#ivy winterwind
venomousglitters · 5 months
Tengo una tristeza confusa atrapada en el pecho. No sé desde cuándo, ni cómo. Tampoco sé si esta tristeza tiene su origen hace tiempo, o si la comencé a sentir el día que me dijo que no se casaría conmigo. La serenidad de sostenerme la mano, mirar el anillo y dejar escapar esas palabras que se sintieron como una jauría de perros hambrientos dispuestos a desgarrarme la vida... Es la misma serenidad con la que siento que me estoy despidiendo.
¿De qué?
De mi amor. De la idea de vernos juntos en el altar. De mis planes a futuro...
De él.
O tal vez de mí.
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Patterns in the Ivy, Part 9 - Bill Skarsgård
Title: Patterns in the Ivy
Description: A continuation of Smoke & Money. Ghosts from the not-so-distant past come back to threaten her. She must choose between a lavish life of servitude or have everything she ever loved stripped away.
Warning: 18+ smut/swearing/mentions of drugs/kink & fetish themes
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
"What do you think you're doing in here?" Bill's voice sounded from behind me, unexpected, causing me to gasp and nearly drop the soapy plate I had in my wet hand. "Fucking Christ, Bill... Don't sneak up like that! You scared the shit out of me." "You scared the shit out of me. I couldn't find you. Did you not hear me calling for you?" Bill stood leaned up against the entrance to the kitchen with his naked arms crossed over his white tank top. The sun illuminated him from the windows as it poured in, a late summer trance over the glistening surfaces of all the stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops. He looked around the room as though he were a hair too classy to be seen inside of a kitchen. I supposed that was why he hadn't expected me to be there either. I had taken a liking to cleaning the dishes after we all ate breakfast. At first, I began doing them once Bill had left for the better part of the day, but then it became a habit. There was rarely anything to do in the house to occupy the hours I wasn't entertaining Ivany and cleaning gave me a comforting sense of purpose. It was a therapy I had participated in for a lot of my life to fill in the gaps of boredom with something productive and time-consuming. It bothered me that Bill paid people to clean up after us when we hardly left a trace in the house between the three of us. "I can't hear through the walls and over running water." I gave him my obvious admission. "Why are you washing dishes and not outside with us?" I ran the faucet and rinsed my hands clean, turned it off and wiped them on a brand new dish towel that I had found in a drawer. "I just felt like tidying up a bit, that's all." "You know you don't have to do that," Bill told me. "I know, but... It gives me something to do." Bill chuckled in that semi-berating way he did when he caught me doing something that reminded him of how unaccustomed I was to his high-class lifestyle. Whether it was saving uneaten food or cleaning off a dusty table, he always insisted I leave it for the maids to handle. I hardly bothered fighting him which was why I had taken to cleaning when he wasn't around so he wouldn't preside over me. That day he wasn't required at work and opted to spend the day with Ivany instead, helping her brush Winterwind's mane with the help of the hostler that resided temporarily in the guest house. It was lovely that they were spending time together and I didn't think they would notice if I wasn't nearby watching. They seemed distracted enough for me to slip away but apparently, Bill noticed soon after I had wandered back into the house. Bill finally made his way into the kitchen and came up to me from behind, gripping my hips firmly and pressing his lips to my neck. "I don't want you doing chores." He whispered. "But I want to," I said with a smile as he continued to kiss little trails up and down my neck and shoulder, causing me to shudder. "Well, stop it." He rasped again, hand sneaking underneath the skirt of my sundress. He lifted my skirt up to see what I was wearing underneath and hummed with approval when he saw what I had on. He got closer and pressed his groin up against me, snaking a hand up to delicately grip my throat. "Don't make me tell you again, little girl." He whispered lowly. His entire body pressed against me as he raised my face to his, forcing his mouth over mine. I planted my hands on the counter and arched my back to push into him a little harder. He liked that and soon he was shoving my underwear down my hips with one hand. "Bill..." I said, glancing out of the massive windows that looked out over the grounds. "What if someone sees?" "Ivany is out in the stable. No one will see." I heard him unbuckling his belt and it wasn't long before I felt the head of his cock glazing up and down my opening, spreading me apart teasing and mixing our fluids. He had to bend at the knees to angle himself properly and soon huffed in frustration when he couldn't straighten his legs out. I did him a favor and lifted my knee onto the counter, raising myself up a couple inches so he could reach me without strain. "Fuck," he hissed once he pushed the entire length of his cock inside of me. The profusion was deep and satisfying. The way he demanded I cross my wrists behind my back made it that much more possessive and he started to pound into me with a ruthlessness he usually saved for our nightly romps. I looked back at him and saw how his hair disarranged and fell across his forehead, lips drawn into a venomous sneer, flashing his teeth in the fervor of his sexual tyranny. The sounds of our skin slapping together violently filled the corners of the kitchen and without the use of my hands I could hardly hold back my cries each time he forced himself into me. "Sh. Sh. Sh. We don't... Want anyone... To hear... Do we, sweetheart?" With one hand, he restrained my wrists and used the other to feed me his middle finger, using all of his other fingers to clamp around my mouth, muffling my voice almost entirely. "Mine." He growled. "My cunt. Whenever I want it. Isn't that right?" Bill pulled his finger out of my mouth and gave me a quick, hard slap on the ass, grunting, loving the way it sounded and doing it again for his own amusement. He even laughed when I whimpered from the harsh impact of his palm. "Whose cunt?" "Yours, Daddy. It's yours." I whined. His speed picked up, clipped fingernails dug into the meat of my thighs and he growled low in his throat, coming closer and closer to the edge but before he did he said to me, "you want something to clean up? I'll give you something to fucking clean." His growling seized and as he came he bit down on his bottom lip, pumping away and filling me with his seed with no regard for my pleasure at all. The last long, cum-soaked strokes shuddered to a stop as well and after pulling out of me, he bent down to hike my panties back over my hips. "Oh, I'm not done with you yet. Turn around. Get on your knees." He demanded. I did as I was told and looked up at him, feeling the cum inside of me already trickling out to soak into the crotch of my underwear. "Clean all that pussy juice off Daddy's cock, now." He was softening, but I lapped at him anyway. My attention wasn't on the taste of my insides slathered all over his shaft, but on the way his face looked when I did so. Beautiful, evil Mister Skarsgård with his full, red pouting lips, scrutinizing green eyes, like