rose-from-ashes · 21 days
Emet-Selch had noticed a certain quality, and he knew full well that he was not the only one. The term 'Warrior of Light' was never meant to be quite so literal. Y'shtola, he was certain, knew it too. Her aetheric sight was rudimentary, but it was more than enough to see those around her, enough to react to Lex as if he was one of the sin eaters he'd slain.
Aside from that, he had noticed from far closer observation, often unseen, that Lex rarely, if ever, voiced an opinion. His life at stake, and he had nothing to say on the matter? It wasn't a matter of simply being a quiet person. The Scions spoke about him as if his cooperation was a fact of life. It itched at him, a contradictory reality that he, an enemy who saw them as inherently lesser, seemed to be the only one who cared about what their greatest warrior thought.
He didn't show it. His disdain for them was expected. It seemed no different, and the Scions tried—and failed—to ignore and hide their discomfort when he lingered around them, ambling his way about when it suited him. Often, he vanished from view, but it was rare he truly turned his gaze away, and when a quiet moment came where Lex was alone in the forest, Emet-Selch made himself known, walking with his exaggerated swagger and allowing the crunch of leaves beneath him serve to announce his presence.
"Warrior. Might I have a moment? I have a question, and with all this time observing you, I have yet to find myself an answer."
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meteorwinged · 5 months
@kintsugiscars || i made one whole friend all on my own and he isn't even gingerbread!!!!
"Lex! LEX!" There's a blur of blue and then something wrapping around his legs and waist as Meteion caught up to him. "Lex! There you are! Guess what! Guess what, I made a friend all by myself! He's very red and sometimes he's very sad but he was new to Eorzea just like me and he said he'd go on adventures with me so now we're friends and he's gonna be a botanist so we can help the alpacatheory sell medicine by getting them useful plants!"
A pause so she could breathe. Not that she needed to.
"Did you have fun doing Lex things?"
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atdutiesend · 2 months
{ @kintsugiscars || con't from [x] }
Still he gave a gentle smile and softly waved off the Viera's comment. "Thank you, but I am alright." He cocked his head at a slight angle. "If you wish to talk with me, you need not be so roundabout. I promise I am here to listen to whatever may ail you."
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Grim gave the Miqo'te a look that all but said 'uh huh, sure buddy.' His face quickly cleared though, taking on a similarly serene look, a small smile distracting from how his eyes twitched to and fro, the way his ears tried to flatten to his head. While Lex was clearly the most interesting person at this party, he was getting... staticky from the noise.
"If you say so. I can't say I don't want to, but perhaps somewhere quieter?" The implication of his words hit and he flushed a surprising pink. "Not like that, not far, just. Not in all the noise."
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thescions · 3 days
Lex reaches up, a secret little gift in his hand. "O lovely branch! Wise, beautiful, benevolent branch! Please come to my side!" He grins as he awaits his delightful Feo Ul.
"Oh, so it's now you want to call for me? After so long?!" Feo-Ul's voice echoed around him, but they did not deign to appear just yet. "Bearing gifts to make up for your cold and heartless behavior?! Well, maybe I don't want it!"
There was a pause. Then the pixie appeared, bristling.
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"-- Well, you're lucky that your beautiful, merciful Branch is forgiving!" She tried to maintain her pout, but the joy that rose in her upon seeing her Sapling again won out. She clasped her hands together instead, "Well, go on! Show me what it is you've brought me!"
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primalvessel · 2 months
Stumbles exhausted into his brother's room and lays down on top of his bed. Hes not even under the blankets he's just laying on top.
He's not expecting guests when he trudges back to his room later that day, tired after a morning spent under an unseasonably warm sun doing manual labour when he would much rather have been napping in a sunbeam.
He smelled his guest before he saw him though and when he stepped into his room to see the lump atop the sheets that was his brother, the vessel dragged his feet across the last distance between himself and comfort, shedding his sweaty shirt and dirty pants as he went.
He said nothing, just climbed onto the bed and curled up with the Miqo'te already there, intertwined their tails and closed his eyes to nap as the midday sun poured through a nearby window.
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thancrxdwatxrs · 5 months
The day had been long and grueling, even more so ever since Thancred had set off on his own. He found peace in the solitude, yet some days we found himself yearning for the days of when he would have a place to return to - the Waking Sands, the Rising Stones, wherever the Scions where was his home. Things haven't been quite the same since the Scions disbanded, but he still had his ways to keep in touch.
