#john twinkletits
noblepilcher · 1 month
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Car ride doodles
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fishklok · 1 year
dethsims pt 2
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morte-par-le-chocolat · 7 months
"So, tell me how you're feeling. Better?" "Oui, merci. Much. I think I can get back to work now. I actually felt I should be back to work some time ago." "Ah-ah, not so fast. Just slow down, okay? Let's start easy. Why are you here, Chef Jean?"
Jean-Pierre looked across the room. The other man looked back at him- a neat chestnut haircut, winged eyeliner, a pleasant but neutral smile. Pink sweater vest, a clipboard and pencil held in his robotic arms. Dr. Twinkletits was the very air of professionalism- something he'd learned to adapt well to in his time as Dethklok's therapist. The false smarminess that had lead Jean to dislike the man on sight was more or less gone. Lesson learned. "Lord Commander Offdensen said I should speak with you before returning to work. I am not sure why, but I am not one to dismiss his wishes." "Well, according to what I have here, you collapsed on the job a couple weeks ago and were in the hospital wing a while. Exhaustion? I can see why, cooking for all these people? Must be hard work. But Jean, you have kitchen staff, right? There to help you, make your job a little easier?" "Oui. I do. But I don't need them, not for the bulk of my work." Twinkletits made a 'tch' sound and scribbled something down on his clipboard. Jean frowned. "It kinda seems like you do, though, if you're pushing yourself so hard you're passing out. Come on. Let's..." Don't say it... "...rock talk." Fuck. Jean swore inwardly, but he supposed this was an inevitability. Twinkletits was rarely if ever a surface-level therapist- he'd get to the root of the problem one way or another. "Tell me, why do you feel like you have to do everything yourself? It' can't be easy on you. I have here in your file that you're on medication for pain and that's, you know, that's really understandable. Why,Jean, you were stitched together from a million little pieces! I'm not saying that doesn't make you capable, but you're obviously pushing yourself past your limits when you really don't have to. Why is that?" Jean sighed, bent fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. "It is as you say. I was sewn together after being diced with a helicopter propeller. Dethklok sewed me up with their own hands, because they wanted me to cook for them. I am but fulfilling their wishes, my purpose that I was mended for. You know how the oath goes, oui? 'I am a gear in the klok. I fear not my mortality. I will serve to the best of my ability.' If I perish in the line of service, that is fine, though I do hope I will leave behind a magnum opus when I do." "Oh, but... I mean, of course I know the oath, but the line says it right there. 'To the best of my ability'. You're pushing beyond that and it's just not good for you. ... Jean... does this have to do with your injury at all?" "No! ... Well, sort of. Look at me, doctor. I am a monster. The sight of me would repulse most people. I should be dead, but I am alive- mended, as I said, for the purpose of cooking. This castle is my world. My condition may be unsightly and painful, but my lords saw fit to sew every stitch themselves. This is an honor, no? I am valued for my skills in the culinary arts. This is what I was mended to do, no other reason. To put a smile on my Lords' faces with my cooking is my greatest joy. I need nothing else, but to be allowed to work for this purpose." "I see." Twinkletits' voice was low, soft, almost. "And... these few weeks, how has that made you feel?" "Worthless. I have had nothing to do but convalesce, and worry about the state of the kitchen. Young #713... is a decent hand, but untested. I wonder how he is coping. I do not want the quality of the kitchen's output to suffer, and yet... I fear if he does too well, that... that..."