a God standing above me with his cock in his hand, bouncing it off my tongue. It reminded me of old times when I would do the exact same thing for other men but never once enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed him. He was put together like a masterpiece yet capable of such viciousness, like a gold coin with two different faces; one beautiful and one ugly. When he was satisfied with how enthusiastically I worshiped him, he tucked himself back into his pants and quickly fed the end of his leather belt through the buckle. In a snap, he looked decent again and used his palms to smooth back his hair even though it fell right back over the way it was. "Now I want you to walk around all day with my cum inside of you. And don't you dare take those panties off until I tell you to." I rose to standing and nodded my head, hands clasped behind my back after I smoothed out the back of my dress. What a dirty fucking bastard. "Don't worry kitten, I'll take good care of you later. Now... Out of the kitchen and don't make me ask you again." I rarely challenged him when it came to his perversions because I shared the same lust that he had. It was sometimes frantic and very much consuming the way I would drop everything for him at any given moment. I had nobody else to occupy my time beside him and Ivany so the Summer days we spent together became my only cause for happiness. It did get lonely but I would never tell Bill that. I got the feeling that if I complained about having nobody to talk to it might set off one of his many inner alarms. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was unhappy or ungrateful for all of the nice things he gave to me and all of the time he devoted to us. Yet, the house was vast and mostly full of rooms with no purpose and when Bill was gone there was nothing for me to do besides waiting for him to get home. Ivany had her Kingdom and her Winterwind and I had the job of distracting myself until the master came home. I called Kiki just to hear another voice. I wasn't sure if she was going to pick up or not and before it clicked in that I hadn't ever bothered to call her since we moved, she picked up. "Hello?" "Hi, Kiki. It's J." "Oh. Hi J. Wow. I wasn't expecting to hear from you considering it's only been nearly three months." I was at a loss for words. My guilt rose up in my throat and I tripped over what to say to her. "I... I'm sorry, Kiki. I never meant to ignore you or make you think I forgot about you." "Well... I tried calling you but... You changed your number?" Biting my lip, I sighed and replied, "yes. I had it changed. Bill... Had me change it after we moved." "Still. You could have reached out, J. I was worried." "I'm sorry. Really... I am. I just... Shit's been crazy." "Why? Is everything alright?" I exhaled and sat down on the bench of my vanity table, facing away from the mirror. "I mean... I guess. It's just. Fuck... I don't even know how to begin to describe what has changed. Everything. Everything is completely different." "Tell me. If you want to. I have some time before I have to start getting ready for work." "Bill is... He's so... Intense. You should see this house. It's so big that we don't even use half of it." Kiki scoffed. "Must be nice." "That's the thing... It's fucking scary sometimes. Bill goes to work and it's just Ivany and me in this massive house." "Fuck..." Kiki lamented. "I miss her. How is she? How are you both? Now that your rich fucking ass has my attention." I gave a small laugh. "I... I'm not rich. He is rich. He bought Ivany a horse. It cost more than a new car and she loves the thing. She has a teacher and everything. It's simply insane to me." "Jesus Christ," she exclaimed. "You have got to be joking." "He turned her room into a fucking unicorn mermaid princess palace. You don't understand the level of fucks this man does not give about money. I can hardly stand it sometimes." "Oh, fuck off. You probably have a ton of new awesome stuff. What's he bought for you?" Laughing with only a touch of bashfulness, I answered. "Everything. New clothes, this giant vanity table... Loads of expensive lingerie. He gave me a car too." "I hate you. Honestly, I really fucking hate you," she japed. "Sorry... I don't mean to sound boastful. It's great but... I don't know. What good are clothes if you have nowhere to go?" "What do you mean?" "I can drive into town and go to lunch or I can go shopping but what for? He has everything. I don't need more clothes and Ivany certainly had everything a four-year-old could want so... I don't know. I just sit around all day in this place and twiddle my thumbs until he comes home." "What exactly does he do?" "He owns a bunch of high-end hotels. I don't even know exactly which ones. I don't know if he inherited the business or what. I don't know anything about him. He hasn't mentioned any family and he doesn't discuss details about work with me." "What about a ring?" "What about one?" "He suddenly comes and steals you away, lavishes you with riches and I can only assume you guys have that nasty Euro-freak sex and he hasn't asked you to marry him?" I went quiet for a moment as I aerated what Kiki said. "I don't know if he even believes in marriage. He said he loves me though. He actually says it quite a bit." "Do you love him?" "Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm... I'm just so... Entranced by him. It's rather pathetic actually." "Sounds like your everyday Mister Grey," Kiki joked. "I don't know. There's definitely something dark about him. I can feel it sometimes. He's possessive and controlling but he has this way of making me feel like it's fine. That's just the way he is and I should be happy." "Do you think he's hiding something bad?" She pushed me to ponder even further. Lowering my voice to a whisper, I replied, "I don't know. He has power. I think his drivers are always packing heat. I don't think it's drugs but who knows. He's always ready to fuck so I thought it could be cocaine but... He doesn't sniffle or grind his teeth ever. If it is then I don't think he tests the product, if you know what I mean." "Yeah. I don't know man, sounds pretty weird still." "There are a bunch of locked doors in the house that I wouldn't mind finding a way into." "Really? You think he has some fucked up shit to hide?" "I don't know," I said, digression heavy in my tone. "I just don't know. What I do know is I'm going stir-crazy. I need to find a fucking hobby to distract myself." "Do you think he's violent?" Kiki asked, keeping on the subject that made me a little nervous to talk about. Her question did catch me off guard and I found myself checking outside my bedroom door just to make sure there was nobody. Before I blatantly denied the suggestion I had to take a moment to really think about whether I thought Bill would be capable of raising his hand to me. "He's rough. When we have sex... He likes to be in control. He's never crossed the line though. But... I don't know, maybe he could be pushed to it under the right circumstances. I actually have no doubt he could be ruthless if he wanted to be." "At least you're having good sex, by the sounds of it." "Oh, fuck... It's nuts. He's a fucking pig." "Yeah, I bet. He's hot. Like... Really hot. I'm so jealous of your life." "Please don't hate me," I begged. "I just have to talk about it with somebody. I have nobody." "Oh, shut it. You know you can talk to me. It's just... Fuck you, is all," she laughed. After a moment