Nowadays, he found himself enjoying the quiet and comfort of a roof over his head, thanks to a certain Mi'qote. Whenever he felt the need to curl up in someplace warm for the night, he would often slip into one of Lex's homes since he had access to them. This night, however, called for a bit more privacy, away from the prying eyes of the world. He found himself once more in Ishgard, slipping into a quaint little house within the Empyreum. He took off his boots and set down Lionheart by the door before going straight down to the basement.
Even though it wasn't it own home, it felt like home. The familiar sights and smells instantly comforted him, lightly dragging a finger across the books strewn about. He then made his way to the fireplace and stared the work on building a fire. Just as the flame came to life, that was when he felt something odd.
He wasn't alone.
Cautiously, he turned and made his way to the bedroom, feeling for the dagger hidden underneath his coat just in case it was an unwelcome visitor. He held his breath as he entered, then sighed with relief when he spotted a familiar feline shape lying in a heap of blankets on the bed.
"Lex?... You're home."
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nossumusmanus · 1 year
☟ Babybabybabybabybabybaby--
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vierandancer · 1 year
thunder — describe your muse’s voice: is it soft, loud, grating, soothing, etc?
This Meme | Accepting!
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Meiko's voice claim is this Youtuber Kirstie Bryce!
Her voice is on the deeper-ish side and she tends to speak kind of loudly when she's animated. Grey ( @aethericsea ) laughs every time we play together because they can always hear Meiko shouting in battle. Her words are kind of slur together at times and her dialect is never consistent. For example with the word 'of' she might say in the same sentence: "It's the end of it, but I'd hate to see the aftermath o'such a mess." Really, I just pick what makes the most sense for me as a sentence.
I don't go full Scots with her due to lack of knowledge and not wanting to make some of her dialogue hard to understand (i.e 'to' would become 'tae' if I leaned hard into the accent), but I do pull a lot of inspiration in it!
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ichoric · 1 year
@kintsugiscars said: -gives zenos headpats as he stands on a box- :)
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..... he closes his eyes, leaning slightly into lex's touch.
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remembered-eleos · 1 year
@kintsugiscars​ [Continued from here.]
The merchant was given a quick, withering smile (a small warning) and Lex refocused on his reincarnated friend. He had thought that Hades was busy relaxing and doing aether things in the aetherial sea but it looked like Hades just couldn’t resist returning to visit the world he left behind.
“Oh, I have many questions.” His eyes gleefully glanced between Hades’ face and those delightful ears atop his head. “And many answers. But I feel as if the middle of the marketplace isn’t exactly an appropriate location to catch up. It’s too busy.” Not to mention that he was keenly aware of the ears marketplaces had. He didn’t want the wrong words out. “It’d be more pleasant to reconnect over tea and snacks. I know a cafe nearby - care to join me?”
Hades sighs and gives a shrug. He had rather hoped to go home, put his new decoration on his desk, and take a well-deserved nap, but he supposes it will simply have to wait. Besides, loathe as he is to admit it, the socialization will be good for him, and he is genuinely curious as to how Lex has been faring since he’d left.
“Very well, it will indeed be more pleasant, and a set space is far easier to ward against prying ears. Lead the way. ...But you’re paying, hero.” He smirks, an ear twitching in amusement as he follows him to the cafe. 
Once there, he lounges in his seat casually, a touch of the dramatic flair he’d had as Solus evident in his manner. He asks the waitress for a cup of black coffee and a serving of baklava, then once she takes Lex’s order and leaves he snaps his fingers and a brief flicker in the aether surrounding them can be seen.
“A simple ward against eavesdropping. I’m sure neither of us particularly wants every detail of our exploits to get out. Well then, would you like me to go first?”
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iernbone · 1 year
👥 If u wanna bc I love big elf brother
Send 👥 for a headcanon relating to both of our muses
Lex sometimes brings the orchestrion rolls he finds ( or restores, if he's found the faded copy instead ) to Artoirel as a gift, and every single time, Artoirel very badly conceals how excited he is about it. He practically beams and his eyes grow wide with emotion, and though he does compose himself to calmly thank Lex for the thoughtful present, he practically skips away when he goes to add it to his collection.
