#khyle chavez ortega
catboymoments · 3 months
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For the longest time I was trying to figure out how I could fit V3 into my nextgen au for danganronpa, because while yes it’s not necessary I still wanted to do something fun and refreshing with the characters I like and the game I hate. I don’t like v3, I feel like it was a “fuck you” to the fans of DR, and so much of it was so underdeveloped and just. Lazy. HOWEVER I feel like the characters at their base have a lot of potential and could do better as my own ocs So!! They’re mine now!!!! Yes they have similarities to the characters they’re based off of, but for the most part I’m taking them and running away from “v3 canon” to make a world similar to what Araki did with the Steel Ball Run universe in jjba. You understand.
This isn’t all of them of course- I just feel like I should drop the first few while I work on the rest and do research where I need to :3c
Meet a few of the students from the class below Hayatos at Newdawn Academy, the school connected with the primary post-tragedy reconstruction program after the collapse of Future Foundation!
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