of silence that followed our simultaneous laughter, I said, "maybe you can come visit? I'm sure if I asked Bill he would pay for it." "I would love that." "Me too. Let me run it by him when he gets home." "Sure! That actually sounds really fun. I haven't been in California since college." "Yeah, we can do anything you want." "Shit... It's so good to hear your voice again, J. I'm glad everything is alright." "Thank you... And I'm sorry, again. I should have called you before. I feel like shit about it." "Well, you should," she quipped. "Tell me about it." Kiki giggled, "Alright hon, I should probably let you go. Some people gotta work you know." "Alright, it was good talking." "Love you, bitch." "Love you too." When I hung up the phone I gazed around my room and sighed deeply. Talking to Kiki gave me that warm sense of home that I had forgotten and when the memory of her voice fizzled away again I was instead welcomed by the enormous silence of my gold-papered, heavily draped bedroom. ~*~ As days went on, my curiosity did not cease to grow. I found myself wondering more and more about what kind of things had gone on in Bill's life to make him so secretive. In particular, I thought about all of the locked doors and how Bill never used his cell phone around me. Any time he would get a call, he would excuse himself and leave to answer it. I dared not follow him out but I always gave thought to it. I wondered what I would be able to hear if I were to sneak down a hall behind him and stop far enough away so that I could listen to him and try to guess who he was speaking to. I managed to keep my suspicions mostly at bay until one day when Ivany and I were coming in from outside. We had decided to take a walk around the grounds and have a picnic somewhere tucked away between the tennis court and the cabana. The sun was blazing hot that day. It was the kind of heat that welcomed swarms of gnats and the static buzz of cicadas.  After a couple of hours bathing in the warmth, laying on a circular beach blanket eating strawberries, we decided we had had enough of the direct sunlight. Ivany was talking about going back to school after I reminded her that it was nearly September, and that meant she was going to start spending her days differently than what she was used to. To her, Summer was an endless frame of time and she had let all of the recent changes become a part of her, like our life back out East never existed at all. She had no time to dwell on questions or to pine for simpler times the way I did. Bill's house was her home and she had nearly forgotten anything besides that. We took our time and circled around the house after she had caught sight of a yellow butterfly. I smiled as I watched her chase it around, obliging her a few more minutes of play time before going inside. The butterfly fluttered away and caught the wind, sailing off on the air, effectively losing Ivany. "Aw, I wanted to touch the butterfly." "Come on inside, sweetheart. We can go butterfly hunting tomorrow." Once in the foyer out of the humid droning of outside, Ivany took off her shoes but stopped to look at something. I didn't pay her much attention until I noticed how intently she was watching the corner of the room, like a cat that noticed something that could not be seen, eyes froze on one particular spot. "What's the matter, princess? What are you looking at?" Ivany pointed to the corner of the ceiling at one of the many alabaster cherubs that sat atop the grand molding. I squinted but saw nothing until a red light blinked. "I always see a light up there," Ivany told me. I took a step back and refocused my attention to the particularly dark corner. Hidden away between a winged baby's fat little foot and the swoop of a carved filigree there was what I thought looked like a camera. I shook my head as I took a couple steps towards it to get a better look and when I confirmed my suspicions I swallowed hard. "What is it?" Ivany asked me. "Um... It's part of the security system. So that if somebody tries to come into the house and they're not supposed to, it will set off an alarm." I lied to her. I steered her away but couldn't help taking a look back myself just to get assurance I was seeing what I was seeing; a red light that flashed on for a moment every couple of minutes. It was a wonder how I had never noticed it before but then again, I hadn't spent my time looking around in the foyer when there were so many other places to be. The ceilings were high enough that the camera could go unnoticed and I supposed that was the point. Obviously, it had been mounted there for a reason. It only took the interest of one little girl to find it. That revelation was enough to distract me from my regular daily routine. I found myself giving it more thought than anything else. I wanted to know why it was there and if there were more. I even went looking from room to room to see if I could spot any more cameras. Many different scenarios played in my head and many more questions raised the harder I thought about it. I supposed it wasn't completely outrageous to think that someone with a house so big would have security cameras and that was the thought I clung to in order to prevent myself from thinking all sorts of crazy things. Like if there were others hidden away, capturing moments that I had previously thought to be private. Bill wasn't due home for a little while so I made my way to the second floor with Ivany all the while scanning every corner and crease to see if there was anything to be discovered. She ran to her room to play in her dollhouse and I sat on her bed with my eyes fixed on the corners of the ceiling, scanning away until I was absolutely sure there was nothing. It was hard to snap out of it and it nagged in the back of my head until around five o'clock when Bill came home. He came to find us still in Ivany's bedroom. We had spent the entire day together and were in the middle of reading a book when he appeared at the door without making a sound. When Ivany looked up she gasped with animated delight. "Daddy!" "Princess!" "Come over here, Daddy! We're going to read a book. Here, we can start from the beginning." Neither of us could hold back a smile and Bill came in, climbed onto the bed but not before rolling up the sleeves of his white button-down shirt to his elbows. I saw he was wearing a watch on his wrist that I had never seen before but smiled at him nonetheless when he got in close with us, stretching his long legs out and sighing as Ivany readjusted between us so we could both see the pictures of her book. We read along to her and she requested that Bill and I voice the characters of the book, huffing if we didn't use enough whimsy in our portrayals. To her it was a big production, so we both stepped up and read our lines with enough enthusiasm to entertain a four-year-old critic. It was fun being goofy with them and it didn't take long to forget about the camera for a little while. At least until later on that evening after Ivany went to sleep. Bill asked me how my day was and I lied to him about it, saying that it was just another ordinary day at Castle Skarsgård. He smirked at my joke and walked with me down the hall with his palm on the dip of my back, thumb gently stroking my skin through the fabric of my dress. "Would you like to have a drink with me?" He asked. "I wouldn't mind a glass of wine." "Great. Why don't you get comfortable and I'll find something from the cellar." "Wait," I paused