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chainedwarden · 1 year
Pokes his head in while Emet is under the truth serum. "What memory of Hythlodaeus always makes you smile?"
My character is under a truth serum, ask them anything.
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He could grind his teeth so hard he could bite through his jaw. Yet Emet-Selch could not undo the dramatic undoing of his tongue that came through with the serum.
"... We are at a funeral." He starts.
"I am preparing the body. He is not a part of my job, but he is with me. He is carrying the dead body's still living child in his arms. He holds one hand out, and makes a seed that blossoms into a flower, and catch fire, turn to ash, and from the ash a sprout grows... In this small gesture the child understands death a little better."
"He doesn't see me watching him..."
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crystalmomther · 1 year
@kintsugiscars || this is your space rock calling
"You look well." Venat tucked her fingers into her sleeves and studied thoughtfully. "Time with Meteion seems to have been good for both of you; she seems happy as well. Have you both been exploring the star together?"
She assumed so, based on the way Meteion seemed content to lean into his side but it didn't hurt to ask.
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liightwarrior · 1 year
Starter | Muse: Fandaniel
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  "So... is that supposed to impress me? Threatening lives is like a daily occurrence for one like myself! I am rather unphased!!” He stared at the other, confusion vaguely there on his mostly expressive face, and he waited patiently for the answer. The change in this one was apparent, but he was not going to let that frighten his old soul.
| @kintsugiscars​ |
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thescions · 5 months
It had been amusing in the beginning, this odd behavior of his -- after all, Y'shtola was not unfamiliar with how intimidating she could be. But as time went on, as the Scions grew closer (or so she thought) as colleagues and companions, she had expected the Warrior of Light's behavior to adjust and change. To recognize that Y'shtola was still very much an ally. She had imagined she had proven herself that many a time.
Thancred and Urianger had done their best to reassure she was not doing anything wrong, but the fact of the matter was that Lex very clearly did not like her. He -- often literally -- fled at the sight of her, without any hint of rhyme or reason. And it was only her. She had witnessed him interact with other women, other Miqo'te, with other Miqo'te women without any indication of a problem. Even others more magically inclined were not regarded so!
It hurt. There was no way to express it otherwise. She had even dared to broach the subject with Matoya privately, which yielded a perspective she had not considered: Perhaps you remind him of someone he would rather forget.
The thought had not crossed her mind, but it seemed the most likely scenario. But before she could do much more than consider that option, Garlemald threatened to bring war to their doorstep yet again. Sooner than that, Thancred's soul was torn from his body -- and hers and Urianger's soonafter.
Three years. Three years came and went in the First, and Y'shtola found herself taking up her mentor's name and settling in with the people of the Night's Blessed. And for a woman who had always been on the fringes of various groups and communities, suddenly being held at the center of one was eye-opening in more ways than one.
It softened her in some ways. Emboldened her in others. And when the Warrior of Darkness arrived, his aether all but completely smothered in light, she knew that they would need to speak. It was no longer a matter of feelings, but of survival. His.
And even if Lex finally came right out and told her he hated her for whatever reason, the distress would be worth it if it could save his life.
And so, shortly after resettling into her own room in the Pendants, Y'shtola approached the door to his. She gave the door three sharp knocks, and as it opened, made sure to wedge the bottom of her staff between it so that it could not be shut again.
"Lex. I was hoping I could have a word," she started, tone polite but firm.
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primalvessel · 1 year
"Ah, no, I'm sorry I only brought enough back with me for the Convocation members."
"No no, I'm fine, just a scratch or two."
"Good to see you too!"
"We'll catch up another time!"
Twisting away from a reaching hand before it could latch onto his robe, Helios weaved away from the small crowd who'd gathered on his return and he trotted away to disappear around a corner to break line of sight. Once there were no more eyes on him, he dropped his mask down onto his chest, pushed back his hood and tilted his head back with a sigh.
Homecomings were always bittersweet.
"Crap," he sighed, adjusting the pack on his back. "I'm gonna miss Anteros at this rate..."
With one more long-suffering sigh (unbecoming of someone yet as young as he was), he picked up the pace so as not to miss the meeting with Anteros. Never mind that Anteros had no idea of the meeting in the first place...
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