#just had to edit the config file lol
fishyartist · 2 years
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converted an amv into a flipnote for drawing reference by using a program i found (link), really like how it looks in this form :) gonna try to make something of my own inspired by it eventually
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
*raises hand* I would appreciate the in-depth setup information for mac users!
Alright, so first things first, go to your user directory. It should be the little house icon with your user name next to it.
Next, we're going to need to see the hidden files in that directory. To do so, press the “Command” + “Shift” + “.” (period) keys at the same time. The hidden files will show up as translucent in the folder. If you want to obscure the files again, press the same “Command” + “Shift” + “.” (period) combination (I'm plagiarizing from the top Google result btw lol)
Anyway, what we're looking for is the ".config" folder. It should be near the top, since it starts with a period:
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Here's what my .config folder looks like. It's filled with application/programs that have personalized settings:
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You will need to create a folder for the command line programs you want to create config files for. Just make sure the name/capitalization of the file matches what's on GitHub/the command line you enter into Terminal so your Mac knows what to do. So for example, the name of the program I use is yt-dlp and that's what I type into Terminal; make sure to name the file exactly that.
Here's the yt-dlp folder:
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This is where you will put in FFmpeg and your config file. Config files MUST be plain text; the easiest way to do this is to use TextEdit (built in with Mac) and turn off Rich Text Editing in settings, changing it to plain text.
Here is what my config file looks like:
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To decrypt this jargon, basically what I'm directing yt-dlp to do is to download all videos in 1080p, get the best quality audio and merge it with the video (because yt-dlp doesn't do that on it's own, FFmpeg has to do it), and embed the thumbnail in the video.
The second line was my attempt to direct downloaded videos to my Downloads folder, which didn't work out. They go to a folder called "~" in my main directory. But I'm okay with that, because they're all in one place for me to sort later. If you don't set a download location, videos will automatically be placed in your main directory.
Here's the coding if anyone wants to copy-paste them into their own config files:
-f bestvideo[height<=1080][vcodec^=avc][ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best --embed-thumbnail "-o ~/Downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
And there you go! This took me hours to figure out so I'm glad I'll potentially be saving other Mac users tons of headaches, lol.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that you need to just name the config file "config" lol
EDIT 2: I had to edit the line of code directing videos to be downloaded in 1080p because the coding in yt-dlp changed; the old coding prevented videos from being previewed in Finder (although they could still be played in video-playing apps like VLC).
Also, please be sure to install FFmpeg via Homebrew I forgot to mention that lol!
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kindlespice · 3 years
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late ass replies but this time i have so much stuff to reply to that i actually need to split things up into categories :))))
also i apologize if any of this is no longer relevant / i am of absolutely no help :)))
otherwise, if you’ve asked a reshade related question...uh... sometime between christmas and now LMAO then it’s probably here!
nonny :
Hello Mikayla, I hope you're having a lovely year so far. I just wanted to ask this about the dove preshade (1st question here) kindlespice/tumblr/com/post/632163463099269120/ft-reshade-questions-a-theme-question-nonny i'm having the same problem, i have a new computer and after installing the game and it's last 3 updates and then the reshade it's not looking the same and it sucks bc i know how it's supposed to look (1)
the shadows are not as noticeable, the transparency between the walls is not there and the blur is gone (i have miiko´s ghibli's cloud override but i had that on my old computer and the reshade still looked normal) idk if it's the game or the reshade but it sucks bc i love how the original looks like anyways it would be really helpfull if you could answer. Take care and stay safe :))!!! (2/2)
hi hi! thanks for the kind message and i hope your year is going well! if I had to take a guess, I would say that maybe some of your settings in-game have changed? I would double check and make sure you’ve got edge smoothing off, and you could try turning off post-processing as well (im not ACTUALLY sure if turning off post processing does anything but it’s worth a shot!) otherwise i would try removing the preset and redownloading it? maybe the settings of the preset got jacked up and you can fix it by re-installing. let me know if this helps! if not, then you can always dm me so i can see pics of your situation!