him. "Let's do something fun. We can go outside and look at the stars or something." "What about Ivy? If she wakes up and we're nowhere to be found she might get scared." "She'll be fine," I assured him. Come on. I want to do stuff together!" "I can think of a few things I'd rather be doing together." He said. I frowned, "please, Bill. Please. Let's drink and do something fun." Bill tilted his head and stared at me, gently shaking his head although he had a smile on his face. "Fine. But we're not going outside. I have an idea." He took my hand and led me passed his bedroom and mine, toward the staircase. I bounced down the steps eagerly, giggling when he smiled at me and happy that he had agreed to my suggestion. I followed Bill to the library but he stopped in front of the doors and turned to me. "One game. If you win, we can do whatever you want. If I win... Well. I think you know what will happen if I win." With that, he threw open the doors and invited me through. He was talking about pool of course. When the lights came on he made his way over to the wall-rack and selected a pool cue almost as long as he was. I opted for something shorter and we stood beside each other, chalking the ends of our cues. I had played a lot of pool as a teenager in bars but it had been a while and I hoped that I hadn't gotten too rusty. Before the game started, Bill went to fetch a bottle of wine and two glasses. While he was gone, I glanced up at all of the bookshelves and wondered if there were any electronic eyes watching from on high. I didn't suspect that Bill would have working video cameras in every room but I wanted to be sure without making it obvious that I was searching for something. Luckily the walls were decked with bookshelves and it wouldn't mean a lot to catch a person staring upward at all the outward facing spines. One of the things I liked about Bill was that he wasn't stingy with alcohol. He was appeared proper, high-class and well-dressed but when it came to drinking fine wine he wasn't conservative at all which was good because neither was I. I watched as he swirled the liquid around in the glass just once before drinking it down like it was anything but vintage wine and he kept our glasses full. After the first break, the game was on and I watched from a heavily bolstered chaise lounge as Bill bent at the hips, leaned over the table and lined his cue up after sinking the solid red three-ball. He was calm and focused with his left hand splayed out on the sapphire blue table, the smooth shaft of the cue angled just right. With minimal adjustment, he cranked his elbow back and sent the cue ball careening. It was then obvious to me that the pool table in the library wasn't a randomly selected object of taste like most other things in the manor. Bill sank three balls in total as I watched on with a flagrant smirk. He rose his eyebrows at me and those plump lips of his curled up into a grin that mirrored my own. He lifted his wine glass, took a healthy sip, set it back down with a gentle glassy chime and lined up one more time to pocket the six but missed. "Bar rules?" I confirmed. He smirked again and hummed in contemplation. "Of course." When it was my turn I watched him watching me in my peripheral. I leaned over the table, weighed my options and deduced that I had an obvious set up to sink my first ball. With my cheeks already flushed warm with wine, I felt the heat of his stare too and the pressure to make good on my acceptance of his challenge got heavy. It had been a long time since I had played pool but I used to be able to beat most anybody when I was a teenager. A lot of the first guys I had ever gone out with were big drinkers and took me out to biker bars where pool was the common game but I think they just liked to play it so they could watch girls bend over. Nevertheless, I learned a lot from my bad life choices. My first shot sank and I couldn't stop myself from smiling in his direction. Finally, I thought, he was acting casual around me. All I wanted was for him to drop the Bad Boss vibe for a little while so I could catch a glimpse of somebody real. I wanted inside of him. I needed him to start trusting me. I thought if I could just show him that we could be friends as well as maintain the sexual dynamic he favored then he wouldn't have to keep being so secretive with me and we could form a better partnership. Our game was fairly matched, with a couple of fluke shots on both our parts until it came down to the eight-ball. Bill squared off his shoulders, grasped the neck of the bottle tilted it sky-high and drank from it. "Oh shit. He doesn't even need a glass. This man is in it to win it," I teased. "Fuck the glass. We're going to need another bottle soon," he said with semi-serious intensity. It was such a fresh feeling to see him unwind in a way that had nothing to do with sex. It was fun and by the way we drank and played I could tell he was enjoying it as well. Although I knew it wouldn't be long before he paused our game to inject some type of his signature flirtatiousness, I took pleasure in seeing him loosen up for the time. Before I called my shot, I finished off my glass and delighted in the after notes that we had mostly squandered. I didn't want to think about how much the wine must have cost and how quickly we sucked it down. Holding back a hiccough, I readied myself to shoot. "Moment of truth," Bill remarked. "Shush, you're ruining my concentration." I chastised him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Please continue." I made a sour face at him before realigning myself. "Eight-ball, right center pocket." I shot with a satisfying crack and sank the ball, ending the game much to his chagrin. I raised my cue in the air and bowed at him. "That's what growing up in bars gets you!" "I should have known that I could be bested by a lady with such a shady past." Bill sauntered over to me after putting his cue back on the rack. He held his hands behind his back but the even at that, I couldn't help but shrink back slightly the closer he zeroed in on me. "Now, take me to see the stars," I demanded but not without a hint of a laugh. Bill chewed his lip for a moment before ducking in close to my face. "You know... I could still fuck you right here, right now... If I wanted to and trust me... I want to." "Are you suggesting you may not be the man of honor I thought you to be?" He chuckled darkly, "Of course not. I'll keep my word. I know I'm going to get what I want eventually." "We'll see about that." ~*~ We went outside into the warm night air to look up at the sky like I had asked. The Summer darkness was thick and fragrant and the farther I looked out the more little spots of light I saw. Fireflies. Little blinking lights like the one Ivany had shown me earlier. I looked over at him with his arms crossed, staring up at the sky like I had been. He noticed my attention on him and held out his hand. "You want to go have fun?" He asked. "Yes," I said, wary of his intentions. "Come on then. We'll have some fun." Bill led me down the wooden steps of the veranda and down the path that curled around the enclosure of the pool and cabana house. I watched him unlock the gate using one of the silver keys he had tucked away in his back pocket. I could make out about half a dozen keys on the ring and wondered to myself which one of them unlocked the doors back in the house. "Wait here." He said before unlocking the front door to the cabana. It didn't take