"Go on, Chef." "...that they will replace me. That my Lords may decide that someone younger and healthier would be a better choice moving forward. I couldn't bear that, doctor." "Mmm. You know, Chef, I think I may have a bead on your problem. If I may? It's an issue with your self worth. You called yourself a monster, only sewn up to keep cooking, so that's all you think you're worth. You do all that cooking yourself because if you can't cook you feel worthless and replaceable. But you know what? I don't think that's true, and I can prove it, you know?" Jean gripped his upper arms, shaking a bit. Hearing out loud, it was an on the nose assessment. Hearing it condensed that way was uncomfortably accurate. "You...can prove it, you say?" "Sure! Look." Humming, Twinkletits set his clipboard and pen aside and held out his arms. Skeletal, spindly things, but very functional, dexterous enough for him to do most anything his flesh and blood arms had. "You see these? I fell out a window and the yardwolves ate my arms off. Plus I'd been... y'know, a real jerk before that. Dethklok didn't have any real reason to keep me around, but they did! And it's been the most fulfilling work of my life, but you know what? I don't let it fully define me. Because that's not healthy at all, Chef. I'm not just worth my work any more than you are." The therapist leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. "I know losing my arms probably wasn't quite as traumatic as what happened to you. But you're a worthwhile person, Jean. You're a brilliant chef but that's not all you are, and it's definitely not all you're worth. I know it's gonna take time, but I want you to tell yourself that. Once or twice a day, or whenever you need. And I want you to start letting your staff in. You're supposed to be a team, they're not your competition. Can you do that for me?" "I... suppose I can try. I don't think I have much to lose at this point. ... Merci, Doctor." "Anytime! That's what I'm here for. Anyway, I think if you take those affirmations to heart, I don't see a reason that you can't go back to work. I'll let Mr. Offdensen know!" Rising, Jean shook the doctor's hand. Twinkletits replied with a hearty smile and a pat on the chest. It wasn't until Jean looked down at his chef's blacks after he left that he noticed a bright yellow crescent stuck to his coat.
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dolly-macabre · 7 months
⚙️ 𝕶𝖑𝖔𝖐𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝟏𝟔 ⚙️
ℑ𝔫 𝔐𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔲𝔪: ℌ𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔫
Memorial Services are hard! Have a fic about it!
In Memorium
"I don't think I can do this…" Dolly chokes back tears as her hands fiddle with the written speech in her lap. She's so nervous that she almost tears it.
"Hey, hey… Yer gonna do great, babe." Pickles attempts to reassure her, but nothing anyone says seems to be helping. It's just one of those things. 
You can't get around this, Twinkletits had told her. You need to go through it. She'd been repeating that affirmation in her head all morning, but how is she supposed to properly pay tribute to so many fallen?
She blames herself, of course. She was supposed to be coordinating the klokateers during that epic battle, but had gotten caught up buying time for the boys. She can still hear the screaming from her earpiece that day, loud and clear.
And Jess…
She'd made many friends along the way as she became a klokateer, but he was the one she held most dear. He was always there to patch her up or give her a kind pat on the back for a job well done.  Not being able to see him every day anymore was rough.
Charles had been kind enough to put off the memorial service until she could be a part of it. She was only just starting to get used to not laying in a hospital bed all day, so this whole event felt like too much for her. She peers around the room to get a feel for her audience. There were hardly any klokateers left to attend, and the ones that were there were very new or had been guarding Mordhaus during the battle.
Pickles can feel her tremors and nervous sweating. He watches as she reaches into her black studded clutch bag and pulls out an amber pill bottle.
"Hey, you uh sharin' that by any chance?" he whispers.
She hands him a couple bars of Xanax and gives him a stern look. She trusts him to keep it together, but the rest of them… 
"Oh! You handings out Xanxies????" Toki loudly chimes in.
"I want some, too!" Nathan wasn't nearly as loud as Toki, but Dolly had had enough. She whirled on them, hissing, "All of you shut the *RIFF* up! This is a formal event!"
"Yeah, in our church. That they built for usch. There'sch hardly anyone here! Don't be a schtingy asschole!" Murderface whines.
She realizes it's been some time since everything went down, but she didn't think it would be long enough that they'd act so negligent about it. Maybe it was just their way of coping? She'd have to ask Dr. John about that. 
"Here, just take it!" she hisses, throwing the bottle on the floor in front of their pew.
"Sahrry," Pickles bashfully says. "I shoulda just kept my mouth shut." 
"Don't worry about it," Dolly says, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Soon I'll be flying and nothing'll matter. I'll give my little speech and go home to my bed and everything will be fine."