Hi! Sorry if this is worded odd but I just downloaded your Leif reshade and have completed all the steps, however there is still this blur over the screen which isn't the best for game play. If you could help explain how to toggle it for gameplay/cas that would be great :)
hi hi! the blur is the DoF (depth-of-field). it’s used for taking screenshots and is supposed to make the background all blurry. to disable it, you can use the hotkey shift-2 or open the reshade menu and manually untick the DoF option!
Hi, i just installed the latest version of the dove preset and my game is dark. It is the MXAO that is doing it but i don't have the preprocessor definitions box. How do i fix it?
hello! im assuming you have a 4.0 version of reshade if you can’t find the box. in this version, it’s a blue tab called “Edit Global Preprocessor Definitions” beneath all the toggleable effects. if you have an earlier version, it should be under the “settings” tab at the top though.
Hello!! Thank you so much for your work! I have a really quick question - so I am trying to work with the reshade and got it all set but when I play around with it, my objects don’t look “rounded”. If that makes sense. Other people who use it, their objects look rounded and smooth and just different (I have an image for reference) but mine just looks like the normal objects just different colors. Is there something I’m missing or doing something wrong? I have all the settings correct. :)
hi hi! hmm, im not really sure what that could be... probably something to do with mxao bc it’s always something to do with mxao lol. I would double check to make sure you have this line in your preprocessor definitions: RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED = 0 this line should equal 0 for the mxao to work properly. that might give you the “rounded” look. if this doesn’t fix it for you then you should go ahead and dm me so i can see what the game looks like!
Hey, I tried your Dove preset but my game just can't handle it, it's pretty old and I just have to uninstall the reshade (even though I really loved the effect) but I'm scared to do anything in the Game folder or delete anything. Could you please help me with what to remove? I'm scared to break my game if I delete something that souldn't be deleted :( I tried searching for this in your WCIF and reshade questions and couldn't find an answear. Please help
hello! sorry to hear that your game can’t handle the preset :( here’s to hoping you can get an upgrade in the future! anyhow, to uninstall; i believe you only need to remove 
ReShade - config settings (it’ll have a little paper w/ gear next to it)
d3d9.dll - application extension  (it’ll have a little paper w/ gears ON it)
d3d9 - text document (little paper w/ lines icon)
reshade-shaders - folder
your reshade presets - config settings (if you remove the files above first though, you won’t be able to use/see these in-game)
that should uninstall reshade from your game! and don’t worry, if you accidentally remove something you didn’t want to, you can “verify your game files” through origin and that should restore any missing files. unless you.. *ahem*... acquired your game through other means... in which case be careful XD
Omg I don't know if you are active or not but I'm having some problems. So I downloaded the 3.0.8 and it was going smoothly but I loaded the game it said that magic bloom had issues.
i don’t know if im active either. probably not tbh XD but im here now so here ya go! i would recommend deleting the shaders you’re having problems with and then putting back the 3.0.8 shaders you downloaded. it’s really easy for things to break / be incompatible during the install so your best bet is always to delete the ones giving you trouble and put the new ones in.
hi! I’ve been jealously stalking your page for a while, because I’m in love with the dove preset, but I’m very confused about how to download it. My computer keeps marking it as a virus, so i was kinda scared to download it. and when i finally did, it didn’t show up in my game. could you walk me through how to download it?(i have a pc laptop)
Thank you so much,
hi hi! lol im flattered for the jealousy stalk! anyway im not sure why it wouldn’t be showing up in game? unless you were so excited that you forgot to install reshade with it? i have a video here explaining how to install a recent version of reshade and set up dove with it so you can check that out here !