long before all of the lights came on in the pool and surrounding the cabana. Bill emerged holding a couple of towels and sauntered back over to where I was. He set the linens down on a pool chair, caught my gaze again and started to slowly unbuckle his belt before unrolling the sleeves of his dress shirt. I hardly moved to undress because I was watching him pop each button of his shirt, first revealing that broad collarbone then his chest and the flat of his sternum. It wasn't until he got to the last button and peeled off his well-fitted shirt that I grasped the edge of my dress and hauled it up over my head. After tossing my garment onto the pool chair I stood before him. He pushed his pants down along with his boxer briefs and I couldn't help but blush a little bit, not out of embarrassment but from the feeling I got about the prospect of skinny-dipping with him. "Come on. Now you," He nodded at my bra and panties. "Off with those." I unhooked my bra and let him watch me take it off, noting the way the corners of his mouth curled as I exposed myself. When I pushed my underwear down to my ankles and stepped away from them, Bill stepped up close to me and grasped my hands, raising them up as he locked our fingers like the teeth of a zipper. He kissed me once hard and quick and then again slower, more completely. The deeper our kiss grew the closer he pulled me to him until I was squeezed tightly in his arms, pressed stark against his torso so I could feel the heat radiating from his pale skin. "Alright, after you," He insisted. I wasted no time and jumped into the pool but he wasn't far behind. When I came back up to the surface I only saw the waves that we had made upon entry and then he came up too, whipping his hair away from his face in the process. We swam and fooled around for a little while and I loved it. Seeing him open up gave me hope for our inevitable future. It gave him the quality of humanity that he lacked which lent to his capability of intimidation. As we splashed around and teased each other in the water, I actually got the feeling that Bill could be fun and not all business all the time. I feared that his arrant seriousness would never subside and I'd never get to uncover a friendship with him. He cornered me in the deeper end of the pool and pushed himself up against me. "This was a good idea." He admitted. "Told you... And you wanted to spend all night in the bedroom again." "I love the bedroom. Don't you like having special nights with me?" "Of course I do... Daddy." Bill purred, "say that again." "... Daddy." "Yes. Come on, one more time?" He asked. I ran my hands over his hips as I softly kicked my legs back and forth to keep myself afloat. "I love being a good girl for you, Daddy. I love it when you take care of me." "Yeah?" "Mhm. I love the way my Daddy touches me." "Yes," he encouraged. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, using him instead to keep me above the water so I could whisper close to his ear. "My Daddy... So sexy and strong. I can't help touching myself when I think about you. Bill groaned low in his throat. I knew it wouldn't be long before he couldn't hold back. As much as he liked to maintain his mysteriousness, it was no puzzle to figure out exactly what to say to arouse him. It was easy to entice him into touching me and I even felt brave enough to take it a step further by wrapping my hand around his cock. His mouth fell open and he snapped his hips back but the water caused too much resistance so he couldn't go far. "Oh... Baby girl... What do you think you're doing, huh?" I didn't say a word in response. I started to massage his length until I felt it grow within my grasp. He moaned as I stroked him, closing his eyes and using his hands to grip the edge of the pool. "You're going to get yourself in trouble," He warned me. "Good. I want to be in trouble."
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venomousglitters · 3 years
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Patterns in the Ivy, Part 8 - Bill Skarsgård
Title: Patterns in the Ivy
Description: A continuation of Smoke & Money. Ghosts from the not-so-distant past come back to threaten her. She must choose between a lavish life of servitude or have everything she ever loved stripped away.
Warning: 18+ smut/swearing/mentions of drugs/kink & fetish themes
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
It didn't take long to the transition from our tiny little home out East to Bill's estate, in fact, it felt strangely seamless, especially for Ivany. Not only that but Bill was good at painting himself as a picture of the perfect father and lover. It was like he was born to raise Ivany and I had but to stand back to appreciate how beautifully and completely they fell in love with each other. He fulfilled every little promise he made to her and she, in turn, became more of a delight to be around than she already was. The both of them together was enough to reduce me to tears on some days. The way he looked at her was pure and unwavering, a savior dressed in Gucci who had come to enrich our lives with his love and money. He started by buying her a horse- a white mare named Winterwind, just like what she had asked for, with black marbles for eyes, soft silvery hair and a very calm demeanor according to what the breeder told us. Winterwind was a perfect match for Ivany even though she was still too small to ride by herself. Bill made sure to hire the best hostler to care for her and a riding instructor that came every Wednesday to teach Ivany. It didn't stop there. Bill had her room completely remodeled to suit her. She chose a pastel purple colour scheme, matching drapes to hang from the massive windows and violet carpeting. The walk in closet was gutted and restructured so Ivany could reach all of her new clothes and shoes. Her en-suite bathroom was redone in powder pink with a lowered sink and a massive scallop shell mirror with a real abalone border framing it. Every little inch and detail was tailored to her. Bill even had a dollhouse made for her that took up six square feet that she could practically stand in. We chose paintings of unicorns and mermaids to hang up on the walls. It was a royal underwater room for his little princess complete with a coral light fixture, bubbles painted on the ceiling and swaths of turquoise tulle wrapped around the posters of her bed.   