Charles takes the stage first, refined as ever. "Good evening, Dethklok family," he says. "I'm forlorn that we must meet under such devastating circumstances. We have gathered here to honor our fallen soldiers, the klokateers. Their sacrifice was not in vain, for we can stand here today, proud for all they have given us. Working tirelessly to meet the needs of their masters and staff alike–"
How am I supposed to follow him? This guy is like the king of public speaking… 
Dolly begins to fidget with her rings as a cold trickle of sweat runs down the middle of her back. She only glances up when Pickle's hand settles over hers. 
"Hey, yer shakin' pretty bad," he whispers. "It's okay if we gatta step out for a sec. Do ya wanna take a breather?" 
He tosses a nod at Charles, who nods in return. Charles continues on to cover for her. He's always been a great boss to her. She'd have to find a way to thank him later. Meanwhile, Pickles walks her out of the Blacklok church's sanctuary. 
Dolly had begun hyperventilating before they even made it out. She's so embarrassed. She's supposed to be Dethklok's fearless defender, for fuck's sake!
"Angel… I know this is sumthin' you really wanna do, but I hate ta see ya all worked up like this…"
"Just… gotta wait for the Xanax to kick in…" She shakily sits down on a nearby bench. 
Pickles kneels down before her, setting a hand on each shoulder as she wipes away her tears. 
"No one would think any less of ya, Dolls…"
"No! I– I need to… "
He lets out a sigh and sits next to her. He begins digging in the black tote bag he's started carrying everywhere. He pulls her dab pen from the bag, looking weary.
"I know yer supposed ta cut back on the smoking while your lungs heal up, but I think this might be a special circumstance. '' He hands her the vape, and she thankfully puffs at it a few times. Pickles always thought of everything; He's fully embraced his role as band mother. 
"There ya go," he says in that gentle tone he reserves just for her. "Yer gonna be fine. "
After about 10 minutes passes, Charles steps out of the sanctuary to check on them. 
"Dahlia," he says, "if you feel unwell, I'm more than happy to read your segment for you, but we can't delay this anymore. People are starting to become restless."
Dolly takes three deep breaths. "No," she replies. "I– I can do this." She makes her way back into the sanctuary, speech in hand, as others whisper and mumble. The aisle may as well have been a million miles long. Would this ever end?
She stands silent at the podium for a moment.  Pickles has made his way back to his seat, and he gives her a thumbs up along with Toki and Nathan, after some prodding. 
She lets out a soft sigh and sets her paper on the podium. Finally, she begins to speak. 
"My dear friends and family, I come before you with a heavy heart. Though right now that feels like an understatement. We all know life is unfair, but this incident has rattled us to our very core. The klokateers were more than just yes-men to answer our every beck and call. They were the very life blood of this company.  A lot–" She collects herself, keeping the sobbing at bay before continuing. "A lot of them I had grown so close to in my time as a klokateer and now when I see their posts empty, it feels as though my heart is being ripped from my chest. They were my family when the outside world had forsaken me. Life will never be the same now, no matter who we recruit, and no matter how much we build ourselves up going forward, but…" Her pause feels like it lasts for a century. "We will become stronger because of their sacrifice. We will overcome, for their sakes. Because that's what it comes down to when serving Dethklok. Death may always seem inevitable in this line of work, but they always put their best foot forward and kept going until they no longer could. And for that, I can't even begin to thank them enough for their service. The least we can do for them is to keep going no matter how hard life gets. For we are all gears in the wheel of the Klok, and we fear not our mortality!"
"That's my girl," Pickles whispers proudly to himself as the crowd respectfully applauds.
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waitingforseason5 · 2 years
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Metalocalypse Production Art | Songgu Kwon
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gointothevvater · 2 years
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incorrectdethquotes · 4 years
Toki: You’s giving me a stickers?
Twinkletits: Not just any sticker; That’s a sticker of a kitty saying “Me-Wow”.
Toki: I’s not a preschooler.
Twinkletits: Fine, I’ll take it back.
Toki: I earns this. Back off.
