#just another average day for huffman’s wife
npcimpact · 8 months
swan | nerves
you’ve thought swan is cute for a long time.
you got horribly sick once- two men arrived at your door with medication and kind eyes. and you’d fallen hard for swan’s clumsy speech. ever since then, you’ve made excuses to pass through the front gate, just to see his face again.
not that you ever, y’know, talk.
the most acknowledgement you’ve ever seen is lawrence (you think that’s his name?) elbowing him excitedly at the angel’s share, and a quick look from him.
you want to say it’s nerves, but past experience tells you not to get your hopes up.
you shouldn’t worry though. it’s definitely nerves.
lawrence is the worst, with a big grin whenever you pass by; he never hesitates to tease him about his crush. swan makes an effort to only meet you in taverns, when he can pretend the blush on his face is alcohol induced, and not the rush he gets from locking eyes with you.
his gaze never fails to linger when lawrence reassures him that you’re not looking his way and he goes in for a second look, his eyes trailing up your body.
lawrence pats swan on the back and tells him it’ll be okay, because you obviously only have eyes for him. swan makes a face. lawrence can’t help but wonder if his friend will ever believe him.
“have you tried flowers?” huffman asks him.
“no, the problem isn’t figuring out how to ask them out. he hasn’t even figured out that they like him.”
lawrence rubs his temples. “and listen, no offence, but you can’t give any advice, because you’re about as dense as they come.”
swan can see the gears in his friend’s head turn- and then he shrugs and wanders off. days turn into weeks, which turn into months, and eventually a year and a half has passed and lawrence has had ENOUGH.
“you. come with me.”
swan doesn’t get a chance to respond, his friend dragging him along the streets of mondstadt as their shift changes over and his plans are drastically changed.
“lawrence, is everything okay?”
lawrence scowls at him. so, no.
“i have had to sit through you and your pining and your nerves and your worries for a year and a half, and i’m sick of it. so tonight, we’re going to find them, and you’re going to ask them out. you can go to starsnatch cliff, or something. pick some cecilias.”
“no, wait, hold on-”
panic rushes through swan. ask you out? haha, what? he won’t even be able to get the first few words out! you’ll think he’s a joke before he finishes the question!
“nope, no holding on. i’m not interested in suffering anymore, so you’d better figure out what you want to say.”
has he daydreamed about you reciprocating his love? of course- but he’s long since resigned himself to the fact that that’s simply just not… possible. but here he is in front of you, a sweet madame in your hands.
his stomach rumbles, and swan wants to curl up into a ball and die.
“hey, my friend wants to ask you something important.” lawrence gives him a pointed look, and the knight can see sara trying so hard not to look, but not being particularly successful.
“okay.” you smile, biting your lip a little. archons above, you’re so, so, so cute. “whatever you need from me, you can have.”
swan misses the double meaning in your words, but lawrence doesn’t, and lets out a loud sigh. “swan, ask.”
he swallows. you have no idea how your bright eyes scare him so.
“um, i- uh. i wanted to-” he coughs. this is awful. this is the most terrible experience of his life. “i wanted to ask you out on a date…?”
you blink. “and this isn’t a joke?”
a wide smile spreads over your face. you wipe away at your eyes and apologise profusely.
“sorry, crying over being asked out? that’s really embarrassing-” you sniff, and wipe away at your face one last time. “well anyway, the answer is obviously yes. i kinda can’t wait, so don’t put it off!”
a sense of euphoria washes over swan. uh, that thing about this experience being terrible? it was definitely wrong. he looks at his friend.
“shut up, you.”
and unsurprisingly, lawrence doesn’t.
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