When I first saw it I was speechless. He really went all out, sparing no expense so that by the time he brought her to the entrance with his hands over her eyes, she was giddy with excitement, jumping up and down and when he took his hands away she screamed at the top of her lungs. He stood at the door and watched her bounce around the room, talking at us and looking at everything with the most genuine sense of joy that I had ever seen. Ivany had to touch everything but nothing held her attention as long as the dollhouse did. She clung to his leg and told him just how much she loved everything and he replied with, "I love you, princess. I hope you like it." When he noticed I hadn't said anything and had been standing by with my hand over my mouth he took me by the wrist and shook me out of my trance. "What do you think?" He asked. I fluttered my eyes in disbelief. "What do I think? I think it's insane. It's amazing!" Pulling me close to him, he wrapped his arm around my hips and pressed a kiss behind my ear, nuzzling his nose into my hair, inhaling and sighing softly. He had an easy look of satisfaction on his face accompanied by a smirk. When he had ripped my attention away for a moment he kissed me as if to say I told you so. It wasn't only Ivany who received the rewards of his attentions either. He had made sure that I was well taken care of, which in his eyes, meant that I needed a completely new wardrobe and a massive vanity table to house all of my make up and expensive perfume. It was a vast white table with an arcing mirror, gold-brushed handles adorning each drawer and a matching bench for me to sit on in my sheer dressing gown while I got ready. Bill had taken a liking to watching me sit at that vanity table. If I was in my room getting ready or fresh from the shower he would stand at the doorway sometimes with his arms crossed and watch me as I massaged lotion into my skin or applied lipstick in the mirror. Even when he wasn't home to see me I liked to put on the fine undergarments he had chosen and sit on the bench, pretending like he was watching me drip honey and rose eau de toilette on my wrists. The Summer came in full bloom and we spent most mornings together on the red jarrahwood veranda. Beyond the platform that we lounged on eating our breakfast, the grass sprawled for acres to accompany the stable and a fenced in plot for horses to run in. Further than that, there were trees and a guest house that was bigger than any house I had ever lived in. It was surreal sitting out in the sun with my sunglasses on, looking out onto all of Bill's property, his car garage, pool and cabana and unused tennis court. It was really all too much to take in sometimes. One early evening, Ivany's riding instructor came and took her to the stable to spend time with Winterwind and Bill and I stood at the fence watching them. He was wearing a light leather jacket over a light blue button up shirt and dark washed jeans that ended just above a pair of black boots. I looked at him and thought to myself that I had hardly ever seen him wear something so casual. I wanted to view him as a regular person but it was hard when he was always decked in his suits with his hair perfectly styled in that I-didn't-try-to-look-like-this way. When I watched him watching her, I got up the courage to strike a conversation with him. We had been living with Bill for nearly a month at that time and him and I had hardly spent any time talking. Bill did leave almost every day for work and when he returned in the evening we had enough time to spend with Ivany before her bedtime and almost as soon as she was down, he wanted me. After he was sure Ivany had fallen asleep, Bill would light a cigarette, smoke it to the filter and once that was done he would have a drink. It was almost like a ritual and as soon as the last drop hit his tongue, he would be ready for me. His sexual appetite was  insatiable and every night I found myself in the master bedroom with no opportunity to speak much besides to answer all of his filthy little questions. "How was work today?" I asked him. He gave me a side-swiping look as though I had just pinched him. I had never bothered probing him for answers much but I felt like our new life together warranted at least a little bit of information from time to time. After all, he was my partner and the father of my child. It wasn't a sense of entitlement, more an urge to know what was going on inside of his head since he only liked to divulge things that he deemed necessary and what fell underneath that definition to him was still unknown to me. "It was fine." He replied. "What did you do today?" "Meetings." I caught the sense that he was getting uncomfortable answering my questions and it didn't settle quite right with me. I wanted to know why he had such a problem with me knowing anything about him besides what he liked to eat, what he wore and what made him hard. "Is that all you do is have meetings?" "Yes." I sighed and turned to lean my back up against the wood fence. He eyed me again but didn't turn his face away from Ivany and Winterwind. "Are you ever going to talk to me about anything?" "We're talking right now, aren't we?" I knew if I tread too hard on him it would make him upset. I had to choose my questions wisely to avoid tipping his scale. It seemed almost anything could set him off into a bad mood and then I would receive the ass end of it in the bedroom. It was just another thing about him that was unsettling. He had to use sex to express himself and sometimes it left me with colourful reminders that I wished he could just form into words instead. Not that I didn't enjoy his punishments, it was only that his being secretive was quickly growing old. "Look, I know you like your privacy but... We live together. I'm not going to pretend I'm not curious about what goes on in your life. We live in our own small country practically and people come and go to make our food and clean the house. You do realize how foreign this all is to me, right?" "I don't blame you for having questions but I've already told you. I own hotels and make shit-loads of money because of it. I sign papers and go to meetings and then I come home and all I want is to spend time with you and her. There's nothing glamorous about my job. The most exciting parts of my days are getting to see her." His dismissive tone was heavy enough for me to understand that if I pried anymore he wouldn't be happy about it. I offered nothing back but my silence punctuated with a sigh here and there. Ivany came around seated on Winterwind, her instructor reigning her up so they could stop near us. Bill's demeanor changed immediately as he waved to Ivany. "Hi, Daddy!" She cried out, cheeks pink with excitement. "Hello princess! Have you had enough riding for one day?" He called out to her. "Nope!" The riding instructor was a stoic woman with braided brown hair who seemed to only have a soft bone in her body for horses and for Ivany. She hardly ever addressed me and made minimal exchange with Bill but I did see her talking quietly to Ivany any time they had their lessons. The woman seemed dedicated, proud and maybe a tiny percent resentful of us as parents for having purchased such an extravagant animal for a four-year-old child. Nevertheless, she came and went each Wednesday with hardly a complaint. That night after Ivany went to sleep, Bill didn't bother with his usual routine. He did smoke a cigarette and had a drink but instead of dressing the night all up like he normally did, he simply encircled me in his arms and asked me to come to bed with him even though it was only just passed eight o'clock. There seemed to be something floating around inside his head that was bothering him so I didn't press anything further, I just got into bed with him after getting undressed and let him do what he wanted. He trailed his fingers up and down my spine as we laid under the duvet, skin touching and limbs entangled. He kissed me slowly, scooping up a handful of my left breast and kneading it in his palm. When he was satisfied with that he rolled me over so I was facing away from him but pulled me in close to his chest, letting his hand fall down my thigh to my knee. He raised my leg up and that was when he pressed his hardness up against my ass. He let out the slightest of whimpers as he entered me from behind and I replied with a quiet moan. It was all so very drawn out and sweet and when he started rocking his hips into mine to get in deeper, his body relaxed into the motion. "Oh..." He groaned. "I love