Hello, I've been trying to fix the dove reshade for a long time, but the new version just doesn't support it, and the old version spoils the game and sometimes it won't even start ... Would you consider trying to make the same preset version for the latest reshade version? I'll be very grateful because your preset is the most beautiful I have ever seen?! 😘😂Don't know if you still play of work on your game but like I said if you have time to try make new one couse everyone was looking for it!!! 😉😘😘😘
hi hi! i totally understand not using the earlier versions--these later ones are soo much more user friendly!--but i’ve been able to get the preset to work with later versions (4.7.0 is the latest i’ve tried though) and it looks, if not the same, then very close to the original. I have a video here explaining how i did it if you’re really eager to have it
in the future i guess i could try to re-release the preset? i can’t give you an eta bc im lazy and i fall off the face of the earth regularly, but i do think it would help to have updated instructions right on the face of the download. 
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purpleberrypunch · 3 years
got uuu and console working together (partially)
extract Universal UE4 dev-console launcher 1.4 to game win64 folder (where exe is)
extract uuu into same folder, rename UniversalUE4Unlocker.dll to UniversalUE4Unlockerdumper.dll
extract sunbeams unlocker into same folder. open ini, rename dll to UniversalUE4Unlockerdumper.dll. extract sunbeams unlocker into some other folder but change nothing in ini.
launch with UE4ConsoleLaunch as administrator. had to launch a few times for some reason, eventually worked.
wintab to open sunbeams unlocker as administrator from the other folder.
console will work, uuu will work. however! no client. so you can’t change settings easily :(
edit: no wait! i got it!! still doesn’t work on each launch lol but if i just keep doing it, it works. don’t know what that means. too many things trying to hook in, idk. i have reshade on too, could make it worse. anyways-
same as above but open uuu client config file in notepad. edit the dll to be UniversalUE4Unlockerdumper.dll and put the game exe in the default exe. (that might not be necessary? unsure..)
after launching the game with ue4consolelaunch as admin, and after opening sunbeams unlocker as admin, launch uuuclient as admin. select the exe and click inject. works?? oh my god..
edit again!!- doesn’t work!!!! because epic is evil and the game only knows you have the dlc if you launch the game from stupid epic launcher. thanks epic, i hate you :) so i can get it work like this but with no dlc. uuuuugh
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So I just hosted my website on pythonanywhere just to test my “production” website etc make sure the root static folders is working and all that good stuff.
It was a little hard at first tbh, and paths did not always work like when I had my 3 settings files in a setting folder it would not work I had to put just one setting file in the same dir as the folder(Where it originally was when you start a Django app).
It did not work either when I was using Python f strings eg, f’blah blah balh settings.setting.{sumin.sumin}’ did not like the {} etc? lol weird. I have to change a few bits and bobs… no big deal I guess.
Site is looking sweet tbh although I have a feeling it is a lot more complicated hosting it elsewhere lol? Do most have a “panel” where you set things up at, or is it using the console? or making “setup”/”config” files etc? (Never done this before… sorry for the stupid questions)
EDIT: Also, if this is possible… what is the best way to obfuscate my code, so that no one can steal it lol.?
Submitted September 26, 2019 at 08:04AM by ncorbuk https://www.reddit.com/r/webhosting/comments/d9kuvn/i_have_just_hosted_my_website_on_pythonanywhere/?utm_source=ifttt
from Blogger http://webdesignersolutions1.blogspot.com/2019/09/i-have-just-hosted-my-website-on.html via IFTTT
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cytlblog · 7 years
windows filebrowser style tab selection
kilo: @Veles Submits problem: i can't close multiple tabs without opening the two tabs at either end of the multi-tab-selection (ala holding shift)
solution: create an extension that allows for a hotkey to select tabs as if they're checkboxes while holding said hotkey, with the added bonus of being able to deselect selected tabs, i.e. the one you're one so it doesn't close the one you've currently opened
kilo: now do tell, would tree-style tabs allow for this feature?
kilo: or is that not incorporated
Veles Submits: tree style tabs ?
