, forcing herself to look at Orpheus. This was almost as hard as it was to watch Eurydice scream for her as the train pulled away. Watching her sob on her knees on the platform knowing she will never see her child again. Watching this baby scream for her mother may have been even harder. “She’s hungry, yes, but she misses her Mama. Her mama was all she knew...her mama fed her, too. She’ll eat, but she misses her mama, Orpheus. And you can’t take that pain away.”
“I feel like i’m failing Eurydice all over...she was hungry, she starved because of me..now Ophelia’s starving and- it’s all my fault. If I had just trusted Eurydice she’d be here and she’d know what to do and-” Orpheus held Ophelia’s head to his shoulder, fingers tracing through her hair in a way that sent him back to Eurydice, her head against his chest, his deft fingers combing short waves. “I look at her and I’m watching Eurydice starve. I’m hearing her beg me to listen, to get food and firewood together, and i’m listening this time. I swear, i’m listening, and i’m failing her again. Eurydice trusted me to take care of her..she trusted me with our daughter and i’m failing them both.”
“You aren’t failing her-”
“Every night I can see her face. I see her face when I turned and when she realized I didn’t have faith in her- Imagine her face if she sees Ophelia again because I failed her. Our daughter is going to starve, and I can’t lose her, too.” Ophelia has settled for quiet sniffling, and tired, helpless whimpering into her father’s shoulder. Her little face rests on the top of his suspender, her short, shallow breaths are shaky into his neck. “I won’t. I won’t let her starve.” His hand runs over her tiny back, just thankful for whatever peace the infant has found briefly. 
 ..Let alone somebody else. 
The feeling of her skin against his was one she wanted to remember forever. To remember when this week of bliss ends and she’s sent to the underworld for the rest of eternity. To feel the tracing of his fingers along her spine, the way his calloused fingertips sent shivers through to the very core of her body.  “Orpheus…”  She whispers as her lips press to his, tangling their bare legs together, her hand coming to stoke his face gently. “Thank you.” 
Orpheus kissed her finger tips, bringing his hand to rest on her face, too. His thumb strokes her cheek lazily in little circles, the feeling of her flushed face in his hands forever seared into his skin.  “For what?”
“For loving our baby. For protecting her. You didn’t ask for her, but you loved her anyway.” 
“Eurydice...Of course I love her, she’s all I have of you.”  He glances back at the makeshift bed behind them, where Ophelia was sleeping for the time being. They’d shortly redress and bring her into their arms, holding her between them as if they could keep Eurydice here out of sheer love. “I’d give anything for her.” I’d do anything to keep you here. 
“Then take care of yourself, too.” It was a question and a request both. She knew of his struggles in the name of their daughter. The things he went without for her. “She needs you to eat and be healthy...please.” 
“I...If she’s willing to eat something, i’m not going to take any of it. In the beginning she cried for days and I was so scared she was going to starve, Eurydice. I couldn’t fail you like that.” He pulls her closer, resting her head in the crook of his neck, stroking her dark, short waves. 
“She’s still fighting you, I can see it. Orpheus I just want to take her and take that pain away and feed her but- that’ll make it harder on you. But what I can do, is ask you to take care of you. My mama...she starved to death for me. Ophelia needs you, please..”  Eurydice hiccups as she feels emotion building at the base of her throat. “I planted enough, to get you through to winter. Keep those plants alive, whatever you do, keep them alive and you will have enough. And I canned what we had- what you had- which is an extra. Please, Orpheus, please stay alive for her.” 
“I will, I promise,”
“And Ophelia, she’ll forget about me and she’ll take the bottle and it’ll be okay and she won’t starve and-”
“She won’t ever forget about you, Eurydice, I won’t let her.”
“You let her forget if it keeps her alive, okay?” How was she supposed to say that she noticed it too? That her happy, beautiful girl was no larger than she was three months prior? That she put up a fight every time Orpheus offered her a bottle again and again. 
Eurydice merely kissed his cheek, and offered a sad smile. 
When she said goodbye to them at the platform she knew she would be seeing Ophelia again soon, when the starvation took Ophelia like it had her and her mother before her.  
She never thought that the very thing she went to Hadestown to escape- the very thing that took her from Orpheus- would take her daughter, too.
But she wasn’t hungry anymore. 
“I’ve got you baby, i’m right here.” They were words that brought more joy and comfort to Eurydice that night than maybe ever before. When she dressed her daughter for bed, and held her to her chest. Her daughter, pressed against her, wide hazel eyes locked with her brown ones, innocence and love that only a baby could have evident within them. “I’ve got you.” 
Her short black slip of a dress was long since discarded, traded for an old summer tank top that dwarfed her frame. 
Orpheus. Her newly official husband sat behind her, holding her back against his chest, his legs on either side of hers. He has his chin resting on her shoulder, staring down at their daughter in her arms. 
There was comfort and excitement they couldn’t quite describe in this moment. 
They were together. All three of them. For the first time and for forever.
Orpheus watches as Ophelia’s eyes flutter open and closed, full and resting for the first time in months.  “I’ve never seen her sleep so well..”
“It’s hard to sleep when you’re hungry.” Eurydice points out, running her finger down Ophelia’s nose as the little girl fell asleep at her breast, her tiny hand still clutching to the hem of her shirt. “
“We’re gonna be just fine, aren’t we?” He mumbles into the skin of her neck, inhaling deeply to remember the scent of her freshly washed skin forever. Never again would he smell the soot of Hadestown, or feel the sharp curve of her bones against his. He would never hear her choke on the sediment coating her lungs when she breathed too deeply. He would get to revel in this- healthy, healing Eurydice, for the rest of his life. 
“We’re all going to be just fine.”
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