you." His arms wrapped around me and his lips kissed up and down the curve of my neck and my shoulder. I writhed back onto him, enjoying the feeling of how slowly he pushed in and out of me and the softness in his voice. "I love you, baby." He whispered again. "Do you love me?" "Yes. Yes, I love you." "How much?" He asked as he tantalizingly pulled his cock out of me. His hand reached down to angle himself back up against my opening, awaiting my answer before making any other movement. "I... I adore you. I love you more than anything. Oh-" He plunged back in as I told him that and purred against the back of my neck. "I love you. I love your pussy. I love how you get so wet for me. I love putting my cock in you every single night." "Yeah?" "Yeah... You know what else I love?" He asked. "What?" He reached under my raised leg and circled my clit with the pads of two fingers. I moaned under the sensation and when he kept going I felt my body coming alive. He licked and nibbled on my neck, moaning as well. "I love making you come." "I love making you come, Daddy." The pattern of him massaging me, penetrating me, kissing me and whispering in my ear was a quickfire way to get me to the edge. He knew it, too. There was no speed to be picked up, only the deliberately slow actions that looked a little more like love-making rather than our usual rigorous fuck sessions. It was a nice change of pace and I felt my hairs stand up on end as he breathed close to my ear, low panting only interrupted by his mouthwatering praises. Sometimes, Bill just worshiped my pussy instead of using it and those were the nights I fell deeper and deeper in love with him. Those were the nights I told myself that I didn't care he was so furtive and withdrawn. He was my King and if I could have him all to myself for the rest of time I knew I could die happy. "Come with me, baby. I want to feel that pussy tighten around me." I hooked my leg over his to pull him in a little harder and he took that as a sign to haul me on top of him completely so that he could use both of his legs to buck up into me while his fingers continued toying with my clit. I laid on top him, my back to his chest, knees bent, spread and eyes closed, zeroing in on the pleasure he bestowed with his long fingers. The added penetration mixed so well that I knew it was entirely possible he would have me coming in seconds as long as he kept doing exactly that. "Come for me. Come for me. Come all over your Daddy's cock. I want you to." "Mm, yes, Daddy. Yes-" "Come. Right now. Come for me." I didn't know whether his power over me should have been frightening or not. When I finally tensed up to orgasm, Bill pounded into me until he started to lock up as well. Our tandem climax hit hard and as much as I moaned over feeling him pump me full of cum, he moaned even harder, luxuriating in another beautifully orchestrated mess that would dry up by morning. That's what life was like with Bill. He would wake up before me to have a shower and get dressed then come back into the room to wake me up so I could have a shower as well. While I was getting cleaned up from the nights we spent making each other come, he would wake Ivany and get her ready for the day as well. We would convene on the main floor and eat breakfast together and he would kiss us both goodbye before leaving for work in his ebony Lincoln or his gunmetal BMW or his jet black Mercedes. When it was just Ivany and I, we spent the hours doing whatever she wanted which usually meant going outside to see Winterwind, playing hide and seek on the grounds or dressing up and having royal tea parties in her bedroom. A team of maids came every day to spruce up the house, though most of the rooms were completely unused. They didn't speak much English and I hardly ever crossed paths with them as Ivany and I were usually enjoying the Summer weather or in town having lunch and shopping around. By the time we went back inside they were usually gone or just finishing up. There were about five of them, sometimes six and three handled the kitchen and dining room and the others went upstairs to change bed sheets, vacuum carpets, clean bathrooms and windows and dust any surface within reach. One day, Ivany didn't feel well and asked if she could just stay in her room with an iPad, some blankets and her favourite dolls. I felt so sorry for her after she threw up her breakfast that I arranged her comfortably in her bed, set up a movie on the tablet and tucked her bunny rabbit in beside her. She asked for me to stay and watch the movie with her and I did gladly, until we both dozed off. I caught myself flitting in and out of sleep before long and shook my head to keep myself from drifting off entirely. Ivany was passed out, mouth open, the movie only half way through so I turned it off and quietly left the room so she could get some rest. I found myself unbelievably bored soon after shutting Ivany's bedroom door. The din of the house was strong and it was the first time that I had found myself wandering around by myself. I was drawn in further after the maids had come and gone. I had seen the inside of Bill's master bedroom enough to know that he had a massive walk-in closet and an en-suite bathroom bigger than most people's apartments. It was no adventure exploring his room because I had spent most of my time in it anyway, but once I started further down the hall, my curiosity was purchased. There were so many doors that I had never opened before. One by one I tried the handles, finding that most of them were locked. The rooms that were unlocked were only bedrooms, staged very similarly to the ones that Bill had given to me and Ivany but not so luxurious. I mean, they were still beyond lavish but by the standards I was used to seeing in Bill's estates, they weren't as extravagant. I counted about five other bedrooms on that floor and the further into the East Wing I went the emptier the rooms got. The few doors that I could not get into were smaller doors. I noticed they had less of an antiquated look to them and appeared to have been updated and fitted with brass knobs that unlocked with a key. The wood, I remarked, wasn't as heavy as any of the other doors either which only confirmed my suspicion that they were much newer. Once I was satisfied with what I was able to see upstairs I made my way to the main floor, into the foyer that split off three ways; the staircase going upstairs, the passage way to the dining room, kitchen and back doors and then there was a pair of doors that opened up into what appeared to be a library by first glance. There was a grand fire place with a marble mantle surrounded by legions of shelves stuffed tight with all manner of books old and new. In the center of the room there was a hand-carved pool table with sapphire blue baize and four lions each representing a leg of the table. The wood had been polished and lacquered so finely I could see my own reflection in it. I couldn't help but wonder what Bill did in his spare time, what he did to fill his nights before Ivany and I came to stay with him. As I circled the pool table I envisioned him leaning over it, pool cue almost as long as he was in his hands, poised to snipe a billiard ball into one of the suede pockets. Did he like to read the books, or were they only for show? I approached the fireplace and stared into it to see if I could tell when it was used last but it was as clean as anything else in the house. There were plenty of books