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cloudchaser2000 · 4 years
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Metalocalypse Original Animation Art by Metalocalypse lead character designer Songgu Kwon
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lampmeeting · 3 years
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PHEW! been slowly plugging away at this for *checks watch* uh, weeks. this was just meant to be a fun doodle and then... well...
it's meant to be a scene from an as-of-yet-unwritten fluffy fic where charles and pickles invite everyone over for a bbq years after everything settles and it's fun and cute. the pool noodle rematch duel is melm's idea but charles is juuuust drunk enough to indulge him. at the end of the day everyone ends up sunburned and full of good food and booze. :3
possible titles for this: "why i don't do backgrounds" or "battle of the body hair"
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normanblowup · 2 years
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2/13: the wedding!!!
here’s some melm and john lol. this is the first time
i’ve drawn them!! yay :D
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frienderbender · 3 years
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sorry this came to me suddenly
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fishklok · 2 years
how do you think magnus would feel if he found out that another guy tried to claim dethklok would be nothing without him before trying to stab them, only to end up horrifically injured as a result. but instead of getting fired, he was given a permanent role as their therapist?
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Dr. John Twinkletits, the pastel metalhead therapist who got his arms eaten by yard wolves
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atmilliways · 3 years
for those touch writing prompts… Melm & Charles - 5 or Melm & JT - 28?
Melm & Charles 5: feeling their pulse
They bring him, stumbling out of the bunker that he’d been sent to without explanation before the attack had started. All Charles had said was, “Just in case.”
It’s not until Melmord sees Charles beaten, bloody, and cut up that he starts to get it.
“We’ve brought him, my lord,” the doctor tells Charles gently, and what looks damn close to a corpse jerks and gets his clawed hand hooked on a handful of Melmord’s jacket.
“My turn now,” Charles croaks.
Melmord, swallowing down queasiness at the sight of all that blood and ignoring the rush of phantom wind in his own ears, lets himself be tugged forward. “For what, man?”
Are those fucking tears in Charles’ eyes? Well, eye. The one that hasn’t swollen completely shut yet. For some reason the medical Klokateers haven’t even taken the broken glasses off of his face, Melmord wonders if they’ve given him anything for pain. Instinctively, he puts his fingers to Charles’ wrist and feels for a pulse—and finds one. It’s weak and fluttering, but it’s there. The skin feels unsettlingly cold.
“To die,” Charles whispers, and then tells him which submarine he needs to steal, the coordinates . . . everything he needs to do.
Melm & Twinkletits 28: feeling for each other in the dark
“Shit, doc, are you in here?”
John can just make out the shape of Melmord standing in the doorway, bulkier than usual as though he’s wrapped in a blanket. The next flash of lightning that paints everything in harsh white for half an instant seems to confirm this, as well as showing the man’s full-body flinch away from the light and the almost immediate crack of thunder.
After the lightning, the room seems even more pitch-black than before.
“Yes, I’m here,” John replies gently. “It’s okay, Melmord, just a power outage because of the storm. Do you want me to get a flashlight?”
“Um.” There’s some shuffling in the darkness, and a hint of a muffled meow. “Bananas and I were just wondering if we could crash in here with you until the storm’s over? He was getting all freaked out and bottle-brush tailed.”
“Jeezy,” John sighs, but is already turning back the covers for his houseguest to climb in. “Okay, come over here.”
He hears footsteps, and then feels the other man’s hands landing on and exploring tentatively over the mattress.
“That’s my leg.
“Oops. Sorry.”
Melmord settles next to him in a cloud of warm blanket (possibly more than one) that he’s brought with him, and a moment later Bananas settles, purring softly, on John’s chest.
“You might not wanna let him stay there,” Melmord offers in the dark. “He goes claws-out whenever there’s a boom.”
“I know.” The cat’s claws have been trimmed recently, and John has both a flannel pajama shirt and lots of chest hair for protection. “Did he get you?”
“Not too bad,” Melmord answers casually. From the tone, John is pretty sure he should get the first aid kit in the morning and check him over, just in case.
“Well. . . . Good. Let’s all try to get as good a night’s sleep as we can then, shall we?”
Melmord wriggles down further into the blankets with a yawn. “Okay. Thanks, doc.”
Funnily enough, he and the cat both fall asleep within moments. It’s John who can’t fall back asleep, staring up at the darkened ceiling as the storm winds down outside.
It’s a long, long night.
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textsfrommordhaus · 7 years
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gointothevvater · 3 years
My favorite Metalocalypse character is this guy 🡻
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