kilo: yeah afaik tree style tabs mean a left panel that acts as a tree
kilo: so tabs within the site domain you're on are below the top domain tab
kilo: grouped etc
Veles Submits: oh i thought you were just talking about like tabs at the top opposed to a whole organizer setup
kilo: yeha, i was
kilo: i want that functionality i described for top style tabs(edited)
Veles Submits: well i mean grouping up tabs at the top is good but ithink the tree would be pretty overkill so yeah i guess i agree but im not sure what you're asking entirely im still really tired
kilo: what im asking is, would it be worth it to make an extension that allows for precise selection of multiple tabs
kilo: my thoughts are yes, but i dont think i have the prowess for that kind of thing atm
Veles Submits: maybe if you had like a second row of tabs that controlled groups of tabs at the top but idk
kilo: that'd be interesting
Veles Submits: yeah it'd be worth it if you just wanted people to use it
Veles Submits: surely other people would find it useful
Veles Submits: since you'd be just extending basic windows functionalities into a web browser
kilo: i think i'll try "making a new browser" but not really
kilo: just modding chromium to do that(edited)
Veles Submits: what if uh, the tabs were to group themselves by websites base
Veles Submits: so all your facebook shit went into the same subtab
kilo: yes
kilo: domain grouping
Veles Submits: yeah, but more flexible than that, allowing tabs to group together as well based on further domain grouping so you could have your seperate boards from 4chan grouped in different sections
kilo: probably with some sort of sideloaded extension for grouping linked domains i.e. an alt domain for content delivery tied with the super domain
kilo: yeah
Veles Submits: i mean this probably all already exists
Veles Submits: i'd be surprised if it didnt
kilo: code the functionality for all use cases, but have a first-launch choice of what people want
kilo: honestly i think it doesnt exist
kilo: ive looked around a lot
kilo: maybe china/korea did it but nothing english/american
Veles Submits: weird
Veles Submits: i'd say to also allow custom grouping between groups of domains so people can put their myspace tabs with their facebook ones
kilo: make the functionality for customization
Veles Submits: not that anyone uses myspace but just an example
kilo: give an API for customization
kilo: mini-api
kilo: lol
kilo: or try and make it as plaintext editable as possible
kilo: like i3's config files
Veles Submits: nah just right click on it and allow it to be customized with your subgroups Veles Submits: though you'd have alimited amount of subgroups probably
Veles Submits: however, if you limit it to 10
Veles Submits: that means you could make a shortcut like alt-shift-5
kilo: oh god
kilo: that'd be really cool
Veles Submits: and by holding alt shift and pushing arrow keys or scrolling you could switch between
Veles Submits: like theres some pretty advanced autism you could pull with this actually
Veles Submits: but i dont think its something you could make money off of
kilo: if only i had the power of autism behind my ideas
kilo: yeah naw
kilo: it'd be a hobby project
Veles Submits: and the amount of effort really
Veles Submits: you'd want ot make money
Veles Submits: better root in a doge coin miner
kilo: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I have just hosted my website on pythonanywhere to test production out, would it be the same sort of setup if I went somewhere else? In terms of getting the site up and ready etc?
So I just hosted my website on pythonanywhere just to test my "production" website etc make sure the root static folders is working and all that good stuff.
It was a little hard at first tbh, and paths did not always work like when I had my 3 settings files in a setting folder it would not work I had to put just one setting file in the same dir as the folder(Where it originally was when you start a Django app).
It did not work either when I was using Python f strings eg, f'blah blah balh settings.setting.{sumin.sumin}' did not like the {} etc? lol weird. I have to change a few bits and bobs... no big deal I guess.
Site is looking sweet tbh although I have a feeling it is a lot more complicated hosting it elsewhere lol? Do most have a "panel" where you set things up at, or is it using the console? or making "setup"/"config" files etc? (Never done this before... sorry for the stupid questions)
EDIT: Also, if this is possible... what is the best way to obfuscate my code, so that no one can steal it lol.?
Submitted September 26, 2019 at 08:04AM by ncorbuk https://www.reddit.com/r/webhosting/comments/d9kuvn/i_have_just_hosted_my_website_on_pythonanywhere/?utm_source=ifttt from Blogger http://webdesignersolutions1.blogspot.com/2019/09/i-have-just-hosted-my-website-on.html via IFTTT
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