to choose from so I ascended the sliding ladder to pick one that caught my interest. With nothing much else for me to do and the realization that I could feel bored in such a place, I began to feel disheartened. I had nobody to talk to and nowhere to go, so I settled for reading out on the veranda in the bright sunshine. It had been far too long since I had picked up a book. Bill came home a couple hours earlier than he normally did and brought with him a stack of papers. When he found me I had just settled back into a lounge chair on the deck after having checked on Ivany to see if she needed anything. He cast his glance around, trying to locate his daughter before he realized she wasn't with me. "Where is Ivany?" He asked. "She's in her room. She hasn't been feeling well at all today." Bill's eyes only widened a little bit but I could still see the concern filtering through. "Oh... Is she alright?" "She will be. She has a bit of a fever and upset stomach." "Does she need a doctor?" "No. She's going to be fine." "Are you sure?" I cocked my head at him and tried not to downplay his paternal instincts but I did find it cute that he had never dealt with a sick child before. With a slight grin I replied, "Bill... She's going to be alright. Kids get sick sometimes. Why don't you go check on her? I'm sure seeing you will make her feel a lot better." He glanced down at the papers he had in his hand. "I will, but first I need you to sign some things." There were small red tabs stuck to some of the sheets to indicate which lines I was to sign my name on but when I looked up at Bill he knew that I wouldn't blindly sign anything without an explanation first. "These are for Ivany's name change. You can look over them if you want to." Bill handed the stack to me and pulled a gold-plated pen out from one of the pockets in his suit jacket. I looked up at him as I took the pen, feeling his green eyes burning into me with an urgency. Wordlessly, I scanned the first page which had already been filled out. Ivany's full name, her age, birthday, place of birth, my birth place, my age, my name, our former address. It was all there already scrawled in black ink and when I looked up at him again I couldn't help but feel a little insulted that he had gone ahead without telling me. "Are you sure this is all right? I don't mean to sound rude but... you weren't there for most of her life. Are you sure all of this information is correct?" "I'm positive it's all correct but like I said, feel free to go over it, if you please." Bill noticed my hesitation after I scanned over a few more pages, skipping the tabs where I was supposed to sign. It wasn't that I didn't want Ivany to be a Skarsgård, it was just that I hadn't taken any time to mull it over in my head. Now that the documents were in front of me I had an odd taste on the back of my tongue. "J... What's the problem?" I rested the ball of the pen on the first line requiring my signature. "I don't know. It's just... Strange." "She's a Skarsgård in all ways but in name. What does it matter whose last name she has?" "Well, it obviously matters to you." "It does matter to me. Do you realize the opportunity she will have in the future? She's an heiress, J, and so are you." There was no way for me to describe to him the way I was feeling without coming off as selfish. What I wanted to say to him was that she was mine and had been for her entire life and that he should have consulted me before going through with the paperwork. I feared that once I signed those papers and Ivany's name reflected her Swedish half, Bill would have all of the leverage if things between us were to ever go awry. "I just want what's mine. Don't you miss being mine?" His words echoed in my memory. I remembered his threats when he had come to find me at first, before he had ever met Ivany. "Try to run and I will rain Hellfire down on you." I signed the pages. There was a nagging in the back of my head telling me that I was making a mistake but I chose to ignore it. My instincts weren't always reliable anyway and when I scrawled my signature by each red tab, Bill relaxed a little bit more. After all, I was content and Ivany had never seemed more happy. Bill had made good on his promises and when I looked up at him he gave me that smile that shone down on me warmer than the Sun ever could. The way his dimples flashed made me shiver in my chair and the kiss he gave me after accepting the papers back was laced with desire and a thankfulness that I knew he would rather show than say. "Thank you, my love." "You're welcome." "We will have to discuss her school enrollment very soon." I looked out over the terrace and sighed. "I suppose you're right. Summer is half over." "I have already looked into schools for her. There aren't many around here but there are a couple upstate that seem promising but what I would really like is for her to go to school in Sweden. Perhaps the same school I went to-" "Sweden?" I interrupted. "Yes. The education system is much better. I don't quite a agree with how children are taught in North American schools. There is a major lack of intimacy between teacher and student. It's almost like factory farms for children over here." "You want to move to Sweden?" "Of course not. I wouldn't be able to run business so soon." "Then how would she go to school there?" Bill cocked his head at me. "We would fly her there, of course." I stumbled over my speech a little before righting myself, spine straightening in my seat. "Do you mean we would send her away to school?" "Yes, it's a boarding school. I went there as a child. It's a fantastic school. Very prestigious and highly revered." "We are not sending Ivany away." Bill crossed his arms behind his back. "She needs to be educated properly." "She can be educated here." "I don't think you understand the level of honor it is to attend that school." "I don't really care. I don't want to send my daughter away, Bill! Jesus! I know you're her Father but you can't just make these decisions without me!" "No decisions have been made, so just calm down. There are plenty of schools to look into." I breathed in heavily through my nostrils. "Okay, but just... Don't freak me out like that." "There's nothing to be freaked out about. Ivany is going to the best school we can put her in. That should make you happy." "I am happy, trust me. I'm more than happy. I just cannot fathom sending her away. I can't." Bill set the papers down on the glass side table beside my chair and placed his hands on either of my shoulders. Squeezing me gently, he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "Don't worry," He chuckled, kissing my temple as he massaged my tense shoulders. "It was only a suggestion. You get fired up so quickly." "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry." "But I am." "Oh, my love. What ever will I do with you?" I raised my face to receive another kiss from him. "I can think of a couple things." Bill bit his bottom lip as he stood up and grabbed the stack of papers from the side table again. "Well... Later on... I would like to see you in that new set I bought for you last week. The red one." "If you desire." "I do desire. I desire very much. Now, give Daddy another kiss. I'm going to go check on our sick little angel." His lips graced me with another slow, languid kiss. When he stood up I felt a burn lingering on my skin and as he left me to my book, I smiled.
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